Omnivore Vs Biggest Vegetarian Bodybuilder

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The biggest bodybuilder in the world is Vegetarian. He is perhaps the biggest bodybuilder in history. He is 7 foot 3 inches tall and 435 pounds of massive plant based muscle. His name is Dalip Singh. He is also known as The Great Khali and owns a #1 NATIONAL BODYBUILDING TITLE all on muscle built from vegetarian protein.

Biggest Bodybuilder on Earth is a Vegetarian. Dorian Yates versus A Vegetarian Bodybuilder - Here is a Side by Side Comparison At 7 feet 3 inches tall, 2.21 meters, Khali, the Biggest BodyBuilder in the world, is not a meat-eater, HE IS A VEGETARIAN. Known as THE GREAT KHALI, born Dalip Singh, weighing in at a massive muscular 435 pounds, over 190 Kilograms, is now acknowledged as the most massive National Title Holding Bodybuilder in the World.

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Dorian Yates is 5 feet 10 inches tall and at his most massive contest weight he was only 269 pounds. Above is a photo in the center with both of them together side by side. So you can see the difference. To the left is a photo of Dorian Yates, 7-time Mr. Olympia during a contest so that you can see him even at a time of peak muscle. And a tiny photo of Dorian Yates winning the bodybuilding award for his now seemingly small stature. And in contrast on the right is a photo of Vegetarian Dalip Singh, not at Olympia peak but simply after working out on an ordinary day at World Gym. Just so that you can also get a comparison of the volume of dense muscle. And just so that no one can attempt to say that it's merely someone who is tall, there is yet another smaller photo showing Khali in side chest bodybuilding pose showing truly massive chest, biceps, and muscle. And showing that he's not just tallest, but also holds a National Bodybuilding Title. What about other Mister Olympia champions? To give you an idea just how big the Vegetarian strongman is, he would weigh nearly a full 200 pounds more than Arnold Schwarzenegger. That is nearly double the weight of Arnold. And standing at OVER 7 feet tall, Arnold's head would come up to about Khali's armpit. Not only does Khali dwarf Arnold, but the muscular vegetarian also dominates and towers over top of Olympia champion Ronnie Coleman, who in comparison is a tiny 5 feet 11. The muscle packed Vegetarian weighs over 100 pounds more than even Ronnie Coleman's weight of 298 pounds. The Vegetarian titan Khali makes meat-eaters look like 298-pound-weaklings. Khali would beat Jay Cutler, Mr. O. Lee Haney, The Incredible Hulk Lou Ferrigno, Markus Ruhl, Noah Steere, Stan Efferding, bigger than tall actor Conan Stevens, Quincy Taylor, and the rest, but as you see in the photo, he would be good friends with all of them. Khali was raised in INDIA and is a full Vegetarian. He held the National Bodybuilding Title Championship. He is also a Police Officer. (Wonder what a small meat-eating criminal would think having the huge Vegetarian strongman closing in and bearing down on them.) It's often funny, when a meat-eater attempts to tout beef or steak as a source of protein, or tries to ask "Where do you get your protein?". In light of the fact that vegetarians are stronger, this line will now be regarded as merely comical. In fact, all one needs to do, is say to the would-be meat-eater who just finishes repeating the erroneous statement that meat is the best or only source of protein, that the bull steer he just got done cheering is a lot bigger and a lot more muscular than him, and where did that steak get all that muscle and protein from in the 1st place? ANSWER: FROM EATING PLANTS! The vegetarian bull in fact, which grew to a massive 2,000 pounds of ripped muscle, and could throw that meat-eater around like a rag-doll, got that way from eating the protein in plants. Also note that for anyone who tries to state that to be a real man that you need to eat meat, MEAT is injected with FEMALE hormones. Steak, beef, and meat contain Female Menstrual hormones, so any man, who thinks they are getting more manly by eating meat, is actually Feminizing himself. Meat Eaters are bathing themselves in female hormones with every bite of meat they put in their
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mouth. Meat contains Melangestrol. This is a girl's pregnancy hormone. It's like a man taking women's birth-control pills. Livestock farmers purposely implant pellets, containing chemical female growth hormones behind the ear under the skin, into cattle. They do this to 'fatten them up' so they can charge you more, by bloating up the meat. However, the growth hormones that are in nearly all meat, including in FastFood, McDonalds, hamburgers, steaks, barbeques, ribs, sirloins, all of it, contain FEMALE HORMONES. If a boy eats female hormones, such as those in meat, a boys body can be feminized. When a man ingests these hormones, a male can begin to grow a flabby or sunken chest with female boobtissue. This is known medically as gynecomastia. People who don't know what the medical term is, may be familiar with the slang version of this is called "MANBOOBS". To Ladies, if your boyfriend eats meat, they are actually making themselves feminized. Your man will end up with an obese bloated stomach paunch, soft round droopy shoulders, and a sunken jiggly chest. Not to mention the possibility of problems "downstairs". Meat contains estradiol. Prostaglandins. Melangestrol Acetate. Estrogen. etc. It is impregnated with substances under the names of RALGRO, SYNOVEX-H, ESTROPLAN, HEIFERMAX 500, and other brand names of drugs sold specifically to Livestock Farmers to pollute the meat. So it's a matter of meat being erroneously called 'a good source of protein' and that is now proven incorrect. Meat is soaked with effeminizing hormones. Also, you can't 'cook it out'. Anyone attempting to say meat is a good source of protein, is like that person saying a toilet is a good source of drinking water. It doesn't matter IF your toilet is "rich in juicy water", you don't don't drink out of your toilet. This is the same as meat, it doesn't matter what it's rich in, meat is sopping with girls menstrual hormones, carcinogens, contaminants, feces bacteria, and is contaminated. Also if anyone attempts to tout 'organic' meat, that simply proves the point that most meat is bad even more. You see, only 1% of meat is Organic. So what that means, is that 99% of meat is BAD. By saying to eat organic meat, that person just acknowledged that 99% of all meat out there is unfit to eat. Watch for anybody touting "grass fed" meat, that person doesn't know what they're talking about. You see, that person most likely thinks grassfed beef doesn't have hormones in it, but it does. It's funny because they think it doesn't, and are surprised to find out that grassfed meat can contain female hormones. You see, the classification of "grass-fed" beef only stipulates what the cow is fed, it does not mean organic, and it does not mean it's hormone-free. That's right. The official rules for grassfed beef don't say anything about it not being implanted with effeminizing hormones, all the FDA rules for labeling it that are only about giving it "forage". So it means grassfed beef can contain Estrogen! Crossfit and Paleo Diet mongers are usually mad when they find that out. Grassfed, Pasture raised, Free range, none of those say they cant implant it with Estradiol, and they've been eating women's menstrual hormones every time they've been boasting about it being 'the best!'. The next thing that most of them will do, though, is then flip flop on to organic meat and then try to say they only eat that. A minute ago it was grassfed, now it's all of a sudden organic. But anyway, guess what, smirks change back to frowns again when they find out Organic meat also has
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estrogenic effects. First of all, what kind of steak have they been eating? Female? Male? Was that a Female cow they ate? Or a Male one? Hmm. You don't know. Next, when you cook ANY meat, it doesn't matter if it has hormones, or not, is organic or not, grass fed, free range, or is beef, chicken, or fish, when you cook it, it alters its chemistry. You can obviously tell this, afterall, meat changes from red to gray in color and gets all rubbery or stringy. That's not just appearance, that's a chemical reaction that is creating altered chemical compounds. One of the compounds in such meat is called a Heterocyclic Amine, or HCA for short. There are tons of these in cooked meat. These cause cancer. This is categorized as a Class 1 carcinogen, it's on the hazardous toxin list. But one of these HCA's is called "PhIP". This is an Estrogen mimic. In other words, a man who loves Barbeque may be effeminizing himself. HCA's including PhIP are produced when meat is grilled, fried, or otherwise cooked. See those "grill marks"? Those are even worse. Those contain extreme concentrations of it. It's funny because Barbeque is touted as being so great, and the grill marks are so prized that they even take pictures of it like that, with those criss cross or checkerboard lines across it. Well those are all concentrated with Estrogenic juice! Even organic meat has it. In fact, ALL meat produces it, including chicken, and fish, so you can't get away from it. If you eat meat at all, you are ingesting these estrogen mimics. It's ust the way it is. By the way, plants don't produce these. They're not produced when cook or even if you grill a plant, even with grill marks. These estrogenic compounds are produced in Animal meat only, so vegetarians do not have this problem. So now you know, any person who mistakenly thinks one has to eat meat to build muscle, that is now known false. The myth is put to rest. And it is now revealed in fact, that: THE BIGGEST BODYBUILDER IN THE WORLD IS VEGETARIAN.


APPROPRIATE TAGS: Vegan,Vegetarian,Vitamin B12,Vitamin B-12,vitamins,naturalhygienesociety,paleo, atkins, lowcarb, diet,muscle,paleo hacks,paleo rodeo,paleo solution,paleohacks,denise minger,china study,t colin campbell,robert cheeke,veganbodybuilding,paleolithic,paleolithic diet,peta, crossfit, barry groves,robb wolf,richard nikoley, freetheanimal,sherdog,bodybuilders,bodybuilding,olympia,primal blueprint,primal diet,protein,proteinpower,soy, steak,grassfed beef, grass fed beef,un-processed meat,danger,sally fallon,michael eades,movnat,weston a price,wapf,Worlds Biggest,Worlds Largest,in the world,ufc,mma,ultimate fighteing championship, live stream,Abs,Acne,acupuncture,aging,AHA,albanycrossfit,Albert Beckles,alzheimers,amines,animals,anthony bourdain,anthonybourdain,Arnold Schwarzenegger,atkins diet,B12,b-12,bacon,Bad,barbecue,Barbeque,barry,barry groves,barzilai,BBQ,Beef,ben balzer,Benchpress ,best,bg,Biceps ,Big Muscle,blood,blue zones,Body Building,Bodybuilder,bodybuilders,bodybuilding,com,brian white,Cancer,carbohydrates,cardio,carnivore,carnivores,carnivorous,cattle,primitivenutrition,caveman,caveman

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diet,ccf,Centenarian,centenarian study,centenarian vegan,centenarian vegetarian,center for consumer freedom,chicken,Chicken Skin ,conditioning,Cowboy ,cross fit,crossfit training,Dalip Singh,Dalip Singh Rana ,deficiency,DHA,diet,disease,diseaseproof,dr sally fallon,dr barry groves,dr ben balzer,dr bg,Dr Kurt Harris,dr robert atkins,dave asprey, bulletproofexec,bullet proof executive, eades,ecoli,EPA,Estradiol,Estrogen,Estroplan,17-beta-estradiol,Factory Farm ,Fat,fatty acids,female,female hormones,Fighter,fish,Fitness,Fitness Diet ,flexitarian,food,for every animal,foundation,France,free the animal,freetheanimal,French,fried,Fried Chicken,frugivores,Fruits ,gedgaudas,100 year old,100 years,100 years old,george frison,Girls,,going to eat three,GOMEAT,grains,grass fed beef,grassfed,grass-fed,grassfed beef,Great Khali ,Grill,groves,Gym ,Gynecomastia,Hamburger,health,healthy,healthy diet,heifermax,heme,heme iron,herbivores,heterocyclic,high,high blood pressure,high-fat low carb diet,Hillshire Farms,hominids,hormone-free,Hormones,Hotdog,huffington,hunter gatherer,hunza,IQ,Iron,isoflavones,j stanton,Juicy,Kentucky Fried ,KFC,Kiss,kurt harris,lacks,lean meats,lierre keith,lierre kieth,life,lifespan,Livestock,livin la vida,livinlavidalowcarb,livinprimal, Vegans, Centenarians, Vegetarians, plant based diets, people 100+ years old, Longevity, long, life, lengthy, lifespan, health, aging, seniors, supercentenarians, centurians, no red meat, no beef, no pork, no chicken, no fish, no crossfit, no paleo, no panu, no atkins, no meat-based diet, no high-fat low carb diet, no naturalhygeinesociety, no brian white, no lierre keith, no vegetarian myths, no weston a price, no sally fallon, no dr bg, barry groves, no wesley j. smith, no robb wolf, no center for consumer freedom, non neanderthin, non omnivore, non caveman diet, centenarian study, blue zones, vitamin, b-12, b12, methionine, meat pancreatic cancer, meat, heme iron, poisoning, meat throat cancer, meat high blood pressure, meat parasites, pork trichinosis, synovex, estrogen, female hormones, groves, barry, eades, michael, bodybuilding, protein, healthy, centenarion, frugivore, no deficiency, healthy diet, 100 year old, 100 years, 100 years old, acupuncture, agin, alzheimers, atkins, b12, bacon, barbecue, barry groves, bbq, beef, bg, blue zones, bodybuilders, bodybuilding, brian white, cancer, cardio, vascular, carnivore, cattle, caveman, ccf, centenarian, centenarian study, centenarian vegan, centenarian vegetarian, centenarion, center for consumer freedom, centurian, centurion, chicken, crossfit, diet, disease, diseaseproof, dr, eades, estradiol, estrogen, female, hormones, fish, foundation, fried, frugivore, grains, grassfed, groves, health, healthy, heme, heme iron, heterocyclic, amines, high, blood, pressure, hominids, huffington, hunza, isoflavones, lierre keith, lifespan, livestock, livin la vida, lowcarb, long life, longevity, low carb, meat, meat, parasites, meat-based, meatless, melangestrol, methionine, michael, eades, mma, myths, natural hygeine society, naturalhygeinesociety, neanderthals, neanderthin, no deficiency, no meat, no red, meat, non-heme iron, nonagenarian, nutrition, octogenarian, okinawa, okinawans, omnivore, organic, paleo, paleo diet, paleolithic, panu, parasites, phytoestrogen, plant, plant based diet, plant-based, pork, poultry, powerlifting, protein, red, meat, rice, richard berman, rick berman, robb wolf, sally fallon, sardinia, senior, senior citizen, soy, strength, supercentenarian, synovex, thyroid, trichinosis, ufc, vegan centenarian, vegetarian, vegetarian centenarian, vitamin, wesley j smith, weston a price, weston price, whey, protein, worms, soy protein, Vegan Diet, French, France, Nutrition, deficiency, lacks, neglected, Protein, Vitamin B-12, Vitamin B12, EPA, DHA, AHA, Omega3, omega 3, fatty acids, iron, heme iron, non-heme iron, grains, starches, carbohydrates, atkins diet, dr robert atkins, peta, petakillsanimals, ccf, center for consumer freedom, rick berman, richard berman, animals, meat, pork, beef, bacon, gomeat, hillshire farms, grassfed beef, grass fed beef, hormone-free, estrogen, estradiol, 17-beta-estradiol, synovex, estroplan, heifermax, organic meats, lean meats, red meat, raw meat, tofu, soya, soy myth, vegetarian myth, lierre kieth, naturalhygienesociety, weston price, weston a price, weston price foundation, weston a price foundation, dr sally fallon, bodybuilding, best, striking, wrestling, training, fitness, food, health, vitamins, deficiency, malnutrition, weak, plant based, meatless, hunter gatherer diet, paleo diet, paleolithic diet, primal diet, caveman diet, richard nikoley, perfecthealthdiet, paul jaminet, mark sisson, marksdailyapple, for every animal, going to eat three, freetheanimal, free the animal, summertomato, movnat, paleo solution, robb wolf, thepaleosolution, loren cordain, dr barry groves, dr bg, napsi, renegadehealth, renegade health,, the gnoll credo, j stanton, crossfit training, albanycrossfit, dr ben balzer, ben balzer, new england, centenarian study, barzilai, Paleonu, Dr Kurt Harris, Kurt Harris, primal blueprint, lowcarb, paleozone, wapf, gedgaudas, livinprimal, mercola, livinlavidalowcarb, george frison, wenchwisdom, modern paleo, paleohacks, paleo hacks, paleo rodeo, flexitarian, omnivores, herbivores, carnivores, carnivorous, anthony bourdain, anthonybourdain, noreservations, no reservations, healthy, cardio, conditioning, strong, muscular, healthy, longevity diet, longevity research, Mark Sisson, marks daily apple.

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