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BEJAR, Melanie June M.

MSN MS Major
Proposed Title Problem Statement This study aims to establish a relationship between URTI incidence and hygiene practices of nurses. This seeks to answer the following questions: 1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents? 1.1 Age 1.2 Gender 1.3 Civil status 2. What is the baseline health status of the respondents? 3. What is the existing hygiene practice of nurses? 4. Is there a significant relationship between URTI incidence and the respondents demographic profile? 5. Is there a significant relationship between URTI incidence and hygiene practices of nurses? Monitored implementation of hygiene practices Conceptual/Theoretical Framework Conceptual Framework: Demographic profile of respondents Methods and Procedure Sampling: Venue: BSP-MDC Method: On the first month of the study the researcher will monitor the hygiene practices of the nurses and record incidence of URTI through: Observation Leave applications Medicine claim On the second month hand sanitizers will be provided and strict implementation of standard hygiene practices is implemented. Observation and evaluation will be made by the researcher at the end of the second month. BSP-MDC nurses Data Analysis Percentage distribution: To determine the distribution of the respondents Weighted mean to illustrate the ranking of the respondents health status Chi Square to determine if there is a significant relationship between URTI incidence and demographic profile of the respondents, and URTI incidence and hygiene practices

Frequency of URTI incidences among BSP-MDC nurses before and after provision of accessible hand sanitizers and monitored implementation of standard hygiene practices

URTI incidence

BEJAR, Melanie June M. MSN MS Major

Proposed Title Problem Statement This study aims to establish a Clinical indicator for nonalcoholic fatty liver. This seeks to get the profile of the individuals with diagnosed fatty liver such as: 1.1 Age 1.2 Gender 1.3 Civil status 1.4 Length of tenure 1.5 BMI 1.6 Monthly Income 1.7 History of illness 1.8 Family History of illness 1.9 Dietary status 1.10 Date diagnosed with fatty liver 1.11 SGPT level 1.12 Ultrasound result Conceptual/Theoretical Framework Conceptual Framework: Profile of respondents Methods and Procedure Sampling: Venue: Statistical treatment and validation of the profile BSP-Manila Method: This will be a pilot study for nonalcoholic fatty liver clinical guidelines in the Philippines. Profiling of respondents with diagnosed case of nonalcoholic fatty liver (diagnosis done by specialist). Data will be grouped, ranked, and treated as to causality and significance. Results will be filtered and fitted as clinical indicator for nonalcoholic fatty liver. BSP employees Data Analysis Percentage distribution: To determine the distribution of the profile Weighted mean to illustrate the ranking of the profile variables

Factors leading to nonalcoholic fatty liver among government employees: A basis for Clinical Indicator for Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver

Clinical indicator for nonalcoholic fatty liver

BEJAR, Melanie June M. MSN MS Major

Proposed Title Problem Statement This study aims to improve oral health among diabetic patients of BSP. This seeks to answer the following questions: 1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents: 1.1 Age 1.2 Gender 1.3 Years diagnosed with DM 2. What is Periodontal disease? 3. What is DM? 4. Is there a significant relationship between periodontal disease and profile variables? 5. Is there a significant relationship between periodontal disease and DM? Conceptual/Theoretical Framework Conceptual Framework: Profile of respondents Methods and Procedure Sampling: Venue: Health Education and Dental Treatment BSP-Manila Method: Employees diagnosed with DM and experiencing periodontal disease (eg. gum bleeding) will be scheduled for dental examination. Confirmed cases will be treated, monitored, and educated regarding DM and oral hygiene. Regular dental visit will be scheduled and health teachings will be provided. After the interventions made recurrence of periodontal disease will be evaluated. BSP employees Data Analysis Percentage distribution: To determine the distribution of the profile Weighted mean to illustrate the ranking of the profile variables Experimental Group patients who is treated from periodontal disease and health teachings given results will be evaluated

Controlling Periodontal Disease among Diabetic Patients of BSP

Absence or Minimize recurrence of periodontal disease among diabetic patients

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