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D Work - Progress Report

By, M.Deepa Lakshmi Research Scholar N.I. University

Registration Details Period of Registration : August 2010 University : Noorul Islam University, Kumaracoil,K.K.District Supervisor : Dr. Julia Punitha Malar Dhas, Professor/Dept. of CSE, N.I. University Research Work done Completed Course Work o XML and Web Services o Mobile Computing Techniques Attended Two Doctoral Committee (DC) Meeting o I DC Meeting - 11/10/2010 o II DC Meeting - 12/5/2011

Literature Survey - Completed Work identified Research Topic : Semantic Web Service based approach for Improving Rural Healthcare Implementation work - Under progress Publication Details An open source private cloud solution for rural healthcare published in IEEE Sponsored International Conference ( Issue Date: 21-22 July 2011 On page(s): 670 - 674 Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/ICSCCN.2011.6024635 Paper Presentation Details National Conference: 1. A survey of Machine Translation system from Indian Perspective at S.T. Hindu College, Nagercoil (23rd to 25th Feb. 2011) Received a cash award of Rs. 1000 /2. A Private Cloud for Web Service discovery using Mobile Devices at PSN College of Engg. & Tech., Tirunelveli (8th Apr. 2011) International Conference: 1. An Efficient Semantic based Web service discovery using OWL-S at SUN College of Engg. & Tech., Nagercoil (24th & 25th March 2011) 2. An Open source Private Cloud for Rural Healthcare at Noorul Islam University, Kumaracoil (21st & 22nd July 2011) Participation in Workshops & Seminars 1. Seminar on Cloud Computing IETE Trivandrum Nagercoil PAC & Vi Micro Systems Chennai, 22nd Jan. 2011, at District Science Centre, Tirunelveli 2. Seminar on Research issues in Wearable Computing, 28th and 29th Jan. 2011 at NEC, Kovilpatti 3. Hands-On Training on Ontology and Knowledge Engineering Tools, 3 rd Sept. 2011 at Kongu Engg. College, Erode 4. Seminar on Digital Image Processing and Mobile Computing 19th Feb. 2011 at PSN College of Engg. & Tech. Implementation Details Data Collection Done at Primary Health Care (PHC), Chenbagaraman Puthoor, K.K.District Domain Knowledge representation and Semantic Web Service Creation under progress

Work Progress Status My work is focused in 2 dimensions 1. Developing an improved semantic matchmaking algorithm for web service discovery 2. Semantic web service based approach for making the immunization programme more effective in rural Tamil Nadu First part of work Abstract Web services is one of the main forces driving the Internet from its infant, a vast collection of text and images, to today's huge growing marketplace of service providers and consumers. Service matchmaking is a crucial issue. The traditional methods for service matchmaking based on UDDI and WSDL have problems of low precision and recall. In this work we propose a improved method for the matchmaking of Web services. Introduction Service-oriented computing (SOC) is emerging as a new, promising computing paradigm that centers on the notion of service as the fundamental element for developing software applications. Services are self-describing components that should support a rapid and low-cost composition of distributed applications. Services are offered by service providers, which procure service implementations and maintenance, as well as supply service descriptions. Service descriptions are used to advertise service capabilities, behavior, and quality, and should provide the basis for the discovery and binding of services. Currently, UDDI is the universally accepted standard for Web service matchmaking. The Web service matchmaking based on UDDI and WSDL is the keyword-based or limited-property-based matches that often give poor performance on recall and precision measures. In order to overcome the shortage of service matchmaking based on UDDI and WSDL, we propose a improved approach for matchmaking of Web services based on concept similarity. Motivations 1) Most of the services in the Web are now been converted into web services and in future whole of the web may become a set of web services. With this tendency, discovering most suitable web service for a given requirement will become more important. Current Search engines (e.g. Google) may need to be converted into Web service search engines. 2) The web is becoming more and more pervasive, and users and applications from diverse platforms are submitting data to the web. Thus the importance of semantics over the syntax is rising, so that machines can process these data in meaningful ways and make them more usable to the end users. 3) In the new business world, it is all about bringing the producer and consumer together in ways, which was not possible previously. With the use of semantic web technologies, I think we can reduce the gap between the producer and consumer than never before. Literature Survey Related Terms and Technologies Existing Syntactic based Web Service Discovery mechanism

Fig : Service Discovery Scenario

Figure 2.2: Web Service Technologies

1.1 Web Services

1.1.1 Definitions Web Services are self-contained, modular applications that can be described, published, located, and invoked over a network, generally, the Web 1.2 Semantic Web First introduced by Tim Berners-Lee, it is about a new form of web content that would be meaningful to computers and thus allow computers to infer meaningful relationships between data. Semantic Web technologies are supposed to be a solution to the problem of allowing the data in the internet available to a much broader range of consumers (either human or machines) preferably through automated agents. Semantic web is not a new web but is an extension to the current one, in which information is given a well-defined meaning and thus enabling machines to process and understand the data that they merely display at present [3]. 1.3 DAML/OWL The Semantic Web needs a support of ontologies, which is defined as explicit specification of a conceptualization [7]. Ontologies define the concepts and relationships used to describe and represent an area of knowledge. To describe such Ontologies we need a language that has capabilities to specify at least the following: terminology used in a specific context (domain description) constraints on properties the logical characteristics of properties the equivalence of terms across ontologies OWL has been designed and introduced by W3C to fulfill the above requirements. OWL (Ontology Web Language) 1.3.1 OWL Classes and Properties Many uses of an ontology will depend on the ability to reason about individuals. In order to do this in a useful fashion we need to have a mechanism to describe the classes that individuals belong to and the properties that they inherit due to class membership. OWL extends the notion of classes defined in RDFS, with its own owl:Class construct: <owl:Class rdf:ID="Region"/> <Region rdf:ID="CentralCoastRegion" /> OWL also extends the notion RDFS property by introducing two different types of properties Data-type properties: relations between instances of classes and RDF literals or XML Schema data types Object properties: relations between instances of two classes. OWL also introduces a set of property characteristics, which results in considerable inference capabilities [18]. TransitiveProperty - P(x,y) and P(y,z) implies P(x,z) SymmetricProperty - P(x,y) iff P(y,x) FunctionalProperty - P(x,y) and P(x,z) implies y = z inverseOf - P1(x,y) iff P2(y,x) InverseFunctionalProperty - P(y,x) and P(z,x) implies y = z For example the locatedIn property below is defined as a Transitive Property with domain owl:Thing (every class defined in OWL is a subclass of owl:Thing). <owl:ObjectProperty rdf:ID="locatedIn">

<rdf:type rdf:resource="&owl;TransitiveProperty" /> <rdfs:domain rdf:resource="&owl;Thing" /> <rdfs:range rdf:resource="#Region" /> </owl:ObjectProperty> An OWL inference engine thus can infer that any thing, including another region can be located inside a region, and that if given Sri Lanka is located in Asia and Colombo located in Sri Lanka then Colombo is located in Asia. 1.3.2 Constraints on Properties OWL provides a set of constructs that allows to further constraint the range of a property in a specific context. For example, if an instance is to become a member of a subclass based on the value of a property, it can be defined using these constructs. Some of common constraints of this nature are given below: allValuesFrom: requires that for every instance of the class that has instances of the specified property, the values of the property are all members of the class indicated by this clause someValuesFrom: similar to above but requires only one property instance to have a value from the class indicated by this clause minCardinality, maxCardinality and cardinality: used to restrict the number of occurrences a property can have inside a class hasValue: defines the membership of an instance to a particular class based on a value of one of its properties 1.3.3 Equivalence of Terms across Ontologies In order for the semantic web to have the maximum impact, ontologies need to be widely shared. In order to minimize the intellectual effort, ontologies need to be re-used. To do this number of other constructs have been introduced, that would define equivalence or difference between OWL individuals. equivalentClass, equivalentProperty, sameAs Defines the evivalence of classes, properties and instances respectively. differentFrom, AllDifferent provides the opposite effect of sameAs In addition to the constructs given above, OWL-DL and OWL-Full have some other constructs that helps in defining complex classes. 1.4 OWL-S OWL-S (OWL services) is the successor of DAML-S, which is a set of ontologies designed in OWL to describe web services in semantic web. By using this common set of ontologies, the web services will be universally available to any client that can understand OWL. Actually there is another framework called WSMO (Web Service Modeling Ontology), aiming to describe semantic web services [33]. However since OWL-S is the most widely accepted choice for semantic web services and is the recommended one by W3C, I will use OWL-S for service description in this project. DAML-S and thus OWL-S were designed such that it will enable the following tasks: a) Automatic web service discovery b) Automatic web service invocation c) Automatic web service composition and interoperation d) Automatic web service execution monitoring [6] OWL-S ontology defines a set of OWL classes designed to fulfill the above set of tasks. 1.4.1 Service Profiles, Models, and Groundings The top level of the OWL-S ontology is the Service class, which corresponds to a web service. One needs to know at least three things about a Service: what it does capabilities, requirements, publisher information and QoS-described by ServiceProfile class how it works Process Model of the service described by ServiceModel class how one might access it conversion to/from WSDL described by ServiceGrounding class

Figure Error! No text of specified style in document.-1: Top-level class relationships in OWL-S The relationships between these classes are depicted in Figure Error! No text of specified style in document.-1. When describing a given web service we derive subclasses from each of the above classes and add custom details into these subclasses. 1.4.2 Capability matching with Profiles A service profile, in addition to describing the publisher information, describes the inputs, outputs, preconditions and effects (IOPE) of a service. Preconditions of a service are the requirements that should be satisfied by the requester for a successful result and Effects are the conditions resulting from a successful invocation. For example, for a book-selling service a possible precondition is that the credit card used is not overdrawn and a possible effect is the transfer of ownership of the book. These details of the service are described using the ServiceProfile classs properties hasInput, hasOutput, hasPrecondition and hasResult respectively [25]. These service profile details play a vital role in service discovery. 1.4.3 Process Models In order to declare or describe how a service works, OWL-S contains a subclass of ServiceModel called Process. A Process can have inputs, output, preconditions and effects in the same way as of a Profile. In fact, the IOPEs of the Profile should be a subclass of those in the Process for a particular service. In addition, it also provides a mechanism to specify under which conditions the specified effects are generated [19]. OWL-S divides processes into three subclasses: AtomicProcess: corresponds to the actions a service can perform by a single interaction. An AtomicProcess directly executes a single underlying web service, and thus should contain a mandatory instance of ServiceGrounding. CompositeProcess: is a process which is composed of atomic or other composite processes. A CompositeProcess should define the execution and data flow paths between its constituting processes, using the control constructs: Sequence, Split, Split + Join, Choice, Any-Order, Condition, If-Then-Else, Iterate, Repeat-While, and Repeat-Until. SimpleProcess: is an abstract process which provides an abstraction over AtomicProcess and CompositeProcess 1.4.4 Mapping to WSDL with Service Groundings The ServiceModel and ServiceProfile parts of DAML-S are abstract representations of concrete services described in WSDL, and it is the ServiceGrounding, which is supposed to tie these two together.

Figure Error! No text of specified style in document.-2: Mapping between OWL-S and WSDL As indicated by Figure Error! No text of specified style in document.-2: Mapping between OWL-S and WSDL, the two languages WSDL and OWL-S overlap. Thus, the mapping is designed to complement each other in the following way: An OWL-S atomic process corresponds to a single WSDL operation in most cases. In some situations though an atomic process can correspond to multiple WSDL operations, where the same operation maybe defined in different portTypes.

The set of inputs and outputs of an OWL-S atomic process correspond to WSDL's concept of message. Thus, OWL-S inputs are mapped to parts of an input message and OWL-S outputs are mapped to parts of an output message of a WSDL operation. The types (OWL classes) of the inputs and outputs of an OWL-S atomic process correspond to WSDL's concept of abstract type. Web Service Description As we have mentioned above, the traditional methods for service matchmaking based on UDDI and WSDL have problems of low precise and recall. Several attempts to enhance the matchmaking process are currently being pursued. A major effort in this direction is promoted by the OWL-S coalition [8], which aims at enriching service descriptions with semantics and behavioral information. The OWL-S coalition proposes a semantics-based description of Web services. In OWL-S, each service is provided with a description consisting of three documents: the service profile (what the service does), service model (how the service works), and service grounding (how to access the service). Service Representation We distinguish between two main types of service representation: syntactic representation and semantic representation. Formally, the definition depends on the type of service meta-data description. In syntactic descriptions, service properties are described using a flat set of text labels fl1; l2; : : : ; lng, where each label is a textual token. In semantic descriptions, properties are mapped to a complex data structures, which operate within the context of the Semantic Web. 2.1.1 Syntactic Service Representation In syntactic service representation, the relations between service properties are defined, while their meaning is left unspecified. Several XML-based standards [18] ensure the regulation of the discovery and communication between Web services. A WSDL (Web Services Description Language) [25] document describes the interface and communication protocol of Web services. <wsdl:definitions targetNamespace="" name=MathFunctionsDef> <wsdl:message name="addIntResponse"> <wsdl:part name="addIntReturn" type="xsd:int" /> </wsdl:message> <wsdl:message name="addIntRequest"> <wsdl:part name="a" type="xsd:int" /> <wsdl:part name="b" type="xsd:int" /> </wsdl:message> <wsdl:portType name="AddFunction"> <wsdl:operation name="addInt" parameterOrder="a b"> <wsdl:input message="impl:addIntRequest" name="addIntRequest" /> <wsdl:output message="impl:addIntResponse" name="addIntResponse" /> </wsdl:operation> </wsdl:portType> <service name=MathFunctions/> </wsdl:definitions> Figure 2.1: An example of a WSDL document An example of a WSDL document is presented in Figure 2.1. A WSDL port-type describes the interfaces (legal operations) exposed by a Web service. Each port-type is described as a set of operations (e.g., AddInt). Each operation exhibits a set of typed input and output parameters, such as addIntRequest and addIntResponse. All types are defined in the XML Schema standard [16]. A type can be primitive (e.g., integer - xsd:integer) or complex (described by a complex XML schema structure). It is important to emphasize that WSDL describe only the flat interface of the operation (what the operation receives and sends), and not the logic behind the operations

functionality (its pre-conditions and post-conditions, for example). The UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration) protocol [9] extends the descriptions provided by WSDL, enabling Web services to be published and discovered through keyword search. Semantic web service representation SemanticWeb services areWeb services that are formally described using ontologies. Semantic Web services annotation languages enable service properties to be formalized by mapping properties to ontology concepts, as depicted in Figure 2.4. Several semantic annotation languages for Web services exist. These include OWL-S (OWL-Services) [2], WSML (Web Service Modeling Language) [29] and WSDL-S/SAWSDL [1]. The languages vary in their expressibility, modus operandi and approach. While OWL-S and WSML provide a thorough process definition (similar to that of BPEL4WS), WSDL-S is more lightweight and only adds semantic operation mapping to WSDL. In this work, we refer mainly to OWL-S because of its wide acceptance in the research community and its tight integration with OWL and the Semantic Web In this paper, we mainly focus on the interface descriptions of OWL-S service profile. Accordingly, a service advertisement can be formally defined as follows: Definition: service advertisement. A service advertisement is an abstract description of an operation supported by the service that can be represented as an ordered 5-tuple: SA = < SID, IA, OA,Precondition A, Effect A> where: (1) SID represents the service identification; (2) IA represents the semantic concept set quoted by service input parameters. (3) OA represents the semantic concept set quoted by service output parameters; . (4) PreconditionA and EffectA represents the set of state variety. PreconditionA is the condition and strategy which are added to the service in order to make sure that the service can execute correctly. EffectA is the influence when service is accomplished. The process of Web service matchmaking (also referred to as service discovery) then takes as send a service request to a service registry consisting of service advertisements, and returns a list of matched services. Technically the matchmaking between a service request and a service advertisement is determined by similarity between the service request and the service advertisement Classification of Approaches Matching process: We distinguish between semantic-based and syntactic-based matching of services. In the latter case, the matching process is based on matching the textual properties of the service representation with the query. The semantic based matching can be further divided into three categories: Logic inference retrieval. non-logic retrieval. hybrid retrieval, which combines logic and non-logic retrieval. Matching resolution: The granularity of the service descriptions may be: Black-box: The matching process considers solely the interface of services. In this case, queries and results are often simple, containing graphs with a single operation. White-box: The inner structure of each service in the service repository is considered. In this case, queries and results are often complex, and are defined as graphs with several operations. Composition: The retrieval process might mix operations from different services, resulting in the creation of a new artifact.

Semantic Approaches In this section we review semantic approaches to service retrieval. In this family of retrieval methods, the input and the repository of the process are semantically annotated using languages described in Section such 2.1.3 as OWL-S.

Table 2.2: Categories of service retrieval Logic-based Approaches Logic-based Approaches are based on reasoning over the ontological descriptions ofWeb services. Matchmakers, such as OWLS-UDDI [58] by Paolucci et al. and Inter-OWL-S [66] by Sirin et al., perform matching according to OWL-S profile properties. The OWLS profile ontology describes the capabilities of services according to their input, output, effect and precondition properties in a black-box mode, where the inner procedure of the services is not taken into account.

Figure 2.6: Categories of logic matching degrees Logic-based methods classify matching degrees into four categories: exact, plugin, subsumes and disjoint. These categories were originally defined by Zaremski and Wing in 1996 [79]. As these categories are used as general means for comparison, we define them accurately. Let CQ = fC1;C2; : : : ;Cng be the set of concepts related to a given query and CR = fC1;C2; : : : ;Cmg a set of concepts related to a given result. Figure 2.6 describes the four degrees graphically, in the simplified case where there is a single concept for either the query and the result. In each of the example, CR is more specific concept than CQ (for example, CQ is a person and CR is a patient). Exact Exact matching is defined as perfect identification of the query properties (e.g., input) with the result properties, such that CQ _ CR. Plugin The concepts of the result are fully contained in the concepts of the query, such that CR v CQ. In other words, at least one concept in the query has a concept inthe result which is more specific. For example, the user looked for a service that finds the name of a person and received a service that returns the name of a patient. As all patients are persons, the result does not contradict the axioms of the query. Subsumes The concepts of the query are fully contained in the concepts of the result, such that CR w CQ. In this case some of the results may not fully answer the query in the sense of set-theory. For example, the user looked for a service that finds a name of a patient in a given hospital, and received as a result a service that returns the names of all the persons in the hospital. Disjoint None of the concepts of the result can be related to any concept of the query, such that CR u CQ = ;, implying that the result is not applicable to the query.

Logic-based white-box retrieval, in which the process model is exploited as a mean for retrieval, is relatively new. One example is Mediator [74], where OWL-S service process models are mapped into equivalent logical statements that are then evaluated by a model checker. Another example is given by Bansal and Vidal [5] who developed a matchmaker that follows the process model of OWL-S [2], matching control constructs as well as operations. The two methods suffer from a common drawback, which is limited recall, i.e., they are prone to return results with low recall. As the final result depends on the success of all the matchings, the chances for a successful retrieval with low-recall is even lower. Non-logic Methods Non-logic based matching use a variety of methods, including text similarity, structured graph matching, or numeric concept distance computations over ontologies. They differ from syntactic methods, as they still use the ontology as a resource for matching. Hybrid Approaches Hybrid matchmakers combine logic-based methods with other matching methods, especially from the information retrieval (IR) field. Second Part of Work Abstract Immunization is one among the effective methods of preventing childhood diseases. With the implementation of Universal Immunization Programme (UIP), significant achievements have been made in preventing and controlling the Vaccine Preventable Diseases (VPDs). Universal childhood immunization has been accepted by world public health leaders as both an affordable and cost effective strategy not only for child survival but also for promoting primary health care. The objective of the current study is to evaluate the immunization coverage of children in a specific rural area in the state of Tamil Nadu, India and to make recommendations regarding strengthening of immunization services based on the study findings. This can be achieved through the development of a semantic web services framework that would be deployed to provide wireless mobile healthcare delivery services and health management services for rural Indian communities. I. INTRODUCTION India ranks low globally in its rate of vaccinating its population. An accepted indicator of a successful vaccination program is the percentage of babies receiving the three doses of the DPT vaccine against diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough. In 2010, India recorded only 72% according to a joint estimate United Nations Childrens Fund and the WHO that compares poorly with Bangladesh at 95% and Indonesia at 83%, according to the same joint estimate. Immunization against common childhood diseases has been an integral component of mother and child health services in India since adoption of the primary health care approach in 1978 being reinforced by the Declaration of Health Policy in 1983. The focus of this paper is to examine the status and performance of the child immunization programme in a specific rural area of Kanyakumari District, Tamil Nadu, India and to suggest policy and programmes for realization of the goals of universal immunization services. In 1985, the Universal Immunization Programme (UIP) was launched to protect all infants (012 months) against six serious but preventable diseases, namely, tuberculosis, diphtheria, pertusis, tetanus, poliomyelitis, and measles. The objective of the programme was to fully vaccinate at least 85% of all infants of the age of one year. In subsequent years, the goal of UIP was raised to ensure 100% coverage of all eligible children with one dose of BCG, three doses of DPT and OPV, and one dose of the measles vaccine. This programme was integrated with the Child Health Programme in 1997. In addition to the ongoing routine immunization programme, the Pulse Polio Immunization (PPI) campaign was initiated in 1995 to eradicate poliomyelitis from the country. This paper presents our research in the design and implementation of a framework for cost cutting electronic healthcare delivery services for rural/suburban communities. This can be achieved through the development of a semantic web services framework that would be deployed to provide

wireless mobile healthcare delivery services and health management services for rural Indian communities. Currently no e-health application making use of semantic web services are known or reported in literature to have been implemented in any real life situation in India. II. SURVEY Tamil Nadu Government is providing Web-based software, Health Management Information System which is accessible from all PHCs which are provided with Internet access. All the health functionaries are trained to use this software and enter the data collected by them during their field work at the PHCs. They are given intensive training programme for 3 days. In order to better understand the status of the primary healthcare in the rural areas of Tamil Nadu, its quality, infrastructure, manpower availability, we conducted a survey of Primary Health Centre in Chenbagaramanputhoor (C.R. Puthoor), K.K. District, Tamil Nadu. The C.R. Puthoor Primary Health Care (PHC) centre has one computer with Internet Access and all the health functionaries are provided with a mobile phone. One important activity performed by Health workers is to collect data about the AN mothers every Monday during field work, which is recorded in paper initially. On their return to the PHC, the health care workers have to feed this data manually into the master database using the Health Management Information System software. At this stage, each AN mother will be assigned with an unique ID. Now they are officially registered at the corresponding PHC and can be tracked for further observation and follow-up actions. The mothers can also use this ID to gather any required information in future. III. RECOMMENDATIONS During the initial survey we observed that the Health Management Information System provided by the Tamil Nadu Government is effective in the implementation of immunization programme. Due to this there is a drastic reduction in the incidence of vaccine preventable diseases. Observations from the present study has helped us to identify some areas where improvement is possible which may help to achieve 100% immunization coverage in a cost-effective and efficient manner. One of the major challenges of immunization programs in the developing world is maintaining robust year-to-year vaccination coverage for children. While there are many factors contributing to vaccine availability and distribution, leveraging mobile phones and related technologies may be particularly useful for tracking which children have received which vaccinations, and efficiently connecting needy children with available vaccines. I have identified the following three areas of technology that are likely to offer strong potential for new developments in the immunization programme: Wireless access to the Internet through cell phones Wider use of cell phones Semantic Web services Wireless Internet has the potential to provide low-cost broadband Internet connectivity to underserved and remote areas. It can help the health workers to access the Web-based software, Health Management Information System on-site. The huge growth of mobile phones and wireless Internet, Health workers will be able to register AN mothers. For example, Health workers in the field might ask the mothers a series of questions collecting information like name, address, mobile number, status, symptoms and as well as reactions to particular medications. The health workers log this information using their mobile devices from the field in an efficient and timely manner. Any clarifications can also be done immediately. Semantic Web health searches have the potential to bridge the gap in medical knowledge that exists between experts and common man through the use of intelligent web services. Perhaps the most significant innovation ushered by the Semantic Web would be the ability to search in plain language sentences instead of medical jargon which will be of great help to the common man. Further, semantic search results would be contextual to the query. IV. SEMANTIC WEB SERVICES IN THE HEALTHCARE DOMAIN

Semantic Web plays a vital role in healthcare domain. The Semantic Web and Web services are two complementary and evolving technologies that will change the face of healthcare delivery. . Proposed Semantic Web services An appointment system that will track scheduled vaccinations and make sure that children are not falling behind on their schedule. Sending reminder messages to mobile phones of registered mothers via SMS regarding their self/child vaccination schedule Letting patients enquire on their schedule Letting the public enquire about various health care schemes available at present, location of nearby health care centers and other relevant information. Health workers can check patients immunization status before appointments Health workers can retrieve the vaccination schedule and make sure the availability of required vaccines Implementation I have started the implementation of the system with Java language and used Axis framework for publishing and executing web services. This was done with the help of Eclipse IDE. The web services will be hosted on the Apache Tomcat server.Jena API was used to manipulate OWL data which is created using Protg and the Pellet engine will be used for the reasoning. OWL is the current standard for describing content in the semantic web. For our purpose the medical domain is represented in OWL using Protg tool. OWL-S is a set of OWL ontologies designed to describe web services. I will be using OWL-S to describe semantically, the web services published to the registry. Since OWL is designed on top of RDF, which is the most popular web language for the description of metadata, we will be able to use all of the RDF inference engines to infer about our web services. Furthermore, since OWL-S (a W3C recommendation) is the standard used by community to describe semantic web services, we will be able to use some of the tools designed to manipulate OWL-S documents by the community. Specifically we will be using OWL-S API, a Java class library designed to manipulate OWL-S content. For the inference support, we will be using Pellet, a semantic web reasoner that can be used in collaboration with OWL-S API. The tool OWL-S API will be internally using the popular Jena API to manipulate the OWL and RDF content. Figure 1 shows the activities during development of semantic web services using OWL-S IDE. Crucially there is no clear starting point to the diagram, but two obvious starting points, indicated by stars in Figure 1, are the Java code and the OWL-S specification. These starting points define two approaches code-driven and model-driven which developers may choose to semantically describe web services.

Figure 1 : IDE of OWL-S Tools Used in the Project 1. Protg with OWL-S editor 2. Eclipse with OWL-S editor

3. Apache Tomcat server


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