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Debate Major and Minor Bible errors Bible errors, lies, inaccurate beliefs

Ch 2
###60***,(And remember Moses prayed for water for his people; We said: "Stri e the ro! with thy staff"" #hen $%shed forth therefrom twel&e sprin$s" 'a!h $ro%p new its own pla!e for water" So eat and drin of the s%stenan!e pro&ided by Allah, and do no e&il nor mis!hief on the (fa!e of the( earth"( ##)****, (87. We $a&e Moses the +oo and followed him %p with a s%!!ession of apostles; We $a&e ,es%s the son of Mary -lear (Si$ns( and stren$thened him with the holy spirit" .s it that whene&er there !omes to yo% an apostle with what ye yo%rsel&es desire not, ye are p%ffed %p with pride/0 Some ye !alled impostors, and others ye slay1( ##20003***, (100. .s it not (the !ase( that e&ery time they ma e a !o&enant, some party amon$ them throw it aside/0 4ay, Most of them are faithless" 101. And when there !ame to them an apostle from Allah, !onfirmin$ what was with them, a party of the people of the +oo threw away the +oo of Allah behind their ba! s, as if (it had been somethin$( they did not now1 102. #hey followed what the e&il ones $a&e o%t (falsely( a$ainst the power of Solomon: the blasphemers Were, not Solomon, b%t the e&il ones, tea!hin$ men Ma$i!, and s%!h thin$s as !ame down at babylon to the an$els 5ar%t and Mar%t" +%t neither of these ta%$ht anyone (S%!h thin$s( witho%t sayin$: "We are only for trial; so do not blaspheme"" #hey learned from them the means to sow dis!ord between man and wife" +%t they !o%ld not th%s harm anyone e6!ept by Allah"s permission" And they learned what harmed them, not what profited them" And they new that the b%yers of (ma$i!( wo%ld ha&e no share in the happiness of the 5ereafter" And &ile was the pri!e for whi!h they did sell their so%ls, if they b%t new1(

237***, (125. 8emember We made the 5o%se a pla!e of assembly for men and a pla!e of safety; and ta e ye the station of Abraham as a pla!e of prayer; and We !o&enanted with Abraham and .sma9il, that they sho%ld san!tify My 5o%se for those who !ompass it ro%nd, or %se it as a retreat, or bow, or prostrate themsel&es (therein in prayer("( 2:30:***, (132. And this was the le$a!y that Abraham left to his sons, and so did ,a!ob; ";h my sons1 Allah hath !hosen the <aith for yo%; then die not e6!ept in the <aith of .slam"" 133. Were ye witnesses when death appeared before ,a!ob/ +ehold, he said to his sons: "What will ye worship after me/" #hey said: "We shall worship #hy Allah and the Allah of thy fathers, of Abraham, .sma9il and .saa!,0 the one (#r%e( Allah" #o 5im we bow (in .slam(""( 2=6***, (146. #he people of the +oo now this as they now their own sons; b%t some of them !on!eal the tr%th whi!h they themsel&es now"(

##37:***, (253. #hose apostles We endowed with $ifts, some abo&e others: #o one of them Allah spo e; others 5e raised to de$rees (of hono%r(; to ,es%s the son of Mary We $a&e !lear (Si$ns(, and stren$thened him with the holy spirit" .f Allah had so willed, s%!!eedin$ $enerations wo%ld not ha&e fo%$ht amon$ ea!h other, after !lear (Si$ns( had !ome to them, b%t they (!hose( to wran$le, some belie&in$ and others re>e!tin$" .f Allah had so willed, they wo%ld not ha&e fo%$ht ea!h other; b%t Allah <%lfilleth 5is plan"( ###377***, (255. Allah" #here is no $od b%t 5e,0the ?i&in$, the Self0s%bsistin$, 'ternal" 4o sl%mber !an sei@e 5im nor sleep" 5is are all thin$s in the hea&ens and on earth" Who is there !an inter!ede in 5is presen!e e6!ept as 5e permitteth/ 5e noweth what (appeareth to 5is !reat%res as( before or after or behind them" 4or shall they !ompass a%$ht of 5is nowled$e e6!ept as 5e willeth" 5is #hrone doth e6tend o&er the hea&ens and the earth, and 5e feeleth no fati$%e in $%ardin$ and preser&in$ them for 5e is the Most 5i$h, the S%preme (in $lory("(

Ch 3
###7*0AA***, ( 57. "As to those who belie&e and wor ri$hteo%sness, Allah will pay them (in f%ll( their reward; b%t Allah lo&eth not those who do wron$"" 58. "#his is what we rehearse %nto thee of the Si$ns and the Messa$e of Wisdom"" 59. #he similit%de of ,es%s before Allah is as that of Adam; 5e !reated him from d%st, then said to him: "+e"" And he was" 60. #he #r%th (!omes( from Allah alone; so be not of those who do%bt" 61. .f any one disp%tes in this matter with thee, now after (f%ll( nowled$e 5ath !ome to thee, say: "-ome1 let %s $ather to$ether,0 o%r sons and yo%r sons, o%r women and yo%r women, o%rsel&es and yo%rsel&es: #hen let %s earnestly pray, and in&o e the !%rse of Allah on those who lie1" 62. #his is the tr%e a!!o%nt: #here is no $od e6!ept Allah" and Allah"5e is indeed the '6alted in Bower, the Wise" 63. +%t if they t%rn ba! , Allah hath f%ll nowled$e of those who do mis!hief" 64. Say: "; Beople of the +oo 1 !ome to !ommon terms as between %s and yo%: #hat we worship none b%t Allah" that we asso!iate no partners with him; that we ere!t not, from amon$ o%rsel&es, ?ords and patrons other than Allah"" .f then they t%rn ba! , say ye: "+ear witness that we (at least( are M%slims (bowin$ to Allah"s Will(" 65. Ce Beople of the +oo 1 Why disp%te ye abo%t Abraham, when the ?aw and the Dospel Were not re&ealed #ill after him/ 5a&e ye no %nderstandin$/

66. Ah1 Ce are those who fell to disp%tin$ ('&en( in matters of whi!h ye had some nowled$e1 b%t why disp%te ye in matters of whi!h ye ha&e no nowled$e/ .t is Allah Who nows, and ye who now not1 67. Abraham was not a ,ew nor yet a -hristian; b%t he was tr%e in <aith, and bowed his will to Allah"s (Whi!h is .slam(, and he >oined not $ods with Allah" 68. Witho%t do%bt, amon$ men, the nearest of in to Abraham, are those who follow him, as are also this Messen$er and those who belie&e: And Allah is the Brote!tor of those who ha&e faith" 69. .t is the wish of a se!tion of the Beople of the +oo to lead yo% astray" +%t they shall lead astray (4ot yo%(, b%t themsel&es, and they do not per!ei&e1 70. Ce Beople of the +oo 1 Why re>e!t ye the Si$ns of Allah, of whi!h ye are (Co%rsel&es( witnesses/ 71. Ce Beople of the +oo 1 Why do ye !lothe #r%th with falsehood, and !on!eal the #r%th, while ye ha&e nowled$e/ 72. A se!tion of the Beople of the +oo say: "+elie&e in the mornin$ what is re&ealed to the belie&ers, b%t re>e!t it at the end of the day; per!han!e they may (themsel&es( #%rn ba! ; 73. "And belie&e no one %nless he follows yo%r reli$ion"" Say: "#r%e $%idan!e is the D%idan!e of Allah" (<ear ye( ?est a re&elation be sent to someone (else( ?i e %nto that whi!h was sent %nto yo%/ or that those (8e!ei&in$ s%!h re&elation( sho%ld en$a$e yo% in ar$%ment before yo%r ?ord/" Say: "All bo%nties are in the hand of Allah" 5e $ranteth them to whom 5e pleaseth: And Allah !areth for all, and 5e noweth all thin$s"" 74. <or 5is Mer!y 5e spe!ially !hooseth whom 5e pleaseth; for Allah is the ?ord of bo%nties %nbo%nded" 75. Amon$ the Beople of the +oo are some who, if entr%sted with a hoard of $old, will (readily( pay it ba! ; others, who, if entr%sted with a sin$le sil&er !oin, will not repay it %nless tho% !onstantly stoodest demandin$, be!a%se, they say, "there is no !all on %s (to eep faith( with these i$norant (Ba$ans("" b%t they tell a lie a$ainst Allah, and (well( they now it" 76. 4ay"0 #hose that eep their pli$hted faith and a!t ari$ht,0&erily Allah lo&es those who a!t ari$ht" 77. As for those who sell the faith they owe to Allah and their own pli$hted word for a small pri!e, they shall ha&e no portion in the 5ereafter: 4or will Allah (Eei$n to( spea to them or loo at them on the Eay of ,%d$ment, nor will 5e !leans them (of sin(: #hey shall ha&e a $rie&o%s penalty" 78. #here is amon$ them a se!tion who distort the +oo with their ton$%es: (As they read( yo% wo%ld thin it is a part of the +oo , b%t it is no part of the +oo ; and they say, "#hat is from Allah," b%t it is not from Allah" .t is they who tell a lie a$ainst Allah, and (well( they now it1

79. .t is not (possible( that a man, to whom is $i&en the +oo , and Wisdom, and the propheti! offi!e, sho%ld say to people: "+e ye my worshippers rather than Allah"s": on the !ontrary (5e wo%ld say( "+e ye worshippers of 5im Who is tr%ly the -herisher of all: <or ye ha&e ta%$ht the +oo and ye ha&e st%died it earnestly"" 80. 4or wo%ld he instr%!t yo% to ta e an$els and prophets for ?ords and patrons" What1 wo%ld he bid yo% to %nbelief after ye ha&e bowed yo%r will (#o Allah in .slam(/ 81. +ehold1 Allah too the !o&enant of the prophets, sayin$: ". $i&e yo% a +oo and Wisdom; then !omes to yo% an apostle, !onfirmin$ what is with yo%; do ye belie&e in him and render him help"" Allah said: "Eo ye a$ree, and ta e this my -o&enant as bindin$ on yo%/" #hey said: "We a$ree"" 5e said: "#hen bear witness, and . am with yo% amon$ the witnesses"" 82. .f any t%rn ba! after this, they are per&erted trans$ressors" 83. Eo they see for other than the 8eli$ion of Allah"0while all !reat%res in the hea&ens and on earth ha&e, willin$ or %nwillin$, bowed to 5is Will (A!!epted .slam(, and to 5im shall they all be bro%$ht ba! " 84. Say: "We belie&e in Allah, and in what has been re&ealed to %s and what was re&ealed to Abraham, .sma9il, .saa!, ,a!ob, and the #ribes, and in (the +oo s( $i&en to Moses, ,es%s, and the prophets, from their ?ord: We ma e no distin!tion between one and another amon$ them, and to Allah do we bow o%r will (in .slam("" 85. .f anyone desires a reli$ion other than .slam (s%bmission to Allah", ne&er will it be a!!epted of him; and in the 5ereafter 5e will be in the ran s of those who ha&e lost (All spirit%al $ood(" 86. 5ow shall Allah D%ide those who re>e!t <aith after they a!!epted it and bore witness that the Messen$er was tr%e and that -lear Si$ns had !ome %nto them/ b%t Allah $%ides not a people %n>%st" 87. ;f s%!h the reward is that on them (rests( the !%rse of Allah, of 5is an$els, and of all man ind;0 88. .n that will they dwell; nor will their penalty be li$htened, nor respite be (their lot(;0 89. '6!ept for those that repent ('&en( after that, and ma e amends; for &erily Allah is ;ft0 <or$i&in$, Most Mer!if%l" 90. +%t those who re>e!t <aith after they a!!epted it, and then $o on addin$ to their defian!e of <aith,0 ne&er will their repentan!e be a!!epted; for they are those who ha&e (of set p%rpose( $one astray" 91. As to those who re>e!t <aith, and die re>e!tin$,0 ne&er wo%ld be a!!epted from any s%!h as m%!h $old as the earth !ontains, tho%$h they sho%ld offer it for ransom" <or s%!h is (in store( a penalty $rie&o%s, and they will find no helpers" 92. +y no means shall ye attain ri$hteo%sness %nless ye $i&e (freely( of that whi!h ye lo&e; and

whate&er ye $i&e, of a tr%th Allah noweth it well" 93. All food was lawf%l to the -hildren of .srael, e6!ept what .srael Made %nlawf%l for itself, before the ?aw (of Moses( was re&ealed" Say: "+rin$ ye the ?aw and st%dy it, if ye be men of tr%th"" 94. .f any, after this, in&ent a lie and attrib%te it to Allah, they are indeed %n>%st wron$0doers" 95. Say: "(Allah( spea eth the #r%th: follow the reli$ion of Abraham, the sane in faith; he was not of the Ba$ans"" 96. #he first 5o%se (of worship( appointed for men was that at +a a: <%ll of blessin$ and of $%idan!e for all inds of bein$s: 97. .n it are Si$ns Manifest; (for e6ample(, the Station of Abraham; whoe&er enters it attains se!%rity; Bil$rima$e thereto is a d%ty men owe to Allah,0 those who !an afford the >o%rney; b%t if any deny faith, Allah stands not in need of any of 5is !reat%res" 98. Say: "; Beople of the +oo 1 Why re>e!t ye the Si$ns of Allah, when Allah is 5imself witness to all ye do/" 99. Say: "; ye Beople of the +oo 1 Why obstr%!t ye those who belie&e, from the path of Allah, See in$ to ma e it !roo ed, while ye were yo%rsel&es witnesses (to Allah"s -o&enant(/ b%t Allah is not %nmindf%l of all that ye do""(

*)***, (78. #here is amon$ them a se!tion who distort the +oo with their ton$%es: (As they read( yo% wo%ld thin it is a part of the +oo , b%t it is no part of the +oo ; and they say, "#hat is from Allah," b%t it is not from Allah" .t is they who tell a lie a$ainst Allah, and (well( they now it1( #####A6***, (96. #he first 5o%se (of worship( appointed for men was that at +a a: <%ll of blessin$ and of $%idan!e for all inds of bein$s:( ###2)****, (187. And remember Allah too a !o&enant from the Beople of the +oo , to ma e it nown and !lear to man ind, and not to hide it; b%t they threw it away behind their ba! s, and p%r!hased with it some miserable $ain1 And &ile was the bar$ain they made1(

Ch 4
27003***, (150. #hose who deny Allah and His apostles, and (those who) wish to separate Allah ro! His apostles, sayin"# $%e &elie'e in so!e &(t re)e*t others$# And (those who)

wish to ta+e a *o(rse !idway,, 151. -hey are in tr(th (e.(ally) (n&elie'ers/ and we ha'e prepared or (n&elie'ers a h(!iliatin" p(nish!ent. 152. #o those who belie&e in Allah and 5is apostles and ma e no distin!tion between any of the apostles, we shall soon $i&e their (d%e( rewards: for Allah is ;ft0 for$i&in$, Most Mer!if%l"(

###27:063***, (153. #he people of the +oo as thee to !a%se a boo to des!end to them from hea&en: .ndeed they as ed Moses for an e&en $reater (mira!le(, for they said: "Show %s Allah in p%bli!," b%t they were da@ed for their pres%mption, with th%nder and li$htnin$" Cet they worshipped the !alf e&en after !lear si$ns had !ome to them; e&en so we for$a&e them; and $a&e Moses manifest proofs of a%thority" 154. And for their !o&enant we raised o&er them (the towerin$ hei$ht( of Mo%nt (Sinai(; and (on another o!!asion( we said: "'nter the $ate with h%mility"; and (on!e a$ain( we !ommanded them: "#rans$ress not in the matter of the sabbath"" And we too from them a solemn !o&enant" 155. (#hey ha&e in!%rred di&ine displeas%re(: .n that they bro e their !o&enant; that they re>e!ted the si$ns of Allah" that they slew the Messen$ers in defian!e of ri$ht; that they said, ";%r hearts are the wrappin$s (whi!h preser&e Allah"s Word; We need no more(";0 4ay, Allah hath set the seal on their hearts for their blasphemy, and little is it they belie&e;0 156. #hat they re>e!ted <aith; that they %ttered a$ainst Mary a $ra&e false !har$e; 157. #hat they said (in boast(, "We illed -hrist ,es%s the son of Mary, the Messen$er of Allah";0 b%t they illed him not, nor !r%!ified him, b%t so it was made to appear to them, and those who differ therein are f%ll of do%bts, with no (!ertain( nowled$e, b%t only !on>e!t%re to follow, for of a s%rety they illed him not:0 158. 4ay, Allah raised him %p %nto 5imself; and Allah is '6alted in Bower, Wise;0 159. And there is none of the Beople of the +oo b%t m%st belie&e in him before his death; and on the Eay of ,%d$ment he will be a witness a$ainst them;0 160. <or the iniF%ity of the ,ews We made %nlawf%l for them !ertain (foods( $ood and wholesome whi!h had been lawf%l for them;0 in that they hindered many from Allah"s Way;0 161. #hat they too %s%ry, tho%$h they were forbidden; and that they de&o%red men9s s%bstan!e wron$f%lly;0 we ha&e prepared for those amon$ them who re>e!t faith a $rie&o%s p%nishment" 162. +%t those amon$ them who are well0$ro%nded in nowled$e, and the belie&ers, belie&e in what hath been re&ealed to thee and what was re&ealed before thee: And (espe!ially( those who establish re$%lar prayer and pra!tise re$%lar !harity and belie&e in Allah and in the ?ast Eay: #o them shall We soon $i&e a $reat reward"(

Ch 5
26:***, (163. We ha&e sent thee inspiration, as We sent it to 4oah and the Messen$ers after him: we sent inspiration to Abraham, .sma9il, .saa!, ,a!ob and the #ribes, to ,es%s, ,ob, ,onah, Aaron, and solomon, and to Ea&id We $a&e the Bsalms"( ##2307***, (12. Allah did aforetime ta e a !o&enant from the -hildren of .srael, and we appointed twel&e !aptains amon$ them" And Allah said: ". am with yo%: if ye (b%t( establish re$%lar prayers, pra!tise re$%lar !harity, belie&e in my apostles, hono%r and assist them, and loan to Allah a bea%tif%l loan, &erily . will wipe o%t from yo% yo%r e&ils, and admit yo% to $ardens with ri&ers flowin$ beneath; b%t if any of yo%, after this, resisteth faith, he hath tr%ly wandered from the path or re!tit%de"" 13. +%t be!a%se of their brea!h of their !o&enant, We !%rsed them, and made their hearts $row hard; they !han$e the words from their (ri$ht( pla!es and for$et a $ood part of the messa$e that was sent them, nor wilt tho% !ease to find them0 barrin$ a few 0 e&er bent on (new( de!eits: b%t for$i&e them, and o&erloo (their misdeeds(: for Allah lo&eth those who are ind" 14. <rom those, too, who !all themsel&es -hristians, We did ta e a !o&enant, b%t they for$ot a $ood part of the messa$e that was sent them: so we estran$ed them, with enmity and hatred between the one and the other, to the day of >%d$ment" And soon will Allah show them what it is they ha&e done" 15. ; people of the +oo 1 #here hath !ome to yo% o%r Messen$er, re&ealin$ to yo% m%!h that ye %sed to hide in the +oo , and passin$ o&er m%!h (that is now %nne!essary(" #here hath !ome to yo% from Allah a (new( li$ht and a perspi!%o%s +oo ,0( 2=***, (14. <rom those, too, who !all themsel&es -hristians, We did ta e a !o&enant, b%t they for$ot a $ood part of the messa$e that was sent them: so we estran$ed them, with enmity and hatred between the one and the other, to the day of >%d$ment" And soon will Allah show them what it is they ha&e done"( ###2)***, (18. (+oth( the ,ews and the -hristians say: "We are sons of Allah, and his belo&ed"" Say: "Why then doth 5e p%nish yo% for yo%r sins/ 4ay, ye are b%t men,0 of the men he hath !reated: 5e for$i&eth whom 5e pleaseth, and 5e p%nisheth whom 5e pleaseth: and to Allah belon$eth the dominion of the hea&ens and the earth, and all that is between: and %nto 5im is the final $oal (of all("( ####:3***, (32. ;n that a!!o%nt: We ordained for the -hildren of .srael that if any one slew a person 0 %nless it be for m%rder or for spreadin$ mis!hief in the land 0 it wo%ld be as if he slew the whole people: and if any one sa&ed a life, it wo%ld be as if he sa&ed the life of the whole people" #hen altho%$h there !ame to them ;%r apostles with !lear si$ns, yet, e&en after that, many of them !ontin%ed to !ommit e6!esses in the land"( ::***, (33. #he p%nishment of those who wa$e war a$ainst Allah and 5is Messen$er, and stri&e with mi$ht and main for mis!hief thro%$h the land is: e6e!%tion, or !r%!ifi6ion, or the !%ttin$ off

of hands and feet from opposite sides, or e6ile from the land: that is their dis$ra!e in this world, and a hea&y p%nishment is theirs in the 5ereafter;( #=20:***, ( 41. ; Messen$er" let not those $rie&e thee, who ra!e ea!h other into %nbelief: (whether it be( amon$ those who say "We belie&e" with their lips b%t whose hearts ha&e no faith; or it be amon$ the ,ews,0 men who will listen to any lie,0 will listen e&en to others who ha&e ne&er so m%!h as !ome to thee" #hey !han$e the words from their (ri$ht( times and pla!es: they say, ".f ye are $i&en this, ta e it, b%t if not, beware1" .f any one9s trial is intended by Allah, tho% hast no a%thority in the least for him a$ainst Allah" <or s%!h 0 it is not Allah"s will to p%rify their hearts" <or them there is dis$ra!e in this world, and in the 5ereafter a hea&y p%nishment" 42. (#hey are fond of( listenin$ to falsehood, of de&o%rin$ anythin$ forbidden" .f they do !ome to thee, either >%d$e between them, or de!line to interfere" .f tho% de!line, they !annot h%rt thee in the least" .f tho% >%d$e, >%d$e in eF%ity between them" <or Allah lo&eth those who >%d$e in eF%ity" 43. +%t why do they !ome to thee for de!ision, when they ha&e (their own( law before them/0 therein is the (plain( !ommand of Allah" yet e&en after that, they wo%ld t%rn away" <or they are not (really( Beople of <aith"( ###*)***, (78. -%rses were prono%n!ed on those amon$ the -hildren of .srael who re>e!ted <aith, by the ton$%e of Ea&id and of ,es%s the son of Mary: be!a%se they disobeyed and persisted in e6!esses"( *A0)2***, (79. 4or did they (%s%ally( forbid one another the iniF%ities whi!h they !ommitted: e&il indeed were the deeds whi!h they did" 80. #ho% seest many of them t%rnin$ in friendship to the Gnbelie&ers" '&il indeed are (the wor s( whi!h their so%ls ha&e sent forward before them (with the res%lt(, that Allah"s wrath is on them, and in torment will they abide"

Ch 6
30***, (20. #hose to whom We ha&e $i&en the +oo now this as they now their own sons" #hose who ha&e lost their own so%ls ref%se therefore to belie&e"( 114. Say: "Shall . see for >%d$e other than Allah" 0 when 5e it is Who hath sent %nto yo% the +oo , e6plained in detail"" #hey now f%ll well, to whom We ha&e $i&en the +oo , that it hath been sent down from thy ?ord in tr%th" 4e&er be then of those who do%bt"(

2=60****,(146. <or those who followed the ,ewish ?aw, We forbade e&ery (animal( with

%ndi&ided hoof, and We forbade them that fat of the o6 and the sheep, e6!ept what adheres to their ba! s or their entrails, or is mi6ed %p with a bone: this in re!ompense for their wilf%l disobedien!e: for We are tr%e (in ;%r ordinan!es(" 147. .f they a!!%se thee of falsehood, say: "0o(r 1ord is (ll o !er*y all, e!&ra*in"/ &(t ro! people in "(ilt ne'er will His wrath &e t(rned &a*+"( 2720:***, (151. Say: "-ome, . will rehearse what Allah hath (really( prohibited yo% from": ,oin not anythin$ as eF%al with 5im; be $ood to yo%r parents; ill not yo%r !hildren on a plea of want;0 We pro&ide s%stenan!e for yo% and for them;0 !ome not ni$h to shamef%l deeds" Whether open or se!ret; ta e not life, whi!h Allah hath made sa!red, e6!ept by way of >%sti!e and law: th%s doth 5e !ommand yo%, that ye may learn wisdom" 152. And !ome not ni$h to the orphan9s property, e6!ept to impro&e it, %ntil he attain the a$e of f%ll stren$th; $i&e meas%re and wei$ht with (f%ll( >%sti!e;0 no b%rden do We pla!e on any so%l, b%t that whi!h it !an bear;0 whene&er ye spea , spea >%stly, e&en if a near relati&e is !on!erned; and f%lfil the !o&enant of Allah" th%s doth 5e !ommand yo%, that ye may remember" 153. Herily, this is My way, leadin$ strai$ht: follow it: follow not (other( paths: they will s!atter yo% abo%t from 5is ($reat( path: th%s doth 5e !ommand yo%" that ye may be ri$hteo%s"(

26=***(164. Say: "Shall . see for (my( -herisher other than Allah, when 5e is the -herisher of all thin$s (that e6ist(/ '&ery so%l draws the meed of its a!ts on none b%t itself: no bearer of b%rdens !an bear of b%rdens !an bear the b%rden of another" Co%r $oal in the end is towards Allah" 5e will tell yo% the tr%th of the thin$s wherein ye disp%ted""(

Ch 7
#27)***, (158. day: "; men1 . am sent %nto yo% all, as the Messen$er of Allah, to Whom belon$eth the dominion of the hea&ens and the earth: there is no $od b%t 5e: it is 5e #hat $i&eth both life and death" So belie&e in Allah and 5is Messen$er, the Gnlettered Brophet, who belie&eth in Allah and 5is words: follow him that (so( ye may be $%ided""( 26306***, (162. +%t the trans"ressors a!on" the! *han"ed the word ro! that whi*h had &een "i'en the! so we sent on them a pla$%e from hea&en" <or that they repeatedly trans$ressed" 163. As them !on!ernin$ the town standin$ !lose by the sea" +ehold1 they trans$ressed in the matter of the Sabbath" <or on the day of their Sabbath their fish did !ome to them, openly holdin$ %p their heads, b%t on the day they had no Sabbath, they !ame not: th%s did We ma e a trial of them, for they were $i&en to trans$ression" 164. When some of them said: "Why do ye prea!h to a people whom Allah will destroy or &isit with a terrible p%nishment/"0 said the prea!hers:" #o dis!har$e o%r d%ty to yo%r ?ord, and per!han!e they may fear 5im""

165. When they disre$arded the warnin$s that had been $i&en them, We res!%ed those who forbade '&il; b%t We &isited the wron$0doers with a $rie&o%s p%nishment be!a%se they were $i&en to trans$ression" 166. When in their insolen!e they trans$ressed (all( prohibitions, We said to them: "+e ye apes, despised and re>e!ted""( #26A***, (169. After them s%!!eeded an (e&il( $eneration: -hey inherited the 2oo+, &(t they *hose ( or the!sel'es) the 'anities o this world, sayin$ (for e6!%se(: "('&erythin$( will be for$i&en %s"" ('&en so(, if similar &anities !ame their way, they wo%ld (a$ain( sei@e them" %as not the *o'enant o the 2oo+ ta+en ro! the!, that they wo(ld not as*ri&e to Allah anythin" &(t the tr(th3 and they st(dy what is in the 2oo+" +%t best for the ri$hteo%s is the home in the 5ereafter" Will ye not %nderstand/(

Ch 19
###7=07***,(54. Also mention in the +oo (the story of( .sma9il: 5e was (stri!tly( tr%e to what he promised, and he was an apostle (and( a prophet" 55. 5e %sed to en>oin on his people Brayer and -harity, and he was most a!!eptable in the si$ht of his ?ord"( 6=***(64. (#he an$els say:( "We des!end not b%t by !ommand of thy ?ord: to 5im belon$eth what is before %s and what is behind %s, and what is between: and thy ?ord ne&er doth for$et,0(

Ch 22
2****, (17. #hose who belie&e (in the I%r9an(, those who follow the ,ewish (s!ript%res(, and the Sabians, -hristians, Ma$ians, and Bolytheists,0 Allah will >%d$e between them on the Eay of ,%d$ment: for Allah is witness of all thin$s"(

Ch 28
###A***(the wife of Bharoah 4;# da%$hter(,

Ch 32
###=***(established 5imself on the #hrone(, ****(e&erythin$ is !reated $ood(,

Ch 38
=)***(48. And !ommemorate .sma9il, 'lisha, and J%l0Kifl: 'a!h of them was of the -ompany of the Dood"(

Ch 41
###=6***,(46. Whoe&er wor s ri$hteo%sness benefits his own so%l; whoe&er wor s e&il, it is a$ainst his own so%l: nor is thy ?ord e&er %n>%st (in the least( to 5is Ser&ants"(

Ch 75
###2=07***, ( 14. 4ay, man will be e&iden!e a$ainst himself, 15. '&en tho%$h he were to p%t %p his e6!%ses"(

Ch 78
38. #he Eay that the Spirit and the an$els will stand forth in ran s, none shall spea e6!ept any who is permitted by ((Allah(( Most Dra!io%s, and 5e will say what is ri$ht"

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