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VISHWAMITRA : A WRITE UP About Vishwamitra 1.

Rishi Vishwamitra is considered to be one of the most revered rishis (sages) of the ancient India. As per the holy Puranas, there have been only 24 Rishis in India who have Gayatri Mantra. It is believed that sage Vishwamitra is the first saint of the 24 sages and sage Yajnavalkya the last. He also claims the distinction of being author of the major portion of the Mandala 3 of the Rig Veda. Vishwamitra means friend of the world. Early Life 2. Rishi Vishwamitra was born as Kaushiki and was the great grandson of a great sage King Kusha. He was born to Gadhi, one of the four sons of Kusha. Like every other prince, Kaushika also succeeded his father to the throne of his kingdom.

Meeting Sage Vashishta 3. While on a tour of his kingdom, Kaushika came across the hermitage of the great sage, Vashishta. The peace and solitude surrounding the hermitage impressed him deeply and he entered it alongwith his army. There, he and his army were well received and served a splendid feast. Surprised at the welcome received by him, Kaushika asked sage Vashishta that how he managed to feed such a large army. 4. The sage replied that the food was provided to him by his calf, Nandini, gifted to him by Lord Indra himself. Kaushima offered the sage a large amount of wealth in return of the calf. However, the sage declined the offer. Enraged at the refusal of sage Vashishta, Kaushika ordered his army to forcefully take the calf to his kingdom. The sage used his yogic powers to bring forth a huge militia of fierce warriors, who defeated the army of Kasuhika. Kaushila was captured and brought defore the sage, who pardoned him. Renunciation 5. This incedent deeply affected Kaushika and made him realize that power of penance was greater than that of physical strength. He relinquished his throne and began his journey to become a sage, greater than even Vashishta. After undergoing intense meditation and severe asceticism, he was bestowed with the title of Brahmarishi by Lord Brahma himself. He was than given the name of Vishwamitra meaning friend of all.

Gayatri Mantra 6. Vishwamitra was the author of the revered great mantra The Gayatri Mantra. It is a mantra and a prayer found in the Rig, Yajur and Sama Vedas. The Vedas clearly state that anyone can chant this mantra and gain its benefits. 7. The Gayatri Mantra is :Au Bhur Bhuva Svah, Tat Savitur Varenyam. Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi Dhiyo yo nah prachodayat 8. Its meaning is:We meditate on the glory of the Creator; Who is worthy of Worship, Who is the source of knowledge, Who is the bright light, May he illuminate our intellect. Legends Surrounding Vishwamitra

9. There are numerous legends surrounding this great sage, however, the most important and famous legends are as discussed :(a) Trishanku Swarga. It is said that Sage Vishwamitra created a paralled heaven, known as Trishanku Swarga, when his efforts to send King Trishanku to heaven in his own body were denied by the gods. In this effort he lost all his yogic powers and had to start all over again the journey of becoming a Brahmarishi. (b) Ramayana. In the Indian epic Ramayana, Vishwamitra is the preceptor of Lord Rama and his brother Lakshmana. He gave then the knowledge of the Divyastras or Celestial weapons, trains them in advance religion and guide them to kill powerful deamons.

Mil Significance 10. Vishwamitra was the only king who later turned into a sage and achieved the status of Brahmarishi. During his journey he acquired the power and knowledge unparallel in history and authored Gayatri Mantra. He is also credited of teaching lord Rama and Lakshmana about the celestial weapons and methods to kill daemons. 11. He also was known for helping people in need irrespective of the consequences. These are the characteristics of a warrior and every soldier should aspire to draw inspiration from this great sage. Imbibing the values as exhibited by Vishwamitra will definitely assist in overall development of a soldier. He taught the world that power should be utilized for betterment of the mankind and not for furthering personal causes. The realization of this aspect by Vishwamitra is the essence of soldiering.

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