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Design and Story Telling

28 Oct. | 10:00-12:00 | Sala 1 Cinema Massimo

RANDY THOM director of sound design Skywalker Sound Keynote speaker SIGGRAPH

R a n d y T h o m , Director of Sound Design at Skywalker Sound, will walk you through the process of sound design in storytelling. Thom is a rm believer that the sooner the sound designer is involved in the pre-producJon, the beKer the story can be told. He will walk you through examples of how sound can open doors and solve creaJve hurdles faced by lmmakers.

Randy Thom has been nominated for fourteen Oscars, an Emmy and a Grammy. He has received two Oscars: one for The Right Stu, and one for The Incredibles. He is Director of Sound Design at Skywalker Sound, but sDll spends most of his Dme working on movies. His credits include: Apocalypse Now, Return of the Jedi, Never Cry Wolf, Wild at Heart, Forrest Gump, Harry PoMer and the Goblet of Fire, The Thin Blue Line, War of the Worlds, Coraline, How To Train Your Dragon, Ghost in the Shell, and Ratatouille. He has worked with a diverse list of directors, including Francis Ford Coppola, Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, Bob Zemeckis, David Lynch, John Waters, Errol Morris, Henry Selick, Peter Jackson, Brad Bird, and Chris Wedge. Randy is a long Dme proponent of the idea that sound design begins with a lms script, that it should inform the way a lm is shot, that it needs to be a part of a lms DNA, not simply a decoraDon added in the last few weeks before the lm is released.

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