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All Eyes on the Kaptaan Imran Khan

(a simple yet comprehensive piece describing Imran Khans political career, how his popularity boosted, why people criticize him so much and the reason behind why its so hard to trust in what he says)

Written by: Khawaja Waqas

First time ever I heard the name Imran Khan was when he used to play for the Pakistan cricket team. I still have vivid memories of cheering for Pakistan cricket team to win the Cricket Worldcup92 under his captaincy. Imran Khan of that time was a big name and had an amazing fan following, the highest paid cricketer of his era and a person who everyone seemed to just love. He then carried on the Worldcup92 success to build a free Cancer hospital in Pakistan. People blindly supported this cause and donated for the hospital, which at the end led to build a world class Cancer hospital. Later on Imran khan launched his political party Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf in 1996. Everything this man does is something unexpected; from winning the Cricket Worldcup, to build a free Cancer hospital and then creating a political party in a country where there were already way too many popular parties like PPPP, PML-N, Jamaat-e-Islami,ANP,MQM and many more. But one thing which should be admired here is the courage and vision of Imran Khan, these two elements in his life have complimented every decision he has taken in his life so far. Now a-days Imran Khan aka Kaptaan is emerging as the most popular leader in Pakistan and his party Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) graph has also risen as the

most acknowledged and liked party among the people of Pakistan. But this time the Kaptaan is facing the fiercest bouncers of his life, as its not easy to do politics in Pakistan with the power parties at work. Still Imran Khan seems to be playing all the right shots and ducking to some of the deliveries when necessary.

Mr. Imran Khan got the real boost in his political boom with the jalsa held in Lahore on the 31st Oct,2011 at Minar-e-Pakistan . The space erupted with thousands of people, showing their support for IK and the cause of a better Pakistan. This gathering was really a symbol of change, in a sense that it wasnt just only die hard party workers gathering up but because it had teenagers, families and the real people of Pakistan who wanted a change. The unique crowd ensured that Pakistani people are in need of a change which can take them far away from the current ruling parties. Soon after the 3oth jalsa, Imran Khans graph went up catching the eyes of leaders from various parts of Pakistan. Gradually, many pople joined in Tehreeke-Insaaf for the change this country needs. Along with prominent personalities which joined the party, thousands of common people became member of the party through the sms registration system. It looked as if people are desperate and anxious to bring the change they have always wanted. It was not only the jalsa but the most successful party campaign ever ran in Pakistan. Tehrek-eInsaaf used the social media which includes Facebook, Twitter, Blogs and other

useful tools to create a one to one relationship with their followers. Tehreek-eInsaf sure stood prominent as a trend setter in Pakistani politics by bringing the technological element into it. Plus the jalsas which they organize are also different, as they include music (national songs) to boost up the audience.

The other major jalsa which Tehreek-e-Insaaf organized was the jalsa in Karachi on 25th Dec,2011 at the ground opposite to Mizar-e-Quaid. It was held to send a message of peace to all over Pakistan and to unite people of Pakistan belonging from different cultures. People from almost all ethnic backgrounds came into this jalsa to make it a roaring jalsas, one of the biggest ever in Pakistan. Now, let us talk about Imran Khan from a different angle. Apart from his immense popularity and public liking, the Kaptaan goes under a lot of criticism. I wont be going into why and what the reasons are but I have seen that he undergoes it a lot, and thus I wanted to know the answer why it is so! He is a person who has gone through so much media and public trials over the years. One is the fact that, for many years the common perception/opinion was that he was a good cricket captain but he can never be a politician as its a different field. Mr. Khan surely faced these lines many times over the years, but as per now the opinion has changed among common people and in the political arena. Now, as

he has a lot of support and other big party personals have joined his party the whole Mr. Khan cant be a politician, cant run a party etc etc has gone .

Imran Khan has faced the the media of today, which is free and with personalities who are opinion makers. This wasnt here before in Pakistan, which directly makes us think if this kind of media was back in the 70s or 80s or 90s then what impact it would have on the politics of Pakistan. We had only one news channel in the Pakistan, make it two if I am wrong. Anyhow, the point here is that the accountability of the politicians of the yester years was very low. The public believed in what they heard from sources other than that of media. Mr. Khan evolved as a politician in an era where the media is blunt and makes the political persons accountable to their statements. In talk shows, road shows etc Mr. Khan has appeared on various occasions more than any other political leader in Pakistan, taking questions directly from the public and answering them live. One has to appreciate this very fact that he comes forwards (whatever he is right or wrong) but he does comes forward and gets himself questioned. Mr. Khan has emerged as a threat to the big status quo parties which are PMLN and PPPP which are led by Nawaz Sharif and Asif Zardari. These parties have ruled over n over in Pakistan over the years but little fruit has come out of their ruling times. The hatred for these parties has turned love for Imran Khan, and people now believe that his party can bring a change in Pakistan. This is a serious issue for other parties, which leads to hard hitting counter criticism and counter

attacks. The Kaptaan faces questions from the other parties, who are master in their arts to demoralize someone who rises up against them. Still, he is going strong and facing these parties time by time. My last point which is far most the important one, is the answer to why its so hard to believe and trust in Imran Khan. The answer is, over the years Pakistan has seen dramatic changes in its politics. From Marshal Laws to the crumbling down of governments, Pakistan has seen a lot in its 60+ years of existence. We have seen politicians making promises then breaking them, making agreements then not agreeing to them, saying they would empower the poor then making themselves rich, telling people to bring their wealth to Pakistan but getting all their wealth outside the country and many more. All of the past experience have accumulated in our minds over the year, giving us the idea that politicians and liars and what they say is what they dont. Keeping the above point in mind, its pretty obvious that why people have trust issues with Imran Khan. Notably, when he was the captain of the team or started the cancer hospital, people never had an issue with him but as he fell into the political category it all started. So I think I made my point clear somehow. Am not here asking to blindly trust him or do what he says because he seems to be a clean person, but the point here to be focused is to acknowledge a person if he achieves something and does something good. Adding to it, no one is perfect around here so give Mr. Khan the benefit of the doubt here!. Its better to take something positive, from Mr. Khans whole persona I take that if you have a dream follow it with passion and always be ready for the little or big hurdles on the way. Lets hope that one day politicians of Pakistan rise up to the occasion and do something worthwhile for this country. As per now, people have a hope and all eyes are on the Kaptaan Imran Khan.

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