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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 27, 2011 Contact: Frank Black Cloud (701) 351-1057 frankbc@live.


Fighting Sioux Nickname Supporters React to UND Big Sky Membership News

BISMARCK - Fighting Sioux nickname supporters reacted today to news that the University of North Dakota has been a full member of the Big Sky Conference since late October 2010, despite perceptions promoted by UND and the State Board of Higher Education that entry into this conference was jeopardized by retaining the Fighting Sioux name and logo. The Spirit Lake Nation Committee for Understanding and Respect, and #SaveTheSioux ballot initiatives committee expressed concern about a story run on, which reported that UND is a full (core) member of the Big Sky Conference since October 29, 2010 according to documents they received from UND via an open records request. This would seemingly contradict concerns precipitated by the university and State Board of Higher Education that UND will not be able to enter the Big Sky Conference if they retain the Fighting Sioux name and logo, as the documentation received which the story is based on shows UND is already a full conference member. UND and the State Board of Higher Ed to the North Dakota cited Big Sky conference admission concerns in testimony to successfully convince the North Dakota Legislature in November 2011 to repeal a state law protecting the Fighting Sioux name and logo from retirement. Yet, the documentation provided by UND as part of the open records request shows the school had already signed a full membership contract on October 29, 2010, and were considered full members at the time of signature. Despite this, UND and the State Board persisted in promoting the perception the school was not in the conference as a full member well after the contract was signed. -MORE-

Page 2: Fighting Sioux Nickname Supporters React to UND Big Sky Membership News We find these broken words spoken by those who hold positions of respect in our institutions unfortunate, unacceptable and a gross misrepresentation of the truth and facts relative to the Fighting Sioux name and logo, said Spirit Lake Tribal Elder John Chaske. We stand on principle as citizens of North Dakota, defending our religious rights, our customs and traditions in defense against those who seek to destroy our honorable Fighting Sioux name at UND. For those who have willingly sought to deceive the public officials of North Dakota and its citizens on a public platform, These individuals should be held accountable for their actions and words of deceit. We find these actions unacceptable. We find the words spoken by those who sit in respectful positions of our institutions who have knowingly and intentionally misled the citizens of this state into believing that continuing the use of the Fighting Sioux name would harm the university and its athletic programs, said committee spokesman Frank Black Cloud. Words that were spoken of marginalizing UND's chances to enter the Big Sky Conference, harming UND's athletic programs, and to the direct impact of being unwelcome into the Big Sky Conference are statements that are spoken with the intent to deceive the citizens of North Dakota into believing UND would not get into this conference being known as the Fighting Sioux. One would have to question the actions of those who sit in powerful positions of our institutions and challenge these individuals agenda and reason for turning to speaking with two tongues. We continue to embrace eighty years of traditions that were bestowed upon UND as a gift by our forefathers is something that we cherish, said committee member Archie D. Fool Bear. We continue to pursue our right of due process in light of those who seek to destroy what we find sacred and speak the truth. We will vigorously defend the truth, our heritage, our customs from the actions of those who are in pursuit to destroy our pride, honor, respect and integrity. We see a worthy opponent who has resorted to a strategy of win at all costs. That is a dangerous game plan in which we will not participate. As citizens of North Dakota, we continue to stand on truth and principle. This is more proof that the Fighting Sioux name should stay and those who speak with a deceptive tongue should move on. The #SaveTheSioux ballot initiatives committee has launched two petition campaigns aimed at keeping UND known as the Fighting Sioux; one to Repeal the Repeal of the law protecting the Fighting Sioux name and logo from retirement, and an initiated measure to place the Fighting Sioux name in the state constitution. The Spirit Lake Committee for Understanding and Respect is currently suing the NCAA over their Native American team name, imagery, and mascot policy. Information on all these activities can be monitored at Facebook, Twitter, and at ###

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