Pink Wire Cable Signifies Discipline

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Pink Wire Cable Signifies Discipline 1. A wire cable consists of many tiny strings woven together.

The strings byitself is weak but together when they form the cable it is strong.2. Will-power and discipline are like the strings that need to be woven together to make it strong.3. Discipline and self-control is the act of controlling the mind and this can bedone by replacing weak and negative thoughts with strong and positive ones.4. Control your thoughts, control your mind, control your life and become themaster of your destiny.5.

A formula to develop discipline and selfcontrol is to chant the mantra withvisualization I am more than I appear to be. All the worlds strengthand power rest inside me. The Stopwatch Represents TIME Time is the most important commodity of our lives and we have to learn how tomake the most of our time on earth.1. Time is finite and live must be lived to its fullest potential.2. Time mastery is the basis of life mastery .3. Plan daily/weekly to manage time creatively and focus on the mostimportant aspects.4. Remember the 8

0/20 Principle - 80% of the results are generated by 20% of effort.5. Do not let others steal time . Develop the ability to say no to little things sothat you get the power to say YES to important things.6. Simplify life to be able to focus on the important things of life.7. Develop a death-bed mentality . What would you do today if it was the lastday of your life? Even leaders like Steve Jobs practice the death-bedmentality.8. Always do things as if failure is not an option and success will be assured.9. N

ever be a prisoner of the past but be the architect of the future.

F ragrance of F resh Yellow Roses Signifies Service 1. Serve people daily and show random acts of kindness because the hand thatserves roses to others retains some of the fragrance.2. Abundance of mental ability, boundless energy, unlimited creativity, astorehouse of discipline and a well-spring of peacefulness are gifts that youneed to develop in yourself in order to share it with others.3. Cultivate friends and nurture family. Develop an optimistic outlook of life. Diamond Studded Pathway Represents Enlightened Living 1. L ive an enlightened, joyous and rewarding life.

L ive in the N OW and livefully.2. L ive fully. Happiness is a journey not a destination.3. Always remember that the path you are walking on right now is beautifuland studded with diamonds. Always live in the appreciation of the N OW.4. Savor the N OW with family and friends. Enjoy every moment of the N OW. L iving everyday in the N

OW is the path to N irvana5. Practice the act of GRATITUDE everyday.6. Follow the path of your dream and celebrate everyday as your dreams cometrue.7. Be content in the N OW and do not hurry through life.8. Everyone is unique and a wonder. A gift to the world. Build yourself little by little everyday.

Conclusion To conclude I would like to say that this book has really enlightened me and this book has really changed me as a person. I have realized that if anything has to bechanged can be changed if a person just becomes firm that he wants to changecertain things in life. the most important thing which I learned from this book isthat one should adopt kaizen in ones life that is continuous improvement.Also one more thing I liked the most that a person should have passion to doanything and should have full interest in whatever activity he is involved in.Also one good thing which I have adopted from this book is that only let positivethings enter your brain. Also one thing which I have started doing after reading this book is that I should have self control which I most important thing and this is possible only if I let positive energy enter my brain.Also I have started evaluating my each day. Also I have realized that one should practice the act of gratitude each day.To finally conclude I would like to thank

rangana madam to give us an opportunityto give a review on a book and this gave me a chance to read this book and reallyhelp enhancing my personality.

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