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Once Upon I was falling in love. Now Im only falling apart.

-Bonnie Tyler, Total Eclipse of The Heart

Welcome to Lockenton High, the real life example of a huge Soap Opera. It wasn't always this way, though. It was just like any other regular High School until Natalie and Star Genson moved to town. Star Genson. A dream. And Angel sent from Heaven above. But don't let looks deceive you. Her gorgeous blonde hair really is covering up her horns. Star's a sheplayer, and she can out play any boy any day. Welcome to Lockenton, Star. Star soon finds herself falling for someone she can't have, and she doesnt like this. So she plans to get him, one way or another. Thats where one particular student from Lockenton High comes in handy. Natalie Genson. Does her best to stay out of the Limelight, and out of attention in general. But with Star as a sister, thats not that easy. Everyone comes to Natalie to hear all about the wonderful Star Genson. Natalie always is stuck getting soaked in attention. And the sad thing is, its not even for her. Natalie has never once had a friends who wanted to get to know Natalie Genson. All they want is to get closer to Star. But all that changes when Natalie and Star move to Lockenton and start attending Lockenton High. Now Natalie is getting attention for Natalie. And not from just anyone, from a guy. But Natalies not sure if she is ready for this. Not to mention she is now on sister duty 24/7. Natalie, welcome to Lockenton. Ricky Adell. Drop-dead gorgeous. Also, probably about the biggest player you will ever meet. Not only that, hes on top of the world. His life is going great. And then Star and Natalie Genson move to town, and change just about everything. He soon finds himself falling in love. But that girl has something else on her mind. Lets just say Ricky has met his match, and is ready to battle. Missie Lancaster. Everything always goes Missies way. And why wouldnt it? Missie is absolutely perfect. Shes the icon of Lockenton High, and dating the most perfect boy in the world. Everything for Missie is looking up, and then Star and Natalie Genson enter her perfect fantasy world. Suddenly, everything in Missies life starts spiraling out of control. And then something happens that ruins Missies life. But Missie doesnt stay unhappy for too long. She makes sure of that. Shes ready to win back whats hers, and put a few individuals in their places.

Jasper Benchenso. Straight A student, image of Lockenton High, not a blemish on his record. And thats not the record that goes to collage with him. Its the record of how everyone view you. And he intends to keep it that way, even when Star and Natalie Genson show up. Too bad someone is out to stop him. Paige Clanager. Just the nobody best friend of the Mrs. Lockenton High. More like the follower, really. But its not like Paige likes this. Its just her destiny. Its fate, really. Its how everythings supposed to be, how everything fits together. But when Star and Natalie Genson move to town, all this changes. Paige finds herself lost in some type of drama production, and shes playing a completely different character then she was meant to play. Now, Paige is stuck helping out someone she would have never thought she would be helping out. And she is finding herself falling harder and harder for someone she really shouldnt be falling for. Danny Carter. A nobody. Seriously. Hes just another one of those High Scholars that is going to school and trying to get in a good collage. No one even pays attention to people like Danny. Hes at the bottom of the food chain, no one wants to hang out with him. Not that he cares, really. He likes things that way. Then Star and Natalie Genson enter his life, and just about everything changes. Danny soon finds himself falling head over heels in love, which of course leads to him sitting with the cool crowd, and instant popularity shines upon Danny. Danny cant stand this, but he will do anything for the one he loves. Too bad this girl keeps taking step after step away from him. But he cant get himself to give up. Danny just found himself on quite a rollercoaster ride. Welcome to Lockenton High, where everything is not what it seems. And lets just say that these teenagers dont exactly fall for the right people. Now, each one must figure out where they went wrong, how to fix everything, how they ended up like this, and most importantly, who they are really meant to be with. And lets just say that its not going to be easy.

Where it all began

Star, youve already gained two pounds, dont apply another. Natalie Genson rolled her eyes at her twin sister. Well, while Im getting asked out by the dudes that turn you down, dont ask me why. Starlight Genson snapped. Whatever, Star. Natalie sighed. She still couldnt understand how her and Star were related. They were completely different! Star had long, curly, bleach blonde, gorgeous hair down below her breasts. She had bright green eyes, a perfectly clear complexion, all the curves every girl wants, and long, curly, dark black eyelashes. She was completely flawless. Natalie had medium length light brown hair to her shoulders. She had chocolate brown eyes, freckles, she could barely be called curvy, and short black eyelashes. She was completely un-flawless. Star, do you want to be late for school? Natalie whined, looking down at her light pink Volkswagen beetle beside Stars hot pink convertible mustang. Fine! Star cried, sticking her tube of mascara into her black designer pocket book. But were taking my car. Whatever. Star pulled into her new school, Lockenton High. She had pop music blaring, the top down, and her hair was blowing in the wind at just the right angle. She grinned when all heads and eyes turned to face her. Her grin widened when a few mouths fell open. Natalie, on the other hand, sank low in the passenger seat. She hated attention almost as much as she hated the stupid pop music Star had playing. She about cried when she heard whistles, even if they were obviously directed toward Star. She hated being the 'Perfect Girl's' sister. Star caught a lot of eyes and attention, but she also caught one very particular boy's attention. Ricky Adell, the player of the school. He wasnt necessarily at the top,

but he was working on it. But that didnt matter. Star could out play him any day, even if she was a girl. She was a she-player, the best. Ricky looked around for Jasper - his best friend and usually his accompanist on his missions for a new victim - but he was nowhere to be seen. Oh well. Ricky could handle it on his on, it just usually looked better when he had someone there to back him up. Star pulled into the first parking place she saw. Whispers surrounded her. She pushed her sunglasses onto the top of her head, which shoved some of the yellowblonde hair out of her face. She watched happily as jealous looks flooded other girls faces, and as looks of awes took over the boys. Natalie hopped out of the car, and as fast and unnoticed as she could ran into the school building. She would - for once - like to be able to sit quietly in the back of the classroom unnoticed. She hated being surrounded by people, all asking her all kinds of questions about the beloved Star. Star took her time getting out of her car. She knew the longer she made them wait, the more willing they would be. And when they saw her short-as-can-be black mini-skirt and tight strapless bright red shirt, she would be counting the guys drooling. She always did. Ricky leaned against Stars car, right beside her door. That way, when Star got out of the car hed be the first thing shed see. Then she would stop, be persuaded by his wonderful charm, and fall right into his trap. Then he would date her for a few days - just long enough for him to kiss her and convince her that he really did love her - and then he would dump. It worked perfectly every time. He crossed his arms and legs, made sure his phenomenal jet black hair swerved half way across his left bright blue eye in the perfect breathtaking angle, and waited for Star. Star stepped out of her car, her heels making a single click as she laid each one on the ground, and she got out of her car. But instead of stopping and gaping at Ricky like every other normal girl, she just kept on walking, as if Ricky werent even there.

Ricky looked around frankly, everyone was watching. He would most definitely not let this girl ruin his reputation in just one shot minute. He quickly ran to catch up with her, walking alongside her. Hey, he said, using a very seductive tone that happened to annoy Star very much. Im Ricky. And you are..? Star, Star answered snobby-ish, her rick stuck-up California L.A. voice showing tremendously. She stopped and looked at Ricky, excited to take on this opportunity to completely embarrass someone. It was one of her top five favorite things to do. Well, Ricky said, his blue eyes traveling up and down Stars body several times. Youre definitely shining for me. Star raised her eyebrows, unimpressed. Do you need anything else? she asked, making sure her voice showed annoyance. That was the ticket, after all. Ricky had to struggle to keep his mouth falling open. Who was this girl? Who did she think she was? Did she know who he was? "Um..." Ricky stammered, looking for the right words. Star just stood there with her eyebrows rose, waiting. Ricky could feel his cheeks burning, so he had to think fast. "It depends," he said, smiling his adorable little half-smile that was supposed to make Star totally melt. "Do you need anything else?" "Yes," Star replied, ready to end this argument. "To walk away," with that, she started walking away. But she didn't get very far Ricky grabbed her arm to stop her from leaving. She whirled around to see that Ricky was standing no more than a foot away from her. This would of made other girls hearts stop, but this just irritated Star. "What do you want?" she snapped, her irritation obviously showing in her voice. She had already come to one conclusion after only a few sentences with Ricky, he was an obnoxious jerk that thought he was going to get to play Star. Yeah, right. Try the other way around. Ricky let his mouth fall open this time. He had the right to, after the way Star was speaking to him. It was pretty obvious she had no idea who she was speaking to, or what he was capable of. "Um," Ricky said, shaking his head is unbelieving shock. "I'm sorry, but who do you think you are?"

"Me?" Star asked, pointing a finger to herself as if she wasn't completely sure what he had just asked her. "I'm Starlight Genson. I would ask you who you think you are, but I already have a pretty good idea. Star grinned, Ricky gaped. You little... Ricky scanned his brain for the right word to describe Star, but that was pretty complicated. Star snorted, Really nice comeback. I would call you something, but my mommy taught me not to say those words. Star grinned when Rickys mouth opened in a full O, and his eyes widened. She then skipped off, heading to her first class. She was the master, and she knew it. And now Ricky did too. Jasper Benchenso rushed out of his house as fast as he could. He knew he was going to be extremely late for school, and that his girlfriend, Missie, and best friend, Ricky, were probably going to kill him. Especially Ricky. But he couldnt help that he overslept, his alarm clock forgot to go off. He grabbed his phone out of his pocket as he jumped into his car. He was in such a rush he hadn't bothered to check and see how many messages, missed phone calls, and voicemails he had. His guess; a-lot. To his surprise, the normal amount of messages was nearly halved. And all of them were from Missie, not from Ricky. He wasn't a genius or anything, but he knew this couldn't be good. Missie Lancaster didn't plan on going to class until Jasper showed up. She never did, and if she broke her trend now, then the world might crash in. At least, that's how Missie saw it. Saying that Missie lived by all the rules would be like George Washington saying that he didn't chop down his father's cherry tree. Missie did live by rules. But the rules she made up, and those rules were absolutely nothing like they should be.

She watched as Jasper pulled up in his new 2010 Toyota. It was about time. Missie hated to be kept waiting. It was on her list of 101 things that annoyed her most. It was number seven, right after Ricky Adell. Jasper stepped out of his car and swallowed when he saw Missies face. She didnt look happy. And you didnt make Missie unhappy. It was just one of those things that you did your best to avoid. Good thing, too. You couldnt even imagine what Missie might do to you if you make her too unhappy. Missie waited in her spot until Jasper walked up to where she was standing in front of the Lockenton High Pandas statue. Why are you late? she asked him, tapping her foot. My alarm clock didnt go off, he said, giving her a quick peck on the lips to soften her. Now, come on. Were late for class. Natalie watched as kids flooded in the classroom. The finial bell had just rung. Natalie had made sure to get to class around ten minutes early that way she could get one of the single seats in the very back of the classroom. Unlucky for her, there were no single seats, they were all paring tables. Natalie did manage to snag one in the back of the classroom, but there was no guarantee she would be left alone. She just had to pray. Natalie groaned inwardly when someone sat next to her. There is only one reason someone would want to sit next to Natalie, and thats Star. She quietly waited for the questions to start flooding in in while she wondered how he had found out. She had cleverly avoided being seen with Star, so the only other way he could know is if Star physically told him. Natalie would have to fuss at Star for that later. Hey, she heard a male voice say from beside of her. She silently thanked Star in an incredibly sarcastic voice. Im Danny. At least this one didnt beat around the bush, Natalie thought. Im Natalie, Natalie said, looking up at the boy. She somehow found herself staring right to the boys eyes. The boy had caramel brown hair that barely touched his ears and light

brown eyes to match. He had a round face and full cheeks that went perfectly with his small nose and adorable mouth. He was absolutely gorgeous. Danny nodded, but didnt look away. Natalie was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen in his life. She had shortish, chestnut hair that brushed her shoulders. She had light brown eyes that complimented every aspect about her. A smile formed on her small, round face and Danny saw that she had the cutest dimples possible. She had a small nose and small, pink lips. She was beautiful. Natalie quickly turned away. She was starting to get a funny feeling in the bottom of her chest, and she didnt like it. She didnt know what it was or what it meant, but she didnt like it. She sat quietly in her desk and observed the teachers lesson for the rest of class. Some people would say that Paige would be lost without her best friend Missie. But, the truth was, Paige liked it better when Missie wasnt around. Missie made Paige feel more like dirt then a person. And thats how pretty much everyone viewed her, too. As Missies little sidekick. Thats all Paige was. Paige hated this. She would do just about anything to be viewed as more than Missies little follower. She wanted to be Paige Clanager so badly it hurt. Paige walked down the hallway alone. She had no clue where Missie was, and she didn't plan on looking. She was expected to look, and this annoyed her very much. This was her free period, and she didn't want to spend it please Missie, and doing whatever Queen Missie wanted to do. "Where's Missie?" Paige heard a voice ask from behind her. She turned around to where she was facing Ricky, who got a lot of enjoyment out of her torture. He was the only one who could see through Paige. For some reason, he knew she hated Missie, and that she hated being Missie's assistant. "I could care less," Paige snapped, turning her back to Ricky and heading away from him. "Someone has an attitude today," Ricky teased, catching up to her.

"And youre in an extremely good mood for someone who got dissed this morning." Ricky didnt reply, and Paige instantly knew she had hit a soft spot. She smiled to herself, satisfied. Ricky thought about what Paige had just said. He had somehow managed to forget about that, but of course Paige had to suppress that horrible memory. It was his fault for messing with her, but still. Did she have to go that far? It was about then that Ricky spotted Star standing not to far away talking to Dexter M. She was twirling her lush, blonde hair and batting her long, black eyelashes. She was very obviously flirting, and for some odd reason, this made Rickys heart ache. Ricky stopped walking. What was this feeling? Was he dying, or something? He had never had a heart ache before, and he had never anticipated it. It was not something players like Ricky Adell got. Especially not Ricky Adell himself, the biggest player of all. What is up with you? Paige asked stopping and looking back at Ricky with raised eyebrows. Nothing, Ricky said, shrugging the feeling off quickly. He shook his head and headed for his next class. Star had to admit, Ricky was extremely sexy. This just made him even more fun to play with. Ricky was a player, Star could tell. Ricky was going to try to play Star, Star could tell. But she knew that she could snap up his heart and rip it in two before he even knew what was happening. Star walked into the cafeteria, her heels still clicking at every step she took. She stopped in the doorway, crossed her hands over her chest, slumped onto one hip, and looked around for somewhere to sit. She knew anyone would willingly give up their seat for her, but she had to find the right place to sit. She spotted that place in the middle of the cafeteria. There was a table occupied by only Ricky. Star couldnt pass up this chance.

She walked over to the table, her heels clicking with every step. She slid in the seat across from Ricky just as he was looking up from his phone. He had a lunch tray in front of him, and the contents made Star want to barf. How Ricky was so muscular and good-looking eating stuff like that Star would never know. Rickys eyes grew big when his eyes landed on Star. What the hell was she doing sitting with him? Did she just enjoy torturing him? Wait, of course she did, that was kind of the point, right? What do you want? Ricky asked, sighing. He knew there was no use in trying his cool guy bit with Star. He had barely known her for a day, but he could already tell messing with Stars head wasnt going to be too easy. Stars devious - but extremely stunning - eyes shined in a way that told Ricky he was most definitely right. But what was he thinking? He was Ricky Adell, after all. This new Star chick should have no effect on him, even if she was absolutely stunningly beautiful. Star grinned, crossing her long, skinny legs. She knew she was driving Ricky absolutely crazy, and this satisfied her. Not even the average player could handle Star. "I don't know," Star answered seductively. "I figured since you were sitting all alone, that I might as well come and give you some company." Ricky was not about to swallow his pride. "Hmm," he answered, just as seductively. "I see. Are sure that's the only reason?" Ricky made a pout face, and Star couldn't help but smirk. "Keep dreaming." "You know what they say. If you keep believing something enough, it might come true." As much as Star didn't want to, she couldn't help but chuckle. And not because of how stupid Ricky sounded, but because he really was extremely cute and funny. Star started thinking about how cute he was, and caught herself. He was good. But he wasn't Star Good. Ricky smiled to himself. He had Star on a little string, he could tell. "I saw that chuckle," he said, smiling at her.

Star had to think fast to repair her mistake. "I got to go," she said to Ricky, raising her eyebrows and smiling. "I have to meet someone outside of the school for a lunch date. Ricky nodded and watched Star until he couldn't see her anymore.

The Perfect Starlight Genson

Yeah, so, it happens. Every once in a while a player meets his or her game. But in the end, its so obvious whos going to win. Starlight Genson, of course. And Star intended to make that very clear to Ricky when she accidentally-onpurpose ran into Ricky at the mall, where an inside scoop had told her that he would be at that afternoon. Star didnt need to curl her hair; she just did it for dramatic effect. Well, at least in Natalies opinion anyway. In reality, Stars hair didnt really need to be curled. Her hair fell into perfect golden locks all on its own, looking like they were fresh from a salon each and every moment. But Star didnt really curl her hair for dramatic effect, like imperfect Natalie though. She did it because it amused her the way it irritated Natalie. It had took some begging and pouting for Star to convince her parents to let her skip out on dinner so she could go meet Ricky, but in the end Mommy and Daddys perfect little princess always got what she wanted. And it ended at that. Natalie, on the other hand, was the imperfect mistake. Mommy and Daddy didnt want Natalie, they only wanted Star. Star was the perfect and beautiful daughter that they wanted to have, and Natalie was a mistake. Mommy and Daddy didnt want twins, they only wanted one daughter. And Star happened to perfectly fit all of their daydreams and fantasies of the perfect on-purpose child. But things didnt go as planned, and Arianna Genson got pregnant with twins instead of her perfect only child. Because of this, perfect Arianna and her new perfect husband, William, automatically assumed that there perfect fantasy world would be shattered. Until Star opened her beautiful green eyes, that is. And from then on, Natalie was an extra. Everyone considered Natalie as an extra. Except Star, that is. Alright, Star grinned happily at herself in her mirror. I think Im ready. I just dont get why you even try, Natalie sighed. Youre perfect no matter what you do.

Star shrugged, I have to be on the safe side, Nat. I cant have Ricky slipping out from my fingers. Natalie sighed again. Star was completely and irrevocably unbelievable. She knew better then to think Ricky would slip from her fingers, especially considering his type. But there was also something different about Ricky. As if, just like Star, he wasnt a pacific type, he was his own type. But Natalie knew that wasnt even a possibility to consider. Star was Star, and every perfect little aspect of her was unique, something that could not be duplicated. Sometimes Natalie wondered if Star would ever somehow fall in love. It was an interesting thing to think. Once, Natalie had voice this out loud to Star, but Star had just laughed and told her that that was completely absurd thing to think. But Natalie still wondered. Every player had to find there match one way or another, even if you happened to be the one and only Starlight Genson herself. Star, however, knew she could never fall in love. They thought of her falling in love was bitterly insane, and it was not even a thing Star was going to waste her time considering, and she wished Natalie would do the same. Star would never fall in love, and she would make sure of that. Falling in love would take every ounce of fun out of her life, including driving every ounce of sanity out of Ricky Adell. Well, my dear, Star said, turning to Natalie and smiling. I really must be going. Theres an empty spot beside of Ricky in the mall just screaming my name. Take me with you! Natalie whined. They last thing she wanted to do was sit through a boring meal with her new neighbors. Meet new people, smile and be polite and best of all here Mommy and Daddy brag about how perfect Starlight Genson was. Ok, Star said, shrugging. Ill be happy to take you with me, but please do consider the fact that everyone will find out your my one and only twin sister. Natalie quickly shook her head, Fine, you win. Star smiled, did a little curtsy in her fine pink, mid-thigh, strapless dress, and skipped off.

Paige didnt want anything, and she didnt expect anyone to give her anything. If anything, Paige would wish that she could stop living in the shadow of Missie Lancaster and start living as Paige Clanager. But that was her deepest, darkest secret; something she knew could and would never come true. Considering that, she wanted absolutely nothing. But Ricky Adell was convinced completely otherwise. He thought Paige wanted something, and if she really didnt want it, he was positive she needed it. It was the one thing absolutely everyone needed. Love, of course! And that was why he always forced Paige to come to the mall with him every single Thursday to see if they could find her one and only. Paige, however, said Ricky was just doing this to annoy her. He seemed to do his very best to do this in every possible way on a daily bases. Well, she was half right, anyway. This particular Thursday was most definitely turning out to be a good one. Well, for Ricky, anyway. There were cute guys everywhere, but of course, none of them sparked Paiges interest. Nothing sparked Paiges interest, no matter what it was. In fact, the more cute boys that walked by where Paige and Ricky were sitting in the food court, the more annoyed Paige got. Which amused Ricky very much. Can you just please take me home? Paige whined. Im bored, and I have a huge History exam tomorrow, and I really need to ace it. Ricky rolled his eyes, Paige, youve been studying for that thing for a week and a half, theres no doubt in my mind that youre going to ace it. And Im sure our parents would agree. I swear, Paige said through gritted teeth. I will make sure that my mom regrets marring your stupid dad and putting me through this agonizing torture someday. Agonizing torture? Ricky smiled, putting his hand to his chest. Ouch, Paige, that really hurt. Get over yourself, Ricky, Paige snapped. It was right then that a very confident-looking and smiling Starlight Genson prodded up to the table Ricky and Paige were sitting at.

Hello, Ricky, Star smiled, praising herself for the shocked look on Rickys face. It was that look that kept her going each and every day. Star?! Ricky cried, not bothering to try to hide his surprise. Why bother? Star would see through it anyway. Star grinned, gave a preppy wave to him, and sat down in between him and Paige. Star, Ricky said, trying his best to recover himself. It was Star, after all. He had barely known her for a day and he could already tell how unbelievably unpredictable she was. But that was ok. Ricky liked a challenge. Especially one as hard as Star was obviously going to be. What on Earth are you doing here? Oh, Star said casually, twisting one of her curls around her fingers. I was just strolling around the mall when I saw you sitting her. And I figured what a nice surprise it would be if I came and joined you. Well, Paige smiled, propping her elbows up and setting her head in her hands. This just got interesting. Star looked at Paige and smiled. She could already tell that there was obviously nothing between this girl and Ricky, so the girl didnt bother her. Besides, she wasnt near pretty enough to bother her. Hello, Star extended a hand, her smile not fading one ounce. Im Starlight Genson. Its a pleasure to meet you. Paige grinned smugly, taking Stars hand and shaking it. Paige Clanager, Rickys stepsister. And trust me, the pleasure is all mine. Star nodded and turned back to Ricky. So, Ricky dear, how are you? Ricky raised his eyebrows and sat back in his seat, Youre wasting your time trying to ruin my life, you know? Oh, thats nonsense! Star cried, still not letting her award-winning smile fade. Im not trying to ruin your life! Im just trying to make it a living Hell. How am I doing so far? Pretty good, from what I can see, Paige nodded at Star, fighting back the laughter that was building.

Wonderful, Star purred. Natalie! Arianna called from downstairs. Go ahead and come on down. The Benchensos should be here at any moment. Coming, Mom, Natalie sighed, looking at herself in Stars mirror. Star irritated Natalie, but sometimes, Natalie would give just about anything to be as gorgeous and undyingly perfect as Star. But Natalie was far from that, and she knew that. She didnt have perfectly shaped long golden curls. No, she had short, stick straight, crap-brown colored hair. She didnt have beautiful, bright, almost neon green colored eyes. No, she had the common, boring, dark brown eyes. She didnt have Stars perfect, curvy figure. Nope. She was a boring, unflattering stick. Oh, what a beauty Natalie was. Natalie bitterly walked downstairs and into the kitchen where Arianna and William were setting the table. She sighed, bracing herself for an evening full of small-talk about the perfect Starlight Genson. Oh, how I do wish Starlight could have been here, Arianna sighed, addressing Star by her full first name. Arianna and William always called Star by her full first name, and Star never bothered to tell them how much it irritated her. And if Natalie was to tell them she would be grounded for a mouth. Ah, as do I, William nodded. William talked like Star did sometimes, as if they were from the 20th century or something. It really would be a delight to have her here. Our neighbors would be absolutely blown away by her beauty and perfection. And what am I, chopped liver? Natalie wanted to snarl. But there was absolutely no point in it. She already knew the answer just as well as Arianna and William. As soon as Natalie was going to open her mouth to say something even know she had no idea what she was going to say the doorbell rang. Wonderful! Arianna brightened. There here! Arianna and William rushed to the door, Natalie having no choice to follow in step behind them. Arianna whisked the door open to reveal a happy looking couple and a boy about Natalies age standing in the doorway.

Welcome! Arianna gushed cheerfully, her green eyes that were almost identical as Stars except not near as stunning and devious shining bright. The women standing in the doorway smiled, Hello there. Im Anna Lease and this is my husband Peter and our son, Jasper. Well, hello, there! Ariannas grin stretched from ear-to-ear. Im Arianna, this is my Husband, William, and this is Natalie. Our daughter, Starlight, couldnt make it tonight. Im your daughter, too! Natalie reminded them, but no one seemed to hear her. This was going to be a long evening. And when Starlight was only six years old, Arianna was saying. She looked up at me and told me she knew she was distant for great things! Awwww! Anna Lease and Peter cried in unison. Jasper rolled his eyes. All he had heard about for the last hour and a half was the perfect Starlight Genson or Star, as Natalie seemed to call her. He didnt know who this Star character was, or what she looked like, but he knew there was no way in Hell that she was this freaking perfect. He was so ready to go home and talk to Missie it wasnt even funny. Natalie could tell Jasper was just as irritated about hearing all about Ms. Starlight Genson as she was. Every time one of the parents would mention something else about how perfect Star was, or how perfect Star must be, Japer would roll his eyes and sigh. Granted, Jasper hadnt met the all perfect Star yet. He didnt know just how perfect Star really was. So where is your Starlight now? Anna Lease gushed. Oh, Arianna smiled. She met some new friends at school today and she went to the mall to visit them. More like tease them, Natalie snorted under her breath. But, of course, no one heard her.

Its a living Hell

Missie was ticked, to say the least. Jasper hadnt texted or called her at all the previous night, and there was absolutely no reason for that to happen. She had made it very clear to Jasper several times that she was his number one priority, no matter what happened. And thats the way things should always go. So when Jasper pulled up to pick her up for school the next day, she was standing on her porch waiting; arms crossed, lips puckered. And not in the way Jasper would have hoped. Missie sat down in the passenger seat beside of Jasper without a word, and slammed the door shut as hard as she could. Hey, Jasper said casually, even know anger was steaming off of Missie. You look beautiful today. Where were you last night? Missie demanded; to disgusted to even look at Jasper. She was not pleased. And everyone knew that you kept Missie pleased at all times or it was hell on wheels. I was at some stupid dinner with my new neighbors, Jasper said, rolling his eyes. My mother took my cell phone away and said I could have it back when the evening was over. Jasper wished more than anything he could get the previous evening out of his head. That was two and a half hours of his life he would never get back. He already knew more about Starlight Genson then probably most of her family did, and he hadnt even met her. Missie sighed through her teeth. Of course it was Anna Leases fault. Everything was Anna Leases fault, at least in Missies opinion, anyway. Anna Lease didnt like her, which wasnt really that big of a deal. It had happened before. But it was the fact that Anna Lease did everything she could so that Missie wouldnt get what she wanted, inside of reverse. Needless to say, Anna Lease was on Missies list. Along with Ricky Adell and Tinker Bell who was supposedly more perfect than her.

Whatever, Missie growled through her teeth as Jasper pulled up into the school parking lot, into their regular spot. It was about this time that Star was getting out of her car, heels clicking on the sidewalk. Star smiled 1,000 watts, making the boys swoon. The whole world was in her hands, bending at her each and every will. Natalie zipped out of the car as fast as she could; making sure no one saw her once again. Star wanted so badly to follow her, but she knew Natalie would think she was doing it just to ruin her life. But that really wasnt true. The whistles and comments echoed in Stars ear, making every step she took mean something. Star lived for one reason and one reason only, and that was to be perfect. Something that came naturally for her. Danny, however, was not drooling over Star, like every other boy in the parking lot. No, he was watching Natalie bolt from Stars car as quickly as she could and into the school building. Danny, being the only single one to even notice Natalies presence, quickly ran to catch up with her. Hey! he called once he was in the unusually empty halls of Lockenton high. Wait up! Oh no! Natalie thought, quickening her pace. Someone had seen her. Someone had watched her get out of Stars car. Her cover was blown; soon the whole school would know she was Starlight Gensons sister. What would she do now? Natalie, Natalie felt a hand touch her elbow, and she whipped around to see the boy who had sat next to her in class the day before. Oh, she sighed, never feeling so relived in her life. Its just you. The boy smiled a little, flipping his hair out of his face. Just me, I guess. Natalie sighed, realizing how she must have sounded. No, its not that, she said quickly, trying to find a way to explain without having to mention Star. Its just The boy shook his head what was his name again? And smiled. Dont worry about it, he said, shrugging. I get it.

If only, Natalie couldnt help thinking. But he didnt get it. No one got it. No one at all. Thanks, Natalie smiled. Then she remembered; this boy wanted something. What did you need again? Natalie started walking again, and Danny fell in step beside of her. I just came to say hey. I figured since youre new here, you might need a friend. Danny bit his bottom lip, hoping for the best. The last thing he needed was for the one girl that had actually caught his attention, to reject him. Natalie stopped walking and turned to the boy. She got it now. She totally got it. He wanted her to help him with All-Things-Star. Look, she said. I'm sorry, but I cant help you. I dont really want people knowing Im Stars twin in the first place, and helping you is just going to be one step closer to the whole freaking school finding out. Besides, Im tired of helping people out, anyway. So if you want to learn all about the amazing Starlight Genson, please just go ask her yourself and leave me alone. Thanks. With that, Natalie turned to leave. Star? Danny thought. Who the Hell is Star? Natalie, wait! he called. But she was already gone. Missie plopped down at her usual table in the caf, yelling at Jasper to hurry up with her food already. She didnt like to be kept waiting, after all. Paige Clanager, her loyal and trusting assistant, sat across from her, using her fork to toy with her salad. Ew. Hadnt anyone told her not to play with her food? And Ricky was somewhere else, doing who cares. Hey, Paige sighed, wishing more than anything that she could just sit by herself for once. She had managed to escape Ricky, who was busy flirting with Star and looking pathetic, but Missie was the one person she could never escape. She was supposed to be Missies shadow, after all. It was the trend. You didnt break the trend. Wheres Ricky? Jasper asked, sitting next to Missie. Another thing Missie despised; when Jasper made it evident he actually liked Ricky. How anyone could like Ricky Adell was beyond Missie.

Somewhere off flirting with Star Genson, and probably getting dissed in the process, Paige answered, taking a bite of her salad and wishing Missie would go away. But its not like she could say or show her wishes, so she said nothing more. Star Genson, Jasper repeated. Star Genson. Starlight Genson. So the famous Starlight Genson was worthy of Rickys standers. Granted, Ricky would flirt and play any girl who looked half way decent just for the pleasure. Wait, did Paige say he was getting dissed in the process?! Getting dissed? Jasper asked, raising his eyebrows. Getting dissed, Paige clarified, smiling. Id explain, but here they come now. Jasper and Missie averted their eyes to the cafeteria door, along with the rest of the senior population. Everyone wanted to see the perfect Starlight Genson. Jaspers jaw dropped, and the whole world including his heart stopped completely. Starlight Genson was more beautiful and more perfect than anyone could even try to possibly describe. Her long, perfect golden locks brushed her ribs, swishing as she walked. Her eyes glowed like nothing Jasper had ever seen, showing off an absolutely phenomenal neon green. Then there was her smile. It practically lit up Jaspers world. The thrill, the enjoyment, the flirtyness and the playfulness it contained. It was unbelievable. Jasper admired the way she was walking in front and the way Ricky was following her like the lost little puppy dog that usually followed him. It was different. It was breaking the trend, and Jasper liked it. Wow, he said under his breath. Luckily, Missie didnt hear him. I dont like her, Missie said, turning back to her food. I mean, why is everyone obsessing over her? Im way prettier and better than her. Right, Jas? Japer blinked a few times and turned away from Star, looking at Missie. Yeah, he said, trying his best to rebound over the shock Star had caused. Of course you are, Miss. Paige just looked at her food and rolled her eyes. Missie was so argent, even when someone was so obviously better than her. Even Jasper had seen it, after all.

Paige just couldnt get the way Jasper had looked at Star out of her head. She had seen that look in movies plenty of times. It was the look of love at first sight. But maybe it was just all in Paiges head. But it didnt matter, because either way, Ricky could tell something was up. Alright, Ricky said as Paige sat in the passenger seat of his car. Paige didnt get her own car until she turned 18, and she still had six months to go. Whats wrong with you this time? Paige looked at Ricky and said nothing, but he kept on staring at her with raised eyebrows. Hows youre living Hell? she asked him, quick to change the subject. Hell, he replied, shaking his head. Paige smiled as Ricky pulled out of the parking lot. Why, though, Paige? I just dont get it. You like her. Paige answered simply. Ricky stopped at a stoplight and looked at Paige like she was generally insane. What? he asked, sounding generally surprised. Paige sighed and rolled her eyes. Idiot, she murmured, leaving it at that. The last thing Ricky wanted was for Star to show up on his doorstep. But, of course, she did anyway. Hello, Ricky, she said cheerfully when he opened the door. How the heck did you know where I lived? Ricky asked, sighing. It didnt matter how many times he saw Star, it still struck him how undeniably beautiful she was. Simple, Star answered, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Google. Oh, Ricky raised his eyebrows. So, youre stalking me now? Sometimes thats what it takes to make your life the Hell it is now. Ricky sighed. Whatever, Star. He was getting tired of losing. There was just no hope with this girl. But he wasnt going to give up now. But we both know you

came here to see me. If you didnt care about me, why would you go through all the trouble to find my address? Actually, Star said, flipping her blonde hair back and batting her eyes, two things she knew drove Ricky insane. I came here to see Paige. Hey, Paige! Star cried cheerfully when Ricky led her to Paiges room, where Paige was laying in her floor with her laptop. Star? Paige said, raising her eyebrows. What? Star turned around, and slammed Paiges door in Rickys face, and turned back to Paige and shrugged. Ok, she said, sitting next to Paige. Truth be told, I came here to mess with Ricky. But then I told Ricky that I came here to see you to throw him off my trail. Smart, Paige nodded, smiling. Paige liked Star. With Star, she felt like she could be herself, unlike around everyone else. She wasnt Missies follower with Star. Star didnt even know who Missie was. So watcha doing? Star asked curiously, rocking back and forth. Homework, Paige sighed. Its not like she had a life. But Star didnt know that, and Paige kind of hoped to keep it that way. Ah, Star nodded. Nobody to distract you from that? Paige instantly knew what Star was hinting at, and she snorted. Yeah, I wish. Nobody would even look twice at me. Oh, that cant be true, Star disagreed. It is, though, Paige sighed. Star deserved to know the truth. Im nobody, Star. Well, I mean, Im somebody. But thats the worst of it. All I am is Missie Lancasters puppet. Her follower. Thats all I am. Who is Missie Lancaster? Missie Lancaster is Miss Lockenton High. Star snorted. Not anymore shes not.

Dont tell Missie that, Paige sighed, rolling her eyes. Star raised her eyebrows, You act as if I should be scared. You should be. Im not scared of anything.

Its just a matter of time

Star knew it was just a matter of time before Ricky broke down and gave into Star. He would soon realize she called the shots; she had him hanging by a little string. And Star was counting the days until it happened, because that day would officially be the best day of her life. The weekend. Stars favorite time of the week. Its where she could go shopping, spend time with her friends, and get in some extra torturing. And she intended to do just that. Unfortunately for her, her car wouldnt start. And this did not make her very happy. Daddy! she screamed at the top of her lungs, trying to start her car once again. But it just wouldnt start. And to make matters worse, Natalie had her car. A few seconds later, William Genson came running out of his house at full speed. What is it, sweetheart? he asked, out of breath. My stupid freakin car wont start! she whined, getting out of her hot pink mustang. Make it start, daddy! William sighed and sat in the drivers seat of Stars car. Star tossed him the keys and he tried to start the car like Star had did several times, but again, it just wouldnt start. Starlight, sweetie, William said gently, getting out of Stars car. I dont think its going to start. I think you might need a new battery. What?! Star screamed even louder this time. It has to start! The battery cant be dead! I have places to be, people to torture! Star didnt mean for that last part to slip out, but once it was said it was said, and there was absolutely nothing she could do about it. People to torture? William asked, tilting his head at Star. Surely the perfect Starlight Genson wouldnt want to torture people.

People to torture? Star asked curiously, quick to rebound. What are you talking about, daddy? You said people to torture, Starie. No I didnt! Star cried, sounding shocked. Why would I say people to torture? That would mean actually wanting to torture someone, and we both know that would be just plain mean! And you dont think Im mean, do you, daddy? I dont know, William replied slowly, debating on whether or not he had really heard what he had thought he had heard. I guess you wouldnt. Anyway, Star said, changing the subject. What am I going to do about getting to the mall? I dont know, Starlight, William sighed. Dont you have any friends that can perhaps take you? A huge smile painted itself on Stars face, and an idea accrued to her. Actually, she said, rocking back and forth on her feet. I think I just might. Ricky just wouldnt give up. Star thought his persistence was actually kind of cute, but it was a little annoying also. Truthfully, he was pretty good. But Star was still better. Star was always better. And she planned of bringing Ricky down whether or not he wanted to do it the easy way; or the hard way. So what youre saying is, Ricky said, stopping at a stop light. Is that youre car broke down, and my name just casually popped into your head? Casually, Star singsonged, her eyes blinking behind her big-lensed sunglasses. Ricky just couldnt get over how unbelievable unbreakable Star was. No matter how much he pushed, how much he flirted and how sexy he acted and looked, Star just wouldnt snap. He was starting to wonder if Star would ever break. But he knew he needed to think positive. He knew the only reason Star was being so hard is because she was a player just like him, and not because he had met his match. No one could match Ricky. He was the best.

Of course, Star smiled as Ricky drove through the newly changed green light. You do realize you must now sit around all day while I try on dresses and tell me how beautiful and absolutely perfect I look. Do I get to come into the dressing room with you? Ricky grinned. Keep dreaming. Ricky followed Star to some huge designer clothing store with the word Prestigious in big cursive letters above it. When he walked in, he saw millions and millions of dresses in all different styles and colors. He knew Star could make any one of them look phenomenal. And he meant that in a totally casual way. Hmm, Star said thoughtfully, glancing around. This is going to take a while. Ricky knew she said this pacifically to bother him, but it really didnt really bother him at all. In fact, he was sort of excited to see Star try on lots of different dresses. But only because she was super hot. Not because he was in love with her or anything. Star waltzed around the store, Ricky on her heels, and picking up dresses from every rack and making Ricky hold them. She counted the dresses after about half an hour Ricky was holding 73 dresses with no complaints. Star had him hanging by a thread. Ricky followed Star to the dressing rooms at the back of the store and sat down where Star ordered and continued trying to figure out what was going through his head. As soon as Star started going around the store his mind had went completely blank, and he hadnt known what to think sense. Until he heard his name. Ricky? someone said from behind him. He turned his head around to where Star was looking and to where he had heard the voice from to see Missie practically hanging on top of Jasper. Jasper, Ricky said, jumping up and dropping all the dresses he had still been holding on the seat next to him. What are you doing here?

I could say the same for you, he said slowly, eyeing Star. The Ricky he knew would never be caught dead in a designer clothing store. No matter how hot or complicated the girl was. Why does it even matter why hes here? Missie whined, irritated that Jasper had even came over to talk to Ricky. Can we please just get away from him? Of course Missie would be that way. Missie was the most obnoxious and argent person in the world, according to Ricky. He was pretty sure Paige agreed, too. Would you just shut up, Missie? he snapped, irritated. Make me, Missie replied. And whos the diva? She looks plastic, if you ask me. Stars face shifted from a curious and interested look to an oh-no-you-didnt look, and Ricky had a feeling Star was about to put Missie in her place. And who are you? she asked, stepping forward. Because if you ask me, you look like a whole lot of absolutely nothing. Oh, and by the way, where did you get youre boobs done at? Excuse me? Or, Im sorry, do you just plain out stuff them? Excuse me? Id excuse you, but that would mean caring, Star said, turning to Ricky. Come on. Lets go. I dont want ugly rubbing off on either one of us, and with Missie here, its very possible. Jasper couldnt help but admire the way Star had stood up to Missie, no matter how bad Missie was ticked off. And it wasnt good when Missie was ticked off, because she took a particular liking to taking it out on him. And you just stood there, staring at her, saying absolutely nothing! Missie was saying as Jasper drove her home. I mean, it would have took only take a few words to stand up for me, but did you? No! You didnt! You didnt do absolutely nothing. Besides talk to stupid Ricky, of course. Stupid freaking Ricky. Thats all you cared about. Is stupid freaking Ricky.

Alright, Missie, Jasper sighed, pulling into Missies driveway and trying to shake Star out of his head. Im super extremely sorry, I made a horrible mistake, and I promise it wont happen again. If you could ever find it in your heart to forgive me I would be especially grateful. Missie thought for a minute. She loved Jasper, but she had had to forgive him multiple times before. But again, she did love Jasper, and she somehow found it inside of her bottomless pit of a heart to forgive him. Alright, she sighed, leaning over to kiss him. Youre forgiving. Star wanted a pool. There was plenty room in the back yard, and the people next door already had a pool, and when someone else had something Star didnt have and wanted she got upset. Daddy, she said, coming in after Ricky had dropped her off. She had spent the entire way home flip flopping her thoughts between Missie and the pool. She was going to show Missie where she belonged. She was going to get a pool. Yes, Starie? William asked, walking into the kitchen where Star had just entered. I want a pool. She said simply. A pool? he questioned, sounding confused. A pool. In the backyard. Call the construction people or whatever and have them start working on it. With that, Star skipped upstairs and to her room where Natalie was laying on her bed watching Full House. Hey, Natalie said glumly, stuffing a hand full of popcorn in her mouth. Whats up with you? Star asked, plopping down on her own bed. I figured you would be happy. After all, no one has any clue youre my sister yet. Isnt that what you wanted? Its not that, Natalie said, turning on her side to face Star. Its this kid, Danny. I cant get him out of my mind. He has no idea youre my twin, yet he still wants to talk to me and try to be my friend. Its so weird and I just dont understand it.

Star grinned, Natalie, sweetie, I think someone has a crush on you. And based on the fact you cant stop thinking about him, I think you might feel the same way. I dont, Natalie snapped, which just reassured Star even more that she totally had a crush on this Danny dude. Oh, Star said, grinning and raising her eyebrows. Ok. Whatever you say, Nat. After a while Jasper got sick of constantly thinking about Star and decided to go over and pay her a visit, despite what Missie would have thought. And to his great delight, Star answered the door, looking better than ever. Oh my God, Star rolled her eyes, slumping onto one hip. Listen, ok, Im really sorry for what I said to your girlfriend and all that crap. But she deserved it, and Im honestly surprised someone hasnt told her off before. Jasper opened his mouth to tell Star that wasnt it, but before he could Natalie appeared beside of Star. Jasper? she asked, sounding surprised. Oh, Star snorted, looking from Natalie to Jasper. You two know each other? Yeah, Natalie said slowly. Hes our neighbor. Well, thats just absolutely wonderful, Star replied. Listen, Jasper said, taking a deep breath and willing himself not to absolutely melt in Stars hands. I just came over to say that I admire what you did today. Missie a huge pain sometimes and she did sort of deserve what you said to her. Just no one has ever had the guts to actually do it. And Im glad someone finally actually did it. Star gaped. She could barely believe her ears. She wasnt sure she had heard right, but by the look on Jaspers face, she was pretty sure she had. Jaspers mind spun, just Stars very presence was killing him. She was absolutely wonderful. Every aspect about her was absolutely wonderful. She was gorgeous, genius, wonderful, and absolutely perfect. It was right about then that it hit Jasper: He was falling in love with Star. And it was just a matter of time before he was in too deep to stop himself.

A Star Falls
Star just continued to gape at Jasper, not really sure what to think. She didnt have a reply, therefore she said nothing. Luckily, Natalie found words to speak. Would you like to come in, Jasper? she asked, stepping to the side. Star stepped beside of Natalie as Jasper walked into her house. Can we get you something to drink or eat? Natalie asked. Im fine, Jasper replied, locking his eyes with Stars, a lock of salt-and-pepper colored hair falling in front of his eyes. Star blinked and looked away. Starie, Arianna called, coming down the stairs. Whos at the door? Its just Jasper Benchenso, Natalie replied. Stars mind was still absolutely completely blank. She wasnt sure what shocked her more; what Jasper had said about Missie, or how incredibly cute he was. Oh, Arianna stopped on the next to last stair. Jasper. How are youre parents doing, honey? There fine, he replied, glancing at Star again. Actually, I probably should be heading home. I didnt tell them I was leaving. Well why dont you stay for dinner? Arianna said, coming completely down the stairs. Ill call them and let them know your here. Im sure Starlight and Natalie would love the company. Right, girls? Yeah, Star said, finding words. Id like that. Arianna and William were acting extremely weird. First, Arianna included Natalie in the conversation with Jasper at the front door. Then, all through dinner, both Arianna and William recognized Natalie, talked to her, and even talked about her some. Creepiest of all, instead of making Natalie do the dishes like they always did, they let her go upstairs after dinner with Star and Jasper. But Arianna and William werent the only two acting weird. Star had barely spoken a word all night. The few times she did speak she was speaking to Natalie, and no one else.

Star silently led the way up to her and Natalies shared room. Jasper followed closely behind, not taking his eyes off of Star. And Natalie stayed in the back, analyzing every single detail of there every encounter. Star led Jasper into her room and turned around, only to find herself standing less than two inches from Jaspers face. She stood there for a few seconds, just long enough to let her heart do a few flips inside of her chest, before taking a deep breath and taking a huge step backward. She didnt exactly know how to respond then, so she just sat down on her bed without a word. She had barely spoken all night, and she could tell by the way Natalie had been looking at her that she knew something was up. Uh, Jasper said, feeling awkward and extremely hot. You know, I should really be heading home. Missies probably waiting by her phone for me to call, and if I dont call her soon she wont be very happy. And trust me; you dont want to make Missie unhappy. Star snorted, suddenly finding words in her hollow mind. Well shes not going to be very happy when Im done with her. And whats the worst she can do? Pout and stick her bottom lip out? Jasper smiled an absolutely adorable little half-smile. Probably, he said, taking a few steps towards Star, but not quite sitting beside of her yet. But shell also go through a whole lot of trouble to make your life absolutely miserable. Just ask Ricky. Ricky? Star asked, suddenly perking up. This assured Natalie she was most definitely ok. I completely forgot you and Ricky were friends. Best friends, Jasper corrected. This made Star even happier. Really? Star sounded intrigued, which gave Jasper butterflys inside. Can you tell me anything interesting about him? Like, perhaps, his weaknesses? Thats when it hit Jasper. Star could care less about him. All she wanted was tips on how to beat Ricky. And Jasper had fell right into her stupid little trap, falling in love with her, like every other boy on the freaking planet. He felt so stupid, so

nave, and so dirty. He had totally betrayed Missie, and didnt think twice about it. And look where it had gotten him. He deserved it. He knew he did. You know, Jasper said quickly, straightening up, guarding himself. I actually really have to go. Missie, my girlfriend, is still probably waiting for my call. And I want to call her. Because she is my girlfriend, and she has been since the 7 th grade, and nothing is going to change that. Jasper knew he was rambling, and speaking out loud what he was thinking, so he quickly wrapped it up, Good bye Star. Natalie. And with that, he left. Natalie and Star looked at each other, both confused. What do you think that was all about? Star asked Natalie, pulling out her hot pink laptop. I dont know, Natalie lied, staring at Star curiously. Although Jasper was absolutely positive Star wanted nothing more than facts about Ricky, he still couldnt get her out of his mind. He didnt even call Missie or answer any of her calls because he knew he would slip up about Star. And the worst part of thinking about Star was how unbearably perfect she was. No matter what way Jasper tried to look at it, Star was still perfectly perfect. And the more and more he thought about Star, the harder and harder he fell in love with her. But then we reminded himself he barely knew Star. In fact, besides the whole perfect thing and the fact she was a better player than even Ricky, he knew pretty much absolutely nothing about her. But that still didnt seem to heal his throbbing heart. So then he changed his thoughts to something else; Missie. He and Missie had been together since the 7th grade, and Missie had done made it very clear to him that she expected a purposely at graduation in front of everyone. He didnt really reply to her at the time, not that she really gave him a chance to. But he had really secretly planned to peruse her wishes. But then he remembered how much Missie frustrated and hurt him all the time; always bossing him around, demanding things from him, and controlling his every thought and movement. Sometimes he felt like he was even more of Missies puppet then Paige.

So he thought about Ricky. He had been nothing but loyal to Ricky since kindergarten; and Ricky had done the same for him. He had stood by Ricky while he flirted with every girl on earth not that Ricky really needed him, he just did it because Ricky asked and Ricky always got first dibs girls. Even with Missie. That was one of the reasons she hated him so much. And Jasper had a feeling that Ricky would be even more upset if Jasper tried to steal Star than any other girl. So, therefore, he kept his thoughts on Ricky. Ricky was the only one who made him not rush over and ask Star out. But its not like he could, anyway. He had a girlfriend. And besides, Star could totally care less about him. All that taken into consideration, he still couldnt get Star off his mind. Missie walked back and forth in her room, her phone in hand, extremely ticked off. Why the hell wasnt Jasper freaking answering her calls? And why wasnt he calling her instead of the other way around? The boy should always call the girl. And Jasper was most definitely not following that rule. Missie was ticked, yes, but she was also extremely worried. She knew Jasper, and this was not like him. He always called her, and if he forgot, he usually answered her first call within half a ring, begging her to forgive him. And of course she always did. She had never told anyone out loud, but she would forgive Jasper no matter what he did. She was crazy about him, completely head-over-heels in love. Missie called Jasper again, but he still wouldnt pick up. She didnt want to go to his house, because she really didnt feel like dealing with Anna Lease at the moment. She wasnt scared of her, but she was most definitely not in the mood to play nicey-nice. She continued walking up and down her room, not knowing what to do. She could try calling Jasper again, but considering she had already called him 52 times, she was beginning to think she was getting a little obsessive. Monday morning, Natalie woke up extra early and took her car to school before Star had even woke up. Which left Star stranded without a ride to school. Which, of course, ticked Star off at a new hour in the morning.

Star was debating on whether or not she should call Ricky to come and pick her up when her doorbell rang unexpectedly. Who the heck would be ringing her doorbell at 6:30 in the morning? Star walked down the stairs, already dressed and looking perfect, and opened the door to see Jasper standing in the doorframe. Star let her heart do a few summersaults before she took a deep breath and spoke, Jasper. What are you doing here? Uh, Jasper said, noticing how Stars eyes had brightened when she saw him. Ricky said your car broke down this weekend, and I saw Natalie had already left in her car. So I figured you might need a ride. Am I too late? Did you already call Ricky to come get you? No, Star said quickly. I do need a ride. Thank you so much. Jasper smiled and led Star to his car, and into his heart. Star knew it as she followed Jasper to his car, memorizing his every step. She wasnt one to deny the truth; it just wasnt worth all the effort. And as much as she hated it, as much as it went against everything she believed in, she knew as well as the next person she was falling madly in love with Jasper Benchenso. And she absolutely hated it. It absolutely killed her. It was absolutely terrible. Starlight Genson was no longer Starlight Genson. She was slowly falling deeper and deeper into love with Jasper, in the meantime falling from where she stood on top of the world.

A Midsummer Nights Dream

Jasper walked over to Stars side of the car and opened the door for her, paying attention to the jealous looks he was getting as she got out. Thanks, she smiled, her smile lighting up Jaspers world. But that didnt last long, because the next voice he heard was none other than Missie Lancasters. Jasper, she snapped from behind him, causing Jasper to jump and spin around to face her. Missie glanced at Star, her teeth gritted, and back at Jasper. Explanation, please? Miss, she needed a ride. Her car broke down and her sister had already left and she didnt have any other way to school, Jasper tried, but Missies eyes were still red with anger. Why didnt she call her stupid boyfriend? Missie snapped. Star snorted, Ricky is not my boyfriend. Missie glanced at Star, then back at Jasper. This better not happen again, am I understood? Jasper didnt even get a chance to reply before Missie continued. And where the hell were you last night? Why didnt you call me or answer any of my calls? Jasper sighed. He really did not feel like dealing with Missie at the moment. I just had a lot on my mind, ok? A lot on your mind? Missies voice was rising, causing people to stare. A lot on your mind? You had me worried like sick, and the reason was because you had a lot on your mind? What are you thinking Jasper? I am Missie Lancaster and your girlfriend, for that matter and you will obey me, whether you like it or not! Missie was screaming, which frightened Jasper. He took a step back and nodded quickly. Star, however, had a different take on Missie. Oh, I dont think so, Star said, stepping in front of Jasper. Missie Lancaster? Thats who you think you are, huh? Well, newsflash, darling, but everyone could care less about you. Im the important

one here. And one of the things about being important is you have to know how to treat people, and you most definitely do not have that mastered. But, hey, look on the bright side. Your super good at making everyone hate you. Even your boyfriend and supposed best friend like me better than you. Missies mouth fell open, and she took a step toward Star. Who do you think you are? Me? Star pointed to herself. Im Starlight Genson. The real question is who do you think you are? It was the start of the new semester, which meant it was time for all new classes. Natalies first class was English 12, which is where she immediately headed when she walked into the school building. She loved English, and was super excited to have it to start out the day. But when she got there, she sort of wished she didnt have the class after all. Among the faces she didnt recognize, she did recognize a few. First, she saw Ricky. He was sitting on the desk Star was seated at trying to flirt with her. Beside of Star sat Jasper, who looked annoyingly at Ricky. A few tables over Danny sat, looking at her excitedly. Beside of him sat an unfamiliar very angry looking red head, which was shooting daggers at Stars table. Natalie quickly darted to the back, sitting beside an unfamiliar brunette. Hey, the brunette sighed. Im Paige. Natalie, Natalie answered quietly just as the teacher, Mrs. Maccabee, started to speak. Alright, class, she said, causing the class to hush and Ricky to sit in a nearby seat. Im Mrs. Maccabee, and I will be your teacher for the rest of the year. First off I want to go ahead and introduce you two our semester-long project. Has anyone ever heard of A Midsummer Nights Dream? Star watched Missies hand shoot up. Of course Miss America would know. But Star knew also, and she raised her hand too, smiling to herself when Mrs. Maccabee called on her and not Missie.

Its a Shakespeare play, Star smiled, looking at Missie. Its basically about everyone falling in love with the wrong person and finding the right person in the end. Very good, Mrs. Maccabee smiled. Thats exactly right. Missie and Star stared at each other, Missie doing her very best to fight back the tears that were threating to break loose from her eyelids. Jasper had really dumped her for this? Star was nothing compared to her. But apparently Jasper didnt think so. It was funny to Missie, though. How fast Jasper had changed him mind. Star came along, and a week later Missie was history. There was no such thing as love at first sight according to Missie. Because if there were such a thing her and Ricky would be together. The first time she saw Ricky in the 7th grade she fell deeply in love with him. Well, at least she thought she had, anyway. But she was dead wrong. Missie looked away from Star and at Mrs. Maccabee, who was picking up some clipboard. I will now announce your partners for the year, she said. She read off a bunch of names, but only a few caught Missies attention and those were at the very end. Ricky Adell and Starlight Genson, Danny Carter and Paige Clanager, Jasper Benchenso and Natalie Genson, and Missie Lancaster will work alone. Alone? Missie repeated, standing up. Did you just say I have to work alone? Mrs. Maccabee, looking stunned, glared at Missie. Yes. I dont want any groups of three, and I have an uneven amount of people in this classroom. So you will have to work alone. No! Missie screamed through tears. I cant work alone! I am Missie Lancaster! Everything always goes my way! That cant change! It just cant! Young lady! Mrs. Maccabee snapped, but Missie completely ignored her. She turned so she was looking at Star. You! she screamed. This is all your fault! Star shrugged calmly, Im cool with taking credit for this. Stars comment made both Jasper and Ricky stifle a laugh.

Stop laughing! Missie screamed, causing the entire class to laugh. Stop it! Stop it now! Stop, stop, stop! Stop! Missie looked around, but no one was stopping. Everyone was looking at her, pointing and laughing. She was a laughing stock. A nobody. Star was right, no one cared about her. She had been mistaken all along. Missies tears spilled out in bucket loads as she ran out of the classroom. Star ran to catch up with Jasper after school, wanting so badly to talk to him. Having skipped lunch, she hadnt got to see or talk to Jasper since first period. Jasper was standing by his car when Star found him. Hey, she smiled, feeling excited. Just seeing Jasper brightened her entire world. Jasper smiled back at Star, getting the urge to lean forward and kiss her. Hey, he said back. Listen, Star said, cutting straight to the chase. I was wondering if you werent working on your project this Friday night if you wanted to, you know, go see a movie or something. Jasper sighed, positively hating what he knew he had to say next. Star, I really, really, really like you, but I have to say no. Its nothing against you, I assure you, its just that Missie and I just broke up after 5 years, and I think I need some time to breath. Oh, Stars heart shattered into a million pieces. I see. Its cool, I understand. Maybe another time. Jasper nodded, his heart shattering as Star walked away. But they werent the only two heartbroken. Because hiding behind the bushes was Ricky Adell, his heart shattering as he made a very obvious realization. All the times his heart ached when Star flirted with other guys, how he always felt like Star was different. How Paige had said he was so oblivious and how Ricky had always wanted to constantly be around Star. It was all so obvious. He was in love with Star, and Star was in love with Jasper.

Let the Games Begin

Ricky unconditionally hated what he had to do, but he knew he had no choice. He wanted so badly to get close to Star, and this was the only way he could think to do it. Star answered her door looking distraught. But she still looked beautiful. Star couldnt not look beautiful even if she tried. What do you want, Ricky? she sighed. I have a preposition, Ricky answered, forcing himself to smile. Star raised her eyebrows, looking suspicious. Ricky continued, I know you asked Jasper out and he said no. And I know youre in love with him. And you should know that Jasper is a very jealous person. Star sighed and leaned onto one hip, If youre here to make fun of me for falling in love, Ricky, just get it over with. So Ricky was right. She was in love with Jasper. Im not, he said. He was in love too, after all. I came here to say that if you want me to Ill help you get Jasper. How? Star asked, interested. Jasper gets seriously jealous very easily. So if he was to think you and I were an item, he would Ricky didnt have to finish, he could tell by the look on Stars face that she understood. So whats in it for you? Star asked, raising her eyebrows. Nothing, I guess, Ricky sighed. He couldnt tell Star why he was really doing this. She would run. And the last thing he wanted was for her to run. He wanted her close, in touching distance, even if he couldnt touch her. Fine, Star said, willing to do anything to be with Jasper. We have a deal. Pick me up tomorrow morning before school. Understood? Ricky nodded and left. He would get to spend time with Star; he would get to be close to her. Even if the circumstances werent exactly what he wanted them to be.

Jasper flipped through the magazine on his lap, letting the words and pictures blur in front of his eyes. He didnt know what on earth had possessed him to turn Star down, but he had done it. He had obviously broken the heart of the one he loved. But he wasnt so sure if he regretted saying no to her. What he said had been true. He had been with Missie for five years, and he needed some time to breathe, to be free. To be absolutely positive he was really free of Missie. He was finally his own person, and he was ready to live that to its full advantage. Jasper, Jasper heard a voice say from his door. He sat up to see a puffy-face, distraught looking red head standing there. Tuesday Star walked into Lockenton High, looking more radiant and confident than she ever had. But not because Ricky was right beside her or anything. Star had to admit, her and Ricky made a pretty cute couple. And the match totally fit, with both of them mega players and all. But Star was no longer a player. She was in love with Jasper. And Starlight Genson always got what she wanted, and she intended to do just that. It was when Star saw a couple making out by the water fountain that her heart crashed and crumbled. Missie spotted them and her eyes lit up. She pushed Jasper off who looked as if he didnt understand what was happening and skipped up to Star and Ricky, looking like she didnt have a care in the world. Hello Star, she smiled, looking more delighted than ever. Did you hear? Jasper and I are back together! Isnt that just absolutely wonderful?! Wonderful, Star growled through her teeth. She was fair play, Star would give her that. Well, anyway, Missies face just kept glowing brighter and brighter. I have to get to English. See you there! With that, Missie gave Star a little preppy wave and skipped off, grabbing Jaspers hand in the process. This may be a little harder than I thought, Ricky said, looking at Star. Let the games begin.

Star sat down in the first seat she got to and Ricky sat beside of her. You had no choice but to sit with your partners, which thrilled Star. That meant Missie would have to sit by herself. But Missie didnt seem to care as she walked into the room, her arm linked through Jaspers. And Missie didnt care. She was getting exactly what she wanted again, things were back in order. She was on top again, and she was winning. Natalie watched Jasper walk in, and she sunk lower into her seat. She knew something was going on with Star, Ricky, Jasper, and Jaspers red-headed girlfriend, but the last thing she needed was to be thrown in the middle of it. She had done good staying out of the limelight so far, and she intended to keep it that way. Star gritted her teeth and grabbed Rickys hand, making Rickys heart about jump out of his chest. Star turned toward Ricky and started laughing flirtatiously, knowing very well she had caught Jaspers attention. This gave Star great joy. Hey, Ricky, Jasper said, walking up to their table. Hook, line, and sinker. Star looked up at Jasper and smiled, seeing she made him very uncomfortable. Good. Thats the way it should be. Hey, Jasper, Ricky looked up at Jasper, glancing at Star out of the corner of his eye. She was obviously enjoying every single second of this, which gave Ricky mixed feeling. Did he really want her to win Jasper, or did he want her all to himself? Jasper looked between Star and Ricky a few times before he finally voiced the question that was itching at his mind. So, are you two together now? Star raised her eyebrows and answered; even know Jasper had very obviously been addressing Ricky. So what if we are? You have a girlfriend, remember? It shouldnt matter to you. Yeah, Jasper agreed, looking at Missie, who was sitting at her table in the back of the room by herself. I guess youre right. With that, Jasper walked to his seat beside of Natalie and sat down.

Star saw Natalie sitting at the back of the cafeteria, and longed to go sit beside of her. Natalie had no idea what was going on, and Star wanted so badly to feel her in. Although Natalie would want absolutely no part in it, she would still laugh at all of the snarky comments Star had said to Missie, tell Star that she knew she had to eventually fall in love one way or another, and listen to the whole story with great anticipation. But Star knew Natalie thought Star was all about herself, and she would think if Star came to sit with her it was because Star wanted to ruin her life. Star sighed and sat down at an empty table instead, Ricky sitting next to her. Natalie looked up and saw Star sitting at a table with Ricky, feeling shocked and thrilled that she hadnt found her way to Natalies mostly empty table. That means Natalie would get to spend another quite lunch by herself, just like she wanted. Her dreams over the years were finally starting to come true. Hey, a voice said from across from Natalie, shattering her delightful thoughts. She looked up to see Danny sitting across from her. Natalie sighed. Of course. As soon as her life starts to look better in one way, it starts to go downhill in another. Hey, Natalie replied, forcing a smile. Why do you always sit by yourself? Danny asked. Natalie looked up at Danny with raised eyebrows. She had happened to notice that he always sat by himself, as well. I could ask you the same thing, she said, looking back down at her food. Point taken, Danny nodded, taking a bite of a chicken nugget. I sit by myself because I have no friends and have no choice but to sit by myself. But you have a sister you could be sitting with every day. Natalies head jerked up to face Danny. Had Star been telling people? How did you know about Star? she snapped. You are both in my English class, Danny shrugged. And you both have the same last name. It doesnt take Einstein to figure out your sisters.

Oh, Natalie said, looking back down. Duh. They had the same last name, and Danny was obviously a lot smarter than most kids. He was probably the only one who had been smart enough to put the pieces together. So you never answered my question, Danny continued. Why dont you sit with Star every day? Because, Natalie sighed, figuring there was no use in trying to hide the truth from Danny. He seemed to figure everything out. I dont want people to know shes my twin. Only one or two people other than you here know, and I would really like to keep it that way. Why? Because if people know Stars my twin, they will all try to pretend to be my friend just so they can get close to Star. They all try to baggage me with questions about her, how to get close to, and how to get them to notice her. Ive never had an actual real friend. Honestly, the only reason youre sitting her right now is probably because of Star. Thats not why Im here, Danny replied, shaking his head. And for some reason Natalie couldnt quite figure out, she believed him. Guess what, Starie? William and Arianna gushed as soon as Star walked in the door. What is it? Star asked happily. Usually when Arianna and William greeted Star like that it meant she was getting something she wanted. We have workers in the back yard right now working on that pool you wanted! And we paid extra so they would work on it night and day and have it done as soon as possible! Star squealed and started jumping up and down, just as Natalie was walking in the door. Whats going on? Natalie asked, throwing her book bag down. Were getting a pool in our back yard! Star cried cheerfully. Even when things werent going her way they still were.

Of course they were. Thats what the perfect Starlight Genson wanted, after all. Natalie sighed and started to walk toward the stairs. Whats wrong, Honey? Arianna asked, sounding concerned. It took a minute for Natalie to register in her mind that Arianna was talking to her. Natalie spun around to face her parents. Excuse me? Natalie asked, looking from her parents to Star. Star looked just as confused as her. Do you not want a pool, sweetie? William asked. Yeah Natalie said hesitantly, choosing her words carefully. But since when have you cared what I did and didnt want? Arianna sighed, Yes, I know. We havent been very fair to you over the years. But we want to make that up to you and we want to try to change that. So if there is absolutely anything you need or want, then please let us know. Natalie nodded slowly before heading upstairs, Star on her trail. Something weird was going on, Natalie was sure of that. But she figured that it was probably best not to question it and to just take it for granted while it lasted.

The Jacked-Up Jack-O-Lantern

Wednesday morning, Star headed down the stairs wearing a pretty orange sundress with a brown belt in the middle that complimented her every feature, not that most things didnt. She looked radiant in it, and she hoped Jasper would see that as well. Ricky had arrived moments before and was in the driveway waiting for her. Star grabbed her Kate Spade shoulder bag and headed out the door, her heels clicking and her hair swaying. She hopped into Rickys car, ready to start a new day of pure competition and hatred with Missie Lancaster. Star planned on making her way back to her number one position, and she planned on doing that no matter what it took. Hey, Ricky said as Star got in the car, again struck with Stars intoxicating beauty. She looked absolutely stunning in the delicate orange sundress she was wearing. Ricky took a deep breath, breathing in the scent of Stars passion perfume and willed himself not to lean over and kiss her. He wanted her so badly, but she wanted Jasper. Of course she wanted Jasper. What are you so happy about? Im always happy, Star replied simply, causing Ricky to laugh. Yeah, right, Ricky replied. As long as youre getting what you want youre happy. I used to be always happy, Star said sadly. It killed Ricky to hear Star sound so sad. He wanted to tell her that he could make her happy, that with him she would never have to feel heartbreak again. If only she could see that. Soon you will be again, Ricky said instead of what he really wanted to say. Star sighed, wanting to change the subject. She looked out the window at all the decorated houses. Bats, pumpkins, and ghosts sat on peoples lawns, decorating there porches and balconies. Kids ran around there yards, laughing and playing while their mothers tried to get them in the car to take them school. We should make a jack-o-lantern, Star said suddenly, spotting a mickey mousethemed one on a cheerfully decorated houses porch.

A jack-o-lantern? Ricky raised his eyebrows. What was Star up to this time? A jack-o-lantern, Star repeated, twirling her hair in her fingers. I make a jack-olantern every year with the current boy Im messing with, and this year youre the only thing I have. Therefore, we should totally make one. Ricky laughed and shook his head. Star was unique, that was for sure. Alright, Ricky agreed. But wont that take up time for the Jasper Operation? The Jasper Operation. Leave it to Ricky to call it that. It wont really, Star shrugged. But we can take a break every now and then. Jasper lives beside of me, also. If he happens to look out his window or something then we get a bonus. And when shall we make out great jack-o-lantern? Friday afternoon. Itll give me something to do other than sulk over the fact that the one boy I actually want I cant have. Im so sick of sitting around and feeling sorry for myself. Jaspers an idiot, Ricky replied. He always has been. He loves you just as much as you love him, he just wont admit it to himself. Star sighed, hoping Ricky was right. Alright, Star said, coming outside with a knife, spoon, and instruction guide on different faces her and Ricky could make. She was super excited, more excited than she had ever been, although she wasnt quite sure why. I got everything we need. Wheres the pumpkin? Star looked around, but the pumpkin was nowhere to be seen. She knew when she went inside that the pumpkin she had so carefully selected had been on her porch. Uh Ricky said slowly. Ive got some bad news. What? Ricky slowly pulled the pumpkin out from behind his back and showed Star. I kinda accidently dropped it Star burst out laughing. The pumpkin now had a ginormous dent in it right smack dab in the middle of it. Its cool, Star nodded, taking the pumpkin from Ricky.

We can have a disfigured pumpkin. It will be the most eye-catching one on the block! Ricky laughed also. Alright. Lets get to work on this thing, then. He picked up the knife and started cutting the top off the pumpkin. For the record, Star said, laughing at Rickys struggling to cut the pumpkin. There is no freaking way Im sticking my hands in that gunk. Ricky pulled the top off of the pumpkin and looked at its gooey insides. Well than how do you presume we get it out? Be my guest, Star grinned. Ricky raised his eyebrows and grabbed a huge handful of pumpkin insides. Its not that bad, you know, he said, glad Star had threw on an old t-shirt a jean shorts even if they did make her look especially cute. See, feel! Ricky then rubbed the pumpkin guts all over Stars shirt and arms. Ricky freaking Adell! Star screamed, throwing her hands to her side, and for once forgetting completely about Jasper and Missie. Im going to kill you! Be my guest! Ricky laughed, almost falling off the concrete stair he was sitting on. Alright, Star replied, grabbing her own handful of the pumpkin guts. If you want to play, then well play! Star threw her handful of insides at Ricky. Ricky and Star both laughed, and started grabbing handfuls of the pumpkin insides. By the time the pumpkin was completely empty, both were completely covered head to toe in it. Ricky and Star laughed, there tummys starting to hurt from so much laughing. Its going to take me forever to get all this out of my hair, Star laughed, pulling chunks of pumpkin guts out of hair and slinging them at Ricky. Ricky laughed and shook his head, splattering the pumpkin insides everywhere. We really should cut this thing now, Ricky said, brushing off all the insides that had got onto it. How should the face look?

Hmmm, Star said thoughtfully, picking a chunk of pumpkin off of her face. I dont know. Scary, friendly, or weird? Most definitely scary, Ricky nodded, smiling at Star. So we should give it a zigzag mouth, like it has teeth. Star didnt say anything, she just watched Ricky do the mouth. When he finished, she laughed. It was the worse mouth on a pumpkin she had ever seen. It was sort of like a bunch of 3-year-olds had drawn lines and streamed them together. I love your technique, she laughed. Hey! Ricky cried. Im trying, here! So what should we do about the mouth and nose? Triangles, Star confirmed. Definitely your best attempt at a triangle. Ricky rolled his eyes at Star and went to work on making his triangles. It was hard to make the nose, because thats where the dent was. But he pulled it through, even if it did look sort of more like a circle with little sticks sticking out everywhere. The eyes didnt look to much better, either. Rickys heart jumped when Star laughed. His heart did the same thing every time she laughed. Wonderful, she said, laughing. This is officially the scariest jack-o-lantern I think I have ever seen. Ricky laughed, too. Hey now, I did my best! Well, Star said her California accent showing. Your best officially sucks. What on Earth Star and Ricky looked up to see Natalie standing in front of them, her mouth hanging open. She had just arrived home from who knows where. She was looking between the jacked-up jack-o-lantern and Ricky and Star, who were still completely saturated in pumpkin guts. Ricky and Star looked at each other, and burst out laughing. Jasper sat on his bed in silence, running over the scene he had just watched from his bedroom window. Star and Ricky. He just could not believe it. At first he

hadnt; at first he had just thought it was all an act to make him jealous. But after what he had just witnessed, he was now positive that they were really together. But it wasnt fair. Star loved him; she wanted him and not Ricky. And he wanted her, too. He loved her, too. Didnt she see that? But thats when he realized she didnt. He was such an idiot. He was dating Missie again out of pity, but Star didnt know that. Star thought he loved Missie. She didnt know the truth. Jasper wanted her to know the truth, though. He wanted her to know that he loved her. But he had blown it. He had made her think he was with Missie, that he loved Missie. So of course she had moved on. She had moved on to Ricky, and now she was really taken. Jaspers chance was gone, and now there was absolutely nothing he could do about it. Natalie had been taking a lot of long drives lately. It was because of Danny. It was because she just couldnt get him of her mind. Every time she closed her eyes, there he was. Every time she opened her eyes, there he was. He was on her mind at all times, and no matter how hard she freaking tried, she just couldnt seem to shake him out of her stupid thoughts. And the drives werent helping much, either. If anything they made her just think of him more. She tried to clear her thought completely, get everything out of her mind, but once they were cleared Danny wondered his way back into them. It sucked. Natalie sighed and fell onto her bed. Could her situation be any worse? And to make matters even worse, she was willing to bet Stars was gliding along smoothly. Star probably didnt have a worry in the world. She never did. I mean, look at the scene she had walked up on outside on her porch. She totally had Ricky on a string. This was officially one of those times. One of those times Natalie felt officially sorry for herself. It was one of those times where she absolutely hated Star, and envied her perfection and her perfect life. And as if on cue, Star walked into the room.

Hey, she said, surprising herself by how happy she was. She looked at Natalie lying on her bed and raised her eyebrows. Whats up with you? Natalie glared at Star. Dont you have an absolutely, phenomenal life to get back to or something? Star looked at Natalie. She was so mean sometimes. No, Star snapped, on the verge of crying. I dont! You know why? Because my life absolutely sucks right now! But, you know, just forget it. Because why would you care anyway? You never care about me. You only care about yourself and staying hidden from the world! Starie, Natalie sat up, looking at Star and her damp eyes. Whats going on?

And it was absolutely, positively, undeniably, utterly wonderful.

Star walked into the English classroom on Monday and sat down in her seat beside of Ricky, confidence that didnt exist plastered on her face. Star hated that the confidence didnt exist. Mrs. Maccabee was passing out scripts for A Midsummer Nights dream. They were supposed to read the script out loud in class. William Shakespeare was brilliant, of course, but Star wasn't really in the mood for a romance at the moment. And not just because her romantic life completely and utterly sucked, if thats what youre thinking. Star sighed and looked over at Jasper. It would be so easy to run over to him and tell him how she felt, how she wanted him to feel. But she couldnt do that. She knew she couldnt do that. He loved Missie, and her plan was probably pretty much pointless. And it unconditionally sucked. Ricky sighed as Mrs. Maccabee walked up to the front of the classroom and started writing something about who had fell in love with who on the bored. That was simple. Ricky fell in love with Star; Star fell in love with Jasper. That was not the way it was supposed to be, but thats the way it was. Ricky knew Star was way too obsessed with Jasper at the moment to notice how he was staring at her, longingly. It just wasnt fair. Why couldnt she see how he felt about her? Why did he have to hide his feelings? He loved her so much. He needed her. So much. He wanted her to know he was so much better for her than Jasper was and that she belonged with him. But did she belong with him? Or did she really belong with Jasper? She belonged with who she wanted to be with, who she was in love with. And Ricky knew that wasnt him. And it sucked. Natalie had never read A Midsummer Nights Dream, but Star loved it. Star always talked about her favorite characters and the plot line and all that crap. All Natalie really knew about it was that everyone falls in love with the wrong person. Natalie sighed. She knew she shouldnt pity herself, that she should really pity Star and her crappy love life. But Star was just pure oblivious. If she would just open

her eyes and look in front of her all her problems would be solved. Natalie already knew where Star belonged, even if Star didnt know it yet. While, in the meantime, no matter what Natalie did or how hard she tried she just couldnt shake stupid, beautiful Danny out of her mind. She especially couldnt get all their lunch conversations out of her head. How sweet and how genuine he had been. Everything about him had seemed so real. But he most definitely couldnt be real. Natalie couldnt have a boyfriend. Or a real friend, for that matter. Everyone only wanted to get closer to Star. Natalie didnt matter, Natalie didnt mean anything. But Danny didnt seem that way Natalie just didnt know anymore. And it sucked. Jasper hated Missie more and more each day. She was preventing his chance to be with Star, his chance to actually be happy for once. He didnt love Missie, but Star thought he did. And now she was, of course, with Ricky. Mrs. Maccabee called on someone to answer a question to the play he was supposed to be following along in, but he didnt pay a lick of attention. He just wanted to be with Star. Why did he have to go and get with Missie? He was such an idiot. And it sucked. Paige had no reason to live. There was absolutely no purpose in sitting in her seat right now, breathing and living. At least, thats what she had officially convinced herself. Missie didnt want anything more than to boss her around, to make Paige be her personal servant. She was nothing compared to Missie, and she knew that. And it sucked. Danny knew if Natalie saw him staring at her she would get freaked out, but he just couldnt help it. Why couldnt he of got to be her partner? It would help his situation out so much. And he really didnt seem to be making as much progress as he had hoped. Some progress, yes, but just not enough. He was determined to make Natalie fall in love with him, even if it was the very last thing he ever did. She had to love him the way he loved her. He couldnt go his whole life loving her and her feel absolutely nothing. Things just didnt work that

way. He needed her to feel the same way. He couldnt hold her hand if she didnt feel the same way, he couldnt kiss her if she didnt feel the same way; he couldnt do nothing if she didnt feel the same way. And he most definitely could not live like that. But Natalie was going to take some work, he could tell. And it sucked. Everyone elses life must probably suck, Missie though happily. She could see through people easily. Danny was so totally oblivious obsessed with Natalie. Star was doing her best not to cry because she didnt have her dear beloved Jasper. Ricky was infatuated with Star. Paige was miserable, like always. And Jasper just couldnt seem to make up his mind. But Missie had made up his mind for him, that was for sure. Missies life was perfect. Like it should be. And it was absolutely, positively, undeniably, utterly wonderful. Star continued to lie on her bed and think. She had been doing that constantly for the past few hours. Actually, she had spent most of the past week doing it. Every day when she would get home from school she would go and fall onto her bed and just lie there for hours, even know she was really supposed to be doing homework. And now it was Saturday once again, and she was lying on her bed feeling sorry for herself and eating pretzels. She was sure she had gained at least five pounds in the past week, with all the pretzels she was eating and absolutely no activity to burn all the calories she was eating off. Alright, Star heard a voice from her door. Get up. Star sat slowly up not putting her bag of pretzels down and saw Ricky holding a picnic basket and a checkered blanket. Why? Star whined. Ricky chuckled. Star was even cute when she was miserable. Well, for starters, he said, walking up to her and taking her bag of pretzels. Youre almost out of pretzels. And secondly, were going on a picnic. A picnic? Star repeated. Why?

Because you need to get out of this stupid house and get some fresh air, Ricky replied, seeming annoyed. And dont even try to say no, because I am not giving you an option. But thats no fair! Star whined playfully, kicking her feet and crossing her arms. Ricky knew she was kidding and he smiled. Where the heck are we? Star asked, sitting on the blanket Ricky had just spread out on the ground. We are Basically in the middle of nowhere, Ricky said, sitting in front of Star and pulling the picnic basket contents out. Comforting, Star nodded. Totally, Ricky smiled. Star really was perfect. At first you would think she was a stuck-up California girl who was only in things for the thrill, but that wasnt really true. She was truly amazing, fun, and sweet on the inside. What is that? Star asked, making a face and pointing at the mashed potatoes. Which, by the way, did look kind of gross. Ricky laughed. Ok, he said. I know they dont really look like it, but those are mashed potatoes. My mom is not a very good cook. Stars eyes got wide, which made Ricky laugh more. Under no circumstances am I eating that, Star said. Ah come on, Ricky begged, still smiling. Every time he was around Star he just couldnt seem to stop smiling. My mom will be so sad if you dont! But if I eat it, then I might get sick and hurl and then my mommy will be so sad! Star laughed. Again, Jasper had been whipped clean off her mind. Please, Ricky stuck out his bottom lip. Star narrowed her eyes, Fine. But only, and I mean only, if you try it first and dont puke everywhere. Ricky laughed. I guess I will have to deal with you severe conditions.

Star nodded, satisfied, as Ricky stuck his spoon into the discustion looking mashed potatoes. How the heck were those mashed potatoes?! But, right as Ricky was opening his mouth to put the mashed potatoes in, he had a second though. He pulled back his spoon, and before Star could even realize what he was doing, flicked them at her. Star screamed, gave Ricky an evil glare, and then started laughing. Which, of course, then Ricky had to laugh. Star was infectious; if she was doing something he instantly felt the need to do it to. The only difference was he couldnt make it look as cute as she could. Ricky! she cried. I cant believe you just did that! And I cant believe how cute you are! Ricky couldnt say it, though. Star would flip. Fine, Star said, getting all serious. But this means war. She didnt bother getting a spoon; she just stuck her hand in the mashed potatoes and threw her a handful at Ricky. How do they taste? Ricky smiled, Why dont you find out for yourself? He then grabbed his own handful and chunked it at Star. And the smile that formed on Stars face made Ricky fuzzy inside. And it was absolutely, positively, undeniably, utterly wonderful. Then, before Jaspers very eyes, a mashed potato war was started, and he wasnt happy about it one bit. Star walked into her house and into the kitchen to wipe her feet and legs down before she headed upstairs to take a shower and get all the mashed potatoes, if that's even what they really were, out of her hair. But when she got there, she stopped short. Oh, Star said looking from Jasper to Natalie. They were sitting at the kitchen table with books and paper all strung out in front of them. Im sorry, I didnt mean to Intrude. Truthfully, she was actually kind of ticked. What were they doing? Its fine, Jasper said, smiling at Star. We were just working on our project.

Oh, Star replied, relieved. Good thing, too. She would totally be murdering Natalie if it were anything otherwise. Awesome. What on Earth happened to you? Natalie laughed, eyeing Star. Oh, Star said, laughing also. Ricky and I kind of got into a mashed potato fight. World War 3, as we like to call it. Natalie laughed harder, How come you two are always throwing stuff at each other? Star laughed and shrugged. Yeah, I dont really know. Anyway, Im going to head upstairs and take a shower. See you later. Later. Just then, Jasper couldnt take it anymore. He had to do something, he had to try. He stood up from his chair and walked to where Star was, already with one foot on the first stair and her back turned. Star, Jasper breathed. Hmmm? Star asked, turning around and finding herself inches away from Jaspers face. Then, Jasper wrapped his arms around Stars hips and pulled her close to him, and pressed his lips hard against hers. Star wrapped her arms around Jaspers neck, and they kissed for a long time. After a while, Jasper pulled back and rested his forehead on Stars and smiled. Star smiled back, realizing that her life was finally going the way it was supposed to. Her life was perfectly perfect again, and the love of her life was finally hers. And it was absolutely, positively, undeniably, utterly wonderful.

Whos Winning Now?

Ricky! Star cried happily, running into his room. He was lying on his bed reading his script of A Midsummer Nights Dream. Something Star had been meaning to do, not that she didnt know it by heart. It worked! Huh? Ricky asked, looking up at Star, again struck by her beauty. She was just so naturally seductive and intoxicating by essence. It almost wasnt fair. Our plan! It worked! Jasper gave in! He was there, working with Natalie on their project, and the next thing I know he was totally kissing me! It was wonderful! Oh, Ricky said, trying his very best to keep his face happy. But really, all his insides were caving in and his whole world was coming to a shattering halt. Star was happy, but now he wasnt. Thats great! I know! Star squealed, jumping up and down. She felt like she was gliding on air. She sighed happily and fell on Rickys bed. This is absolutely wonderful. Absolutely perfect. Absolutely spectacular. I just cant believe it. Yeah, Ricky forced yet another fake smile. Me neither. Its Wonderful. Speaking of which, Star smiled, hopping off of Rickys bed. Jasper is about to call Missie and break up with her, and he promised me I could be there when he did it! With that, she squealed and skipped out of Rickys room, leaving Ricky wishing he could run after her and stop what he knew just couldnt be right. Knock, knock! Star singsonged, skipping into Jaspers room where he was sitting in his computer desk with his laptop in his lap. Jasper looked up and smiled at Star. Hey. Missies on her way now. Star walked over to Jasper and took the laptop off of his lap, replacing it with herself. Victory, at last! Star sighed, and Jasper chuckled. Shes going to be meagerly ticked, so I may just have to protect you, he smiled. He wrapped his arms around Stars hips and pulled her body close to his. Star smiled back, wrapping her own arms around his neck and pressing her lips to his.

What the hell?! A voice said from the doorway. Star and Jasper pulled away from each other and looked at Missie standing in the doorway. She had obviously spent some time getting all cutesed-up for Jasper. She had her long, dark red hair pulled back into a high ponytail, showing off her bright amber eyes and naturally long eyelashes. She also had on a plane white tank top and brown short-shorts that tied in the middle, all matched up with brown flip-flops from Old Navy. Star almost fell sorry for her, but she was still Missie. She didnt deserve sorrow. Oh, Star said brightly, playfulness showing in her voice and dancing in her eyes. Youre early. Missie, Jasper sighed. He liked seeing Star have so much fun, but he didnt so much like shattering Missies heart into a million pieces. He couldnt let Star handle it. The reason I called you over here Is to tell me youre running around with this huge slut? Missie finished for him. Im not stupid, Jasper. I think I can pretty much do the math myself. Missie, I didnt mean to hurt you! Jasper cried desperately, making Star get off his lap so he could stand up. Could have fooled me, Missie replied, crossing her arms and putting all her wait on one leg. Miss, I wanted to tell you gently, but you just came in at the worst time possible, Jasper said quietly, placing a hand on Missies arm. She quickly jerked her arm away and glared at Star, taking a few step toward her. You! she growled. You did this! You ruined my life! Aw! Star cried with a smile, putting a hand on her chest. That is such a sweet thing for you to say! It really does mean a lot to me! And Jasper meant a lot to me! Missie cried, taking another step toward Star, ready to pounce at any second. Down, Kitty, down, Star chuckled. Reality check, darling, but now I mean a lot to him. Youre out of the picture now. You mean absolutely nothing, like you think

everyone else does compare to you. Now its about time you get a taste if your own medicine. Missie sort of whimpered before turning and running out of Jaspers room. No one could see her cry. Paige laughed. It was Wednesday afternoon, and she and Danny were working on their English project together. Danny was so sweet and hilarious. And pitiful, too. He was so totally head-over-heels in love with Natalie. But Natalie was so stubborn she would probably never go for it. So tell me, Paige said, pushing her script that they were reading and trying to memorize together. Whats going on between you and Natalie? Absolutely nothing, Danny admitted, hating the way it sounded. He needed something to be happening. But I want something to happen. And I really think she does, too. But shes not letting anything happen, right? Yeah, Danny nodded. Paige was smart, he had to say. Paige had talked about how stubborn and complicated Natalie was with Star a few days before. Star had told Paige how Natalie couldnt get Danny out of her mind, and how she was totally falling for him, even know she wouldnt admit it. Well, Paige said to Danny, knowing she could help at least one person that was totally lovesick and without what he needed. Ricky was a different case all together, though. You need to somehow show Natalie you really want her for her. Shes so used to people just using her to get to Star. She doesnt really trust anyone or anything. You have to show her youre not interested in Star at all, that you only want her. Danny nodded thoughtfully. Maybe Paige was right. Maybe he did need to prove to Natalie he was in love with her, not Star. How do I do it, though? Paige smiled and shrugged, I cant help you on that one. You have to do that part all on your own.

Danny sighed, knowing Paige was right. Even if he did hate it. He had never put this much effort into anything, and he really didnt have the energy to do it. But this was the one thing he most certainly had to have. Paige, Danny said, looking at her. She looked up at him, blinking her green-gray eyes. Yes? Youre not at all what everyone says you are. Paige sighed, wishing Danny wasnt more than just half right. Star, who was sitting on Jaspers lap waiting for Mrs. Maccabee to start the class, propped her feet on Natalies lap. Natalie laughed and shoved Stars feet off, going back to absent mindedly doodling Dannys name on her notebook. She and Star had been getting closer than ever, and she liked that. She just didnt like that Star was sitting on the wrong persons lap. Someone cleared their throat, and Natalie looked up to see Danny staring thoughtfully at her notebook with his eyebrows raised. Oh, she said, feeling her cheeks turn red as she tried to cover her notebook. Danny took the notebook from her before she could hide it and continued to look at it. I like it, he said, giving it back to her. What are you doing Friday night? Natalie looked up at Danny and blinked. He knew how she felt now, and there was no more hiding it. She sighed and said, I dont know. What am I doing? Danny smiled, liking Natalies answer. Well, hopefully youre going to see a movie with me. Then I guess I am going to see a movie with you, then. What movie? Whatever movie you want to see, Natalie. Natalie nodded as Mrs. Maccabee called the class to order. Star gave Jasper one last kiss before taking her seat beside Ricky. Natalie thought of what she and Danny might do during, before, or after the movie. Maybe they could go on a romantic boat ride after, his arm around her, kissing her over and over again. Or maybe before they would go to a romantic restaurant, somewhere like Ollie

Oscars Grill and laugh and tell jokes. It would all be perfect. Wonderful, spontaneously perfect. Suddenly, Natalie felt great. She was in love with Danny, and was no longer going to deny it. What was the use? Especially if she was always going to feel this great admitting the truth. She was a senior in high school, it was time she stopped living her life in a ball and try to live a little. Even Star had a serious boyfriend, even if it wasn't the right one. Her life was complete now, and she was going to let it be that way. She had her sister, a friend, and best of all Danny. Everything was perfect. Before Natalie knew it, class was over. It sucked, too, she was really having a good time thinking about how wonderfully wonderful her life was now. And suddenly, she got the ambition to do something spontaneous. Something outrageous. And before she could change her find, she marched up to Danny and kissed him on the lips, leaving him looking stunned yet happy. Wow, Star said, eyeing Natalie suspiciously as Natalie walked passed her. What happened to you? Natalie shrugged and smiled. A change in perspective, I guess. Ricky knocked on Stars door. This was the first day he and Star were actually going to work on their project together, which was writing a 5,000-word report on A Midsummer Nights Dream. He couldnt help but hope and pray that Star didnt have Jasper over. Natalie answered the door and smiled at Ricky, her eyes shining. Ricky had saw the Danny thing happen, and he was guessing that she had been shining like the sun ever since. Is Star here? he asked, and Natalie nodded. Upstairs, Natalie stepped to the side, letting Ricky walk in. He knew he shouldnt, but he couldnt help it. Is Jasper here? Natalie smiled symmetrically, No. Hes not. Ricky sighed with relief and headed upstairs to see Star. She was lying on her bed reading her script, even know Ricky already knew she had it memorized. We should put on a production to this, Star said, looking up at Ricky.

You would definitely get the leading role, Ricky said, sitting on Stars bed and getting his script out his book bag. Youre probably right, Star said, sitting up and grinning at Ricky. Since, after all, I am winning now. Ah, yes, Ricky smiled, forgetting all about how Star was with Jasper now. He was hers for the moment being, and he was going to take advantage of that the best he could. The Missie vs. Star war. Also known as World War Three. Its not officially a War until a National Declaration of War has been signed. And because Missie is losing, and is going to lose, doubt she would agree to sign it. Ricky chuckled and nodded. Ok, so I take it we are using youre hot pink laptop with rhinestones to type the report? Unless, of course, you want to use my boring old silver laptop. Star grinned, Now whats the fun in that? Ricky shrugged. Ok, Danny and Paige already have 522 words, so we need to get started. Star snorted, Jasper and Natalie have 2,733. Ricky laughed, Well, of course they do. Star rolled her eyes and sighed. Everything was perfect. She had her sister finally accepting her, the boy she was in love with, a best friend, and Ricky. She wasnt exactly sure what Ricky was in her life, but he was there. And she kind of liked it that way.

No More of that Empty Feeling

Natalie was gliding on air. Gravity no longer applied to her, and it hadnt since the day she had kissed Danny. And now she was going to go out to the movies with Danny, and it was going to be perfect. Finally, her life was perfect. She finally knew what it felt like, and understood why Star had always been so giddy over the years. How do I look? Natalie asked Star, running the brush through her hair again. Fine, Star said, looking briefly up from where she was making out with Jasper. That's all Star ever did now, and it was actually kind of annoying. At least with Ricky she laughed and had fun, something she most definitely did not do with Jasper. Natalie sighed happily as the doorbell rang. Well, people, I really must be going, she smiled. My prince awaits. Natalie skipped down the stairs, wondering how she ever lived so boringly in the past. Life was so wonderful when you were in love. Hey, Danny smiled when Natalie opened the door. She was so beautiful, and she was all his. It was so unbelievable. He almost really didnt believe it. Hey, Natalies grin stretched completely across her face and she leaned forward and kissed him on the lips. Tonight was going to be perfect. Danny took Natalies hand and led her to his car. His. She was his. And no one elses. Danny opened Natalies door for her and let her get in before walking to his side if the car. So, he said, starting the car and buckling his seatbelt. What movie shall we go see? Natalie smiled and shrugged. She was a totally different person now. She was no longer shy, she was no longer in denial, and she no longer cared about what she said. Danny loved her already, so there was no point in trying to be the old Natalie. As long as I am with you, I dont really care.

A kiddie movie about Unicorns and Rainbows was eventually chosen. Natalie said that way there would be fewer distractions, and they could concentrate harder on making out. Most of the movie they received glares from angry moms and curious looks from little children, but Natalie of course didnt care. The old Natalie would have cared very much, but the new Natalie just shrugged it off and kissed Danny harder. You know, Danny said, resting his forehead against Natalies. They were in the car outside of Natalies house, and it was really late. Natalie knew Star was probably waiting up for her and she should probably go in, but she didnt want to. She didnt want to leave Dannys company. She didnt want to ever leave Dannys company. If you had just been this way from the start, things would have been so much easier. Natalie realized this. But that didnt mean she understood it. She had sort of known she was in love with Danny from the start, and she had run from it. She had been a startled, little lost puppy, running away from love. But that wasnt going to happen anymore. She was no longer like that, no longer stupid and afraid. I know that, she sighed, wishing she could have been like this from the start. Realized how much her sister really loved her, and how much Star though of her. Realized that someday someone was bound to like her for her, and that someone right now was Danny. But she realized it now. She realized it. And she was going to use it to her full advantage. I love you, she whispered to Danny, praying he wouldnt run from her the way she had run from him. I love you, too, he whispered, kissing her. And every ounce of the old Natalie was instantly drained from her, replaced by a complete new Natalie. Old Natalie no longer existed at all. Star sighed. Something was missing. She had Jasper, right beside of her, kissing he neck over and over, but still she felt empty. She got what she wanted. She got the love of her life. She should be thrilled. So why wasnt she? She sighed again. Whats wrong, babe? Jasper asked. Star hated when he called her babe, but she never said anything. She didnt want to jinx their relationship.

Nothing, she lied. Its not like she knew what to tell him. She didnt exactly know what was wrong. Are you worried about Natalie? Jasper asked, pulling Star onto his lap and kissing her hair. Because Im sure shes just fine. Natalie hadnt returned from her date with Danny the night before. Late the night before, Star had thought she saw a car pull in and then pull out a while later, but Natalie never came home. Truthfully, she was a little worried, but she knew Natalie was with Danny. Danny loved her too much to try anything or let anything happen to her. But that, again, wasnt what was wrong with her. She didnt know what was wrong with her. Yeah, Star said eager to change the subject. Im sure youre right. Do you want to go do something? Jasper smiled and started kissing her neck again. We are doing something, he whispered against her skin. Of course they were they were always doing something. Making out. Seriously, Star said, pushing him off. Im bored. Cant we go do something for real? Like go on a picnic or something? Jasper sighed. He wanted to make Star happy, and if she wanted to be stupid and immature then he obviously did too. I guess. What do you want to go do, then? Really? Jasper groaned, looking around. Cotton candy, clowns, and poorly built rides. What fun. Really, Star squealed, excited. She loved fairs. And she just happened to get lucky that this happened to be the weakened of the state fair. It was going to be the best day ever. She had the love of her life with her, and she was going to have a great time. No more of that empty feeling. What should we do first? Star asked, facing Jasper. We could play a game, ride a ride, or eat cotton candy. Or maybe I can get a face painting! Star, Jasper sighed, rolling his eyes. This is the stupidest thing I have ever been to. Im not really interested in acting like a thirteen year old, thank you.

Stars mouth fell open and she glared at Jasper. Had he really just said that? This is not the Jasper she knew and loved. Excuse me? Star asked, taking a step back and fighting back tears. Jasper sighed, I didnt mean it like that, Star. Yes you did. Listen, I just dont think things like this are fun. I think there stupid, honestly. But it doesnt matter. He took a step toward Star and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close. That's one of the beauties of being in love. We can still like different things and be together. Now, how about we go back to your house and do something different, hmm? Something I know we will both enjoy. He leaned forward and started kissing Star. Star shook her head and took a step back, not quite believing what came out of her mouth next. Take me to Rickys, she said sternly. Thank you, Star said, getting out of Jaspers car and heading toward Rickys front door. Star, Jasper said, getting out of his car and following her, grabbing her arm before she could walk into Rickys house. Can we please just talk or something? I really didnt mean to hurt you or anything. Star shook her head at Jasper. He hadnt hurt her, exactly. It was just something about what he said. That empty feeling. Later, she sighed, walking into Rickys house and leaving Jasper on the front porch. They would talk later, make everything ok them. But Star couldnt deal with it at the moment. Paige was in the kitchen cooking when Star walked in. Hes in his room, Paige told Star, not even turning around. She wasnt stupid; after seeing Star and Jasper fighting she knew what Star was looking for. Star nodded and headed upstairs to Rickys room, where he was laying on his bead watching a movie on his laptop. He looked up and saw Star and tilted his head a little to the side. Want to go to the fair? Star asked, putting her hand on her hip.

Exactly What Should be Happening

All that mattered was that Danny and Natalie were together. Sure, they had been driving to who knows where for hours and hours and Dannys family and Star were probably worried, but it didnt matter. They were getting to know everything and anything about each other, and both Danny and Natalie were enjoying every single moment of it. Natalie laughed and smiled at Danny. Everything was perfect. How could she have been so scared of this, of Danny? Ok, Natalie said. That is totally not true! It is true! Danny laughed. My mother totally wanted to have 12 kids and her own reality show. But, alas, after seven kids the doctor told her she couldnt have anymore. And then all of her hopes and dreams were shattered. Natalie laughed again. Six brothers and sisters. She couldnt imagine six miniature Star's running around everywhere. The world would come to an end. Hmm, Natalie said thoughtfully. I guess 7 Dannys cant be such a bad thing. New Natalie rocked! Danny smiled, Too bad only 3 of seven are boys. That means four are girls. Looks like all the Dannys are outnumbered. And let me tell you, its sucked over the years. Especially for poor Patrick. He just cant get the hint not to read the girls diarys, therefore gets beat up on a daily bases. Natalie laughed again, Someone should feel him in on what a horrible injustice that is, then. Danny was wonderful. Trust me, Ive tried. He just doesnt like to listen. Natalie nodded and was about to say something when her phone rang. She looked at the caller ID. It was Star. Hey, Natalie answered. Listen, I know I kind of disappeared and havent called or anything, but I really do have an explanation.

Youre fine, Star said from the other end. I understand, youre with Danny. I totally get it. I was just calling to let you know if you need me Im spending the weekend with Ricky at the state fair. Were staying overnight at the hotel right outside of it. Ricky? Natalie repeated, shocked. What happened to Jasper, youre boyfriend? Star was silent for a minute, and then replied. You mean the one who called me and fairs stupid? He decided to stay home. He really said that? Natalie was shocked. As much as she despised him, that really didnt sound like something Jasper would say. Yep, Star answered, drawing out the p sound. He did. Did yall break up? No, but I need a break. That's why Im spending the weekend in Raleigh. If mom and dad ask, tell them I'm with Paige or something. Or tell them the truth. I dont really care, honestly. Ok Natalie said slowly. I guess Ill talk to you Monday, then. Monday, Star agreed before hanging up the phone. Whats happening? Danny asked, glancing at Natalie. Exactly what should be happening, Natalie answered, smiling. Star laughed and tossed her pink cotton candy at Ricky, which he quickly caught before it could hit the ground. Just admit it, Star said, holding up her lame frog keychain. You totally suck at darts. It wasnt darts! Ricky cried in defense. It was a very complicated game where you had to throw a dart and pop a balloon. And if everyone wasnt a winner, you totally would be a loser. Not that you arent one, anyway. Ricky pushed Star, but couldnt hold back his smile. Unfair, Ricky replied, handing Star back her cotton candy. Id like to see you try to win at that game. Its totally impossible!

Star laughed, Heres the difference, Im willing to admit I suck at that game. Majorly, for that matter. Ricky laughed, See, Im not the only one. Star nodded and looked around. They had been at the fair for an hour or so and it was starting to get dark. But thats when it was the most fun. So far Star had got her face painted, eaten three cotton candy sticks, established that Ricky sucks at carnival games, and dragged Ricky onto the one roller-coaster they had. We should ride the teacups, Star said, turning to face Ricky and smiling. I dont know Ricky said hesitantly. I honestly really dont feel like throwing up at dizzy nausea. Please? Star begged, rocking back and forth on her feet. Ricky couldnt say no to Star, he loved her too much. So he sighed and said, Alright. And let her drag him to the teacups. Ok, Star said, selecting a pink one and getting in. Heres how this works. You spin me around in circles while I sit back and relax, praying I wont throw up or anything. Thats totally unfair, you know, Ricky said, waiting for the ride to start. Why should I have to do all the work? Star shrugged, I never claimed to be fair, you know. Ricky shook his head and smiled as the ride started. Ricky put two hands on the wheel, and with all his mite he turned. The wheel didnt budge. Star laughed, I knew you were week, but God! Im not week! Ricky cried. It must be stuck or something! Stuck, Star narrowed her eyes at Ricky and nodded. Nice excuse. Ill most definitely have to try that one sometime. Really! Ricky cried, trying his best not to laugh. He needed to hold his pride. You try to turn this thing, its freaking stuck!

Star smiled, Nah, watching you is way more entertaining. Ricky groaned and released his grip on the wheel. Im telling you, its stuck. And obviously so are we, Star answered, sticking her tongue out at Ricky. Everyone else gets to spin around in glorious circles, laughing and joking about getting sick, and were stuck because your too week to turn us. Sorry, Ricky said, throwing his hands up in the air innocently. Its not my fault the stupid wheel is stuck! Its all your fault, Ricky! Star mock-whined, crossing her arms over her chest and sticking out her bottom lip. In fact, Star said, perking up a little bit. Thats going to be my new philosophy! If nothing goes right, blame Ricky. Its perfect! Ricky laughed, Well, dont I feel special! You shouldnt, Star smiled as the ride ended. Well, wasnt that loads of fun. Well, you know, it would have been if you knew how to turn the wheel. It was stuck! I swear! Star rolled her eyes and followed Ricky through the carnival, yawning. Ricky, Im tired. Can we go to the hotel now? Ricky nodded and for once he felt like everything that was happening was exactly what should be happening. Star was in the shower and Ricky was sitting on the king size bed flipping through channels. The more Star drifted away from Jasper, the closer she drifted to him. And in his personal opinion, thats where she belonged. And he wanted her to see that. And he couldnt help but notice she was the first one she came to after her and Jaspers fight. Ricky heard a knock on the door and jumped, startled. Who on earth would be knocking on their door? He hadnt ordered room service, and he was pretty sure Star hadnt either.

Ricky got out of his bed and walked to the door, barely noticing that Star had turned the shower off. When he opened the door he had a strange urge to slam it shut again. What do you want? Ricky snapped at Jasper. And how the hell did you find us? What are you doing here? Jasper asked, eyeing Ricky. I figured Star had Natalie or Paige with her, not you. Well, obviously you though wrong, Ricky snapped. Something told him that he and Jasper were no longer best friends. But you never answered my questions; what are you doing here and how did you find us? I have my ways, Jasper answered. And I dont plan on telling you why Im here until you tell me why youre in a hotel room with my girlfriend. Ricky, Star said, appearing behind him in really cute pajamas. Who is here? Star then saw Jasper standing in the doorway, and she sucked in her breath. Jasper, she breathed. Her relationship was so over. Star, Jasper said, looking at Star. She was so cute, and he wanted her so badly. It was his fault she was with Ricky in the first place, anyway. If he had maybe been a little more open to the fair, none of this would have happened Jasper, Star sighed. He was going to dump her. Her life was going to be over. Im so sorry, its not what you think, I swear! Jasper wrapped his arms around Star's waist and pulled her close to him, brushing a strand of her golden hair out of her face. I know, he whispered, resting his forehead against hers. Its ok. Were ok, right? Of course, Star whispered, before Jasper sealed his lips to hers. Paige smiled. It was Monday afternoon and she and Danny were working on their project. Well, there were supposed to be anyway. Really, they were lying in Paiges living room floor playing Mystery Date. And Danny played dirty.

Hey! Star cried as Danny took her bathing suit away and gave her a duplicate of a snowboard. That was so unfair! Playing fair is no fun, Danny replied. Its your turn. Paige stuck her tongue out at Danny, causing him to laugh, and rolled the die. She never beat Danny at this game, and it was totally unfair. She always landed on the Geek whenever she would open the door, thus causing her to loose. And what sucked even more was the Geek was totally hot. Natalie had a wonderful boyfriend. Star had a boyfriend and then the person she really needed to be with. And what did Paige have? Absolutely nothing. But then again, she did have more than Missie at the moment. She had friends. Not that Missie deserved any, though. Ok, Danny said, leaning back on his elbows and smiling. Paige had just opened the door and had landed on the geek again. Since youre obviously never going to beat at this game, do you want to play or do something different? Paige smiled. We should build with Jenga blocks! Huh? Danny raised his eyebrows as Paige got her Jenga blocks out and dumped them out on the carpet, ready to show him. Missie smiled at herself. She had a nice plan working for her. It was going to bring her Jasper back to her, where he belonged, and set Star where she belonged. Star deserved to be by herself, to be unhappy like Missie was currently. And Missie was going to make sure that happened. Even if it was the absolute last thing she did. Her plan was absolutely full proof. It had to work, it was going to work. If it didnt work, she didnt know what she would do. She loved Jasper way too much to just willingly let him slip out of her grasp. And by the time she was finished with Star, Star was going to be terrified.

When Ricky Couldnt Turn the Teacup and said it was Stuck
Did that just happen? That did not just happen. Did Jasper really just look at Missie like that? She looked like a slut, not someone worthy of that look. So why was Stars boyfriend giving it to her? A red skirt riding up your butt and tight black, strapless shirt did not qualify you that look. It qualified you the look Star gave Missie. Missie looked terrible, not hot. Not hot in the least little bit. Star looked hot. Not Missie. Star glared at Jasper, catching his attention. Jasper bit his lip and quickly looked away from Missie, who obviously didnt look that good. He loved Star, and she was the only girl who looked good in his book. Star sighed, not helping but notice how Ricky hadnt even batted an eye in Missies direction. Star sighed, remembering how much fun they had been having at the fair. Everything had seemed to perfect then, so right. She didnt have to worry about anything that day it seemed, and she wanted to go back that time. When Ricky couldnt turn the teacup and said it was stuck. Happy, blissful thoughts. Everything was wonderful, everything was perfect. Natalie was no longer Natalie. Nope. She was the future Mrs. Carter. And what a nice ring it had, too. Natalie Carter. Natalie Genson Carter. Natalie Jessie Genson Carter. It sounded so pretty. Star would be her maid of honor, and Paige would be one of her bridesmaids. She was pretty sure her cousins Madeline and Laura would want to be one, too. And Danny would surely select Ricky to be one of his ushers, since Ricky and Star were bound to be together eventually. Was it weird that Natalie was planning her wedding? Aunt Carlene and Uncle Mike would have to be seated at different sides of the room at the reception. Ever since their divorce, things had been kind of violent between them. Now, where would she put little Zachary? He was too young to be in the wedding, surely, so he wouldnt be able to sit at the court table with Madeline and Laura, his older sisters. Yes, it was weird. She needed to stop.

Oh, Zachary could be the ring bear! Now, who would be the flower girl? She didnt have any little girl cousins. Maybe Danny had someone Ok, now Natalie was freaking herself out. Missie smiled and sat directly across from Jasper. Star glared at her from where she was seated in between Jasper and Natalie. Ricky was sitting across from Star, Danny beside of him and Paige on the other side of Danny. And now stupid little Missie in her tight, slutty outfit was seated beside of Ricky and across from Jasper. Hey, guys, Missie smiled big, flashing her too-white teeth. She had obviously just got them bleached. Stars teeth were naturally beautifully white; she didnt have to get them bleached. Another thing that she was better than Missie at. What? Star asked, shooting daggers at Missie. She made a point of scooting as close to Jasper as she could get. Jasper was hers, and that wasnt going to change. She stole him and she was keeping him. Missie eyed Star. Whatever. She had a plan, and it was going to work perfectly. Hey, Jas, she smiled, looking away from Star and at Jasper. Can I have one of your fries? Uh Jasper said. Sure? Missie smiled and leaned over the table and Jaspers plate, causing her boobs to practically spill out of her shirt all over Jaspers plate and into his face. Star gritted her teeth and looked at Ricky, who just rolled his eyes. Star was glad too. She didnt know what she would do if he was flipping over Missie the way Jasper was. Wait, why was she more worried about Rickys reaction than Jaspers? Star blinked a couple times, shaking the thoughts out of her head, and leaned over Jasper and kissed him. If Missie wanted to play she would play. Star kissed Jasper deep, getting border and border by the second. Why didnt kissing Jasper please her like she always thought it would? Star sighed and pulled away. She then got up and walked out of the lunchroom without a word, leaving everyone at the table confused. Things would be so much easier for Star if she were still in that teacup with Ricky.

Star? Star heard a knock on her door and she sighed. She didnt feel like talking to anyone, especially because she didnt know what to say to them when they asked her what was wrong. What was wrong? Star just didnt know. She felt odd; wrong. She felt like she was doing something wrong, like something wasnt right. Something was missing. Ricky walked into her room, and the sight of him gave Star a funny feeling inside. She didnt know what the feeling was; she had never felt it before. Star suddenly felt strangely happy that Ricky was there. Is everything alright? he asked, sitting on her bed beside of her. Instead of answering his question, Star asked something else that sprouted her mind. What are you doing here? School isnt over yet. I was worried about you, Ricky said, lowering his bright blue eyes. They were so stunning it took Stars breath away. And Jasper? Hes at school. So he wasnt worried about me. Hes worried about you. Star didnt say anything. Her answer was known unspoken. Jasper was too worried about Missie to be worried about Star. Sometimes Star wondered if Jasper was really as in love with her as he seemed to claim. Jasper had some type of grudge against Walgreens. He said there prices were outrageous and there service was terrible. Even know Star assured him they wouldnt be buying anything, he still wouldnt come. So Star made Ricky come with her. Now, please remind me of the point of me wearing a tux and you wearing a dressy sweater with legging under it? Ricky asked Star as they walked into Walgreens.

Because, Star sighed, faking irritation. If you dont it ruins the illusion. And what is this illusion supposed to be, exactly? That we are insane. Ricky looked at Star and Star smiled, walking down the aisle. The place was packed, but no one seemed to notice Star and Ricky. Screw this, Star said. She wanted people to stare, and that wasnt happening. She kicked her leg up and grabbed it in a perfect leg extension, and started hopping up and down the aisles. Good thing she was extremely flexible. What the hell? Ricky laughed, following Star. To Stars delight, everyone started to stare at her. Precisely what she wanted. Now time to add another layer to the cake. Rudolph the Red nosed Reindeer had a very shiny nose! Star sung as loud as she could, continuing to walk up and down the hallway. And if you ever saw it you would even say it glows! All of the other reindeer used to laugh and call him names! They never let poor Rudolph join in any Reindeer games! Then one foggy Christmas Eve, Santa came to say, Rudolph with your nose so bright, wont you guide my slay tonight! Then how the Reindeer loved him, as he shouted out with glee YIPEE! Rudolph the red nosed Reindeer, youll go down in history! Ricky about fell on the floor laughing as Star skipped up and down the aisles singing Rudolph as loud as she could. Everyone was definitely staring now. Star looked at Ricky and smiled, Ricky, she said. May I please see you jacket? Ok he said slowly, taking off his jacket and handing it to her. Star smiled, took it from him, and ran. Star! Ricky half laughed, half screamed, chasing after her. Give me my jacket back! Star laughed, running around the store. It wasnt long before Ricky caught up to her, rapping his arms around her hips to stop her. Her pulled her against his chest and pried the Jacket out of Stars hand. Thank you, he said into Stars ear, now realizing the position he had somehow put himself in.

Star looked up and found herself staring right into Rickys beautiful eyes. She wanted to look away, but she couldnt. She suddenly felt very hot, and her heartbeat started increasing to about one hundred miles per hour. She wanted to move away only a little, though but her knees had buckled under her. Ricky looked away, and let go of Star, not saying anything. We should probably go, Star said, smoothing out her sweater dress. Ricky nodded and followed Star toward the door. Just as Star reached the door, she stopped. What is it? Ricky asked. Star smiled and walked away from the door, and did a split in the middle of the floor. Just then, a store employee walked by. Thats floor is really dirty, he said. Ricky looked at him, Dude, is that really all your worried about? Natalie laughed. Jasper was hilarious. And Star might of thought it was a big deal, but Natalie sort of understood Jaspers thing with Walgreens. There prices were pretty terrible. Currently, Natalie and Jasper were supposed to be Googleing stuff for their project, but instead they were playing Google Zap. Google Zap is where you type in two random words into Google and try to only get one result. Its kind of impossible, but still really run. Leprechaun Pepper. 625,000 results. Gingerbread Cartilage. 212,000 results. Sweating Bunnies. 2,220,000 results. Igloo Lacrosse. 1,030,000 results. Natalie and Jasper were in the middle of laughing at the fact Gingerbread Cartilage seemed to be the best one they had chosen so far, when another set of laughter wafted from the door. It was a different kind of laughter, a more intense kind of laughter.

Star and Ricky entered kitchen, and Jasper looked as if he wanted to bite Rickys head off. Ricky, Jasper said, standing up. May I speak to you for a moment outside? Star watched Jasper and Ricky walk outside and sighed. Things were so much easier when Ricky couldnt turn the teacup and said it was stuck. Jasper slammed the door behind him and glowered at Ricky. What the hell is up with you? he almost screamed. But he didnt want Star to hear, so he kept his voice pretty low. What are you talking about? Ricky sighed. He was having a good time with Star. Leave it to Jasper to go and ruin that. Im talking about you being with my girlfriend more than I am! She broke up with you for a reason, Ricky! Um, newsflash, Jasper, but if you actually would try doing some of the things she wanted to do, then maybe you would get to spend some time with her too! And, for the record, Star and I never even really went out! We were just pretending! Jasper gaped at Ricky, and Ricky turned away, storming toward his car and drove away. Jasper turned around and went back inside. Star was standing by the door, waiting. But when she saw it was just him, her face changed. It almost looked as if she was still waiting.

What happens in the Pool, Stays in the Pool

Star smiled as she looked out at her pool. It was finally finished. It had only been around a month since she had asked for it, but it felt like forever and a day. And finally all the waiting was over. And on the perfect sunny day, also. And, as you know, sunny days in October were rare. Not to mention her car was finally fixed. And Halloween was just a few days away. Star was being a super sexy Devil. Rickys commentary was that it fit her personality perfectly. Jasper thought dressing up was ridiculous. He said it was stupid and immature. When he said that Star started to get that aching, empty feeling inside again. She had been getting that feeling way too often lately. She didnt even know what it was. Starlight, Star heard a voice say from the patio door. Good. Youre already out here. Star turned to see her mother and father standing at the door with Natalie, who looked extremely confused. Star felt that confused look take over her face as well. Whats going on? she asked. Girls, William said, sitting on one of the chairs beside the pool. Why dont you take a seat? Your mother and I have something very important to tell you. Natalie and Star glanced at each other before taking a seat in the chairs, and Arianna did the same. You two are probably not going to take this very well, Arianna sighed, looking sad. William looked at her and placed his hand on her shoulder. Its alright, honey, William said tenderly. Everythings going to be ok. Just tell them. Arianna looked up at Star and Natalie, and then burst into tears. Natalie and Star looked at each other, concerned looks flooding both of their faces. What the hell was going on?

Since your mother seems in no condition to tell you, I guess I will have to, William said, looking at Natalie and Star. What is it, Daddy? Star asked, her eyes wide. Girls, your mother is having a baby. Stars eyes grew even wider then, and her frown deepened. What?! she screamed, fighting back the rising tears. No! Starlight, William said. Please calm down. Calm down! Star cried, jumping up. How am I supposed to calm down when youre bringing a baby into our family?! What, am I not good enough for you or something?! Starlight, now you know its not like that. I dont know anything anymore! Star screamed just before running inside the house. She quickly ran through the house and over to Jaspers before William could come after her. She rung Jaspers door. No answer. She pulled her phone out of her pocket and dialed his number. It rang and rang, but no one answered. Star blinked back her tears and ran towards her car. She knew where she would go. Where someone she knew cared about her was. She drove to Rickys, going at least 75 in a 35. She didnt care if she got a ticket. Let her parents pay for it. Why should she care? They didnt care about her, so why should she care about them? Star pulled into Rickys drive way and slammed on her breaks. She got out of the car, still fighting her tears, and walked up the walk and inside Rickys house. Paige was in the living room, watching The Munsters. Weirdo. Wheres Ricky? Star asked, her voice starting to crack a little. Hes in his room Paige said slowly. Starie, are you ok? Fine, Star replied, running upstairs quickly. She barged into Rickys room, where he was lying on his bed staring at the ceiling. He looked up and saw Star and his face twisted with concern.

Star, he said, sitting up quickly. Are you ok? Star let all the tears she had been fighting back so hard spill out in bucket loads and fell onto Rickys bed. She couldnt say anything, she was crying to hard. Ricky wrapped his arms around her and rocked her, making shushing noises to comfort her. Star, Ricky whispered. You need to calm down. Youre going to make yourself sick. Star nodded and took a few deep breaths as Ricky handed her a box of tissues. She wiped her eyes and blew her nose, doing her best to calm down. Whats wrong? Ricky asked. What happened? My stupid freaking mothers pregnant! Star cried, starting to cry again. Ricky rocked her some more and did a few more shushing sounds before he spoke. Youre mothers pregnant, he repeated. Yes! Star screamed. I just cant believe it! Its like Im not good enough for her or anymore! Star, Ricky said, brushing a strand of hair out of her face. Its ok. Just calm down. Did your mom mean to get pregnant, or was it by accident? She probably meant to! Star screamed. I guess Im not enough for her anymore or something. Ricky wanted to tell her she was enough for him, but he sort of figured it wasnt really a good time to confess his feelings. Im sure thats not true, Ricky said quietly instead, rubbing her hair. Star sighed. I know youre probably right. But, I mean, how could she?! Our life is perfect as it is. Why does she have to go and add a plus one? Its just not fair! What did you say to your parents when they told you? I sort of flipped on them Star saw Rickys face, and quickly tried to cover for herself. But in my defense, I was in, like, utter shock! I didnt really know what to think. I still dont know what to think. I dont want a stupid baby.

Did it ever occur to you thats its not really your choice? Ricky asked. Star looked up at him curiously, and he continued, Star, youre a senior in high school and youre going to be graduating soon. Soon you and Natalie will both be gone and youre parents will be left with nothing. Maybe they want a new child. Maybe they feel like they need one. I think you should be happy for them. Star sighed. As much as she hated it, she knew Ricky was right. And she had probably just made everything worse by flipping out like she did. Youre right, Ricky, she confessed. Im sorry. I'm not so sure if Im the one you should be apologizing to, Ricky said, rubbing Stars hair one more time, knowing he was about to have to let go. Star sighed and started to get up, and Ricky released her. He didnt want to release her, but he had to. But on the bright side, Star said, looking at Ricky and smiling. My pools finished! And youre cars fixed, Ricky said, looking out the window at Stars hot pink car. Star nodded, So I guess I will see you later? Huh? Ricky asked, looking up at Star. We have to work on our project, you idiot, Star replied before skipping out of the room. Ricky watched her, wishing more than anything he could of gave her a good-bye kiss. Mommy? Star said quietly, walking into the living room where her parents were sitting on the couch with Natalie. Natalie was sitting beside their mom, rubbing her shoulder and obviously trying to make her feel better. Star felt terrible. Arianna burst into tears again and both William and Natalie scowled at Star. Not now, Starlight, William snapped angrily. Havent you done enough damage as it is? I dont understand why you couldnt have been more civil like your sister. Star took a step back, her own tears rising to the surface. I just wanted to say I was sorry! she screamed before running out the door.

William took a deep breath and ran after Star, placing a hand on her arm before she get into her car. Starlight, he said gently. Im sorry. That was uncalled for. Star tuned to her father, tears already streaming down her face. Im staying with Paige tonight, she said, getting into her car and driving to Rickys. They hate me! Star cried. They dont hate you, Ricky disagreed soothingly. They do too! Star cried again. You should have heard the way they spoke to me! They hate me! Instead of arguing with Star some more, Ricky asked another question that had been hovering in his mind. Wheres Jasper? Star shrugged. I dont know. Hes not at home and he wont answer any of my calls. Ricky nodded. Go figure. And Jasper wondered why Star spent more time with him. Lets go swimming, Star said randomly. Huh? Ricky said, looking at Star. She was so spontaneous sometimes. To get my mind off of things, Star replied, getting up. I mean, dont you want to try out my new pool? Please? Ok, Ricky said, giving in. Let me get my swim trunks. Star skipped out of the house, wearing a sexy blue string bikini with her hair pulled back in a high ponytail. Ricky about fell out of his chair when he saw her. It wasnt fair that she wasnt his. Star about fainted when she saw Ricky. He officially was the most gorgeous thing she had ever seen. As if his face wasnt enough, his chest was phenomenal. Alright, Star said, sitting by the pool as Ricky jumped in.

Are you not going to get in? Ricky asked Star, leaning against the edge of the pool. Im cool with sunbathing. Its October. There is no sun. The only reason this pool is even bearable is because you have it heated. Star shrugged. Ricky smiled, got out of the pool, and grabbed Stars hand. Ricky Adell! she cried. Dont you even think about it! But it was too late; Ricky had already pulled her into the water. Ricky! Star laughed, splashing him in the face. Sorry, he laughed, dunking her. Star quickly swam to surface and jumped onto Rickys back, making him go underwater. Star! Ricky laughed, flipping Star off his back and turning around to catch her before she could go underwater. He wrapped his arms around her hips and pulled her up, and stopped. He knew he should let go, he knew he shouldnt pull her closer. But he couldnt help it. She belonged with him, and she needed to see that. And he especially knew he shouldnt press his lips hard against hers, but of course, he did it anyway. Stars mind went blank. That empty feeling she had always constantly felt while kissing Jasper, it was gone. She felt complete, like everything was the way it was supposed to be. She kissed Ricky harder, wrapping her arms around his neck and pressing her body hard against his. She didnt want to stop. Ever. She wanted more. More. More. Star didnt know how long they kissed before they were interrupted. Star, a voice said. Star looked up at the edge of the pool to see Natalie standing there, looking between them and something else. Star followed Natalies eyes to the pool next door. There was splashing. That meant Jasper was swimming in his pool next door. He could of looked over at any moment and saw her and Ricky kissing. Then her relationship would be over. Star didnt want that. She didnt want that, right?

Ricky, Star said, backing away. I have a boyfriend. And I I love him. With that, Star got out of the pool and into the house before she started crying.

Forever and Always

Star walked around her room. I dont want to go to school, Star said. But I need to see Jasper. So I do want to go to school. Natalie, what do I do? Star looked at Natalie with pleading eyes, wanting Natalie to make her decisions for her. Natalie sighed. She was sick of this. Star had already completely avoided all living things for two days straight; it was time she admitted she was in love with Ricky. Star, Natalie said. Just admit it. Admit what? Star asked. That the reason youre not going to school is because youre in love with Ricky and you know it. What? Are you crazy? Nope. Youre in love with Ricky. No Im not! Im in love with Rick- I mean Jasper! star bit her lip. She had slipped up. Natalie smiled, satisfied. I rest my case. Im not in love with Ricky! Thatd be like me saying Im not in love with Danny. Star glowered at Natalie. She was not in love with Ricky. She was in love with Jasper, and she had been since the first time she laid her eyes on his. She and Jasper were meant to be together, and they finally were, and she was most definitely not going to let anything ruin that. Natalie sighed. She would have to give in soon enough. Its Halloween. If you dont go to school, you cant go to the costume party tonight. Natalie moved the book out of Dannys lap and sat on it herself. Hey, she whispered into his ear.

Hey, he replied, kissing her neck. Its a good thing Mrs. Maccabee didnt mind PDA. Otherwise, they would be so screwed. Paige sighed. She was so sick of all this romance and drama. She felt like a third wheel, caught in the middle of it. She was nothing. Just like always. She sort of wished she could maybe have a little bit of drama and romance of her own for once. Paige looked up and was surprised to see Star walking into the room. She had skipped school both Monday and Tuesday, and Paige kind of figuring she would follow the trend for Wednesday. Paige guessed the only reason she had come is because it was Halloween and wanted to go to the party. It was so totally obvious the reason Star hadnt been coming to school is because she was avoiding Ricky. She also hadnt answered any of Paiges calls, which she normally would have never done. If Star would just give in and admit she was in love with Ricky, all her problems would be solved. But Star was too stubborn to admit she was wrong. Well, Starlight, Mrs. Maccabee said, noticing Star had entered the room. Its nice of you to join us today. Where have you been? Have you been sick? Uh Star said, looking at Mrs. Maccabee rather than Jasper or Ricky. Yeah, I was sick. Mrs. Maccabee nodded and averted her attention elsewhere. What was Star supposed to do now? Face her boyfriend that she betrayed, or face Ricky? Not that it even mattered, anyway. Star wasnt in love with Ricky like everyone seemed to think. She was in love with Jasper, and that was the end of it. Starie, Star heard a voice say, and she looked up to see Jasper looking over at her. He smiled and patted his lap, and she knew she had no choice but to walk over and sit on it. Star sighed, dropping her book bag and purse at her seat, making sure she avoided Rickys eyes and Ricky all together. Then, she walked over and sat on Jaspers lap. Jasper leaned over and kissed her, and Star reluctantly kissed back. For some

reason kissing Jasper just felt gross and wrong. She didnt want to kiss him anymore. She wanted to kiss Ricky. No! She didnt want to kiss Ricky. She was not in love with Ricky! Where have you been? Jasper asked, giving Star another quick kiss. I missed you. I was sick, Star lied. Yeah, Natalie snorted from beside of Jasper. Lovesick. Star scowled at Natalie, but then averted her attention back to Jasper. I missed you too, Star fought the little voice in the back of her mind that said she was lying. She loved Jasper. Not Ricky. She never had, she never will. Shes always loved Jasper. Always. Forever and Always. Are you going to the costume party tonight? Jasper asked. If you are we can go together. Yeah, Star said. Im going. We can go together. Natalie grunted, got up, and went back to Dannys lap. The only reason she had even left it is because she thought Star might be smart enough to realize she wanted Ricky and not Jasper and break up with him. Obviously she was wrong. Whats wrong? Danny asked as soon as Natalie sat down. He knew her so well. Star, Natalie said through gritted teeth. What about Star? Danny asked, resting his forehead against Natalies. He was so glad him and Natalie were finally together. It was paradise with her. He always knew there was someone out there for him, and he had finally found her. And she was perfect. Before Natalie could answer, Mrs. Maccabee called the class to order. Natalie smiled when Star got up and slowly walked over to her spot beside of Ricky. See how she handled sitting right next to him. Star took a deep breath, breathing in Rickys sent. He smelled like Abercrombie. Just his sent made Star dizzy.

Star pushed the feeling off. Ricky should not be the one making Star dizzy. No, that should the love of her life. That should be Jasper. Because Jasper and her would be together for forever and always. Star couldnt help but notice her breathing had increased. Why had her breathing increased? Why did she still feel so dizzy? Why was her heart doing these weird little flippy things? Why was Ricky making her this crazy? Ricky should not be making her this crazy! No! That should be Jasper, not stupid freaking Ricky! Stupid freaking Ricky! If he hadnt kissed her in the first place then none of this would have happened. She had gone through so much trouble to get Jasper and the first place, and Ricky even had helped her, so why was he trying to ruin that? So what if he was trying to ruin it. It didnt matter, because Star was deeply and madly in love with Jasper. You couldnt mess with real love like that. Real love like that lasted forever and always. Besides, what was the odds of someone falling in love with the wrong person? The bell rang. Crap. Star was supposed to be taking notes. She had her name. Starlight Genson, right there on her paper, in pretty cursive letters. She was so screwed. Just then, someone dropped a folded up piece of paper on her desk. She slowly unfolded it, taken in its Abercrombie scent. And there was a copy of the notes she was supposed to be taking. At the bottom of the paper, in really small writing, but big enough so Star could read it, it said: Just remember who you came to all those times Jasper let you down. She should have stayed home.

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