140 International Harvester Tractor

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To The Owner
Before you operate the tractor study this manual carefully. lt has beenprepared help you operate to and maintain your tractor with utmost efficiency. Your local International Harvester dealer is \ \-/ interested in the performance you receive from these tractors. He has factory-trained servicemen, informed in the latestmethod of servicing tractors, modern tools, and original-equipment service lH parts which assure proper fit and good performance. To obtain top performanceand assureeconomical operation the tractor should be inspected , dependingon its use, periodically,or at leastonce a year by your InternationalHarvester Dealer. Optional equipment and accessories available. is Disregardthe instructions for equipment not on your tractor. ' .\ ri

This symbol is used to call your attention to instructionsconcerning your personal safety.Be sureto observe
and follow theseinstructions Assembled in this manual are operation, lubrication, and mai'rtenance instructions for the International140 Tractors.This materialhas been preparedin detail in the hope that itwill help you to better understandthe correct care and efficient operationof your tractor. For prompt, efficient service,always specify the tractor model and serialnumbers,including prefix and suffix letters.



Your new International Harvester tractor is designed to meet today's exacting operating requirements.The easeand comfort of operation, the ability to match ground speeds enginepower to and work requirement,and the effortlessversatility of the hydraulic system are intended to lighten your work and shortenyour hourson the job.

,( eane4lqlOpznatuc I S T H EB E S TN S U R A N C E I AGAINST N ACCIDENT A



at and signedby both the dealerand the customer the This form must be filled out by the dealer of delivery. time
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Dealer Town No. Serial



(J E n g i n e e r i aN o . S l zip State equipment which reviewincluded ? the buyer on the abovedescribed I havethoroughlyinstructed E, and The warranty UJ th; Op"rrtor'i Manral content,equipmentcare,adjustments, safeoperation. J and werealsoexplained reviewed. policyprovisions



Manualhavebeen receivedby me and I have been thoroughly and Operator's Above equipment w a safeoperation n d a p p l i c a b l e a r r a n t y p o l i c y . adjustments, as instructed to care,


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DELIVERY SERVICE FOR 140TRACTORS at This form must be filled out by the dealerand signedby both the dealerand the customer the rv. time of delive
D e l i v e r e do t ACdress Town

Dealer Town S e r i aN o . l



E n g i n e e r i a lN o . zip S State e I h a v e t h o r o u g h l y i n s t r u c t e dt h e b u y e r o n t h e a b o v e d e s c r i b e d q u i p m e n t w h i c h r e v i e w i n c l u d e d a t h e O p e r a t o r ' s M a n u a l c o n t e n t , e q u i p m e n t c a r e , a d j u s t m e n t s , n d s a f e o p e r a t i o n .T h e w a r r a n t y p o l i c y p r o v i s i o n s e r e a l s oe x p l a i n e da n d r e v i e w e d . w


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by A b o v e e q u i p m e n t a n d O p e r a t o r ' s M a n u a l h a v e been received me and I havebeenthoroughly policy. warranty safeoperation andapplicable instructedas to care,adlustments,

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DELIVERY SERVICE FOR140TRACTORS This form must h filled out by the dealerand signed both the dealerand the by customer the at timeof delivery.
Delivered to Address Town Dealer Town SerialNo.

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J State Zip Engine SerialN o. l. have thoroughly instructedthe buyer on the abovedescribed z, equipmentwhich rariew included the-operator's Manualcontent,. equipmentcare, adjuitmlnts, and safe operation. The warranty II policy provisions werealsoexplaineil ul and reviewed.

Manuar been have ,'*r"* 'ffffi lly.:^::,:tl":l_:qgf_':t"r,s operationandapplicable Insrrucrso to care, as acljustments, safe warrantypolicy.
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Cut Along This Line




.. . Price Number l ^ oty. I P r i c e Each

Your Intemational HarvesterDealerand hlg factory trained servicmenare best your equipment.Upqualified to service todate instructionsand adequate special tools are also a part of your Dealer's facilities service

Opentor's llanual 140Tractor . . hrB htalogs 140 Tractor . . 1 014464R7


TC-528 ENG.l

5.10 12.00

This Operator'sManual was preparedto instruct yru in proper operation and maintenane of your equipment.lf you desire additional information you may purchce Service Manualsand/or Parts Catalogs. Additional copies of the Manual alsoavailable. Operator's are .-.

4-Cylinder Gasoline Engines Service tlanuals Gasoline Engine and (C-123). ., Fuel System . Clutches, Spring Loaded

GSS-I295.J GSS-I281-K GSS-I471

7.20 2.00 4.60


Chasis Fill out the order blank and forward { .? together with your check or money order in the appropriateamount (U.S. F s, c Funds)to:



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I ntevnational Harvester Company PRINTING ND A D I S T R I B U T I O S ER V I C E S N ff17 BlackhawkDrive'.,

Please Print

Street Addres Westmont,I llinois 60559 City Attention: Cashier Stats ZipCode Date Signed Donotsend or stamps cash RI Pricessubject to changewithout notice.


This symbol is used to call your attention to instructions and follow concerningyour personalsafety. Be sure to observe theseinstructions. AGAINSTAN ACCIDENT IS A CAREFULOPERATOR THE BESTINSURANCE
SERVICING AND BEFORE STARTING Carefully operators. suPerwis e inexperienced Avoid loos e-fitting clothing, could catch on rnoving Parts. which

keeP any type When fueling a tractor, Do not srnoke. Stop of open flarne away. the engine and wait for it to cool'before rernoving the fuel caP or refueling' Be sure that the fuel tank cap is fully tightened against the stop before starting the engine. Check coolant and engine oil levels, and perforrn any other neces sa rY services, before starting the engine. Turn the radiator cap slowly counterclockwise to the pressure release point to allow the pres sure o r any stearn to escape; then press down on the cap and continue to turn until the cap is free to be rernoved. Check brakes and clutch Pedal for correct adjustrnents. Reduce tipping ha zards by spreading wheels ae far as your work Prograrn perrnite. Be sure rnuffler and exhaust pipe are in place Bo exhaust gases are discharged above the operator. Alwaye keep the operators cornpartrnent clean- Keep dirt, trash, and g reas e f rorn the pedals, steps , rnounting handles, steering wheel, and controlg. Always carry a'tCharged'r fire extinguisher and a first aid kit'

Mounting assist handles and steps are Use thern provided for your safety. getting on or off the tractor. STARTING Know the controls and what they do. Be in the operatorf s seat and fasten the s eat belt. Set the brake pedal lock and place the transrnission gear shift lever in the neutral position before starting the engine. Be sure the power take-off rod is in the "OFF" or disengaged position before Make sure that the starting the engine, helpers or observers stand clear of the equiprnent. Make sure the area is well ventilated. DURING OPERATION Carefully ope rato r s.

supervis e inexperienced

Hydraulic fluid es caping under pres sure can have enough force to penetrate the fluid rnay also infect skin. Hydraulic If a rninor cut or opening in the skin. do"tF" floid, t." ittjq{g4 !y-gt""pittg " ion or reactlon .an r.su1t if rnedical treatrnent is not Make sure all congiven irnrnediately. nections are tight and that hoses and lines are in good condition before applying pressure to the systern. Relieve all pressure before disconnecting the lines

or perforrning other work on the hyd_ raulic systern. Tofind a leak under pres sure us e a srnall piece of cardboa rd o r wood. Neve r us e hand.s. Power take- off rnaster shield rnust always be in place on the tractor. _ S _ t o pt h e e n g i n e , s e t t h e b r a k e p e d a l tg:| lttd place the transrnission g.", s hift lever in the neutral positiori before disrnounting frorn ihu t"actor for any reason. Always keep shields in place. D i s e n g a g e P T O , s h u t o f f t h e e n g i n e , and rernove the key before adjusling Or UIrclogging power diiven nlachineiy, Only the operator should ride on the tractor. He shoutd sit on the seat with the seat belt fastened. Keep others, especially chid.ren, from riding on steps, fenders, or d.rawbar, and away frorn tractor equiprnent. Use the drawbar heavy load.. when hitching t o a TRANSFORTING Before rnoving on public roadsr or frorn field to field, lock the brake ped.als together for sirnultaneous operation. Reduce speed when traveling on rough roads, sharp turns, and down-steep hills. Avoid heavily-traveled roads when rnoving equiprnent, if. at all possible. Uee warning deviceo (i. e. flags, S. M. V. ernblern, lights, etc. wnicfr ; are approved for use bi your local g o v e r n r n e n t a g e n c i e s , w h e n r n o v i n-in" g equiprnent on publi c road s. X. . d e v i c e s c l e a n a n d i n g o o d w o r k i n"p " g conditiontransporting equiprnent on the highway, it is tucorrr.rr.ended that a s-afety chain with a rating greater than -th" gross load of the toweJ equiprnent, be us ed. Be sure hitches and /or drawbars are properly etabilized before towing equiprnent. B e courteous, have consideration other traffic using the road. BEFORE DISMOUNTING for the tractor to corne to a c-ornplete etop, shut off the engine, set the brake pedal lock, and plac! the trans_ rnission gear shift lever in the neutral position. - Lower equiprnent to ground before leawing the tractor. - Always rernove the key when leaving the tractor to avoid unautho riz ed ope ration. r, 'Wait for 'When

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Pull only frorn drawbar; to axle hous ing.

n e v e r hitch

Always keep the tractor i, gear when going down hiIls. A towed vehiqle having gross weight greater than the weight oi l t1.- towing tra cto r rrrus t b e equippe j with its own brakes. Always avoid sudden starts, speed, and sudden stops. excessive

Check overhead clearance carefully before driving under power lines, g"" wires, bridges, low hanging tree b"ranchs, ent ering or leavip buildings, etc. To assure the protection provided by design, the protective st"uctu"e rnust not be altered by welding, cutting, drilling, or in any other nr.annor"



AFTER AN UPSET I No atternpt should be rnade to straightrlr weld, or otherwise repair the protective frarne for further s ervice. It rnust be replaced in its entirety. NOTE: Do not oPerate the tractor or run the engine until a thorough inspection has been rnade to deterrnine that all. cornponents, controls, etc. are The tractor rnust operating correctly. be inspected for other darnlge, preferHarvester ably, by your International and all necessary corrections dealer, rnade.

Description Page No.

... . CoNTENTS.'... ...]. INTRODUCTION.. INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS. BEFORE OPERATING THE TRACTOR PREPARING TPR EACH DAY'S WORK. . . . o . . . . . .'. . . . . . . GASOIINE ENGTNE .. .. ....... G A - S O L I N5 ' U E L S Y S T E M .. . . . . E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENGINE. . . . . DISTILLATE .... ...... DRTVINGTHETRACTOR... ........ TOUCHCONTROLSYSTEM. ..,. FA,ST-HITCH HITCI{ING TRAILING EQUIPMENT TO THE TRACTOR . . . . . . . . . . B E LT PU L L EY O R POW E R TA K E .OFF. c ooLI N G SY ST E M . . . . . r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AIR CLEANING SYSTEM. E LE C T R IC A L SY ST E M . . . . MINOR ENGINE SERVICE OPERATIONS FRONTW}IEEI-S ....

z, 3
4to7 '1 g, 9 , 9, l0 I0 to IZ 13, L4 l5 to'17 t7 to 19 20, 2l ?l to 25

25, z6 27, Z8
28 to 31 31, 32t 33 to 45 45 to 47 47 to 49 50 to 52 52 to 55 55 to 57 57 58 5i, 60 60,61 62 to 66 67 to 7o 7L 7Z to 77 77 to 79 79 to 8l 8I 82, 83

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LUBRICATTON. . . o. . . . . . . . . LUBRICATTON TABI-4E . . . . . . . . GUIDE. . . . . . . . . . . . . LUBRICATION PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE GUIDE. . . O ' ' ' ' ' '

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l l l ust.2 Farmall140 Tractor. (Equipped with Roll Over Protective Structure)


instrucand rnaintaining Where operating it is included tion on these items is required, or maintainfor operating in the instruciions Disregard the instructions ing the tractor. for equipment not on your tractor.

in this manual are numThe illustrations with the pages on which bered to correspond t h e y a P p e a r ; f o r e x a r n p l e r l l l u s t s . 3 , 3 A o n d3 8 o r e on pogc 3.

Throughout this rnanual the use of the terms and REAR must be LEFT, F RONT, RIGHT, to avoid confusion when following understood and RIGHT indicate the LEFT instructions. when facing left and right sides of the tractor forward in the driverts seat. Reference to FRONT indicates the radiator end of the tractor; to REAR the hitch end. See lllusr. 3.

lllust,3A Locotion of the troclor seriol number.

The engine serial number is stamped on the right side of the engine crankcase above the b a t t e r y i g n i t i o n u n i t . S e el l l u s r . 3 B . T h i s s e r i a l number is preceded by the prefix C-L23, which indicates that it is a carbureted engine with a I Z3 cubic- inch piston displacement,

l l l u s t .3 ' Terms of locotion.

When in need of parts, always specify the tractor and engine serial numbers including prefix and auffix letters. The tractor serial number ie etamped on a name plate attached to the right eide of the clutch housing. Scelllusr. 34.

lllust. 38 Locotion of cngine seriol numbcr.


Touch Control levers

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i"E"p fpi"a Sonltol Iever


Key ignition swilch

Choke rod


Chorge indirofor

Geqiiffft lev6r Power rqke-off ind belt pulley conkol rod

Fusehousing Lighting switch Push button storting switch


lllust.4 L o c o t i o no f i n s t r u m e n to n d c o n t r o l s( 1 2 v o l r s y r t e m ) . s ( T r o c t o r s i t h s e r i o ln u m b e r s 6 g 0 l o n d u p . ) w 2

Fleol indicElcr


Brgirn tg..d cofrd levr

TouchConrrql levers' lgnitlon switeh bution Choke rod Chcrge indirotor Fu*e housing tighting switch $torting switch cgnrpl rod Broke pcdofs Clurch pedaf Georshift levar
Power toke-off snd beh pulley conltol rod . ,r ,

l ;

ii, I ii.

lllust. 4A Locotion of instruments ond controls (6 volt system). ( T r o c t o r s w i t h s e r i o l n u m b e r sb e l o w 2 6 g 0 l . )

llr i : i: i
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BRAKE PEDALS These pedals are used to stop the tractor,
position, in a stationary to hold the tractor to assist in making eharp turns as outlined below: or This lever is used to select the various gear There are four forratios in the transmission. w a r d s p e e d s a n d o n e r e v e r s e s p e e d . S e el l l u s t . 5 .

depress both pedals at To stop the tractor, in the same tirne. Before driving the tractor high gear, always latch the pedals together.. To Iatch them brake position, in a stationary hold the tractor depress and lock the pedals together, in this depressed position by using the pedal lock,

This pedal, when depressed all the w&1r, disengages the engine from the transrrrission.

The choke rod rnakes it possible to regulate seat. choke frorn the driverrs the carburetor Pulling out on the choke rod closes the carburetor choke for starting the engine; pushing it back in opens the choke.

To assist in making a sharp turn, operate depressing the pedal the pedals individually, on the side toward which the turn is to bemade. Thc broke pedol lotch (lllusts.4,4A, ond19) is used causing to latch both brake pedals together, the brakes to operate simultaneously. Coution! Always latch the brake pedals toin high gear gether when driving the tractor (fourth speed). To latch the pedals together, engage the latch (located in back of the right pedal, illusr. 19) in the slot in back of the left 'W.hen the brake pedals are not latched pedal. the latch should rest in the slot in together, the back of the right brake pedal. The broke pedol lock (lllusr. 19) is used to lock the brake pedals in the depressed position. This prevents the tractor frorn rnoving.


This lever controls the speed of the engine will rnaintain and, when set in a given position, engine speed even though the engine a uniform load rnay vary. is The rninirnurn idle speed (hand throttle) with the engine speed control 400 to 450 r.p.rn. Scclllust.5A. Never operate leqer fully retarded. governed the engine at more than the regular Refer to speeds are harmful. speed. Excessive r r E n g i n e S p e e d s ' r o n p o g e7 9 .


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) forward


l^l (rrt


a Y
A4ffi A

lllust. 5 Creorrhifi poritionr.

lllust. 5A Voilous posltlons of thc enginc spced control levct.


pedal is used when rnaking The accelerator frequent changes of tractor speeds. Pressing down with the foot increases the speed of the engine. The engine speed control lever' should pedal is to be be retarded when the accelerator used.

with battery ignition, when Note: On tractors is not operating or the engine has the engine the stalled and the operator leaves the tractor, ignition switch button rnust be pushed all the way in, so that the switch is in the of position, to prevent batterY discharge.


is set at the factory and The governor Consult your should r-equire no adjustment. dealer if the governor Harvester International does not function ProPerlY.

To start the engine, ad.just the choke rod and pull out on the starting switch control rod as explained on poges ll ond 12.


with generator

or alternator)

KFY lGNlTIil StflTCtl(l2.Volt Sysrem)

ignition switch is located on the A key-type instrurnent panel. Turn the key clockwise to position to turn on the ignition. a horizontal The key cannot be rernoved when in this position.

or Note: When the engine is not operating, the engine has stalled and the operator -leaves the trictor, the key rnust be turned to the nO1rFrr position to prevent battery discharge.

The switch has four positions; "OFFrr posibright tion; rtDtr position for dirn headlights, and a warna red taillight, lights, lnstrurnent ing tight; "8" Position fqr bright headlights, and a warna red taillight, lights, instrurnent ing light; and I'R tr position for bright headand a white rear lights, instrurnent lights, should always be used The red taillight tllnt. on the highway at night or during *hen traveling The white rear light tirnes of poor visibility. field use only and should not be used on is for the highway.

SWITCH LIGHTING (Tractors with 12 volt alternator, turn signals,

and warning lights)


Pushing the button in cornpletes the electribetween the battery and the cianking cal circuit rnotor pinion srotor and causes the cranking to engage the flywheel ring gear, thereby craaking the engine.

rrOFF't posiThe switch has four Positions; rfD" position for flashing warning lightstion; rrNrr position for flashing warning daytirne' rear lights,. and taillight, headlights, lights, and "lf " Position for headlights; inltrurnent and instrurnent rear lights, taillights, lights, lights. The rrNrt position for flashing warning lights, rear lights, and instrutaillights, headlights, rnent lights should alrn'ays be used when traveling on the highway at night or during tirnes of The white rear light is for poor visibility. field use only and rnust not be used on the highway.

zuTTU{(f'VoltSvstem) lcillTlO{ SiITCH

This button closes and opens the electrical and stopPing the engine. for operating circuit and push it in Pull the button out for operating to stop the engine.



The shifter level is used to engage or d.is_ engage- either the belt pulley or the po*e, take_ g.ff . Refer to poges27 ond28- for operating instruc_ tions.

This instrurnent (lllust. 68) indicates whether the generator is charging or the battery is discharging. If it shows discharge continuously, investigate the cause to avoid cornpletely discharging the battery and possible darnage to the generator. Rehr to poge39 for additional inforrnation on electrical equiprnent.


lllust. SB Clorge indicolor.

These levers (lllust.4A) operate the Farrnall Touch-Control systern. This systern raises, Iou'ers, and regulates the working position of the various irnplernents used with the tractor. For cornplete instructions r e f e rt o p o g e2 0 .

lllusr. 5 Locotion oil pressure gouge. of (Coolins HEAT INDICATffi Sysrem)

Notc:Tractors with gasoline engines are not regularly equipped with this feature. Thie instrurnent indicates the relative ternperature range of the liquid in the cooling systern for best engine perforrnance. The indicator pointer should be in the center of the "RUNrt range for engines using distillate for fuel, and on the low side of the "RUNrr range for engines lleot indiccor, shoring using gasoline for fuel, pointer in corrcct serufing positim when oprating on distillote.

This gauge (lllusts. 6 ond 6A) i n d i c a t e s w h e t h e r lubricating oil is circulating through the engine. needle should The indicator rnove at least one-third of the distance between rrOrr and the first rnark (lllusr.6A) when the engine is running at speeds approxirnately I00 r. p. rn. above slow idle speed. If it does not, stop the engine irnrnediately and investigate the cause of oil pressure failure. If you are unable to find the cause. consult your International lllust.6A dealer before Harvester Oil pressure gouge. operating the engine.

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lllust.TA fluid Touchontrol

heol indicotor.

This indicator (lllust. 7A) registers the relative ternperatrrre of the fluid in the Touch-Control systern. W'hen the Touch-Control systern is operating, pointer should be the indicator in the .'RIJN" range approxirnately in the position shown in illust. 7A,It. the pointer rnoves into the "HOT'| area, it is an indication that the systern has been operating continually at high pressure. If this condition occurs, stop the engine irnrnediately and investigate the cause. If you are unable to find the cause, consult your International dealer before Harvester operating the engine. Refer to poge 20 for operating instructions.

lllust. TB Heoi co]rtrolvoJveset in hot position (distiI lore engines only).

Thi s control l ever (l l l ust.TB ) i s used only on di sti l l ate engi nes. For norrnal operat ion set the lever in the top notch (hot) position. If the di sti l l age engi ne i s to be operated on gasoline, set the control lever in the bottorn notch (cold) position, and rerrrove the rnanifold shield if so equipped. For cornplete instructions referto poge




Allow engine to warrn up before operating rises at full load. If engine coolant ternperature above rniddle rnark or RUN range on ternperature gauge, shift to lower range to reduce engine load. During first 100 hours of operation with shipaway oil, avoid prolonged periods of engine Hydraulic filter idling, but do not overload. elernents rnust be changed as specified in 'rLub' rication Guiderr.

Never operate an engine irnrnediately under full load, break it in carefully as shown in the table. Do not overload the engine at any tirne.

Period I st Hour

Engine Speed Control Lever Position Fully advanced

M a i n ta i n engi ne speed 100 RPM above full load

overned speed. Fullload governed speed with occasional sho-rt pef load. iods of lishtei

Znd Throug 5t h Hour s



Lubricate 'rLubrication the entire Guid.e.'l tractor, using the


L UB R I C A T I 0- C o n t i n u e d N
Check the oil levels of the engine crankcase, air cleaner, transrnission, belt pulley housing, and all gear cases to see that they are fi[ed to the correct levels with oil of the proper viscosity for the prevailing ternperaturL. See the rrlubrication Guide'r and the ilLubrication Table. " Tractors packed for export have all oil drained frorn the engine crankcase, a.ir cleaner and all gear cases. Never start or operate the engine without water or antifreeze in the cooling systern ex_ cept as instructed in "Cold Weather precau_ t i o n s r r o n p o g e s 0 o n d6 1 . 6 For further inforrnations see 'rCooling Sy"_ ternrr poge28. If the tractor is to be oper-ted in free zi.ng ternperatures (+32 d.egrees F. or lower) refer to "Co1d W'eather precautionsil.



Be sure that all the safety p1ace. shields are in

set the left rear wheel in the extrerne outer position. Turn the right rear wheel in, and set it for a 50-inch tread by attaching the clarnps and rims in the outer position. Set the front wheels so the inside ed.ges of the front tires line up with the inside eJges of the rear tires.


i ri

l l l u s t .S Oil levelgouge.

To change the position of the rear wheels, block the front end of the tractor securely.by putting blocks 'rC'r and 'rD'r in position as shown in lllusr. 50- After the front end of the tractor has been securely blocked, jack up the rear end and rernove the six cap screws frorn the rear wheel hub. For treads, further inforrnation refcr ro poFs 17 lo 19. on setting wheel

Inspect the flexible rubber hose connections between the air cleaner and carburetor. All joints between the air cleaner and. car.buretor rnust be kept tight to prevent dirt frorn entering the engine.

Lubricate the entire mower the Mower Operator's Manual.

as instructed


Provision is made in the deeign of this tractor so that it rnay be equipped with either a gasoline or distillate burning engine. Before atternpting to uge a fuel for which your tractor is not designed, see your International Harvester deal.er or the nearest International Harvester Cornpany District Office for full ctetails. International Harvester gasoline burning engines are specifically designed for use witi regular grade gaeoline having a 93 rninirnurn rating (Research Method-approxirnately 9:t"l: 84, Motor Method). Fuels having a lower octane rating can be used satisfactorily in distillate burning engines. These engines are designed for use with fuels having a 40 rninirnurn octane rating (Motor Method).

Before rnoving the tractor, check the air pressure in the pneurrratic tires and inflate or deflate the front tires to 28 pounds and the rear tires to 12 pounds. Refer to the tables on poge.56 for rnore cornplete inforrnation.


Be sure the cooling systern drains (lllust.29A) are closed; then fill the radiator to a level Z-Il4-inches below the top of ?,,1"*irnately tfi"d':fiUer neck. Filling the radiator to this level will allow for e>f,ansion of the coolant under norrnal operating conditions. Use clean *"t&; soft or rain watir is recornrnend.ed, as it dcibs not contain alkali, which forrns scale and' eventually clogs the passages. Fill the ra.diator slowly. This perrnits air to escape frorn the cylinder head and allows the cooling systern to be filled to its rnaxirnurn capacity.


Thoroughly acquaint yourself with all instrurnents and controls as described onpoges +ol. 4

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See the table below for fuel octane ratings required to obtain the best engine perforrrrance and rnaxirnurn engine life for your type of engine. Use clean fuel and keep it clean. Store fuel in tanks equipped with hose and nozzle to prevent contarnination of the fuel. The use of funnels, cans and drums is not recommended because they are difficult to keep clean. Distillate fuels should conforrn to International Harvester Company specifications (see your International Harvester dealer). On distillate burning tractors, do not open the shut-off valves under the ar:xiliary tank and the rnain fuel tank, or even partially open them at the sarne time, as this will perrnit the distillate to rnix with the gasoline, rnaking the engine hard to start.

Type of Engine



Gasoline Distillate

burning burning

93 Minimurn (Research Method) 40 Minirnurn (Mo to r M e th o d )

To which ating serve

obtain best results, use the fuel for the tractor is designed, follow the operinstructions given for that fuel and obthe following precautions:


A fte r E veryl 0 H oursof Operoti on
Aircleanercap.. Air cleaner oil cup Cooling systern Lubrication points .. Rernove dirt or chaff . Remove, clean and refill. Check level of coolant in radiator. See "Lubrication Guide. rl

S e ep q g e s 8 q n d2 9 . 2


T -rld i

6 6 u

lllust.g Vent hotes in filler cop. Nevcr refueltractor while engineis running or extremelyhot. Fili t::e j':el tank, preferably at the end of each ia1'' s s'crk. This will force out any rnoisture-l-c-:air and prevent condensation. Tractors de signed for distillate operation have an auxiliary tank for gasoline, which is used only for starting and warming up the engine. If a distillate engine is to be operated on gasoline only, use the large fuel tank for gasoline and either shut off the small tank or use it as an auxiliary tank.


The filler caps on both fuel tanks have air vents. These vents should be kept open at all tirnes to assure proper flow of the fuels. Sce lllust.9. Continucdon nexf pogc.


F I L L I N G H EF U E LT A N K. C o n r i n u e d T COOLING SYSTET4
Remove the radiator filler cap and check the water level. FiIl to a level approximately Z-I/4-inches below the top of the fi[., neck.


lllust.0 l Fillingthe fueltonk.

ll lT:;lii;i:.ffi,' :t"1J i#:ilff:t T:'fuets.whenpouri"g :J:[:, :nk working oround inflommobte g";"ii.", L""p
the hoseondnozzleor the funnelondcontoinei conroct in with the metolof the fuelronk (ltlusr. l0) ro ov.oid rt'"po""ilili4,;f on electric-spork ignitingthe gos.Do not ligh m;ch"il"o, in. flommoble fuels,os the oir withino rodiusof severol feet is mixedwith o highlyexplosive vopor.

coution!Never remove fuertonkcopor fill rhefuel rhe

lllust.l0A O i l l c v c l b c o di n o i r c l e o n e r i l c u p . o The air cleaner cap should be cleaned, and the oil in the a.ir cleaner crrp should be changed more frequer:tlr- than everylen hours of oper_ ation, if ur:usual dust and dirt conditiorr" encountereC. """

'ce Before attempting to start or o p e r a t e the tractor, sure \-ou review the instructions for the new tractor and thoroughly familiarize r-ourself with the rnstruments and controls.

his e n g i n ei s d e s i g n e d o p e ro te n gosol i ne i th to o w o 93 mi ni mum octoncroti ng(R eseorch Method) .





t^ro\z/ ;


Loorc or "floppy" clothing should not be worn by thc operator because of the danger of it wrapping on or getting into the movjng pails.

enginein a barnor garage, keep Yh"t starting.the the doors wide open because exhauit sii"l i;"; Inrernat-combustion engines contain poisonous carbon monoxide whic-his ;; "a.rl colorless. "rr,'hd;;;'




Brcother cop

Gosoline liller cop

Fuel stroiner {nol seen)




lllust.ll engine. Gasoline

Be sure the shut-off valve on the fuel under the gasoline tank is open. strainer To prevent leakage or seepage when the screw out the valve is in its full open position, valve) until the seat on needle stern (shut-off the stern is tight against the stop.

When using the choke, avoid overchoking' as excessive use of the choke will flood the The use of the engine, rnaking it hard to start. depending on ternchoke for starting will varlr perature and altitude. 3. Advance the engine Seelllust. 5A. one-third. speed control lever


The safety starting switch located under the serves platforrn at the right side of the tractor' with moving the tractor to prevent accidentally the cranlcing rnotor or starting the engine when is in gear. the tractor The switch rnoves to the closed contact position when the clutch pedal is depressed all the way to disengage the engine frorn the trans rnission. This perrnits cornpletion of the circuit to the cranking rnotor for starting the engine.

(I2-VoltSystem) SfARnlG TIE ENGINE

l. Put the gearshift position. Sr lllusr.5. Z. Full out. 11 the choke lever in the neutral



all the way

llA lllust. the Pulling choke oul. rod

on Continued nexi pog.



STARTING ENGINE Voh-System) (12 THE . Conrinued
4, Disengage the engine clutch. 7. Slowly release engine starts. the clutch ped.al after the

5. Push button storling. Turn the ignition key clockwise to I'ON'r position. Press in on the push button starting switch and release it as soon as the engine starts. Key ignition storfing. Turn the key ignition position switch clockwise to the "START" until the engine starts. The switch rnoves to the closed contact position when the clutch pedal is depressed all the way to disengage the engine frorn the transrnission. This perrnits cornpletion of the circuit to the cranking rnotor for starting the engine. Nole: Do not operate the cranking rnotor for more than 30 seconds at any one tirne. If the engine does not start within this tirne, wait one 'rninute, and then crank again.

C outi on! hen W hondcronk.i ng engine,be sur e the the georshi ft ever i s i n i he neutrolposit ionond l ol w oysstondi n o posi ti onthoi w i l l elim inot e ony possi bi l i tyof bei ng struckby rhe storti ngcronkif t her eis o reversol the di recti on the engi ne. ronkt he engine of of C by using qui'ckupstrokes; not spin it. do

Note: Never operate the cranking while the engine is operating. 6. Slowly starts. release the clutch after


lllust.2 l Correct method hond of cronking.

the engine


As soon as the engine starts, adjust the choke to a point where the engine operates without rnissing and, as the engine wirrrrs upr open the choke all the way by gradually pushing the choke rod all the way in. Do not use the choke to enrich the fuel rnixture, except when starting the engine. Irnrnediately after the engine starts, check the oil pressure gauge (lllust.6A) to rnake sure sufficient oil is circulating through the engine. The indicator needle should be past the first rnark above zeTo when the engine is running at speeds approxirnately 100 r. p. rrr. above slow idle speed. If it is not, stop the engine irnrnediately and investigage the cause of oil pressure failure. If you are unable to find the cause, consult your International dealer Harvester before operating the engine.

S T A RT I NG (6-Volt THE ENGINE Sysrem) l. Put the gear shift lever position. Seelllust. 5.
2. Pull i n t h e neutral

t h e c h o k e r o d a l l t h e w a y out.

l l l u s t .I l A .


Avoid overchoking, as excessive use of the choke will flood the engine rnaking if hard. to start. The use of the choke for starting will d.epending on the ternperature var!t and altitude. 3. Advance the engine speed control one -third. S e e l l l u s t .5 A . 4. Pull o u t on the ignition switch lever


5. Disengage the engine clutch down on the clutch pedal.

by p"essing


Retard the engine speed by pulling the control lever all the way back (lllust. 5A).- attow the engine to cool slowly frorn full-load operation by slowly idling the engine for a short tirne. Then turn the ignition key counter-clockwise to the "OFF" position (12-volt systern) or push t!e ignition switch control button all the way in (6-volt systern) to stop the engine. It is advisable to close the gasoline shut-off valve if the engine is to be stopped for any length of tirne.

6, Pull out on the starting switch control rod and release it as soon as the engine starts. However, do not operate the cranking rnotor for rnore than thirty seconds at any one tirne. If the engine does not start within this tirne, release the starting switch control rod and wait a rninute or two; then try again. Note: Never operate the cranking while the engine is operating. rnotor



or fuel Note: Unusual operating conditions' rnay reoctanes below those recomlnended' of the specified ignition rquire rnodification ("Sp.cif ications"), to a retarded posi&Li"g as retion. i.etara from the specified setting qoi".a (approxirnately one degree for each (not rnore 6ctane below 93) to elirninate knock 5 oegrees). It is recornrrrended this be than done by your International Harvester dealerrs se rvicernan.

Use clean fuel; the presence of dirt and water wiII disturb the functioning of the carclean the fuel screen after every 500 buretor. hours of oPeration. The fuel screen can be rernoved for cleaning the fuel line fitting and rernoving by unscrewing the elbow; clJan the screen and replace it' The flange nuts which hold the carburetor to the rnanif-old should be checked periodically S e e" A " , l l l u s i . l 4 A ' for tightness. check cover screws which Occasionally fasten the fuel bowl to the fuel bowl cover' to Scc "A", lllusr. l4A. They should be \ept tight avoid any air leakage past the fuel bowl cover gasket. are correctly The engine and carburetor If this setJnipped frorn the factory. set when ting has been disturbed for any reason' Proceed as follows:


by Close the idle adjusting screw to its seat to the right (or-in); then open it one turning it fast turn. Start the engine and operate it at (with5ut any load) until thoroughly iJfittg speed or if necessary Cov"" the radiator *""ti. is so if the tractor shutter close the radiator


A-lr$f$4 F

equipped. White the engine is running at fa-st idle speed, it is advlsabte to screw in the throttle stop screw a few turns to prevent the engine stopping when the throttle is closed' Now froL The engine will then be tfre inr6ttle. .Io"" at a fairly high speed and the throttle iafittg a time stop screw can be bactLd out a little at desired idle speed is obtained' untit the

lllusl. l3 Fuel stroinershowingthe gloss bowl for removed cleoning.

and sedirnent bowl Clean the fuel strainer e \ . e r y 2 5 0 h o u r s o f o p e r a t i o n . S e el l l u s t . 1 3 . after To do this, proceed as follows: Close the shut-off valve. the

Z. Take the strainer apart by loosening nut under the sedirnent bowl' 3. Clean the sedirnent screen if necessary.

bowl and clean the

be sure the cork 4. When reassernbling, between the bowl and the main body is gasket In good condition and does not leak' Use a new gasket if necessary.

lllusr. l3A Corburelorodiusfment.

Continued on next Pogcr



A D J U S T I N G EI D L EA D J U S T T N G R E t {C o n r i n u e d TH SC
If-the engine misses or rolls while backing out the throttle stop screw, the idle adjustingscrew may be adjusted either in or out until the engine operates smoothly. Speed up the engine for a few seconds; the reiheck lhe idte adjustment. A slight adjustrnent in or out will give the smoothest idle. Recheck the idling speed as described the IdIe Adjusting Screw.rr "Adjusting under

If the engine is not receiving the correct mixture of fuel, it may be that the main jet adjusting screw has loosened. If ne"us"J"y, tighten the adjustment screw packing nut securely.

MAIN JET ADJUST|IENT Disrillore (For Corburerors)

If your tractor is equipped for distillate operation, set the rnanifold heat control lever in the hot position and allow the engine to operate on gasoline until thoroughly warrned up. The pointer on the heat indicator should be on the center of the "RUN'| section. Now change over to operate on distillate and operate the engine a short time before making any adjustment. To regulate the main jet adjustment, advance the engine speed control lever to the fast idle position and turn the rnain jet adjustment clock_ wise until the fuel flow is shut off and the speed of the engine drops because of the lean mixture; then open until the engine runs srnoothly. After the engine has been put under load., readjust th,e main jet adjustment if necessary. Always adjust so that the engine operates smoothly with as lean a mixture as possible.


lllust. l4A Removing the corburetor.

1. Close the shut-off straine r .


on the fuel

Z. Drain the carburetor by removing -othe r drain plug when operating on gasoline, by opening the drain cock when operating on distillate. After the carburetor has drai-ned. completely, close the drain cock or replace the drain plug. 3. Disconnect controls. 4. Disconnect the choke wire and governor

the fuel line. cleaner connections to

5. Remove the air the carburetor. lMoin iet odiustment Oistillcb .qTlv.).,

6. Remove the complete carburetor by rernoving cap screws or nuts which fasten it to the rnanifold. S e e" A " , l l l u s t . l 4 A .

-tr .t.:i
itj t!;


I. Install the carburetor on the engine the reverse order of removal. Z. Turn 3. Adjust previously. on the gasoline the carburetor supply. as described



i i . ; i

i l i '
; i ;

ili ' i'i

lllust.l4 Gosolinecorburefor odiustments. (Thc disrillore corburcior is similor exceptfor the pcrts shownin the lower right corncr.)


i l ii ri , i l r


This engineis designed operoleon fuel with o 40 minimum lo ocfoneroting (i4otorlrterhod).
Follow l. these four steps when operating heat control lever a distillate engine on distillate. 'rlftr hot position. Set the manifold

in the top notch

2. Start the engine on gasoline. 3. Change over to distillate fuel. stopping starting. in this the engine, manual; to insure having carefully.

4. Change back to gasoline before gasoline in the fuel bowl for the next The above steps are fully explained

study them

Tractors designed for operation on distillate are regularly equipped with a radiator shutter to assist in warrning up a cold engine quickly and to rnaintain the engine at the rnost efficient operating ternperature. Distillate fuels are heavier than gasoline and therefore require rnore heat for proper vaporizatiort. Before starting a distillate engine, close the radiator shutter cornpletely. After the engine has been started, allow it to operate with the radiator shutter closed until the pointer on the heat indicator is in the center of the "RUN't section; then regulate the shutter enough to keep the pointer on the heat indicator in the center of the "RUN" section The adjustrnent of the depending on the load the length of idling periodsr atures, and the kind and being used. shutter will vary, tractor is handling, atrnospheric ternperquality of fuel that is

a d j u s t r n e n t p o s j , t i o n s ; ( 1 ) t o p n o t c h r r F f ' rh o t position; (2) center notch, interrnediate position; (3) bottorn notch, rrCil cold position. See

l l l u s t .7 8 .
With these adjustrnents, the heat of the rnanifold can be regulated to suit various operating conditions, which are governed by the prevailing air ternperature, the load the engine is handling, and the kind and quality of fuel that is being used. When operating the engine on distillate, the heat control valve should be set in the top notch, "Ff" hot position (lllust.78) u*"ept when the prevailing ternperature is very high, or when the engine is operating with a constant heavy load. In such cases, use either the interrnediate position or the "C'r cold position. Loosen the nut on the heat control adjusting lever to set the lever at the proper notch. The rnanifold should be kept hot at all tirnes to properly vaporLze the heavy fuels and to avoid dilution of the crankcase lubricating oil. To obtain the rnost efficient engine perforrnance when operating with distillate fuel, st the rnanifold heat control lever in the position shown in the table for the prevailing air ternperature and type of engine loading.


Cout io n ! p e nth e g o s o l i n e o l v e o n d be surethe O v shut.offvolve for the moin fuel tcnk is ctosed. (This shut-offvolve shouldnot be opened until the engine- hose e no p e ro ti n g n g o s o ti n e o n genough b o l to b e t hor oughly o rm e d .) w ,p
Coufion! Do not rnix fuels ! Do not open the shut-off valve under the auxiliary tank and the one under the rnain fuel tank at the sarrre tirne as this r*'ill perrnit the distillate fuel to rnix with the gasoline, rnaking the engine hard to start. Befcre starting the engine on gasoline, be sure there is no distillate fuel in the carburetor or in the fuel strainer.

MANIFOLD HEATVALVESETTING For Vcrious ondAir Temperolures Loods

Type of Engine Loading Air Above +800F. L:terrnediate or Hot Position Ternperature

*80 "F. to + 4 0" F .

Hot Position

BeIow +40'F.

IdIing or Light Loads Medium or Irtermittent, Heavy Loads Continuous, Heavy Loads

Hot Position

The distillate engine rnanifold is designed so that the hot exhaust gases heat the incorning fuel rnixturr resulting in rnaxirnurn efficiency under all norrnal operating conditions. The rnanifold heat control valve has three

Intermediate Position

I::termediate or Hot Position Cold or I::termediate Position

Hot Position

Cold Position

Ireterrnediate Position


l. Put the gearshift position. S e el l l u s t 5 . lever in the neutral choke to enrich the fuel rnixture starting the engine. except when

Z. Advance the engine one third. Sce lllust. 5A. 3. Close the rad.iator 4. PulI the ignition

speed control


shutter. button out.


5. PulI the choke rod all the way out, Sce lllust. llA. Avoid overchoking as excessive use of the choke will flood the elngine, *"tlrrg it hard to start. The use of thelhote for siarting *.r.T r?"V, depending,on the temperature and altitude.

Immediately after the engine starts, check the oil pressure gauge (lllusr.eA) to make sure lubri.cating oil is cirlulating through the engine. The indicator needre shouldb" p."I the first rnark above zero when the engirie is running at sp-eeds approximately 100 r.p.m. above slow idle speed. If it is not, stop ihe engine imme_ diately and investigate the Lause oioil pressure failure. If you are unable to find tLe cause, consult your International Harvester dealer before operating the engine.


When the engine has operated a while and the needle on the heat indicator is well into the "RUN" section, change over to operate on distillate by tightly closing the gisoline shut_ off valve and quickly opening the shut_off valve under the rnain fuel tank Do not operate the engine under load until it is thoroughly warmed up (when the heat indicator pointer is in the center of the rrRUNrl section; seelllusr.T). Adjust the radiator shutter so as to maintain the needle in this position.

6. Disengage the engine clutch by p"essing down on the clutch pedal, pull out on-the start_ ing switch control rod and release it as soon as the engine starts. Ffowever, do not operate the- cranking rnotor for rnore than thirty sec_ onds at any one tirne. If the engine does not start within this tirne, release the starting switch control rod and wait a rninute or two; then try again.

Note: Never oprate the cranking while the engine is rotating.


7. Slowly release engine starts. the clutch pedal after the Close the distillate shut-off valve and open the gasoline shut-off valve. Operate the engine two or three rninutes with the engine speed control lever one-half advanced to ernpty the fuel lines and carburetor of distillate and to fill thern with gasoline. This will insure having gasoline in the fuel bowl for starting again. Retard the engine speed by pulling the control lever all the way back and push the ignition switch button all the way in. After practice the engine has stopped, it is good to close the gasoline shut-off valve.

Cout ion ! e n o n dc ro n k i n g e e n g i ne, sure Wh h th be t he geo rs h i ft e v e r i s i n th e n e u tro l i o si ti onond l - t . glwo. y : s to n di n c p o s i ti o nth o t w i l l e l i mi note ony p os s ibilit yof be i n gs tru c kb y rh e s to rti n gc ro n ki f therei s a reversolof the directionof the engine.Cronk the engine by using quick upstrokes; not ,spinit. do


As soon as the engine startsr adjust the ch.oke to a point where the engirr. ,rirm without rnissing. As the engine warms up, gradually open the choke all-the way by slowly pushing the choke rod all the way in. Do noi use the

To start an engine that has been stopped while operating on distillate and has coJled off, close the rnain fuel shut-off valve and drain the distillate frorn the carburetor fuel bowl and fuel strainer bowl; then proceed. in accord.ance with the starting instructions.


Distillate engines rrray be operated on gasoline if necessary; however, more satisfjctory results will be obtained when the engine is operated on the fuel for which the engine is de s igned. To operate a distillate engine on gasoline, follow the sarne operating instructions as for g a s o l i n e o p e r a t i o n ( p o g e sl 0 r o l 2 ) e x c e p t a s o u t lined below. indicator pointer maintains its position Iow side of the I'RUNrr section. on the

I { A N I F O LH E A T O N T R O L D C
Set the heat control valve in the trCtt cold position except when operating under a light Ioad or in extremely cold weather; then the valve should be set in the intermediate position. Scc lllust. 78.

Close the radiator shutter when starting engine in cold weather, and as the engine warrns up, regulate the shutter so the heat the

Remove the manifold shietd if so equipped except when operating in extremely cold weather.

The deluxe seat gives the operator maximum in driving comfort. the Before starting the tractor, adjust the seat to one of the seven positions available, to provide the rnost comfortable position for the operator. The seat is quickly and easily adjusted by means of the seat adjusting handle located at the left side of the seat. ,,. Push forward on the handle and move the seat forward or backward to the most comfortable operating position.

lllust.l7A Adlustingrhc dcluxe cushionseot.






Don't oil or greare tractorwhile the engineit thc running, Pres*ing down on the clutch pedol releasing the clutch pedal. Then advance the engine speed control lever to a position where the engine operates best for the load to be handled. Note: Do not shift gears while the en_ gine clutch is engaged or while the tractor is in motion. 5. The accelerator pedal (if so equipped) controls the speed of the engine from idiing to wide open throttle. The accelerator should be used when frequent changes.of tractor speed a_re necessary. The engine speed control lever should be retarded when the iccelerator pedal is used. 6. Do not trridert the clutch or brake pedals the feet on the pedals while ariving !f t h e "t"rs t cn o r a s t h i s w i l t r e i u t t i n e x c e s s i v e ai tg wear on the linings. l l l u s r .l 8 Shiftinggeorsbeforestcriing the troctor in molion.
I ! l

i i l

) i

l. Advance the engine sIightly. S e et l l u s t . 5 A .

speed control


i l


pedal all the way in.

3. Hold the clutch pedal in this position and move the gearshift lever to thJ desired. s p e e d ( l l l u s t .5 ) . 4. Start the tractor in motion by slowly


__:--=+ 7-<--------\ -s'=\


\ KEPT / tr tN

lf-th.e motor overheats, allow the engine to coot ofl before removing the cap to liii iire ,"aiitor. wh."l.removing. !he. -cap,be extremely careful to avotd beang scatded by steam which hcs built up prc$ure in the radiator.

Always keep the tractor in .gear when going down stecp hilli.


Always latch the brake pedals together before driving the tractor in high gear. To latch the pedals together, engage the latch into the slot in back of the left pedal. Scc lllusr. 19. \{rhen the brake pedals are not latched together, the latch should rest in the slot in back of the right brake pedal.


The tractor ie steered in the conventional manner by meaas of the steering wheel; however, to rnake a sharp or pivot turn, press the right or left brake pedal, depending on the direction in which the turn is to be made. The brake pedale mugt be unlatched so they can be operate d individually.

STOPPING TRACTOR THE Disengage the clutch by pressing down

firmly on the clutch pedal and move the gearshift lever to the neutral position. Use t6,e brakes if necessary. lf the tractor will not move becausethe rear wheels have dug in or sunlc dceply into the ground,don't fcstenlogs, portrr,or anythingto the tear wheelc that will prevent them from rotating.This would be certainto tip thi traetor ovcr backward.Instead,use another tractor. Be rure to hitch it cgnectly accordingto inclructionr in "Towing the Trcctor."


Wren towing is.necessary, use a tow rope, chain or cable and have an operator steer the tractor and operate the brakes. When the tractor is rrstuckrr attach a tow rope, chain or cable around the front axle and steering gear housing base. The power of both tractoiJ should be used, and a heavy pull must be kept on the chain at all times. When towing a tractor, do not exceed a speed of. 2O miles per hour.



Always lock the brakes when the tractor is p"r_k"9 ol a grade or when doing belt work. To lock the brakes, first latch the brake pedals described. lo_gether with the latch as previously press down on the brake pedals and lift up Th"l the brake pedal lock and let it iall forward. S"j lllusr. 19. The lock will then engage with the ratchet on the brake shaft. The brake pedals will lock in this position. To release tLe brakes, ,sirnply press the brake pedals further down, lift the lock and let it fall back into the disengaged position.

Alwayr drivc thc tractor9t rpeedr rlow enough -when to incure sefety, erpecirlly driving ovcr rough ground ol nerl ditchec.


lllusr. l9 Locklng the brulccs.


Complete instructions for operating the control levers are included. in ine gp"?"itr,g --"' Manual furnished with the equip;.;;. Each control-lever quadrant is provided with a pair of adjustable Touch-cdntrol lever s t o p s . S e el l l u s r . 2 0 A . The front stops, when set in a given posi_ tion, will limit the travel of the c&rtror iurr.." and prevent the e_quipment from being raised above the desired helght The rear stops are used to point out the position where the control reve^r" e a c h t i m e t h e e q u i p m e n t i s l o w e r e d" r , o J J u . to main_ tain a uniform working depth.

lllust. 20A Operofingthe Formoll Touch.Controlsystem. strikes any Then move a-nd tighten the control point of the part of the underside of the tractor. the stop up against the control lever it in this po"itiott. This wil prevent lever from being moved ueyo^na tne ' desired lifting nleignt .


When the Touch-Control system is opera_ ting efficiently, the pointer on the heat indicator should be in the ilRUN'r range approximately in the position shown in lltust. 7A. Note: If the pointer trrovps into the rfHOTn area, it indicates that the system has been operating continually at high pressure. If this condition should occur, st6p ihe engirr. iL*._ diately and investigate the cause. One of the most common reasons for this cond.ition is the s-triking of the equipment on the und.erside of the tractor. Operatilg the Touch-Control system con_ tinually at high pressure will cauJ" a"t.ge to tfre pump and seals. If the equipment strii<es the trnderside of the tractor, in aciciition to do_ ing possible darnage to thetractor or equipment, the Touch-Controf system will not havi Jo*_ pleted its cycle and this will cause the pump unit to operate at maximum high pres",iiu heat the fluid exce_ssively, ".ta theieby possible intertll d a m a g e t o t h e piu mi"i""irrg s y a l s . - m r p d i a tJ r e e an e when this condition is detected, move the control rever back and. set the control lever front stop at a point where the raised equipment will not strike the underside of the tractor. If it is necessary to add fluid, use IH Hy-Tran fluid. If you are unable to find the cause, consult your rnternational Harvester dealer before operating the engine

lllusr. 0 2
Touch.Confrol levers.


To lower the equipment, lrlove the control Iever back until the equipment has reached. the desired working aepfh; then move the rear stop to this position and tighten it in place. The working depth will be maintained by moving the lever back to the stop each time the equipment is lowered. After attach.ing. the equipment to the tractor, the Touch-Control 1.r.." frtnt stop must first be properly set if there is a pos"iUitity of the equipment not clearing the ur].d"""iae of tle tractor. Once the stop- is set, the equipment can be raised quickly-by a forward flick of the control lever. To set the Touch-Control lever front stopr s-lowly move the control lever forward to raise the equipment and stop it before th";;;ipment


and openMake certain that all connections ings are well sealed. The entire systern rnust not only to be kept tightly sealed at all tirnes, prevent loss of fluid but also to avoid entrance of air in the inlet end of the system. Air enterwith proper lubriing the systern interferes It causes an increased cation of rnoving parts. and an unsteady pressure. arnount of vibration Presence of air in the system will be noticed by a noise in the purnp or by the purnp laboring when operating under high pressure' and working Proper filling of the reservoir the system during the filling Process' as Prewill work the air out of the viously described, systern. )

Air of Freeingthe System TroPPed

engine and operate it at a Start the tractor plug rernoderate idle speed. With the filler lever or rnoved, move the Touch-Control levers back and forth f 0 b LZ tirnes through This quickly freee its futl range of travel" the system of trapped air. Then place the position (toward control lever in the rearward tr,actor seat) and stop the engine.

Then with the levers in the neutral position, with the filler stop the engine. lf necessary, add fluid up to the proper level plug rernoved, in the case, as instructed in the transrnission guide. lubrication


I llurt. 2l porls ond controls. Fost-Hitch componcnt 'When the hitch in other than operating Note: both the belt pulley position, the fixed drawbar rnaster shield rnust be the power take-off and rernoved to prevent these parts frorn being d,arnaged or broken rvhen the hitch is raised' The belt pulley shaft rnust be covered with the belt pulley spacer and the shaft guard, and the shaft rnust be covered with the take-off po*er shaft guard if not already so po*er take-off protected.


J - -

Nore: Before operating the Fast_Hitch for the first tirne, operate the Touch_Control so that the rockshaft arrn (inner) is in ttre-extrerrre forward position, then back off lift arrn helper spring guide bolt to provide approxirnately i/g inch clearance between bolt frela and anchor bracket. The Fast-Hitch is raised and. lowered by the Touch-control cyrinder. The cyrinder activates the Touch-Control rockshaft arL. An u.a3rr"t_ able control rod connects the Touch_Conirol rockshaft arrn to the Fast-Hitch rockshaft. The left Touch-control lever raises and lowers the Fast-Hitch. The right Touch_Control lever regulates the working depth of tillage equiprnent.

Co.tpling equiprnent to tractors with Fast__ Hitch is relative-lV sirnple but it ,eqrrires a little thought and practice to becornl an efficient operator. New hitches and equiprnent often need. to be 'rbroken in" to work best. Easier action is obtained when the paint wears away. iiUe=ail.y srnear the inside of new hitch sockets with p1"-"sure-gun lubricant. Make certain the use of the hydrauric control revers is und.erstood. Spend a little tirne observing the action of the hitch when it is rnoved by th-e hydraulic co.rtrots. The equiprnent and. tractor reasonable level ground. should rest on

equiprnent is attached to the socket, - .Tl" which is located at the rear of the putt fa.. The pull bar fastens at the front to the tai1, and at the rear it is supported by the cross ;;"i. The socket, the rear end of the pull bar, and the cross shaft are raised and lo*ered. by the rock_ shaft. The pull bar also serves as the drawbar for trailing equiprnent by reversing the pull bar extension plate so that the hitcf, hole i.s to the rear. S e el l l u s t . 2 2 . W ' h e n n o t i n u s e t h e p u l l b a r extension should be turned in, with the tritctr hole to the front.

Set the control lever as required. to locate the hitch socket at the sarne neigtrt trrl equiprnent prong. "s Back the tractor until the prong begins to enter the socket, then lower the hitch-unti1 the weight of the hitch is resting on the prong; then, with the tractor -engirr" ,rrrrrlng at one-third "ppro*-irrrately open throttle, back ttre tractor with a sudden rnotion so the prong is forced. into the socket and the latch falls in place. 'when difficurty in rnaking the connection is e>rperienced and the prong enters the socket but not far eno-ugh for the latih to fall, the equip_rne1t rnay be picked ,rp by the hitch and then set back on the ground. When this is d.one, the equiprnent will often rest in a better position for lining up. The above rnethod of coupling will necessarily be rnodified for sorne equiprnent. Variations, such as a difference in i"actor tire sizes or the type of tool equiprnent used, rnust be considered.

To uncouple the equiprnent, lift the hitch , latch with the hook furnished.. rf the ratch is difficult to disengage, back the tractor slightly against the equiprnent to relieve the strain on the latch. The latch (see lllusr. 2l) will rernain open until the equiprnent prong is wjthdrawn. lllust.22 Pull bor exfensionplote in positionfor troiling equipmenl.

The length of the control rod. connecting Touch-Control to the rockshaft can be adjisted to suit the range of lift required by different equiprnent. A11 Fast-Hitch equiprnent are ver_ tically independent of the tractor when in the operating position unless the set collar ilA,r ( l l l u s r .2 3 ) o n t h e c o n t r o l r o d is tightened into

Note: The following ope^.ating and adjusting instructions are general only. 5.. the Jquip-mgnt Operatorts Manual for specific inst'ruc_ tiOns.




position. As a result, equipment working depth is not affected by the up and dewn rnovernent of the tractor over uneven as it travels ground. The set collar can be readily tightened into position when down pressure is desired.

l l l usr.23A

"'"t;];l',fi Jl,l,l:'"*' l;:TJ;'

The screw-type leveling crank controls the tilting or leveling as required for plowing. Turning the crank clockwise raises the left end of the cross shaft on which the Fast-Hitch socket is carried. The range of adjustrnent above and below the horizontal level allows plows to be tilted for opening and finishing a furrow.

"" fli:'Hj,llll'""' i",lll',"

Side-to-side or horizontal obtained by sirnple loosening (lllust.23) in the lock bolt "8" 'W'hen onal link. the lock bolt seats in a countersink in the rrsquare'r the hitch assernbly, zontally rigid. float is quickly the diagonal link telescoping diagis tightened, it diagonal rod to rnaking it hori-


When the quick attachable cotter located at the upper end of the diagonal link is rernoved, the diagonal link can be quickly rnoved out of the way when the belt pulley is""used. See lllusi. 23A. Diagonal float is obtained at the two lift links by rernovingthe qui'ck attachable pin (l) frorn the bottorn hole in the short sleeve (2) on the left link, lowering the sleeve and inserting the pin through the top hole (3). Scclllust.23. Then rerrlove the quick attachable pin frorn the upper hole (4) in the right link and insert it in the lower hole (5). Sce lllust. 23. Either lift link is then free to raise or lower each independently of the other one, allowing Fast-Hitch disk harrows, tool bars, and other wide equiprnent to follow the contour of the ground.

lllust.'23B The froni end of the boil pinnedto the I brockei underthe plo#orm. Nole: W-hen the front rnounting frarne is used 140, rernove the depth ad.justing on the Farrnall link and fasten the bail to the bracket under the platforrn. Seelllusr. 23B.
Continued on next pogco


The transport loads listed below are considered satisfactory for Fast-Hitch operation. The equipment weights shown in the following examples do not include any allowance forlaai_ tional weights on the equipment. a. 573 pounds-five-foot tandem disk harrow with l8-inch disks-use a rear wheel tread.setting up to 68 inches. b. 610 pounds-six-foot d.isk harrow with ten ZZ-inch disks-use a rear wheel tread setting up to 68 inches. c. 370 pounds-two l4-inch rnoldboard plows use a rear wheel tread setting up to 68 inches d. Utility carrier with a payload *p to 800 pounds at the center of the platforrn-use a rear wheel tread setting up to 68 inches. In general, loads rnust decrease as tread settings increase, and as the distance frorn the rear axle to the center of gravity of the load increases.

lllust. 24 Side view showingthe depth odjusting link. A cushion spring (scc,rB,, In lllust. 24A) is available for use on the pull bar when conditions rnake necessary additional protection against rlarnage to the tractor, hitch, or equipri.ent, should a hidden obstruction be in "tr"d,rtit"red. the field.

l l r iri
i l I

Draft pin depth control for controlling the working depth of rnoldboard, disk, and hlarrow plows has proven unequalled for getting plows to ent-er hard ground and for rnaintaining se_ lected depth in all soil conditions. This-is ac_ cornplished with the Fast-Hitch by raising or lowering the front end of the bail.- The UaIt is operated by the depth adjusting l'r.yqrlyli..111y llnk ttJtt (lllusr.24) connected. to thl right TouihControl rockshaft arrn. There is arnlle range for deepest plowing.
'' a-,

Coulio n !D o n o t o v e rl o o d e re o ro x l e or the th F os t - H i tc h o mp o n e n ts i th e q u i p m e nt c w or


A heavy cornpression spring is provid.ed at _ the rear end of the control rod. whilh cushions heavy equiprnent during transport.

Boitlorerol odiusrm.rl'1,:jt;r'"0$ rhecushion sprins. z4

between these two are spaced at intervals holes, for use when the equiprnent is to be in vineyards, trai.led directly behind the tractor or for pulling a sprayer in row crops. The drawbar can be adjusted to provide a standardtzed power take-off hitch.


lllust.25 o F o s t . H i t c h u x i l i o r yd r o w b o r .

(lllusf. 25) is easily drawbar The auxiliary bail by rneans of attached to the Fast-Hitch rnachine bolts and two t w o 1l Z x Z - 3 | 4 - i n c h The drawbar U-bolts with nuts and washers. is provided with sj.x holes. One hole is at the Another hole, for center line of the tractor. is in line trailing power take-off rnachines, with the power take-off shaft. Four other holes

lllust.25A t A l l i e d e q u i p m e nc o u p l i n g e o m . b

Coupling bearns are available to adapt allied by 140 Fast-Hitch equiprnent to the Farrnall holes and bolting thern to rvelding or drilling the equiprnent.


rnpt to pull when t h e d r a w b a r i s r e r n o v e d . Do not atten rlts rnust be kept t i g h t . Drawbar bol equiprnent rnust be attached I A11 hitche s f o r t r a i l i n g - t y p e the drawba
a L .


is availA fixed drawbar (quick-attachable) not equipped with Fast-Hitch. able for tractors

exerts its pulling power on The tractor pull-behind equiprnent by rneans of the drawup and down to accornbar rvhich is adjustable odate different hitches. Proper hitching wi.ll and the equiprnent it j.s save both the tractor Make the hitch so puiling frorn undue strains. that the center line of pull of the tractor will fall in line wi.th, or at least be near, the cenequiprnent. ter line of draft of the hitched-on

Hitching to one side or the other of the line of draft will cause stresses and strains on the tractor and the equiprnent being pulled, fredarnage. quently great enough to do perlnanent hitching also tends to rnake the tracIncorrect tor diffi.cult to steer and will result in unsatisfactory work by the equiprnent being pulled.

When using a long chain to hitch the tractor forward slowly to the load, drive the tractor until all slack is taken out of the chain.






Always hitchto the tractordrawbar, and whenpulling a heavy load, pull stumps, rocks,or fenceposb -don't take up the slackof the chain with a jerlc. lllust. 25 odiustment the Formoll 140 troctor. Drowbor on


'!i*J,i-,Ff,3 '*ei.-

The quick-attachable drawbar can be rernovedr or reversed and placed in the ward position. To rernove the drawbar, (lllust. 26 ot 26Al and unhook the bolts, "A" plete drawbar.

easily forloosen corn-

The drawbar can be set at four di{ferent heights to obtain the proper hitch position.

l , l i

I !
. i

When the tractoris pulling power equipment,be surcthatall power line shieldingis in ptaceand in good order.

, i

lllusr.26A odiustment fhe Formqll 140 Hi-Cleqrtroctor. Drowbor on

Only one peron, the operator, should be pemitted to ridc on the tractor when it is in operation.

To obtain the desired hitch position, rernove cap screws rrBrr (lllusr.25or26A). Raise or lower the drawbar until it is at approxirnately the required height; then line up the two hole.s in the drawbar with the two closest holes in the drawbar brackets. Replace the cap screws through the hoLes selected and fasten thern securelv with the nuts and lock washers.



Alwoys srop the power tcke-off before dismounting from the troctor. lllust.27 0peroting the belt pullet or power toke.off. If your tractor is equipped with a belt pulley instructions the following or power take-off, should be carefully studied and and precautions followed. The belt pulley and power take-off are started and stopped by the sarne engine clutch as the tractdr. Be sure to disengage the engine clutch before moving the belt pulley or power take-off shifter rod. The belt pulley is driven by the power take-off shaft; therefore, the sarne shifter rod is used to operate either the belt pulley or the power take-off. The shifter rod should alwayg be in the disengaged (forward) position (ll!ust" 27) when the bett puley or power take-off is not in use. Notc: tf the tractor is equipped. with the FastHitch, the diagonal link rnust be disconnected and lowered when using the belt pulley. See lilust.



When operating the power take-off, the FastHitch unit rnust be raised to its highest position (lllu*.25) and the control lever rnuJt be locked in place with the control lever stopb, to prevent accidentally lowering the Fast-Hitch unit and possibly darnaging the power take-off equiprnent


l. The transrnission in the neutral position. Z. Move the engine to low idle speed. 3. Depress engine clutch. gearshift lever rnust be back the

speed control


the clutch

pedal to disengage the


DO*rTouctt 'fllE

wuel ls ,N / MOTtotv

4. Move the shifter lever back until shafts are in rnesh. See lllust 27. 5. Slowly release the clutch pedal.


Follow the first four steps outlined. above; then, keeping your foot pressed down on the clutch pedaL (in the disengaged position), advance the engine speed control lever and rnove the transmission gearshift lever to the speed desired to run the tractor. Slowly release the clutch pedal and the tractor will start in rnotion with tfue power take-off in operation.


Dqr't pot an 01 rcmovc the belt from the beh pu{lcy rhilc rhc pulley is in motion.

Coution!Be sure to stop the powertoke-offbefore dismounting fromthe froctor. '


1. The power take-off shaft speed is 541 r. p. rn. ; the belt pulley speed is I,I57 r. p, rn. the belt speed with an 8 -I lZ-inch disrneter pulley ts 2r 574 feet per rninute. 'When Z. operating the power take-off, be sure that the rnaster shield covering the power take-off exposed shaft is always in place. engine clutch is disengaged. To stop the forward travel rnore quickly, retard the engine disengage the engine speed control lever, rnove the gear shift lever to the neutral clutch, position, and apply tractor brakes.

3. When the belt pulley is not is use, it can be rernoved and the exposed shaft covered with the spacer and the pulley shaft guard.

When the power take-off is not in use, always keep it covered with the power take-off shaft guarcl^

Coution!When powertoke.o{fdriven operot'ing m oc h i n e s o t e q u i p p e d i th o n o v e rr unni ng utch n w cl (suchos o rotorybrushcutter),t h e f o l l o w i n g pr ec out ionsho u l db e to k e n : s

4. If the belt pulley unit is rernoved for any reason, be sure to have the correct shirns in place when reassernbling the unit, as the size and nurnber of these shirns will change the tooth contact of the gears. See your International Harvester dealer if adjustrnent for tooth contact becornes necessarv.

SIow down when approaching trees, fences, or ditches. Flywheel effect of the driven rnachine will drive the tractor forward after the

generated by belt Note: Static electricity, work in tractors with pneurnatic tires, can be discharged harrnlessly by attaching a chain to the tractor and letting it touch the ground.

pressure which is controlled by rneans of a r e g u lating valve built into the radiator cap. A belt-driven water purnp is used to circulate the water through the engine block, cylinder head, and radiator. Circulation is controlled by a therrnostat which prevents the water frorn flowing through the radiator until the engine has reached operating ternperature. With the therrnostat closed, water circulates only through the engine block and cylinder head.

capacity. Always use c l e a n w a t e r water if possible).

(soft or rain

Before replacing the filler c?p, be- sure to rernove any chaff or dirt particles which rnay be on the gasket surface or capr and tighten the cap clockwise to the stop. Note: A pressure-cooled systern will not operate properly unless the cooling systern is tight. The gasket surface rnust be in good condition. The cap rnust be properly tightened to the stop, and the systefir rrrust not have loose connections or leaks. Unless these instructions pressure are followed, will not be rnaintained, and loss of water and consequent overheating 'W'hen will iesult. draining the radiator, always rernove the filler cap to perrnit cornplete drainage.


Be sure the radiator drain cock and the crankcase water drain cock are closed. Fitrtr the radiator to a level approxirnately -inches below the top of the filler neck. Z'Ll ':., Sce lllust 29. Filling the radiator to this level will allow for e>rpansion of the coolant under norrnal operating conditions. Fill the radiator slowly. This perrnits air to escape frorn the cylinder head, allowing the cooling systern to be filled to its rnaximurn

If the regulating valve is faulty, replace the radiator cap with a new one of the same type. Do not attempt to repair or replace any of the'regulating valve parts.


) A D D I N G A T E R O T H EC O O L I NS Y S T E i 4 W T G
Top of filler neck

..A' "8" "C"

Rodiqtor cop. Fillcr cop goskel. Filler neck.

"D" Worerlevcl. "'E" Upperwolcr lonk. "F" Overflowpipe.

lllust.29 Woler lcvel in pressure-cooled rodiotor. lllust.2gA Cooling systern with generator shown. (Cooling systern with alternator sirniliar)

) a

A *';:llJiii:;:':ti:J::f,"":i'J?f"Tii,:Ji"i:'
Turn the radiator cap rrAil (lllust.29) slowly counterclockwise to the safety stop to allow the pressure or any stearn to escJpei then press down on the cap and continue to turn until the cap is free to be rernoved. Allow the engine to cool and fill the rad.i_ ator slowly to approxirnately Z-L14 inches be_ low the top of filler neck rrcrt. Due to expansion, when the systern becornes hot, arry c e s s w a t e r w i l l b e d i s c h a r g e d t h r o u g h o v e"r*_ flow pipe rrFrr. Nole: Do not pour cold. water into the rad.iator if the engine is very hot unless cond.itions rnake it absolutely necessary. In this case start the engine and let it idle; then slowly pour the water into the radiator

If the engine is to b e o p e r a t e d i n f r e e z t r . g 'W'eather ternperatures, refer to 'rCold Precautionsrron 60 ond 61. For filling the cooling syste uctions and cooling systern caplciti :i*;t"i r to poges 28 qnd 79.

Drain the cooling systern by rernoving thg.;:," plug on the left side of the engine (lllust. ig*.ruprd rernoving the cap frorn the radiator drain plffi, Allow the systern to drain; then replace tnL ptrig and cap.

One of the rnost cornrnon causes of engine overheating is a rust-clogged cooling systern. Rust interferes with circulation and Cooling, which causes overheating. The practice of flushing the systern by forcing water frorn a hose in the rad.iator filler neck, without the use of cleaning soluti.ons, rnay be only a waste of tirne. Iron corrosion is greater than that of any other cooling systern rnetal, which accounts for the large quantities of rust found in neglected water jackets. I-Ieavy rust deposits in the water jacket hold in heat and create local hot spots, especially around the exhaust valve seats. Under these conditions, the rnetal rnay get so hot that the valves will stick or burn, or the cylinder block or head rnay be darnaged by heat cracking.

Twice a year (spring and fail.) or more often, _ depending upon'the rnineral content of the water used, the cooling systern should be drained. and thoroughly flushed. This is particularly irnportant before using an antifreeze solution.


Unless the cooling water is treated. with a corrosion preventive, rust and scale will eventually clog the passages in the radiator rttg water jacket. This cJnditio, l" ted in sorne localities "ggiava_ by the formatiJri of insoluble salts frorn the water used.. IH Cooling Systern Cleaner, dissolves rust, scale, and sludge and retards future corrosion when used according to the directions on the container. Do not use chernical rnixtures \ole: to stop radi'ator leaks except as a temporary measure in an errrergency. Instead, havl the radiator repaired. If the radiator is clogged. with insoluble .salt forrnations,. take it to a reputable concern specializing in the rernoval of such,forrnations. Reliable racliato-r service stations are farniliar with local conditions and are equipped to apply the proper treatrnent. In localities where alkaline, acid., or saline waters are the only kind available, the ad.dition of IH Radiator Rust preventive will tend. to rninirnize the corrosive action of such water. For rust prevention during -IH winter use of the engine, a fresh filting of perrrlanent_ type antifreeze containing an efflctive corrosion preventive should bJ used.. In the spring, drain and discard the old antif reeze solritiorr, as.the rust preventive or "inhibitor" rnay be exhausted frorn contarnination and continued use. After draining the antifreeze,.IH Rust Preventive shoufa Ue ad.ded to the cooling water to prbtect the cooling systern duriig warrrr weather operation. This inhibitor so_ lution should be d.rained and. discard.ed in the fall when danger of freezing again makes. nec_ essary the use of an antifrJeze.



S/}-inch deflection \

\-_/, 2s lb. I lood -ii y''r't,

lllusi. 30 Correct bclt tension.

Belts on new tractors (also new replace_ rnent belts) lose their tension as they nseatrl thernselves in the pulleys. New belts should be checked every l0 hours of use, until the belt tension is substantially stabilized.. check the belt every 50 hours of engine operation thereafter to assure rnaintenance of the correct tension. The tension is correct when the bert can be deflected with 25 pound. load, 5/g_indn rnidway between the fan ind crankshait pulleys. Seelllusr. 30. If the deflection is rnore than specified, adjust the belt as follows: Adjusrling the Fan and Alternator Belt Tension

or Generator

Loosen generator brace bolt ',A,, and generator rnounting bolts rtgr' (lllusr.29A). Move the generator away frorn the engine until the tension on the belt is 5/g_inch ("as explained above) rneasured between the fan and crankshaft pulley. Scc lllusr.30. Nole: Under no circurnstances should. a pry bar be used on the generator to obtain fan beit tension as darnage to the bearings will result.

Overheating is often caused by bent or clogged radiator fins. If the spaces between the radiator fins becorne clogged, cloan thern with forced air or water. Whe-n straightening bent fins, be careful not to injure the"tubes or break the bond between the fins and tubes.

ighten the brace bolts trBrr.


"Arr and the rnounting




FANANDGENERATOR BELTTENSIONConrinued Removing Reploc.ing FonondGenerotor ond fhe Belt

Replace the fan belt when it becornes soaked. with grease, or when it is so badly worn that it does not drive the fan at the proper speed. To rernove the old belt, loosen the generator brace bolt rrArr and generator rnounting b o l t s r t B r r . S c e l l l u 3 1 .! 9 1 . M o v e t h e g e n e r a t o r i n toward the_engine and slip the old belt off, the generator and crankshaft pulleys. Work the belt over the fan blades to rernove it. To install a new f,an belt, work the belt over the fan blades and over the top of the fan pulIey. Slide the belt over the crankshaft pul1"y. Hold the generator in toward the engine if necessary and slide the belt over the generator pulley. Adjust the belt as shown under the Fan Belttt. "Adjusting ir

The water pump is in front of the crankcase and is driven by the fan belt frorn the crankshaft pulley. The inlet of the water purnp is connected to the lower radiator connection and the outlet flow frorn the purnp is through the integral passages cast in the crankcase. No lubrication of the purnp is required as the bearings are of the permanently sealed tlrye and are packed with special lubricant for the life of the bearing. The water pump requires no than bearing replacernent when cessive looseness or if a water which indicates that a darnaged seal needs replacernent. attention other they show exleak develops or badly worn


O I L . B A T H I RC L E A N E R A
Clean air for cornbustion is assured by an oil-bath air cleaner. A heavy screen in the air intake cap or pre-screener, prevents large particles frorn entering the air cleaner. The air then passes to the oil cup where it goes through a bath of oil. As the air rises to the intake rnanifold, it passes through a series of oil-bathed screens and the fine dust is rernoved. As the oil frorn the screen.works back down, it carries the dirt with it and settle-s in the oil cup. Never allow dirt to build up in the cup rnore than L/Z-inch deep. 0il Cup Service Clean the oil cup and refill Jhe cujr every day, or every l0 hours of operation (rnore frequently when operating under dusty conditions). Refill the oil cup to the oil level bead with the grade of oil listed in the 'tLubrication Tablerr on poge/1. For the oil cup capacity, refer to poge79. Do not rernove the oil cup while the engine is operating. Before replacing the oil cup, clean or wi.pe oil or grit frorn the bead of the cuP. Air Intolte Ccp ond Scrien The screen in the air intake cap prevents chaff and other coarse dirt frorn'getting into the air cleaner. Keep this screen clean and free'frorn all chaff, oil, dust, or paint, as clogged holes in the screen will reduce the power of the engine by restricting the flow of a i r . S e cl l l u s t . 3 2 .

lfoshing the Cleoner After every 200 hours of operation, particuIarly if operating the tractor in an atrnosphere heavily laden with dust, chaff, or lint; rernove the entire air cleaner frorn the tractor, disassernble it (lllusr.32), and wash the parts thoroughly in kerosene. Be sure to clean out the air intake pipe. \ After all parts have been thoroughly cleaned replace the air cleaner body on the tractor. Make sure all joints are airtight. Replace the air intake cap. Fill the oil cup to the proper level with the specified grade of oil and replace it on the air cleaner. Be sure it is held securely in place by the oil cup clarnp.



O | L - B A T H I RC L E A N E RC o n r i n u e d A -

lllust. 32A Pre.Screener

lllust. 32 Exploded view of the oir cleqner. As a precaution against d.irt enterins the joints between the air _e.ngi^ne,all arra the intake rnanifold "f""r.?" and. between the rnaniford a.nd the ,c,ylinder head of the engine rnust be tight. All the gaskets rnust be in go"J.orrai_ tion, and the bolts rnust be drawr-rp ti;il.

The Pre-screener provides a means of over_ coming or lesle-ni1g the plugging of the air-'-^ cleaner caused by [nt, leave", U""* ' k f u z z , e t c . K e e p t h e s q r e " "n r i lct l.u[a . , . " - " i " g g " a e" holes in the screen wil.[ reduce the powJi of the engine by restricting the flow of air. Remove the screen when ,rlcessary and clean with a stiff brush.

The cylinder head breather cap is located on the top of the valve housing. Rlrrrolr" ih" breather cap and. clean it after every 100 o f o p e r a t i o n ; u n d e r s e v e r e d u s t c o n d . i t i o n s ,h o u r s clean rnore frequently. To clean, wash the breather dip it in e-ngine lubricating oil, excess oi1. cap in kerosene, *ip"-off tfr" "rra



Alternator, cables, etc. on'the reft side of the tractor,

6 volt


SERIAL NUMBER U p to 2 6 8 0 L

- Positive Generator switch - Rod starting

ground (+) - pull ignition control to starter.

1Z volt

26801 to 45000

Generator - N egati ve ground (- ) - K .y i gni ti on sw i tch - B utton starti ng sw i tch - One' w Jrni ng light.
- N-egative ground (- - Key starting Generator ) switch - Clutch pedal safety start switch,

12 voLt

4500I to 57723

l2 volt


A l ternator - N egati v-e ground (- ) - K ey starti ng sw i tch - C l utch pedal safety start sw i i ch_ Fl ashi pg w arni ng l i ghts.
Alternator - Flashing connector. - Negative ground (- - Turn signals ) warning lights - Rear seven prong

lZ volt

NOTE: tractor

Further details of the latest electrical systerns service manual or contact you IH dealer,

are shown in the 140




lllust. 33 voltoge regulotor,cobles, ctc. Qenerotor, on left side of the troctor.

systesr of the tractor consists The electrical cranking rnotor, lights, lightof a alternator, ing switch, battery, and a battery ignition unit. cables are conThe colored plastic-covered oilproof, tained in a harness of nonrnetallic, woven braid. and waterproof

equiprnent is installed the electrical cable is the battery-to-ground at the factory, to and taped. Before atternpting disconnected rnake certain that the ground start the tractor, cable is connected. on any Part of the electrical Before working systern, disconnect the battery gnogn{ cable. ^ this cable until all electrical Do not reconnect This will prevent work has been cornpleted. and causing darnage to any of the elecshorting trical units. Note: On the twelve-volt battery the negative (-) terrninal is the ground and on the six-volt battery the positive (+) terrninal is the ground.


on poges33 ond 42 ro 45 and Use the illustrations the wiring diagr?rrr on poges43 to 45 as a guide for identifying the various electrical units and for tracing the electrical cables an{ connections. Be sure all terminals are clean and securely fastened.


Nofe: Rernove all dirt frorn thd base of the spark plug before rernoving the spark plug. not tighten rrlore than enough to cornpress the gasket to seal the plug and assure a good heat transfer between the plug and the cylinder head. Torque the spark plug s to 34 f.oot pounds torque. If a torque wrench is not available, tighten each plug IIZ to 3/4 turns past finger tight. Replace defective plugs with new plugs.

lf lust. 34 Checkingihe spork plug gop. Sei gcp ot.023 inch.

lllust.34A p S p o r k l u g w i r i n g . E n g i n ef i r i n g o r d e ri s l , 3, 4, 2. If the spark plug cables are rernoved. for any reason, note the position of each cable on the distributor cap as shown in lllust.34A.

Remove the spark plugs after every 250 hours of operation for cleaning and ctrecking the gaps between electrodes. A gap of .OZ3 inch should be maintained. When making this adjustment, always bend the outer elect-rode.

Never bend. the center electrod.e, ELSt rnay i darnage the insulator. If the gap between the electrodes is too great, due iolrrrp"oper setting o.r burnilg off of the ends, the rnis _ "rrg-irru-*il1 fire and be hard to start. \ Cleaning the SporkPtugs Sandblasting is the recomrnend.ed. rnethod. of c_Ieaning spark plugs. Never scrape or clean the insulator with anything which *ill ..ratch the porcelain. Scratched. porcelain allows carbon and dirt to accurnulate rnuch faster.

See your International Harvester d.ealer for various rnakes of replacernent prugs for norrnal or special service. These plugs hive been tested and recornrnended as best suited for this engine. MAGNETO (lf so Equipped) .

Always use a spark plug wrench when re_ rnoving or replacing plugs. This helps to pre_ vent cracking the porcelain.

Screw the spark using a new copper

plugs into the cylinder gasket with one. "".h

head. Do

l l l usr.348
l{ognefo wiring (Troctors equipped with mogneto),



I{ A G NE T O Con ri n u e d G_reosing Breoker the Mechonism Checking ond the P oint s- Cont in u e d

Wh-en^ reossembling, be sure this shoft- enlers lhe ,,D,, shoped hole in fhe rotor pinion

Melol s*if F DlsFibufor

Fill fhls recees wjft grisie

Dhtribulor rolor

Breoker orm

pock o smsll quonrig of greose here

lllust.36 llognelo disossembled (Troctors equippedwith mogneto).

ll ir

the opening is not correct, adjust it by loosening the screw-holding the adjustable point (lllust.35) and rnoving the point up or down until the gauge slips snugly into the opening. After the proper adjustrnent has been made, tighten the screw. !

Greosing the Rotor Becrings ond the Disrribufor Geor After every Z, 000 hours of operation or at least every two years, the rnagneto rotor bearings, distributor gear and distributor gear charnber should be cleaned and repacked with IH Magneto Ball Bearing Grease (359 266 R9l). We recornrnend this be done by your International Flarvester dealer. Distributor Cop Every three or four rnonths, rernove the distributor cap and exarnine the inside. If any dust, rnoisture or oil deposits are present, thoroughly clean and wipe dry. To assure long life of the distributor, take care to keep two srnall ventilator holes rrArt (lllust.34B) open at all tirnes. Also see that the distributor roVor is kept clean. If the distributor cap terrninal nipples are rernoved, be sure the terrnind"ls and coil cover terrninals are clean and dry. The rnagneto is equipped with these nipplei to prevent any external electrical leakage when the tractor is operating under adverse conditions

Line up the distributor rotor key with the keyway in the spindle (lllusr.35) and press the rotor loosely on the spindle. With the engine on the top dead center of the No. I firing stroke, turn the distributor rotor until the rnetal strip on the rotor points to the No. I terrninal on the distributor cap. Place the distributor body on the rnagneto and be sure the rotor shaft enters the rrDrr shaped hole in the rnagneto rotor pinion. Rernove the distributor rotor to tighten three screws rrArr (lllusr. 36). Replace the distributor rotor and the distributor cap. Fill the distributor bearing oil cupr as instructed in the Lubrication Guide. Scclllust. 348.


ilAGNETO Continued
R e m o v i n gt h e M o g n e t o

lllusr.37 Removing mognefo the (Troctorsequipped with mognefo). If it is necessary to rernove the rnagneto for any reason, proceed as follows: I. Disconnect ignition switch cable rrArr (lllust.37) by rernoving the fillister-head screw and lock washer attaching the cable to the rnagneto terrninal. Z. PuIl out cable rrBrr frorn coil and rernove the distributor cap. cover ilCil

lllust. 37A Timing pointcrond timing mqrkson the fon drive pulley.

3, Rernove the cap screw and rnounting clip ttD", and rernove the cap screw frorn hole rrErr. The rnagneto assernbly can now be rernoved. I n s r o l l i n g o n d T i m i n g t h e i i o g n e t o r o r i l ' eE n g i n e 1. Crank the engine until the No. I piston (the piston next to the radiator) is on tfe top dead center qf the corrrpression stroke. The cofilpression stroke can be deterrnined by rernoving the No. I spark plug, placing your thurnb over the opening, and cranking the engine until an outward pressure is felt. Continue cranking slowly until the DC rnark on the back flange of the fan drive pulley is in line with the p o i n t e r o n t h e c r a n k b a s e f r o n t c o v e r . S c el l l u s i . 37A. Both the intake and exhaust valves will now be closed. Z. Turn the magneto coupling in a counterclockwise direction (as viewed frorn the coupling end) until the rnetal strip on the distributor rotor points toward the.No. I terrninal on the distributor cap. Replace the distributor cap. 3. Assernble the magneto on the engine, rnaking stlre that the lugs on the irnpuGe coupling engage in the slots on the rnagneto d.rive coupling. (Assernble the rnagneto so the top is as close to the crankcase as possible. )

4. Insert rt'ragneto rnounting .cap screw through the rnagneto flange and into hole ttErt (lllust.37). Screw the cap Jcrew in just enough to hold the rnagneto in plice. Crankihe engine one cornplete revolution to the next top dead center. P-ull the upper part of the rnagneto away frorn the engine until the irnpulse coupling just trips. 5. Fasten the upper part of the rnagneto to the flange with the rnounting cl.ip and Cap screw "Dtr and tighten both cap screws securely. Attacl. the spark plug cables to the spark plugs and to the terrninal sockets of the rnagneto distributor cap in the following order: T[e No. I cylinder spark plug cable to the socket rnarked. rtlrr in lllust.34B. Then, going around the distributor cap in a clockwise direction, attach the cable frorn the No. 3 spark plug to the next or second socket, the cable frorn the No. 4 spark plug to the next or third socket, and the cable frorn the No. 2 spark plug to the fourth or last socket. S e el l l u s t s . 3 4 o n d 3 4 B . 6. Connect terrninal. the switch cable to the rnagneto

7. To check the tirning, crank the engine slowly until the top dead center of the No. I cylinder is reached. At this tirne the irnpulse coupling should just trip. 8. The rnagneto tirned. is now correctly wired. and

g. Push cable 'rB't back into the'socket the coil cover (lllust.37).



D I S T R I B U T A N DC O I L N I T OR U Greosing Breoker the Jr4echonismchecking points ond the
cover for breaker charnber inspection. See lllust. 38. Care should be taken, when rerrroving the breaker cover, to prevent dirt frorn entering the breaker charnber. Be sure the charnber is clean and that the breaker points are in good condition and have the proper openirg. Never use errrery cloth or sand.paper to clean the points. To dress the points, use a sharp fine file. If the points are worn excessively, replace both points. Fill the recess in the breaker post with IH High Ternperature Grease (ZL3TZ-D) and pack a srnall quantity of the sarne grease in back of the breaker arrn rubbing block and apply a light coating of the same grease on the iobes and flats of the breaker cam. See illusr. 3g. See your International Harvester dealer. Check the condition of the breaker points for build-up or lip forrnation. If present, the points rnust be dressed before the point opening can be checked or set. Check the opening between the breaker points with a feeler gauge a s s h o w n i n t l t u s r .3 8 . T h e p o i n t o p e n i n g s h o u l d be . 020 inch when the rubbing block is on the high part of the carn. If the opening is not correct, adjust it by loosening the screw holding the adjustable point. Then rnove the point toward or away frorn the point on the breaker arrn until the gauge slips snugly into the open. ing. After the adjustrnent has been rnade, tighten the screw.

lllusr.38 Adiustingthe breokerpoints.

It is irnportant that the breaker charnber be kept clean because oil on the breaker points will cause rapid burning. Rernol4e the distributor capr distributor rotor, and the breaker

Breaker Gover

Breoker orm


Pock s smEll quontity of greose here lllust.3SA p D i s t r i b u t o r c r t i o l l yd i s o s s e m b l efd r s e r v i c i n g . o

recegs with

""q-u"::: A-iCFsu


D I S T R I B U T 0 RA N D C 0 l L U N I T - C o n r i n u e d

Distributor Cop Every three or four rnonths, remove the distributor cap and exarnine the inside. If any dust, rnoisture, or oil deposits are present, thoroughly clean and wipe d"y. Also see that the distributor rotor is kept clean. If the terrninal nipptes are rernoved, be sure the distributor cap terrninals and coil terminal are clean and dry. The d,istributor is equipped with these nipples to prevent any external electrical leakage when ihe tractor is operating under adverse conditions. If the spark plug cables have been rernoved for ahy reason, attach the cables to the spark plugs and to the terrninal sockets of the distributor cap in the folloyhg order: The No. I cylinder spark plug cable to the socket marked. rrlrr in lllust.39. Thenr going around. the distributor cap in a clockwise direction, attach the cable frorn the No. 3 spark plug to the next or second socket, the cable frorn the No. 4 spark plug to the next or third socket, and the cable frorn the No. Z spark plug to the fourth or last socket. Assernble the secondary cable rrArr in the distributor c a p . S c c l l t u s r .3 9 .

22 degree gdvanre {distillsra engine)

l4 degree qdvqnce lT,11T (gosolineengine) : Top deaj cenre,


lllust.3gA T i m i n g p o i n t e rc n d t i m i n g m o r k so n t h e f o n d r i v e p u l l e y .

The generator supplies current to l<eep the battery in a charged condition, replacing the energy consun'red by the cranking rnotor and lights. It is hinge-rnounted on t}re teft side of the engi.ne crankcase and is driven by a cornbination fan and generator belt. The generator charging rate is controlled by a voltage regulator which controls the generator output, thereby rnaintaining a satisfactory charging rate, and prevents the battery frorn overcharging under varying ternperatures and operating conditions. It should not require ad._ justrnent or attention. If the regulator fails to operate correctly, see your International Harvester dealer.

l l l u s r .3 9 D i s t r i b u t o w i r i n go n d l u b r i c c t i o n . r If the generator or the regulator has been removed or the leads disconnected, the generator should be repolarized. After the Leads have been reconnected, but before the engine is started, proceed as follows: After making certain that the grounded bat_ tery terrninal is the negative (-) one (on the twelve-volt systern) or the positive (*) one (on the six-volt systern), mornentarily connect a jumper lead between the I'BATil and. the nGENrl terminals of the regulator. This allows, a momentary surge of current to flow through the generator which correctly polarizes it. Revgrsed polarity may resuli in vibration, arcing, and burning of the relay contact points. Nole: Never bridge the I'BATil and the rrFrl terminals on the regulator, as this will darnage the regulator.

) O W E R I M I N GI G H T T L

An accurate and fast final check and adjust_ ment of ignition tirning is possible with a neon_ to the !yp" flashing tirning light synchronized ignition systern, and directed at the timing rnark on the rear flange of the crankshaft fan drive pulley. See youi International Harvester dealer for this service.

The ignition coil does not require special serv{ce other than to keep all terminals and connections clean and tight,


The tractors have a cornbination alternator belt. To check, adjust, the belt, see pages 30 and 3l. fan and or replace It is-important to use the- same capacity fuse . for replacemen-t i-*-pog" gO. Se_e uspecifications If the Lights fai[, check the fuse. rf the iuse continua[y burns out, check the etectr;^^r wiring for short circuits. To install a new fuse, unscrew the fuse holder on the instro*.r,i panel, pott ooi lfr. old fuse and replace it wiih a new one.

The headLights and rear light on your tractor are sealed-beam lights especlally devetoped for tractor operatiJns. The parts are so constructed that the filament, rLflector, and lens are all assembled in a unit permanu"tiv -if sealed a.g.ainst dirt, moisture and iorrosiorr. u filarnent burns out or a lens breaks, th; complete unit must be replaced, See your :International Harve stlr dealer.



C l e o n i n g o n d S e r v i c i n gt h e B o t t e r y Bottery fo ground strop

The rear light on the tractqr is a combina_ tion Light with a sealed bearn unit. It is turned on by the Lighting switch on the instrurnent panel and giv,es a choice of red as a tail.iight for use on the highway or white as a rear tight for use in the field. icf.r ro poge6 for the tigli"ting switch positions. Should the lens break, or a filament burn out, the complete sealed bearn unit rnust be replaced. see your International Harvester dealer. To replace the taillight lamp, ,"r.rorr. the sealed bearn unit and ,.pL". the iaillight with a t5 c_andle po*"i t";p ' [6 f"it_No. E-p \454493 or lZ-volt No. +S54gO).

_ To replace taillight lamp, rernove the red lens from the taillight and replaee the tail with a 3-candlepower lamp (6 Voltligfrt_I1*p No. 142303) or 4-candlepo*"r lamp it2_volt No. 1424501. I { A R N I N GL I G H T The flashing warning rights are rocated on the fenders at the rear of thelractor. The lights will autornaticalry flash whenever the red tairlight is 'rON". These lights are for use on public highways to warn operators of other vehicles thal they are approaching a slow rnoving vehicle. If local laws do not approve the use of flashing lights, rerrrove the iwo-unit rnultipi; connector frorn the flasher unit and connect the six jurnper to the two-unit il:l conr;;;:ir,i, will provide a steady light.

lllust. 40 Boilery box cover;"ffi"i:::;;j''.'"n

the bone

To service the battery, loosen the wing nuts, and rernove the cover. Also d.isconnect the choke controI rod and the touch control lever rod and remove the left panet ;i;-h. battery box, if the battery is to be removed frorn the tractor.

Occasionall_y remove the battery cable and ground strap, brighten the terminal contact surface with wire wool, and reassemble. Then appty a light coat of vaseline or chassis lubri_ cant. Be sure the terminals are clamped tightty and that the battery is fastened to the batte"y " "o" d R e p l a c e d a m.a g e ! t y " o ts K e e p t h e v e n tu pfpb t"e . i n t i r e b a t t e r y r f i l l . e r " , .cU tp s. a "" open. Liquid Level Check the batte ry at least once a rnonth for water level. If the.battery is in need of charg_ ing, it should be given irnrnediate attention. Keeping tJre batteiy fulty charged. not only ad.ds to its life but rnakes it available for instant use when needed.

cartridge-type fuse is located in the fuse housing. If a short circuit occurs in the light_ ing circuit, the fuse will burn out and break the circuit, preventing darnage to the electrical s ystem.


STO RA G E A T T E R Y. C o n ri n u e d B L i quidLev el - Con ti n u e T he elec t r olyte (a c i d a n d w a te r) i n e a ch ce l l s hould be a t th e p ro p e r l e v e l a t a l l ii * u" to pr ev ent bat t e ry fa i l u re . W h e n th e e l e ctro_ l yte is below t h i s l e v e l , p u re , d i s ti l l e d w atl r should be added Acid or electrolyte should never be added. except by skilled battery rnan. Under no " ci rcum s t anc es a d d a n y s p e c i a l b a tte ry ' l l opestr, so lut ions , or po w d .ts . Cout ion! e c tri cs to ro g e o tte ri e s i v e o ff hi ghl y El b g inf lom m o b lh y d ro g e n o s w h e nc h o rg i n g e g ond C on. linue to do so for sometime ofter receivingo steodychorge.
Do not under any circurnstances allow an electric spark or an open flame near the bat_ tery. Do not lay tools across battery terminaLs as this rnay result in a spark or strort circuit which may cause an explbsion. Be careful to ayoid spilling any electrolyte on hand.s or clothing. For dependable battery service International Harvester dealer. Specific Grovity The_ specifi.c gravity of the electrolyte indicates the relative condition of the battery cha_rge and warns when it may be necessary to recharge the battery. Inspect the battery once every two weeks to maintain the correct specific gravity. The g_ravity of a fully char-ged bittery is lpecific see your '

r;1: I

l f l ust. 4l Toking o hydrometer reoding electrotyte of in the battery (5-volt system). U se an accurate hyd.rometer w hen test ing fo-r specific gravity. Read.ings should. not be taken immediately after addlng water. All cells should show approxirnatJly the sarne specific gravity reading. \rride variations indicate sbmething is *rong. Cold lVeother Operotion It is especially important to keep the battery . close to full charge for cold weath& operation. Add water to the battery in freezing t.i.p"."_ hrre" o$y w hen the tractor i s to oi erate' f or several hours, to thoroughly mix the water and el ectrol yte, or damage t6 the batte" y * i i i sult from the water freezing. ""_ The el ectrol yte of a battery i n vari ous stages of charge w i l l start to freeze at tem _ perahrres i ndi cated as fol l ow s: Specific Gravity ( C o r r e c t e d to * 80 F. ) l,265 Freezing Temperature D egrees Fatre nheit
. . . .
. . . . . o

I. z5S to l. zzo corrected t" +g6.r. (fiq,ria t"*_ p e ra t ur e) . A s pe c i fi c g ra v i ty re a d i n g .o ? at least 1.230 corrected to +g0iF. sfroifa-Uu maintained. Never allow the battery to fall below \.230. The specific gravity reading will vary with th e t em per at ur e o f th e e l e c tro l y te . F o r' re ad_ ings taken at any temperature other than +g0. * : a. temperature correction must be applied. This is done by_adding . 004 specific g""rrity for every l0o above +10"F., ind by Jubstract_ l 1 q _ .004 s pec if ic g ra v i ty fo r e v e ry 1 0 " b e l ow + 8 0 0F .

l. 210. l. lg0 l . 1 6 0. . .


t em p e ri tu re o o . . . + 2 0 ;F. Subtract . 024 Sp. Gr. . . . . . (. 004 x?) Corrected Sp, Gr. ie . . | . . . . . 1.246

Hydrorneter ?#trfJt T:'. : . . . . r.zle El- ec t r oly t e

l. 140
l. 100 1.000

. . . . . r. . . .

-zouF. -10otr-. - 0:t'.

+l0eF. +200 tr-. + 3 0 0F ,

temperiture . . . . +100"F. .008Sp. Gr. . . . . o . . . .(.004x Z) *dd Correctei Sp. Gr. is .. . ... . . 1.263

Hydrorneter :fjHJ". T:' .: . . . . r. zss Electrolyte


The temperatures shown indicate the approx_ . imate points at which the first ice crystais be_ gin !o appear in the solution. The solltion does not freeze solid until a lower temperature is reached.

GEN T alte th e HEA : are for' stru are ag,ai fi l a r pletr In te : S T O RA G E AT T E R Y. C o n ti n u e d B Cold W eo th eOp e ro ti o n C o n ti n u e d r

Note: Before working on any part of the electricrl, ?ys',?p", d.isconnect'tlie batterf ground cabl e (l l l usr. 4l ) from the bat t e"yi"r _ mi nal . D o not reconnect i t unti l alr er ect r ical w ork has been compl eted. Thi s will pr event shorting and causing damage to of th" electrical units. "rry S A FE TYS TA R TIN G W ITC H S - Th" safety starting switch located. under the platforrn at the right iia. of the tractor to prevent acci dental l y rnovi ng t he t r act or """rr"" with the cranking motor or starting the engine w hen the tractor i s i n gear. The switch rnoves to the closed contact posi ti on w hen the cl utch pedal i s depr er ". a .U the w ay to di sengage the Lngi ne fr or t t he t r ans_ rni ssi on. Thi s permi ts of t he cir " o* l uti starting cuit to the cranking motor lf-oron the engi ne.

ba tt-e ry th re e -fo u rth s c h a rged i s i n no danger o f d a m a g e fro m fre e z i n g l Therefore k-eep the battery better than thrle_fourths c har ged , e x p e c i a l l y d u ri n g w i n te r w eather. I f y ou r tra c to r i s n o t to b e o p erated for some tirne during the winter m6nths, it is ad_ v is able to re m o v e th e b a tte ry a n d store it in a : oo1, dry p l a c e a b o v e fu e e z i i g (+32. F. ). pl ace the battery on a rack or bench-. G r ound b l e Co W'hen replacing a battery, make certain that the ground cable is connected to the ,r.g"tirr" ( - - ) t er m i n a l (o n th e tw e l v e -v o l t b atteryj or to t he pos it i v e (+ ) te rm i n a l (o n th e s i x_voi t bat t e r y ) .


T] tion I on by panel for u for u sw i tc S1 out, 1 re p l a dealq th e sl 1 a mp , 4544( TAILI
lens light No. No.

"BAT" terminol "lNsT," terminol " T.[." terminol

26 25

Mognetic switch

"F" terminol "GEN" lerminol

"R.L." terminol "H,L." ierminol

l'BAT" terminol

; i l l


4 t5 27 3l l4
Reor view of instrument p o n e l o n d connections

2l t 8 20 t9 Mognetic switch ond 24 connections

Thr fende will a Iight : Th, to wa are a If l, ing li1 ector inch j will p

2 3 5

Bottery ignition unit

Cronking motor

left side view of trqctor showing toil lighr ond wiring

| | ---.-


A c housin ing cir circuit s ysterr:



Top view of troctor

wtrins diogrom rrocoriL"rl;J1d bo*ery for wirh isnirion.

(l2.volt s)'stem). 4Z

B A T T E R Y N l T l O- C o n r i n u e d lG N

To lighting swirch "T. L.' terminol

Side view

Reor view lllusr.43
Wiring diogrom of worning lighr. ( l2.volr sysrem).

Indexto Reference Numbers shownin ilrusrs. 42 snd 43.

Ref . No. Ref . No. I

Des cription

D es cri pti on

3 4 5 6


8 9 IO ll

lHeadlight -, l"ll.headlight to right headlight lc?b.l", l_(vlolet with white tracer) f9"F1" - headlight to ground (pink) lclblq .lighting switEh to lefi headtight | (violet) - ig n i ti o n s w i tc h to c o i l (b l a c k) l9" F l" regulator ilGENil terminal .to luabre rrAil terrninal (light. blue) l^g,ul"""tor - regulator ilFil terrninal to luaore rrF rr te rrn i n a l (y e l l o w ) f ^g, " l. T - t or lCable har n e s s lCable har n e s s s h i e l d lB at t er y
Strap, battery to ground Cable - rrragnetic switch to cranking rnotor Cable - battery to rnagnetic switch Cable assernbly - t."i tighl C1b-te lighting switch to"taillight _-. (black) Taillight Safety starting switch Cable - fuse housing to key ignition switch (light green)

rg z0

z4 z5 z7 z8





l3 T4 15 16 t7 l8


ilLil terminal - regulator to kev lCable l ignition switch (light green) I - rrragnetic switch to charge lClbl: I lnolcator lCharge indicator ilBAT'r terrninal - regulator to lCable l_charge indicator (gray) Fuse housing Key ignitioriswitch Cable - fuse housing to lighting switch (light green) Lighting switch Ca.ble - lighting swipe{ip_qear tight (taped back) - (white) l' ) W'arning light " -1---/ Cable - warning light to flasher to taillight and lighting switch cable connections Flasher Cable safety starting switch to key -ignition switch Cable - safety starting switch to rnagnetic switch


Thr Ie r r pbt


il EADI Th
ic tr ,l tt rucl i'c a,

Storting switch



Heod lishr Distributor

:lrlr #
Chorge indicotor lgnition switch

lein [arr] ite Jcrr

Thr oli by, rll
i'ut I'ut itcl 3, 1 Pla rle l s



t'F, lerminof '.BAT" terminof "GEN" terminql

ttL" lerminql

"BAT" terminql "TL,'ferminol "INST" terminof

"HL" lerminq


Vofrose i regulotor


,,Rr.,, rerminql Iighrins Coble hqrness switch


Wirinsdiosrom ,r""rlll"'ll'ril*, ,",

(6.volr sysfem).

with bo*ery isnition

!a L L

Indexto ReferenceNumbers shownin lllust. 44.
Ref . No.


llt tbt Tt rf

Descri pti on

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 It t2 l3 T4 l5

ui lq

9"P1. uaDte Cable Cable Cable

cable cabte cable cable Cable Cable Cable

rol Bhl

to F:l}; rieulator '!rFf't.r.niil.iift:';.rator cable - 1fllli"l "y.,r.n "Hu(brack).


headlight t9 ground. (pi.rk). lighting switJh to head.Iight (black). c o i l to -d i s tri p;;-(-" econd.ary). coil to distrib;;;; fprirnary).

.horl (taped back).


rri ;ci



t7. t8

l*."u housi"i to iig-hii"g switch. (red). E:il: : llg*Tg :*lT"l t"'L" right 9".b1"- righting switch to ,"1ti1r.oir'i,tJo"."j'oack) rvervs (black). uaore rear light to ground 9"P1"

terrninar. reiurator "GEN,, terrninal io gene"ator ,rAfr terrninar. relubtor "BATrr i."trirr"I to ;i;;ge indicator (gray). relulator "L" terrninal to ignition switch. chirse ind.icatoi to'"t""tingiswitcr, 1browrr1. batteiy to cranking rnotor (light green). b a tte ry to g round.o -i!"ition fuse housin"g t" switch,


i l A G N E T O NT I O N IG I

Right side of rracror


A-29897 a

lllusr.45 Wiringdiogrom trociors equipped for wiih mogneto.

Indexfo R eference umbers N show ni n l l l ust. 4 5.

Starting and tighting equiprnent on tractors equipped with rnagneto-is tne sarrre as for trac_ tors with battery ignition except as shown- in the table at the right and in lllust.45. U . s e l l l u s t s . 4 3o n d4 5 a n d b o t h tables as guide to the wiring and electrical units. Ref. No. De scription

3 4 5

Magneto. Cable - ignition switch to rnagneto. Magneto ignition switch. Junction block. Cable - junction block to regulator rrlrr te rrninal. Lead - fuse housing to junction block.


On gasoline engines, check the tightness . of the cylinder head boLts after the fir"I tOO of eng-ine operation for a new tractor and lr:u:u : s nours after- installing a new cylinder head gasket. The bolts shoulJbe tighterr"a to, ]"o_ 80 to 90 foot pounds torque. , F or most satisfactory resu.lts in tightening the cylinder head after instalring itr"-.-yiiLa". and the water jacket has become thoroughly heated. To properly tighten the bolts the valve rocker shaft assernbly rnust be raised. Note: Be sure to adjust the valve tappet clearance after t3e gg_t tightening of the cylin_ der head bolts. See "Valv"e Cleaiance Adjustrnent.r'

We cannot impress too strongly the neces_ sity- of having your Internationafliarvester clealer do the work- of replacing the connectingrod bearings, crankshaft bearings, pistons and rings, and reconditioning the valves.

"t bolts are.tight. Do not screw one bort down per{ectly-tight and then go to the nexr ;"" will not obtain an even pressure o n t h e" " g a s k e t in this rnanner.
After replacing the cylind.er head, it is nec_ essary to insure against leaks. by ,"iigtt"rrirrg the bolts after the lngine has been openating

a turn

head b o l t s f a i r l y s n u g , s t a r t i n g "ff - o w i uh " . t h e r o w i n t h e tht " center, then going to the 'sarne Retighten in the ord.!r, giving each nut a fraction of a time. bontinu" d;-;;u ;u;;:


gasket, tighten down

tnE .Vif"i"l


A clearance of .014-inch for the intake valves and .020-inch for the exhaust valves, measured when the valves are closed and the engine is warm, rnust be ma.intained between the end of the valve levers and the valve stern. Note: The valve arrangement from front to rear is , exhaust, intake; i.rtake, exhaust; exhaust, intake; and intake, exhaust.

GENEF Thr ai:erl ' : ' - eb r


Check the valve clearance 100 hours of engirr" op"i;;;;". check the valv"1i"rr""""-"ir"r hours of engine operation. Note: Do not adjust engine running. after the first Thereafter every 500 with the


A d i u s t i n gr h e C l e o r o n c e Note: Wh:l checking the remove the distributor"-to_coivalve clearance, l cabre ,Arl ( l l l u s t .3 9 ) f r o m the socket on the coil to safe_ guard against accidently starting the'J.rgi.,e. l. Rernove the valve cover.


the varves

of "ig"u_ an"-,.rtr.*hi;;;;;':Xlr'iij""Tff" off after opu ru."tirrg.

I P'rlgnat T.D.C. No.4 piston f.OE at

Adjust the valves with the engine warm. Warm, in this case, covers any ternperature *50 degrees Fahrenhei I1o*

2. Crank the engine until the ,,DC,, mark the back flange of tfre f"r, ari,.e pulley is in line with the Iimi"g;;i"ter on the crankcase front cover. Eith;;;;"N". I or the No. 4 cylinder is now at top dead center of the compression stroke. Note: The push rods are free to rotate on the cylinder that is on TDC (compression). .3. Adjust four valves in f lfust. 4.6; then crank the revolution and adjust the in the sequence shown in in the sequence sh engrne one complete r.bmaining four valvel l f f u s f .4 6 a s f o l l o w s :


:: -ll
... J



::: us ::: us s ' . ,:.t c l Sh

f - , - r l a r i ;

Numbering sequence of volves which correspond to chor, A_84585

lllusr. 46
l i

: 1. : i : . 1 i ---c 5l

.....ti + - 4 q

TAILI" Tc -t::s .
' - n t

"a*:ffi t:::F ""1"_",the No. 4 pistn i-sat iD; "';;T5j,::;T?*1. if: l:*7 :"3 l;ffi*:::",:Jl
when the No. I piston is a t r o c - i ' " r L r s Lp r e s s i o n ) . :om ecl and lhe rernr;lr-_-"^.__, Note:

o' 3:i;15i" i4p'i"';;ffi;';;i".4':;"" : ""*:?.,:1i ; H:: ;fltn*,:t":,^T:"1 J: i

Y:*-.,I::l:f l"." guide,an vatves can

", "'

Loosen the-adjusting screw lock nut on the valve 1ever. s"" ilrrrr. a?i-i.rrert the feeler gauge between the valve tever and valve stem. the adjusting i' l u rrn s a y t o h o i d t h e f e e l"e " * g a u g e o r o u t a s n e c e s _ " r. snugly. W.hen the correct clearance is odtained, hold the adjusting screw rn place *iil, a_screw driver, tighten the lock the clearance. ""t, ""J """fr.ck

a ree1 r gaug ror e e t h e ","J;: c a ce " n" :i1";* l,i" v a l v e lil e a rl, n-"^. ""

:T5T ." i;i:.:*tff ";?r;: il5: ?;,:l:--::

5. Replace r r A r t ( l l l u s t . 3 9 ) the distributor-to_ coil cable i n t o the socket from which it was removed.

the valve cover. check to see


^ -r

: .'::d e
. 1 - r l ' . . F f <




^1 F ' < l c i


S .:te

lllusr.46A G o u g i n g h e v o l v el e v e r sw i t h t

o f e e l e r9 o u g e .

Bottery i g n i t i o nu n i t o n d tochometer





Fill lhis-spoce qnd coof beoring surfoces with #2 mulri-purpose lithium-g;se ii rne tochomeler drive geor.ond housing I Distributor

If for any reason, the drive gear housing rnust be rernoved, proceed. as follows:

Rernove the two screws and the tachorneter drive housing retainer plate. Then rernove the housing and drive gear assernbly.

If the drive gear housing is dissassernbled for any reason, inspect th; drive gear and replace it with a new one, if necessary. Be* fore reassernbly, apply IH Magneto gall Bearing Greas e (359 766 R9 t ) o, #I rnulti-pu_rpos e lithiurn grease to the space and bearing surtaces shown in illust. 47"

Tochomeler drive geor

_ l l l u s r .4 7 Tochometer drive insfollqtion diogrom.

Assernble the tachorneter drive gear and -into ihe 1tusi.18, cornplete with the gasket, orstri b u t or dr iv e hou s i n g (l i l u s t.4 6 8 ). A s s e rn b l e t he _re ta iner plat e, + c re i s , a n d l o c k * .rh ." " and tighten thern securely.

To prevent failures of the tachorneter d.rive shaft and tacho-rneter drive.gear, it is irnportant for the drive shaft to forlow a smooth eveir ;;th f rorn the distributor drive housing to the ta_,, chorneter. .: No bend in the shaft sh]ould be sharper than a S-inch rad.ius.

The front wheels are o.rop center tires. The wheels can be reversed rirn disc wheels for tractor- type pneurnatic on the hubs to obtain various tread positions,


Tractor Type of Axle
Fixed Tire Size Wheel Position Concave Side


in Inches

Farrnall I40 and International I40


In Out In Out In Out

43 49
44 to 52 (4-inch incrernent 50 to 58 ( -inch incrernent
:S) :S)

Adjustable W i d e - T re a d 5 . 0 0 - 1 5o r 5 . 5 0 - 1 6

44 to 64 (A-inch incrernent s ) 50 to 7A &-inch incrernent s )

Farrnall 140 Hi-Clear


5. 50-16 or 6"00- t6

In Out

46 to 66 (4-inch incrernent s ) 5 Z to 72 (4-inch incrernent s ) i s carryi ng heavy front-enj

Note: The rnaxirnurn tread p o s i ti o n i s n o t to b e used w hen the tragtor weight .


The wheels on the fixed front axle can be set to give either 43 or 49-inch tread..s. When the tractor has an ad.justable wide_ tread or heavy-duty front axlj, the frontwheels can be set to track with the rear wheels. In addition they can be set to provide frorn 44 to 70-inch treads in 4-inch inirernents.


end of the tractor. Z. Rernove the bolts ilAil and rrBrr (lllust,4gl which secure the axle extensions. 3. Rernove
ilc il.



the front

the bolts frorn the tie rod. clarnpe

wheels can be set to provid.e frorn inch treads in 4-inch incrernents.

With 5.50 x 15or 6.00 x 16tires, the

47 to 73-

4 . Pull the axle extensions out an equal di tance o n e a c h s i d e o f t h e d e s i r e d t r e a d - p o s i t i Move t h e t i e r o d t u b e s i l D i l t o c o r r e " p o r r d .

5 . R e a s s e r n b l e t h e a x l e e x t e n s i o n b o l t s fr A , l and rrBrr in the holes selected, and tighten the

AIso reassernble and tighten the boltJ in the rod clarnps.

lllust.48 AdiusrobleWide-Treod Fronf Axle.


1. Raise the front end of the tractor.

Treodsfor Troctorw i th H i ghw oy Mow er

Coution! When operatin g a tractor with the AI-23 Highway Mower, rnust be taken that i * p r o p e r t r e a d w i d t h s a r e " urs e d . T h i s is necessa for safe operation. We recornrnend setting the front wheels so the inside edges of the front tires line up with the inside edges of the rear tires. Referti poge5t. Adiusting the Toe-ln The front wheels should have LIS_inch to L/4-inc]n toe-in (l/g-inch to I/ _i".fr-.f""er in front than in the rear). Measure the distance be_ tween two points rtct and two points ,I{f r. see ilrustr 48 ond 49. Points I'Gtt and rrFfrrrnust be at the outer edges of the rirns and. at the same height frorn the ground as the hub caps.

Z. Loosen the cap screws on axle extension -clarnps rrCrt and r e r n o v e p i n . ' r p r r . S e el l l u s t . 4 g . 3. Rernove cap screws f rEil frorn the tie rod clarnps. Then rnove the axle extension so t'Le dowel holes coincid.e at the desired. tread posi_ tion. 4. Move the tie rod to correspond position of the front axle extension. with the

tighten screws

Replace axle extension clarnp pins nDn and the clarnp cap screws; theni"pta." ."p rrE'r in the tie rod clarnps and iignt"rr.


Adiusting the Toe-ln - Continued To adjust the toe-in, rerrrove cap screws I t_ r r a n d l o o s e n E cap screws rrFil on Loth sid.es. Turn tie rod tubes 'rBrr in gr out as required, Be sure to rnake arrn rfAil ad,justrnent equa1. c1p screws rfEil and tiglrt"rl *:pb"9 rrErf and rtFrr. See ""p'"crews tllrrl.49. Heovy-Duty Front Axle

disconnect the steering _ To adjust tJre toe-in, knuckle arrns tfE' at rflrr, loosen the crarnpnuts rrFrr and turn the tie rod end.s rrKrr in or out as required. See lllust. 49.

lllusr.49 Heovy.PulyFront Axle.

5.5Ox 16 rire

5.0O x 15 tire

Fixed front qxle

Adiustoble wide treod qnd heovy-duty front oxles

5.0O x 15 fires 5.5O x 16 tire

5.(X) x 15 tire 4.(Xl x 19 tire

Adiustoble wide treod oxle

o 4 to 52 inches-concove side in 5.50 x 16 tires -5O to 58 inches-concove out side o'o"155-r4.0O x 19 454 tire F46 to 66 inches-concove ridc int6 24 inches-concqvo side oul

I'i:;;t ii::ii
lllust.4gA Front wheel treod F6liTions.

inches-concove sidc in inches-concove side out

B-t2006 A


The t r ac t or s u s e a h e a v y , c a s t_ i ro n , d.i sc_ typ e wheel on t h e ri g h t s i d e a n d a p re s s e d steel disc-type wheer on t-he left sid.e. Each wheer is rnounted on the axle flange *i!q six speci"f screws and can be rnountea with ""p th" Jorr""rru { ac ing in or o u t. Mo u n ti n g h o l e .-" i " ' p " o_ "i d ed vi g u f or at t ac hi n g c a s t-i ro n # n e e l ;" rg n r " . The wheels. are equipped with d.ernountable rirns ha_ving attached.-cl'arnpsi the rirns can be rnounted on the wheels in slveral positions. Ri rns ar e av ailab l e fo r 9 .5 _ 2 4 , L f.-;_ -;;, and I Z. 24 agricultural or'ind.ustrial_typ" t]rr"rr_ rn a ti c t ir es . Rea r w h e e l tre a d s o f 4 0 ,,-4 2 -,' g, + 5 2 , 56, 60, 64 a n d ,6 g _ i rrc h e s c a n b e o b ta ined b.y rnou-nting the wheels and rirns in-the Oo"r_ ti o n s s hown in lllu s t.5 1 .
The Hi-Clear Tractor uses cast_iron, d.isctype wheels. They are rnounted in the sarrle manner as the Farrnall 140 Tracto" arraat"o have the rnounting holes for attaching wheel weights The whe"1. eq-uipped with dernountable .1re_ rirns .having attached_ cla.rrps i the rims can be rnounted on the wheels in several positions.

Lljqois arlt!t tdit 6 tti{ aigijtktit liri:r liiiir::tr!i:iti i:iri:i rilt iii itraliiiii diiiiilrtt lrrilt !l!!!iltliltlat-li,l 0toiat itidLait i?ilatttlt r.l i.riaai,! it iiriil isi iit.lrlsii Gl so riri iq iil sltr dr:! alralt ll,ti'F1 0lsiiiiltr!]d!n trial t - t t a a i t t aj i ! t a ai

f l f u s t .5 0 A Blocking the front end of ihe trqctor. After the front end of the tractor has been securely blocked, jack up ' t h e r e a r e n d a t n' IE , , 'rFtt(lllusf.50B) and and rerirove the ,i* frorn the rear wheel hub. ".p "",

tires" Rear wheel treads of 48, sz, 56, 60, 64, and 6g-inches can be obtained by rnounting,the wheels and riveted cla-rnp rirns in the po"liiois a n d t r e a d s o f 4 g , i z . s , s 6 , "6 0 w n i n i l l u s t . 5 2 ho , 60.-;,^lia Og inches lnith welded clarnp ,irrrr.

R i m s a r e a v a i l a b t er o " g . i _ z a and-ii.;:i 6 ^gricultural-type pneurnatic


To rerrlove the rear wheels or change the rim positions, block the front end of the trac_ tor securely as shown in lllusrs. 50 ond50A. The front end of the tractor should. be blocked as shown in lllust.50A Uy p"lii.rg-a] Ufoct rrA't and wedge rfBrr in the'positions shown. Bl0ck the fro-nt end of the iri-ct""r Tractor with wedges rtCrr and nDrr as- shown in lllusi.50.

lllust.50B f,eor end of rhe iroctor.


The rear wheels can be set to 40, 44, 4g, 52, 56, 60, 64 and.6g-inch tread positions by attaching the rirris in d.ifferent poiitions onthe wheels and_by changing the positions of the wneets on the hubs as shown in lllusf. 51.

lllusr.50 Blockingthe front end oithe Hi-Cleortroctor.


Y,::r:_111 -"_" teft si;"-";J;?";';";:;: i1':' *.
Note: W'heir the rirns are reversecl., change the tire and rirn assernblv. o u t t i n c the right puttingy f h o r i ^ L +


Coution!When operoting trocforwith the A1.23 o :iq1*"y,mower, core must be tokenfhot proper treod widths ore used.This is necessor)r'foi sofe operotion.

;h. ;; po'i.,ir,,g ll :#"":j:I"^:njn: rorationls- si;; #n"th'j of ll::d "J 1i:*.1:::lt:narro w on t he t ir e.

When assernbling the rear wheel rirn s u r e t o u s e t h e w a s T r e r i n a s s e r n b l y 'and, b e tighten the clarnp bolts securely.

Cout ion! not p u t th e ri g h r(c o s t-i ro n ) Do wheel on t he lef r s ide. '

We recornrnend setting the left rear wheel in the extrerne outerposilion, concave side out. Th_e right rear wheel be turned concave s i d e i n a n d s e t f o r a 6"frorria 0_inch tread by attaching the clarnps and rirn in tfr. lrrte, po"Lliool'n.t", to poge{9.

lreod, lug outside 49" freod, lug inside




The rear wheels can be set to 48, 52, 56, 60, 64, and 6g-inch tread positions by attaching the rirris to the disc in different posilions and by turning the concave side in or out as shown in illust. 52. 'Welded .60"
lreod, lug Concove side lurned out

treod, lug outside



40" treod, lug inside


The rear wheels can be set to 48, 53.5, 56, 60, 62.5, and 6ginch tread positions by attaching the rirns to the disc in different posltiorr" and by turning the concave side in or out as shown in illust. 5Za. 'When NOTE: the rirns are reversed, change the tire and rim assernbly, assembling the right tire and rirn on the left side *id ,.i"u versa, in ord.er to keep the tread of the tire pointing in the direction of rotation as shown by the arrow on the tire.

Wheeldisc Wheel disc

W'hen assernbling the rear wheel rirn, be sure to uselhu flat washer and lockwasher in assembly and tighten the clarnp bolts securely.

40" minimum treod

68" mqximum heod

B-79t5 A

Illust. 5l Diagr ar r r of r ea r w h e e l tre a d . p o s i ti o n s . 51

wHEEL REAR (ONE-P|ECE) WEtcHTS . Conrinued
Before attaching the second rear wheel weights, it is necessary to rernove two bolts frorn each first weight and replace thernwiththe provided with the secorrd weights. 1:lg"rbolts When the secort y"ights are rernoved replace the two shorter bolts-in each fi.rst-wlrgh;.

The rear wheel weights weigh approxirnately 145 pounds_each and eilher one, two, or three can be attaihed to each rear wheel to red.uce slippage and tire wear and. increase traction of rubber tired tractors

The first set of rear wheel weights includ.es a set of two weights and eight :/+fr.C. 314_ inch bo1ts, nuts, and lock irashers for " 3 _ attach_ ing the weights to the rear wheels at-;Er;: See lllust.54. The second set of rear wheel weights in_ cludes a set of two weights and eight"3l4N.C. -inch bolt.s, nutJ, and locli*""h""" x 3-3/ f.or attaching to the first weights at rfF'r. See lllust.54B. The third set of rear vyheel weights of a set of two weights Iess hard.wa"re. consists Two-piece weights are avaitable to facili rnounting weights on the inside of the wheel without hawing to rernove the wheel. Easigr rnounting is possible since each half weigirs approxirnately 7 5 pounds.
Reor wheel with two weights ossembled.

Wl:en tJ:e third weights are rernoved, re the bolts in the first and second weight;.


tl il




ll ll

l .

Before attaching the third weights it wi1l to rernove two of th"e bolts which P"-1":"ssary hold the second weight to the first *"igfrt use thern for attaching the third weighis to"rra trre second weights

th.epr-oportionate reduction in sfippaje'varies with the type of soil.

Tl"se weights can be attached to each dri wheel to reduce slippage and increase draw_ bar pull. The increasJin drawbar pull, with

i i l I t'
i l i I

l l l u s r .5 4 R e o rw h c c l w i t h o n e w e i g h to s s e m b l e d .

Flrst sel of two.plecG rcor wheel weights.


' (fW W W R E A R H E E L E I G H T S O ' p l e C f )C o n t i n u e d Hi-Cleor Troctors Continued
The first set of rear wheel weights includes a set of four weight halves and eight 3i 4NC x 3-31 -inch bolts, hex. jarn nuts, hex. nuts and lock washers for attaching the weights to the w h e e l s a t r r D r r " S e el l l u s t . 5 4 B .

The second set of rear wheel weights includes a set of four weight halves and eight,3l 4 bolts, hex. jarn nuts, hex. NC x 3-Ll4-inch nuts and I6 plain washers for attaching the second set of weights to the first weights at t r E r r . S e el l l u s t .5 5 . l l l u s t .5 5 reor Secondset of 1v7q-piecc wheel weights.

and recObserve the following instructions in order to secure rnaxirnurn ornrnendations life and efficient service frorn the pneurnatic tire s. Keep the tires free frorn oil and grease, 4s After using the tractor bottr, destroy rubber. for spraying (insect control work), use water that rnay be on the to rernove any chernicals tire s.

inflated Keep the pneurnatic tires proPerly s h o w n i n t h e t a b l e s o n p o g e5 6 . to the pressures will darnage the tire cord body Underinflation and. rnay cause the tire to slip on the rirn and tear out the tube valve stern. Overinflation results in excessive slippage, causing rapid tire wear. Check the air Pressure once a week with gauge having onean accurate low-Pressure Do not allow the air prespound graduations. iure to drop below the recornrnendations. see that the tire valve caps are in Always and are screwed tightly. The caps preplace vent the loss of air through the valve core, and also prevent loose soil, rnud, gravel, snow, and ice frorn entering and darnaging the valve core. Tires can be inflated with a pressure Purnp, hand purnp, or a spark plug purnP. Spark Plug frorn International purnps can be purchased Harvester dealers.

Note: Do not use a diesel source of power engine as the

Rernove one of the spark plugs frorn the engine, and engine, or any carbureted tractor rrArt having the replace wiitr purnping elernent spark plug thread size. See lllust' 55A' correct trBtt of the purnp hose to the Attach onL end and other end rtctt to the purnping elernent, valve stern of the tire to be inflated. Start the engine and run it at low ef f ic ienc Y. rnaxirnrrrn speed for

iif;r.i : :firiu

Avoid. sturnps, stones, cieep ruts, and' other hazards. Cut in tires should be repaired as neglect decreases tire life. irnrnediately, lllust.55A Tire pump,hose,ond oir gouge.

!l6r6i; l,4t:i,iilit






Front Tire Loods in Poundsot vorious InflotionPressures Underscoring indicotesmcximum recommended per lood li re. C outi on! ponrecei vi ng U yourtrocl or,i mmr odi usithe oi r pressuren the ti res os i ndi i the tobl es.
When equiprnent is rnounted on the trac the rear wheel tire loads rnay be increased to 20 percent with no increase in inflation (i indicated in the tables and speeds do not ex ceed 10 rniles per hour). Tire loads should calculated to include FULL bins or tanks.

Pounds per square inch Tire Size

PIv Rating









per square centirneter

r. 40 1 . 6 8 r . 9 z z. 25 2 . 5 3 z . 8 r 3. Og
I.-Z Tread 4.00-15 5.00-15 5.00-r6 4. 00- rg 5.50-16 I.I Tread 5.50-t6

4 4 4 4 4 390 530 750 470 655

435 590 835 '525 725

475 650 915 575 79s

515 705

550 755 6To



625 860



970 1060

,u rlj
Reor Tire Loods in Poundsot vorious Inflotion Pressures Un d er s c or ing indic s te s o x i m u m c o mme R d le d per m re o cd tire.


tractors are transported on a carr such as a railroad car or trailer rear tires should be inflated up to 30 pounds. Front ti to the rnaxirnuln pressures shown in the ta The higher pressure rnust be reduced to ating pressure before the tractor is relno frorn the carrier. Inflation pressure should as shown in the following tables to rnake pog sible rigid blocking and to prevent bouncing. Tubeless tires can only be used o rirns with welded clarnps. They should. not used on rirns with riveted clarnps. NOTE:



After rnounting a new or old tire on the inflate it to thirty pounds pressure to seat tire bead on the rirn flange and to prevent tire frorn creeping and shearing of] the valve Then deflate or inflate the tire to the correct operating pres sure.

Pounds per square inch Tire Size

Plv Rating


I4 Kilograrns




r. 54

per square centirneter

.84 R-l Tread 9.5-24 Lt. z-24 tz.4-24 9.5-36 LL.Z-36

. 9 8 T .L Z

L .2 6

rz.4-36 R-3 Tread 9.5-24 LI. Z-24 r2.4-24

4 4 4 4 4 4

LZL5 t475 1770




I 330 l6 l0 1935 I 500 r940

r435 1 73 5 L 72 5 2100

I 535 I 845

The tractor should not be operated with tires irnproperly inflated. To insure the rrlurn hours of service, watch the tread lugs; if they wear down too fast, irnrnediately add rnore weight to cut down slippage. Check for high air pressure. Consult your International Harvester dealer for inforrnation.

4 4 6

LZIS r47 5 t770

I 3 3 0 1435 l 6 r 0 L 73 5 L935 2090

I 535

zz40 z 3 9 o

Tire CodeMorking

F-2 . o . . . . . . . . . . . . . o . . . A g r i c u l t u r o l t-t . . o . . o . . . , . . . . . . . . R i b l m p l e m e n t R-t . . . . . . . . . . . . o . . . . . . A g r i c u l t u r o l R-3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I n d u s t r i o l


Tire IndustryType

Tha drawbar pull of a t r a c t o r c a n b e i n creased by adding cast iron weight to the d r i v i n g w h e e l s , a n d b y the use of liquid in the tir e tube s.

'r{EIGHTS' Continue WHEEL The arnount of the increase in drawbar pull
definite weights of certain by the addition varies with the type of soil. When very heavy both liquid and cast iron weight is required, weights can be used. which exceed the equiprnent on the tractor load capacity of the size of the tires on the tractor.

it After adding weiglrt to the rear wheels, to readjust the height of the rrray be necessary alignrnent. to obtain the correct drawbar use lugIn wet grass or ground conditions' The flexing of the tire and the type chains. cr:eeping of chains will break the rnud loose as Nole: There is a possibility the wtreel rotates. of the tire slipping within the chain; to prevent chain fasteners is this, the use of spring-type recornmended.

Do not overload the tractor tires byrnounting

bands that The brakes consist of external The brakes are on the brake drurns. contract control.led by foot pedale which can be operwhen or sirnultaneously ated individually locked together.


and Check the brakes for free rnovernent after every I50 hours of operequal pressure is deterrnined interval ation until the proper to usage. Check the free rnovernent according to rnaintain equal presas required thereafter braking. sure and efficient

The brakes should not drag before they take hold. The pedals should have a free rnovernent as measured l-inch by hand of approxirnately at the pedal pads. ^ lllusr. 57 Broke pedcl odiustmcnl.

jack up the rear end To adjust the brakee, Rernove Pin rrArr and loosen of the tractor. yoke lock nut rrBrr. Seelllusi.57. Turn adjusting rrCrr until each wheel drags slightly when turned.

of the brakes' To check the equalization jack up both rear wheels so they will turn and-latch securely block the tractor ite.ly, then start the enpedals together; the brake to either third or fourth gine. Shiff the gearl the clutch; while the wheels fpeed and engage aPPIY the brakes. are turning, of the brakes should slow down Application at the same tirne and also reduces bothiiheels the speed of the engine. If one wheel stops and the other wheel continues to revolve whe'tt the brakes are applied' on the wheel that stops loosen the adjustrnent just enough s-o both wheels stop sirnultaneously when the brakes are aPPlied.

Replace pin tt[tt after the adjustrnent

and tighten lock nut rrBrr has been cornpleted.

to have the brakes It is very irnportant both To have equalized brakes, equalized. pedals rnust have the sarne arnount of free rnovernent.


. Th1" engine is equipped with a spring_ '0aded, g_inch, si.rgte+Iate, ir;_H;;^3r.,rr"rr.
As a result of norrnaf clutch facing wear, the free travel between the ctutch release levers and the release bearing is red.uced. Lack of clearance cause" orr"ih.atirrg oi tfre clutch, Ioss .of power: dnd early replacernent of clutch facing.


The correct free

a111tii_": *.Ifi l . adjusting the tength of pedal rod ilB

See lllust. 5g.


can e a s i l y cl

Check the clutch or clutches for free rnoverrrent after every I50 hour" of until the proper inspection r n t e r v a l i"pliation _ s deter rnined according to-usage. Check tfr"-fr"" rrrovernent thereafter, as required., to provide proper clearance between t,"e bearing and the clutch "t"i"r,'rui"""u Ievers. "ui"r".

rod can be reached tnrorrgi ;-;;, the bottorn of the rear housirr-g ;;;-. "irri"i

the correct free moverrrent is obt then tighten the nuts. ffre nrrts on the clu operating

To adjust the length of tJee clutch pedal l oosen and turn nuts rfC rf on the rear e nd r rod until


engine clutch is designed .The so that it re_ quires a minirnurn of attention. It is irnportant however,

that a cleara""u 3l t'-inch be rnainbi;;J;"f*""r, "pn;;#;i;r, "i the engine clutch release bea_ring errgine clutch r,eleas e lev er s . Al s o ," th"rrJirre e c i u tc h re l e a s e shaft a n d r eleas e bea ri n g s h o u l d -te l u b ri c a te d at proper intervals as instructed in tfre ,if_udri_ ca tion G uider r .

lllusi.58 Clutch pedot free movement.



3/lO-inch free trovel

lllust. 58A Clutch odiusimenis.

i I I I




is not to be used for When your tractor some tirne, it should be stores in a dry and protected place. Leaving your tractor outdoors' shortens L*posed to the elernents, rnaterially its life. 5. Troctors with Mogneto: Oil the rnagneto irnwith very light oiI, such pulse coupling liberally or sewing rnachine oil. as cream separator

outlined below when Follow the procedure your tractor is placed in stordEe, and-repeat steps l, 4, 5 and 7 every six rnonths thereAlso caution ttttt"t be used when etarting after. an engine that has been in storage.

6. After the engine has cooled, rernove the of spark plugs and pour one tablespoonful SAE-3b Series 3 engine oil of good quality into Crank the engine two or three each cylinder. the oil over the cylinder tirnes to distribute Then replace the spark plugs. walls.

l. Wash or clean and completely, lubricate Guiderr on poges See "Lubrication the tractor. \

7 2t o 7 7 .

so the tires are proZ. Store the tractor tected from light. Before storing the tractor, Jack up the tractor clean the tires thoroughly. so the load is off the tires, when it is to be If not jacked out of service for a long period. up, inflate the tires at regular intervals'

7. Drain the entire cooling systern by redrain plugs and radiator rnoving the crankcase at the right side of the engine. Allow the sys then replace both drain tern to drain cornpletely plugs.

3. Ruh the engine long enough to thoroughly warm the oil in the crankcase before draining the oil. Then flush out the crankcase with kerosene or flushing oil. Rernove the oil filter (If any evidence of rust is found on elernent. Rethe retaining bolt, clean it thoroughly). place the old filter element with a new one'and flush out any sludge frorn the filter base. Replace the fifter case and fill the crankcase with Table"' new oil as specified in the "Lubrication Then run the engine frorn two to five rninutes'

then 8. Clean and rernove the valve cover' slush the valves, rocker arrnsr ?nd push rods with SAE-30 Series 3 engine oil' (If any evidence of rust is found, rernove it before lubriinside of ) use a paint brush to coat the "" i v t h le " g .a l v e h o u s i i r g c o v e r w i t h S A E - 3 0 S e r i e s 3 engine oil. Replace the valve housing cover' Thi engine must not be run after the slushing operation. g. PIug up the end of the crankcase pipe and exhaust PiPe. breather

4. Drain the fuel frorn the fuel tank and and clean out the fuel strainer carburetor, sedirnent bowl.

I0. Rernove the battery and place it on a rack or bench in a cool, dry place above fteezing (+32"F. ). Check the battery at least once a See gttnity. rnonth for water level and specifi" "storoge Botlery".

forrn in the fuel Note: .Gurn will eventually if the unit is not carburetor tanks, lines and jets and passages used. Gurn in carburetor affects engine starting-- Gum can be dissolved with acetone or a 50-50 rnixture of alcohol and benzol.

I l . B l o c k o r t i e t h e clutch pedal in the dis T h i s will keep the clutch engaged position. facing frorn sticking to the flywheel or clutch pressure plate.

| ,-.




lubricating oil into each cylinder; one ounce (two tablespoonfuls) per cylinder is enough. 11. Crank the engine rapidly until excess oil has been blown oir't of the spark plug holes. T.his operation will loosen any tight piston rings and wash old, gurnrny oil frorn valves and pistons. lZ. Install the spark and setting the gaps. plugs after cleaning

1. Rernove the valve cover and slush the valve and valve rnechanisrn with a r n i x t u r e o f o n e _ f-op-eratings e n e rJf kero" and one_half SAE - I 0W engine oil. Omit steps Z, 3 and IZ if perforrned the tractor was stored. before

Z. Drain the crankcase and flush out with kerosene or flushing oil fitt with t-n"'"pu"i_ fied lubricating "r e o i l . S e e t hr a , , L u b r i c a t i o n Guide". 3. Be sure the lubricating oil filter new elernent before startinglhe ."gi"". h-a - a *s

I 3. Troctors mcgneto: Flush out coupling with _wifhs e n e r a n d l u b r i c a t " the irnpul kero ifie d. ""-"pu"

4. Rernove the crankcase breather_pipe plug and the exhaust pip. fiirg. 5. Fiil the cooling systern. Be sure the cooling systern has a" rust inhibitor added to the coolant.


orerheenqine ,opidly,;;- ;il;' | r ' Y ti; -rdiotely

ofier storiing.'

jl :l"il:"T;Ti:l';::,j f lflTl'iil'"','i1","'::ffi hi;[


Coution!Keeprhe doorswide openor move the

L4. Start the engine and let it run slowly. If any valves are stickingr pour a srnall qrr"rriitfof kerosene on the valie .i.*" until free. 15. Install the valve cover.

6. Install fully charged. battery the proper connections-are rnade. 7, Fill the fuel tank. the clutch pedal.

and. be sure

8. Release

9. Before d.riving the tractor, inflat the tires to the correct operating pressures. 10. Rernove the spark plugs and pour a rnix_ ture of one-half gasorlne and one_hatf tight

16. After the engine has been run lons enough to clean the excess oil ,rr"'?yr_ indersr f and spark-plugs s h o u l d " ; t ;e r e r n o v e d a n d b checked for oil.rouiingl-riloutea, clean and reinstall thern in the Jngine. 17. Clean the air cuP. cleaner and refiil the oil

oper at ing th e tra c to r i n te mp e ra tu res . Yl .l degr ees . F . f" * .r, o b s e rv e th e fo l _ :::r_ n g r o w l r_ p r e c a u t i o n s :" r

i{AGNETO ili{pULSE COUpLtNG (Troctors wifh itogneto)

For satisfactor.y startingr

Use only a high_test, winter_grade fuel for ease of starting, and-keep yoo" supply in a closed container so the more volatile portions do not evaporate. Fill the fuel tank at the end of the day's to prevent condensation i n the tank. run

g""l? irnput s e c-oupling o it ed I _ ib I: :1,-:n"_Tl specifigd erarly, as on poge 35.-KuJptn. i*prrt"u coupling free of d.irt "rra i"Lrny rust forrnation.

it is irnportant



Be sure to use lubricant of the correct vis c-osity in the engine crankcase as specified in the "Lubrication aa61.",


need oj cr.eJ1i"g. i" ;i.;;;u-L"grruto, rerrrove it and flush the impuf .".rfilg^""a magneto drive charnber "u wiifr Kerosene.

When the engine is hand_cranked, the irn_ coupling. Jhould trip (click) twice for each lr:e " e l u t i o n l vo of the engine; failure to d" ;" _"V indicate


COOLING SYSTEI{ When the ternperature is likely to be +32 d e g rees F . or low e r, th e re i s d a n g e " tfr" water freezing in the cooling systein. " f !o prevent this, drain the water frorn the c-ooling systern at the end. of each run or use lH perrnanent type antifreeze. Dro i n ing ond Ref illingrh e C o o l i n gSy s re m lf on ontifreeze not to be used: is l. Drain the cooling- systgm by rernoving -th.'reft the crankcase prug otr sidL of the eng{ne and tJre radiator drain plug on the lower left side of the engine. S"" llturi. ZgA. Z. See that the drainisnotclogged and that the water drains cornpletely. Therii"ff""" Ur* drain plug. Note: Befo.re filling the cooling systern irr f.teezing weather, clJse the rad.iator shutter (if so or _e_quipped) cover the front of the radiator. Have sufficient water available at th,e tractor to fill th_e cooling systern (warrn water is preferable). Start the-engine, then prrt tfr. water in immediotely.This ke-ps the watlr frorn frge zing during warna-up. M;";;rr"tl"op""_ ating ternperature of thj engine by regutatirrg the radiator shutter or uncovering the"front of the radiator as rnuch aa necessary.

Then filt the cooling systern,. using either of the following procedurls :' a, Make a solution of the required arnount of IH perrnanent type antifreere with the necessary arnount of clean water (use soft or rain water if possible) to fill the cooling systern. Fill the coo-ling systern to a level ipproxirnately Z_I/4_ '8.""rr". inches below the top of trre iitt." neck. the therrnostat is closed., only part solu_ tion can be put in. put on the-radiator "i-tfr. c&pr start the engine, and run it until the operating ternperature is reached, to perrnit thJ ther_ rnostat to open. Then check-the level of the sol uti on and add sol uti on as necessary to br ing it up to the proper level.

b. Put the required. arnount of IH perrnanent type antifree ze into the cooling syst.rrr. eaa sufficient clean water (use so* or rain water if possi bl e) to a l evel approxi rnatel y Z_I/ -i n ches below the filler neck.-btart the engir..'u.rra it until operating ternperature is reached. ",r' to permit the therrnostai to open and allow the antifreeze and water to rnii thoroughly. After the engine is warm, check the coofint ievet in the radiator, and, if necess&rfr ad.d water to bring it up to the proper level.

6. Check the c.ooling systern for leaksr p41r_ ing special attention tJth" ho"" .o,,rr.'tstiorr". AntifreezeSolutions The use of alcohol as an antifr eeze is not recorruTrended because denatured. alcohol boils at *I73 degrees F. Flowever_, if it js ,r""r"sary to use alcohol, check the solution i"eqrruitfy to rnake certain you have adequate proteition for the prevailing ternperature] Note: Use only one type of antifr eeze solu_ tion. Do not rnix solutioirs, as it will be di{fi_ cult to deterrnine the arnount of pro_ te cti on. "*""i Never use any of the following in the cooling water as an antifree ze .* honey, salt, kero_ s_el.e, fuel oil, glucose or sugar, calciurn chlorider or any alkaline solition.

lf on ontifreezeis to be used: j l. Inspect the hose connections. They rnust P.".il ggo_qcond.ition both insid.e and out. Then tighten all water connections. Z. Inspect the water purnp for leaks. 3. Inspect the fan belt and adjust it, if necessorlr to the proper tension. If the belt is worn; or oil- soaked, install a new one. 4. Drain the cooling systenr as described. above. Clean it as degiri'bed. on poge 2;.---5. Check to be sure that'the radiator drain p,lug and the cranlscase plug on the left side of the engine is tightly closedl


probtems tf{echinicol ond their probobfe Couse

t':'il" [":l}" g f previous "T,iJ,ff ::: I I "ft .T.*: ;:, . or the cause.beror e att emp t the settin!i" """""theadjlffi;;rs ft 3f{n:il?t,r"T:#" ilT,.
Po s s i b l eC o u s e

No gasoline in starting tank or carburetor ' '

Distitlate in starting fuet-or carburetor

T:1J3::*^,yllnk varve. c hec


;:":,il" ":, " ""'l.::: "1 ::" 3',:jn';n#ru


' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '...... *.'ra:*i*"it*"i:#;.-;"1-l-" :::_':lvrrnaers

carburetor. (tractors w i t h llroctors with . . water i" gi"ot;"; . . . . . .Flush withkerosene: : : : : : : ' 'o ' o ' ' ' ' ' 'Draintrttrot-it"""?-'t;t:lo9tt34to37'


coupling inoperarive -. tq'rvc

j"-:.;,;:: #';;;fi"ff",

tr, "

-r" -i s3sgli1e; open the fuel ii., j;,.j""J " "I i; ; * "r",1"

:;'T;*[',Triil . . -"i:'tii.=r-"t*:,"{, ::: HjlTid:#o'' (t:actors t;

withmagneto) . . .
. . . . Clean, adjust trru-g"p" to .023 inch or rel


11"::Ii1glpl1ss, distriburorandco

:::::::,1;.-i.eth-er",",'#u-thirdroi."i!,ting. i._ry,1r:.:;""n"*"'"sion.-::-.""."1"1x r , " i . i " " 1 i # ' o - r r t l i l j : ? : i t r o k e n : : : . .. . . . . Lubricati,rs . : .: ""ri.ii..iigr,"l?lil";; : ' ' ':tltfltJ:ftij[','j fl!1J_" a r s e i z u & E e r 9,,s".g"a.r e . . . : : : : : : : : : : . : : : : P r r n r g " . . " r , i r t - i , , " t r , j " " 1 1 f f J j p o s i t i see n on ""Tf"T-lubricant. ,the
Poor or wtak ;":;il:"::
lngine incorrecily Spark plugs di timed
gaP or wrong

Enginespeed ff::'::-::::'d controlnot advanced r . .




switch .,^:,::

. . check the ai.iiiuilJr" jid. uzs inchr or replace. unit or magneto I see if ,rr. the coil. chec "";"f;:":^11o"::it breaker poittt" and f_.^l,fromt tr," ..ir- cr,ecr I breaku, ll::_o"t "jr:?:::: plugs, s wiiing;
"rid seepoees rror".tlj.opening,

* Seeyour Internotionol Horveslerdeofer.


C Possible ouse P ossi bl eR emedy


1 ' ' A ' l j u s t ; s e e r r c a r b u r e t o r r r o np o g c 3 ' . ' ' Carburetor setting incolrect. and use.a sooa g-r.1d1-o;!'c-r-e1t ruet' ' ptiitt ' : : : : : ' ' Poor grade fuel or wate! i" r"ti
. on Poge6,1.

.. overheating . .':': : : : : : : : : :Aji'l:d; ;"T,1'::,?yi::il {H":il'J#'.T"'":T" EnginE :::

operating a cold ensine on distillate
Eugine valves at fault . ilii";;;"-;,-dintake-""iroia.:::':"


before changing

E,,gi.,eemoke" . ]"."'l:.:::...
Excesive carbon in engine. . Loose piaton pin or bearings tr loose pistons it"t"tt"ittg" "

' ' 'glt"t} the valve clealance"F ' c r r e c t t h e s a E k e ta n d t i g h t e nt h e n u t s '

* PiBton and ling s' " ':


il ''l fl

' ' ' ' ':

Worn connecting rod and rnain bearings Co.r""rrorstickingorneedsadjustrnent'

' ' ' ' ' * ' ' ' ' '*

Engine speed control lever Enginecoldoroverheated not advanced ' ' ' ' ' ' ' o .. ' Advance the engine speed control lever' -otttif it warrns up before putting it ' Run the engine shutter if used' Adjust the radiator under load. * Check the cooling sYstern' ' Reduce the load. ' Use good fuel; also check the timing'* ' rings' ' Service the valves and piston nCarburetorrt o n p o g e1 3 " ' See ' C l e a n ; o n p o g e1 3 . Open the vent in the caP. ' Clean out. poges l cnd32. 3 cLean the air cleaner as instructed on rnounting and manifold Tighten the carburetor nuts. Drain and refill with Proper lubricant' I'Lubrication 7 Tabletr on Poge l' See the

' ' ' Engineoverloaded..... ' Engineknocksexcessively.. Govefnornotworkingproperly' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Poor cofirpression' Poorfuelortooleanarnixture' Fuel lines or strainer obstructed' Fuel tank air vent closed . . ' ExhaustpiPeclogged.. Air cleaner clogged or air and engine . carburetor

' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' I o'r

o ' ' ' ' '

o ' ' ' ' o

' ' ' ' ' '

' ' ' ' ' o

" ' ' ' ' ' ' leakage between

" ' '

Oil of too high viscositY in crankcase . . . . cleaner.

or alr

* ' ' ' ' ' o ' ' Retirne' Incorrecttirningorfaultyignition a r*a.,o1 nf fhe ea;ust the free travel of the pedal; ClutchsliPPing.... 5 on Poge 7' Adjust the brakes; Brakes drag. . . . . . . . rnanifold o r c y l i n d e r h e a d intake Carburetor i n tak e por t s r es tri c te d b Y c a r b o n . . . . . . . . C l e a n . *

on pogeIi 8 -

deoler. Harvester * Seeyour Inlernolionol 63

P o s s i b l eC o u s e P ossi bl eR emedy

ENGIN OVERHEATS E t'^"o. i::*:r'Jtif,f,flu"t:u:"::: . . . . . . . . crean the system; see poees ro3r. 28
cl ean w i th forced ai r or * " t" i .--

Insurrici"iiil"tJ"i,,"ooii,,e'"v"r"":::::::ffffff"";;::13:'riiii#j*th:ii Radiatorcoresclogged""" llill;. c " o......Removeall chaffordirtfromtheradiatorr

!ilH.,T;l3l;:"i':i* c:o .r . c.t : : : : : . : :S5?A"lffi"g;;:,,u"1i:".,r3.s;";"". Breakerpointopeningin r e

Breakl. ^^i_f a*^-:_: . : . .. . . . c .

lVrong kind of fuel.

o . . c

Unitr' (poges3g ondlg) o, r,Magnetoli(oon.,

. Retirne.


load .

l:::::,:*l^":F.",.'g.i,.,' Heat indicator defeclive .rrgirruy . . . . Replace the heat 1jiltillate -.-:-:,. R a d i a t or s hut t er c l o s e d indicator. * 1 i f-u s e a ) . . . c . Open the shutter.
Defective oi1 pressure indicator . . . . . Wrong viscosity, -. . . . Replace. * diluted o, irr"ofii.i.rri oif . . nlubrication " See the

. -. . . . : : : . : . . .f.u"ce

the load.

SS, g6,

71. C h e c k B r o k e n l, o o s e . o r p t u g g e d o i l t i n e s . . e . c . . . J r t i . r r o : r t l r " J i i t r l t " t " o , " " p t " " " ? i t r ,f r e s h Low oil level in cranf,E"".-. .


on poge

. . . . .




?it nrugsure reguraringvalve. *

. . .Add oir; see the,rlubrication an oil leak.

Guide.,, Check

1,"",,asinstructedpose on 68.


p", prog.o" gasket , . . "ii and tighten. * pision o. oir'rirrg., : : : . Jv=orn : . : : : . : . . o"n."o L o o se c onnec t ing
Engi-ne Jnu"rruatirig t""-."ri. or




. seethe "Lubricarion rable, onpose 7r.


engine idling

ro d 6 " " i i rrg " . . . . .

" . o . . . . . . .-t

. . : : : . : : .3:".",,1:.igiTo*"r,,and
on Poges63 ond 64.

,rEngine overheats,,

cylinder'head. u'""ti",

speed too high.

. . . . .

:+ ;;;g.at

. : . : : . . lr."r.

seepoee 32.


Fuel mixture adjustrnent Fuel leaks too rich. Carburetor out of

o . .
a a a a a

E|.'.I_"!:O" t:g!l"l or

Poor grade of fuel. Choke closed Engine overloaded. Poor compression, Faulty ignition.

gasket. Use a good grade of fuel. . .Investigate for the choke not operating. . . . . . . . . R e d u c e t h e load or shift to a 16w.. "f.Ld.
. a . . o . a *

13. replace the ruei ii;;-o"-il"""i"";i,;

and see- ilC-arburetor,r

on pose

Sce poge !i.

{ee your Interntifiono Horveslerdeoler. I 64

Possible ouse C


Engine not operating at proper t e m p e r a t u r e
Air cleaner clogged W r o n g v i s c o s i t y b r amount of lubricating . . . Check the cooling oil. *



Check the lubricating

. . . . S ervi ce the ai r cl eaner; seepoges 3l ond3 2. oi l . . . see the ' Lubri cati on Tabl e" oi and. keep ," r" zr the oil up to the proper level.

'n Fuel low in tank. . . . . . . . . o . . . e . Air vent hole in fuel tank cap pluggud rp, . Fuel shut-off valve closed p"rtIy op"o . . ", Dirty or clogged fuel strainer screen or rine . . Fill the fuel tank and check the fueL lines. . . Clean out the vent hole. . . Open the valve; see the starting instructions p o g c sl l o n d 1 2 . . . Clean as instructed o n p o g e1 3 .



W.ong kind, _old, cracked, eet spark plugs. . Loose wiring Dietributor or improper dirty, or poolly , Clean and set the gaps to . OZ3 inch, or replace connectiona . afttltl"# i'li}?;; clea! and tight; ," see that all connections pogor33 ro 40' "' are

not timed -correctly. . . . , .Retime.x Distributor capor rotor or break" .rr"rt u.t airiy. l'i.a" l" t^",ruct_ed ...pqg..35ro39. Breaker points dirty' pitted or improperry " u.rro.."., rhe opening or reprace with new ""1'.ci.Ii

and coil unit o! rnag.eto

Bleaker arrn stuck, weak or broken spring . . . ai:.ll"iJ":;t;"."rj,..::.r.r..

Hir:tT .'."::',"1t"11'.U lt""g3;lltl"*:jf;i

Decrlona cranking rnoto! failure . .

,r. ' di"-""'i tuuiicate i""t'o"t'r..c poe* ro 35 3e. ""a ""

,, .

. Recharge,, clean and tighten the cabte lugs or re_ place with new; checklhe grourrd cabtei... pog.. 4l ondAjl. relay. . . . . . .*

c.""'"i3' i,,opu;;;i;;- : : : : : : : : : : . : : : l'nt""". Voltage.re-gutator or geuerato!

',"iE" i"Ji".i"; il;;-dl:;&;

lishre wilr not burn.

unarge tnctrcator inopelativ

: . : : . : : :3;3k";:T.:i:#:ilt!i1".,;i",
. : . . .
the fuee, recharge the battery,

check drive the

or check the

;f"t;ill? g"o,rl,a Turn on the ""ur". switch, repLace, the sealed beim units, replace ".l'.t:i

Lishtsburndi'". . .


tighten the cable terminale, checi the sealed bearn unite, clean the contacta.


Do not hold Drag or uneven Grease on lining. Do not release. . . . . . . . . . . A d j u s t t h e b r a k e s ( p o g e 5 7 )o r n e w lining needed. * c . . . r . . .Adjust the brakes; (poge57). . . . . .Replace the lining.*, . o . . .Replace. . . . . . . . . Release the brake lock. B e s u r e the left cross shaft is free to turn.

Ret ur n s pr ing b ro k e n


* Seeyour Internotional Horvesler deoler.

6s i''

Possibfe Couse Possible Remedy


.. " ...IJserubricantof " "': " thecorrectviscosity; pogeTt. Shifter fork or lever defective . . . . . . . . . . Replace.* Engine clutch drags. . . :-. . . . . . . . . . . .Se6,flack power.,r Gearsclashing ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' : : : ' : . . . . s t o p t h e t r a c t o r a n d o fi s e n g a c r e r h a a r r , G ^ L 1 - ^ r ^ d . . . elu1r Hardtoshiftgears

Gears elipping out of mesh . N o i s y. . . . - . . . . . : - : - . ' " ' " Damaged parta ... - -

sle_Er_actor and dieengage the clutch befotr shifting the gearo. . . . . .r' . Check th oil level; use lubricant of the proper viecosity.*

Do not t ur n ' ' ' ' ' R el ease the brake 10ck. Transmi ssi on, dif f er et ti ar or cl utch faul ty. see the trarrsmi ssi on sc_ tion above. *

i jr;ii
ri,il tiiil

Tbo tight or too loose.
a a a a

lirlli iilli i.iiti

li;iii lirili





Check the lubricant in t h e b e a r i n g s , tearing adjustment; see poge 70. Check the oil seal. *

check the

front turns axle. to one side

F a u l t y . . . . . . . .

Defective Tractor

ljiili :,iijl

. . .
. . . . .

-c l1:^"1_",:ring worm_and gear; check the f : ::: .1It^"- Checknt. tir-e-i"ii"=riili.T ji :" 3dr:: ri etrre r,e. r. ii" i "'il",:: front wheet.
rinkse,;h;; ;il;;il:e' s v e -- - Yr

iyj::the* Parts.


brakes eventy; see 57. pose "lillu"Xa-*::li* Check the pneumatic tire ii,

Excessive Slippage, or uneven wear rear tire . . . .Check for toe_in; check the air pressure load on the tires and

. oj,l'.I";_I-"lt_ltf

ch.eck ,".rrd, tI for high air pres_ t",l 1 * 1.? il, i' J"' ;, gI ; 3 ; lt"ln "'.1;.1 upi" wit h new t i r e il illi : tv. n *"I r::-" c h i",i1i li"t:t_ p e "^ a i n s . ug-ty "' " ".


Maintenance. See detailed instructions poge20.

Seeyour fnternotionof Horvester deofer. 66


depends upon the care it is given. The life of any tractor is a very irnportant part of that care. Proper lubrication farrners, users, contractors, quality of oil, letter indicates est and I'E'r highest. etc. The second tt6tr fsing low-

shipped to destinations in United Tractors Canada, and Mexico have Sates of Arnerica, the engine crankcase filled with shipaway oil. Refer to "Engine Oil", Guide ". and "Lubrication Note: This kerosene for "Lubrication Tabletr,

oil is not to be diluted with cold weather operation.

HarIt is not the policy of the International vester Cornpany to publish approved lists of for the quality The responsibility lubricants. under the its perforlrrance of the lubricant, rnust rernain with the of operation, cond.itions of the lubricant. supplier ttl. H. Low Ash Engine Oilrr We recornmend for the gasoline engine. This oil is specifically spark plug fouling and to rninirnize {orrnulated and provide rnaxirnurn exhaust valve failures, engine lif e. If other than I'I. H. Low Ash Engine OiIil is used, it must be designated "For Service MSil In new API and as a qualified "MIL'L'2104Brr. code, these oils are usually designated as For rneeting both SD and CC requirements. rnaxirnurn engine life, these oils rnust.coqt&the;., or rnagnee.triapr calciurn, of bariurn, a rninirnurn ' additives and. should contain less than O,5Vu sulfated ash. nurnbered oils such as Multi-viscosity SAE l0W-30 or SAE l0W-40 must not be used above 32 degrees Fahrenheit.

This oil rnay be used for the first 100 hours Oil added during first 100 of engine operation. hours rnust be of proper viscosity for ternTablett. perature specified in "Lubrication The engine oil pressure gauge indicates through oil is circulating whether lubricating the engine. Refer to t'Oil Pressure Gaugerr for further inforrnation. The engine is equipped with an oil filter cleans the oil while the enwhich continually gine is running. To obtain the full benefit frorn replace the used filter with a new the filter, one, every second tirne the oil in the crankcase is changed (after every 200 hours of operation).

oiI level The engine has a bayonet-type gauge on the right side of the engine. Note: Stop the engine before removing the oil filler cap. Never check the oil level while the engine is running. rernove the To add oil to the crankcase, cap and then pull out the gauge. The oil filler oil level should never be above the "FULLrf rnark nor below the I'LOWil rnark on the gauge. V/hen checking the oi1 level, the gauge must be withdrawn and wiped clean, then inserted for a true reading. all the way and withdrawn

the selection of To facilitate starting, crankcase lubricating oils should be based on for the day. the lowest anticipated temperature It is not necessary to change the crankcase oil rises or falls into every time the temperature range during sorne part another temperature of the Z4-hour dry. Note: After changing oil, the engine must not be operated at high speed or under load until the new oil has had arnple tirne to reach all of the bearings. After changing to a lighter grade of oil, the engine must be operated at least five to ten oil is rninutes without load so the lighter worked into the bearings and onto the cylinder walls. AIso see tlCold W'eather Precautionsrr on p o g e s6 0 o n d 6 l f o r special instructions.

A screen is attached to the oil intake of the It stops gear-type oil purnp in the crankcase. large dirt particles frorn entering the lubricating systern. This screen should be cleaned -.r'henever the oil pan is rernoved.


Ensine oils under the API Service classification code are designated SA, SB, SC, SD, SE, I'S'r CA, CB, CC and CD. In this code, prefix stations. Predenotes oils available in service for cornrnerciai. fix "C" denotes oils available

GEAR LUBRICANT shipped frorn the factory to destiTractors nations in the United States of Arnerica, Canada, and Mexico are filled with IH Hy-Tran case, and differential Fluid in the transrnission systern. and hydraulig final drive,



GEAR LUBRTCANT _ Continued Use IH Hy_Tran Fluid where specified. If fluid is used which do"s not rneet requirements of IH B-6 specifications,--international Har_ Cornpany will not be responsible :::r"_i t a n d a r d for sub-s performance of thl t;;;;;tssion and hydraulic corrrponents. Note: Failures due to use of irnproper fluid or filters are not covered by tfr. *ar-ianiv. For maximum protection use f i Hlr-Tran Fluid and Filters. Remove the filter

l /4 to L/ Z t u r n a f t e r t h e g a s k e t" " " "o n t a c t s c al i ti orralt h e f i l t e r b a Do not use tooG to tighte;il" filter.
Start the engine,

base. tl and-ti ghten

"li of engine oit on rhe filt;;;;;il;:ffijii the threaded lltl::^,": it clockwiseuntil trr. ga"r.;; ;;;.;;"'ffiTl ""rrf"l tube by tur

yii^,?1":1ru rl."

by turning


Applya thin


L U B R I C A T I O N I T T I N GG R E A S E F U s e I H Z s l} i. E p g re a s e o r e q u i v a l e n t #Z mu l t i- pur pos e li trri ti m g i * " e fo r l u b ri c a ti on fi tti ngs on whic h th e h a ? rJ r" U " i " " t;;" i " ;p ti e d . N ot e: K eep o J tu b ri c a ri n g o i l and g r e a s e a b s o l u I :e l.y c? e lp p l y t " r u n ind tree from dust. Always use clean containers. ca tor c lean and w i p e d i rt fro m K e e p t h e l u b r i tfr" fi tti rrg " U u_ fo re apply ing t he l u b ri c a to r. OIL FILTER
The life of your engile depends upon clean fl being circuiated to all bearings. The purpose of the oil filteris to separate and remove the dirt and toreign sub_ s t a n c e s f r o m t h e o . i l t o p r"efvre r t i "n the"? i";""ious rnaterials from-being ci.'rculated to the engine. This filter will. keep"the circufating oil free of harrnful materials.'If tt * fift.r is not replaced and becomes clogged, _r.ry littl. o;;o iiir.r_ ing will take place. Note: To avoid.delaysr w recommend that you carry extra filter elernents on hand so can be rnade at the proper :*:replacement Do not change the element running. while the engine

o-t h e f i l t e r f o r o i l G a k s . ""gir",

:lj^".,.,s^1yg: " .whether lubri"Iting c.irculating :: through the


check the engine oil prr



C hongi ng Fi l rer E l ement C orrri dge rhe Type

fnsronins :h611,1", Jjf ef emenr.

l. Remove the oi1 filter fase (lllusr- 68A) and atow the oil filter pletely. d.rain plug to dra^in corn

Z. Clean the filter case to prevent frorn dropping inro the t;;".




C h o n g i n T h e 0 i l F i t r e r- S p i n - o n g Typ"

Retoining bolt

- J

# /il

lllusi:' Spin-on type 68



t; t,,, r"J,'"t ?,.o. rt"t "


0 l L F I L T E R- C o n t i n u e d C h o n g i n t h e F i l t e r E l e m e n-t C o n t i n u e d g 3. Unscrew and rernove the retaining bolt.

4. Lift and relnove the case.

also check the fluid level in the reservoir, see your International Harvester dealer.


Before removing the filler plug (lllust. 70)for inspection, thoroughly clean the plug and surrounding area of all dirt and grit. The correct fluid level is to the bottom of the filler opening. If it is necessary to add fluid, use IH Hy-Tran Fluid. It is essential that the fluid be absolutely clean and free from water and all foreign rnatier when placed in the systern. Cloudiness rnay indicate the presence of moisture. Never operate the tractor without having sufficient fluid in the reservoir. Insufficient fluid rnay cause darnage to the Touch-Control system. D r o i n i n go n d F i l t i n g t h e R e s e r v o i r Normally it is not necessary to drain the reservoir at any given tirne interval. If it becornes necessary to drain the systern for any reason, such as disassernbly, .flushing the systern, etc., proceed as follows: 1. W'ipe off all dirt and filler plug. and grit from the res

5. Discard

the old elernent.

Note: If some special equiprnent on the tractor prevents lifting the case over the element, rernove the case and the elernent together. 6. Wipe out the base and the case with cloth darnpened with kerosene. 7. Install (") the new filter a

elernent as follows:

Replace the drain plug in the filter base and install the new filter elernent. Inspect the srnall rnetering hole at the threaded end of the oil filter retainer bolt, and rnake sure that it is not plugged. A plugged metering hole will irnpair or stop all oil flow through the oil filter elernent. Make sure that the case gasket is in place and in good condition. Then replace the case and retaining bolt. Lower the retaining into the filter base, curely. bolt carefully and tighten se-




Z. Rernove the filler plug and the drain plug (lllust. 70)and place thern in j clean container. When the fluid has stopped draining, run the engine very briefly to drain the fluid frorn the purnp and connecting pipes. The cylinder block strainer tt6tt (lllust. Z0) should be rernoved and cleaned whenever the reservoir is drained. !ru. To clean the strainer, first wipe off all dirt: and grit frorn the cylinder block, If your tractor is equipped with a radiator shutter, disconnect the radiator shutter control rod. Then rernove the heat indicator elernent frorn the strainer by screwing out the elernent nut. Now rernove the four cap screws which hold the strainer to the cylinder block, and pull out the screen. Clean the strainer thoroughly in clean IH Hy-Tran Fluid. Then replace the strainer and rnake sure the gasket is in perfect condition. lf the gasket is darnaged, replace it with a new one. Replace the heat indicator elernent and tighten the elernent nut sufficiently to prevent Ieakage of IH Hy-Tran Fluid. C o n t i n u e do n n e x t p o g e .

8. Drain and refill the crankcas.e'oil pan with new oil as instructed in the "Lubrication Guiderr. 9. sure oil is spect Start the engine and check the oil presindicator light to see whether lubricating circulating through the engine; then inthe filter f or oil leaks.

W'hen the Touch- Control systern is filled to the proper level with IH Hy-Ttatt@ Fluid., it should not require servicing, unless for sorne reason the systern has been distrubed. . If the Touch-Control systern should fail to operate in a satisfactory rrranner, check to see if there are any noticeable leaks in the systern,


7 / :

T0UCH-CONTR0L SYSTE[{Conrinued Droining Fillingthe ReservoirContinued ond G R E A S I N G EF R O N T H E E L TH W
Twice a year (spring and fall) rem.ove, clean, and repack the front wheel bearings.

Raise the front end of the tractor until wheels clear the ground. Remove hub cap gasket rrArr, the cotter pin, nut ilBil and was rrFrr. Rernove bearing rrCrr and place it in h cap trArt or in a clean container; then remo the wheel.

Clean the inside of hub 'rDrr, rerrf.ove the old grease from the bearings, clean thern kerosene, and repack with multi-purpose lithiurn grease.

It is advisable to leave bearing ilEil on the axle and clean it with a brush and kerosene. Repack the rollers with new grease before r as s ernbling the bearings .

lllusf.70 Left side of Touch.Control system.

Inspect the oil seal felt washer and gasket and if they are not in satisfactory condition, replace thern with new ones. A dirt deflector is also provided on the axle to prevent dirt frorn entering at the inner bearing.

The refill capacity systern, when drained 6-Z /+ U.S. pints. *

of the Touch-Control as instructed, is

Nor", If it is necessary to flush the systern, use IH Hy-Tran Fluid so the necessary iubrication of the purnp and control systern is rnaintained without aduLteration. Never use any other oil. 3. After the s),slern has drained cornpletely, replace ifie drain plug and fi[ the reservoir to witnin IIZ-inch of tfre bottorn of . the filler opening with IH Hy-Tran Fluid. 4. Start the tractor engine and operate it at a rnoderate idle speed. With the filler plug rernoved, rnove the Touch-Control lever back and forth l0 to IZ tirnes through its full range of travel. This quickly frees the systern of trapped air. Then place the control lever in the rearward position (toward the tractor seat) and stop the engine. 5. Add sufficient clean fluid to the reservoir when necessary to bring the fluid level to within l/Z-inch of the bottorn of the filler opening. Replace and tighten the filler plug

Reassernble the wheel and tighten nut rrBt' until the wheel binds slightly, rotating the wheel at the sarrle tirne. Back the nuf off one castellation frorn the cotter pin hole; replace the cotter pin and hub.cap.

,i,. fi ,fi.


#:trr"N.fir . l l l usr.70A

lrf , tI til


The capacity of a cornpletely dry unit (when a new or rebuilt unit is installed) is B-ll4 U.S. pints.

Whcrl removcd for clconing ond grcosing.


o= ,horl on poge67 under heoding 0 i l " m u s t b e u s e di n t h e s ee n g i n e s . Anticipated
Point of Lubrication


Trnperature Below -100 tr. IH (Iow ashj 4 qt. SAE- IOW w/ I qt. kerosene **4 qt. SAE- IOW w/l-L/2 qt. kero sene


+32' F.

+3Zo F, to *l0o F.

+100F. to -10o F.

Gasoline engine Engine crankcase Air cleaner ::cup

5 qt.


7 /8 pt,

IH (1ow ash) SAE.3O ( S e eN O T E )

4-1/2 qt. SAE- l OW w/I /2 qt.

IH (low ash) | kerosene or ;lrk4_l/Z qt. SAE-lOW w/ I qt. kerosene

SAE- I 0W I SAE- 5W-z0

Use IH ZslH Ep grease or equivalent #2 rnulti-purposL litniu* g"'""".. Light Engine Oil



i. e., sewing

cream separator rnachine oil


Lieht OiI erosene

Generatcr r n o t o r without


::a:k:nL . . . . . .

Transrnis sicn ! as

SAE-20 Engine Oil

p o \ q . e r :" k d a off and belt pulley -1 qt. with power takeoff only .T-l l2 qt. with power take off and belt . - C( pulley ) qt.' axle housing


Z - 3l 4 p t ,
each sid

Touch- Controi reservoir . .

performance of transmission and hydraulic-com_ ponents. 'INOTE: F a i l u r e s d u e t o u s e of improper fluid or filters are not covered bywarranty - - I.OR .MAXIMUM PROTECTION USE IH HY.TRAN FLUID AND FILTERS. II

not mlet requiremints l1*tg :"ea.$ri9|r doe,s International 9f IH B-6 specification, Harvester company will not be respon;tili;-i;;,"irr"ira""a


IH HY-Tran


' ,: i{i

a-3 I 4 pt.

Steering gear housing T,ubrication fittings

I qt.

IH-135 HEP Gear Lubricant. U s e I H Z51}{ EP grease or equivitent #2 multi-purpose lithium g r e a s e for fittings on which the hand lubricator is applied.

When,clronging filter element,odd l/2 quart.. the W i t hf i l t e r c h o n o e . N O T E :Do not substituie SAE-I0W.30 or l0W_40.


I ;

The symbolsoroundthe reference numbers indicotelhe infervolsof lubricotion.

- 5o hours,

- loohours, U-

zoo hours, I-

2so h


soo hours,

- periodic

Used with distilfote troctor Side view of trqcror lllust.72

t " S,.;.,t.1

lllust. 72A Hi.cleor lroctor. 7Z




indicotethe intewols of lubricotion' numbers the reference shownoround The symbors



- 250 hours,

- sohours,

- loohours,

- 2oo hours,

- 500hours,

- Periodic

lllusr.73 Fost Hilch.

a -:..+--.--

Ke y .toL ubri coti on Gui de
The symbols shown around the reference n u r n b e r s i n l i l u s r s . 7 2 , 7 2 A , o n d7 3 indicate the intervals of lubrication. Paragraph numbers correspond to reference numbers in the illustrations.

- Doily or After Every l0 Hoursof 0perotion

l. Air Cleoner.

Clean and refill the oil cup to the oil level bead with the same new oil as used in the engine crairLcase. Check the oil (with the engine stopped) and add sufficient new oil to bring it to the'"FULLrt mark on the bayonet gauge. Do not checkthe oil leveL while the engine is operating or operate the engine if the oil level is below the ttLOWttmaik on the bayonet gaugu. ff-th. oil level is checked after the engine has been stopped for sorne time, the oil level may show slightfy above the ttFULLtt rhark on the gauge. This is a normal condition as the result of oil draining back from th.e fiLter.

2. 0 i l f i l l e r . 3. 0 i l l e v el t es t c oc k . 4. 0 i l l e v el gouge.
(Distlllore ngine) E

Distillote Engine: Before starting the engine for each dayts work, open the test cock in the crankcase pan and allow the oil to drain to this level; then close the test cock. Add new oil through the crankcase oil fiLler until the oil appears at the I'FULLtr mark on the oil level gauge. Do not check the oil level while the engine is operating or operate the e n g i n e i f t h e o i l l e v e l i s b e l o w t h e fr l , o w " mark on thJ oit I6veI. Nofe': The proper rnethod of checking the oil level with the bayonettype oil level gauge (a) is: Rernove the gauge frorn the oil. filler tube and wipe it clean. Reinsert the gauge all the way without turning it, then remove the gauge and check the oil level. After checking, ind adding oil if necessary, reinsert the gauge all the way.

Rockshoft orm Rockshoft beoiings(2). k J Sfe e r ing nuc k lepos t(2 ). ( i H i- Cleor 4) . R J F r o n to x l e p i v o t :( l ) -' Hi- Cleor( 2) . I 9. Tie rod (4). Fost*litch 10. Rockshoft beoring(2). ll. L o te ro ls wiv el ( 2) . 12 . L o te ro ls wiv el link ( 2 ). 13 . L e vcl ings c r ewhous i n g 14. Hitch ottochingbrockef 15. Lower rockshoftbeoring

5. 6. 7 "

Use IH-251 HEP g_rease or equivalent ftZ rnulti-purpose lithiurn grease a n d a p p l y tw o ' o r three strokes of l ubri cator, or sui fi ci ent greasl to fl u s h o u t th e o 1 d grease and di rt.


U s e IF I-2 5 1 H E P.grease or equi val ent #2 rnul ti -purpose l i thi urn grease and apply sufficient lubricant to flush out the old grease and dirt.

O 1 6 . Steeringshoft support
brockel. j Clurchshofi (l). 17. I Broke shofi (3).

- lfeeklyor After Every50 Hours Operorion of

Use IH-25f HEP greaselor-equivalent lithiurn grease #Z rnulti-purpose and apply two or three strokes of lubricator, of-sufficient grease to flush out the old grease and dirt 74


of - Weekly AfrerEvery Hours operotion Conlinued 50 or

c 1 8 . lm puls c opli n g (roaors with mognelo).

oil, U s e a l i g h t oi l , such as sew i ng m a c h i n e o r c r e a n t s e P a r a t o r is below * l0 when the ternPerature IJse kerosene a n d o i l l i b eral l y. degrees F. the clutch Lubricate engine oil. and brake pedal connections with a few drops of

liscclloneous Porls

- A fter E very100H oursof Operori on

oil r9. onk c os e d ro i np l u g . 1 Cr 20.0 i l f i l t e r d r o i np l u g .

drain all Rernove the crankcase Plug and oil filter drain plug and the crankcase and oil filter while the engine is warm; the oit frorn 'TFULL'r rnark then replace the Pl'ugs and refilt with new oil to the Table'r. Refer to the "Lubrication the oil level gauge.


- After Every 200 Hoursof Operotion

2 1 .0 i l f i l t e r e l e m e n t .

drain out. ReRernove the oil filter drain ptug and allow all the oil to oil filter retaining Uott and, case, and rernove the used filter rnove the Replace the drain Plug and install a new filter elernent" element.


of 250 AfterEvery Hours 0perotion

b 2 2. Clut c hr ele o s e e o ri n g ond s leev e .


grease lithiurr HEP grease or equivalent #Z rnulti-purPose Use IH-25l Do not overlubricate. stroke! of the lubricator. two ot Ih"". and apply -1'he fitiing can be reached by rernoving the clutch housing dust cover frorn the left side of the clutch housing.

o{ 500 - Every Months AfferEvery Hours operotion or Six

F i l I th e g enerator oi l cups w i th sA E - 7O as fol l ow s: Drive End': Filt the oil cup fuII once' End: Fi1l the oil cup full approximately Commutotor oil 23. Generolor cups ' Z ot 3 times'


will Note: Overlubricating duced output and incieased not lubricate the.generator

t'gumrr the cornmutator, resulting Never oil the cornrnutator irr""". while it is in operation'

in re-and do



- Every lrtonrhs Aiter Every . Six or 500Hours OperctionContinued of

24. Distribulor.

Rernove the grease plugs and insert lubrication fittings. Apply IH-Z5L HEP grease or equivalent #Z multi-purpose lithiurn grease to the distributor fitting until a srnall quantity cornes out of the relief hole opposite the plug. Apply several strokes of the lubricator to the drive housing fitting. Rernove the distributor cap and the distributor rotor, and apply one or two drops of light engine oil to the felt in the hole at the end of the breaker cam.

25. ltlognefo distributor beori ng.

f I(

fi tt th e d i s tri b u to r beari ng oi l cup w i th very ti ght oi l , such as cream s e p a ra to r o r s e wi ng rnachi ne oi l . R efer to the Lubri cati on Tabl e
on poge 71.

- Periodic

26. Front Wheels.

Twice a year (spring and fall) rernove, clean, and repack the front wheel bearings with TH-251 HEP grease or equivalent #Z rnulti-purpose lithiurn grease. Check the level of the lubricant periodically. according to the Lubrication Table. Keep the lubricant rnission case. up to the level Use approved lubricant

plug in the left

side of the trans-

T ro n smi s s ion 27. Filler plug. n. L e ve l plug. ?9* Droin plug.

case at least once a Note: Change the lubricant in the transrnission before freezing weather sets in. F{owever do not drive year preferably the tractor rnore than 1, 000 hours without changing the lubricant. Rernove the Replace the (291. Refill replace the drain plug (30) and allow alllthe lubricant to drain out. plug (28) and level plug drain plug and rernove the fi[er with approved lubricant up to the leveI plug opening and fitter plug and level. plug.

Beli Pulle"Housinq 30. Inspeclion hole plug. 31. D rci n plug.

lubricated frorn the transrnission; The belt puLley is autornatically plug (31) is used only as an inspection hole plug. Rernove therefore, drain plug (32) and allow all the oil to drain out of the belt pulley housing each time the oil is changed in the transrnission,

Steering GeorHousing 32 . Fi l l e r plug. 33. L e ve l plug. 34. D ro i n plug.

and add sufficient approved lubricant to bring it up Check periodically plug (33) and level plug to the level plug opening (34). Rernove filler (341. Fill to the level plug opening and replace the plugs. Keep the hole in the vent plug on top of the steering gear housing open at all which rnay build up due to ternperature times to relieve the pressure change s.


- Periodic

o 3 5 . Rc oror lc hou s i n g i l f illr ond lev e l Pl u g s '

of the filler the lubricant up to tfe lgyel check the oil level and keep the oil at least once a ChJnge Ut" apPro-v:i iubricant' plug opening. I,000 hours withdrive the tractor rnoie than a";;l year. Howevef rear axle housing pan' Drain by rern-oving each out changing trrJ Jr. of approt'ed lubricant to the level and replace thern. Refill with Clean T a b l e o n p o g e7 l ' nefei to the ioU"i..tion the leveI plug openings. Does not require lubrication (oilless bushing)'

3 6. Clut c hP ilot b e o ri n g ' Cronkingmotor


no lubritype bushings al9 requi.res The cranking rnotor has oilless apply When ieinstalled cation except when it is rernoved-fo" "btu sJ en g s ' t vi hi ' to both a few drops of light engine oil with a few drops of lubricate the engine control linkage occasionally oiI. hitch link with #2 rnulti coat the threads of the upPer occasionally purpose lithiurn grease'


'" 5\rttor \ t t I

sut rot rut lr0 ,{t, ,il irr


it-is advisable to systernatically To keep your tractor pe_rforrning efficiently, outlined below' inspect the fbtlowiig plittt" at intervals as
Before OPeroting lhe Troctor for the first tirne, be sure B e f o r e o P e r a t i n g a new tractor Section Poges67 ro77' p o g e s8 o n d 9 , a l s o s e e Lubrication to follow tlle instructions given on

caP oil cuP

'thl''.s '' unn27n

23{ 5 0 ? t l0i l n n u l 5 fitrt\ il; fl lE il 2ml l9

I'N f!iftr W

t2t 56 7 t $ i l r3 t516 l4 tt


After the Fi rsi l 0 H oursof OP eroti on . . Check tension. Water PurrP' fan and generator beltr ' ' ' . 30' SeePoge

Afrer Every l0 Hourso{ 0Perotion

Air Air cleaner cleaner 3l' Rernove dirt or chaff . See Poge Seepoge3l' clean, and refill' R"rr.o.r",


Afte r E v e ryl 0 H o ursof Operoti onC onti nued Cooling systern . ., Lubricationpoints \ Eagine crankcase. . , . . .,...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '
Check level of coolant in radiator frorn top of neck). . o . . . . See ItLubrication Guidert.


Aficr rhe Firsr 50 Hoursof Opcrqtion , . . Drain the oil and lefitl with ploper change oil filter. See "Lubrication Check and tighten if neceesaty. oil, a18o Guider'.

Eagine manifold bolts

Aftor Evcry 50 Hours of Opcrotion Preurnatis tires,.. ..,.. C h e c k p r e e s u r e . S . cp o g !5 6 . Rdiator core . . .:..-.: .Inspect, clean if neces-saiy, S.cpog.3o. fan and generator belt . . . . . . Cfr6.t tension; ."pt""u *ili Y:t..1_p"-p,5oeposc30. Flexible rubber connection between air """uJ".ry. cleaner and carbuletor g. . . In8pect for loose fit or leakage. Sccpogc Lubrication pointE , ..... See "Lubrication Guide'r.
After the Firsf 100 Hours of Operotion cylinderhead'bolts o checkandtightentoproper ".............. torque. Seepoge4s.rtc Engine valves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Check clearance. Seepoge45. *

After Every 100 Hoursof Operotion

Engine Gylinder crankcase . . cap Drain and refill with proper oil. Guide rr. Remove and clean. SeepogeJ!. see ,Lubrication

head breather

After Every 150Hoursof Operotion

Clutch Brake pedal pedal.

. . . Check for free movement.

. . Check for free rnovernent.

Seepoge 5g.

After Every 200 Hours of Operotion

Lubricating oil filter. A i r cl e aner c om plet e

Replace Rernove

the filter elernent. See poges 68 ond 59. and clean. Seepoge31.

After Every 250 Hoursof Operotion

Fuel Btrainer and sedirnent bowl Magneto breaker points and chamber (tractors with magneto) . . . drive charnber and irnpulse (tractors with magneto) . . . _coupling Spark plugs Lubrication points Magneto Take apart and clean. Seepoge 13.

Clean the charnber and breaker point

and check the breaker points opening. Seepoges34 to 3i.

Check and clean if necessary. S e ep o g e3 5 . R e m o v e a n d c l e a n ; c h e c k g a p s . S e ep o g e3 4 . See'rlubrication Guide rt.

'l' Seeyour Jnlernolionol Hqrvester deolerfor this service. 78


After Every 500 Hoursof Operotion

Clean charnber and check breaker points and Seepogcs38 ond 39. breaker points opening; retime. Seepoges 45 ond 46. * E n g i n v a l v e a . . . e . . . . o . . . . . . . . . . . e . Check for clearance. points . c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . See t'Lubrication Guidetr. Lubrication bolts o . . . . . . c . . o . c . o o C h e c k a n d t i g h t e n i f n e c e s s a r y . Engine rnanifold Distributor breaker and charnber points

P eri odi c
Seepogc 29. flush, and fill (spring and fall). . . . . . e . . o r . . o . . . . o . . Drain, Cooling systern Clean and repack with new grease (spring and Frontwheels.... fall). Sce poge 70. See poge 13. F u e I l i n e s c r e e n ( a t c a r b u r e t o r ) . . . ' . . ' . . . . Rernove and clean. Seepoges40 ond 41. Storage Battery. . . . . . . . . . . c 3 . . . . . . . Check liquid level. Lubricationpoints, Guiderr. . . .. . . . . . . . . . See rtLubrication

Horvester deolerfor this service. Seeyour lnternotionol

(U.S. lieosure-Approximote) CAPACITIES
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C o o l i n g s y s t e m Fugl tarrlc . . . . . . . . . . . . e . . . . o . . . . . . ' . . . engine) . . . . Gasoline starting $;rnk (with distillate . . . . pan (wtrh filter change) Crankcase case (when not equipPed with belt Transrnission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,pulley and power take-off) case (when equipped with belt pulley Trans'rnission . . . . . . . . . . ., . . . . andpower take-off) ..... Steeringgearhousing........ . . . . . . . . . . . A i r c L e a n e r o i l c u p. . . dry unit when systern (a cornpletely Touch-Control . . . . . . . f i r s t i n s t a l l e . .) . , d systern refill . . . . Touch-Control Rear axle drive housing (each) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o . . . .

I5 qt. I I gal. 3-IlZ gal. 5-r/Z qt. 4 qt. 5 qt. I qt. L4 oz. 8-I l4 pt. 6-3/4 pt. 3 Pt. 4 3-Ll8-in. 4-in. I 23 cu. i n. Approx. A pprox. 425 l , 57 5

C y l i n d e r s . . B o r e . . . S t r o k e . . Displacernent E n g i n e s p e e d L o w i d l e p e s High idle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e d .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . speed). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .

f . po rTr.
f . po fIl.

speed (governed

Fu1l load (governed speed) ignition distributor Battery . . . . .. Breakerpointgap

l, 400 r. P. lrt'r .020 in. 14 degrees 2Z degrees ad,{ance advance

at sparkadvance highidle{sij;li:L

Magneto (when so equipped) (fixed spark, clockwis e r ot at ion ) Bre a k e r p o i n t g a p ' . . . . . . . . . . . . g a S p a r k p l u g p .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

". :.: ::: :

.013 .023-in. . 014-in. vat v e c lear an c e (e n g i n e h o t) .020-in. : : : : : : : : : { H j * :" ; C a r b u r e t o r . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Zenith or lvtarvel-schebler 7/8-in. updraft 79



Full load (governed High idle (governed Low idle speed.

s p e e d )1 , 4 0 0 r . p . r n . . . . . . . . speed)

Approx. Approx.

541 r . p . m . 609 f . pr ITI. r64 f . p . n l .

Full load (governed speed) l, 400 r. p. rn. High idle (governed speed) Minirnurn idle speed Be[t speed at l, 400 r. pr rrr. engine speed . . . . . . . Pulleydiarngtgr . . ... . . . . . .. .. .. . . . . . . . P u l t e y f a c e . . o. . . . . o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Approx. Approx.

I57 r. p. rrr. 301 r. p. n:. 35I r. p. m.

2r574 ft. per min. 8-I / 2 ir,,. 6 in.

Systern, voltag. o r.1 . . . . . . . . . Alternator........ Generator, Dglco-Remy . . . . . . . Voltage regulator, Delco-Rerny Cranking motor, Delco-Rerny . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

L i g h ts w i t c h . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Larnps - all glass, sealed bearn units . . . o . . . . . Fuse (cartridge type) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

l2-Volt 3 7- arnp. 25 - arnp . 2-uni t P osi ti ve engagrnent, push button controlled 4-posi ti on L2-L6 vol t A GC - 15 arnp.

5- V ol t 3 5- a m p . 2-unit Bendix drive 4-position 6- 8 volt SFE-20 amp.

Siirgle-plate, d"y-disc, spring-loaded o ... o....

External-contracting-band type, drums on bull pinion and differential shafts, operated either indi.vidually or interlocked. I40 Farrnall I40 International Farrnall 140 Hi - CIea r

(Four.Speed) TRAXSIISSI0N s Speedsbasedontire izes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S p e e d( r n i l e s p e r h o u r ) : I s t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. Znd 3rd 4th.
a o a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a o a a a a a a

9.5-24 I.9 3.7 4.8

rz. g
3. I

Revg r s e . . . . . . . . . . . .

9.5-36 2.6 4.9 6.4 1 6 .g 4.O

Front wheels, Rear wheels, Tread, front Tread, front (Heawyduty T r e a d ,r e a r pneumatic tire size . . . . . r . . . . pneurnatic tire size . . . . . . . . . . . (fixed axles) . . . /.. . . . . . . . . . . . (Adjustable wide tread axles).... ... axles).... ......... .... ......... ............... .
o . . . r . o . o . . . . . . . . o . . . . . .

. . . o

l V b g e l b a s .e . .

T5.00I5 19.5-z+ 43 in. and 49 44 to 58 in. 44 to 70 in. 40 to 68 in. 7l in.

r6. 0b-16

19s-s6 .

4 6 to 72 48 to 68
7I in

in. in.

tOthcr prcumoticlire sizes ovoiloble. 80

I40 Farrnall 140 International Farrnall I40 Hi-Glear-

G E N E R AD I T { E N S I O N S L
Length overall . . o . o c o c c o . ' c ' t ' c c e c o ' c r

I07 - in. 5 6- i n . 79-in. 6 5- i n " 82-in. ZZ-I l4-in" ^-518-in. and I7 -in. 6 . t o 2 5- i n .

I I5-in" 5l -in. 77 -314-in. 7 I -in. 88-in. Z'l -in" 27-Il?-in" and 18-l/Z-in.



aXIe) . o

(to outside
o . c . o o .

edge of rear
o c c o c c . . c ' '

tires) . c

(to outside
c . c c . c . c

edge of rear
c c c c c . . o . c

c c . c . c c Height overall (to top of steering wheel) c c oo o c . o oo c c c Height to top of exhaust rnuffler c c . c Ground clearance for crops under front axle . . . Ground clearance for crops under rear frarne Drawbar height above ground (adjustable): drawbar Conventional
Fast-Hitchdrawbar c . c c . c c . c c c . o o c'' o'

t r - r l z , 1 3 - r 1 4 ,I 5 , L Z - 5 1 8 , 1 5 , 1 6 - 3 1 8 ,

Drawbar hole:



to each side of center

o . c . . o ! c' o c


c c o c c c c c c . c c . c c . c c .


o c c c o''

9-318-in" 5-l lZ-in.


Minimurn tread):



o .

in rninirnurn
. c .' c o'' o c c' o

{rithoutbrake Withbrake

c c c . c c . . c c .


o o c c .

c o e . .

9 - r l zft. 8 - r l zft.

9 - rl 4 ft.
8 - 3 / 4 ft.

S p e c i f i c o t i o n so r e s u b i e c t t o c h o n g e w i t h o u t n o t i c e .

is used for so many different The tractor types of work and is called on to operate under so many different conditions that a considerable variety of equiprnent is necessary to adapt it to of the userc the varied requirernents you When you purchased your tractor, equiPPed for your probabLy had it cornpletely needs at the tirne. Ffowever, later particular you may wish to obtain some of the equiprnent These iterns can shown below. or accessories be purchased frorn, and installed by, your Inte rnational Harve ster dealer.

Type Atlied Irnplernent with Fast-Hitch) Bett Pulley Bett Pulley Take - Off)

of Equiprnent Bearn (Tractors High Altitude

Type of Equipment
Pistons Point Ther.rnostat and Heat


and Power Take-Off (for Tractors equipped

Low Boiling Indicator with Power

Rear Light and Tail Light Cornbination with Fast-Hitch) Cushion Spring (Tractors Drawbar,. Drawbar, Auxiliary Swinging (Tractors with Fast-Hitch)

Tire PurnPs Pneurnatic Tire Purnp Kit Pneurnatic Power Take -Off Pre-Sc reene r Seed Plate Drive


Electric Horn Exhaust Valve Rotators Extension Cable

Tachorneter Touch-ControI Conversion Package Touch-Control Highway Mower) Touch- Control Heat Indicator Weight Halves for Pneurnatic Front Wheel Weights, 140 Tractor) Tire



Drawbar Fast- Hitch Auxiliary (Farrnall 140 Tractor) Fast-Hitch Fixed Tread Front Axle (Farrnall






Page No.

Des cription

Page No.

Accelerator Pedal . . . . . . . . . . . Adding water to the cooling system . . . . . Adjusting the engine clutch Adjusting the idle adjusting screw. Adjusting the seat . . . . . . . . . . . front Adjusting the tread widths, Adjusting the tread widthsl r4r. . front Adjusting tfre wide-tread aXlg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Adter the engine starts (Gasoline) . After the engine starts (Distillate). Air cleaner oil cup . . . . . . . . . o . . . . . . . . . . Air cleaner systern Air in the systern (Touch-Control).

6 29 58 1 3 ,L 4 t7 48,49 50 to 52


I6 10 8 r 3 lr 3 2 ZL 42 to 44 7to9 27,28 6 57 5 57 t3 58 55 T6 6 5 I3

.... Deluxecushionseat engine Distillate . . . . . . . . . . fuel, changing over to Distillate battery ignition Distributor, rnagneto Distributor . . . . . . . Distributor and coil unit and filling the res Draining ervoir ( Touch- Control Systern) . . Drawbar s . . . . . . . . Drawbar adjustment the tractor Driving

T7 1 5 ,16 , 1 7 l6 38 34 38,39 6 9, 7 0 25,26


17to 19 3 3 to 45 8 67 5 30,31 2l to 25

. . . . . . . . Battery ignitionr Before operating the tractor Belt pulley or power take-off Belt pulley and power take-off shifter lever . . . . . . . . o . ;... Brakeadjustrnent . . . . . . . . . . Brake pedals B r a k g S . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . .

Electricalsystern ,.... Engine cooling systern Engine oil . . . Engine speed control lever Fan and generator belt tension . Fast-Hitch Fast-Hitch drawbar . . auxiliary Fast -Hitch coupling bearn Fast- Hitch load lirnitations Filling the cooling systern . . . . the fuel tank . . . . Filling Fluid level (Touch -control systern) Front wheel Front wheel Front wheels Fuel systern Fuel system Fuse . . . . weights tread position (Distillate) (Gasoline)

z5 z5 z4 z8

9, l0 69 52,53 47 47 to 49 l5 8 r 9 rl l , 13,50 4, 40 1 0 ,l L r r z 13,L4 5 68 28 and 32 39 30,31,40 6 70

. . . . . . . . . . . . Carburetor Care of the engine clutch Careoftires . . . . .. ... . . fuel Changing over to distillate Chargeindicator.... ..... Chokerod and Cleaning the fuel strainer sedirnent bowl . . . . . . . . . . Cleaning the cooling systelrr. . C 1 u t c h . . . . . . . . . . . . Clutchpedal . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . Cold weather precautions rear light and Cornbination . . . . . . . . . ., . . . taillight Contents. .. .. . . .. . ... .


. . . . . . . . . . .

5,181 8 5 5,18 50,51 40 I

( e ,r o
Cooling systern . . . . . . . . . .

128 to 3 I ,

t o r
45 3Z 45

Coupling the equiprnent (FastH i t c h .) . . . . . . . . . . . . . Crankshaft bearings, pistons, a n d r i n g s. . . . . . . . . . . . Cylinder head breather cap Cylinder head gasket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cushion spring

Gasoline engine Gasoline fuel systern Gearshift lever ..... Gearlubricant .. . General precautions . . . . . and regulator Generator Generator belt tension Governor Greasing the front wheels . . . .


DescriPtion Page No. De s criPtion Page No.

and rear lights : ' ' ' Headlights (cooling -systern)' Heat indicator ' (Touch-Control) indicator Heat - dutY front axle ft."..Y ' ' ' o' ' ' ' HighwaYrnower ( Fa.st- Hitch)' Hitch adjustment to equiprnent trailing ffit"ftittg the tractor " " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Ignition coil Ilnition switchbutton'''''''' I n f l a t i o n t, i r e ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' the carburetl" Installing ' ' and controls Instrurnents ' lntroduction " " Key ignition switch

40 7 7, 2 0 4 8, 4 9 8,48 to 51 2 2 , 2 3, 2 4 2 5 ,2 6

guide rnaintenance Preventive (Fast-Hitch)'''''' Pull bar switch Push Lutton starting cor ' ' Radiatorr R a d i a t o rs h u t t e r r o ' ? ' ' ' ' ' ' *neel weights (one-Piece)' ii."" (two-Piece)' Rear wheel weilnts o ' " ' ' R e a rw h g g l s ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' the cooling sYstern nuiittittg q from storage'''' Rernoving ' ' ' ' iarburetor' Rernovingthe R e r n o v i n gt t r e d r a w b a r ' ' ' ' ' ' Rernoving or changing Positions of therearwheel.."'".. R u s hP r e v e n t i o n ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' S a f e t Ys t a r t i n g s w i t c h ' ' ' ' ' ' '
Sgat ' t ' t t t ' t ' ' ' ' ' ' t t ' '

77 to 79


30 1 5 ,L 7 53,54 54, 55 5A to 52 ZB 60 T4


50 z g, 3 0 rl,42 L7

a a a a a " " . a a a a " "

Locking the brakes switch " Lighting .. .. Lubrication

' "

gtease''''' Lubrication fitting "'' L u b r i c a t i o ng u i d e o ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' o' ' ' ' ' Lubricationtable' Magneto.."" i M a g n e t og n i t i o n ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Vf"!n.to irnPulse couPling''''' ' ' ' o .. .. control Maiitotdheat ' ' ' ' valve setting heat Manifold o'' shield''''''''' Manifold lvlain i t i i uadjustrnent - - l P jet a t e t Mountingire on rim''''''''
Mower ' o ' ' ' ' t ' ' ' t '

l9 6 ?,g,60 67 to 7o 68 7Z to 77 7T 34 tq 37 45 60 7,.15,17 I5 t7 l4 45 to 47
F /

equiPPed with ShipPing tractors i o n e u r n a t it c r e s ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' S p a r kP l u g a n d c a b l s ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' S p e c i f i c a t i o ;n' s ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' (distillate)' Starting the engine ' ' the engine (gasoline) Si"ttitt! roo Starting switch contror o o' I S t a r t i n gt h e t r a c t o r ' ' ' ' tractor''' -'-'''' S t e e r i n gt h e

34 ?9 to 8l I6

6, LZ l8 I9 I5

' Si"ppitE the engine (distilllte)' ' ' (gasoline) st"bbi"E the enline

lg 40 to 42 59,60 46,47 40 57 56 67

S t o P P i n tgh e t r a c t o r ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' StoragebatterY S t o r i n g t h e t r a c t o r ' ' ' ' ' T a c h o r n e t e rd r i v e u n i t ' ' ' ' ' ' Taillight Tire chains " "

carburetor)'''''' ' ttiirro" engine service operations

' ' ' ' '

48,5I 31,32 68,69 I 6,lZ 67

' Oil bath air cleaner O i l f i l t e r . . . " " ' t " " . . ' o ' ' ' ' ' O i l l e v e lg a u g e ' ' o ' ' ' g O i tp r e s s u r e a u g e ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' O i l p u r n P . . . ' o " . . " . . " ' the belt pulley or. power Opu""tittg -tt""k;:; the t-r acto r s tanding ff"with S t i l l " " " " . . " " " " with the Power take-off Opeiating th" t""ator in'rnotion'''-'''' the touch-control Opltati"g ' . . ' ' ' ' ' ' -' ' ? ' ' ' ' ' systern for rowo"pL't"iittg Pressure pta"su"l tractortires'''''' O-ptionaequipment' l

tracti on and w ei ghts i i " ., starti ng (Lubri cati on) io "ia i ouch- C ontrol heat i ndi cator

7 2 0 , 2 r ,6 9 , 7 0 19 7
8,48 to 5l 62 to 66

' ' ' ' ' ' ' Touch-Controllevers sYstern (Farrnall) c"tttt"r i;;;il' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Towingthetractor break-in Procedute ' ' i"".tJt with highwaY rTrower Tractor Trouble shooting the equiPrnent UncouPling ( F a s t - H i t c h ) 'a' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Ilsing the sPark Plug tire PurnP ' ' ' adjustrnent Vtt-tE clearance Warning light



45,46 40 31 52 to 57 47 to 49 50 to 52 52 to 55



-'' .'.''''' lett"umatic tires) ' o

81 57 8,55 to 57 39 39 g,l0 3Z

Water PurnP ..



tires Pneurnatic Polari zung the generator Power timing light dayts work PreParing for each - screener Pre
a a a a a " " '

' Wheel weights " Wheels, front ' ' ' Wheels' rear Weights..""

. .


/ # . " , , , , ' Ftt--



/ J

f , / L ,;,_.* 1 / {/o ' -/l


,i O'


1{p t.--?R*


I; q 4//a/

CD J o

-?fl Hur

i L q t l



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? Ma< ?j3?Mrr73 ?f eg //pr /o Aln ? J"sp Apa {5 / 7 /4,ex z




DescriPtion Page No. DescriPtion Page No.

Headlights and rear lights . . I .' (cooling systern)' Heat indicator ' (Touch-Control) fteat indicator f H e a v y - d u t Yr o n t a x l e ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' HighwaYrnower ' (Fast-Hitch)' Hiich adjustrnent equiPrnent to trailing Hitching ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' thg tractor

' ' ' ' o

40 7 7r Z 0 48,49 8, 48 to 5l

guide Pr eventive rnaintenance . . . . . Pull bar (Fast-Hitch) switch Push button starting ' ' Radiatorr core ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . . . . . . . . . . shutter Radiator Rear wheel weights (one-Piece)' Rear wheel weigtrts (two-Piece)' Rear wheels . . . . . . . . . ..'' the cooling sYstern ' ' Refilling . . . . I Rernoving frorn storage ' ' barburetor... Rernovingthe . . . . . . Rernoving the drawbar Rernoving or changing Positions ' .... of therear wheel .... Rush prevention . . . . . .'''' S a f e t ys t a r t i n g s w i t c h ' ' ' ' ' ' '

77 to 79


z z , 2 3, 2 4
25,26 39 6

' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Ignition coil Ignitionswitchbutton'''''''' tire . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Inflation, Installing the carburetor'''''' ' ' ' ' ' andcontrols Instrurnents I n t r o d u c t i o n ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' K e y i g n i t i o ns w i t c h . . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' o'''' L o c k i n gt h e b r a k e s ' . ' ' s L i g h t i n gw i t c h ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' L u b r i c a t i o n.' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Lubrication fitting grease''''' Lubricationguide . . . .'''''' L u b r i c a t i o nt a b l . . . . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' .. ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Magneto.... Magneto ignition . o . . . .''''' Magneto imPulse couPling''''' ' ' ' ' ... Manifoldheatcontrol ' ' ' heat valve setting Manifold s h i e l d. . . . . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Manifold Main jet adjustrnent (Oisiitlate Carburetor) . .'''' Minor engine service oPerations Mounting tire on rirn . . .''''' Mower Oil bath air cleaner . . . O i l f i l t e r . . . . o . " " " " OiI level gauge . . . . . . Oil pressure gauge . . . O i l p u m P. . . . . . . . " the belt Pulley Operating the tractor take-offwith ' "

30 1 5 ,L 7 53,54 54, 55 50 to 52 ZB 60 l4 26 50 z g, 3 0

6 19 6 7,8r60 67 to 7o 68 72 to 77 7l 34 tq 37 45 60 7 , ' r 5 ,1 7 l5 L7 T4 45 to 47 56 48,51 3L,32 68,69 8 6,12 67

Seat . . . . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' t ' ' ' t ' '


' '

equiPPed with Shipping tractors ' ' p n e u r n a t it i r e s . . . . . . . . c Spark plug and cables . . . .''' S p e c i f i c a t i o n s. . . . . . . ' ' ' ' ' ' Siarting the engine (distillate)' ' ' the engine (gasoline) Starting Starting switch control rod ' ' ' . . . . . .'' Starting the tractor Steeringthe tractor . . . .'''' ' Stopping the engine (disti|late)' StoppinE the engine (gasoline) ' ' Stopping the tractor . . . . .''' . ' ' ' ' " StoragebatterY S t o r i n gt h e t r a c t o r . . . ' ' ' ' ' ' T a c h o r n e t e rd r i v e u n i t ' ' ' ' ' ' Taillight "'o' Tirgchains .... ""' ' ' ' and weights traction Tire, ' ' To aid starting (Lubrication) ' ' heat indicator Touch-Control ' ' ' Touch-Controllevers ' ''' Touch- Control systern (Farrnall) ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Towingthetractor.. break-in Procedure ' ' ' Tractor ' ' with highwaY mower Tractor . . . . .''''' Trouble shooting the equiPment Uncoupling ( F a s t - H i t c h ) ' I' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Using the sPark Plug tire PurnP. ' ' ' adjustrnent Valve clearance 'W'arning light . . .'''''''''

34 79 to 8I I6 II, IZ 6,LZ 18 I9 T6 l2

40 to'42 5 9 ,6 0 46,47 40 57 67 20 7





. . . . .'' " . . . . " . . . . .' ' ' " " or Power standing

19 7 8,48 to 51 62 to 66

Operating the Power take-off with . . . . . . . in'rnotion the tractor Operating the touch- control SVStefn . . . . . . . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Op'erating Pressure for lowpressure tractor tires . .'''' Optional equiPrnent . . . .''''' (Pneurnatic tires) ' ' Overloading tires Pngurnatic . . . . . . . . . . . PolarizLttgthe generator . . .''' Power tirning light . . . . . .'''' for each daYrs work ' ' Preparing . . . . . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Pre-scregner



55 45,46 40 3l 52to57. 47 to 49" 50 to 52 52 to 55

56 8l 57 8,55 to 57 39 39 g,I0 3Z


Wheelweights...... ''' ' ' ' . . ' ' ' ' ' ' Wheels, front . .. " W h e g l s ,r e a r . . . . . " Weights

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