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Making the Connections ...

Sonoma Land Trust

2008 Annual Report

Dear Friends, In 2008, we elded our customary array of marathons and one spectacular sprint. The main event for the past several years, and for some time to come, is the long-running acquisition of the scenic Jenner Headlands on the coast just north of the Russian River. In 2008, we Mark Jacobsen and Ralph Benson made good headway lining up commitments from our conservation partners for virtually all of the $36 million needed to purchase the property and half of the $4 million needed to restore, manage and open the property over time. State agencies are making major contributions to the purchase price from designated bond funds, but for now, bond sales are on hold. To be continued. Our commitment to protect land forever is carried out by our stewardship team and a legion of active volunteers. This work is often not glamorous, but it is ongoing and necessary. Planning for tidal wetlands restoration at Sears Point, bird monitoring at the Baylands, grassland studies and grazing management at the Estero Americano, botanizing and hydrology studies at Pitkin Marsh, trail construction at Little Black Mountain, fence building at Laufenburg Ranch and historic building maintenance at Glen Oaks Ranch ... This list could go on for pages it is a catalogue of the caring stewardship that your support of the Land Trust makes possible. The sprint was the opportunity to purchase the top of Sonoma Mountain and knit together a mosaic of protected open space with the Sonoma County Agricultural Preservation and Open Space District and Jack London State Historic Park. We jumped on it and were able to record a deed within three and a half months of the land coming on the market. The work we do would not be possible without the commitment of our individual, business and foundation supporters acknowledged in this report. We are grateful for their overwhelming generosity. We also want to recognize the long-term commitment of our Legacy League donors who help to ensure the future protection of our beautiful landscapes. We salute our many volunteers, our partner nonprofits and public agencies, and, in particular, three remarkably innovative organizations the Sonoma County Agricultural Preservation and Open Space District, the California Coastal Conservancy and the California Wildlife Conservation Board. To all, thank you!

Mark Jacobsen, Board Chair

Ralph Benson, Executive Director

COVER PHOTO: This year-round, spring-fed pond on Sonoma Mountain Ranch makes for a perfect picnic spot and provides habitat and fresh water for the area wildlife. Photo by Stephen Joseph Photography.

The 5,630-acre Jenner Headlands will offer excellent recreational opportunities. Once the Land Trust closes escrow on this spectacular property, getting people out on the land will become a priority. Photo by Brook Edwards.

y the year 2050, the human population in the Bay Area is expected to double. What will the impact of that increase be on our landscapes? On our wildlife? On our grandchildren? Thus far, the Sonoma Land Trust has protected forever 20,000 acres of environmentally sensitive land and farmland in Sonoma County, and is poised to bring on board another 5,600 acres in 2009 with the magnicent Jenner Headlands along the coast. With disquieting consequences on the horizon due to climate change and habitat loss, large land acquisitions like this one that provide connectivity to other open lands are more essential than ever to protect the future quality of life for all species.

After four years of complex negotiations, the Sonoma Land Trust reached a milestone in 2008 with the signing of a contract to purchase the Jenner Headlands. This $40 million deal will ensure the protection of eight watersheds, multiple threatened and endangered species, a large redwood forest and rare coastal prairie, and the publics access to this remarkable landscape. The Jenner Headlands will mark the single largest conservation land acquisition in Sonoma County, and will link to 13,000

acres already preserved along the Sonoma Coast, providing extra protection and movement corridors for the wild animals and plants that make this region their home. With the advent of climate change, properties like the Jenner Headlands, which offer substantial diversity of habitat and varying degrees of elevation, will present species with the best chances to adapt to whatever unpredictable changes are in store over the next several decades. The Land Trust is committed to managing toward a mature, old-growth redwood forest that will benet wildlife and improve the regions ability to sequester carbon. A conservation purchase this large would be impossible without major funding from our chief partners, who include the Sonoma County Agricultural Preservation and Open Space District, California Coastal Conservancy, California Wildlife Conservation Board, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the U.S. Forest Service, and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation. Thanks to the generosity and commitment of these organizations, only $2 million of the needed $40 million remained to be raised in individual donations at the end of 2008. It is anticipated that the Land Trust will close escrow on the Jenner Headlands in 2009.


In contrast to the lengthy negotiations surrounding the Jenner Headlands, the purchase of the 283-acre Sonoma Mountain Ranch was completed in record time three and a half months to be exact. Thats almost unheard of for a conservation land acquisition especially one of such high value but the moment the Land Trust and Open Space District learned that this property at the top of Sonoma Mountain was for sale, staff moved swiftly to meet the landowners demands for a year-end closing. Thanks to donors to our Land Protection Fund, the Land Trust was able to respond with alacrity to this unexpected opportunity by making an immediate $125,000 down payment on the $9,975,000 purchase contract. Working in concert with the Open Space District, which now owns the top of the mountain, and with the nimbleness that our independent, nonprot status affords, together we beat out a competing offer and completed the requisite due diligence investigations without delay. In the Bay Area, all of the signature mountaintops (Mt. Tamalpais, Mt. Diablo, Mt. Hamilton, Mt. St. Helena) were protected for the public long ago, leaving Sonoma Mountains summit the last to be held in private hands. Not anymore. On December 30, with funding from the Open Space District and State Coastal Conservancy, escrow closed on Sonoma Mountain Ranch, creating a connected band of 5,500 protected acres across the top of this picturesque mountain forming the boundary between the Sonoma and Petaluma Valleys. Soon, hikers will join the ranks of the other wide-ranging mammals who meander over the mountaintop.

Above: Enormous California bay laurel trees hundreds of years old line up near the boundary shared by Sonoma Mountain Ranch and Jack London State Historic Park. Top: Being on top of Sonoma Mountain feels like being on top of the world. Looking east from Sonoma Mountain Ranch (in the foreground) is a view of the Sonoma Valley, Mount St. Helena and beyond. Photos by Stephen Joseph Photography.


In 2008, 200 enthusiastic volunteers donned their hiking boots, slathered on sunscreen and got out on the land with our stewardship team to wrestle weeds, plant seedlings, beat back brush, watch birds and monitor changes. All told, the Sonoma Land Trust hosted 171 hikes, environmental education outings, site visits, monitorings and events on the properties we own and on which we hold conservation easements, and volunteers contributed more than 2,100 hours of sweat equity helping the Land Trust care for the lands we hold in trust. Thank you, volunteers!

More and more, Sonoma County is known as a source of the nest of fare: artisan cheeses, organic vegetables, pastured eggs and meats, award-winning wines and ales ... None of this bounty is possible without maintaining our rich agricultural lands and supporting our farmers. In September, the Sonoma Land Trust was proud to participate in the rst Slow Food Nation conference in San Francisco by offering a Slow Dinner and a Slow Hike to attendees from around the world. We were the beneciaries of an exquisite end-ofsummer dinner benet at Oak Hill Farm conducted by Slow Food Sonoma Valley, and of a special autumn evening reception at the deliciously quirky Jimtown store in Alexander

Valley. Staff and volunteers ferried our Land Trust display to farmers markets throughout the county and to the delectable Artisan Cheese Festival in Petaluma. And farmer Ken Orchard of well-known Orchard Farms signed a lease to grow organic vegetables at the Land Trusts Laufenburg Ranch in Knights Valley outside Healdsburg putting this historic farm back into agricultural production after several years of some of the elds lying fallow.

Above: Well-known Sonoma County organic farmer Ken Orchard is now growing vegetables at the Land Trusts historic Laufenburg Ranch. Look for Orchard Farms colorful produce at area farmers markets. Photo by Scott Hess Photography. Below: Hikers enjoy spring blooms and views at Little Black Mountain Preserve near Cazadero. The Land Trust conducts hikes on its properties for its members and the public throughout the year. Photo by Shanti Wright.

Tolay Creek Ranch, acquired by the Land Trust in 2007, will be added to Tolay Lake Regional Park, doubling the size of the park and offering miles of trails from the edge of the bay to the toe of Sonoma Mountain. Photo by Scott Hess Photography.


When landowners donate a conservation easement to a land trust, they count on the organization upholding the terms of the easement; so when the Sonoma Land Trust deemed activities at Lower Ranch along Highway 37 to be contrary to the conditions of the agricultural easement we hold on the property, we took action. When talks failed, we led suit. Happily, after three years, the lawsuit came to a settlement in 2008 that both SLT and the landowner feel supports the agricultural values of the land. This case was watched all over the country and was supported by the State Coastal Conservancy and the California Council of Land Trusts. Caring for the needs of the 14 highly diverse properties owned by the Land Trust and monitoring 35 conservation easements keeps our stewardship team on the go throughout the seasons. During the summer, SLT began implementing the Sears Point grazing management plan and installed more than three miles of new cross-fencing across Sears Point Ranch to create 11 pastures. These elds will help protect riparian corridors, wildower elds and an area to be enhanced as breeding habitat for the endangered California red-legged frog. Little Black Mountain in the West County saw increased activity in 2008, including road work, a cabin demolition, property clean-up, a new caretaker and research by a graduate student on the cultural resources left by indigenous peoples. At Tolay Creek Ranch, we conducted biological and cultural resource assessments to collect important information about the plants, animals, and historic and prehistoric resources.

A Friends of Glen Oaks Ranch group was formed to integrate the historic Glen Ellen property with the local community, while at North Parcel, skilled volunteers were coordinated to document the abundant bird life utilizing our seasonal wetlands. At Pitkin Marsh, we conducted extensive surveys for the rare and endangered plants in order to target our management, have embarked on a detailed hydrological assessment, and began working with volunteers to control invasive plants that threaten to overtake this unique ecosystem.

Between the Sonoma Land Trust and the Sonoma County Agricultural Preservation and Open Space District, nearly 100,000 acres of the one million acres comprising our county have been preserved and, yet, thousands more still need protection. With your support, you can count on your land trust to continue to work to prevent fragmentation of the aweinspiring Sonoma County landscapes and to foster habitat connectivity. We will strive to engage the public with our special properties and to instill a love of the land among our countys youth. Our work is in the here and now, but it is all about the future. Many thanks to Andrea Mackenzie, former general manager of the Sonoma County Agricultural Preservation and Open Space District (2000 2009), for her collaboration, vision and leadership.

Our Diversified Portfolio of Conservation Projects


2327 127 236 179 500

30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

40 18 44 54 22 3 78 677 73 37 81 602 32 31 162 32 20 46 240 530 74

1 2 3 4 5

Baylands: Sears Point Estero Americano Preserve Glen Oaks Ranch Laufenburg Ranch Little Black Mountain


6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Baylands: Leonard Ranch Baylands: North Parcel Baylands: Tolay Creek Ranch Cedars: Gateway Freezeout Redwoods Lower Pitkin Marsh Secret Pasture Sonoma Creek White Rock Preserve Wild Turkey Hill

244 279 1665 40 89 27 300 2 92 8


16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

Airport Boulevard 50 Baylands: Lower Ranch 528 Baylands: Tolay Creek Riparian 36 Bear Canyon 96 Blucher Creek 7 Bohemia Ranch 937 Canelis Old-Growth Redwoods 1 Cuffeys Cove 1068 Elarra 60 Enchanted Wood 8 Finley Creek 240 Fish Rock Ranch 7 Gird Creek 100 Knaus Forest at Nuns Canyon 36

Little Creek Mason Middle Reach Mill Creek Old Growth Morgans Hill Mother Gardens at OAEC Nefertierra Oak Hill Farm OGA Little Creek Old Hill Ranch Quail Hill Rancheria Creek Recesses River Bend Rock Fall Woods Santa Rosa Creek Headwaters Summerfield Waldorf School Sunrise Redwoods Van Winkle Redwoods Ward Creek Watson Ranch Westridge Knolls


51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61

Bel Marin Keys 1500 Baylands: Petaluma River Marsh 49 Cloudy Bend 388 Laguna de Santa Rosa 535 Sonoma Mountain Ranch 283 Baylands: Halperin Baylands 11 Baylands: Sonoma Baylands 348 Harrison Grade Serpentine 32 McCord Ranch 2786 Red Hill 910 Rigler Preserve 370



Financial Statements
The amounts presented here are derived from the Sonoma Land Trusts financial statements for the years ending December 31 2008 (not yet audited) and December 31 2007 (audited). Copies of the audited report of financial statements are available upon request.
S TAT E M E N T O F F I N A N C I A L P O S I T I O N AT D E C E M B E R 3 1

ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents Investments Contracts and other receivables Pledges receivable Deposits and other assets Conservation lands and easements Property and equipment, net Total Assets LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS Accounts payable and accrued expenses Deferred income Current maturities of long-term debt Long-term debt Total Liabilities Net Assets Unrestricted Available for operations Board designated - conservation projects Investment in conservation lands Total unrestricted net assets Temporarily restricted net assets Total Net Assets Total Liabilities and Net Assets

2008 $753,053 5,677,352 167,735 2,476,975 76,762 30,003,046 910,281 $40,065,204 2008 $249,137 510,171 5,080 9,367 $773,755

2007 $2,703,765 589,964 323,817 59,400 66,573 29,390,420 937,108 $34,071,047 2007 $152,745 651,859 4,378 14,665 $823,647

$64,837 681,132 30,003,046 $30,749,015 8,542,434 $39,291,449 $40,065,204

$1,955,737 629,170 29,390,420 $31,975,327 1,272,073 $33,247,400 $34,071,047

S TAT E M E N T O F A C T I V I T I E S F O R T H E Y E A R S E N D E D D E C E M B E R 3 1

REVENUE AND SUPPORT Membership contributions Other contributions and grants In-kind contributions Project income Investment income Total Revenue and Support EXPENSES Projects and stewardship Governance and administrative Fundraising Total Expenses Net income before land acquisitions & donations Land acquisition contributions Easements donated to public agency Net Income after Land Acquisitions & Donations

$2,995,150 611,420 664,357 617,383 (322,335) $4,565,975 1,992,610 609,512 326,105 $2,928,227 $1,637,748 4,406,300

$924,451 1,327,342 121,732 746,675 122,370 $3,242,570 1,458,684 486,593 278,456 $2,223,733 $1,018,837 12,645,118 (10,901,488) $2,762,467


Thank You!
The Sonoma Land Trusts strength depends on the extraordinary generosity of those who are committed to the urgent work of permanently protecting the beautiful, natural, agricultural and open lands that dene Sonoma County. Our donors ensure that the natural beauty of our community is protected today and for generations to come. We gratefully acknowledge the following individuals, foundations and businesses that made gifts or pledges from January 1, 2008 to December 31, 2008. You have made a lasting difference for Sonoma County and our lives.
* These generous supporters have made a multi-year pledge to Redwoods to the Bay: The Campaign to Protect Sonoma Countys Signature Landscapes.
$1,000,000 AND ABOVE

Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation* Jean Schulz*

$500,000 $999,999

$100,000 $499,999

Peter and Patty Mattson* San Francisco Foundation* Margaret Spaulding*

$50,000 $99,999

Community Foundation Sonoma County Dennis & Carol Ann Rockey Fund of the Marin Community Foundation Mary & Dick Hafner* Suzanne LaFetra Harry & Dee Richardson*

Kirsten Lindquist The J.M. Long Foundation Thomas & Shirley Simone* Michael & Kathleen Tierney* Denny & Kate Van Ness* Carol Williams*

$25,000 $49,999

$10,000 $24,999

$5,000 $9,999

$2,500 $4,999

Anonymous (5) Theresa Caygill Alan & Janet Coleman* Anthony Crabb & Barbara Grasseschi Michael & Carolyn Ellis Carolyn Johnson & Rick Theis Suzanne Jones Pamela Laird & Mark Jacobsen* Max Machinery Louis & Jean Sloss David & Louise Smith* The Teddy Foundation

Barbara Biebush Robert & Paula Brent* Elise Bulger Patricia Dinner The Larry L. Hillblom Foundation Elaine Jacob Dennis & Nancy Marks Mary Mitsui George Myers & Kathleen Heitz Peter Rogers & Melita Love Mark Schlesinger & Christine Russell Sarah Sweedler & Nat Wyatt Carter Thacher John Weinstein & Heidi Stewart Diane Wilsey Howard & Barbara Wollner

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Delman Lynette Feeney-Burns Joseph & Judith Gappa Phoebe Lang & Sanjay Bagai Sandra Martensen & Alan Selby David Moessinger & Jeri Taylor Diane Parish & Paul Gelburd The Estate of Pauline Gilbert Malcolm & Joan Ross Lynn & John Schiek Susan Shaw & Thomas Crane Stephen & Betty Sherer Clint Smith & Elizabeth Arndorfer Mark & Kiyo Tukman Stephen Vallarino & Raini Sugg

$1,000 $2,499 Anonymous (2) Amys Kitchen Inc. Winifred & Harry B. Allen Foundation Bill & De Andersen Artisan Cheese Festival Russ & Peggy Bair Robert & Anne Baldwin Sharon Bard Ralph Benson Walter & Lu Benson Berenice & Lawrence Brackett Dianne Brinson & Mark Radcliffe Dixon & Sara Browder Ray Carlson & Associates, Inc. Commoncents A. Crawford & Jessie Cooley Maryon Davies Lewis Nancy & John Dayton John Dolinsek & Kathy Kent Dale & Nancy Dougherty Dry Creek Ventures Ted & Pat Eliot George & Phyllis Ellman Patrick Emery & Allison Sanford Environ International Corporation Leslie & Todd Everett Arnie Feldsher & Britta Schoemer Carolyn Zecca Ferris John & Judith Fisher Bob & Marcia Fosberg Richard & Luisiana Gale Nancy Geary Susan Gilliland Julia Grant Ilse Gudehus Raymond & Amanda Haas Hafner Vineyard Susan Hagemeister & Mark Martin Amanda Hamilton & Tim Hemmeter Hanford ARC Dana Kueffner & Peter Heinemann Michael F. Higgins Jeffrey & Lynn Horowitz Michael Houlihan & Bonnie Harvey Tom & Caroline Hoyt Kimberly Hughes Norma K. Hunt Priscilla Ireland & Dale Carroll Jetronics Lauren Johannessen Jack & Marilyn Jones Alfonzo Jurado Robert E. Kates James Kaumeyer & Roberta Solbrig Bill & Lucy Kortum Glen Lajeski Sheila & Paul Leach Peter & Olivia Leveque Toby & Jerry Levine Nancy & Tony Lilly H. Helmut Loring Greg & Liz Lutz Hugo & Beth Martinez Allan Martini Lynne McGraw Laureston & Barbara McLellan Morton & Grace McMichael Kevin & Rosemary McNeely Glenn & Tricia Melosh Susan & John Millar Gerald & Mary Edith Moore Moran Manor Vineyards Arlene Naschke & Russ Messing John & Nancy Neerhout W. Middleton OBrien 10 The Oliveira Family Trust

Madrone Audubon Society Bill & Jeanne Osterland Kim Parker Johanna & Remo Patri Elizabeth & Ralph Peer Barry & Jan Petersen Julia Pollock Sharon Ponsford & Chris Jones John & Polly Post Louis & Susan Preston Greg & Gail Ralston Elizabeth Rempel Willard & Nancy Richards Michael & Victoria Rosauer Bill & Joan Roth Marcie Rothman George Sardina Robert B. Sargent Beverly Scottland Dunham & Joyce Sherer David & Roberta Shippey Jonathan Slavik & Eileen Mullinaux Slow Food Sonoma Valley Michael H. Smith Alan Soul Clay & Anne Stephens Chris Stover & Lorraine Bazan Anne Teller Three Twins Ice Cream Marimar Torres George D. Tuttle & F. Bennett Cushman Nelson & Jane Weller Bruce Worthington Wright Contracting, Inc. Gregory Young & Jean Davis Weeks Drilling & Pump $500 $999 Anonymous (3) Keren & Robert Abra Mary Bachman & William Downing Barbara Baer & Michael Morey Lisa Baker Alvin Baum, Jr. Meg Beeler & Tom von Tersch Bill & Gail Bettinelli Thomas H. Birdsall & Rebecca Green Don Black Simon & Kimberly Blattner Noelle & Richard Bon Homer & Virginia Boushey Laura & Kirk Bowman Tom & Laura Box Ellen Brantley & Ron Vitt Joe & Judy Brumbaugh William Bucklin & Lizanne Pastore Helen Burch Bob & Heidi Burke Betty Burridge Patrick & Faith Campbell William Carlsen & Kathleen OShea J. Hall & Marion Cushman Ethel & Eugene Daly Cindy Daniel & Doug Lipton Ann Halsey Davis William N. Davis David & Lee Devine Fred & Cathy Dickson Phyllis Diebenkorn Nancy Dobbs & John Kramer David & Erin Elliott Exchange Bank Celeste Felciano Dan & Susan Fix Joan & Walt Flowers Ned Forrest & Leslie Whitelaw Joseph & Susan Gorin

Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Gospe Scott Hafner & Bill Glenn Alistair Hamilton Jack & Deyea Harper Diane & Bryant Hichwa Steven Hightower Rina Hirai & Marianne Perron Michael Hogan Hohum Conco Gregg & Cathy Hopkins Robert & Toni Hopkins E. Rae Hudspeth Robert Hunter, Jr. Helen Issel Melissa Kelley Katrina Killefer Walter Krumm Kathy Laeur Jane Lang Carter & Carita Larsen Lamar Leland Robert Leuzinger & Mary Leveque Linda Liscom & Ed Power Marcia Luisi & Richard Strunin Robert Lutolf Dennis Martino Materium Fund Pat Mazzini James & Carol McConnell Lois Miller Anthony Mountain & Cheryl Maynard Nielsen:Schuh Architects Mike Nelligan Tom & Trish ONeill Steven & Nancy Oliver Perry, Johnson, Anderson, Miller & Moskowitz LLP Domenic J. & Birgitta Paino Stephen Palmer Mark Headley & Chris Pehl Darryl Ponicsan Chuck & Kati Quibell Marianne Ramer Jeanne Rayner Jan Reddick Michael Ring Lucia & James Schultz Judith Scotchmoor John & Liz Sheela Melissa & Steven Siig Arthur & Judith Slater Daphne Smith Susan Manuel Smith Kenneth & Ellen Thompson Judith Tilt Lisa Togni Sylvia Toth & Zsolt Takacs Joseph & Deborah Votek Heidi Lynn Waterman P. Lynn Woodward Michael & Katie Wright Nancy & George Wright Alfred & Julia Wurglitz Stephen & Jackie Zwick $250 $499 Anonymous Marc & Meg Alexander Jim & Lynda Allen Ian & Sonda Anderson Jean Arnold & Bob Sessions Lindsay Baldwin & Lauren Elliott Linda Bartera Helen & Michael Bates Richard Bland Gordon & Ann Blumenfeld Donald & Heidi Blumenthal Sarah Brooks

Michael Shawn Brumbaugh & Jennifer Richardson Glenn & Peggy Calkins John & Kathy Capitani Ted Carlstrom Suzanne Cartier Mike Center & Marlene Russell Laura Chenel & John van Dyke Ren & Susan Chouteau Rebecca Christiansen Steven Cochran Vic & Kit Conforti Myrtle Cox John & Mary Crockenberg Jon & Carole dAlessio Peter Davis Zack Derich Lois Downy & George Freund Elizabeth Dunaier Bruce & Susan Dzieza Steve & Pat Edelstein Robert Ellis & Jane Bernstein Leslie Ellison & Nancy Helmers Christine Engel & Hugh Helm Robert G. & Chris Evans Elizabeth Farrar & Craig Echols Bill & Susan Flora Donald Frediani & Renata Gasperi Charles & Perry Freeman Derlin & Cheryl German Gary Giacomini Kay Goodsill Clay Green Donald F. & Cheryl Green Michael & Nancy Hall Donna & Jim Halow Donald & Lillian Hanahan June Harman Paul Harris Lee Hastings Laurence Haupt Michael & Patricia Hayes David Hearth Darla Hillard & Rodney Jackson Marcia Hofer Phillip & Naomi Holm Richard & Barbara Iverson Paul Jaffe & Ellen Fishburn Harry & Margery Johnson Robert & Linda Judd Margaret E. Kaplan Elwood & Gloria Keller Joanna Kemper Valerie & Michael Kobal Darlene LaMont & Jim Robinson James Lamb Leo & Jennifer Laporte Leff Construction Richard Lemon Jack Levin Charles Levine & Elisa Stancil John Mackie & Kathleen Ecker Anastassios & Maya Margaronis Stephanie McAllister & Roger Jungerman Bill & Louise McCann Michael McCune Penny Millar & Paul ORear Delia Moon Ian & Ellyn Morrison Barbara Nelson & Craig Tracy Theresa Nelson Sheila & Jack Nichols William K. Nisbet Jon Olson David & Evelyn Osteraas Rod & Cathy Park Ilene & Don Paul Kalvin & Janne Platt

Gary F. & Jean Pokorny Phillip Polakoff & Nancy Pfund Carolyn Pride Christine Pritchard Larry & Cynthia Pullin Sally & Toby Rosenblatt Don & Marilyn Sanders The Sano Family Catherine Saveri Paul & Patty Schoch Jim Schratz & Carole Kelleher Ed & Suzanne Sellai John Sheehy & Laurie Szujewska Wylie & Judy Sheldon Sandra Shepard & Herbert Wolfram Sue Smith Ronald & Joyce Stone Michele & Rich Stratton Adolph Suehsdorf Randolph & Marged Sugarman Gertrude Van Steyn Hans Vidkjer Matt Villano Christopher & Felix Visgilio & Alexis Scarborough Estate of Norma & Victor Waithman Jim & Cathy Wallace Valerie Wathen Dean Watson & Jan Ogren Reuben Weinzveg & Padi Selwyn Pat Wiggins & Guy Conner Richard & Annette Wilbur Bob & Carolyn Williams L. Bosworth & Kathrin Williams Michael & Robin Winton Norman Muir Wolff Joan Woodhull Roger Wright & Barbara Thomas Susie & Jerry Wunderlich Rick & Patsy Wynne

$100 $249
Anonymous (4) Rick & Sharon Abbott John Abramson Antonia Adezio & Rick Goodsell John Ager Raymond & Sara Alden Barbara Alexander Tania Amochaev & Harold Hahn Bill & Janet Anderson Ronald Antonioli Anna Antoniucci Paul & Judith Archambeau Steve & Valerie Arelt Renee A. Armstrong Mary Evelyn Arnold Sunni Ashley & Tarek Swelam Ilene Auer Ned & Maxine Averbuck Beatrice Baldauf Chris & Phyllis Baldenhofer Susan Baldi Roberta & Philip Ballard Jeff Baptista Stephen & Diana Barclay Edward & Susan Barich Kay Barnes Charles & Patricia Barnett Cathleen & William Barnier Nancy Batson Ann Baumann Olive Bavins John & Jean Baxter Hallie Beacham & Paul Downey Steve Beck & Cathy Ries Ward & Susie Belcher Helen & Robert Berg

John & Evelyn Berger Bonnie Berkeley & William Smith Rhonda Berney & R. Shipps Paul & Yael Bernier Leyna Bernstein & Brian Parker Bridget Beytagh F. Thomas Biglione George & Susan Bisbee Mike Bobbitt Walt & Sandra Bodley Herman & Carol Bojarsky Eve & Norman Boling Sandy Bonelli Eugene Boudreau Karen Boudrie Yvonne Bowers Donald Bradley Richard & Marie-Eve Brawn Fred & Sandra Brewer Vina & Jon Breyfogle Dr. & Mrs. Herbert Brosbe Carrie Brown Ingrid Brown Lois Brown Alan Brubaker Henry Bruce Margo Budman Glen Buelteman Paula & Tim Burkhart Forrest & Betty Burns Linda Burton-White Katherine Butler Virginia & Davis Bynum Patricia Callahan & David Dee Laurel & Tim Callan Eugene Camozzi Larry Cannon Clem & Ann Marie Carinalli Christofer Carpenter Greg & Cynthia Carr Marylou Carson Birgit Carstensen & Nina Endicott Stephen & Linda Cederborg LeRoy & Norma Chandler Roger & Eliza Cheitlin Amy Chesnut Randal S. Churchill Richard Clarke James Cleaves William & Sara Clegg Robert & Phyllis Clement Marne Coggan James & Elizabeth Cohee Jeanne Cohn Connie Coleman Susan Coleman Peter Connors Reed & Judith Content Nancy Conzett Mickey S. Cooke & Erik Holbek Gene Cooley William & M. Kim Cordell Al & Sherri Couture Thomas & Diane Cox George Craft Kathleen Cregan & Donnie Phelps Christopher Crossland Peter Adams Crowell Earle & Susan Cummings Gail Currey Gene & Judy Dale Gordon & Nancy Davies Darren Davis Judy Davis Ann deCamp Frank Dekock Laura Delman Jim & Nancy Dempsey John & Patricia Dervin

Kathleen Deslauriers Gwen Dhesi Bob & Joan Dickerson W. Reed & Laura Dickinson Michael Dimock L.L. Dintiman Nancy Dodson Christine Dohrmann John & Sara Donnelly Frank & Jackie Dono Peter & Celia Dornbach Ronald & Judith Douglass Warren & Susie Dranit Eric & Mary Drew Roger & Phyllis Duba Gail Dubinsky Spielman Maxine Durney Gail Dutton Margo Eachus & Rudy Nothenberg Barrie Eddy Kelly Egan Denise Elliott Ted & Peggy Elliott Elspeth Benton Richard Ely Mari & Michael Emmons Margery Entwisle Barbara Epstein Elena & Dmitry Erenkov Joel & Karen Erickson Rolfe Erickson Henry & Emily Evers John Ewing Phyllis Faber Randi Farkas Carol Farrow Kevin & Denise Feldman Letizia Fernandez Thomas Fetter & Helen Chen John & Heather Fleischhauer Albert Flounders Ann & Michelle Fouts-Reppun Philip Frankl David & Louisa Fraser Guy & Beverly French Nan Kathryn Fuchs Karen Gaffney Fay Gallus Gary Getchell & Terry Matsik David Gettinger Luanne Gilbert Margie Gilford Jerald & Virginia Gill Dehan Glanz Margaret Gokey Marilyn Goode Alex Goodman Michael & Hansine Goran Howdy Goudey Margaret Greaves Mac & Helle Grifss Sally & Jim Gude Sam & Ava Guerrera Betty Guggolz Eleanor Guilford Sherry Gulmon & Harold Mooney Gary & Teresita Salter Haag Tom Haeuser & Antoinette Kuhry Linda & Keith Hale Charlie Halfmann Annie & Winthrop Hall Leigh & Maxine Hall Doug & Marie Hamilton Linda & Dave Hanes Nancy & Dean Hanson Steve & Marianne Harder Charles Haseltine Bob & Carol Hasenick Marion Heiken

Judy Helfand George Hellyer Robert & Rebecca Henn Allan Herzog Harry Hicks Thomas Higley Kate Hill Norman Hill Richard T. & Marna Hill Tessa Hill & Brian Gaylord Vicki Hill Myron Hinrichs Susan Hirsch & Susan Leal Sue Hoey Scott Holder Jean Holroyd-Sills Meleana Holroyde John & Geraldine Holt Susan & Greg Holzer Nancy Hoogendyk Kathy Hotchkiss Keith Howell & Paula Smith Elizabeth & George Huang Keith Hughes Martin Humphrey Lisa Hunter Joanne Hurley & Eugene Lee Michael Jablonowski Craig Jacobsen Mia James Forrest & Eileen Jang Albert & Sharon Janulaw Jim Jardine & Bill Mautner Knud Jensen Alan Johnson & Donna Dolislager Karen M. Johnson Don & Louise Johnston Harold & Mary Ella Johnston Michael & Victoria Johnston Stephen K. Jones Beverly Judd Terry & Kathi Karr-Province Carl Kawaja Carl Kawaja / Capital Group Mat & Ann Keller Alana Kelly Peter Kingston & Shirlee Zane Borell & Janet Kirschen Rose Knight & Ronald Simpson Margaret Kolar Greg Korelich & Linda Osher Martin Koughan Michael Kraus & Nancy Sasser William J. & Beth Krumbein Theodora Kunde Rudy Lacoe & Marguerite Hammett Lynne Lancaster N. Michael Langenborg John Laslo & Anmarie Roache Jack & Mary Lawrence Jenny Lawrence George & Ann Lawson Russell & Marge Lawton Nancy Leavens Louisa Leavitt Enid Leff Jon & Bette Legallet Ethelinda Levy Bob & Elaine Lewon Randy & Louise Lieb Liz Linde & Walt Hays Edward & Beatrice Linsin Marcus Lipton Yan Liu John & Kim Lloyd David Loeb Don Lollock Suzanne Lovell Olle Lundberg & Mary Breuer 11


Arch C. Luther Virgilia F. Mapa Robert & Barbara Marek Linda Marietta Judy & Rich Markoff Helen Marsh Patrick Marshment Jean & Michael Martin Stuart Martin & Maris Peach Maria Matson Andy Mattson Tom & Vivian McFarling Margaret McIlroy Richard McKee & Karen Fink Winton & Margaret McKibben Chuck & Barbara McLaughlin Sylvia McLaughlin Jim McNely Harvey & Sharon Mendelson Thomas Menzies & Betsy Karrer George & Marilyn Mertens Reva & Dale Metzger Roy Meyer Monte Meyers Ronald A. Mickelsen Donald & Jacque Mielke Trudy Mierkey Molly Miner Gerald Missey John Mock & Louise Brewer Eldon & Dixie Modisette Tanya Moeller Mia Monroe & Stephan Meyer Jean Mooney Mary Mueller Fraser & Helen Muirhead Michael & Ellen Mundell Jim & Esther Munger Patrick & Emilie Munsch Lynne Murphy Richard Murphy Neil & Lorna Myers Stephanie & Roger Nacouzi Lawrence Nagel Josephine Nattkemper Bruce & Sindy Lou Nevins Elisa Rachel Newman Lisa Nowell Ed & Marcia Nute Daniel OConnor Jean ODonnell Jennifer OMahony Helen OMara & Duane Larson Dick & Gail Odgers Tom & Mary Oesterle Jeremy Olsan & Ann DuBay Warren & Maurine Olson Janet Orchard Jeffery Orth & Nancy Peter Laura Owens Lois Owens Clay Pardo The Parker Family Ellen Pastore John Pelkan Arline Pepp Philip Persons Erv Peterson Alan & Sandy Piotter Caroline Pipal Alex W. & Patricia Pleasic Martha Pogue Eric Polson Betty L. Pommon Rhoann Ponseti & Stefan Jonson Rory & Deb Pool Thomas Pringle Dorothea Proctor Paul W. Purdom

Greg & Caryl Putnam James Pyskaty & Crystal Cox Noel Quinn William & Barbara Ramsey Janet Randall & Bruce McAvoy Dr. & Mrs. Earl Rathbun William & Suzanne Rayner Patrick Reeves John & Carlene Reininga Barbara & David Rice Howard & Eleanor Rice Scott & Marta Rich Neville & Lila Rich Charles & Nancy Richard S. Brantly & Nancy Richardson Sigvard Richardson Audrey Rinker Beth Robb & Raul da Silva Geoffrey & Carol Robillard Jack & Katie Rohrman Jane Rosenberg & Steve Deas Jayne Rosenberg Richard & Anne Ruben Patricia Sajor Majid H. & Helen Salemi David & Sandra Sandine David Sandri Allison Sanford John Sanger Yvonne Schell Jewell Schiess Delia Schmedding Sarah Schnitger Daniel & Marion Schoenfeld John Schubert Donald & Helen Schulak Martha Scott Don & Elaine Scully Gary Searby Don Seaver Thomas Sellards Bryan & Pat Sesser Joy Shaffer Kurt Shaver Richard Shindle Richard & Sharon Shlegeris Alan Siegle & Shelley Brown Lorie Silver David Sims Susan Smile Steve & Wendy Smit Barry Smith David L. Smith Mikell Smith Steve Somers Aletha Soul Susan Starbird & Michael Riszkiewicz Jean Starkweather Hugo & Monica Steensma Erika Steffe & Don Herold Mac Steiger Marlene & Martin Stein Arnold Stellema & Nannette Meyers Bruce M. & Mary Alice Stephen Hans & Gay Stern Mark Stevens & Constance Ayers Hugh & Diane Stevenson Martin Stice Donald & Madelaine Stiver R.J. Stokes Janann Strand Sandra Stribolt Russell Sutter & Leslie Lambert William & Shirley Swasey Steve Sweaney & Judy Withee Linnea Tennison Elizabeth & Theodore Theiss Carla Thomas Glenn Thompson

Sarah & Peter Thornton Marsha Torkelson Margaret Tourje & Jane Krensky Peter Treleaven & Joan Walsh Ronald Treleven Ransom & Marilyn Turner Elinor Twohy Thomas & Adrienne Varin Charles & Pamela Vetrano Jed Wallach James & Dorothy Walters Tanis Walters Ralph Jake Warner Stephen Watrous Alice Webb Ralph & Rosalie Webb Kenyon Webster & Teresa Book Webster Lorraine A. Wedekind Elaine Weihman George Weiler Louise Weiler Judy & George Weiner Jeffry Weisman & Andrew Fisher Roger & Eva Westberg Michael Westrick Gretchen Whisenand & Dennis Calabi Carol & Bill White David Whiteley & Christine Finlay Kathi & John Wildman Barry & Bonnie Willdorf Don Williams & M. Elaine Moreno Locke & Cathy Wilson Michael & Jane Wilson Sara Winge Peter & Susan Witter Andrew & Betsy Witthohn Richard Woodman John & Teresa Woodward Chip & Anne Scott Wray Cora & Tom Wright John Wright Shanti Wright Thomas Yarish & Laure Campbell Louise Young David Zezza Armando & Sandra Zimmermann Murray & Roberta Zucker Lewis & Patricia Zuelow

$1 $99
Anonymous (2) Fred Adair & Susan Boak Cynthia Adam Barbara Agapinan Robin Aguillon Nabeel Al-Shamma Gayle Alexander Barbara & Ben Aliza Antonia Allegra Bill Allen Dwight & Kathleen Allen Mary Allison Sherrie Althouse Ann Amyes Karen Anderson Elizabeth Andrews Karen Andrews Harold Appleton Susan & Bill Arbios Thelma Arlom Philip & M. Katherine Arnaudo Stefan Arnon Don & Vicki Arns Rodrick & Rita Arriaga John Ash Firouzeh Attwood Sandi Augustine

Patti & David Averbuck Lauren Ayers Leslie & Audrey Ayers William & Karen Babula Linda Bacci Jeannie Bader Charlotte Baird Bill Baldewicz & J.C. Lipzin Robert Gordon Ball & Kathryn Mitchell-Ball Jeanne & Anthony Ballestero Steve Balok James & Jeanette Barekman DeWitt & Eugenie Barker Bobette Barnes Genevieve Barnhart John & Barbara Barr Tara Bartosch Tish Bastian Arline Bastien George & Larisa Batchelder Stephen Bates, Jr. Luise Bates Martin & Judith Bauman Barbara Baumgardner Bernard & Liz Bedeur Joyce Bender Edward & Mildred Bennett Kirk Bennett Greg Beran Jane & Arthur Bergen Jerry Bernhaut Steve & Judith Bernstein Judi Binkley Gay Bishop & Mark Brorstrom Iryne C. Black Julian Blair Ron Blanc Laura Blatt Alan Bloom Richard Bloom & Bridget McCoy Judith Boese Grace Bogart Diane Bolman Suzanne Bond & Ken Stueben Iris Borg Joan C. Bossart Janet Bosshard Mary Boster Sarah Botz & Ted Cody Adri Boudewyn Thomas & B. Beth Bourret Althea Boxley Susan Braito Sylvia Bray & Bernardo Larque Annie & Mike Brayer Moira Brennan Lana Brewer Susan Briggs Judy Brinkerhoff Karen Brocco Larry Broderick Barbara & Stephen Brooks Jane M. Brown Ron & Joan Brown Gale & Phil Brownell Bill Broz & Kathy Simmons Keith Bruce & Kimberly Desjardine Janet Bruno Dorothy Buechy R.L. Bufngton Barbara A. Buhr Suzanne Bull Helen M. & Fred Burger Marilyn Burger Marcia Burkart Ruth Burke Bill & Patricia Burns Calandra Bush & Lou Gouveia

Margaret Buss Janet Buswell Clifford & Valerie Butcher Ann Butler Jill Butler & Jim Wilson Patricia Buttitta Charles & Deanne Cadman Denise Cadman & Stuart Schroeder Janet Cahill Regina & Patrick Calhoun Christine Caliandro Sarah Cameron Lerer & Jim Lerer Carol Campbell Martha Campbell Sue Campbell Sheri Cardo Bobette Carney Fred & Kate Carney Susan Carney Albert & Lenore Carrion Leith Carstarphen Mark Carter & Stephanie Chiacos Padma Catell Sheila Cauldwell Donna Cavin Carol Cenci Robert Cerniglia Lance Cerny Jean Chalmers Stephanie Chalmers Ronald & Audrey Chapman Tanya Charter & Greg Shore Donna Cherlin Paul Chuljians Terry Church John & Lena Chyle Katie Ciocca Wayne Clark Ed Clay Lita Clear-Sky Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Clendenen Scott Cline David Cobb Susan & Richard Cochran Joseph & Victoria Cochrane Jim & Lorene Coconas Mandy Cohen David & Dorothea Cole Lou Ann Collier Dan & Janet Condron Bob & Nancy Cooley Earl Correa Melissa & Bill Cox Margery Crawford Nuala Creed James Crittenden Allan & Maureen Crivello David Crotty David & Elizabeth Crouthamel Gina Cuclis-Tennant & Roy Tennant John Cummings Brian Curran James Cutcher Candice & Robert Dahlstet Susan & Bill Daniel Ruth Darby Chris Date Jessie Dauterman Dr. & Mrs. Fred David Stanley & Lee Davis Mel & Nancy Davison Victoria & Andre De Bruin Maria P. DeBernardi Jayne DeLawter & Ken Koppelman Paul & Diana DeMarco Barbara & William DeVaughn Christine Deans Chuck & Mary Degagne Jay & Jody Deike

Bill & Sue Denevan Diana Denisoff & Robert Byrne Jill Denney Chris Denten Sharon Deusterman Karla Di Grazia Russ & Judy Dieter David Dillman Rene di Rosa Jim & Betty Doerksen James & Candace Donnelly Janet Donner Joseph Donohoe Fairfax & Giovanni Donovan John Doolittle Sam Doolittle Lloyd & Prue Draper Robin Drehmel Peter & Anne Dufeld George & Nancy Duncan Charles Dunkel Jack Dupre & Marsha Vas Dupre China Dusk & Steven Tierra Michelle Eaton Howard & Irene Ehret Bob & Marcia Eldredge Deborah Elliott & Glenn McCrea Karen Elliott Jerome Engel & Shirley Fischer Gerda Engelbart Bill English Gail Enos Kathleen Erickson-Freeman & Richard Freeman Jane Ernsberger Grant & Elizabeth Esterling Michael & Janice Eunice Fred & Jocelyn Euphrat Teresa Evans William Evers Robin Factor Sherry Fader Ben Farnham Ken Fass & Ellen Gordon Fred & Dolores Fazzio Louis & Tamara Fehrenbacher Carol Felch Linda Felt Juan Fernandez Barbara Fetesoff Francine Fiesel David Finkbeiner & Beth Matesi James Finn Firey Creative Co James Fisher Linda Fisher & Leah Norwood Patrick & Sienna Fisher Nancy Fitzpatrick Dan & Paula Fogarty Wendy Follen Sean Foote Steve Fowler Farida Fox Julia Francis Abbie Freedman Polly Friend Naomi Fuchs & David Wilson Stephen Fuller-Rowell Susan Gadbois Flora Ganzler L. Marvel Gardner Shari Garn Alice & Edward Garrett Betty Garrett Harold & Marion Garrett William & Florence Garvie Jim & Margaret Gault Kenneth Gaver Arlee Geary

Margaret Geis Martin Gerber Ray & Margot Gergus Bonnie Jean Germain William German Sarah Gevirtz Leia Giambastiani Catherine Giayvia Irene Gilbert Diane & Anne Giles Joseph Giovinco Ennid Gmelch Gregory & Lisa Goben Katherine & C. Convers Goddard Stanley Gold Mark Goldstein Ronald Good Gerald & Sheila Gould Mary Frances Gould Carl & Donna Gowan Carla Grady Richard & Wendy Grahman Anne Gray Marlys Green Windsor Green Lonnie Greeneld Fred & Lisa Greenstein Robert & Michele Greenstein Paul Greenwald Martin & Joyce Grifn Gary Grimmett Wilder Grippo Phillip Grob Maureen Groper Mary Lou Grossberg Gerry Groves Doug & Lynn Grundman Verna Rene Guess Alice Gunn Leo & Evelyn Gurevitch Art Haake Richard Hacker Beth Hadley Karen & Bruce Hagen Karlene Hall David Halliday Cheri Hamilton Lynn Hamilton & Don Frank Don Hanesworth Jim Happ Gerald & Donna Hardy Michael & Cynthia Harmon David Harp & Lucelle Hoefnagels Dennis & Bonnie Harris Milton Harris Victoria Harris Martha & Darryl Hart Ed & Marta Dee Hasson Kathy Hastings Bob & Laverna Hatch Elisabeth & Bob Hawthorne Greg Hayes & Robin Fautley Rosemary Hayes Jean Hegland & Doug Fisher Sarah & David Hehman Max & Janice Hein Christie Heller Moss Henry Huck Hensley Kaye & Lawrence Henzerling Ellie & Bob Hermann Patty & Mike Hickey Bob & Nancy Higham Vivien Hillgrove Robert Hillman Don & Ann Hines Kirk Hinshaw Billie Hobart Heidi Hochrein

Ingrid Hochrein & Mike Tayek Rosemarie Hocker Richard Hodges & Reann Dukes Christine Hoex Ned Hoke Arthur & Jean Holden Perry Hopkins Karen Horii Khysie Horn Ruth Horn Yvonne Horn Yvonne Horton Mary Hosmer Norm Howard Sage Howell Kim Hughes Stewart & Jane Hume Arlo & Patricia Hummel Beth Huning Alex & Martha Hunt Wes Huss & Sonja Morris Tom Hutchison & Micko Glover Linda Illsley Lynda Ingram Lloyd Iversen Mr. & Mrs. Weldon Jackson Daun Jacobsen Jim & Janice Jacobson David Jaeger Leslie Jaquith Gordon Jasoni Patricia Jensen & Richard Adam Kevin Joe Bruce & Marjorie Johnson Ralph & Marcia Johnson Corinne Jones Robert & Arline Jones Virginia Jones Rodney & Laura Jonk Jack Judkins & Sandra Gartzman Ro & Dave Kaplow Roger Karraker Richard & Carol Katzoff Babs Kavanaugh Beryl Kay Jerry & Chris Kay Richard Kellar Karen Kenkel Christopher & Mary Kerosky Douglas & Jami Kerr William & Mary Keyser Joan Kidd Patrick Kincaid & Cindy Duim Greg King Harriss King Mildred King Bruce & Connie Kinnison Gretchen W. Kishbaugh Herb & Magrita Klassen George & Barbara Klein Diane Kleinecke Michael & Sachiko Knappman Nell Kneibler Judith Koehler John & Debbie Koos Marshall Krause William & Susan Krawetz Amanda Kreglow John & Judy Krist Karen Kubrin & Susan Rode Lance Kuehne Philip La Parne & Luann Schend Pierre & Patricia LaBerge Rosamond Lagomarsino Felix Laks Jean Lalla Thomas & Sally Lambert Laurence Landa Scott Landers & Leah Gold



Robert Landman & Helene Morneau Deborah Landowne Bill & Maureen Lane Joseph Lang Sean & Chris Lanham James & Denise Lara Marion Larsen Paul & Maureen Larson Terry & Karen Larson Louise & Roy Lattimore Joan E. Lawless Kathleen Lawton James & Ann Lazarus Ann Le Brun-Burnett & Norman Burnett Bill Lean Richard Lease Judith Lebow & Andrew Oram Dinah Lee Felicie Leech Joseph Leese Karen Leet David F. Leland & Ann Howald Christine Lemire Edward & Heidi Lemon William & Paget Lenarz Dan & Joanne Lennon Robert & Janet Leonard John Letinich Robert Leverant Josh Levine Jerry Levy Joe & Elaine Lieber Jack Likins Joe Lilley Carol Lingman Lorraine & Bill Linstrom Craig & Laura Litwin Jan & Stephen Lochner Charlene Lohmeier Ruth Lombard & Trymon Hunter Annette Lomont & Charles Raaberg Myron London & Lucinda Ford Bill & Tieli Long Lawrence Lossing & Ann Elston John Lowry Linda Lucey Carol Lusk Inez Lybeck Eugene & Becky Lynch Inge Maass Peter & A.C. Maass Adrian & Ann MacNab Janice MacNaughton Laurene MacPhee Flora & L.G. Maclise Matt & Laree Maguire Richard & Georgia Maher Reed Maidenberg Laura Malone Eileen Ann Maloy Joan & Lawrence Maniscalco Annemarie Manley Daniel & Virginia Mardesich Charles Markee & Linda Sims Glenn & Norma Marsh Nancy Marshall Julie Marth Gregory Martin John Martin Michael Martin Eileen Martin-Rawson Kazuo R. Maruoka Richard & Gloria Marx Jeanine & Bruce Masonek Cinda Mast-Gough & Michael Gough Ford Mastick

James Mathews Charles & Jane Mathewson Scott Mathieson & Leslie Gardner Paul & Melissa Matson Bruce Maxwell Andrew & Barbara McCarthy Cindy McCarthy Don McCarthy Karin McClune Evelyn McClure Maryann McCourt William McCoy & Natasha Beery Linda McCready Tom & Sheila McCune Ruth McDonnell Margo T. McDowell Robert & Nancy McFarland Lynn McGarvey Stephanie McGill Deborah McKay George & Marie McKinney Joanne & Terry McLaughlin Patricia McLaughlin Steve & Heidi McNeal Tracy & Michael & Alec McNeill Eugene Meade Bob & Marjorie Meadows Barbara Medaille Bill Medin Kathleen Meek Wayne Mehl Elyse Mengle Jeanna Menze Sue Merrilees Dr. & Mrs. William Meseroll Matt Metzler & Wendy MoyerMetzler Joy Meyer William Milestone Clay & Ellen Miller Joanne & Barbara Miller Margaret Millner Jane Mills Brenda B. Milton Glenn & Franny Minervini-Zick Mike & Elizabeth Minigan Pat Minor Cody Mitchell Larry Modell Steve Mohan Mark & Susan Molofsky Kendra Mon William & Rebecca Montgomery Robert Moody Irvin & Carolyn Moore Patricia Moore Margaret Mori Dolores Morrison Pat Morse Sheree Moss Kathleen Mugele Scotty Muira & Jim Ethridge Dan Mulkey Charles Murray William & Nancy Murray Steve & Valerie Nagle Ann Nally Peggy Nance Richard Navarro Olive Nayler Nicki Naylor Eric Nelson Thomas Nelson Manny & Cynthia Nestle Byron Nichols Eleanor Nichols Arlene Nicholson Thomas & Julie Nicholson William & Carland Nicholson

Ken & Karin Niehoff Al & Phyllis Niklas Eric & Yvonne Norrbom Phil & Elsie Northen David & Grace Noyes Richard ODea Angel Ochoa Rio & Arrow Olesky Frances Oliver Rudolf & Emily Oppenheimer Betty Osborn & Beverly Heywood Mary K. Oswald Jane & Mark Otsea Peter Ourusoff Paul Paddock Diana Painter Louise Palmer Jackie Parker James F. Parker Linda Parker Reny Parker Sara Parrow Liz Parsons Bernard & Patricia Passemar Jana Patterson Kent & Beverly Pearson Dean & Stefany Perlman Joel Perlstein Lee Perron & Judy White Hal Peters Ralph Peters Richard Peters Richard & Joyce Peters John Petersen & Carol Cagle Judy Peterson Robert E. Peterson Tom & Christine Peterson Gerald Petlock Frederick & Melouise Pfeffer Barbara Phelan Ralph & Tecla Pierotti Douglas & Janice Pile Steven Pile Nancy Pimentel Michael Pinkston Robert Place Myfanwy Plank Irene Poff Penelope Porch Michael Porter Carry Poschin Ann Possinger Michael Powell Mary Powers Grace & Harry Pratt Jeffrey & Nancy Prouty Cheri Puig Walter & Georgia Quadres Quarryhill RDD Field Services Katherine W. Rabinowitz Elaine Ramires William Ramirez John & Jenny Randall Rosemary Rasori John & Cynthia Rathkey Bruce Rector Jean Reed Mark Reina Michael Repko & Gail Kramer Dusty Resneck Roger & Diana Rhoten David A. & Mary Rice John & Patricia Rich James Riddle Isabel Rienecker Frank Riley Al & Edith Rivasplata Kenneth Roberts

Roger & Dorothy Roberts Ruth Robinson Anneliese Rockrise Robin Rogers Astrid Romanini Gary Ronconi Maureen Rooney Betty Rosendahl Janet Ross & Patrick Whiteld Elisabeth Rothenberger Nancy & Larry Rowinsky Morton & Sue Rubin Mary Ruchford Abraham Rudolph Linda Rudy Joe Ruffatto & Jennifer York Robin Russell Steve & Nancy Russell Eric Rutberg Robert Rutemoeller & Mary Sue Ittner Elizabeth Ryder-Sutton Anthony Sadoti David Salm Irene Samuels Ruth Sanford Claire Sapiro Rex & Kate Sater Michael & Mary Savage Bruce & Gladys Sawyer Mary Schaefer Sandra Schaefer Sarah Schaeffer Thomas Scharffenberger Brenda & Steven Schick Bonnie & Jim Schmidt Phyllis Schmitt Irving & Vreni Schnirman C. Ferdinand & Gretchen Schoch Patti Schoer Craig & Jessica Schorr Doug & Pamela Schrock Schon Schurecht Marie Schutz Anne & William Schwarzer Leanne Schy Jean Scribner Paul Segre & Megan Stefanki Richard Selcke William & Marsha Selhorn The Driscoll School Staff Neil & Karin Shakery Paula & David Shatkin Emily & Kris Shaul Diane Shaw Kevin & Marcia Shaw Catherine Sheeran Dalia & Jeff Sheff June Sheppard Merritt Sher Toni Sherburn Elisabeth Sherman Robert & Joan Sherwood Robert & Pam Sibley Mercy Sidbury Janet Siela Eleanor Silberman & Kitty Ritz Martin & Ellen Silge Shirley Silver Linda Simmel Linda & Robert Simon Peter & Felicia Simon Sue Simon & James Cribb Edith Simonson Nancy & David Simpson Tom & Marjorie Sims Lorna Skinner Sharron Skinner Robin Sloan & Joe Wolff

Edwin Smalle Jan & Ann Smekens Lyn Smiley-Mackenzie & Laurie Mackenzie Betty & Earl Smith Fredrika P. Smith Marjorie Smith Richard Smith Susan Snow Madeleine Sone Anne Soule Shanti Soule John Spanger Jennifer & David Spangler Betty St. Peter Shirley M. Stack Clark David Stare Kathleen R. Steadman Chandra Stephens Kat Stephens Roger Sternberg Jacqueline Steuer Holly Stevens Ted & Joan Stier Ellen Stillman Sandy & Bunny Stoddard Denice Stokes Brian & Susan Stompe David Stone Hannah Stone Stephanie Storms Tom Strand John Strassburger & Heather Bailey Janet Strobel Norman Strong Jeff Stucker Peter & Marie Sullivan John Sumser Mike Sutsos Bettie Swan Linda Swartz Nancy Swartz Len Swenson Zeno Swijtink Kate Symonds Christopher & Mary Szecsey Eric Taylor Nancy Taylor & Chey Mi Hendra Andrew Tchirkine Judith & Philip Temko Steve Terre & Ellen McKnight Paul & Grace Terrell Erick Theilen Janet Thollander Lillian Walker Thomas Steve Thomas William Thomas Ellen Thompson John & Nancy Tierney Barbara Tobin June Tolbert Don & Marilyn Toms Murray & Anne Tondow Diana Torykian Karen Tovani Everett & Ilene Traverso Mike & Maggie Treinen Dale & Elaine Trowbridge Jeffrey True & Cindy Brillhart-True Gilbert Tully Francesca & Herbert Tyrnauer Terry & Lorraine Vail Art Valencia Diane Van Anda Donald Van de Mark R. Steven & Susan Vargas Thomas Vaughan, Jr. Bud Veliquette Rose Vella & Lori Ann Nolan

Cesar Veluz Barry Vesser Randall & Kathryn Vincent Richard & Susan Wagner Beth Wakelee Jackson Walker Jennifer Walker Donald Wallach Elaine Walter & Craig Meltzner Mary Ann Waters Elaine Weil Jonathan & Marylynn Weinberger Lenny Weinstein Sy & Shirley Weisman Donald & Patricia Weller Suzanna Wellington Lois & John Wells Frank Welsh & Judith Jones Michael West Henry White & Diane Bedecarre Jane & Richard Wicklund Jim & Cathy Wieschendorff Jolie Wiggins Victoria Wikle Doug & Yvonne Wilcox Savita Wilder Kenneth Wildnauer Don & Gail Wilhelm Patty Wilkinson Linda Willes David & Doris Williams Jeanne Williams Robert Williams Roberta Williams Andrea Williamson Holly Wilson Marilynn Wilson Lois Winter Michael & Jane Witkowski Clark Wolf Wendy Wollish Petrilla Wright & Thomas Babcock Tenley Wurglitz Anne Wurr Gail Eva Young & William McNearney Howard & Joanna Young Jeffrey & Karen Young Konstantin & Susan Zaharoff Larry Zech Donald & Sahnya Zeman Robert & Dolores Zeni Beryl F. Zimberoff Myron Zimmerman Jan Zlotnick & Jeanette Lebell Barbara Zook


We are proud to recognize the long-term commitment of donors who have made planned gifts to the Sonoma Land Trust and who are, thereby, members of our Legacy League. These supporters ensure that funds will always be available to purchase and care for open space, and preserve the character and beauty of our local landscape. Thank you.
Anonymous (3) Allison Ash & Marc Schwager Ann Baumann Barbara Biebush Cecilia Brunazzi William J. Bryan Mark Burchill & Mary Lou Konrad Betty Burridge Ethel & Eugene Daly Polo DeLorenzo David & Lee Devine Margo Eachus Margery Entwisle Celeste Felciano Dyana Foldvary Michael Friedenberg & Kathie Schmid Nan Kathryn Fuchs Susan Gilliland Linda Haering Mary & Dick Hafner Amanda Hamilton Donald & Lillian Hanahan Jack & Deyea Harper John Helm Diane & Bryant Hichwa Darla Hillard & Rodney Jackson Michael Houlihan & Bonnie Harvey Tom & Caroline Hoyt E. Rae Hudspeth Carol & Berkeley Johnson Camille Jordan & Rose Falkett Charles & Muriel Kittel Ellen & Wayne Krebs Paul & Maureen Larson Kathleen Lawton Sarah Cameron Lerer & Jim Lerer Elizabeth Lewis Reta Lockert Lyn Smiley-Mackenzie & Laurie Mackenzie Laura & Larry Martin Tom & Vivian McFarling Bob & Marjorie Meadows Margaret Mori Mary Mueller Cynthia Neill Mary K. Oswald Kim Parker Marianne Perron Robert & Carol Sanoff Roger S. Sheridan Daphne Smith Susan Manuel Smith Chris Stover & Lorraine Bazan Janann Strand Philip Tymon Mrs. Lee J. van der Ploeg Dorothy Van Winkle Liz Vaughn Warren Watkin Dean Watson & Jan Ogren Nelson & Jane Weller Russell Wherrit Wendy Zukas

AMD Autodesk Chevron GATX Corporation IBM Johnson & Johnson Pzer Pacic Gas & Electric

Julie Atwood Event Design Dixon Browder Cowgirl Creamery Denise Elliott ESRI Celeste Felciano Fidelity National Title Hafner Vineyard Haywood Winery Jimtown Store Liz Linde Lundberg Designs Tim Mueller Oak Hill Farm Redwood Hill Farm Joe Schubert Sur La Table Taft Street Winery Treeline Construction Clark Wolf Zazu

Kerr & Wagstaffe LLP Shute, Mihaly & Weinberger LLP

Background photo, pages 915: Sears Point Ranch on Cougar Mountain explodes with wildflowers in the springtime, bringing out hardy hikers to enjoy them and the views. Photo by Patrick Kincaid.



966 Sonoma Avenue Santa Rosa, CA 95404


Mark Jacobsen, Chair Pete Mattson, 1st Vice Chair Harry Richardson, 2nd Vice Chair Carol Williams, Secretary Robert Brent Hall Cushman Mary Hafner Johanna Patri

Peter Rogers Maggie Salenger Allison Sanford * Tom Simone David Smith Kathy Tierney Denny Van Ness
* Joined Board in 2009

John Ash Karen Collins Ethel Daly Chris Dobson Ted Eliot Michael Ellis George Ellman Michael Hogan Carolyn Johnson Bill Kortum

MaryClare Lawrence Peter Leveque Kirsten Lindquist Jean Schulz Daphne Smith Margaret Spaulding Anne Teller Rick Theis Michael Wright Clay Stephens

Ralph Benson, Executive Director Acquisitions John Brosnan, Amy Chesnut, Brook Edwards, Wendy Eliot, Tenley Wurglitz Stewardship Georgiana Hale, Bob Neale, Tony Nelson, Shanti Wright

Development and Marketing Sheri Cardo, Stacey Kaufman, Reta Lockert, Beverly Scottland Finance and Administration Dale Carroll, Lois Downy Volunteer Coordinators Joe Ficurelli, Linda Hale Writer/Editor: Sheri Cardo

The Sonoma Land Trust protects the scenic, natural, cultural, agricultural and open landscapes of Sonoma County for the benefit of the community and future generations by: Developing long-term land protection strategies Promoting private and public funding for land conservation Acquiring land and conservation easements Practicing stewardship, including the restoration of conservation properties Promoting a sense of place and a land ethic through activities, education and outreach. Printed on recycled paper using soy-based inks

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