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Venus B.

cajida Different Diseases

Trachoma OTHER NAME CAUSATIVE AGENT Chlamydia trachomatis CHARACTERICTICS OR S/SX Conjunctivitis causes scarring of eyelid that mechanically damages cornea, often causing secondary infections




NURSING RESPONSIBILITIES -assess the vision with and without corrective lenses. -teach to avoid touching or rubbing the eyes. -teach the importance of using eye protection when engaging in potentially dangerous activities. -Instructed to take a bath everyday

Acanthamoeba keratitis

Acanthamoeba spp.

Frequently results in severe eye damage

Topical propamidine isethionate or miconazole; corneal transplant or eye removal surgery may be required.


Pediculosis humanus capitis


Topical insecticide preparation ,removal of nits



Microsporum, trichophyton

Skin lesion of highly varied appearance; on scalp may cause local loss of hair.

Griseofulvin(orally), micronazole, clotrimazole (topically)

-Shampooing the hair two to three times a week. -use a clean towel and washcloth each day

Bacillary dysentery


Sh;dysenterae,sn- Diarrhea,fever,tenesmus connei,shboy-dii and severe cases bloody and mucoid stool

A relative and transitory strainspecific immunity follows recovery

- instruct the sanitary disposal of human feces. -Protection of purified water supplies and construction of safe privy.

Typhoid fever

Salmonella typhosa, typhoid bacillus

Peyers patches, rose spots on the trunk, enlargement os spleen, diarrhea

Immunization with a vaccine of high antigenicity

-demonsrate to family how to give bedside care, such a tepid sponge bath, feeding, changing of bed linen. -give ORESOL accdg. To required amount based on age. -make pt as comfortable as possible


El tor

Vibrio el tor

Sudden onset of acute and profuse colorless diarrhea, vomiting, DHN and cyanosis

Stool examination,immunity artificially induced vaccine.

Whooping cough


Hemophilus pertussis, pertussis bacillus

Attended by paroxysms of cough ending in a characteristics whoop as the breath is drawn in, vomiting may follow spasm.

Routine DPT immunization

-Instructed to over the mouth if he is sneezing and cough. -General care of the nose and throat discharges.


Epidemic parotitis

Genus paramyxovirus

Fever, malaise ,anorexia and orchitis for men

Mumps vaccine

-Instructed to do tepid sponge bath. -skin care and oral hygiene

Chicken pox


Varicella zoster virus

Macular paular eruptions of skin,3-4 day vesicular and leaves granular scabs, fever Skin rashes of reddish macules first appearing on face and spreading to trunk and extremities


-instructed to avoid contact. -Instructed to do tepid sponge bath -avoid direct contact



Measles virus

measles virus vaccine



Rabies virus

Spasms of muscles hydrophobia, delirium and convulsion

Active immunization Antibiotics and anti tetanus immunization

-thoroughly washed with soap and water -instructed to takecare the pets and give dog immunization -good personal hygiene -keeping the house clean -Maintain cleanliness -avoid contamination of the area -educate ct.about how to prevent infection


Sarrotes scabiei

Itching, fever, malaise

Kwell ointment is also effective Benzyl benzoate emulsion Vaccination


Ragpicker disease

Bacillus anthracis a gram positive

Vomiting and bloody stool, fever


Bad blood, pox

Treponema pallidum

Painless chancre, swollen glands, patchy hair loss

Kalm test, antibiotics



Protozoan trichomonas vaginais

Greenish-yellow odorous discharge, vaginal itching, painful urination

Culture tests, curable with an oral medication

-maintain cleanliness -Increase OFI -proper personal hygiene -release an advisory on proper cooking of poultry should be observed.

Bird flu

Avian influenza

Influenza virus H5Ni

Fever, cough, body weakness or muscle pain


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