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Name Sachin Vaishnav Class BBA IInd Year Sub.

Business Research
Meaning of research- The dictionary meaning of the word reseaech is search for knowledge Research is a careful investigation or enquiry specially through search for new facts in any branch of knowledge. Thus research is an original contribution to the existing stock of knowledge made for its advancement/ betterment Clifford Woody Research means defining & redefinig the problems formulating hypothesis /suggested solution , collecting,organising & evaluating data, making findings & reaching conclusions, at last carefully testing the conclusions according to hypothesis. Objectives Of Research:The purpose of research is to discover answers to questions through the applications of scientific methods. The main aim of research is to find out the

truth which is hidden &which has not been discovered yet Objectives:1. To know about & phenomenon or to achieve new knowledge from it. 2. To determine the characteristics of a particular individual, situation or a group. 3. To determine the frequency with which something occurs. 4. To test a hypothesis of a causal relationship b/w variables. 5. Other objectiveso To get a research degree in academics. o To face the challenge in solving the unsolved problems. o To get the joy of doing some creative work. o To serve the society . Types of Research

1. Descriptive vs (and) Analytical (Descriptive)

Descriptive:-It includes surveys & fact findings of different kinds. o The main purpose of this research is to describe the conditions at present.

o The researcher has no control over the variables and he only reports what has happened & whay is happening. Analytical Research:- In this type of research, the researcher uses facts or information already available. o He analysis these data to make s critical evalouation and offer some findings & suggestion. 2. Applied vs Fundamental:Fundamental Research:- Fundamental research is concered with generation & formulation of theory. o It is directed towards findings information that has a broad of applications and contains scientific knowledge. It is also known as pare/ Basic Research. ex.Research on mathematics Research on theory of economics. Applied Research:-It aims at findings a solution for an immidiate problem facing a society or a business organ. o The main purpose of applied research is to discover a good solution for some present practical problem. Ex. Marketing Research.

3. Quantitative vs Qualitative;Quantitative Research:-It is based on measurement of quantity or amount. o It can be expressed in terms of no. & quantity. Ex. Sales Research. Qualitative Research:- It is concered with a phenominon relating to quality. o It is specially important in the behavioural science, where the aim is to discover the basic nature of human. Ex. Motivation Research. Attitude Research. 4. Conceptual vs Experimental:Conceptual Research :- It is generally used by philosophers & thinkers to develop new concepts or to reinterpret the existing concepts. Some new theories are built and the researcher has no control over the variables. Experimental Research:o It is a data based research coming up with conclusions and also known as empirical research.

o The researcher has some control over the variables and he can manipulate some of them to study its effects. 5. Other Types of Research :On the basis of time :(i) One time research :- The research is carried on in a single time period. (ii) Congitudinal Research :- The research is carried on over several time periods. On the basis of environment :(iii) Field setting Research :- The research is carried on in the field itself. Ex. Marketing research. (iv) Laboratory Research :- The research is carried on in the labs. Ex. Any chemical research, Medical research. (v)

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