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Information for Students Requiring Re-assessment BSc (Hons) Business Computing and Information Systems

All students should now have received transcripts of their results for the September 2010 semester along with details of which assessment components must be re-taken. If you have not received this information, please contact your Accredited Partner Centre. Coursework Re-submissions Students who are referred in a coursework assignment should submit a new version of their original assignment by Friday 8th July 2011, 12pm UK time. Resubmission attempts should be submitted to the Resubmission Upload area on the Programme home page on Campus. This can be accessed via the menu bar that runs across the top of the Programme Home Page. Students must answer the same assignment questions as they previously attempted but use the feedback given by the Module Leader to ensure that the work is of sufficient a standard to pass. Note that the module marks for a module in which the coursework element is referred will be capped at 40%. Failure to submit an assignment by the date given above will result in a mark of 0 being given. Students must register for their re-submission and have paid the resit fee to their Accredited Partner Centre by Thursday 28th April 2011. Resubmissions for the Information Systems Project are to be uploaded in exactly the same way as coursework resubmissions, and to the same deadline. Please note: Resubmission attempts that are not registered by the deadline will not be valid Resubmission attempts uploaded to the incorrect area of Campus will not be marked Examination Resits Students who are referred in an examination component for the following modules will resit during the normal examination period between Tuesday 21st June and Thursday 23rd June 2011: Advanced Database Systems Management Corporate Communications Systems Management Software Engineering Management Students who are referred in an examination component for the following modules may be able to resit during the examination period between Monday 11th July and Wednesday 13th July 2011 (please contact your Accredited Partner Centre for confirmation of whether it will be offering this resit opportunity): Management Support Systems Object-Oriented Analysis and Decision Support Software Engineering Methods

Please see below for dates and times for specific examinations. Note that the mark for a module in which the examination component is referred will be capped at 40%. Failure to attend the examination will result in a mark of 0 being given. Students must have registered with their Accredited Partner Centre for their resit and paid their resit fee by Thursday 28th April 2011. Please note: Resit attempts that are not registered by the deadline will not be valid Note: Where you have failed an assessment you have 12 months from your first attempt within which to pass the component (e.g. if you fail in the March semester, you have the Sept semester and the following March semester in which to pass the component). Failure to pass the component within this time will result in you failing the module and may have an adverse affect on you final degree classification. Please direct any questions regarding reassessments to your Accredited Partner Centre in the first instance. Exam Resit Timetable Note: these examinations will be invigilated by Accredited Partner Centre staff but must take place on these times and dates.
Date Exam Programme Duration Time of exam start in Jamaica Time of exam start Ghana Time of exam start Botswana Time of exam start Saudi Arabia Time of exam start UAE Time of exam start Iran Time of exam start Sri Lanka Time of exam start in Bangladesh Mon 11th July MSS BCIS 2 hours 10:00 09:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 13:30 14:30 15:00 Tues 12th July OOAD BCIS 2 hours 10:00 09:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 13:30 14:30 15:00 Wed 13th July SEMet BCIS 2 hours 10:00 09:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 13:30 14:30 15:00

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