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Denbigh Presbyterian Church

December 23, 2011

The Denbigh Digest is published monthly on the third or fourth Monday The deadline for items to be included is 9:00 AM on that Monday Comments or Questions? Contact the church office at 877-2048 or e-mail us at

Volume 39 Issue 12

Next Issue
January 23, 2012
Our Church Staff
Pastor The Reverend Deborah Dail Ministerial Intern Rusty Norton Director of Childrens/Youth Ministries Liz Marshall Director of Music Ministries Dr. Kelly Montgomery Administrative Assistant Wanda Hale Sexton Team Mark, June, Lauren and Nick Tessarolo Pre-Kindergarten Director

Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and New Years Day Service Times Christmas Eve Services: 6:30 and 9 PM Christmas Day Service: 10:30 AM (no Sunday School, casual dress) New Years Day Service: 10:30 AM (no Sunday School)

Inside this issue:

Services/PORT/Confirmation Worship/Adult Spiritual Growth Womens Bible Study Outreach Budget Pre-K Session/Congregational Mtg Fellowship Children/Youth Congregational Care/Finance Birthday/Thank you SHARE January Schedule January Calendar 1 2 3 4-5 6-10 11 12 13-14 15 16 17 18 19 20

PORT Homeless Shelter for Denbigh Presbyterian Church begins on Wednesday, December 28, 2011 and goes through January 4, 2012. We are still looking for volunteers to fill several spaces. DPC will be working the overnight shifts on Saturday, December 31, 2011 into Sunday, January 1, 2012. DPC will also be serving breakfast and volunteering for the out-processing on Monday, January 2, 2012. If you can help or would like additional information, please contact Wanda Hale at 757-879-9930 (cell) or 757-877-2048 (church) or Thank you!

There will be an informational meeting regarding Confirmation on January 8, 2012 at 9:15 AM in room 3. Please come to this very important meeting, where all your questions will be answered. If you know that your child would like to be confirmed, please contact Liz Marshall at 757-877-2048 or and let her know prior to the meeting.

Celebration of the Sacrament of the Lords Supper

Please join us in celebrating the Lords Supper on Sunday, December 4, 2011 and on Saturday, December 24, 2011 at both services. Please prayerfully prepare for the celebration of the Lords Supper. Our first communion in 2012 will be on Sunday, January 8.

Church Record
Attendance Worship Nurseries Sunday School 11/20 122 6 42

Active Membership (386) 11/27 132 12 39 12/04 132 7 31 12/11 147 2 30 12/18 141 3 24

Flower Chart for 2012 is displayed on the bulletin board beside the kitchen counter. Please sign up for flowers in honor or memory of a loved one or for a special event. A brief description will be included in the bulletin. Donations in lieu of flowers can also be made, and a description will be included in the bulletin. Your write-up should be received by the office the Wednesday of the week you are giving flowers in order to get the information in the bulletin.

The winter quarter (December-February) Bible study theme for Adult I will be God establishes a faithful people, focusing on the Abrahamic covenant and will include selections in the books of Genesis, Exodus, Luke and Galatians. The class meets at 9:15 Sunday mornings in the Conference Room.

"Outside of the gospels, Paul the Apostle wrote approximately 60 % of the New Testament. Each book reflected Gods revelation to him and through him. Paul was closing in on the end of his ministry. In the Book of Romans, Paul set forth a full and orderly statement of the great principles of the gospel that he preached. Romans is the greatest exposition of Christian doctrine ever written; a summation of all his individual letters with additional insights. During the next quarter and perhaps beyond, the Gospel of Jesus Christ will be seen through the words of Gods servant Paul, the Apostle to the Gentiles".

The next Women of Faith Bible Study begins at DPC February 6.

I am Jonah. I want to serve God as long as it is convenient. I desire to do His will until it is a tad uncomfortable. I want to hear His Word as long as its message is one Im supposed to pass on to someone else. I dont want to have my plans interrupted. Oh yes. I am Jonah, and I suspect that in one way or another, you are too.

Ladies, beginning February 6, 2012, please join us each Monday evening from 6:308:30 p.m. for a study by Priscilla Shirer entitled, JONAH: Navigating a Life Interrupted. What do we do when God interrupts our lives? Many times, like Jonah, we run! In this seven-session Bible study, Priscilla Shirer redefines interruption and shows that interruption is actually God's invitation to do something beyond our wildest dreams. When Jonah was willing to allow God to interrupt his life, the result was revival in an entire city. Sign-ups will begin in January 2012. *** BIOGRAPHY: Priscilla Shirer is a Bible teacher. Through the expository teaching of the Word of God to women, her desire is to see women not only know the uncompromising truths of Scripture intellectually, but experience them practically by the power of the Holy Spirit. A graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary, with a Master's degree in Biblical Studies, she has been a conference speaker for major corporations, organizations, and Christian audiences across the United States and the world. In 1993, Priscilla's speaking ministry began while she was in college. Although her plan was to receive her degree in radio and television and go on to be a television news anchor, God had other plans. While interning at a Christian radio station in Houston, she began to receive invitations to do Bible studies at small women's events in the area. As an 18-year-old freshman, she went to these events and shared the simple truths of Scripture that she was studying in her own personal time with the Lord. Priscilla is now in full-time ministry to women across the country and the world

DPC will work on Saturday, January 28, 2012. For more information contact Terry Hall.

January 2012 S.H.A.R.E. order can be placed the week of January 9 through January 13, 2012. The order will be placed on Monday, January 16 at 10:00 AM and will be distributed in the Narthex area of Denbigh Presbyterian Church on Saturday, January 28 from 7:00-7:30 AM. All orders must be picked up by 7:30 AM. Volunteers cannot be held responsible for orders which are not picked up.

Christmas Outreach a Success We would like to thank the many people who donated time, money and food to our Christmas families. This year we assisted 22 families with gifts, food for a Christmas meal and foods to provide two meals a day for the children during the entire Christmas break from school. Each family also received a Bible and invitation to worship with us. Thank you to Smithfield Foods for donating 22 hams. Thank you to everyone who helped deliver the food and gifts. A special word of thanks goes to our Local Missions Team: Connie Hunt, Debbie Ames, Dale Pennell and Brenda Lamb. Additionally, we thank Liz Marshall and Wanda Hale for all the assistance they provided throughout the process of organizing and carrying out this ministry.

If we bring just one food item every Sunday. . .

Some suggestions for DUCOs pantry: Meat

butter Fruit Jelly/Jam Cereal Spaghetti sauce Pasta Dry Potatoes Canned meals (stew, Beans ravioli, etc.) Dry milk (individual Rice pkgs.) Baby food and Jello formula Food items should be canned/boxed/non-perishable


. . . the shelves would never be bare.

PORT Challenge
Many thanks to the Prime Timers and Not Ready for Prime Timers for collecting socks and underwear during the month of November for PORT guests. The Not Ready for Prime Timers collected 122 items The Prime Timers collected 245 items. Thanks to the generosity of both groups, many people will have clean and warm necessities this winter!

The Haiti Mission Team will depart on January 19 and return January 28. The team is as follows. Sandra Beebe Penny Norton Deborah Dail Dale Pennell Delores Fleming Megan Spivey Patti Hall Shannon Weaver Mason Murawski The team will have its final training meeting on January 7. Our final fund-raiser is Chili-togo on January 8, following the worship service. Thank you to everyone who supported the Dessert Auction to benefit the Haiti Mission Team. We raised $917. Please keep the Haiti Mission Team in prayer as we serve Christ alongside Bruce and Deb Robinson on our short-term mission trip this month.

Dear Friends, First, Merry Christmas to each of you. Thank you for the blessing of serving as your pastor. Thank you for all the ways you have given of your time, talent, money and love in 2011. Second, Happy New Year! It's hard to believe that 2012 is right around the corner. With the New Year comes a new church budget. On the following pages of the Digest you will see the 2012 church budget alongside the 2011 budget. You will note as you compare the two budgets that we have added two part-time staff members to our churchNursery Coordinator and Ministerial Intern (Nursery coordinator was budgeted but not hired in 2010). We believe these additions to our staff will help build our church and increase our outreach potential. You will also note that, regrettably, we have had to cut a number of important line items. These have been difficult decisions to make. However, we do not despair because we believe with God's help we will still be able to support some, if not all of these ministries, with your ongoing support in the coming years. Of great concern to our Session and to me are the cuts to our Outreach Budget. A few of these cuts are: Unified Mission Giving has been reducedthese funds support the work of the larger church- the Presbytery and its many ministries. The Haiti Projects line item has been cutbut you are encouraged to contribute to the work we are doing through Bruce and Deb Robinson in Haiti by designating gifts to "Haiti Projects" in addition to your pledge. Local Mission budget has been cuthowever, $6,000 has been received in designated gifts for Local Mission, allowing us to continue serving our local community in 2012. Peninsula Pastoral Counseling Center has been cutthis center provides extraordinary services, and our gifts help pay for those who cannot pay full price for therapy. We know that these budget cuts affect other organizations and ministries which are also struggling financially. Please pray for all concerned. We embark on a New Year with faith in our awesome God. With energy, intelligence, imagination and love we will find ways to bridge the gaps of funding and serve our congregation, nation and world. Thank you again for your generosity in the past year and your faithful pledge of money, time and talent for 2012. In Christ's Love and Service, Deborah

DENBIGH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 2012 BUDGET INCOME 41001 RECEIPTS Pledges/Envelopes Faith Offerings TOTAL PLEDGES/ ENVELOPES/FAITH Loose Plate Pre-Kindergarten Other Income TOTAL INCOME EXPENSES STAFF & VOLUNTEER OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MUSIC MINISTRY 51010 Dtr, Music Ministry 51011 Dtr, FICA 51012 Substitute Organist 51013 Substitute Organist FICA 51016 Organist for Funerals 51017 Continuing Education 51018 Instrumentalists TOTAL MUSIC MINISTERS CUSTODIAN Custodian Salary Custodian FICA TOTAL CUSTODIAN ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Administrative Assistant Salary Administrative Assistant FICA Substitute Secretary Salary Substitute Secretary FICA TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT MINISTER Minister Salary Pension/Disability Professional Expenses Medical Insurance Minister FICA Education Expenses TOTAL MINISTER PULPIT SUPPLY/MINISTERIAL INTERN Pulpit Supply Intern Salary Intern FICA TOTAL PULPIT SUPPLY/MINISTERIAL iNTERN 2011 246,516 25,526 272,042 33,579 305,621 3,500 3,918 1,600 $314,639

12/15/2011 2012 225,158 31,511 256,669 30,317 286,986 3,500 3,765 2,000 $296,251

41002 41004 41006

20,000 1,530 700 54 400 200 500 23,384

20,000 1,530 600 46 400 200 500 23,276

51021 51022

14,339 1,097 15,436

14,339 1,097 15,436

51031 51032 51033 51034

21,879 1,674 1,638 125 25,316

21,879 1,674 1,600 122 25,275

51041 51042 51043 51044 51045 51046

61,877 7,425 2,700 12,066 4,734 1,000 89,802

61,877 7,425 2,700 12,530 4,734 1,000 90,266




0 10,000 765 10,765

2011 51061 51063 51065 Dtr, CHILDREN/YOUTH MINISTRY Director's Salary Professional Expenses Director's FICA TOTAL DTR, CHILDREN/YOUTH MINISTRY NURSERY COORDINATOR Coordinator's Salary Coordinator's FICA TOTAL NURSERY COORDINATOR CHURCH OFFICE Office Supplies Postage TOTAL CHURCH OFFICE STAFF EXPENSES Recognition Awards(all staff) Background Checks TOTAL STAFF EXPENSES TOTAL - STAFF & VOLUNTEER OVERSIGHT YOUTH MINISTRY COMMITTEE 53010 Youth Education 53011 Adult Leadership Development 53012 Elementary/Children's Church 53013 Nursery 53014 Youth Camp Registration 53015 Middle Sch Youth 53016 Vacation Bible School 53017 Senior High Youth 53019 Family Advent/Lent Outreach 53020 Confirmation Materials 53021 Faith Weaver Friends TOTAL YOUTH MINISTRY WORSHIP COMMITTEE 54010 Sanctuary Decorations 54012 Adult Choir 54013 Music Equipment Maintenance 54014 Worship Supplies 54015 Handbells 54017 Contemporary Worship Team 54018 Lent/Advent Devotionals TOTAL WORSHIP 15,600 430 1,194 17,224

2012 15,600 430 1,194 17,224

51071 51072

1,820 139 1,959

2,730 209 2,939

52010 52011

5,000 1,500 6,500

4,000 1,000 5,000

52021 52022

500 50 550 $180,571

0 50 50 $190,231

700 700 300 100 5,000 700 2,000 700 400 650 1,800 13,050

500 0 150 100 4,000 700 1,650 700 0 650 1,400 9,850

250 750 900 1,000 100 1,000 500 4,500

225 500 900 900 80 0 450 3,055

2011 ADULT SPR GR, EDU & DISCIPLESHIP COMMITTEE 55010 Adult Education 55011 Officer Training and Retreat TOTAL ADULT SPR GR, EDU & DISC STEWARDSHIP COMMITTEE 56021 Stewardship 56022 Financial Educational Programs TOTAL STEWARDSHIP


1,700 500 2,200

1,000 400 1,400

350 50 400

275 0 275

ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE 56032 Administrative Expenses TOTAL ADMINISTRATION 100 100 50 50

INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE 56041 I T Services 56042 I T Equipment 56043 I T Supplies 56044 Communications 56045 Library 56046 Periodicals TOTAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY LONG-RANGE PLANNING 56051 Long-Range Planning Team TOTAL LONG-RANGE PLANNING OUTREACH COMMITTEE 57001 Unified Mission Giving 57002 Missionary Support 57003 Theological Education Fund 57005 Missionary-Retirement 57006 Makemie Woods 57009 Habitat for Humanity(Presbyterian House) 57010 Haiti Projects 57011 Peninsula Pastoral Counseling Center 57012 Denbigh At-Risk Youth 57013 Bibles 57015 Local Mission 57016 Harvest Festival 57017 New Member Assimilation 57018 Massenetta Camp & Conf Ctr 57019 PORT 57020 DUCO 57022 Evangelism Ministry 57024 Opr Christmas Child TOTAL OUTREACH

2,170 8,662 700 5,004 150 250 16,936

2,200 7,000 1,200 4,000 0 100 14,500

250 250

0 0

24,082 1,500 500 1,500 750 2,000 5,000 500 500 400 2,000 1,500 100 500 1,100 500 350 50 42,832

18,375 1,500 0 1,500 750 1,000 0 0 500 200 0 0 0 0 1,100 500 250 50 25,725


2011 FINANCE COMMITTEE 57031 Insurance 57032 Finance Administrative Expenses TOTAL FINANCE FELLOWSHIP COMMITTEE 57041 57043 57045 57046 Receptions/Family Meals/Kit Supplies Presbyterian Women Dinner with Deborah Presbytery Meeting/50th Anniversary TOTAL FELLOWSHIP CONGREGATIONAL CARE COMMITTEE 57051 Congregational Care Expenses TOTAL CONGREGATIONAL CARE CHURCH FACILITIES COMMITTEE 57071 57072 57073 57074 PROPERTY Property Maintenance/Repair Custodian Supplies Custodian Equipment Dcor Team TOTAL PROPERTY GROUNDS 57081 Lawn Care TOTAL GROUNDS UTILITIES Utilities Maintenance/Repair Electricity Gas Sanitation Waste/Water Management Storm Water Management TOTAL UTILITIES TOTAL CHURCH FACILITIES TOTAL EXPENSES 5,000 5,000 2,000 1,700 500 1,000 5,200 550 550 1,825 1,370 350 1,000 4,545 10,800 680 11,480

2012 11,374 896 12,270

1,500 1,370 0 0 2,870

450 450

2,000 1,500 250 0 3,750

5,000 5,000

57091 57092 57093 57094 59095 57096

2,000 13,000 6,000 1,600 1,500 2,925 27,025 $37,225 $314,639

2,000 13,000 6,600 800 1,500 2,925 26,825 $35,575 $296,251


Denbigh Presbyterian PrePre-Kindergarten

The staff of DPPK would like to wish all of you a joyous holiday and Merry Christmas! We will be out of school for our Christmas break beginning Friday, December 16 and will see you again in the new year when we return to school on January 3! The beginning of the new year is when we turn our attention towards registration for the following school year. Church members are able to register their children and grandchildren for the upcoming school year before registration is opened to the general public. This year, our registration for church members will begin on January 30. Class tuition and fees for the 2012-2013 school year will be: Registration/Supply Activity Fee 2 year olds 2 day 3 year olds 3 day 3 or 4 year olds 4 day 4 year olds $110 $110 $130 $160 Monthly Tuition $115 $115 $145 $180

If you have questions regarding registration or our program, please call me at 898-1043. Id appreciate it if you spread the word about our nationally accredited, 4 star rated program to your friends, coworkers, and neighbors! Maggie Vincelette Director, DPPK


Session News -- December 2011

1) Approved the budget for 2012. The budget is included in this Digest. Approved designation of 45 percent of the pastors cash salary as housing allowance. 2) Elected Jim Wightman (commissioner) and Carolyn Woodard (alternate) for the January 28, 2012 Presbytery of Eastern Virginia (PEVA) meeting. 3) Received training on Book of Order from PEVA Stated Clerk and elder-elect Donald Bickhart. 4) Approved various cost-saving measures to be implemented in 2012. 5) Tasked the Staff Team of the Administration Committee with doing a study of our staffing model, staff salaries in comparison to other churches and other matters related to staff compensation and hours. Team will report out to Session by June 2012. 6) Called the Annual Congregational Meeting/Annual Meeting of the DPC Corporation for Sunday, January 15, 2012, immediately following the worship service. 7) Called Session meeting for Sunday, January 15 to be in session for the service of ordination/ installation of officers.

Annual Congregational and Corporation Meeting January 15, 2012

Our Annual Congregational and Corporation Meeting has been set for Sunday, January, 15, 2012 immediately following the worship service. The Annual Report , which includes the 2012 budget, will be e-mailed to those on our contact list, mailed to those who normally receive the Digest through the mail and posted on our DPC website. Hard copies will also be available for pick-up on January 8. Everyone is encouraged to attend the Annual Congregational and Corporation meeting on January 15, 2012.

Annual Dinner With Deborah February 3, 2012

All outgoing, incoming and serving officers are invited to the Annual Dinner with Deborah on Friday, February 3, 2012 at the Pavilion of Deer Run Golf Club. Please reserve this date.


Reserve these dates on your calendar!

December 31, 4:00 PM New Years Eve Open House at the home of Don and Charlotte Eason January 22, 11:45 AM 2nd Annual Chili Cook-Off February 12, 11:45 AM Luncheon hosted by the Presbyterian Women and prepared and served by our High School Youth and their advisors March 23 & 24 Bus trip to Lancaster, PA, to see Jonah at Sight and Sound Theater. Cost is $295.00 per person, double occupancy and $335.00 per person, single occupancy. Price includes bus transportation, tour guide, 1 nights accommodation, 1 dinner, 1 breakfast, Jonah, tour of the area with local guide, all taxes and gratuities except for the tour guide and driver. The trip will include a stop at Kitchen Kettle for shopping. Travel insurance is available. Contact Gail McLeod if you would like to go or would like more information. April 21, 5:30 AM Volunteer at Peninsula Foodbank



Faith Weaver Friends

Spring session will start Wednesday, January 11 at 5:45-8:00 Cost for this spring session is $20.00 first child, $15.00 second child not to exceed $50.00 per family. Registration forms are on the bulletin board. We are still in need of volunteers! Below you will find job descriptions to each. Setting Up tables: set up 8 round tables and 8 chairs at each table Set Tables: set place settings as each seat with placemats, cups, napkins and utensils. Table parents: gather at 5:45 and join us for dinner at 6:00; sit with children at dinner, build relationships and show hospitality to one another. Clean up after dinner: wash pitchers and anything else that needs to be cleaned and put away items in the bins and return bins back into the FWF closet. Teaching: All materials are provided. Kindergarten through 2nd grade 3rd through 5th grade Middle School For more information, see Liz Marshall at 757-877-2048 or

Childrens and Youth Sunday School

We have completed our lessons on the Bible stories illustrated in our churchs stained glass windows. It was truly inspiring to go into the sanctuary each week and admire the stained glass windows that were so beautifully created by our very own church members. During the winter quarter our classes will be learning about the love of Jesus and the love of God. Our Kindergarten 3rd grade class will learn about Loving Jesus meeting Jesus, learning about his promises and our love for him, too. Our 4th & 5th graders will learn about the Exodus to Ruth and the redemptive acts of God in dealing with his covenant people. First topic what does redemptive mean??? Our Middle School Youth will learn more about the Bibles unifying theme of Gods covenant. What is Gods covenant and what does it mean in our lives today? Our High School Youth will talk about Knowing the God Who Is. How do we know God exists? Is being a Christian worth it? What is God like? Why do we suffer? Join us at 9:15 AM for FUN and FELLOWSHIP while learning about our FAITH. A light breakfast is provided.


Our Members and Friends

Joan Kiser Rhett Hickman Myrna Bickhart David and LuAnn Jusino Jerry Helms Amelia Britts daughter-in-law Dick Gray Carl and Lillie Gagliardi Jeanne Kent Marianne Williams father Michelle Ramdeholls mother and brother Trudy Bowmans husband Kathy Baldwins father Kelly Samarzeas father Leslie Maloney Jamie Eason Kay Atkinson Pete Buchanan Keith Pennell Logan Marchese Darlene Mays-Tittman Stephanie Harris Anne Averys sister-in-law Benstens granddaughter Abigail

Our Military
Tom Joyce Robert Depp Pete Marshall Jennifer Lambert David Powers Jonathan Graebener Bruce Baffer Caroline Joyce Lee Holfert David Baird Jacob Mayes Dan Barnhart Terri Minch Osner James OSuna Lazaro Durruty Chris Rupp Michael Shea Daniel Jones Jeff Williams Kelly Keene David Burroughs

Our Deployed Military

Mark Manoso Joel Silva Ricardo Marquez Daniel Troyer Ryan Jones (Son of Bill & Dee Jones) Jennifer Hale Williams Rob Phelps

Our Missionaries in Haiti

Bruce and Deb Robinson

Serving in the Peace Corps

Kirk McCullough

Actual Year to Date November 30, 2011 Total Income $ 259,157.85 Total Expenses $ 279,576.40 Net Difference $ (20,418.55)


5 Katje Roach 6 Heaven Lamb 6 Lorenzo Grant 6 Dick Gray 7 Katie Depp 7 Tyler Spruill 10 Keith Pennell 12 Cameron Dail 15 Connie Hunt 16 Nancy Fairfield 19 Mary Lee Dunn 25 Norman Baffer 25 Dallas Marchese A27 Tim & Debbie Jacoby 27 Donna Dellinger 28 Crystal Ellis 28 JewLeigha Harris 31 Bob Amos

A very sincere Thank You to each of those who volunteered and participated in the SHARE Program of the Peninsula Food Bank during 2011. Denbigh Presbyterian is very unique in that many of you call me wanting to know when you can help and when extra volunteers are needed. There is never a problem getting them. Schedules for 2012 are on the Bulletin Board and I feel certain the 2012 share Program will be a success. Thanks again. Ken Bowers 2011 SHARE Coordinator To the whole DPC family and friends: We would like to thank you all for your kind words, thoughts, and especially your prayers during this most recent surgery and rough recovery! It is simply amazing to feel so much generosity, care and concern in a time of need. So please know we appreciate every thought, prayer and everyone who has helped us or checked on us these last few days!! God Bless all of you and again thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!! Steffi and Brian Harris JewLeigha, Hallie & Ryan

Dear Church Friends, Thank you once again for remembering me in such a nice way. The chrysanthemum is beautiful. Sorry we missed you. We were out of town the month of November so a neighbor kept it until we returned. It was so nice to know someone was thinking about me when I didnt even know it. The mum continues to brighten my days. Thank you once again. Sincerely, Joan Kiser 12/5/2011

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