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Northern Area Breathing Easier


Mississippi Threatens Three States

By ASSOCIATED PRESS back the worst of the flood- La Crosse, Wis. officials evacuated. The U.S. 18 water-swollen Missouri, exThe flo'od crest of (he ing. said the situation was under highway bridge to Marquette, pected a crest of 32 feet Mississippi River . p u s h e d In Minnesota and- t h e control, and Mayor Warren Iowa, with an approach under two feet over flood stage by southward today heightening Dakotas, the flood crest had Loveland said "Our dikes are about two feet of swirling Wednesday. But the U . S . the danger to cities in Iowa, passed, and e v a c u a t e d so strong and so secure we water, was closed to all but Army Corps of Engineers said Illinois and Missouri while residents including more than should have no more trouble high-wheeled traffic. the crest would not cause exfarther north the waters were 12,000 in Minot, N.D., waited unless we get a real bad Along Iowa, Illinois and tensive damage around St. receding. for the water to drain away so storm." Missouri, the Mississippi rose Louis or points south. Concerted efforts by the they could return home. Downstream at Prairie du with a major crest still to Waters covered a wharf entire populations of some In Neche, N.D., on one of Chien, the riverside section of come. section of St. Louis and farm towns, and by elementary, the few rivers still risingthe the community of 5,800 was St. Louis, a few miles land near Alton, 111., but little high school and c o l l e g e Pembinaworkers reinforced under several feet of water downstream of the junction of damage was reported. students at others, had fought crumbling dikes. a n d r e s i d e n t s w e r e the Mississippi with t h e At East Dubuque, 111., in the extreme northwestern corner of the state, a flood warning horn was installed to alert outlying communities of rising waters. Downstream at the Quad Mies Moline and Rock Island, 111., and Davenport and Bettendorf, Iowa high schoolers helped strengthen dikes in preparation for the ' Allen County will attempt to crest expected next week. obtain plans for construction In Andalusia, 111., 15 miles of multiple housing units to south of Moline,' the whole replace the . o u t d a t e d town of 1,100 turned out to children's home, c o u n .t y help build a two-mile-long commissioners r e p o r t e dike to protect the community Monday. from the Mississippi. The How The donation is to the current drive to The' decision came at a residents expected to com- ELKS BACK CENTER Lima a r d Brinkman, exalted ruler of Elks raise funds for construction of the SA's meeting with the C h i l d plete the 15-foot-tall dike by Lodge 54, presents a $1.000 check to new Center. (News Photo) Welfare B o a r d , which tonight. Salvation Army Maj. David Deitrick. supervises operation of the People from neighboring children's home, to study a towns brought in food and report p r e p a r e d by a equipment while the women volunteer study committee. of the village m a n n e d Andalusia's fire station. The five-member c h i l d Elsewhere around t h e welfare board- suggested the country, E a s t e r n and county implement a proposal to build several - h o m e s MOBILE UNIT Officers of the Lima Pictured are (from left) Ronald Theising, Southern states were keeping designed to "accommodate 12 Area Amateur Radio Club are pictured in Gilbert Lautzenheiser, J a m e s Sun- a watchful eye on rising children each, to replace the front of their recently purchased mobile derland, Bryan Connaughton, R u d y rivers and streams. In New England, a cold county-owned facility on Fort van for emergency communications. The Segovia and Woodrow Williams. Lima snap slowed the snow melt, Amanda Road which-is to be truck will be renovated and outfitted with Mayor Christian P. Morris proclaimed and lodged in the bond. William Whittaker, 18, sold by the county. amateur radio equipment, 'including a this week (through Saturday) as relieving flood pressures in o KENT. Ohio (AP)Inciting charges jail were C u r t of Louisville, was freed on riot charges have been fil- county Vermont. N e w Hampshire "Amateur Radio Week in Lima." The board, however, did not generator and air conditioning system, d against three more young Resnick, 21, of University I $1,000 bond-on a charge of (News Photo) and Maine. agree with the study com- using the club station call letters W8EQ. trespassing. 1'ossioie neavy s n o w e r s mittee proposal 'that five demonstration at Kent State 18, Bedford Heights, and Jef- Convicted of contempt of predicted for today presented -homes, with one to be used some flooding danger, and University last Wednesday. frey Powell, 18, Tallmadge. court were Edward "Rick" as a reception center, be minor lowland flooding was Four others arrested on Resnick and Flanagan are Irickson, 24 of Akron; Howie scattered throughout urban Emmer, 22, C l e v e l a n d ; expected to continue along the similar charges last Friday students. areas of the county. Connecticut River for several were convicted Monday in They were among 5 8 George Gibeaut, 20, North Board members said they 3 l_^JLo^A\/Ovyk5 ortage County C o m m o n demonstrators arrested last R a n d a l l , a n d C o l l i n days. felt it was a decision for the D Minor overflows w e r e leas Court of contempt of Wednesday a f t e r allegedly tfeiburger, 19, of Baltimore, 1 A ~B A commissioners to make as to reported in G e o r g i a , court stemming from a breaking into a l o c k e d Md. All but Neiburger are *"kOO~l l^k~tf I~*~I~"T where the multiple housing Alabama. South Carolina and )revious demonstration. Each building on the campus where Kent State students. units will be located. Decision Florida, with farmers moving was fined $200 and sentenced a hearing was being held on The four also pleaded inon these recommendations The possibility of a shopo 10 days county of a student nocent at their arraignment was made by the board at a ping center on a 44-acre tract spokesman said the 44 acr Shawnee school board had livestock to higher ground Ravenna in theJudge jail at the suspension demonstration on inciting to riot charges and by Albert involved in a also, involves 280 lots for sub- agreed to spend 81,000 for the along the Savannah River in meeting last week, when it bond for each was set -at at the university April 8. in Fort Shawnee was revealed also voted -that the study during Monday night's village division development, which program to begin in July and Georgia and the Apalachicola Caris. also would include s o m e operate for six weeks. The in Florida. These developments, along Two others accused of tak- $10,000. committee be given thanks council meeting. apartment buildings. five - day - a - week recrea- Flood threats were also with a peaceful student rally ing part in the demonstration Erickson,. Emmer, Gibeaut for efforts during the' yearThe announcement came in A second rezoning request tion will include arts and posed by the Sentee, Tom- Monday afternoon, marked last week were a r r e s t e c and Neiburger were charged long project. with violating a court order " Plans for various types of the form of a rezoning request was referred to the village crafts, games, tennis, little bigbee, Pearl and Big Black ihe beginning of the third Monday. Richard Skirwin, 23, banning them from the Kent structure's, p r e p-a r e d by from Amanda Woods Inc.. planning commission. Samuel league baseball and evening rivers in the South and the week of d i s r u p t i v e con- of Kent, was charged with State campus obtained by the events malicious destruction of proarchitects at the request of which is seeking the rezoning K. Price asked that 11 acres, children.for all school - age Sulphur. Sabine and lower troversy at Kent State. Trinity rivers in Texas. Arrested Monday on the riot perty and released on S5,OW university following the April from agricultural to class II located on East Breese Road the' committee, were rejected 8 demonstration. - - west of McClain, be rezoned by the board ' a s b e i n g commercial. The contempt h e a r i n g unrealistic. Board members The land, located on the from a g r i c u l t u r a l to grew out of the appearance of noted the study committee northeast corner of Zurmehly restricted industrial for the the four at the hearing that had said the five recommend and Yoakum roads, is owned development of a mobile was disrupted l a s t Wedhomes could be - built for a" by Lillian Martin. She is the home park. nesday. The order banning .GEORGE total of $250,000, but that developer of Fairwood estates In other matters, coun- By News Staff DUNSTER many failures which, if they 31,214 square foot building at after spending $9.000 on plans them from the campus later AVriter land specifications for the first architect's estimates w e r e subdivision, located north of cilmen said they received an Mayor Christian Morris to- exist at all, must be shareda cost of S441.600. by all in city government, not Moris f u r t h e r explained [project, the program was lad been modified to allow invitation to attend Thursday approximately $118,000 for a Fort Amanda Road. to day took on critics of his adthere, is "no cost of land ac- "derailed by a 4-4 split vote on ihem the appear as witnesses, Details surrounding t h e n i g h t ' s Regional Planning ministration as he answered just one segment." single unit. 3ut prosecution argued Commissioners agreed with aroposed center were not Commission m e e t i n g con- the charges in a speech He also pointed out the ad- quisition'' because the pro- council with Moyer "leading that their actions during the board, authorizing f u r t h e r revealed during the meeting. cerning the three plans to prepared for delivery at the ministration "cannot spend a posed site is on the old city the attack against it." demonstration violated the Answering c h a r g e s of order, even though they had efforts to obtain plans for the However, the complete pro- route traffic around the city Sertoma Club's noon meeting penny without council's ad- owned dump. vanced approval . . . pro- The mayor also noted in- "nothing done" by his ad: been invited to the hearing. separate units at a c o s t posal will be outlined at a of Lima. It was noted t h e at the Milano Club. which will "not" exceed the public hearing on the matter, three traffic - belt proposals P a r t i c u l a r l y noting grams cannot be instituted vestigation failed t o un- ministration, Morris pointed Some 2.000 students atcover "any old local to programs that furnished tended the Monday rally and $331,000 to be received for councilmen said. The date would greatly affect t h e criticism by Council President without its review." village. Council plans to atStating that the mayor is facility for sale that was updating of the police and fire decided to put the issue of a sale of the present children's las not yet been set. Harry Moyer. one of his op- the "man who is ultimately anywhere reasonable ( i n departments with equipment, AIT Amanda Woods Inc. tend the meeting. home site. boycott qf classes to a vote of C o u n c i l a g r e e d t o jonents in the May primary responsible" for everything in cost) most were in the area training and increased man- the entire student body. election, the mayor disputed the city, he observed that of "$300.000 to S600.000." with participate in the s e c o n d power and expanded water Students will decide in the summer recreation program charges his administration "success will have many remodeling costs estimated at service that led to develop- vote Wednesday whether a lield at Shawnee School. An was "a failure . . . plans shareholders. but failures will $300,000 to $400.000. four-day class boycott will be expenditure of $500 was ap- poorly . . . (is a) do nothing."be the sole property of the "Common sense will dictate ment of facilities by OSU - held in .support of demands proved as the village's part Hiting his record of ac- man responsible." that the administration pro- Lima Campus, Procter and for reinstatement of students complishment at a time when in the program. Turning to Moyer's charge posal, backed by findings of Gamble, Westinghouse. Pepsi uspended in p r e v i o u s Last T h u r s d a y , the "this c i t v ' s administration that the city's plan for a new one of the most competent Cola and Standard Oil. demonstrations. las faced problems and crises Bonds were posted with the William McDaries. S653.867 central maintenance architectural firms in this The rally sponsored by the :hat have been unparalleled county auditor Monday on They maintain that cost of Motorist Fined building was too costly and s t a t e i s t h e m o s t Concerned Citizens of the in Lima's history." Morris 1 each of the four appeals of the improvements will exceed KSU Community (CCC) on said comments of his op- that it should lease and e c o n o m i c a l , ' Morris Mizpah Plans county plans for construction the benefits; that tentative Ronald L. Chandler, 29, of ponents leads him to believe remodel an existing structure. declared. the campus commons followof water lines and sanitary assessment against property Shadeland, Ind., charged with "maybe they are not familiar Morris said Moyer made Problems with the city's ed by a few hours Rummage Sale President Robert Kent State sewers in the Perry No. 2 in the area "is unreasonable driving while under the in- with what the job entails." "misleading statements." I. White's street conditions were, in and exorbitant: 'that the fluence of alcohol, pleaded project area. Noting a report f r o m part, blamed on Moyer by the Mizpah Community Center. rejection of the g r o u p ' s The appeals of action by improvement is not necessary guilty Monday in Municipal Morris, who is seeking a architect Lyman J. Strong mayor. Noting t h e "addemands. second term, is opposed by Central Avenue and 9 t h county commissioners in ap- for the public health, con- Court. and Associates three weeks ministration has i n f o r c e d proving plans for t h e venience and welfare of the He was sentenced to 90 days Moyer and Melvin Woodard. ago presented "a design for 120.9 miles of streets," Morris Street, will hold a rummage $1,082.100 dual projects were area: and that total value of in the city jail, with 87 days the latter a Baptist minister the most economical struc- said. "I admit we are falling sale Saturday, May 3. from Enrollment Dates filed in Probate Court April lo property in the area does not suspended, fined $100 and and car salesman. behind on streets . . . but I 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Household Listed By School Refusing to take anv blame ture that can be built to fulfill won't accept the blame.'" by Mr. and Mrs. Eli H. warrant cost of construction. items and spring and summer Registration f o r f i r s t Mechling. Mr. and Mrs. Ira The bonds on the appeals court costs and his driving alone. Morris noted. "The (the city's) needs." t h e He noted shortly after he clothing are n e e d e d , ac- graders in the Bath school rights in Ohio were suspended administration is accused of mayor explained it calls for a Morelock Jr.. Mr. and Mrs. jnnlr UftilCC tho oliiHllllcllutlUlS cording lUvfil fiffiop Lilt? 9HTninictT*sififm to a c e n t e r district will be 9 a.m. to noon (See SEWER. Page 11) Stokley M c D a r i e s and for one year. proposed a 10 - year street spokesman, and will be ,ac- May 2 at Bath elementary !iMiiZ^^^31 ^^^||i|Eb^i?]^3^B^SSHHBfESE^ reconstruction program which cepted throughout the day school and May 5 at Cairo elementary school, according was approved bv council, but Fridav. Mav 3. to Thomas C r e m e a n , elementary principal. He noted enrollecs must be six years of age on or before Sept. 30 of this year and that birth certificates and a physician's record of immunization must be presented iat time of registration. Four Lima Senior High]a mode! state government In School boys will represent the Ohio House of Represen- Mainly About People Lima Senior Hi-Y ClubUalives and will stay at the Douglas Ferguson. 522 S. Thursday through Sunday at]Sheraton-Columbus H o t e l JWoodlawn. was one of 14 the 13th annual Ohio YMCAJThe 250 delegates come in alternates selected nationwide Youth in G o ve rn m e n t'pairs representing Hi-Y and for four - year c o l l e g e ! Program in Columbus. Tri Hi-Y Clubs from YMC A I scholarships awarded by the Featured speaker at the Branches throughout Ohio. governor's banquet scheduled The assembly wall dec! of-'Machinists and Aerospace to open Ihe weekend assembly facers, governor, lieutenant Workers. The u n i o n anwili be former astronaut John | governor, chief j i: s t i c e Bounced 12 scholarship winA. Glenn. speaker of the howse, clerk ners, with an alternate to Lima delegates are Tom and chaplain, lo preside over i receive the scholarship of any winner who declines t h e Boyer. son of Mr. and Mrs. the sessions. Warner T. Boyer of 1008 E. The program, which gives award. Ferguson is a senior Albert; Ken Walker, son of high school students educa- at Lima Senior High School. Mr. and Mrs. David E. tional experience in the runBRIEFING Rep. Walter White (left), checks a bill to Walker of 701 S. Pears: Den- ning of the Ohio government. Cll Lists Speaker be submitted by Lima Hi-Y delegates to the annual Ohio nis Wood, son of Mr. and Mrs. includes committee and house Ernest Ackerman, ilYMCA Hi-Y Youth in Government program. Pictured Waller D. Wood of 2320 sessions to act on b i l l s lustrious potentate of Antioch DELEGATES Lima Mayor Christian program in the Capitol Building at wMh White are <from left) James D. Mostrier, Y Baywood Dr.; and Royce Temple, Dayton, will be P. Morris signs official commission forms Columbus Thursday through Sunday. associate youth director, and delegates Dennis Wood and Ramsey, son of Mr. and Mrs., researched and written by the speaker at the 11:45 *.m. enabling Lima YMCA Hi-Y delegates to Delegates are (from left) Royce Rwmsey, Royce Rwmsey. The mock legislative assembly consists Roy L. Rmsey of 917 W. delegates, while the model Thursday meeting of t h e attend the annual Youth in Government Dennis Wood, Ken Walker and Tom of high school age boys and girls. supreme court hears cases shrine Clwb in the Milano Murphy. Eoyer, (News Photos) The delegates wi!3 conduct written by judicial delegates. 'Club.

Allen View Children's Multi-Units

Third Week Of Trouble

Four More At Kent State Charged In Campus Fight

fit For* Shawnee

Rezoning Request 1 Jispirmps ossiDiiiiy


Mayor Defends Record, Glides Critics

Sewer Foes Post '$50 Appeal Bonds

Senior High Boys Attend Y Program o



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