Case Study On Barriers To Communication - Foreigner's Trip

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Case Study: Foreigners Trip Rin, why dont you give me some super white ideas?

asked Ashok, HR Executive. Super white or black idea, dont call me Rin. I am Rinee and call me that way. How many times I have to tell you? About three months ago, Rinee had joined as Executive Assistant to the Director. MBA from Stanford University, she was on her Rotation Management Training Programme (RMTP). Her current company belonged to SME and an employee of that standing was prized catch for them. Oh name? Does it matter? Finally what matters are ideas By the way what is that you want from me? Those phirangis, need to be taken to somewhere for outing. Why dont you suggest some better place? Ashok was referring to a delegation of foreign clients. They were in India for the project review and they were to remain there for next fortnight. Simple. 15th August, Independence Day, is on Friday. So our weekend is for three days. Why dont you organise their trip to Mysore/Ooty on these days? Oh great! I was thinking of the same place but linking it to ID day is a great idea. Anyway, you always think of holidays. Such ideas can occur to you only. I dont know whether you are salt of the earth but certainly, you are the salt of the company And you always about work! Anyway yours was great idea. Now itself I will obtain the approval from the Director said Ashok and left for the Directors cabin. After some time Ashok returned from Directors cabin. Look Rinee, Director has told you to arrange their holidays for 3 days on 15th, 16th and 17th August. I have obtained Directors approval. He has given verbal sanction to me and I will send a mail to you. That means finally it has come on my head. Hereafter I will never suggest you anything. On 15th August ***

Hi Rinee, have the foreigners delegation reached Mysore? Are you in touch with them? Have you received any news from them? queried Ashok. I dont have to receive any news from them but I can tell you about them? Rinee replied.

What you mean by I dont have to receive any news from them but I can tell you about them? asked perplexed Ashok. Simple. I know about them because I am with them. I am with them, what you mean by that? By the way why you were needed to be with them? I needed to be with them because when I arranged this trip for those foreigners, they told me to accompany. They wanted some local person to accompany them. Since they requested, I obliged them. But then you were not to go with them said Ashok and hung up curtly. *** On 18th August morning Ashok called Rinee in his office and expressed his surprise over Rinees visit Mysore/Ooty I had told you to do travel and accommodation arrangement but I never thought that like a bird you too will fly with them. But Ashok, when you wrote mail to me for arranging the trip of those foreigners, you had not mentioned that I should not accompany them. Moreover, I have managed it within the budget that you had mentioned. Then what is the problem? Rinee was expressing her frustration my visit was during weekend. What I do during weekend is purely my business. It is really surprising that you are calling in question my integrity. If I had not written that you should not accompany those foreign dignitaries, but then neither I had written that you can accompany them. I discovered by chance that you were accompanying them. Why you did not tell to me that earlier? This is suppression of material facts! You knew on which side of the bread was buttered and cleverly you are passing off your usurpation as your integrity? continued Ashok, You have enjoyed the trip at companys expenses. For this misconduct, I need to issue you show cause notice. I did not tell you because I do not report to you. I was a big help to those foreign delegates. Now I need to raise a complaint against you. Disgusting! What kind of hell I am in? These things would never happen in my previous company. The heated exchange continued for some time and Rinee left with complete determination to retaliate. *** On 19th August morning Manohar, Director of the company, resumed his office as usual. On checking his

schedule for the day, he opened his mail. When he was peeking over the subject heading of each mail, he startled to find one of the subjects heading as Draft of Show Cause Notice. He was about to open that mail thinking what must have been stored in it when his train of thoughts was interrupted because of Rinees sudden entry There are some important mails for you and one is from me too. From you? queried Manohar. Before Rinee could speak anything, he had rested his eyes on her mail with subject heading Grievance against HR. *** Read the above case study carefully and bring out the various issues involved in it.

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