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O/o the District Project Office SSA,
DIET-Mandi, Distt. Mandi (HP)

Dated: 26-09-2011 the Mandi (HP)

The State Project Director (SSA)
Himachal Pradesh Shimla-5.

Subject: - Material of JBT Course (Educational Planning & Management.


As per the letter no. HPPES (SSA) HO-2010-JBT office of the Mission Director HP
Primary Education Society DPEP BHAWAN LAL-PANI SHIMA-1 dated: may, 2011. The reference material of
Educational Planning & Management unit no. 1-IV is hereby submitted afterr the adjustment of material.

District Project Officer
Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan
DIET Mandi District Mandi (HP)

Educational planning and management
Ist year
Unit-1 school organization and and management.
* School organization and management meaning. Need objectives and scope of organization and school
management. Principles of school management.
* Institutional management school standards institutional planning meaning, characteristics, importance and steps
for the formulation of a plan.
* School mapping and micro planning
* School development plan.
* Meaning and types of learning resources.
* meaning characteristics of a well organized school (school effectiveness) school plant- its importance,
characteristics, maintenance and principles of school construction.
* School management committee its organization and its functions.
* School time table need and importance, types, home work and principles of time table construction.
* School library concept aims and objectives, oragnisation and maintenance uses and functions of library.
1. Reference R. A. Sharma. School management R.lal depot, merut near Govt. inter college merut -25000
2. J.S walia foundation of school administration and organisation. paul publishers N.N.II Gopal alagar jallandher
city (Rajat)
3. Dr. Rakes Bhalti elementary education and the role of the teacher school management laxmi food depot hansi
Gate Bhiwani Hariyana.
4. J.S. walia school management and pedagogies of education Aham lal publishers N.N. II Gopal nager Jallandhar
city (Panjab) compiled by Roop lal sharma DIET Mandi
5. Dr. Balbir sharma Principles and problems in elementary education published Bidhy duit C/O Dr. R.K. sharma
M-16 Housing Board Colloney Nahan, Distt. Sirmour (H.P)
Learning, learner and teaching
Learning concept and nature
* Learning, knowledge and skills different ways of teaching.
* Meaning of teaching and its relationship with teaching and learner.
* Socialization and learning understanding influences and factors that shape learner identity.
* Learner's in context situating learner in social political and cultural context.
* Teaching learning material (TLM)
* Bala features.
Unit 3
Co-scholastic Activities.
* Meaning and importance of co-shoholastic activities
* Type of co-scholastic activities.
* Principles of organization of co-scholastic activities
* Problems in organizing co-scholastic activates.
* Discipline Meaning and importance of discipline.
* Techniques of discipline.
* organization of morning assembly.
* Exposure uisits
* Bal Mela
* Science fair.
Ref-: Dr Rakesh Bhatti Elementary education and the role of the teacher school management laxmi food Depot.
Hansi Gate Bhimani.

unit 4
* Professional ethics and education Code. Professional ethics for teachers meaning, characteristics, Responsibilities
of teachers in teaching profession ethical cods in teaching profession ethical code for teachers, core of conduct for
teachers obligations for teachers and education code and its application.
* Commitment of the teaching profession.
* Professional commitment or accountability, meaning, characteristics, its opponents, types of accountability and
assessment of accountability.
* Work ethics and qualities of a good teacher and head
* Mutual respect respect for community, administration and colleagues.
* Heads administrative leadership, team, pedagogical leadership, leadership for change in management.
* Leaue rules.
Ref-: Dr. Rakes Bhatti elementary education and role of the teacher (School management) laxmi food Depot
Unit 1
1. Prepare a School Map of your locality.
2. Prepare a time table for single teacher double teacher.
3. Sitting arrangement for multi grade teaching.
4. Specify a general outline of school development plan.
Unit II Prepare TLM for five lessons of 5th class of any subject.
unit III 1 Prepare a Report on any of the following topics Bal Mele, Science fair and exposure visits.
2. Develop a checklist to check cleanliness and leadership geniality among students.
3. Preparation of Report cards and Result cards. Maintenance of attendance register.
Educational Planning and management

Ist year

Unit1- School organization and Management.
School organization and school management- Meaning need objectives and scope of organization and school
management. Principles of school management.
Institutional management school standards institutional planning meaning , characteristics, Importance and
steps for the formulation of a plan.
School Mapping and Miro planning
School development plan.
Meaning and types of learning Resources.
Meaning characteristics of well organized school (School effectiveness) school plant its importance
characteristics, maintenance, and principles of school construction.
School management committee its organization its function.
School time table need importance types home work and principles of time construction.
School Library concept, Aims objectives, organization maintenance, use and functions of library.

inor= = c q n n=r
=m = mr s=r =m = vr-c rr +rrrrr m vr-c +== = i=r r io=mr s=r == a=
s=rr a sr=r= m=r( =m = n ==rr or =+rr er inr im=r +r c+rrn m qm r ea m r qm r
s=rm = ivrrr r m=a ( sr= s= ivrrr m r=r n ==ro = se ri=m ivrrrinc sr =
crvr rm na ( = ==n=r = invr rrr m inr= = mr=
(. =rn mr inr=, =m= qm ==ro or =r inm=ra r ar ("
,. sr crn m s =r=, =m= ==ro = n nmr mr ivrira m= m i=q qm =r=riom
=rr o ==r riq("
s. n=s== m s=r=, =m = qm q =r inivrrc nrarn=r or nr iea = =rrsr = n
m inmr= mr === =r ==r mr iiva orn q n iiva mr= mr imr a=rr n=r
cr im ora ("
=m = = c mr s=r (meaning of school organization)
c mr s=r =ica = ==rr, mr ini=r a rr r mr n=r ( =mr ==n=r i=rm=r mr
imr, n=asr a=rr = rr m n=r a=rr mr = in=rrsr = ( == +rr iam n=asr mr c, = rr
mr c sr= inr =r a=rr i=rar mr c imr orar (
q==n r m s=r=, =m = =c ivrrr i=ra mr vrr=im si+rina ("
=crz = qm q =r si+rm=r narr , io=m r=r = nr iea sc v mr ra m=a ("
o u zru = m s =r=, =r=r sz vr mr ria m i=q - m =rnr = ==rr mr r = c mr
orar ("
=m = = c mr srnmar a=rr s=m scc ( e==m cm ==nos= ni nrnn= na c onc )
(. =m = =c mr sz v ivrrr invr rrr r=r i=rr i=a ivrrr sc c vr mr ria m=r (
,. =m = imrsr = ar=== m=r =m = c =m= mr ini+r im rsr sr= m r m =r = ar== =
==rria m=ar (
s. =m = = c =rnr sr= +rr iam =r=rr mr n==rr m=ar sr= inor= mr m ===rsr
mr ==r=rr m=ar (
=. =m = =c nr m i=q sia vr irm nrarn=r mr i=r r m=ar (
. =m = = c ==ro = nc=ar i=i==riar m s m= rr-=mar s ==rr a=rr s nar
im rsr mr srro m=ar (
=m = = c q n vrr= m a-n ( mr r ) (Elements or scope of school organization )
1- r or nrr (Planning)
2- noc nrr (Budgeting)
3- c m=r (Organizing)
4- src vr cr m=r (Providing instruction)
5- ic vr m=r Directing)
6- ir m=r (Controlling)
7- ar=== m=r (Co-ordinating)
8- i=mrz ==rr (Maintaining Records)
9- = =rm m=r (Evalualing)

inor= n=r (School management)
s or +rrrrr m z c= vr-c mr rc +rrn rr +rrrrr m z cm a= r z cn vr-c = sr ( io=mr
s=r r cm== m=r (==+rr=r r n=r) nns a= m=r ( = vr-c mr c c= sc=s=co =
i=r r ( n=r n imr io== s=-=r =r=rr mr r m=a q s =r mr sr= nar
r ar ( == s=-=r =r=rr (=rnr a=rr +rr iam) mr =r a=rr m vr=ar n m r imr orar (
r u =r io n=r mr om mr orar m s =r=, n=r m= = si+r r =r=rr mr =ra,
ir o, = c, src vr, ==n a=rr ir m= = (" To manage is to factors cost to plan to
organize, to command to co ordinate and to control.
o u = zr m s =r=, n=r ror nr sr = s=m mrr n mr mr - m mr= mr n=r
qm scc v r imr (" Management is the task of planning and exciting. Every management is the
goal oriented process."
=rn c s=nr = m s =r=, n=r r n=r mr nr ==r a=rr s= nr mr mr io== ina
s =r mr m vr=ar q n +rrnvrr=r a = ra m= =m (" Management is the work of creating and
maintaining environments in which people can achieve their goals efficiently.
= a= n=r qm rm imr io=m s a iro =c vrr= ic vr a=rr ir
sric mr r a (
invr rrarq
1- n=r =rar= = nr=r imr or im=r mr mr c ==r = sm -r r=r ==ar n m
=r m=nr = =cc m=ar (
2- qm in=a a sn=rr=rr ( =mr o==a m n= rri=m mrr m i=q r r z ar ni=m
=rnr ==ro m c == mrr o = =r= , ivrrr sric m i=q +rr zar (
3- mr m=nr mr m=r sr= inr cr r (
4- n=r qm =or-=m vrina ( = c = s=i-=rr m i=q rnar mr narnr c ar (
5- n=r = =rnr a=rr +rr iam =r ar = ==n ==rria m= mr imr (
6- =rnr inmr= mr iur (
ivrrr n=r mr s=r q n i=+rrrrr (z= ccq m=iconc ni =mn onc = z c=s=co
vr irm n=r qm invr rr imr ( =rn == a=rr = ==rrsr m = r= m i=q s=rr a inor= m
mi= r a=rr inor=r = ==rr m = r= m i=q vr irm n=r mr r r s-a srnvm ( sor a=rr
rr= m r = n==rr mr imr n=r m=rar ( ar irrr m r = iur rr=
m=rar ( cr r mr ==rr=rr mr orar (
sr =rn= vr =z m vr-cr = n=r, sor (inor= a=rr ivrrr) mr n orn crir vrina or
=c mr vrina c ar , = ri=a m=ar q n i ia m=ar ("
q==n r m s=r=, =m = n=r ivrrr i=ra vrr=im si+rina ("
The management of a school is the administrative expression of educational theory.- Elsbree
ivrrr i=ra ivrrr n=r mr sr = s== m=ar sr= ivrrr n=r ivrrr vrr= mr sr = s==
m=ar ( n=r qm ror =mr s-ia vrr= mr mr ( n=r vrr= m r=r srr ioa sr=
mr rina imr orar == i= imrq mr orar (
( r or (=ccc , n=r m=r (management) s =cr mr n=r (taffing) c vr (directing)
ar=== m=r (coordinating) i=r c m=r (reporting) noc nrr (budgeting )
=m = n=r mr invr rrar
=m= n=r qm scc v=m imr (
=aa imr (
. qm =rnr a=rr =r=riom imr (
=m= n=r qm nri=m a=rr =rn +rr i=m imr (
=m= n=r vr irm im r mr iavrr= q n orncrm a-n (
==nmr=r ==r=r (
=r=riom inr s=rnr m=r crr (
qm sc v mr vr= (
== =r= im =+rriar m sr=rr= = =r mr ria mr orar (
n=r mr cri-n mr= m=nrr (
ivrrr n=r mr r
n=r m r mr nr m=a q =r ir = mr , n=r qm =rn +rr i=m inr or
nrir=, sor, =roria, =r=, r o m=rr =+rr = ==r =r = =r r ar ("
vr irm n=r qm rm imr == c vr mr srnvmar, ==r=r =rn vrina a=rr ir o sric
iia (
=m ini+r r r = s-rcm n=r, inia n=r, inmr= n=r, ina=r n=r, i=n n=r,
= ==rr n=r, = nr ==n=rr n=r sr= mr r=r n=r vrri== (
n=r m rrcm Factors of management
( iro , vrr= s = c = ic vr sr = ir(
=m = n=r m =r ma rim i=ra Democratic principles of School Management
+rr=a = =r marim rr=r io=m i=q o==r =r r mr srcar , c ircmr rr a=rr ri=im rr mr
= mr= inmr= imr orq io== n =r marim ri=mar mr io==cri=r mr ser a= = i+rrq (
=i=q v rirm n=rmr mr =r marim i=rar m sr=rr= = vr irm n=r m=r riq (

inor= n=r m =r marim i=ra = a= =
1- =r marim cvr mr i=ra =m = m == n=r m i=q =r marim cvr = cr =r
a=rr =r=r m s=r= imrn r r riq(
2- ==rar mr i=ra =r ma = mr im=r m s=rr==r r =rr orar ( =+rr mr =r=rr,
=m=r sr = =+rrr =rr orar ( =+rr mr == mr =c= =rr orar ( a=rr =n= ==r
nr= imr orar (
3- =naar mr i=ra= i=rr m r=r s=rmr = mr ian=r r =rr orar( s=rm mr
s mrr mr =r m= mr =r =r =naar r ar (
4- cri-n m n cnr= mr i=ra =r ma = = i=rr cri-n n vrinar s =mi=r mr +rr
cr m=ar ( m e io== nri=r err mr +rr cr orar (
5- r mr i=ra =r ma rim n=r a+rr == r ar on =nm m =r=r qm ==r nr=
imr orar ( a=rr =nm =r=r r r sr= im=r m =r=r rra r nr= imr orq(
6- =r mr i=ra =m = qm mr= mr =mr=r ===rr or - m mr m i=q qm c==
m =r mr srnvmar r ar ( nr m vr irm inmr= m i=q s=rmr , =rariar,
si+r+rrnmr n =cr m =+rr =c=r mr =r srnvm (
7- n inam r =ar mr i=ra = i=rr mr s =mi= r = smr ninam r =ar m s =r=
mr = r r ar ( or ina io= mr m i=q =r= s== nr mr i=r or or mr
ser sr = a=a r ar (
8- ==n mr i=ra inor= n=r mr ==ar n=r = ==n m == +rr i+r = m=ar (
9- =r= mr i=ra=m = n=r = =r=r r r riq( ivrrr ria = i=n a sr=
c ircmrr = i=na m i=q =c n ar= =r riq(
10- =cr mr n irmr ia mr i=ra n=r mr ==ar m i=q n=rmr mr =cr mr ia mr
= iiva nrr riq(

= ==rr r or (Institutional planning )
= ==rr r or mr s=r (z= cc ni or= c ooonc = = ccc orn m = r = ror
mr =-n ( r sri=r m r r , ==r r, sr or im r r r ivrrr mr r r ( - m r =
= r= =r = inmr= m= m i=q r or nr o==r ( inor=r = s=rm sr = =rrr=rm s
s=-=r =r=rr m sr=rr= = = nrr m i=q r or nra ( io== == =r=rr mr i=r r=r, rcm =
mr in+rro, =r=r im rsr m srr o sric = ==ni=ra r or nr orar ( ru
(ecs = = ==rr ror = srr ioa qm = i=r= = mr =rr im im=r ivrrr = ==rr r=r sr ==+r a
srnvmarsr sr = ra =r=rr r -rira =r=rr m sr=rr= = =m= mr m = mr inmi=a m= m
i=q nrr r inmr= mr m = s= = ==rr mr r or ( =m = sr = == cr = ra =r=rr mr
si=rma= sr iar m i=ra = sr=rri=a r ar ( ror ==nr sni=r m i=q +rr r =mar
sr = m= sni=r m i=q +rr(
= a= = =m= m inmr= m i=q s=-=r r -rivra =r=rr m sr=rr= = a r= mr ror
= ==rr r or (
= ==rr r or m = = r o .r. rm m s =r= = ==rr r or mr mr r = a= = (
1. =m = =rc mr ==rr=
i. inori=r r mr c r =r c , cr= mr +rr o, nic r, = izm= =rar, =am n m sric mr = in=rrq
cr m=r(
ii. =m = = =amr=, nr r=, r vrr=r, ivrrr =rm =r=r, = izr , sric mr n a= n==rr
iii. =m = +rn mr c =r+rr=, =n iem ~=, =r sric(
iv. =m = = si=rm ==rr mr n==rr (
,. ivrrr = ==rr=
i. i=rira s= a=rr inivrrc ivrrr = in=rrq
ii. =nc vrr a=rr inc vrr s=rmr mr sr= r
iii. s=rm inmr= mr m =r mr n==rr o = = nrmi=m ivrrr, nrrm a mr = , rr=mr=r =m=
s. inori=r r m i=q rc =r=r im rq
i. ==ro= nr ro nc
ii. =r=crim ro ncr = +rr = m= mr s +rn ra m=r(
iii. urz rq a=rr =r = (
iv. nr = nr iaini=rr
=. =m = m i=q =r=crim mr m =
i. =rrr=ar mr m =(
ii. ra ivrrr m mr m =
iii. nr = nr iaini=rr (

= ==rr r or nra == i=i=i=ra r r mr vrri== imr or =mar (
vr rirm mr m = vr rirm mr m =r mr r or nr = rc m = = n i, =rrr rr=r = = =rr=,
s a=rr sn=r=r mr =r mr sric vrri== m=a (
rc =rm im rsr mr r
(. rc =r=r im rsr = +rr = mr nr mr r-=ria
r=r r =+rr m mr m =r m i=q r -=ria m=r, vrr=ri=m ivrrr m mr m =r mr srr o m=r (
s. vrr=im r == i=rrr m= ri=r m ==n=rr a=rr = i=rr n s =c=r = ==rr= =
==ni=ra r or ar= mr orar (
=. =m = = nr ==n=rr r =rr , r m rr mr s=-=rar a=rr iim-=r = in=rr ==n=rr r orq
a r= m=r( ,
. s vrr= =m = = +rrr, r=r sric cr srcar mr e znr a=rr =r mar-=m c = ==ni=ra
mr m=r mr srr o m=r(
s=rmr mr n=rim inmr= s=rmr m = nrmri= ivrrrr m i=q nrrm=r mr rrr mr
n==rr m=r(
=m = ==cr ==n=r =r= crim =r=rr mr inor= m i=q r m=r n ==cr m =c=r m
=r=r ==n=r =on a m=r(
= ==rr r or mr invr rrarq
(. = ==rr ror inor= mr srnvmar s=r= nr orar (
,. == inor= = s=-=r =r=rr mr ~ ca= sr imr orar (
s. = ==rr = m i;a rar (
=. =rr-=m imr ( or inor= a=rr ==cr m =+rr =c=r r=r a r= mr orar (
. - m = ==rr mr r or s=-=r =r=rr a=rr smr srnvmar s =r= r ar ( = mr= - m
= ==rr mr r or inivrrc r ar (
c. = ==rr ror nr=ainm r m =r=r, nri=m +rr r ar (
. = ==rr ror na =r srnvmarsr m =r=r, +rin mr srnmarsr mr +rr ia m=ar (
s. = ==rr ror s=mri=m n crrr mri=m r ar io== inor= mr ==rr= n inmr= imr orar (
e. = ==rr r or = =r mar im imr mr srr orar ( = ==rr r or m sr=rr= = io=r =a= mr
r or a r= mr orar (
(u.= ==rr r or = =r=r rr orar s=rr a ==, = srnvmar s =r= i=na +rr imr or
=mar (
= ==rr r or m =
1. = ==rr mr = =rr= m=r(
2. = ==rr = = in=rrq o crr(
3. s=-=r =r=rr mr si=rma= sr m=r(
4. inori=r r , s=rmr , =cr a=rr == cr m nr ==n=r =ca m=r(
5. rc =rm im rsr = ==rr= m=r(
6. s=rmr = =r-=mar mr inmr= m=r(
7. ivrrr r or mr caar cr m=r(

= ==rra ror mr im r
= ==rr r or mr a r= m= m i=q i=i=i=ra sn==rrsr = r m= o=r zar (
1. inor= mr srnvmarsr mr inv= rrr m=r
=n =r= inor= mr na =r srnvmarsr mr inv=rrr imr orar ( or mr
mr ivrvr mr orar im im =r=rr n = in=rrsr mr o==a (
2. .=r=rr mr =n rr
srnvmarsr mr or m= m nrc =r=rr mr r r r r srnvm ( m =n rr
m r = sia i a = =rar ra r ar ( io== = ==rr r or m i=r r = =cc
ra r ar (
3. = =rr=r-=m mr u=r mr a r=r
=rr=rr m =n rr m vra = =rr=r-=m mr m=r mr = r a r= mr orar a=rr in=a a
-r = ar= imq ora ( = =rr=r-=m mr m=r mr sor= c m i=q n a =r= ro nc
a r= im ora a=rr im r-=m s = =rr im ora ( r o nc +rni=r r,ivrrr
sm=rr ,nrim inrrr =amr=r sric = ==ni=ra r a (
=. r o nc mr mrr n
= =rr=r-=m mr m =r mr ar= m= m vra r o nc m mrr n mr mr sr==+r
imr orar (
. r o nc mr = =r m
srnvmarsr a=rr =r=rr m =c+r = mr m = mr ==r m mr = =r m imr orar
a=rr or mr orar im nr r or == =r r r (ic r or == r ar ar
i=r a nrq ora sr= ic r or s== = ar cr rrr mr c= imr orar (
= ==rr r or mr srnvmar q n =-n
1. inor= mr na=r sr = = =rr= inorr= = vr irm mr m=r m ==rr= m i=q = ==rr ror m
i=r r mr n a o==a (
2. ivrrr r or mr =r icvrr ic vr c m i=q sr=ar= = rorq s=r =a= = ar= r ar
a=rr inor= =a= = mr rina r ar ( = ==rr r or inor= =a= = a r= m=m s=r =a=
mr r or mr icvrr cr m=ar (
3. s=-=r =r=rr mr =nr r= sr = ==rr r or = =r=rr m s m n= =r=rr mr ~rc
sr r ar (
4. =rrc r inmr= = =-n r or m im rn = =r=rr mr =r =a =r= r ar ( =rnr
=r=rr mr inmr= r ar io== =rrc r inmr= = = ==rr r or mr invr rr c =ar (
5. sr=r ar=== n =r mr inmr= = ==rr ror qm =r= im ror io== inor= n
==cr m =rr = ar=== n qm c== m =r m r=r =r mr ra imr orar (
io== =r mr +rrnr mr inmr= r ar (
6. = ==rr ror s=rmr = =r-=m rina mr inmr= m=ar a=rr =r marim rr mr inmr=
+rr m=ar (
= ==rr ror = s=rm mr +r i=mr = ==rr r or = s=rm r=r srnvmarsr mr rr orar
, =r=rr mr =n rr imr orar , = =rr=r-=m mr m =r mr ar= imr orar , a=rr r o ncr mr
mrr n m= smr = =r m imr orar (

Concept of school mapping and micro planning
School Mapping
+rr=a = r=ri=m ivrrr mr n==rr ==mr= r=r mr orar ( ==mr= i=rr i=a m=ar
im mr =r vr irm = in=rrq mr = cr m=r ( = im c =rr r im m e r r = c ==
r r mr s rr n a =r=r = in=rrq cr mr ( io== vr irm = in=rrsr m sr=rr= = r r
s= a= cr r r ( =m = = i = a= m s= a= mr c= m= mr qm sinr ir ioa
sm=r ( =m = = i m r=r m==a (==an =) mr orar im inor= mr =rr =r (
i=r mr =r = ==rm= =m= = i amrm m r=r inor= =rr= r nr mr vr irm = in=rrsr =
=r+rrina m= m i=q n mi=m n==rr mr orar ( =m = = i mr sc c v vr irm = in=rrsr m
s==r ina=r mr c= m= =nm i=q ==r vr irm sn== cr m=r ( amrm ivrrr m =+rr
=a=r = =a =r= r ar (
=m = = i mr mr rini=r = i=r mr =rcrm=r, na =r vr irm = in=rrsr mr icr m=r, +rinr m
i=q o= =r mr ro nc m=r, =m = m ==rr mr ir = r, =+rr ivrrr = ==rrsr = = in=rrsr mr
s =r =rr a=rr sinr inir = =r=rr mr s=r =rr vrri== ( =m== i mr =n= =r
mr qm mr mr rn m=r ( =m i=q m n= qm r n r i=rvr mr r r r orar ni=m
r n mr =m= r -=r m +rr i=r or =mar ( c ==r mr q r = vr irm = in=rrsr mr or
m=r ( - imr orar im s= r = vr irm rr=r = nr inmr= sr r mi=r
nr, =r (
vr irm cvrr m sr= m i=q n a =r= sr mzr mr mc cr m= mr srnvmar r ar (
sr mz o= =r, =rr=ar, s=rmr ,+rn cia oanoa= sric = ==ni=ra r a ( c(= sr=
(((= nrr m nr = ==ni=ra vr irm sr mz , io= =rrr=ar c=, =can===s=co - on q -=oonc
- o= cm nanno - o= = ==ni=ra sr mzr mr o==a zar ( s=rmr mr na =r i==ria, ivrrr,
s +rn, ivrrr a=rr i= = ==ni=ra sr mzr mr o==a zar ( inor= +rn mr i==ria, m==r mr
= =r +rn mr mr= n = in=rrq o = vr=c c, rr, ino=r, =r= mr = cr a=rr vrr m i=q n==rr
sric = ==ni=ra sr mz r mr srnvmar r ar (
s=r =r inor= = cri=r= imq or nr= nr mr = =r mr s =r =rr ( s=r
inor= m m = c r m sr=rr= = =rr orar ( o= =r mr r o nc imr orar ( io=m i=q
n i c= sr= sr riam ini=rr mr =r=rr=rar r imr orar ( q =m= =rr = , = = =m =r
mr =a=r a m= a=rr s=rmr mr = =r mr s=r =r m i=q =can=s=co an==nonc
o==r ( = im invn=r an==nonc m i=q n a =r=r ormri=r mr o==a r ar ( =m i=q
(ans onc mr =r=r i=r orar ( s= =r = i=r , =rrr sr = m = c r mr i=r
imr orar ( +rr=a = suu r si=rm mr o= =r = r=ri=m rcvrr=r =rr =r orar ( c= c=ro n
iez r r = ,u r == si=rm = inor= =rr=r orar ( =r mr= (esc mr ivrrr ria m
s=r= m= = m= cr s=rm r=ri=m rcvrr=r = i na imq ora ( =r mr= inor= mr
m = c r i=rvrr mr = =r sr= smr inor= = c =r r=r i=rr i=a rar ( r n n i=rvrr mr
=m = = c=r nr = =rr orar io rr=r = n inor= sra ( c=r m sr=rr= = inor= mr
sr=rr = ==rrr mr or =mar ( io=m i=q i=r sr = s=-=r = =r=rr mr sr=rr= =rr orar (
c=r sr= ==r=r =m= =rr = m i=q sr=rr= r a ( =r a= = inor= m i=q siai=na
cia oanoa= i n=o= sr = ivrrr si=r= =r= r inor= m i=q =r=rc mr ir +rr i=r
or =mar (
= = ror (Micro Planning)
=n= i= =a= m iro mr == ror mr ( +rr=ar = c+r = = = ror mr s=r r n r
i=rrr =a= = =r r or = i=r orar ( ic ivrrr = = = r or mr inmi=a m= mr
mr ivrr mr orar ar = qm vr irm = ==rr mr m c =r m= s=m r=r sr= m r mr qm mr
=ra ( mr inor= r =mr n mi=m = r =mar ( or = = = =r r r io= im=r
r n r i=rr = =rr = mr r or r (
= = ror m scc v Objectives of the Micro Level planning)
1. ==rrr ==cr mr r=rr =a= mr ror i=r r m i=q i=a m=r(
2. inor=r mr si=rm iurvrr= nr m i=q inor=r sr = s=rmr mr =rar cr m=r
3. ==rrr =a= m c = (= nrr mr sr m =+rr nr mr =m = = n vr = iiva m=r(
4. = = ror mr qm nr= mr or nr=r m==a m = = r c =rr riq( =rar=
= nr=r im r ( = ==rrr =a= = r s =a= = a r= mr r orsr mr =r
m= sr= s imr-=m = cr m= mr imr ( == r or qm inivrrc r or m
=r mr ra m= m i=q s=m imr-=m inn=rr = m ic a r ar ( == r or
==rrr =r r r=r nr orar ( io== i= vr m sr= or mr mr ivrvr mr orar (
inor= mr m = =rcr = =rcr ==cr = sr=rri=a imr or ==cr m ia inor=
mr ianar mr m = = iiva imr orq
= = ror i=r r m c Steps involved in developmant of micro planinig
1. r n mr ==r cm=a o cmc or= s=== =r =r == s ===rsr
mr orr orar iomr r n = =r=r m=r z ar ( = ===rsr mr == m= sr
mr =rria nr orar (
2. r n mr nvrr a r= m=r a= a onc ni s=== s r n = na =r=r vr irm
s = in=rrq s=-=r r =mar ( =nmr qm =ri r=r cvrr r orr riq arim
c =r =r = r mr ormr=r s=-=r r orq( =m i=q sr= = inr= in=vr +rr
imr or =mar (
3. inr r= rm n z r srsc nr mr r m=coi nonc ni cnc =can===m cm
manno nr=ma=c =n rr r=r s nr mr ormr=r ra r ar io r=r ima
m=r r ar , io =m= = nrq ==rr r ar r zrsrsc r ora (
4. r=rr ivrrr iomr c== = =mn onc a= o=a = =n rr r=r a r= imr
orar io== s ==rr mr =r ar= = civra imr orar or s nr mr
inor= r +r oa ( == s =r nr mr aa a=rr s nr mr inor= +r o m i=q
a r= m= = sr=rr =ar or nr mr =m= r +r oa (
5. inor= = = in=rrsr mr s =r =rr ( = s=co ni i n=o= c nrnn= ic r n =
inor= ar s=r mr s== = in=rrsr mr or m=r ( a=rr s=r =rr orar
im nr inor= = nr m i=q srnvm = in=rrq =roc ( o= ic r=r m na ar ar
nr n c mr sia n==rr
6. r=rr ivrrr r or mr a r= m=r a= a onc ni s=== =mnonc =c.=
= in=rrsr mr s =r =r m vra vr irm ===rsr mr =r = ==r m= inor= r
r=rr =a= mr r or ar= mr orar ( r n mr ini+r iaini=rr mr r m=
==rrr =a= = s=-=r = =r=rr m =nr r= sr m r=r == ror m i=rr = =cc
i==ar (
r or i=r r m i=q sr mzr mr srnvmar r or a r= m= m i=q =r srmzr mr srnvmar
r ar ( qm m= m i=q mcn =na = m=r z ar ( io=m i= =r r a (
1. r mr r m=coin onc ni a=
2. r=ri=mar c r =nn on = s=c
3. r = ==ni=ra ===r an==s ni or= a=
vr irm s rmzr mr = r m mr= Types of information in educational data.
1. Time series cross sectional data.
2. Quantative and qualitilive data.
3. Macro level and micro level data.
4. Formal/ non formal/ adult Education.
5. Primary Education/ upper primary edu.
6. Information from unrecognised school.

inor= inmr= r or
inor= inmr= r or
i=r= c vr =rn +rr i=m r= i+rm irrr mr = ri== m= mr icrr = =or = s== ( = icrr
= irrr m inm c rm=r = inr rr n= icr r ( =m i=q io=r =a= invr rm= =m= =a= =
srnvmar m s =r irrr m ir oa q n n=r mr inm ;rm=r imr r ( =n irrr si+rr mr
r =sra = r c r = ini+r =a=r = ir o qn n=r r=arsr = = =rr= mr srnmar == =
( =m = inmr= r or = iia = = = i= mr= = (
=m = inmr= r or = =m= inmr= = o z = = mr ==rn vr =ar (
= = =
=m = mr iar=
=m = = s=-=r ==r-=m arr
mrrnr= er r=r m
sr nr= o= =r sr mz
irrr m qm =a= = c== = =a=r ia
z r srsc err mr mrrnr= -r=r
mrrnr= =rn ia
in r r srnmarsr nr= nr mr r
i=r r mr
=m = mr =rr-=m qn rr-=m s=i-=rr
s=i-=rr qn micrr mr r
=m = inmr= a = i=rr=r
sr ai=m =rrci= qn = =r m
=-n m s =r =m = inmr= mrr mr r=ri=mar a m=r
= ria a io== cr=r a m=r
- m r=ri=mar a = =r=r o crr
i= a= =rrci= i=rrr q n = =r m
=m = mr = ira iar=
- m =m = mr sr = ira iar= ar= m=r r ar io== =m= mr ==rrr nrr =m =
mr i==ria =m =, mr =zm = c=r ==rrr m n r = =m = = n r r nr= nr mr = =r
a=rr s= == =m=r = mrr mrr mr s=-=rar = n=rr ormr=r cr orar (
=m = = s=-=r a rra = in=rrq
na =r = =m= = s=rmr mr = =r, +rn mr i==ria a=rr ima nr mr srnmarsr mr
=r m= =r =n =rr ormr=r, nr =m= rr s z sr
=m = m i=q m e =nrm a c s= = +r= q a=rr i=na cr mr = =r
= ==rr = =r r=r =n irrr si+rr s=rnr s vr irm mr m = m aa irira qn
s irira s=rmr mr -r =r ==rr orqr(
mrrnr= er r=r m io== =r=r . s = ia oria . s = ia o oria . m = er
a=rr errsr mr r=r m co imr orqr(
sr nr= o= =r sr mz r= irrr iomr n orr m s =r= icq orq (
r=ri=m .s r=ri=m =a= = mrrnr= =rn ia
== n er errq rri== r or qm mrr r =a= inr r mr =rn ia srr=r n r = +rr
m=a (
invr r srnvmarsr nr= nr mr r
- m =m= mr =n rr m= inr r srnmarsr nr= nr mr iia m=r ( er errsr
mr mrrnr= -r =r a=rr s icq q =rm r mr ormr=r +rr c r r ar (

r=ri=m s r=ri=m =a= = err errsr mr mrrnr= cr ia mr -r =r
=m = or nr= =r=r n a=rr invr r srnmarsr nr= n =n rr s=rnr r= ivrrr
iomr = s=-=r sr mzr m s =r= =m= or nr= =r=r a=rr inr r srnvmarsr nr=
nr mr iia imr orar ((
i=r r mr
=m = = =n irrr si+rr m aa siai=na mrr mrr , rr r=r ,
o=, r=crnr=r, rcrr=rsr m i=r r mr na =r i==ria cr orar (
=m = mr s=i-=rr =rr-=m a=rr rr-=m
ina n r . n rr = =rr-=m s=i-=rr o =
rr=r m = n i
ar ra = in=rrsr = n i
=m = inmr= =r==r = ==rrr =r r mr +rrrcr=r
cr c nr= =cr mr s rcr
=m = mr ini+r iaini=rr a inrr i= a=rr sr iar
ir =m rc =am ra m= nr= r nr= err mr = =r
ini+r r orsr = inrr =r+r r nr= err mr ==r
=m = = =r a ===ria =r r mr = =r
sr ai=m ==rrr n cmr qn ==rrr =rr m =r=r n cmr m srr o mr srn ia
ina n r .n rr = rr-=m s=i-=rr
r nr, srcnr r= m= q nr mr = =r
=m = er z n a=rr cr nr=r s=r mrr = =rn ia m= nr= nr mr c= = m=r
err qn s=rmr = s i==raia m= m=r
q ~ rr = srrr err mr = =r
s qn i==r=ar m= m=r
ini+rr =rrrsr, =r c r ia+rr a=rr s iar r =rrrsr = ia err mr = =r
= r irm iaini=rr = =m= mr s=i-=rr
=m = = sr ser iaini=rr . nrr=
===rsr q n =z r mr r
- m =m = mr sr ===r q n inr r = z r a ( = m e r irm sr= m e =
r irm r ( iom i=q - m =m = mr s=s= =rria srr r ar arim ===r
mr ==r=rr ==nar m =r=r r =m(
=m = m inmr= m i=q = i=rr=r
= i=rr i=a imq inr im=r +rr =m = mr inmr= = +rn r ( i=rr i=a = ra m= m
i=q s na mr nrr mr srnmar r ar ( =m i=q = n i=ra =m = m s=rm s=rimrq
er errq si+r+rrnm q n ivrrr in+rr m si=rmr=r i== n c m= n a= =m = mr i=m=r
m= s= icrr = +rin mr ror m=a ( =m i=q o==r r ar im =+rr = or
im =r=r =m = na =r = im= i==ria =
= =m= mr m =r inmr= ra
= =m = inmr= m i=q mr mr = mr m= mr o==a
rcvrr=r mr na =r i==ria or m i=q =m= i=rc mrz inr r ar= = =rm r ar
n == == ic =+r =+rr inn=r crr q ora ( i=rr i=a =r mr =r m= mr
=rria m = =a cr = (
=rr-=m q n rr-=m =
=rr-=m =
1. = =r =r im=r =m= mr sr nr= n rr = nr mr r=r m narr (
=rria =m i=q =m= mr =rria rr im err mr nri=m sr = am =a
r c r, nr m s=i-=r =a= narr, mrr mr = =r=r =r=rr mr im r mr n a=
nrr, =m= i=== mr =r ==r=r ==rr, =m= inmr= = =rcr = =rcr =r r mr
+rrrcr= nrr -ric(
2. = im=r s =m = m i=q = sr = si=rm s=rmr mr +rar mr r
=mar ( =riia =m i=q irrr in+rr si=rmri=r = = m m= s=rnr =m = n=r
=i=ia r=r s=rmr m c +r= or =ma (
r c =m= m i=q =rr-=m =r mr i=rr =r =rr= +rn +rr iam =r= r qn inar
srnvmar m c i cca r r riq(
rr-=m =
= im=r =m = mr = nr mr =rn ia s=rnr =m = er z mr n ia mr m= m=r
=rria =m i=q ==ni=ra er m =rar iar = =rar= r m=r a=rr =m = =
s=rsi=r= im r m cr =r err mr sr =r micr mr iia m= srnvmar =r
c cr rr(
= =m= m err q n s=rmr = si==ria m= m= mr r or (
=rria =m i=q si+r+rrnmr qn nr mr ii=a =m = sr a i=a imr or =mar
( =rr s=rm qn s=rm qmo c r m= =m = = ==rr= =r = inr= in=vr m=(
=rr s=rm mr s=rmr m =r=r n a= ar=== n crm= mr m=r rr(
= ==rr r=r sr ai=m s ~nr q n = =r m im r mr srr o qm nr= = ==rr inr r
a = i=rr i=a m= = m nrc mr ria m i=q i=rn=r ar= mr orr riq
sr = = icrr = ia mr srm= srai= m s ~nr qn = =r m m oi= r imr or
=mar ( =m= m sc= s ~nr qn = =r m im r = ar- =r = =r=rm s=rnr
ni= c s=rm mr i r q n ii=rr r ni=m ==ni=ra = ina r=r s mr mr
=n or n =ric= m=r o==r ( - m =m = mr ia=r sr ir ioa iaini=rr
mr ==rrr a qm srai=m n cm = iiva m=r r ar ( +rrnr n =r q n =m= =
sia n==rr ==rria m= m i=q = ==rra r or -rr= m=r a=rr srai=m ==rrr
n cmr mr =m = =a= = srro s-a srnvm ( =m i=q = ==rr = =r n =m =
n =r =i=ia mr mr mri=rr mr ==, sr=rq c v imr orr +rr o==r ( arim =m=
=a= = ror q n vrr=im r=ar mr inmi=a imr or =m
=-n m sr=rr= = =m = inmr= a r=i=mar mr i=rr =r=m= = =r a r ra = =rr= r
=m = inmr= r r ar, =m = m i=q i=rri=a = mr ria a mr or =r ini+r
iaini=rr mr invr= vr +rr sinr ( inmr=sr-=m =r mr ria a inmr=rsr-=m
im rm=rr mr +rr r=ri=mar a m=r o==r (
r=ri=mar im=r =m = m i=q or nr mr =m = =r m i=q, mrr = ii=a si==ira
co m=r = =rar= s== =r ( r=ri=m = (
=rria = r=ri=m = mr ri== m= m i=q si+r+rrnmr qn err mr r -=ria
m= mr mr =m= mr r=ri=mar r r(
io== nr=r a m=r r=ri=marq i=rr i=a m= m nrc == nar m =r=r mr inr r
mr mr rn a ==ni=ra ina mr inaa io== nr=r =r r orr riq(
r=ri=mar s=r= = =r=r o crr =m = inmr= r or a r=ri=m im r m=r m
mr rn = ==r=rr mr +rr srnvmar r ar ( = =r inir ==r=r r r ni=m
=rnr q n +rr iam = =r=r +rr vrri== r a ( = = m e = =r=r =m = = r s=r-=r
r =ma onim m e si+r+rrnmr , ==rrr == cr s=rnr ivrrr in+rr = +rr s=rn=r +rr
r =ma (
=r rci= qn i=rr - m =m= inmr= ror m == mr rn m i=q s na qn
=r rci= n i=rrr mr inr r =rr ( - m r=ri=mar m i=q = i=rr i=a m= m
i=q r=ri=marq a m=, mr mr sor= c sr= ==r=r ocr m s=ra = ==rr m
i=q o==r r ar im n ir ioa iaini=rr m = rrci= q n = =r m m i=q s na
n==rr m= ( = mr m i=q =r =m= = =r r r sia =m = inmr= = o z =+rr
==ni=ra ina =m= n=r ==ria = m = qn =rz =a= m =r a ina a=rr inr r +rr
m e = sr mr = rici= = =rm r =ma ( s== =ri im = rrci=
imr mr sc c v =r icr imr=r r ni=m ( n=im =m = mr iaini=rr = ==rr=
=rr riq( - m ia=rr =r rci= i=r c =rrci= =m = inmr= ror = co rr
riq arim inmr=r-=m =i=ria mr ar = =m n rr a = - m =m= inmr= ror mr
= =rm m= =m= mr s=rni=rr mr or=r ==r qn mi=r mr srr=r n rr = m= m=
mr icrr = mr imr orr riq(
ivrrr m qm =a= = (c == =a= r=ri=m =a= = s r=ri=m =a=) = =a=r ia nr
mr r=ri=m =a= = s r=ri=m =a= = =a=r ia rnr ( r=ri=m =m=r ) = a=rr srcnr
(i=z= =m=) = mrr r= m= q nr mr ==r = +rr i=r c ivrrr mr rnar ra
r ar ( =m siai=na ==, = on +rr =m= n =r =i=ia sia ==, =m
=c= . iaii=r n r m s=rni=r =a= = sr =r ia mr +rr sn=r m m= n ic
==rr= sr =r r or ==ni=ra nr m si+r+rrnmr n s=rmr = = nr= = r m=
n sia scr mr m (

si=r= r =r=r m ==r=rr mr n =r
z c =s=co ni == acc -= nan=
inor= mr = r= = = =r m i=q inor= mr sia n =r siasrnvm ( sia n =r m
inr s=romar = orar sr= == vrina, r= sr = =r=rr mr s r ar ( =m= =
imq q =r n=r = == =m= mr u= m scc mr ra imr or =mar ( n=r =
inor= m mrr = ii=aar srar a=rr mr m vr=ar naar ( n =r = si=r= =r=rr m sia
r r=r ivrrr m sccr mr r-r imr orar ( mrz ((esu) m s =r=, n=r n imr
io=m sa a si=r= = =r=rr mr = m=r qn s vr irm scc vr mr ra m= a
==ina m=r (" = a= = inor= n=r ==r=rr m mrr = ==n, ir o q n =c
m=r arim ivrrr m =r mr ria mr or =m (
s=r ivrrr m =r a=rr scc v mr ra m= m i=q io = =r=rr mr o==a zar s
si=r= ==r=r ma (
mr= == r=r = = = = ar mr= m (
1. =rnr = =r=r=rrr=rm, s=rm, n, si+r+rrnm, =cr =c=r n =r=r
2. +rr iam == r=r +rn, r =, sm=r, =amr=, rvrr=r, = r=, rcm =
,rc =am n =rm =r= r sric(
3. sc v = =r=r =m sa a inr=, i=, i=ra, ===rq, cvr , invnr=,
=riai=nro, = =m ia, iar= n =r=riom c ircmr r sric sra (
si=r= = =r=r n=r mr srnvmar =rnr or m i=r r m i=q ivrrr mr sia n==rr
sia srnvm ( inr sia n==rr n n=r m ivrrr m sc c vr mr r-r r imr or
=mar( ic = =r=rr mr =r n=r imr orq ar =r=m iam = =r mr ==rr r r, ivrrr =
==rr= rr, =rr mr orn n a= rr sr = q =r ia+rrsr mr inmr= r r or =rn m=rr m
i=q sr s= = rcr c ( = =r=rr m sia n=r m inr se r= +rr n mr= = ora
=i=q sro inor= n=r m i=q vrr =r imq or = arim ==r=rr mr n a= r m=
m vr irm n==rr = = =rr= =rr or =m (
n=r mr i=ra = nra = n= c ar im =+rr ==r=r o= s=rm si+r+rrnm sm=r
rc m = sric = n=rm mr ser a= = ir r a=rr srrr= r=r =+rr im rsr mr
=r imr or( sro = =r=r n=r mr si=rm = si=rm ir nrq or mr srnvmar (
=i=q = =r=r n=r = si=rm or= icr orar arim +rrnvrr=r i=rr= ra imq or =m (
= r = si=r= ==r=r n=r = i=i=i=ra nrar = =r c mr srnvmar (
sc c v (. ivrrr m n a =r= scc v r a ( o = vrr=ri=m, =r=riom, +rrnr-=m, s=ri-=m
r ina-n mr inmr= sric( sc c v i+r, c vrr = srnvmar s =r= i+r, r =ma
( scc v mr ria mr sia vr irm n=r n s vrr=r-=m a = r ra imr or
=mar (
,. = =r=rr mr =nr r= sr inor= n=r m r=r = =r=rr mr =r sr imr orar
( n=r mr qm i=rr i=a = = =r=rr mr si=rma= sr = iiva m=r ( im=r inor=
= = =r=rr mr s+rrn r a q +rr s= = =r=rr mr r m=m inor= n=r n a= i=rr=
ra m= =mar (
s. ==n io= a= vr=r= m sr m ar== = m inr vr=r= mr inmr= =m orar crm
s=r a= ==mr=, s=rm, =cr a=rr inori=r r = ar=== r = vr irm imr = nr=rr
s- r ar ( =i=q o==r im ini+r = =r=rr = ==n r r riq(
=. i r inori=r r mr =r icvrr cr m= m i=q s = ir ==rr sia srnvm (
inorri=r r mr sr-= ir sr = sr-=r vrr= o = r i==rrq or riq iomr inmr= =rr=
=rr= r ar ( se inor=r = n mz s vrr= sr = i r = = m= inmi=a r a a=rr
sr=rr = r ora (
. ic vr = =r=rr m =nr a= n=r m i=q i=r mr r= m=r sia sinr ( inor=
= r= m i=q or i= nrq ora icvrr ic vr icq ora smr nr= = = =r=rm,
s=rm, =cr n er =+rr mzr = r= m= (
c. ir o iaini=rr m srro mr ar=r mr ir o ma ( iro m= =
micrr , nr=rrq a=rr s m= r ar ( a=rr =r mr sr=rr = ra imr or =mar (
. nrr n = =r mic inor= mr iaini=rr mr nrr n = =r m == = imr
orq or mi=r n cr rrr mr c= imr or =mar ( = mr= ic = =r=rr mr crm n=r imr
orq or == mr na r ar ,=r=rr mr s m= r ar , sr=r ar=== na ar , ==n=rr
= ==rr= r ar a=rr n a= i=rr= ra r a (

= = ica inor= mr = = invr rrarq
Main characteristics of a well organised school
=m = =r c +rr iam ==r=rr = qm =-n r = =r=r io== =m = +rn, r =, sor,
r vrr=r, =amr=, r=, =crmr o=r sric =i==i=a r a ( qznr = = =
izmvr=r m s=r=, r r mr s=r im=r =m = mr= o r invninor= m =cr or s=mr
= = +rn i==ra ("
=m = =r c mr =-n (Importance of school plant)-:ivrrr m sc c v mr ra m= m i=q
srnvm im inor= mr = c= +rn r sr= s== =rr ==+rn = in=rrsr mr n==rr r r
riq nr im se inor=rr se vr irm nrarn=r = r a r= r a ( ic =m= =r c srmrr m
sr = = in=rrsr = == r ar =mr inori= rr m =nr== = ser +rrn z ar ( == a
nr= inor=rr ser s=i-=rr ri== m=a ( = c=, =ne a=rr srmrr m rr s=rmr mr
sr ma i+rr = sia nrarn=r cr m=ar ( o = , ivrrr mr =r= r =r , rc m =
= n i r =r , inrrr mr srnvmar=r= ini+r mr= m +rnr mr srnvmar == = mr
or =r ( =i=q inor= r r mr =-n sr= +rr na r (
inor= rr mr sinr invr rrarq Essential characterstics of school plant
1. =m = =r c = inin=r mr= mr vr irm n rc =r=r im rsr mr srro m= m i=q
r a==rr n r r r riq (
2. inor= rr = =ne nr, rr mr n==rr r r riq( = = =z m =r = inor= mr
rr a c=r r io== nr mr =ra=r r (
3. inor= rr = c= n srmrr m r io== n mr inor= mr sr = srmirr a r orq(
4. ini+r in+rrr = ==n r r riq(
5. =r c mr i=r r, c =r+rr= n = r= = i=aaar mr =r ==rr orr riq(
inor= m i=q ==rr mr rn ===nonc ni o= ina or= nrnn=
inor= m i=q ==rr mr rn m=ar nr= n a =r=r nrar mr =r ==rr riq ( sr= r= mr
nrarn=r =r = =r=r r ( nr aror r , rr =ne r a=rr mrvr mr n==rr r ( inor= r r
= = =z m = o zr sr = im m e c m= r( sr= r= ==n c m, n= sz zr r mr==rr ==rria
r ( = =mr si+r r +rr r im inor= n=ar = n a c= r ( inor= m i=q ==rr m=
rn m=ar nr= i=i=i=ra nrar mr sr= =r icr orr riq(
1. i=n vr inor= +rn m i=q rm iam nrarn=r rr riq or =r=r ==rr r sr= =n mr= mr
+rr iam = in=rrq s=-=r r(
2. ==a= +r i= +r i= mr rn m=ar nr= =r ==rr orq im +r i= s r rr =rr snz=rrnz
r ( s-ri=rm a=r nr=r r ( io== aa z r nr im aar = rr +r=r =ar or
=e= =a ( n==ra m rr mr imr=r mr crm n==rr r (
3. icvrr inor= mr icvrr s= a= r io= a= = = mr mrr m==r am =r=rr sr =m (
4. srmr=srarmr= srmr= io=m =r= mr +rr =r =r r ser =rr orar (
5. in=ar= mr ==+rrnr in=ar= mr ==+rrnr mr =r = ==r m= r =r c mr ir i=r or(
6. i=c cr m m=r=r a=rr =r na i=ccr r r riq( or si=rm rr +rr =m sr = =r=ar = rr
sr=rr = imr=r or =m ( =a c=c=r i=c cr mr r r (
r r srnvmarq =m= m i=q o mr rn m=ar nr= r mr +rr =r ==rr riq( =
nr= = i= nrar = =r c mr o==a (
1. =m = mr srmr= =m= mr srmr= = nra = i+r = m=ar im =m= im= mr= mr , r=ri=m,
=r=i=m, m= srnrcr m i=q, =rr srnrcr nr=r, srn=r r = srnr=r ( inor= mr srmr=
srnvmar s=r= nrr orar (
2. inor= = inori=r r mr = =r inor= m i=q o mr rn m=ar nr= +rr =r ==rr
riq im ima inori=r r mr cr=r=r c r ( - m inor=rr m i=q sia ==rr mr r r o==r (
=m =r=r r nr m i=q =r= i===, r vrr=r, =amr= n s a= m +rnr m i=q
r a ==rr mr srnvmar r ar (
3. rc =r=r im rsr mr srr o inor= = nr= ==r, iar iarsr, =+rrsr , ==r=rr sric m
i=q +rr ia ==rr mr srnvmar r ar (
4. nr = r=r a=rr src ar nr m sr= n nr= im= m i=q inor= m - m m==r =
=r vrcrr mr rr o==r ( srnvmar s=r= =rr mr aor= r r riq( rvrr=r n
=amr= m i=q =r siasrnvm (
5. rr r= mr =r vrr r=r mr =r ii=a =r = mr orr riq(
6. +rn mr c =r= =r inor= +rn r sm=rr mr rr r o==r r , smr sia c =r= =r n
= ===a +rr o==r ( i=rz imr , rrr c c ar r ( = =r imr r r r sm=r o =
z =mr r m i=r mr ====a mr r r ( ==== = nc=r orr riq( =m =r=r
r crr crsr = n m i=q +rn mr nr=r +rr m=rr or =mar (
inor= +rn mr ==r==rrn z co=ccn= ni nrnn= =mc inor= +rn mr c =r+rr= n
==r==rrn s-a srnm ( == o= m =r=r nrrr , rr, =r m mr=r crnr=r mr =
=r s=rz orar ( ri=r nc r = ea cm =ar ( r s=rz =ar ( sa
==, = inor= mr c =r+rr= n ====ra o==r ( =m i=q i= nrar = =r c r
o==r (
1. =n =r= inor= mr =near n ==r==rrn m i=q =i=iar mr c imr orr riq(
2. inor= +rn = = =r imr orr riq( c=nror n i=rzimr mr ====a mr orr riq(
ino=r mr iic crm mr orr riq(
3. =r = m =cr mr ==a= imr orr riq a=rr =r =r m c m nrq or riq(
4. =r m sor nri=r n ==r mr sia c =r+rr= mr orr riq(
5. rr r=r n m==r mr =r =r mr inr rr =r ==rr orr riq (
6. r = =rr= m= z =m m i=r = o, vr=c c sric mr ina=r n ==r ==rrn crm r r riq(
mr == = ====a rr riq(
7. =amr= = imarnr mr io=c nr =rr orq, s cr=mr = nrr orq( imarnr mr n==rr
+rr mr orq(
8. - m inor= = sr n r mr o== rr riq (
9. r m rr mr sia n==rr r r riq( io=m i=q c mr mr =r =r n cnr mr aor=
r r riq(
+rn i=r r m i=r a
Principles of school building construction
=m = +rn mr i=r r m=a == i= i=i=ra nrar r i=rar mr =r ==rr riq(
1. nrr nrr = c=, +r sr= = in=rrom +rn m i=r r m i=q +rn mr nrr ar=
m= i=r orr riq(
2. i=aar +rn mr r or = a= = a r= r im s= = m= = m= =ra sr (
3. sr iar +rn inrr = a= mr r im err n s=rmr m i=q = i=ro =
srr r (
4. mrr m m==r mr i=r r m==r mr i=r r n armr= mr = =rrna srmr=, srmr=,
srarmr= n rrc mr rrmr= srm ia nr= nrq or =ma ( m== = rm ==rr s=-=r
r r riq arim inor=rr sr=r= = n c =m ( = i= =m a=rr vr= c c mr crm a=
= a =m ( m== mr = r =r=r rr riq( s=rm mr srnro sri=r=r inor=rr am
crmcrm = r c =m (
5. mrr n =r rr m==r = mrr mr sia n==rr r ( rm iam mrr (=r) nr sr= =
m== = r i=rz imr = n r r r riq( i=rz imr m== m cr r sr = r r riq( rrr
si=rm =cr= r r riq(
6. nr = =r aror nr =nr== m i=q =r+rc r ar ( io=m mr=r vr=r= sr= =
=n==r =ar ( =m i=q rr = = +r= nr r riq( c=nro sr= i=rz imr mr
sia n=r r r riq( nz =r rcr n r riq( m==r = =r = r sr = =rc =
=ra m i=q nr mr sc= nr= m nr= =r +rr =r or riq(
7. =m = mr =r = mr =cr =r= m =cr mr vrr=ri=m =nr== m i=q nzr =-n (
=i=q nr i= c mr =rr im nrc== mr =zr mr qc m =r= m = crr = orar r
=rr( =i=q =m= = =cr mr sia n==rr r r riq( =cr = =+rr =r =r mr =r=
mr n==rr r r riq(
8. =amr=r =amr= = c= n srmrr m r r riq( vrr = vr=rn = = na r r riq(
== n c n imarn ==r m i=q crm n==rr rr riq( =amr mr io=c ar orr
riq( ==rr= r m i=q =c z r riq(
9. inor= srrr=rr= - m inor= = cnr=rrr r r riq or =cqz mr = in=rr r(
10. m cr n==rr inor= = o=r +rr ii= a m=nrr orr riq(
11. vrr r= =zm =z imr m i=q s= n==rr rr riq( vrr r= = ir= r
mrcrrm cnrsr mr r r r riq( mr =r = =r o r r riq(
12. o= n==rrrr m +rzr=r m i=q c mr mr n==rr mr orr riq( ==, =
s=mr =r mr orr riq( i= r m i=q cz rr mr ncrnn=a o==r ( io=m
i=q nrc= m == +rr =rq or =ma (
=m s=rnr inor= +rn = cr mr, m= r=r mr sr = inrrr mr ar m i=q
s=, mr mr aor= r r riq(
r=ri=m inor= mr +rn
r=ri=m rcrr=rsr mr +rn == nir a =+rr nrar mr nr mr o==ar m s=r=
ii= a imr orr riq( +rr=a = i=ii=ra mr= m +rn nrq ora ( +rra=r r r
nr=r +rn, = srmr= mr +rn, + srmr= mr +rn a=rr srmr= mr +rn (

School Management Commitee
i=r= c r = r=i=+rm irrr m sa a mr=a =m =r = nr m i=q
ir =m qn sinr irrr si=ri= ,uue" ( s.,uue) m sa a =m = n=r =i=ia mr
c ( c =r i=r= c r ==mr= = =r . zr. q. =r. q ((u) . ,u(u icr m c.s.
,u(u i=irrc m )
1- =m = n=r =i=ia
nr m i=q ir =m qn sinr irrr ( s . ,uue) m s e c ,( = icq q rn=rr
m c irca i=r= c r =a= = i=r= c r =m = irrr nr z = = n a=rr ==mr= =
=rar ra ior =m =r = =m= n=r =i=iar ica mr or r(
2- =m = n=r =i=ia m c m scc
nr m i=q ir =m qn sinr irrr si=ri= ,uue m =r mr ria = iia
r=i=+rm irrr m =rn +rr i=m=r a =rrc r irrr ria r=r i=rr i=a s=-=ar r=r m
c=rn qn r irm s=i-=r m =r mr ria = iia m=r(
=m = n =r = si+r+rrnmr n irrmr mr +rrrcr=r mr =c a m=r(
=r=mr= n s =r ar = ra =m = scrr , = in=rrsr m sr m ir , mrr n n
s ~nr a si+r+rrnmirrm == cr mr =rna m=r(
inori=r r m rrirm s=i-=r =a= = ==rr= a =r=crim +rrrcr=r na rr(
=m = inmr= qn n=r a =r= crim =+rriar = iia m=a q ==cr = =m=r m
ia =nri=-n(
3- =m = n=r =i=ia mr = =r
=m = n =r =i=ia = =m= = a = =+rr err m si+r+rrnm . = =rm sr= =m=r = mr=a
s=rm rri== r ( im irrm, si+r+rrnm a=rr ra . ==rrr imr m iaii=r =m =
n =r =i=ia = rri== r , =i=q - m =m = m i=q s= = r=rr irrr
=i=ia.=ra .si+r+rrnms=rm = rr mr c r imr orr a=rr na =r = mr=a s=r na
=c n ica =m = n=r =i=ia m c s=ra mr m=r nc m= c ( =m = n=r
=i=ia m i=i=i=ra cr = = s r =m = n=r =i=ia mr sr= =+rr a=rr =m =
n=r =i=ia mr mr mr=r i= rc(
s.( =m = n=r =i=ia mr sr= =+rr
=m = n=r =i=ia mr sr= =+rr = =m = = a = =+rr err m si+r+rrnm sr = =m =r
= mr=a s=rm rri== r ( ==ni=ra r= ra.==rrr imr m ==rrr nrz m
inr ia iaii=r =+rr m c =c= r ( - m n r r rirm = m ==r m s=ra s
si+r+rrnm =c=r mr =c=ar =na ==ra r orr iom n .sri~a =m = = irrr r
m=m =m = er z m r a=rr =m= = q cri=r= q nr m si+r+rrnm =na r =m =
n=r =i=ia mr sr= =+rr m =c= n or (
s.(.( =m = n=r =i=ia mr sr= =+rr r rirm = sr==+r r m s=ra sr =r
n cm = si+r+rrnm =c=r = = qm si+r+rrnm mr =m = = = n=r =i=ia m
s=r m ar = = mr m= m i=q inr m=r( = mr= inr s=r mr
mr mr= qm n r m i=q r r( mr +rr si+r+rrnm cr nr=r s=r inr ia imr or
=mar =a s=mr s= =m = = irrr ra m= = er mr si+r+rrnm r r
srnm rr( ra cri=rmr=r.=c= =m= n=r =i=ia mr sr= =+rr mr s=r
s=r sn==rr = r =mr onim n =m = = s==a im=r er mr si+r+rrnm r (
s.(., =m = n=r =i=ia mr sr= =+rr srnmar =r= sr n cm srr ioa m= =mar (
=a n r = i=i=i=ra ar n cm srr ioa m=r rr( =m = n=r =i=ia mr sr=
=+rr mr =r n cm =+rr =m = = irrr =r m sr==+r r m ( icr m +rra=
r r, c==r n cm i=a=n= mr irrm icn= m sn== = srr ioa r r a=rr ar==r
n cm r rirm = ==ra r = =rrr i=rr= rrri ra r nr= ic srr ioa mr
orr( =m= n=r =i=ia mr sr= =+rr im=r +rr == srnmar =r= sr ncm
n =r mr ir = =mar , io=m i=q m= = m= c= =c=r r=r n cm n =r m
i=q =c= =in mr r ic= c r srnm rr(
s.(.s =r=ra =m = m = =r=rm n smr si==ria = mr =a ni= ca= s=rm, =m=
n=r =i=ia mr sr= =+rr m c =c= =in r ( n =i=ia m n cmr =
= n i=ra i=mrz mr ==r==rrn m= sr= i=q q irr m mrr n mr =m= n=r
=i=ia mr sr= =+rr r=r i=rr i=a == =ri=rr m s = = iia m= (
s.(.= =m = n=r =i=ia mr sr= =+rr mr n cm = m= = m= nr= iara
si+r+rrnm.= =rm si==ra r riq( =m = n=r =i=ia mr =r =m = scr
s=rnr = scc m i=q ==mr= r=r i=rr i=a mr r.=c = n imr orqr(
s.(. =m = n=r =i=ia mr sr= =+rr =i=ia mr nri r m noc s =r ica m= r a=rr ie=
n r = imq q mrr n =r mr =i=rr +rr m= r( sr= =+rr sr n cmr = inr=
in=r .ir r m i=q im=r +rr qo zr sr c= mr = =mar , or =m = mr mr rr=r
==rr=, =m= mr inmr= ror mr nr , =m = r=r ra s cr m sr n
s ~nr sr = n mr n cmr = i=q q ini+r ir r m mrr n a=rr c r ==mr=
r=r ==== = i=rr i=a imq or nr= mrr m mrr n = = n i=ra r (
s., =m = n=r =i=ia mr mr mr=r i= rc
3-2-1 =m = = = n i=ra mrr mr = r= = = =r a=rr sr= =+rr r=r i=q q ir r m
mrr n m i=q =m= n=r =i=ia mr sr= =+rr r=r qm mr mr=r i= rc mr
c imr or r( mr mr=r i= rc sr= =+rr r=r ri=a noc mr =r m= m i=q
r ar si=rm a rr a=rr s mr m i=q sr= =+rr m ia sa=crr rr(
- m rcrr=r i=== = r s== r=ri=m, i=z =, s n ni= c =r=i=m
s=s= s +rr. =a= r =+rr si+r+rrnmr mr qm r sr= =+rr n r( r=ri=m
irrr qn s=m nrc mr mrrsr m ==n=r = mr mr=r i= rc s= r r( im
si=rma= s n ni= c =r=i=m rcrr=rsr = mrr c = (, am mr mrrq qm r
rr = i==ra r ar , sa q=r i==ria = =c= =in mr mr =+rr mrrsr m i=q
==ni=ra r=rrrr . = =r=rm r=r r c =rr orqr(
na =r ic r =r c r =r=i=m irrr si+rr m sa a =m= n=r =i=iar mr
==rria m= a ic = = or=r ic rr mr ==rr = (

3-2-2 =m = n =r =i=ia mr sr= =+rr m inri a s=r n c =c= =in mr mr=r
i= rc m s=r n =c= =in +rr r ( ==ni=ra r= ra.==rri imr m
==rrr nrz m inr ia iaii=r +rr mr mr=r i= rc m c =c= r ( =r=i=m
=m = ( mrr c = s) mr i==ria = nrz iaii=r m ==rr = =ni=ra r= ra m
=rr s=rnr s =rr mr mr=r i= rc m c =c= r (
3-2-3 =m = n =r =i=ia mr sr= =+rr rrirm = sr==+r r m ( ic m +rra= sr
=r= n cm = s=r n c =c=r m siai=na, si+r+rrnm =c=r = = mr mr=r
i= rc m i=i=i=ra =c=r mr rn m=r(
cu s=rnr m= err nr= =m=r = = inri a si+r+rrnm =c=(
c( ni s== si=rm err nr= =m =r = c inr ia si+r+rrnm =c=( +rr
= iia imr or r im s=r na =c=r mr u iara =i=rq r a=rr inr r
srnmarsr nr= nr . s= ia oria.s = ia o oria m nr m si+r+rrnm ic
mr mri=rr = m= r sra ar = i==ria = s inr r ar = = r=r ima imr
orqr( =m = n =r =i=ia im=r +rr =r== = inr=in=r . inr r =r=r m i=q
siai=na ar = = im=r +rr =c= mr =r ioa m= =mar ( ( scr=r m ar= =
r m sr nrz r m=r , =nr== mr mar , r mr mr +rr in=ra irrrinc , r =
mr m= =r = ==mr=r = c, nm = z=, =i=r = z=, =m= = mr m= =r
irrm s=rnr = nrin a irrm -ric) ( =c= =m= n =r =i=ia = inr= in=r
= +rr = =ma =a s =acr mr si=rmr= r r r(
3-2-4 mr mr=r i= rc =m= n =r =i=ia mr sr= =+rr r=r =r q mrr mr mrr n
= iia m=r io=m i=q ii=a =ri=m n cmr mr srro imr orr mr mr=r
i= rc - m =r m =r= rinr= ( snmrr r = =r= r unr= ) mr ==r
+rr o m s=ra n cm mr srr o sinr =r = m=r( = mr= mr - m n cm
mr =r =m = ==r==rrn scr = imr orqr( mr nrr =io=c= mr ==r==rrn
=c= =in r=r imr orqr sr= sr m si=rmr= r = = ==rr orqr( = im
im=r +rr ina r=r =mr or m i=q = s=-=r m=nrr or =mar (
3-2-5 mr mr=r i= rc mr =c= =in n cm mr mr nrr mr =io=c= = =c=r m =arr= m
=r=r i=mrz m= r( ir r m = =r inc sr mr =m= m r ic= nr z = cir a imr
ic im=r mr=rnr =m = n=r =i=ia m s=r n cm mr nrr a s=-=r r ar
mr mr=r =i=ia s =c=r = = im=r qm mr n cm mr mr nrr m= a s==rrr
ar = = s=r ri=a m= =mar ( ii=a s=r m sr = = mr= mr
mr nrr ii=a s=r m sn=r mr=r . src rr=r =aa mr orqr(
4- =m = n=r =i=ia mr rinar sr= mr
=m = n=r =i=ia sr mr mr=r i= rc m =r== = i=i=i=ra mr m= m i=q
ri=rm a r r
=.( irrr m =rn +rr i=m=r a =+rr nr m r=r m n c=rn mr = iia m=r a=rr z r
srsc =r m m i=q srnm mc= scrr(
=., inori=r r mr r rirm s=i-=r = rr-=m ==rr= m i=q mr m=r a=rr err m
s=i-=r =a= mr ii=a s ~nr( =aa == = =rm rr=r m s=r= inor=rr r m
= =r m mr s ~nr a=rr er ia mrz mr si+r+rrnmr =ia ==rrr a=rr icrr-=m
irrr a scrr(
=.s =m = inmr= ror mr ar= m= =r m=r a=rr s=mr s ~nr(
=.= ==mr= s=rnr s =r=rr = ra s cr n sr mr i=r=r= sr = iia
=. ir =m =am , = =r =r= r, nicr s=rnr s cr n ern iar mr r err mr ==
= s=-=r m=nrr(
=.c ==r +rr o r or mr mrr n n s ~nr a=rr +rr o mr rnrr mr = iia
=. =m = m nr m i=q =ne o= sr= == ia rr r= = in=rrq s=-=r m=nrr a=rr
=m = i=r sr = rr r=r mr ii=a =r n ==r ==rrn m i=q srnm scrr(
=.s inori=r r mr ii=a =nr== or mr srro m=r a=rr =nr== in+rr m =r =
nr m =nr== mrz nnrr(
=.e ir =m qn sinr r=i=+rm irrm m si=rmr= si=ri=, ,uue = icq q rn=rrr
mr s r=r = iia m=r(
=.(u err sr = s=rmr mr ii=a si==ria = iia m=r( =m = n=r =i=ia mr
si=rmr= rr i mn s=rmr mr si==ria s=rnr ==nar sr m c crar
mr m c r = = irrm.=rz irrr si=rmr=r m =r = =rm= srnm mrr nrr a
s=r=r m= ( m c r = = irrm n =rz irrr si=rmr=r = s =r=r = srnm
mr nrr m=m = ni=ra sirrr ic rm mr = ia m= ( ic sr= =+rr = n =a r=r
r mr mr=r i= rc = cr iar n =a = = =c+r = mr = =a ia mr orar ar
in+rrr si=rmr=r s= = ==n mr nrr a nr= r (
=.(( =m = n =r =i=ia mr sr= =+rr ic im=r s=rm m =m= n err m inmr= =
inr r r cr mr r =r m= r rirm = mr sia= n cm = = =a ia m=ar im
s=mr anrc=r imr orq a=rr sr= =+rr =arn sic rm r=i=+rm mr +r oar
ar s= s=rm mr s= qm = = anrc=r s= =m = = r imr orr( =r
mr= =m= n =r =i=ia mr sr= =+rr ic im=r s=rm m mr = =a c r
a=rr s= s=rm s= rcrr=r = sr =r=r =arn =r m= i=r ar s=
rcrr=r = s= s=rm mr anrc=r m= icr orr( = a= m =r== =rrr
i=rr= sr m nrc r nr=r n cm = r i=q or =ma , =m s=rnr im=r n cm
= q= ir r i=q or =ma (
=.(, =m = n =r =i=ia s rmri= n s n=r m= ri=r m mr mr nri r m ==rrr +rr
m=r a=rr s n=r mr nrrm=r =i=ia mr i=ri=r = imr orr(
=.(s invr r srnmarsr nr= nr mr r m=nrm= s qmrm a irrr m cr= = =rr(
=.(= =m = = srr ioa =r irr mr u=r , nr= = =r , inr iar iarsr a=rr =r =r =
=r c r qn == cr mr +rrrcr=r na rr(
=.( noc s=-=rar m s = =m= m i=q ini+r mr= mr =r=rc m=r scr=ra irrr
si=r= =r= r ( cr. q=. q=.), r =, =c r=r sr= =m = m i=q srnm =r=r,
r rr=r sm=r, =amr= m i=q =am , ==mr=r rorrsr m s =r inori=r r m
i=q = =r =r= r, ini+r mr= mr imc, =m = mr ncr , m=c= sr = == ==ni=ra
sm=r -ric(
=.(c =m = +rn n s = in=rrsr mr i=r r s=rnr = ===a mr m=r s=rnr m=nrr( =m =
n=r =i=ia mr si=rmr= rr im n in+rr m icrr =r= i=rr s=rnr = ===a mr
mr =n m= s=rnr m=nrq ( =m i=q qm s =i=ia mr c imr or =mar
s=rnr =m = n=r =i=ia =m i=q r = = ==rr. rra = +rr s n=r m= =mar (
=.( nri r m =m = scr a=rr ==r==rrn scr mr i=r =r= sr +rr =m = n=r
=i=ia m =r== = imr orr(
=.(s inori=r r = a mr n ia inmi=a m= m i=q =m = = =amr= mr == ia
sr m=nrr(
=.(e ic srnm r ar ==mr= mr ria m s=r= s rmri=.s n=r s=rmr mr
n n=r m=r =a =m= n =r =i=ia mr ri=rma si=rmr=r m s=r c m inr
im=r +rr s rmri=m.s n=r m= r=r mr i na m= mr si=rmr= r r r(
=.,u =m = n =r =i=ia mr nri r m i=r c mr sr= =+rr = =a a m=r a=rr s=mr qm ia
r= ra a=rr m c r = = irrm mr s=-=r m=nrr(
=.,( ==mr= r=r ==== = iic c mrr mr m=r(
=m = n =r =i=ia m inir ==r=r
.( =m = n =r =i=ia m inir = =r=r i= =r ar = ra imq or =ma
.(.( ==mr= = ra scr, =m= scr, ==r==rrn scr, =rar scr +rn i=r r
=rir s=rnr ==mr= r=r imq q s noc srn c(
.(., = ==mr=r = cr , ==rrr imrr = ra s cr(
.(.s si+r+rrnmr . ==cr =c=r r=r =n iem scr(
.(.= = =r s=rnr s =r= crim r or m i=q =m= i=== mr r= =rir(
.(. =m = n =r =i=ia mr ii=r mr n m =rrar s=r qn =c= =in m = na
=arr=r=rr =rr =r orqr n = ri=a rr( =r= nri r m n cm m s=ra s=r m nc=
or = q s=r m =arr= n m mr = ia imq or (
.(.c ri r m noc sr= =+rr r=r ri=a r r a=rr mr mr=r i= rc mr noc rn=rrr m
s=r= =r mr =r si=rmr= rr ( ra s cr mr i=mrz i=r =r= ==rr orqr(
.(. =r mr nri r m = =rror =rr sr= =+rr mr n cm m ==r =c= =in r=r =a a imr
orqr a=rr sr izc a=rr ==mr= r=r ri=rm a = ==rr r=r sr izc m i=q s=-=r rr(
c ivrrr
c.( r=i=+rm irrr in+rr r=r ==== = =m= n=r =i=ia m =c=r m irrr
mr n=r imr or r arim smr r=arsr mr =m = m n=r = si=rmri=rm sr
imr or =m (
r -=r
.( r=i=+rm irrr m r = srer mr m= nr=r =m = n=r =i=iar mr r -=ria
m= m i=q r=i=+rm irrr in+rr qm r-=r ror nr r a=rr =i=iar mr
=rz n io=r =a= = ===ria imr or r(
s inin=r
s.( c r ==mr= mr si=rmr= rr im n ==== = =m = n=r =i=ia m i=r =
srnmar =r= = rr =r m= =m (
s., =m = n=r =i=ia si=r= ia r m s=ra r=i=+rm irrr in+rr m sa a = =
=m =r = mr =a ri=r irrr =i=iar .=ra s=rm = rr r si+r+rrnm(
s=rm = rr =m = n=r =i=ia m c m s=ra mr m=r nc m= c a=rr
m r=r imq or = mr =m= n=r =i=ia r=r imq or (

inor= == =r=rr
School Time Table
== =r=rr inor= = srr ioa mr or nr=r iaini=rr = ==ni=ra
r or ( =m saa - m mrr = arq or nr= inrrr mr == m s =r= -r =r icr r
r ar ( r=rr =+rr m sr==+rin= o = = m= ic +r= srr ioa imq or nr= mr m =r mr ar=
m= == =r=rr r=r crr r orar ( == s=r inrrr == s =r= m=rr, ==ro= nr,
=amr=, =r= iaini=rr = +rr = , == m == a=rr rc =r= r im rsr m srro sric
mr inn=r r ar ( q. or. =crz m s=r=, == =r=rr r=r mr= mr == =rr a r= mr orar
io=m s =r= =m = mr mr= sr naar ( qm q =r =r=r io=m r=r =m= mr mr = ri=a
r ar ("
zru o=na i= m s=r=, cr= c n= =m = mr =rm = or s=mr ini+r
im rsr a=rr s=m ini+r mr m=r mr = ri=a m=ar ("
srnvmar a=rr =-n e==m cm snaocn=
=m = == =r=rr inor= mr c r or inor= = srr ioa iaini=rr mr == =rr
=a a m=ar io== inor= mr inr rrarsr n m=or i=r mr ar =ar ( ic ==
=r=rr mr =r i=r r imr r r ar == r vr irm imr +rrnrr=r sr = srr
r r( vr irm im r mr = r= =r = =r m i=q == =r=rr mr srnmar (
=mr =-n i=i=i=ra nrar = mc r ar (
1- inor= m mr mr ni==ra m=r == =r=rr inor= m mr mr = r= =r =
=r m i=q ni==ra m=ar ( == s=rmr a=rr err mr mr=r rr mr ormr=r
r-r r ar ( s ar =ar im mr =r mr=rr im= s=rm = ar
io== == mr r= +rr r ar sr = s=rmr m mrr = ar=== +rr nr =ar
2- mr in+rro = =rm == =r=rr = ar =ar im ini+r s=rmr = mr
mr in+rro =r sr s=rnr r( im= s=rm mr imar n im= a= mr mr
icr r ( mr mr m= r =rcr ar r icr r (
3- inrrr mr a =r-=m =-n s =r= si=r=r c r == =r=rr = inrrr mr micr
sr = ===ar sric m sr=rr= = ni==ra imr orar ( scr=r m ar = = s or,
ira inrrr mr si=rm mr=rr cr m=r r == = = ==rr cr m=r(
4- s rr= nrq ==r m =rm == =r=rr m s =r= - m s=rm sr=
inor=rr s , mrr = =a =a ( inori=r r m r= vrr = =r r s rr=
+r m= m i=q == r r ar io== rria +rr nr =ar (
5- inori =rr = ser srcar mr inmr= m=r == m =r sr = ii=aar,
ma ircar a=rr sr=cri-n mr +rrnr mr inmr= r ar (
6- nr mr =r nrim srnmarsr mr ia == =r=rr = mic inrrr m ==
=i s=r= inrrr m mr=r r ==rr a=rr rc =r=r iursr mr srro m= =
=rmrnc c = r ar , =i nr =ar a=rr = = aror nr =ar ( =m
siai=na == =r=rr s=rmr = i=r=r= mr m= mr srca inmi=a m=ar
a=rr inor= mr ia m = iiva nrar (

== =r=rr m mr= === ni or= nrnn= os== o ==
inor= = n a =r=r im r srr ioa mr orar ( qm r == =r=rr = =r=r
im rsr mr cvrr r = ivm= r ar ( =i=q i+r, im rsr mr cvrr m i=q s=
mr= mr == =r=irr nr orar ( inor= == =r=rr i= mr= r =mar
(. =r=r == =r=rr = = na == =r=rr +rr mr orar ( = == =r=rr =
ini+r mr=rvrr m inrr, ==, a r nr= s=rm mr r=, =rr=r ri=z a=rr rc
=rm imrsr mr cvrrr orar ( == r=rr =+rr a=rr sr=rr e c cr sric mr == +rr
cvr rr orar (
,. mrr mr inrr =r=rr== mrr m ini+rr mr=rrr mr ==, inrr a=rr a r nr=
s=rm mr r= cvrr r orar ( s= mrr mr =r=r iaini=rr mr -r=r = == =r=rr
= icr orar (
s. s=rm == =r=rr == =r=rr s=rmr m i=q a r= mr orar ( ==
ni=rcar m sr=rr= = s=rmr m r=, inrr, mrr, mr=rvr sric mr cvrr r orar (
=mr s= iar ar= mr orar ( io =cr mr, = i=rr m mr r= a=rr =m =
mrr = = =a =r= imr orar (
=. =r = == =r=rr=r= == =r=rr mrr m sr=rr= = r ni=m nr mr s= n =r =r
= =i m sr=rr= = ar= mr orar (
. =rr=r mr=rvrr mr cvrr nr=r == =r=rr== s=rmr m =rr=r ri=z cvrr ora
( == e c cr = q s=rmr mr o a ra m= m i=q =a =r= imr orar (
c. rc =r=r im rsr mr == =r=rr inor=r = rc =r=r im rsr mr srro
imr orar ( =m i=q nr m m = rr nrq ora sr= m iaini=rr mr srr o
imr orar ( ic imrsr mr sia == =r=rr a r= m= =r orq ar nr a=rr
s=rmr mr m == srr o = =cc i==r(
. mr mr == =r=rr = == =r=rr = - m inrr m i=q mr mr i=rr =r
m= mr ==, mrr sric mr nr imr orar ( =mr qm ia si+r+rrnmr mr +rr
+r or orar ( == mr mr nr +rr m= rar a=rr mr m= mr srca mr
inmr= +rr rar (

mr m =r+r (msco = ni rns= nar
err m i=q mr mr i=i=i=ra =-n (
1. nr = ~= m= mr srca inmi=a r ar (
2. mr m= = sr-= i+r=ar a=rr sr-=invnr= o= iam rr mr inmr= r ar (
3. == nrr =rr=r == mr =c r m=r =r=r orar (
4. s=rmr sr= si+r+rrnmr m nr ==m nrq ==rar (
5. == inor= = m=rq q mr mr =rn ia r ar (
6. nr mr =na = = mr m= mr srca z ar (

mr mr =r=rq =sooonc ni rns= nar
1. m nr= s-ri=rm mr m mr=r =nr==r = n =r +rrn z =ar (
2. mr m mr=r nr =r nr m mr= = r=r r n cr ra io== =r nr mr =m = m
ia s=i cr r orar (
3. nr mr =r = o a=rr =r=riom mrr mr m= m i=q rr a == r i==ar(
mr m i=q = rn
1. mr nr mr =ir , srnvmarsr , r=arsr a=rr r =arsr m s =r= icr orr
2. mr c = = s s=rmr = inr= in=vr imr orr riq( mr mr
srr o s=rmr m === =r = r r riq(
3. mr = ir ioa r r riq( =m= = a rq q m=r = ==ni=ra r(
4. mr = ==ni=ra ormr=r si+r+rrnmr mr +rr cr orr riq( s= ==, =
inr= in=vr imr orr riq(
5. mr mr =rar= or rr riq( ic == = or r r riq( ic == =
or r ar er mr m=r r nc m= c a (
6. mr mr cz m = = =a=r= imr orq( ic er == = m= = im
mr s cz=n= icr r ar s mr = rrrr r or r(
== =r=rr i=r r m i=ra acn== ni os= o == -ncoanonc
== =r=rr mr a r= m=ar nr= m nrar mr =r ==rr z ar ( o = =m = mr mr=, ivrrr
m =, inin=r im rsr mr srr o, =r=rr mr s=-=rar ivrrr ini=rr sric( qm oic=
mr ( io== i=i=i=ra i=rar mr =r ==rr z ar (
1. =m = mr mr= s=s= mr= m =m=r m i=q s=s= == =r=rr nr orar (
inor= m a= m r a ( o= qm s=rmr inor=, i s=rmr inor=, i r=r
nr= inor=( = +rr r=ri=m, =r=i=m, s =r=i=m, vr=r, r=rr, = ivrrr-=m
inor= sric m a= m inor= r a ( =n mr sr srnvmarsr m s =r= ==
=r=rr a r= mr orr riq(
2. in+rrr i= in+rr r=r == = inor=r m i=q ==, i=rr i=a imr orar o =
rr=mr=r a=rr vr=cmr=r inor=r m i=q == i=r ri=a imr r ( =m =r=r r
r=r r =+rr mr == a=rr s=rmr m i=q =ar m i=q mr=r vr i=r ri=a imq q ( ==
=r=rr nrar nr= = a= m i=r mr r= m=r z ar (
3. == mr s=-=rar == =r=rr mr i=r r m=ar nr= s=-=r == o= mr m rrc ,
ri=zr mr == n = =r a=rr s im rm=rr m i=q s=-=r == mr =r ==rr z ar
4. inrrr m =r r =-n mr i=ra == =r=rr mr i=r r == m =r ira =-n m s=r=
r r riq ( mic inrrr mr ra mr= m == a=rr sr=r inrrr mr =r mr= = ==rr
icr orr riq( m == z r, ic, = ra sric in rr mr ==rr riq(
5. inin=rar mr i=ra = i=ra m s =r= inori=r r mr = in=rr mr =r = ==r m= ==,
= mrr m ==rr sr = nr m n c mr i==ria = i=na imr orr riq( qm r inrr =
==ni=ra =rar= ri=z r r riq( qm r s=rm m =rar= qm =r=r qm = si=rm
mr=rr r (
6. =r= mr i=ra == =r=rr = ar =r=r r r riq im srnvmar z =
== i=n a imr or =m (
7. =rmr = ==ni=ra i=ra m e inrrr mr inor=rr =rmr c nr=r == = m=a ( =rmr =
mr vrina rrr r orar ( =i=q q= inrrr io = =rmr r ar sm i=q =ar m vr =
m ic a=rr = n mr == =rcr s na r ar ( ivr=, = =r imr, m=r sric m i=q
sia= ic a=rr =r mr=r == =rcr s na r ar (
8. =r = a=rr =r= o mr i=ra s=rm r=r =r =r mr r-=r snv cr riq( =r= a=rr
sr=rr e c cr m == arr r riq nr im =r = a=rr in~r= =n== m i=q siasrnvm (
=m =r=r r =r=o m i=q =r = or-=m imrsr m i=q +rr == =r=rr = ==rr icr
orr riq(
9. == in+rro i=ra == =r=rr mr i=r r m=ar nr= s=rmr = mr ==r = =
in+rrioa r r riq( s=rr qm c== m ia o= r ar or vr irm imr = nr=rr zr=ar

=m = =amr=
School Library
sor +rrrrr mr =a a= vr-c io= =amr= mr orar , = ic
+rrrrr m vr-c = a = i=r r , io=mr s=r s= o = i=r orar or =am nc cr ==rr
r ar ( =amr mr =a =r= ivrrmr n err r=r r n=r m i=q imr orar ( qm q =r
=rn oim = ==rr or =rr m i=q smr srnvmar s=r= =am r mr = imr orar a=rr
=amr m =a =r= r=r =r i=a= rro m=a ( =m = =amr= qm nr im rvrr=r ( or
s=rm rro r=r ivrrr ini=rr = = =rr= =rar , rcm = mr mr rn m=ar , r n
= rsr mr qm m=m inori=rr am rar ( =rr=r m s =r=, =amr= qm =rn oim
= ==rr or = =amr mr mc cr imr orar ( arim n sm mr= sr =m or smr r m=r
ra ("
=m = =amr= m scc v
1. inor= = s=-=r =amr m =rar= =a =r= = nr = =nr=r mr srca inmi=a m=r
2. inori=r r m rm +rzr= = n i m=r(
3. =r mr +rrnr mr inmr= m=r(
4. =rr=r == mr =c r m=r(
5. =amr m =r rn mr srca mr inmr= m=r (
6. = r ria = =cc m=r (
=amr= mr = c q n = r= c onc cm s co=c cn= ni =a a=
inor= =amr=r mr na =r i==ria =r= inor=r = sro =amr=r mr i==ria vrr r
nr ( m inor=r = =amr= mr =r n==rr r r ar m inor=r m
=amr=r = =amr m =r =a =r= mr =r n==rr r r ( =am =r=rc =r orar
sr = s==ri=r = zr =ar ( mr cr=r ivrrr srr +rr =rr im =am inor=r = q=
=r r m nr= =ar iomr = mr =i r r ar a=rr s =amr= inr mr mr
r r ar ( na =r == = =amr=r mr i==ria im si=rma= =m =r = s= mr
mr s= n==rr r , srnvmar s =r= =am s=-=r r =amr= s=r r
=amr= inr = ivrira inar mr s+rrn ( s=rmr mr nr= +rr s rr r a=rr
err = =nr=r mr srca mr m=r r orar ( =amr=r = =r+r scr m i=q
srnvm im smr = n=r q n == r= imr orq(
=m = =amr= m m vr= n=r n = r= m i=q i= nrar = =r c r srnvm (

1. =amr= mr ==rrr =amr= mr +rn vrra nrarn=r = inor= m m ;r ==r= =
==rria r r riq or vrr= r a=rr = a= = n nr mr = r( mrvr mr
sia n==rr r ( == in=ar= mr ==+rrnr +rr r ( +rn = = =r ser a= = r (
2. rr a noc inor=r = sri=r m i==ria crm r m mr=r =amr=r mr crm n==rr
r r ar( =amr=r = i= =a= mr =am s=-=r r ar ( m= ri=r m n a mr
+r ar m=r mic r ar ( imrq =r=rcr mic r ar a=rr +rn n =amr mr
= ===a m=r = ivm= r ar ( =i=q =amr= m i=q rr a noc mr r n=rr imr
orr riq arim mi=r mr =r imr or =m (
3. =amr= +rn =amr= +rn inor= m m c = i==ra r r riq arim s=rmr
sr = err m i=q =mr = in=rr sr=rr = r-r r =m ( == ino=r, rr a=rr nr mr
n==rr s=-=r r ( == nrr=, = =rr=mr, +rzr=mr, =amr= s=r m i=q
mr mr n=r r r riq(
4. =amr= mr srmr= nrr= n s m== srnvmar s =r= n q r ( +rn =
a= nr r im o==a z = srmr= = n i mr or =m( == =c mmr,
srzrcr i==, mr =r=, =crmr sric mr n==rr r ( m cr=r rr=r =r
r a=rr = o s==ri=r n n c m i=q m i=r mr ser ncr n=a r (
5. =ro==or =amr= mr crnr=r mr = =r imr orr riq( crn=r = =rrc r =-n
m i =cm r ( crnr=r = ivrrr c r= i==r q r( vr = ci=r n =r ine r(
6. =amr= m i=q = =r=r =amr= = =amr , rc =amr, mr i=amrsr , =rii-m
=r= r, =c+r =amr o= =am = =r=rr a=rr ==rr= , =i=c, imrq a=rr
mrvr sric s =amr = =r=r s=-=r r riq( n =r=rc m i=q qm
==ria mr c imr orr riq(
7. =amr= mr i=rn=r =amr= mr sr i=rn=r r r riq( =amr m =
a=rr =r cr = ==ni=ra i= nr or riq arim =amr=r mr c =r r (
8. =amr=r=r m mr =amr= s=r m inr =amr= mr =r = r= ==+rn
r ( qm = irira n n=ri=rm ivrrr ra =amr=r=r mr mr mr c ==r
ina m= ar inor= mr nr iea =r+r ra r r =ma ( inor=r=r m r=r n a
=r= mr im ora ( iomr nr = mr= = (
(. i=rn=r nrr
,. =amr mr n nr m=r m=r(
s. =i=ia mr ==r cr(
=. =amr mr ==r==rrn m=r(
. =amr m m cr=r a r= m=r(
c. inori=r r mr =am rn m i=q ic vr cr(
. q vrrrr mr n imrsr mr cvr m=r(
s. inori=r r = =am = inmi=a m=r(
e. =amr= = vrra nrarn=r mr i=r r m=r(
(u. inori=r r mr =amr= m =nr r= sr m i=q ic vr cr(
((. =amr= m i=q s=rm mr +r i=mrs=rm nr = =nr== mr srca mr
inmi=a m= =mar ( s ser =amr mr m i=q ic vr c =mar ( nr
mr =amr= = or m= ini+rr in+rrr = i=ia m=nr =mar ( s= =rr n
s-=r cr m= =mar ( a=rr nr r=r =amr= = ra r mr = =rm m=
=mar (

=amr= mr =-n sr iar q n mr
- m inor= = =amr= mr r r n a o==r ( r n ==rr or = inor=rr s
= mr r m +rzr= = +r=a ( or s=rm ar m i=q ar=r m=a , s r
+rzr= = n i m=a sr = i= s= r mr sr nr=r ra r am ra ( inor=rr r =
si+rn i m= =i s =r= s = mr r mr ior=r mr vrra m=a a=rr nr im
=r = o m =r=r, =r =m iam, q iari=m nrim n amrmr ormr=r +rr ra m=a (
=amr= mr =-n, sr iar n =r+r i=i=i=ra inc sr r=r or or =ma (
1. a mr srca mr inmr= m=r =amr= n = a mr srca mr i=r r m=ar (
a=rr =na ia mr narnr c ar (
2. == mr =c r =amr= mr +rr =r+r im nr =rr=r == mr =c r m=
=ma , == rc r = nr m =r=r, r +rr sio a m=a (
3. nr im r=arsr mr inmr= =amr= r = nr = =, ia, inr= in=vr , am
vrina n =r-=m vrina mr inmr= r ar ( q r n ormr=r m i=q ior=r s-
r ar (
4. rc =r= r a a = sr=rr inori=r r mr ini+r mr= mr inrr n=a mr a a =
sr=rr =ar ( m m=r m = =rmr r=r m imarnr = sr=r =r m nrm= i==r
r a
io== inori=r r mr s =r=r = =cc i==ar (
5. +rrrrr-=m inmr= ini+r =amr m s= = nr m vr-c +rzr= = n i r ar a=rr
+rrrrr inmr= = =cc i==ar (
6. =r = or-=m =-n =am mrr m snr= nrarn=r = = ina ic=rar a=rr nr mr
+r== =r=o +rr m=ar (
7. =+ar sr = = =m ia mr ormr=r cr m=r =am =rrc m inmr=, = =r, invnr=r,
srmrr rsr sric mr r nr mr m=nrar ( =+ar sr = = =m ia = i=ia ra sr=
=+ n = = =m a na (
8. ina-n i=r r =r inar , =ri-mr=r, n rimr sric m orn n ara a = er
sm rr mr =rr=r m=ar a=rr smr r= +rr m=ar io== ina-n i=r r = =cc
i==ar (
9. rc =rm im rsr = +rr =r n a =r=r rc =rm imrq o = nrc innrc,
= =rr=, rcm = sric m i=q =amr= = nr mr nzr =cc i==ar sr = n
im rsr = +rr = a (
10. s=rmr m i=q =r+rcrm =amr= s=rmr mr ini+r rc =am n =c+r
=am s=-=r m=nrar or s s c vr mr mr === nrar ( =m =r=r, s
nr ivrrr ini=rr mr r +rr ra r ar (

irrr = ==rrq
ivrrr mr m c r ==rmr= nr z
ivrrr mr m c r ==rmr= nr z mr ==rrr (e,( = mr =rr( (es = = sr
mr m=r sr==+r imr( ivrrr mr qm =-n r = ==rr io=mr s=r ivrrr =r
r ar a=rr =+rr =r=r m ivrrr = r =m =c= r a = =r= qm nr= =mr n cm
r ar io== ivrrr rr=r mr ==rrr mr orar a=rr =r= vr irm mrr mr srm=
imr orar ( =mr n cmr = +rr=ar= invninor=r a=rr s srrr m =c= +rr +rr
= a ( or ivrrr m == r r ar a=rr =-n r ir i=q ora ( ir r mr
=r=r = r c vr = imr orar ( sr imr +rr or=r mr orar ( nr z = +rr=a
= ivrrr n=r = ir ==rar (
=rrc r s=rm ivrrr i=rrc =rrc r s=rm ivrrr i=rrc mr ==rrr +rr=a ==mr= r=r
= (es . = mr ( =mr ==rrr = =rr=rr = mr im s=rm ivrrr
==n=rr =+rr rr = =r=vr c ar = r( =mr =r n cm = (ec mr ivr==r = a=rr
c==r n=n= (ec mr =c r= = q =rr( nra = qm =i=ia mr cr imr r( =m
invr rrr qm ror ar= imr a=rr = s=rm ivrrr = ==rrsr = invr rrr mr
s =ia m i=q +ror r a=rr sa = =i=ia mr r or mr r= a r= m= mr
si=rmr= ra r r( nrc = or ar= imr r s== s=rm ivrrr m ini+r
rr = = rn ic ( i=rrc r = = =nra = im = m c ==mr= =
sri=r m =rar ra r ar (
1. i=rrc m mr =+rr m c r a=rr =r= =a= mr s=rm ivrrr = ==rrsr mr i=rra
m=r a=rr = =rr= m i=q = rn c r(
2. m c ==mr= sr= =r=r mr ==mr=r = ==n ==rria m=r(
3. m c m =r= s=rm ivrrr = ==ni=ra rorq =a a m=r (
4. rc m = i=na , =r=r n = in=rrsr m =c+r = =rrc r =a= mr i=rr=r m=r(
5. s=rm ivrrr m i=q s cr mr n==rr m=nrr(
6. s=rm ivrrr m i=q vrr =r mrr mr narnr c r(
7. =r= i=rrcr = inr= in=vr m=r(
8. = nr=a s=rm ivrrr a r =rr ar= m=r a=rr sa =r=r =a= = smr ==rc
m=r( =m s=rnr i=rrc s=rm ivrrr = i r ==rar , n=r srr=
= iar mr in mr= m=ar , s=rm ivrrr m rc m= mr == =rr ar= m=ar a=rr
s=rmr m i=q m +rrnr m r m = ar= m=ar (
=rrc r vr irm s ==rr q n ivrrr i=rrc = i=rrc mr ==rrr =(ec( . =
( =m rr =rinor= so= = = = =, +r n vn= a=rr +rr r= = ( =mr = =r=
ic==r = ( ivrrr m r = =rrc r =a= mr =c (
= =r mr .
1. r=ri=m sr = =r=i=m =a= mr ivrrr m = =rr= a vrr =r m=r sr = vrr =r mr m
i=q scr c r(
2. ia+rrvrr=r errr m rn m= a =rrr srr ioa m=r n ern iar cr
3. r r =rinor=r mr = r= q n vrr= m=r(
4. = nr=a ivrrmr a=rr = nrin a ivrrmr mr a -n m=r, ivrrr c r a=rr nr
i=n ar = sna m=nrr(
5. inor=r m i=q sc vr =r= r ar= m=r a=rr s=-=r m=nrr(
=m r r inorr= s=rm ivrrr mr r= =r= m=a a=rr ivrrr
= ==rrsr mr =r= = nr cr m=a mr = = mr =rrc r ivrrr = ==rr mr
nr inr=r a=rr im rsr m srcrcr = =rar cr m=r( n s c vr
=r= rr mr inmi=a m=a a=rr s , r r = s=mr =r= m=a (
= ==rr ivrrr ir o, vrr=, =ri- i=r r a=rr sr mzr mr qm m= m
=r=r, ic vr mr n==rr r=r ivrrr mr inmr= m=ar ( q. =r.
mr s=rm ivrrr in+rr qm =-nr in+rr ( =m = =r mr = mr=

1. = nr=a ivrrmr m i=q ivrrr qn =r= mr n==rr m=r(
2. ivrrr m r = vrr =r mrr mr narnr c r(
3. si+rinr= rc m=r mr n==rr m=r(
4. s=rmr m i=q mr vrr=r, = =rr= n ==== srr ioa m=r(
5. = nr=a ivrrmr mr nr srr=r = sna m=nrr(
6. s=rm ivrrr mr ===rsr = ==ni=ra vrr =r mr mr narnr c r(
=r= ivrrr s ==rr q n ivrrr i=rrc =rrc r ivrrr s ==rr qn ivrrr
i= rc m mrr mr =r=r = = ri=a m= m i=q - m =r= = =r= ivrrr
s==rr q n ivrrr i=rrc r mr ==rrr mr =r= =a= mr = i=rrc m
=nr si=rmr=r mr ic vrm mr orar ( =m r=r rrr sr = ivrrmr mr
ic vr icr mr orar a=rr ivrrr m inmr= a r -=ria imr orar (
=mr =cc m i=q s ic vrm rr=m a=rr vr irm sic vrm r a ( =m
s=nr - m in+rr = in+rr=rr r a ( or s vrr= ivrrr a=rr ivrrr m
r= =r= mr n==rr m=a ( vr irm mrr m =r ==rc m i=q n a =r=
in+rr nr q o= n r=ri=m ivrrr in+rr sr ri=m ivrrr in+rr,
o= =r in+rr, inr q n ira in+rr, amrmr in+rr, =rrr = =rr= a=rr
ic vr in+rr s ==rr in+rr ra ivrrr in+rr sric(
mr = i=rc m r=r i=i=i=ra mr imq ora (
1. ivrrr m ini+rr =a=r = vrr =r mr m=r(
2. s=rm ivrrr m inmr= mr narnr c r(
3. inor=r ivrrr m inmr= = qm qo c m = = mr m=r(
4. rc =amr mr ar= m=nr = ivrrr in+rr mr =cc m=r(
5. i=rr m mrr sr= s=rm ivrrr = ==rrsr mr n rr m=r(
6. =rrc r ivrrr s = =rr qn ivrrr i=rrc m mr m =r mr =r= = =r m=r(
7. ia+rrvrr=r err mr ern irr m ina=r m i=q =rrrsr mr srr o m=r(
8. amrmr = ==rrsr = ir ==rr(
9. inor=r m i= s c vr =r= r ar= m=nrr
10. nri=mrsr mr ivrrr m = =rr= a=rr ia m i=q mr m=r(
11. m=or = nr mr ivrrr m mr u= r mr narnr cr(
12. ra ivrrr mr narnr c r(
13. = nr=a ivrrmr m i=q rcm =r mr n==rr m=r(
14. ivrrmr m n iam inmr= a=rr ivrrr si=rmri=r m i= rr= rc m= a=rr ==m
rc m =r mr n==rr m=r (
=r= c ivrrr in+rr m vr rirm r or vrr= m i=q riaa =r cr
m= m i=q =rr r =c ( =rrc r =a= = = mr mr e=( r=r
imr orar ( =r= c mr mr m= sni=r sr = crrr sni=r m i=q nr ivrrr mr
r orsr , iomr scc v =r= = =nm i=q ivrrr sc c v mr ra m=r im
r or nrr, =r rc= m=r a=rr smr = =rm m=r ( =m = = scc v =
mr= = (
1. r=i=+rm ivrrr m =rn +rr i=mar m sc c v mr ra m= m i=q r r mr mar sr , ivrrr
= o z =rr sr= ivrrr in+rr m si=rmri=r mr r=ar mr narr(
2. rr-=m ivrrr mr na rnr c m i=q vr irm inmr= r orsr mr ar= m= m i=q
amrmr sr = vr irm =rar cr m=r(
s vr irm mr m =r m =+rr inrrr = ivrrr, s= sr = vrr =r mr io== nr=r =r sr = ivrrr
in+rr m mr m =r o = io=r r=ri=m mr m=, =n ivrrr si+rr, = na s= sr= n mi=m
inor=r rr=r -ric = = m=r ( = = ==rr mr == ivrrr =r sr = nr= ==
ivrrr =in mr nrr r ( =mr mr mri=rr m vrrrr c = ivrrr ic vrm r ar or
riar mr i=r r m= sr = s imrina m= m i=q io== nr= r ar (
srai=m n=r n ivrrr m i=q i= vrr=rrsr mr s =r ica imr r (
1. vr irm ir o n ria mr
2. vr irm n=r mr
3. vr irm ina mr
4. =z mr
5. s==r r n = =rm mr
6. c=arn o n mrvr mr
=ra= = =r=c = qm vrr=im vrr=rr r r or vrr= n = =rrm mr c =r r(
=cr mr == =rr - m vrr=rr mr = i=rr qm r== r ar ( io=mr =rar m i=q
nnar q=r i=qc r == n r r== r a (
io=r ivrrr q n ivrrr = ==rr s=rm ivrrr = =rrc r ivrrr ria = (esc m
rn=rrr mr r=r m=a q s=rm ivrrr m i=r r n c m i=q sna n= =
(es = qm m c r rr ioa ror =nrm a mr ( =r r or mr zr c = ==rria m=
mr nra mr =rr( io=m s=r= = (es = =+rr =r=r mr zr c m i=q icrr ic vr
or=r imq q a=rr sna n= = (ese am ror m s =r= c vr = ,(c zr c ==rria
m= m i=q m c r =rar =nrm a mr ( = a= - m =r= = = = ==rr mr
==rrr qm mr n= m = = mr ( = = ==rr m = = mr = mr= = (
1. n = nr a=rr = nr=a ivrrmr m ivrrr a=rr si+rinr= mr n==rr m=r(
2. ivrrr = ==rrsr m rrr mr ir o q n n=r mrr mr ivrrr cr m=r(
3. inor=r ivrrr = =r=crim +rrrcr=r nar m i=q ==ro a=rr ==cr m =rr mr
i=a m=r(
4. =m = n=r =i=ia m =c=r m i=q si+rinr= mr m = srr ioa m=r(
5. io=r ivrrr nr z = ar=== m=m =rrr rr=r = = =rr= m=r(
6. r r-=m mrr mr narnr c r n im r-=m s ==rr mr srr o m=r(
7. = ==rr s ivrrr = ==rrsr m i=q ==rmr= sr = =r=vr qo =r m = = mr
m=ar (
8. ivrrr m r= =r= n s== rnar =r m i=q zr c nm vrr n = =rr= mr srr o
m=ar (
9. ini+rr ivrrr = ==rrr m i=q = =rm mr mr +rr m=ar (
= a= =rrc r ivrrr ria ((esc) - m io= = = = ==rr mr ==rrr mr ( =
= ==rr mr = = mr ivrrr = rnrr =rr a=rr ivrrmr mr ivrrr r=r s-=rr m=r
The organization's history-: As early as 1942, in wartime, the governments of European
countries, which were confronting Nazi Germany and its allies, met in the united kingdom for the
conference of allied missiters of Education (CAME) The Second World War was far from over,
yet those countries were looling for ways and means to reconstruct their systems of education once
peace was restored. Very quickly, the project gained momentum and soon took on a universal
note. New governments, including that of the United States, decided to join in.
Upon the proposal of CAME, a United Nations Conference for the establishment of an edcatioanl
and cultural organization (ECO/CONF) was convend London from 1 to 16 November 1945.
Scarcely had the war ended when the conference opened. It gathered together the representatives
of forty four countries who decided to create an organization that would embody a genuine culture
of peace. In their eyes the new organization must estabilsh the intellectual and moral solidarity of
mankind and in so doing prevent the outbreak of another world war.
At the end of the conference, thirty seven countries founded the United Narions Educational.
Scirntific and Cultural Oraganizartion. The constitution of UNESCO, signed on 16 November
1945, came into force on 4 November 1946 after ratification by twenty Countries Australia,
Brazil, China, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Egypt, France, Greece, India,
Lebanon ,Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Turkey, United Kingdom
and United States. The first session of the general conference of UNESCO was held in Paris from
19 November to 10 December 1946 with the participation of representatives from 30 governments
entitle to vote.
The poitical divisions of the Second World War marked the composition of the founding member
states of UNESCO. It was not until 1951 that Japan and federal republic of Germany become
members, and Spain was accepted in 1953. Other major historical factors, such as the World Cold
War and the dissolution of the USSR, also left their trace on UNESCO. The USSR joined
UNESCO in 1954 and was replaced by the Russian Federation 1992 alongside 12 former Soviet
republics. Nineteen African states become members in the 1960s.
As a consequence of its enrty into the United Nations, the peoples Republic of China has been the
only legitmate representive of China at UNESCO since 1971. The German Democratic Repubic
was a member from 1972 to 1990, when it joined the federal Republic of Germany.
Some countries withdrew from the organization for political reasons at various points in time but
they have today all rejoined UNESCO. South Africa was absent from 1957 to 1994, the United
States of America between 1985 to 2003 the United Kingdom of great Britain and Northern
lreland from 1986 to 1997 and Singapore from 1986 to 2007.
Origins of UNESCO
The main predecessors of UNESCO were:
The international committee of Intellectual Co-operation (CICI) Geneva 1922-1946, and its
executing agency, the international institute of intellectual Co-operation (IICI) Paris, 1925-1946
The internatioanl bureao of education (IBE) Geneva 1925-1968 since 1969 IBE has been part of the
UNESCO secretariat inder its own statutes.
NEW YORK,USA,7 December 2006- UNICEF was never meant to be here today, in the first decade
of the 21
century. Yet today, a world without UNICEF is unimaginable. On the eve of UNICEF's
anniversary, which will be marked with events at its headquartes in New York tomorrow, here is
a brief look back.
UNICEF was brought to life in December 1946 by unanimous vote at the first session of the UN
General assembly. The United Nations Internatioanl children's Emergency fund, as it was then
known, was to provide short term relief to children in post World War II Europe.
Then as now UNICEF was funded entirely by voluntary contributionsand once the immediate post
war needs of Europ's children had been seen to many thought UNICEF should cease to exist.
1946-1959: an agency for children is born-: Pakistan's permanent Representative to the United
Nations, Ahmed Bokhart, argued passionately those children around the worlld faces an ongoing
spiral of disease and poverty that stymied global development and that UNICEFs mission was as in
valuable as ever. His argument prevailed.
By the time UNICEF became a permanent part of the United Nations in 1953, the seven year old
organization was active in some 100 countries.
In 1959 the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of the child stated that the hunger, poverty
disease discrimination and ignorance endured by millions of children was a violation of their basic
rights, and the landscape of children's lives was changed forever.
1960-1979 the development decades-: UNICEF was to provide more than just humanitarian relief.
In the 1960s and 70s nutrition and health, education and family issues became additional areas of
focus. In this period.
Half of UNICEFs spending was being dedicated to learning
UNICEF was in the global spotlight in 1965 as the recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize.
The advent of inexpensive strategies such as providing micronutrients. iodine, vitamin A and iron
supplementation-proved efffective in saving lives.
1980-1989 the silent emergency-: Despite decades of humanitarian work, by 1980 some 15 million
children were still dying of preventable causes each year. At this time, the Child Survival Revolution
Days of Tranqullily were launched to immunize children in conflict zones.
Education for all became a rallying cry for global development
Children and women found their lives increasingly engulfed by war and violenceand the expanding
HIV/AIDS pandemic.
1990- 1999 Recognizing child rights-: The convention on the Rights of the child, adopted in 1990,
went on to become the most universally adopted internatioanl treaty in history. Also during this
The world summit for children brought together the largest ever gathering of world leaders
Confilcts and genocide put children at risk from landmines, starvation and trafficking and denied their
right to a childhood.
2000-2006 children at the heart of development-: The millennium development goals set forth in
2000 have served as a blueprint for global development toward 2015. Since the start of the new century.
At the Un Special Session on Children, youth participation came to the fore.
the HIV/AIDS Pandemic has affected children's lives as never before posing new challenges to social
Today and beyond -: What began as a temporary experiment 60 years ago has grown to become the
world leading agency for children. Today UNICEF is active in over 190 countries uniting people and
partners to make the world a better place for future generations.
Sixty years is but a blink of an eye in the course of history, but in that brief span of time the world has
become a different place for children entirely. With the millennium Development Goals as our guide
UNUCEF will continue to evolve and respond to the challenges children face in a complex yet wondrous

=rrc r vr irm r or q n vrr= = ==rr (r) =rrc r vr irm r or q n vrr= = ==rr qm
=-n r = ==rr io= m ;r =rn = =r=r inmr= = r= cnr=r ==rria imr r ( m n=
+rr=a ni=m cirrr qivrr mr qm = =r =c ( = vr irm iro q n vrr= m r = rm
= = inmr= imr ( =m mrr mr c =ra q +rr=a ==mr= ,uuc = =mr =rc invninor=
mr cor cr imr ( r = = +rr=a ==mr= r=r sri=r m =rar ra = ==rr (
vr = = r mr ==rrr (ec, = qivrr a=rr vrra r m vr irm r ormr=r , vrr=mr sr=
n rmr m i=q =mr m ; m = = mr =rr io= (ec = qirr r irm ror qn rr=
in+rr nr icr r( =m r= nrr nrc =mr r= =rrc r vr irm r ormr= q n vrr=m mr = o ==r
icr r( (ee = qm nr= i= =mr r= nc= m= =rrc r vr irm ror q n vrr= = ==rr rr
m= icr r(
sro = =rrc r vr irm r or qn vrr= invninor= (r) m r= = orr orar ( =m
sro (u in+rr = s=, = mr ( iom mr m= nsrr=r ( =mr sr ==
=amr= or ini+r =am o== a=rr s c=arn o s=-=r ( = invninor= = s ivrrr =
==ni=ra sri=rr mr ra m= a ivrrr cr mr orar ( r = = =rr= n mr vrr=rsr mr
== srr o imr orar ( ir o q n vrr= ==n=rr vrr =r mrr mr ==rrr +rr mr orar ( =m
=r=r r = ==rr ir omr sr= vrr=mr m ivrrr mr n==rr +rr m=ar (
1. vr irm ir o qn vrr= m r = ivrrr mr n==rr m=r(
2. ir o q n vrr= m r = q nar a=rr srr=r mr inr= q n =r= m=r(
3. vr irm ir o qn vrr= r m sa a =r= a=rr r r =a= = r=arsr mr inmr= m=r(
4. = =rr= n mr vrr=rsr mr srro m=r(
5. vrr =r mrr mr narnr c r(
6. m c r a=rr =r= ==mr=r mr vr irm ir o m r = =r=vr mr = in=rr cr m=r(
7. s c vrr m =r=r ==m ==rria m=r(


Learning, Concept and Nature
Learning, Knowledge and skills: different ways of learning
Meaning of teaching and its relationship with learning and learner
Socialization and learning: understanding influences and factors that shape learners identity.
Lerner in Contest: Situating learner in the socio political and cultural context.
Constructs of Childhood: critical examination of the universal construct of childhood.


Learning is the key process in human behavior. Parents and teachers are greatly interested in childs
learning. Childs instincts, attitudes, appreciations, skill and abilities are primarily the product of learning. It
influences our language, interests and even goals. Anurag learn to sit, stand, walk or run or to talk, he learns to
hold a pen and to write, he makes use of language to identify natural objects, he classifies objects such as grapes,
bananas, mangoes, apples etc., he distinguishes between a Crow and a Monkey. Few days back he preferred to
play alone but now he enjoys company of his classmate. He used to have temper tantrums if his friend took his bat
and ball, but now he shows restraint. All these points emphasize that change is taking place in Anurags behaviour
or we may say that learning has taken place. Whenever there is a complexity in life, learning takes to solve it. And,
it is in this light that learning is also known as a process of problem-solving.
Briefly speaking, learning is change in behavior- organization. It is the organism as a whole that learns.
Bode remarks, Learning is reconstruction, combines thinking skill, information and appreciation in a single unitary
process and it is characterized by flexibility, since it must constantly adapt itself to the circumstances of the
situation and the environment. Thus, the child in the school learns many subjects and gradually finds himself
totally a changed man. The child in the school learns many subjects and learn a sense of personal worth; and his
whole self is changed. Therefore, the teachers should remember that they are dealing with the pupils as a person
never with just a piece of them, at a time.
Learning at all stages is a continuous process involving progressive organization of human behavior, to meet the
new in the environment. A few defining characteristics of learning may be mentioned as under:
Firstly, All living is learning i.e. the individual is in active relation with his environment.
Secondly, It results in change in behavior. We note a change in planarians response to the light. It is a change of
behaviour influenced by previous behavior. It is any activity that leaves a more or less permanent effect on later
Thirdly, Learning is an Adjustment. Most learning in children consists in modifying, adapting and developing their
original nature. In later life the individual acquire new forms of behavior.
Fourthly, It comes about as a result of practice. This characteristics eliminates sources of change such as illness and
maturation. Patent effects of motivation on behavior are worth considerable here.
Fifthly, Learning is Universal. Every creature that lives learns. Man learns most. Human children have the longest
period of immaturity and helplessness and hence the longer period for opportunity for learning. The human
nervous system is very complex, so are human reaction and so are human acquisition.
Sixthly, Learning is a relatively permanent change. After a rat wakes up from his nap he still remembers the path
the path to the food. Even if you have not been on a bicycle for years, in just a few minutes practice you can be
quite proficient again.
Seventhly, learning is Growth. It is never ending growth. At each stage the learner acquires new visions of his
future growth and new ideals of achievement in the direction of his efforts. Each achievement forms the basis of a
fresh endeavor and thus the constant urge of his soul to news and higher ideals of work and achievement is
progressively fulfilled.
Lastly, learning is not directly observable. The only way to study learning is through some observable behavior.
Actually we can not observe learning, we see only what precedes performance, itself, and the consequences of
Learning is not confined to human being only but animals also learn in a similar fashion. The juggler makes the
monkey to learn so many tricks. Days are trained to catch thieves, elephants are taught to perform circus tricks,
pigeons learn to play ping, pong, dolphin fish are noted playing net-ball or passing through a ring. Hsyes trained
chimpanzees to perform acts as dusting, washing dishes, sharpening pencil, to painting furniture etc. The only
difference in animal learning and human learning is in the extent of learning because all learning depends upon the

Learning can be defined as the process leading to relatively permanent behavioral change or
potential behavioral as we learn. We alter the way we perceive our environment, the way we interpret
the incoming stimuli, and behave. Jon. B Watson (1878-1958) was the first to study how the process of
learning affects our behavior thought known as behaviorism. The central idea behind behaviorism is that
only observable behaviors are abstraction such as a persons mood or thoughts are too subjective. This
belief was dominant in psychological for good 50 Years.
Perhaps the most well known Behaviorist is B.F. Skinner (1904-1990). Skinner followed much of Watsons
believed that internal states could influence behavior just as external stimuli. He is considered to be a
Radio belief, although nowadays it is believed that both internal and external stimuli influence our
Behavioral Psychology is basically interested in how our behavior results from the stimuli both in the
environment. They study, often in minute detail, the behaviors we exhibit while controlling for as many
other variables as process, but results have helped us learn a great deal about our behaviors, the effect
our environments has behaviors and what motivates us to change or remain the same.

1. Lectures
Lectures and classroom presentations serve as a one-way knowledge transfer path. During this
process, information is delivered to the students in a one-way communication mode, In choosing this
method of learning, it is critical for educationists to understand who their target audience is.
If the group comprises young and inexperienced people, a lecture must be customized to make them
simple and easy to understand. Alternatively, if the audience is mature and experienced, then, the lecture
has to include practical applications and real-life examples these students can relate to.
Although the subject could be the same, the style of delivery of the lecture should consider the target
audience and its level of competency.
2. Tutorials
Tutorials play a critical role in the learning process as they give students an opportunity to clarify their
doubts and ask for additional assistance on a subject. For the learning process to be fully optimized,
tutorial sessions must allow for two-way communication and healthy dialogue.
Examples of tutorial activities include working on challenging questions, problems, findings solutions as a
class, sharing of research among students and following up on topics introduced in lectures.

3. Case studies

Case studies are a very powerful application and learning tool. As examples of real-
life scenarios, they give students a better appreciation and deeper understanding
of a specific topic. Case studies offer students an insight of theory in practice.

4. Problem-based learning

This learning tool enhances a students analytical thinking abilities and problem-
solving skills. Students have to apply these skills in a classroom context to real-life
unsolved cases. After searching and finding possible solutions, students can debate
the pros and cons of each, and the consequences of each decision.

5. Industrial attachments

As part of the learning process and curriculum, students could be attached to
relevant departments for on-the-job training (OJT). This allows students to put into
practice their classroom-based learning, and exposes them to the realities of
working in the real world, such as time management issues and learning to work
with a variety of people.

6. Video screening

Many people absorb information more easily if it is presented visually. Thus,
screening videos on appropriate subjects is a good supplement to the lecture

7. Projects and presentations

Projects and assignments allow students to demonstrate their ability to integrate
their knowledge and practical experience.

Individual assignments build the students independence and confidence, while
group work inculcates team spirit, cohesiveness and the ability to collate and put
ideas together from a collective viewpoint.

Projects and assignments teach students how to prepare detailed reports in a
logical format: outlining the proposal, identifying issues and detailing solutions or

8. Practical projects

The key objective of practical projects is to enable students to better appreciate
what they have been taught in the classrooms. Practical projects can involve short
visits and excursions to industry-related companies and factories after which
students have to furnish a written report. This is a powerful learning tool as it
provides students with the opportunity to incorporate what they have learned in
theory with real-life industrial observations.

9. Role-play learning

Role-play is an effective teaching tool in certain disciplines. For example, mass
communication students can better understand the work of a journalist or a news
anchor by simulating a news event or television broadcast.

10. Knowledge mapping

Knowledge mapping is a useful tool for visual thinking. It helps students map out
information and ideas, see how they are linked and identify the knowledge gaps.
This is a skill that is useful in the working world too.

For a start, students can be taught how to connect various pieces of information
given to them, for instance, a couple of chapters in a textbook. When they know
how to do this, they can move on to the next level of competence.

Having a good understanding of these various teaching methodologies allows
educators a greater flexibility to select the best teaching methods for each of their
target audiences. The result will be motivated and engaged students who are able
to optimize their learning experience.
Knowledge and Skill
Knowledge is information processed by humans and put together contextually. Its
proper use is always beneficial to humankind. One commonly distinguishing factor
between knowledge and skill is that knowledge is what is contained in the head and
skill is that which is done by the hand. But the difference is not so simple, as you
shall see.
In architecture, it is important that one is knowledgeable in as many facets of life
as possible because the domain of architecture is the meeting point at which all
those facets come together. Hence one should possess sufficient width of
knowledge. There are many things that an architect should ideally put together and
assimilate in his/her head before the hands come to play.
Skills only give teeth to knowledge. skills are of lower value than knowledge. Skills
are often non-contextual. That means, you would learn it exactly the same way
irrespective of where it would eventually be applied. If any particular skill is only
partially known then it becomes a blunt tooth. Hence, each skill should be learnt to
sufficient depth or the skill should be left to someone else entirely.
It is not necessary that one need be skilled. But it is important that one is
knowledgeable. Knowledge and skills are often confused because one man's
knowledge is another man's skills. It depends on how well he relates his own life
with it. And what is meant by context to that person.
This is best illustrated by an example: I remember me driving nails into various
pieces of wood, when I was just a kid excited by everything around me. Then my
dad came along and gently explained that I had to take the thinner piece of wood
and nail it to the thicker one. The other way won't work. That was a skill that he
had. To me, it was awesome knowledge.
Then he told me something more important: He showed me how to make
something useful from that skill that I had acquired - a simple box. I had only
some of the skills to be a carpenter when I was a kid but not the knowledge of
what to do with it. And what I regarded as knowledge, was to my dad, just some
more skills that one ought to have. My dad had even more knowledge on how to
use the skills more fruitfully in his life
But before someone thinks that I am demeaning skills entirely; it is important that
to cover the last mile in anything we do, one would need to have appropriate skills
or get the last mile run by those who do have the skills if we don't possess them
ourselves. History is replete with examples where people had the knowledge but
not the where with all (skills) to take the knowledge to fruition

The Word teach has a long history and its uses have varied from one period to another . According to
its semantic derivation , to teach means to show someone something through signs or symbols ; to use signs or
symbols to evoke responses about events, Persons , observations, findings and so forth. A descriptive definition is
stated as follows: teaching is imparting knowledge or skill. The word imparting is specified by resorting to
contextual usages. In one context imparting may mean to share experiences, in other context it may mean
communicating information by lecture. The range of ideas on the concept of teaching have been classified into the
following three categories: ( International Encyclopedia of Teaching & Teacher Education 1987 )
Learning and Teaching
Learning and Teaching are the two aspects of the same process , that involve teacher, learners, content
and the instructional material. Teacher approaches learner within the domain of specified content area , through
instructional material and instructional activities with the intention to bring about some changes in potentials,
abilities and behavior of learners . All the activities of teaching focus on bringing about the desired learning. The
intentions which are prescriptions for students learning are central in the process of learning and teaching . from
the point of view of management of teaching and learning , the complex phenomenon may be considered as a
combination of the process of learning and the process of teaching. The learning teaching process may be
schematically represented through the following figure.

Variable of Learning Process

Variable of Teaching Process

i)Leaning , Potential &

i)Teacher Personality

ii) Pre-requisite abilities
ii) Management of Socio-
emotional climate.

iii) Learning Climate of the class
iii) Management of Internal
Conditions of Learning .

iv) Learning Types
iv) Management of External
Conditions of Learning
v) Contingencies of stimulus &

Teaching as Success
Teaching as success signifies the idea that learning is implicated in teaching. According to this view point
teaching entail learning and can be defined as an activity which necessarily affects learning . Dewey (1934) has
expressed this concept of teaching by an equation . Teaching is to learning as selling is to buying . It implies that
teaching has not taken place if it did not result in learning Teach means not merely that some interaction is
taking place, but also that the learner is acquiring what is being taught. According to this view, to say that Ram has
taught Grammar to Sayam would mean a successful acquisition of Grammar by Syam . Here the achievement of
teaching has figured but not the task aspect of teaching. In individual can teach how to spell a list of words without
success, but a student cannot learn the words unsuccessfully. A student can learn without being taught, and a
teacher can teach even though the student does not learn.
Teaching as intentional activity:-
Teaching is intended behaviour for which the aim is to induce learning (scheffler 1960). Intention refers to
that behavior which is deemed to be important : and what is important at a particular time would depend upon
the situation and ones beliefs . If any student disturbs the class, it is important for the teacher to maintain the
order in the class. What he does will depend upon his beliefs . If he believes that the student was seeking attention
unconsciously he will behave differently from when he believes that it was his misconduct. The performance of
teacher is considered as guided by their intentions grounded in their belief system and modes of thinking ( Fenster
marchers, 1980).
Teaching as normative behaviour:-
In the normative concept , teaching is a generic term which denotes actions understanding with the
intention of bringing about learning in another ( Robertson, 1987). It designates a family of activities: training and
instructing are primary members and indoctrination (is) a near relative(Green 1968). Training consists of activities
that shape skills and the other behavior while instruction and indoctrination go with activities which induce
knowledge and belief. Teaching comprises mainly the training and instructing , and slightly overlaps with

Anatomy of Teaching:-
Teaching Variables
Many writers agree that the act of teaching can structurally be viewed as consisting of three types of
variables. The learners related variables, the teacher related variables and the content related variables. All the
acts of teaching coverage on affecting the behavioural tendencies of the learning. But the learner himself is not
passive and inert entity by the time, a learner enters the school he has already attained some skills of life and
developed some fixed modes of sensory reactions, some beliefs, attitudes and values etc. All these attainments are
considered his endowments with which he enters the educational systems. So they may be considered as entering
behaviour. All these capabilities are subject to change through the teaching and account for the learner- related
Teacher is a developed personality. He converts and controls the teaching environment through the direct
influence of his personality. His competencies, his teaching bahaviour & other managerial tasks, with regard to
media and supplementary activities are taken as the teacher related variables. Teacher influences learners through
the process of communication of content. So the type and level of content, and the desired educational outcome
in behavioral terms constitute content related variables. But this structural view of teaching excludes the vital
aspects of teaching process. The structural description of teaching parallels to a description of a drawing room. It
is incomplete as it is catching only structural and static view of teaching. For a more realistic picture of teaching,
the functional view is much emphasized in the current writings on the subject. In the current literature, teaching
has been viewed as a system according to this view it consists of:-
i) Input variables
ii) Process variables
iii) Output variables

Input variables include firstly the entry status of learners capabilities, potential and skills and
secondary the teachers equipment, his status of knowledge of subject matter , communication skills,
his dynamism and other aspects of personality. The constituents of input variables are the material
facilities available in the instructional environment .The output variables include the description of
terminal behaviour. The desired educational outcomes cover all the cognitive components , and the
desirable attitudes, the values & also the various types of manual & mechanical skills . The process
variables refers to all the components of the teaching learning process. It comprises of content ,
instruction & the media . The content variables include the sequence and organization of the
components of knowledge in the subject matter. The instructional programme will consist of the
continuous inflow of the content through various techniques such as lectures, discussions and
questions in expository or enquiry modes. It also includes the management of these aspects along
with media , all pointing to the attainment of the terminal goals.

Teaching has been defined as an interactive and dynamic process. A conscientious teacher
prepares for the task, conducts it and follows it up. Before engaging in the actual task of teaching, a
teacher performs a number of activities that are preparatory to teaching. These activities are not
interactive activities.
There are three phases of teaching process that have been indentified:-

1) Pre- active phase
2) Interactive Phase
3) Post active phase

Operations of Teaching at Pre-active Phase

These may be listed as follows:-

1) Formulations of instructional objectives
2) Making decisions about the subject matter.
3) Arrangement of ideas and style of teaching.
4) Development of the teaching strategy.

Operation at the Interactive phase of Teaching

According the Jackson (1966) , in the interactive phase, the teacher provides pupils verbal
stimulations of various kinds, make explanations, asks questions, listens to students
responses, and provides guidance (Gage, 1967).
The operations involved in this phase may be identified as follows:-

1) Sizing up of the class.
2) Diagnosis of the learners
3) Treatment given to the learners .
a) Selection of stimuli
b) Development of the strategy
c) Feed back and reinforcement

Operations at Post Active phase of Teaching
It is a phase of evaluation and follow up of the operation at the pre-active and post active phases. The operations
involved in this phase are as follows:-
1) Determining the exact dimensions of the behaviour changes.
2) Using appropriate testing devices and techniques.
3) Changing the strategies in terms of evidences gathered.
Relationship Between Teaching and Learning

Relationship with regard to class- climate

Learning at any level has been viewed as a function of the climate of the class. Broadly , three climates
have been identified in the classrooms:-

i) Authoritarian Climate.
ii) Laissez Faire Climate and
iii) Democratic Climate.

1) Authoritarian Climate
In this climate teacher acts as a centre of authority . He exercises firm, centralized control . He plans the
instructional & other programmes, he manages the class room activities, he directs and controls
students learning . He is the sole active agent in the class. He believes in the moulding theory and his
conviction in the impact of the external environment is so strong that he feels that anything can be made
of a child who comes to him. Many great teachers have had this faith.

For studying the impact of authoritarian climate on the general attainment of the students, a classical
experiment was conducted by lippitt and white (1960) conducing that boys in authoritarian groups tended
to be apathetic & dependent. They demonstrated little capacity of independent work. Under the direct
guidance of the teachers, the level of academic performance was highest which deteriorated rapidly in
the absence of the control. There was little or no resentment against the authority but there were
occasional evidences of mutual aggression and acts of hostility among the follow beings. The members of
the group developed a sense of competition.

(ii) Laissez Faire Climate
In laissez faire climate the main emphasis is laid upon the natural enfoldment of the learners rather
than exercising the centralized control. Here, students are left on their own. They decide what they want
to do and how they will do it. In this climate , teacher is not a leader, he provides guidance when it is
demanded by the students . He does not intervene in students plans but helps where and when asked to .
As conducted from the lippitt and whites experiment, the students of this group got along in a better in a
better way then those of authoritarian group. They showed lesser tendency of resentment against the
class fellows. The students does not academically achieve much. They suffered from emotional insecurity.
They were not satisfied and contented for their work and attainment

iii) Democratic Climate:-
In democratic class- climate the teacher acts as a leader. He leads his students towards the solution of
the significant problems of his subject area. There is no centrally exercised control on the students but
students receive directions. The teacher plans the sessional work with the active cooperation of the
students. Teacher implements the instructional plan according to the students needs & demands . The
views, experience & criticism of students are valued. The climate presupposes interchange of evidence
and insight , give & take , and respect for one another ideas. In this climate, field theory of learning is
used. A psychological approach is followed in teachers relationships with his students. An outlook of
mutual help and sympathy is maintained in academic assistance.
In this lippitt & whites experiment, the democratic group evidenced a more friendly and confiding
atmosphere then did the authoritarian group. Members extended mutual recognition to each other as
did the members of laissez group. However, they worked on the higher level of efficiency & were much
less dependent on the leader than the other groups. Further more, they also showed more initiative and
worked much more effectively in the absence of the leader than did the authoritarian group (Bigge and
hunt, 1968)

Socialization and learning: Understanding influences and factors that shape teacher learner way.

Socialization begins when the individual is born. The new born baby enters a social environment meeting
first its parents and other caregivers. As social beings, humans naturally engage in relationships with others in
society. The following are some definitions of socializations:

Socialization is the act of adopting the behaviour patterns and norms of the surrounding culture. Another
word to describe socialization is enculturation (Wordnet. Princeton University).

The term socialization is used by sociologists, social psychologists and educationalists to refer to the
process of learning ones culture and how to live within that culture (Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia).

Socialization is the process by which a human being beginning at infancy acquires the habits, beliefs, and
accumulated knowledge of society through education and training for adult status (Merriam-Webster

Socialization is process of being raised within a culture and acquiring the characteristics of the given
group (Prentice-Hall Publishers)

Socialization is to adapt or make conform to the common needs of a social group (Your Dictionary.Com).

In short, socialization is the instilling of the language, values, rules, customs, traditions, skills, knowledge,
understanding of others, understanding of oneself as a social being or a social self. During this process,
individuals learn who they are and how they go about forming their social identity. Socialization occurs through
several agencies of social control, however, one common thread is that they teach people, normally at a young age
how society functions and what it expects and values in an individual. For example, a mother may rewards her
child for being polite as society expects children (and also others!) to be polite in public (
Socialization provides the individual with the knowledge and skills necessary when participating in society.
On the other hand, society uses socialization as the means of maintaining cultural continuity (New World
Encyclopaedia, 2008).

Sociologists have distinguished the following types of socialization which occurs in various social settings
such as the school, the home, the workplace, among peers and so forth:
Primary socialization
Secondary socialization
Reverse socialization
Anticipatory socialization
Reciprocal socialisation
Primary Socialization
Primary socialization is the process whereby people learn the attitudes, values, and actions appropriate to
function as members of a particular culture. In many instances, the socialization process takes place
without the individual knowing about it. Primary socialization is essentially through face-to-face
interaction between people and the main socializing institution is the family.

Secondary socialization
Secondary socialization refers to the process of learning what is appropriate behaviour as a member of a
smaller group within the larger society. This type of socialization is purposeful and obvious. Usually it
involves smaller changes than those occurring in primary socialization. Example would be being socialized
by the peer group or when entering the workplace or relocating to a new environment or society. A
substantial amount of secondary socialization takes place in the school and peer groups.

Reverse socialization
Reverse socialization is deviation from the desired behaviours or enculturation. This is especially common
among young adults.

Anticipatory socialization
Anticipatory socialization refers to the processes of socialization in which a person "rehearses" for future
positions, occupations, and social relationships. For example, a high school student who has been
accepted to university begins to dress and adopt mannerisms which are supposed to be characteristic of
an undergraduate.

Resocialisation refers to the process of discarding former behaviour patterns and accepting new ones as
part of a transition in one's life. This occurs throughout the human life cycle. Resocialisation can be an
intense experience, with the individual experiencing a sharp break with their past, and needing to learn
and be exposed to radically different norms and values. An example might be the experience of a young
man or woman leaving home to join the military.

Reciprocal Socialization
Reciprocal socialization is when parents socialize children and children in turn socialize their parents.

Learning is a comprehensive process. The success of this process depends not only upon the effective teaching
but also upon so many group factors. The factors related with the learner, the teaching, and the environment are
seen responsible as a determinant of quality, nature and speed of learning. The main factors related that affects
learning may be mentioned as below-
A) Factors belonging to the learner
B) Factors belonging to the teachers
C) Environmental Factors.
Cases have been found of a child indulging in delinquent acts simply because they are for above average in
intelligence but the school that they attend is poor in stimulation. As a result these children satisfy their
intellectual curiosity by indulging in delinquent and thrilling tricks. So we may say that holding the conditions of
learning constant, the level of intelligence of a child makes a difference to the amount of their learning output in
the class room.
His age: The test of learning given to subjects of a wide range of ages have shown that learning efficiency increases
with age to a certain extent after which it stays stationery for some time and ultimately tends to decrease. The
phenomenon can be understood easily if we keep in mind the developmental curves. Maturation of the individuals
makes a difference in the total leaning of an individuals experience also accounts for a difference both of which
are linked up with age. So we find that children are speedier and more efficient at learning task as they grow
His will to learn: He will to learn is always ladled as a factor determining the amount of learning. It is believed that
in order to be able to grasp and retain a certain material the individual must have an inner urge to learn, a drive
that can motivate him into learning.
A. Factor belonging to the learner
The factors affecting related with the learner may be specified as under-
i. The Child himself: Child is the pivot of any leaning activity. All activities rotate around him. As the aim of
education is all round development of childs personality, from this point of view, the activities based and
carried on account of childs needs, interests, attitudes, aptitudes, potentialities, capabilities, individuality,
intelligence etc. may be effective and of immense importance. Hence, it is suggested that each and every
activity related with the learning should be carried out in accordance with childs interest, needs and his
physical and mental capacity. This all is possible only when the teacher has a deep insight to understand
his pupil thoughly.
ii. His intelligence: Intelligence has been found to be one of the main factors that influence learning. The
proof for this factor is very commonly found in classroom. The schools which are meant for children of
average child. Similarly, these schools are of no help to a child who is more intelligent than the average
one. Cases have been found in the classroom. The schools which are meant for children of average ability
usually are not able to help a retard child. Similarly, these schools are of not help to a child who is more
intelligent then the average one . This motivation is determined by the interests, desires and the purpose
of a particular individual.
Guidance: Usually trial and error is considered to be the method of learning. When faced with a new task
and individual attempts, in case it is a failure, he tries again, perhaps using a different technique this time. After a
few trials and efforts he evolves the correct method of tackling the task. In practice we find that it allows the hit
and miss method, a pupil wastes a great deal of his time and while facing failure, he goes through a certain
amount of tension and frustration. A teacher through his guidance, can save his pupils a lot of frustration and
Educational Background: Educational background of the learner is an important factor that affects his learning.
Student may be backward from educational point of view as a general case or specific one. Some of the students
are weak in most of the subjects while some students are weak in one or two particular subjects. The first category
of students is termed as general backward. Educational background of generally backward students is more
challenging than the educational background of specially backward children. It is very common that if a particular
student is weak in any subject, he will feel difficultly in learning new knowledge of that subject.
Health status of child: The health of the student should be very Sound. A mal-nourished ill or otherwise
physically handicapped, can not realize his potentialities as a learner. A pupil who is unhappy, discouraged or other
wise does not possess the balanced emotional tone is sure to be handicapped in his learning attempts. It is the
rightly said that a sound mind rests in a sound body, from this point of view a student should be physically and
mentally fit so that he may learn easily and comfortably. Childs attention, interest, concentration etc. have direct
link with the physical and mental health level of the students. Any sort of mental illness or deficiency or
abnormality, physical illness or mental tension and frustration will affect directly student learning.
B. Factor belonging to the teacher: The factors affecting learning related with teacher may be specified as
I. Knowledge of subject: Teachers knowledge related with his subjects, his experience and ability
has a direct bearing on the learning of the students. If a teacher does not possesses deep
knowledge of his subject, he can not give much enough to his students. On the contrary, if a
teacher has full command over his subject and has a mastery over the subject matter, he will be
capable in giving new knowledge of his student with full confidence.

Knowledge of Psychology: Every teacher must have extensive knowledge of psychology without which he
can neither know the student nor let the stage for learning. The elementary and secondary school teachers are
most concerned with the psychology of children, psychology of adolescence and educational psychology. The latter
deals with the application of psychological facts in such a way that the educational growth of the individual is
efficiently directed and controlled. So, it is rightly said that knowledge of education psychology is must for a
teacher. It is quite justified that he should have a deep knowledge of most common concept of psychology such as
process of child development, heredity individual differences, motivation, theories of learning. Further in the
class room situation he has to deal a variety of students at the same time. To gain mastery over such situation and
to handle problems of individuals it is unavoidable for a teacher to have a detailed knowledge of educational
psychology otherwise he will be a utmost failure with regard to so many classroom complex situation. It is only
knowledge of psychology that makes teacher fully competent and enthusiastic in dealing with his students.
His teaching will be effective, undoubtedly. Generally, student like those teachers most who are master of
their subjects. Such teachers on the other hand, face very few disciplinary problem. On the other side, teachers
who lack competency on their parts deal students in a negative manner and indulge themselves in non-academic
activities or cheap politics in the college campus. Good teachers are praised by their students like anything.
Teacher Behavior: Teachers behaviors influence the learning of students directly. A teacher should inherit
all the essential qualities of a good teacher. Sympathy, co-operation, objectivity, sweet tempered, polite etc. are all
such traits that should reflect in teachers behavior always. These traits will help in making the environment of the
school congenial and praise worthy. Student will feel relaxed in the company of such teachers and face with them
no difficulty in discussing their personal problem. A part from it, if a teacher is rough and to it in his behavior, the
students will not like his subject, his company and will be compelled to leave the class and more over they may
turn to be truants. The teacher must be impartial. Because, if it all happens, the students will start hating their
teaching. Thus the teacher should not be based while dealing so many activities related with school and class room
Every teacher must have Extensive knowledge of psychology without which he can neither know the
student nor set the stage for learning. The elementary and secondary school teachers are most concerned with the
psychology. The latter deals with the application of psychological facts in such a way that the educational growth
of the individual is efficiently directed and controlled. So, it is rightly said that knowledge of educational
psychology is must for a teacher. In this context, it is quite apparent that until a teacher does not acquire proper
understanding of the principles of psychology, it is very difficult to maybe use of these principles in the field of
Hence, it is quite justified that he should have a deep knowledge of most common concepts of psychology
such as-process of child development, heredity, and individual differences etc. Making use of all these a teacher
can make his teaching effective.
iv) Methods of Teaching- Teaching methods have a direct link with learning process. Consequently each teacher
has a unique method of teaching. Similarly, all the student cannot be taught by a single method. If the teaching
method is scientific in nature. It will help in mapping the teaching effective. Also the learning process will be easier
and purposeful. Realizing this very need of the student educationists have developed modern method and
techniques of teaching. To name a few are-play way method, learning by doing, learning by observation, project
method, text-book method etc.
v) Knowledge of individual difference- Knowledge of individual differences is must for the teacher-each students
has his own interest, attitudes, needs, potentialities, capabilities, values etc. and on account of these some
students grasp the knowledge imparted by their teacher easily while some grasp anything gives by the teacher.
Generally, a teacher has to face three types of students in his class-backward, normal and gifted children.
To plan teaching accordingly the needs of their students or to saisfy the needs of all their student at the same time
is really a difficult. To keep the pace with this problem the teacher plans his teaching strategies keeping in mind
the average children. This helps a bit to backward as well as to the gifted children. Through both of their categories
seem to be dis-satisfied with this approach of the teacher. But, apart from it there is no proper channel for the
teacher that he may try. To go through such channels only knowledge of individuals differences can helps him to
some extent.
vi) Personality- Good and appealing personality is the basis of successful and effective teaching. From this point of
view the personality of teacher must be very attractive and influencing. He must create an impression or put a
stamp on his student keeping appropriate balance between his deeds and actions. Student learns so many things
indirectly from the teacher. It is these that teacher is said to be best motivation for his student. He forms an idol
for his students. students imitate his each and every part of his behavior gladly.
vii) No care to foster individuality- The aim of education should be to develop to the full of potentialities of every
child in school in accord always with the general goods society. It is to develop each individual into a happy well-
co-ordinate personality with socially desirable qualities. It is to produce good citizens who will have sense enough
to judge of public affairs, self control, enough to accept decision of majority, honesty, enough to seek the general
welfare rather than his own at the expense of the community, public spirit. It would be no exaggeration if we call a
traditional school a person, the pupils prisoners and the teacher superintendent of the prison where everything
was teacher centered and subject centered, where no attention was paid towards the psychology of the child.
viii) Lack of Personal Contract between Teacher and Taught-The size of the classes in our schools is too large to
permit class pupil and teacher contract. Therefore, teacher cannot took towards the individuals habits, aptitudes,
attitudes, needs etc. Secondary education commission writes, The increase in the size of classes has considerably
reduced personal contracts between the teacher and pupils. Thus the Training of character, inculcation of proper
discipline has seriously
Undermined. Teaching in our schools had an aim of imparting only factual knowledge through certain
exercise in which the teacher was an expounder, drill master, and a discipline and the child a passive recipient of
verbal and visual impression. It was assumed that the natural inclination of the child were against such subject
matter. The intermediary factor which was used to bridge the gap between the teachers and taught was discipline,
an external force that made the child to memorise that made the child to memories that subject matter. There was
nothing that could later the intellectual, emotional and physical growth of the child. The child could not develop
into anything but a suppressed personality in the absence of proper rapport between the teacher and the taught.
C) Environmental facts
The factors affecting learning related with the environment may be specified as under:
1). Heredity;
Children of bright parents tend to be bright and the children of very inferior parents are after inferior.
Though heredity follows the principle of regression that says that fraits when passing from parents to children
tend to move towards the average. The genius sum of a genius father is very rare thing. Again, there is a tendency
among the off-spring to be higher in fraits in which their parents are low and lower in which their parents are high.
They move towards the average that is they regress.
The reason for not showing consistency in the attainment is due to the complex nature of heredity, as
heredity of child is not solely determined by his immediate parents but from all his forefathers ad ancestors.
2) Environment :
Our environment is our habitation in the fullest sense. Not only our physical surrounding but the
people around us. Social customs and training all constitute our environment. A number of studies conducted
show that environment has remarkable influence on the learning of the individuals. A few studies are quoted as
A study was conducted to compare the intellectual status of children coming from different occupational and
social groups. The occupational status of the father was treated as a general index of the mental abilities of the
child. It was revealed by the study that I.Q
of the father correspond to their occupational status and the
intelligence of the children world corresponds to the occupation of the fathers.
3) Freedom and self- discipline:-until recently, school discipline was regarded narrowly as merely a means of
restraining pupils from creating disorder, so that learning activities may be carried effectively. Restrain commonly
took the form of stern teacher imposed authority involving the extensive use of evil qualities and that he should be
corrected and moulded into shape by the iron-rod of authority. Thus no child could escape beating. To justify all
this they had king Solmon saying, Spare the rod and spoil the child. Or a similar Indian saying, Repeated blows
will move even a grinding stone.
4) Recognition of Teachers Authority:
One should not accrue that the teacher has lost its importance in the modern time. Rather, modern school
situations demand a more carefully selected and well prepared teacher then was necessary for the traditional
In fact, education in an atmosphere of freedom makes for greater demands on the teacher than
does education guided by the old ideas of authority imposed from above. It demand a new atmosphere in the
school and a new attitude in the teacher. It also demands methods such as-Dalton plan, Montessori method etc.
Which advocate for free activity of body, mind and soul of the pupil. The teacher instead of being a slave driver
forting the unwilling pupils to learn becomes a guide, make himself one of the group, brings to the helps of the
group his larger experiences and thus helps the group in the search for truth, encourages them in every walk of
think feel and work for themselves.
5) Nature Neglect-
A teacher should have a complete knowledge on the biological laws. He should know how the
whole organism works. He should know realize that the whole child comes to school and not only his mind the
mind body are an entity. They cannot exist without each-other Latin proverb say-, Men Sano in Car pore Sano
Which means a sound mind lived in the body as in a clay cottage but it would be more true to say that the mind
grows in the body as a plant grows in its soil. Poorer the soil the more arrested the growth; richer the soil better
the growth. Thus the mind and the body are interdependent, one influences the other.
6) Physical Environment Of School-
In General, the school environment presents an educative atmosphere. The modern school site, building
and equipments are adequate, safe, sanitary, comfortable and attractive learning takes place.
The improvement of the environments no doubt, lies in the hands of school authorities rather than teachers. Yet,
the requisitions, requests and suggestions by the teacher can correct the environment to a considerable extent.
The teacher can suggests about lighting arrangement in the class, as due to defective lighting and ventilation
arrangements the crowed class-rooms lead to overhead conditions which reduce working capacity and encourage
the spread of respiratory in factions.
7) Gap between School and Community-
The traditional schools are directed from social life and social activities. It has confined itself to book
learning which has no utility for the child in his later life. But, the modern school represents the society in
miniature. It has an intimate and organic relationship with the society. It incorporates such experiences which
are intimately connected with actual living and the individual to lead a successful life is society. Secondary
education commission points out that here exist a two way traffic .between the school and the larger community
outside and that the problems that arise in the home and community life and realistic experiences gained there
should be brought into school so that education may be based o them and be intimately connected with real life
and on the other hand the new knowledge, skills, and values acquired in the school should be carried into home
life, Solve its problem, to raise its students and link up the teachers, Parents and children in one compact and
naturally helpful group.


Learner in context:- Social stratification whether open or close, is very much concerned with education. Social
mobility is very much influenced by castes, rely ions groups and classes. All these influence the mental progress of
the child through education. Thus, social stratification governs the type of education which a particular individual
will be able to secure. This is clear from the influence castes, religions groups and classes open education in India.
1. Influence of castes: Under the Hindu Social organization, it is castes which determine the individuals
status and position in social hierarchy. One finds elements of the caste system even among the Muslims.
In the caste, the professions and occupation of the lower caste are predetermine and fixed, and the child
aim at adopting the adopt the occupation of his own caste. Since the child almost compelled to adopt the
same profession forefathers, he is inevitably exposed to rules untouchability which operate between his
caste and a superior caste. This caste very undesirable prejudices and give rise to narrow mindedness in
the child. Although there are some advantages in adopting the hereditary occupation, it is undeniably
unscientific in that it fails to consider individual difference of the children and does not consider the actual
suitability of the child to that particular occupation. The caste system has the effect of splitting the society
into many small segments, and his fragmentation obviously hinders the development of national unity.
Besides, it is also responsible for the childs awareness of discrimination and distinction between
individuals and the consequent feelings of superiority and inferiority. In this way, the presence of many
different castes hinders the childs mental progress.
2. Impact of Religious groups:- In India one can see many religious groups such as Hindus, Muslims,
Christians, Buddhists, Siksh and Jains etc, most of these religious groups have established and are
maintaining many religious schools in which general religion is taught, along with their own respective
religious teachings. Most of these schools try to inculcate a particular set of religious principles can be of
benefits to the child and the community, but when teaching in the school contradicts or ridicules
teaching in another school, it naturally gives rises to a consciousness of differences between on e religion
and another. The immediate consequence of this is communalism which is entitled into the childs tender
mind and this prevents him from identifying himself with other members of the nation and thus national
unity suffers. The best course is to inculcate the general principle of religion, stressing the fact that all
religions are one and the same, for without this, religion can only lead to narrow minded thinking.
3. Impact of Classes:- Social class has the most potent influence on the child. On the one hand, we find a
steady breakdown of discrimination based on the religion and caste, but on the other we find a growing
consciousness of he class one comes from , thus intensifying the feeling of difference. This awareness,
the one belongs to the lower middle or upper class is communicated to the child also. Consequently,
children coming from the lower classes start with the feeling of inferiority of being poor, of deprivation of
the good things of life. In reaction, to this inferiority many of them turn to criminal activity, because
children from the upper classes find pleasure in displaying their superiority which has already created in
them pride and vanity and a number or other ignominious emotions and sentiments, Comparatively, the
child from the middle class is less susceptible to either externs. The emotion of superiority on the one
hand & is reduced by consciousness of inferiority on the other, and this explains the reason why must
middle class children show better performances in academic work than children from either of the two
other classes. Some political ideologies also reinforce this awareness of the difference of class. It may
have some dubious advantages, but it cannot be denied that on the whole it has a detrimental effects on
the Childs development & that it practically obviates the possibility of ever generating and human
sentiments in them.
4. Learner and the Political System:- In modern societies, one fine that education is provided in Government
controlled institutions as well as privately managed institutions . Many educational institutions are also
controlled and managed by religious institutions. And even among the Government or state controlled
institutions , one finds that some are administrated by the central authority & others by state or local self-
Governing bodies. Another aspect of the state control of education is to determine the spheres which the
state should take under its own wings and the areas which can be safely left to the control of the people.
In the present day , every government be it totalitarian or democratic, must contribute to education.
There is no doubt that in a democracy the government is elected by the people, but it cannot be denied
that the people themselves can not evolue educational pattern which may look after the educational
needs of every individual. And , at the same time, it is realized that democracy cannot be successful in the
absence of universal education. Hence , modern democratic states play a large part in educational
planning & organization.
Having accepted that the state must exercise control over the educational system , it becomes necessary
to determine the extent to which this control should be exercised . Historically viewed, education has be
carried on in every state through a verity of means & agencies. On the one hand , one finds colleges and
schools run by individuals for profit while on the other one comes across institutions created by religious
groups or philanthropists who have collected funds from private individuals for this purpose . In addition ,
one finds state aided institutions in every country. Even J.S. Mill , who objects , two state control of
education, has admitted that state should establish some ideal educational institution which may serve
has models and which may inspire the people to create similar institutions. Mill objects to the state
control of education on the ground that the state tries to educate the people along lines which support its
own ideology and thus it controls the ideas if the people. This belief is not completely with out logic and
supporting evidence, because communist states do try to control the thinking of the younger generations
by intellectually feeding them on communist literature. It amounts to slow brain washing .Much the same
tendencies has been seen in the past in totalitarian states which also try to control the thinking of the
people by making educational institutions the centers of state propaganda. This is unfair and improper . In
fact , state control in education should be exercised with the sole purpose of preventing encroachment
upon the political and social independence and freedom of the people, because this is essential for proper
development of personality. In the second place , the state has at its disposal unlimited means and
resources which enable it to arrange for education on a large scale. Something which is beyond the rich of
private individual and groups of individuals. Briefly speaking it is desirable that state control of education
should be guided by the principal of the latest possible infringement of the liberties of the people. The
welfare state provides for education on precisely this principle With the establishment of democratic
government. The sphere of education is widening rapidly with the result that the responsibilities of the
state are increasing. The state imposes taxes on the people in order to finance education and then
compels people to send their children to school and colleges. It also supervises educational arrangements
in institutions not controlled by to ensure uniform standard, and also to provide financial aid to them.

This is indeed a difficult period of child development for parents to understand.
From infancy to maturity , development of both the mental and physical growth is not uniform . The
child grows very rapidly up to the age of three. From 3 to 6 his progress is slow. At about six he has one small
period of rapid development after which the child becomes remarkably stable in his adjustment with the
environment. This stability is the most outstanding characteristic of later childhood. This period , according to
Freudian terminology, is the period in which the conflict has been resolved and the child confidently looks outward
to satisfy his curiosity. The transition is from selfishness (infancy) to social existence. But, the maturation is not
perfect . According to Watsons theory behavior becomes more differentiated and the child is able to discriminate
things. Language and understanding interact in this stage.
Characteristic OF CHILDHOOD
1. At this stage we find remarkable stability both physical and mental, i.e. it is a period of consolidation.
2. It is period of Semi-Maturity . the child is quite at home in the world and knows how to deal with the
situations that confront him.
3. At this stage , we find ripening of the gregarious instinct . The real joy of life he founds in the company of
the play mates.
4. Higher forms of social behavior are not yet manifested e.g. he wants to take others toy but does not want
to share his own. Fellow opinions forms his behaviour . He even tells lies for his fellow beings.
5. He becomes extrovert and develops an outward doubt took . He loves outdoor activities and play. He is
intensely curious to how things work.
6. This period has no sex- problems.
7. At this stage child is capable of most of an important intellectual operations.
Childhood is the time when the individuals basic outlook , values and ideals are to a great extent
shaped. Blair
The child thinks more of the objective environment of things and persons other than him. Thus his
behavior should be voluntary and should not be dominated by force, but should be guided. He is deeply interested
in outdoor activities such as in running , climbing ,jumping, swimming, camping and the like. Thus , the teacher
must provide varied occupations. Their understanding must be developed by the rich and alive environment .
There is less scope for speech development. The child should be given scope for questioning. His questions depend
on how this has happened ? why is to so ? and not what is this ? His curiosity for asking questions should be solved
by speech freedom and free expression , through stories and picture reading . His curiosity must be satisfied by
giving factual information . The child at this stage is intensely curious to know how things work. he is eager to
attain information . Hence , learning at this stage should be based through the proper arousal of curiosity . The
child should be provided opportunities for the exercise of his constructive instincts. Learning through doing should
be emphasized project method, heuristic method, story telling. Dramatization etc. Exert strong influence at this
stage. Their gregarious instinct should be satisfied by Girls guiding and boys scouting . The school should have
provision for fine arts to satisfy their sex instinct and emotional needs. Discipline should be self governed rather
than done by restriction . Beside this , provision for games and other outdoor activities , social and community
activities should have place in education .


Definition: In the field of Education, TLM is a commonly used acronym that stands for "teaching/learning
materials." Broadly, the term refers to a spectrum of educational materials that teachers use in the classroom to
support specific learning objectives, as set out in lesson plans

The selection of teaching and learning materials is
an integral part of curriculum planning and delivery
in preschools and schools. Children and students
come into contact with a vast array of print, visual
and multimedia materials in their daily lives. Their
exposure to such materials is mediated by parents
and other caregivers, by legislation and by social
conventions. Educators also have a duty of care to
ensure that the teaching and learning materials with
which children and students are presented, or towards
which they are directed, are appropriate to their
developmental growth and relevant to the achievement
of appropriate learning outcomes.
Preschool directors and school principals are
responsible for ensuring that each education site has
a process for selecting teaching and learning
materials and for providing access to them. This
includes those materials accessible to children and
students on-site (eg through libraries and resource
centres and including online resources). This
process, developed in collaboration with governing
councils1 and staff, should provide routine
procedures for choosing and using education
materials and for the resolution of contentious
issues. On occasions, when issues are unable to be
resolved using this process, the director or principal
will make a decision on curriculum grounds. In such
cases, parents and caregivers retain the right to
exempt their children from access to particular
materials. They may request the provision of
alternative materials that would enable the
achievement of the same learning outcomes.
Site-based decision making about teaching and
learning materials should take into account:
the range of home backgrounds and the
environments of children and students
the diversity of value and belief systems in the
general community
the need to pursue equitable learning outcomes
for all children and students within preschools
and schools
the range of media and multimedia materials to
which todays young people have access via, for
instance, television, videos, computer games and
the Internet.
Parents and caregivers have a right to expect that
their local preschool or school will, through its
curriculum program delivery and associated learning
resources, confirm and extend their childrens own
culture without espousing one set of values and beliefs
above another or judging one against the other.
However, in a diverse multicultural society, parents
and caregivers must also expect that the preschool or
school will present a range of views and values as it
attempts to meet the needs of learners from diverse
cultural and linguistic backgrounds.
Accordingly, it is vital that all sites have an explicit
process to enable the evaluation of materials for their
suitability for use in the preschool or school. Such
evaluation necessarily involves questions about both
selection and access.
Selection means choosing, from the available resources,
those materials considered to be the best, most
appropriate and/or most suitable for the particular
learning activity, and rejecting what is inferior,
inappropriate, unsuitable or unacceptable.
Access means providing opportunities for all children
and students, regardless of race, sexuality, gender
and cultural diversity, to seek out and use information
and learning materials.
It is vital that selection and access processes facilitate
rather than impair childrens and students achievement
of stated curriculum outcomes.
Development and implementation of the process
should take into account the following requirements.
It is the directors or principals responsibility to
work collaboratively with the governing council to
develop the process, within the framework of the
departments guidelines statement and informed by
other relevant department policies and guidelines.
The teacher-librarian, resource centre manager or
the educator responsible for the library or resource
centre should be aware of the curriculum undertaken
within the preschool or school and the appropriate
teaching and learning materials that support it.
The process will be an integral part of the preschool
or school curriculum planning and curriculum
selection processes and will be supported by
relevant learning and development programs for
The process adopted by the preschool or school
will be published as part of the sites policy
statement and/or handbook, communicated to
parents and caregivers and made readily available
to members of the wider education community.
The process will be subject to regular review and
include procedures to enable the re-assessment
of teaching and learning materials.
The head teacher , principal and the staff share
responsibility for the consistent implementation
of the process, including:
providing access to appropriate and relevant
learning materials for all children and students
where relevant, providing wider access to
learning materials than is possible within the
preschool or school
limiting access to certain learning materials,
where appropriate
informing the school community about materials
which may be considered controversial or offensive
ensuring that parents and caregivers and children
and students have access to relevant information
about the process
developing opportunities for involvement of
parents, caregivers, children and students in the
selection and access process (eg through governing
councils and their relevant subcommittees, and
through student councils).
The process must support the achievement of
curriculum outcomes by all children and students.
Choosing and using teaching and learning materials
Roles and responsibilities
2 The definition of collection includes traditional and electronic resources as item listed below:
print resources, for example, books (reference, fiction, non-fiction), periodicals, newspapers, pamphlets [lyrics*,
graphic resources, for example, posters, pictures, maps, models, real objects, kits;
audiovisual resources, for example, videocassettes, fiche, film, slides;
electronic resources, for example, computer software, multimedia, audio and data Compact-Disk-Read Only
Memory (CD-ROM),
Digital Video Disk (DVD), databases, World Wide Web (WWW) based resources. From Learning for the future,
Teaching and learning materials, whether purchased
or donated, should be selected and accessed in ways
which ensure they:
are directly related to a preschools or schools
curriculum policy and program, based on the
departments framework of standards and
accountability, and include, where relevant, support
for the recreational needs of children and students
support an inclusive curriculum, thus helping
children and students to gain an awareness of our
pluralistic society and the importance of respectful
relations with oth
motivate children, students and educators to
examine their own attitudes and behaviour and to
comprehend their duties, responsibilities, rights
and privileges as citizens in our society
are relevant for the age of the children or students
for whom they are selected and for their emotional,
intellectual, social and cultural development. This
includes the assurance that children and students
will not be exposed to offensive materials; that is,
materials which describe, depict, express or otherwi,
provide opportunities for children and students to
find, use, evaluate and present information and to
develop the critical capacities to make discerning
choices, so that they are prepared for exercising
their freedom of access, with discrimination, as
informed and skilled adult.

Schools are a crucial element in
human growth, community living and participation, knowledge-learning and in creating future citizens of the world.
They shape human persons at a delicate stage of growth and personality formation and therefore they deserve
sensitive care, careful nurturing and imaginative handling. Physical environment of a school plays a large role in
determining the quality of learning and teaching taking place there, in kindling curiosity and imagination of children
in teaching them how to live and interact together. Somehow, buildings of schools have not been given the
importance and attention they deserve. In this context Building as learning aid (BaLA) is an important initiative.
BaLA Building as Learning Aid It focuses on the need of the children, teachers and community within a school and
suggests a large number of design ideas and ways in which the buildings of schools, their physical environment
could not only become congenial, sensitive and helpful but also contribute meaningfully towards learning and
School is not merely a structure or a building. Neither it is only an assembly of children and teachers. It is a very
special place for children to learn and grow. It is a place that shapes their thoughts, where they can see knowledge
come alive. It makes them wonder and be creative. School enables children to interact with their environment and
give direction to their future.
That is why it is important that school has an environment where teaching and learning are not reduced to a ritual
but become a joyous experience, for both teachers and children.
Apart from providing a comfortable shelter, a building must offer an additional learning value to its inhabitants.
Building as learning aid (BaLA) is an innovative way of looking at the relationship of a child with the school
space. BaLA is about maximizing the leaning value of school space. BaLA aims at using floors, walls, pillars,
staircase, windows, doors, ceiling, fans, etc. as learning aid. For example, a window grill can help practice
pre-writing skills or understanding fractions. Angles can be marked under a door shutter on the floors and
ceiling fans can be painted with colour wheels for children to enjoy ever changing formations.
Geometrical designs like squares, triangles, circles, scales, alphabets, numbers and tables will be painted in bright
colours in corridors, classroom walls and doors to help children pick up the basics of mathematics. In some
buildings, classroom ventilators will be designed as squares, rectangles or triangles to make children memorise
geometrical figures.
The cement benches or platforms to be constructed in playgrounds will also have similar designs. Graphic and tribal
art will be painted in rainbow colours. This is to acquaint children with art and inform about the colours a rainbow
has. A large 360-degree protractor will be drawn at the doorstep so that children learn to measure the angle where
the door panel stops on the geometrical instrument painted on floor.
The flag stand will serve as solar clock where the sun shadow falling at different places will help students know the
time. The classroom outer walls will have similar designs, so that children who reach before school opens can study
them without entering class. It will be a revision for them. Besides, there will be slogans and portraits of eminent
personalities, RES Executive Engineer S R Vishwakarma, who has designed BALA models, informed.
There are three BALA models. The one costing Rs 2.05 lakh will have two classrooms of 5 x 3.50 meters each and
an open 5.20 x 3.70 meter platform. Another priced at Rs 3.35 lakh will have two classrooms of 5 x 7.40 meters
each in addition to 5 x 4 meter verandah. Another costing Rs 1.84 lakh is for building an additional classroom of
4.50 x 7.50 meter and a 4.50 x 2.30 meter verandah.
A BALA school building, which has come up at Palia village in Sanver tehsil, is based on the second model.
Vishwakarma said RES was imparting one-day quality control training to parents, teachers, masons and fabricators
on choosing right construction material, ratio for mixing construction material, calculating labour, transport cost to
ensure strong and proper construction of BALA structures. The training-cum-awareness programme has been held in
Indore, Mhow and Depalpur tehsil. It would be conducted in Sanver tehsil shortly.
BALA concept has been borrowed from a book by similar name authored by architect Kabir Vajpayee and was
issued to Education Department officials, RES and PWD engineers in the State last year.
5. Initiatives for building Learners Friendly Environment at school:
(a) BaLA Initiative: Building as Learning Aid (BaLA)
initiative is an innovative programme of the Department of
Education to make the schools environment child friendly, and to
facilitate the childs learning in an enjoyable manner. The
detailed guidelines for the VKS including the BaLA activities and
ideas were developed and disseminated to all the Heads of Schools
of Directorate of Education through orientation programmes in
January, 2008. These guidelines were developed with in puts from
Mr. Kabir Vajpayee of VINYAS who was appointed as consultant
under SSA. Most of the ideas given in the book were created in
two newly constructed schools at Savda Ghewra. Many of the
government schools have replicated these ideas during the year.

Unit III
Unit 3
Co-scholastic Activities.
* Meaning and importance of co-shoholastic activities
* Type of co-scholastic activities.
* Principles of organization of co-scholastic activities
* Problems in organizing co-scholastic activates.
* Discipline Meaning and importance of discipline.
* Techniques of discipline.
* organization of morning assembly.
* Exposure uisits
* Bal Mela
* Science fair.

== rr-=m iursr mr s=r

Meaning of co scholastic activities

ivrrr qm iavrr= iur , or srn m =r=r naar a=rr =r=a = sr nr= q inr=r ,
s==rr a=rr i=na r = = m e mr r m= = ar a=rr m e mr i==r m ==m= n er z m= sr
na ar =r orar ( ivrrr mr n =n= or sr = or=r nrr n =rr sro r a=rr s mr i=n a
==r =r= r a = sr = ( = ivrrr mr r r m n= =m = am r =ri=a =rr sr= ivrrr
inrrm ic a =rr =a =a s orn mr =r=r iur a=rr s +rn or nr iaic ra m=ar (
=m = r =m= m nr= n =n rcu= mr qm s ( sr= im inr==r=r m sa a orn mr - m
s +rn r n r cr =ra = r mr inr= mr r a=n o =rr mr r aa mrc mr sric
=r=r mr iur mr si+r s ( sa nr =m = == m nrc =r= m = cr = a=rr s ==rrr
mr or m e +rr s +rn ra m=ar n s=m orn mr n a =-n r ivrrr ( sro =m=r = ==
=r=rr = +rr =rm iursr mr sia ==rr icr or =r ( n vr irm orn mr =m = =
srnvm s n ( rc =amr m siai=na =m = = nr=m ini+r iursr r=r or r r
s +rn ra m=ar n =r=r iur m=rar ( = iursr mr siai=na r r=a iur
mr orar =rr( =a nc=a q c ircmr r m =r=r =n rc =rm iur m=r =r (

mr nr=m m orn = invr rr =-n nr im ioar +rr =mri=ar sr= =c mr nra nr=m
r =n m=m =r=rar sr= s= iur-=m = c ar nrc = n s=m orn mr qm si+r s n
ora ( ser srcar mr inmr=, == or=, = n r-=m irr, vrr=ri=m inmr=, =ri=m, ==riom,
iam n i=irm inmr= +rr r iursr r=r = r= a = r ar ( =r=cr m vr-cr = ,
iursr mr sn m n= siai=na r =ra ni=m n =m = m mr u= mr sc c s (=

These activities are no longer a looked upon as mere extras but as an integral part of the school
nrnme Mohiy..

sro mr ivrrr =r=r iursr r=r nr = =ir sr = rr m inmr= m i=q - m=ar
a=rr a r, i==rr a=rr ira ,-= mcq aoc cm (aors=on s- mr srr = + s=rr a
c, =i=arm, r=r a=rr =nr==r ,+= aoq += mq +cm cm += =or mr ivrrr = n= icr orar (
iursr mr =-n =rrc m i=r i=r r = +rr n a =-n ( a+rr z m sr n i= c mr ,
nrc== mr ( qc m =r= m =cr = orar r =rr(=

r =r=r iursr m r=r ma mr +rrnr mr r = = s+rr=r or =mar a=rr =rz
== c r=r= = mr =rr, == z - m = r = sr s=r=cri-n =r m= mr srvrr m=ar

ima +rr ivrrr = s ==r q s =+rr = =r=r iursr = invr rr n= icr a=rr
ioa +rr ivrrr srr n c r +rr =r=r iursr mr rc u= = ==rr c mr =r mr invr rr
ar = = =cri== srr m s=r=, iur ser ri=m nr , ser ar nr , vr irm =a= mr
= r scr , r=arsr sr= r =arsr mr s- m= a=rr inor= = =r = o sric na r = =r
c ar (=

sa = m =ma im ini+r inrrr m ivrrr mr m siai=na inor= = srr ioa mr
or nr=r n =+rr iurq , io= n m ina-n m =nr rr inmr= = =rar i==ar , rcu=
=r=r r =rc iur mr orar (

==rr-=m iursr m =-n n- l .|

sr= im ivrrr (ia = =rc iur sr s= +r i=mr i+rrar ( = = = = iursr
mr =-n i= mr= =

. vrr=ri=m =-n | - rc u= =r=r iurq nr=mr m vrr=ri=m inmr= = n a
=rar m=ar ( =r=mc, =r= im iz =, q =r =r, r cr sric =rm iursr = nr=mr =
vrr=ri=m vrina, = ia , =vrr=ar, =r +rrnr mr na ra=r ( =m r=r inori=r r m siai=na vrina
mr =c r r ar , io== s ==rr ioa r = =cc i==ar (

z. =ri=m =nr== ,- |-|, inori=rr m =ri=m =nr== m inmr= = rc=rm iurq,
=rm i= r ar ( = n iar a=rr +rrnrsr m scrarm=r , =s onc = =rar i==ar (
nr = n a =or r ar io= crm icvrr mr sr = s== m= mr srnvmar r ar q =r m= =
=or rimr=m a=rr inrvrmr=m i=( r =mar ( ini+r iursr = inori=r r mr =r =r s
+rrnr-=m =a irc cr m=ar ( = mr= inor=rr = mr= m m ==rro ,z =. m= os=co =
= na =a sr= smr =ri=m =nr== ser =ar ( rc =rm iurq se =ri=m =nr== mr
=vrna =r= ( or =-n =r = iim-=r ,== or=a= sr = == iim-=r ,ean or=a = mr
m srr ioa sr= s==r nr m i=q nr =-n rc =rm iursr mr =r=r nr m i=q (

s. =r=riom inmr= , ---, ini+r iurq ==r = srr ioa mr orar ( =
mr= im=r inivrrc = c m =c=r mr c== =c=r = i== m sn== i==a =a ( r mrrsr
mr a= mcr = s vrr= r r a ( qmc== = i== m mr=r inor=rr ivrrcrr= =r=ra ( - m
inor=rr s =r=riom == r mr srnvmarsr m s =r= s nr= mr inmi=a m=r =r=rar (
=m = = im= mr= nr= m=r riq, im= mr= qm c== = =r =r riq, n =n m e
inor=rr =r=r ora ( = r = mr orar im =nr=r mr ==rr srcr cr = = ar ( sa =rc
im ini+r mr= mr rc =rm iurq ina m =r=riom inmr= = =rm i=( r ar (

, vr irirm =-n ,|- -, rc =rm iursr r=r mrr m nr= r imq ora (
iurq inori=r r mr =r = sr=ri=a r ar ( mrrsr = = (riam r ra r ar on im
iurq rnri=m r cr m=ar ( = mr= iurq mrr ivrrr mr =m i=( r ar , scr=r
m ar = = on nr=m nrcinnrc, +rrrrr iar iar, rcmrm=r a=rr minar rc sric = +rr = a ar
smr +rrrrr ==n=r r na ar ( qm= irmr = +rr = nr= inori=r r mr = =r mr = s+r=
i==ar (

r, =r =m iam =-n ,n -, - m ==ro = inar mr = =m ia sm s = r ar (
o = -, =r m ra, q iari=m, ==riom n s mr= m rcm, c vrr =r= im =r =, =r m rc ,
nrar =r i=r sric ===ra =r=or-=m mr u= - m ina mr ==+r ( iurq nr mr
s nor s ==ro qn s c vr mr = =m ia = i=ia m=rar ( sa iursr mr srro
srnvm (
c. = nr-=m =-n ,- -, nr m +rrnr-=m qn = n r-=m inmr= mr c irc = +rr
iursr mr n a =-n ( =m =r sn==rr = imvrr = nr mr = n a +rrn m r ar ( sm = =
a=a= mr +rrnrq scar =ar ( ic smr +rrnrsr mr mc r mr sia sn== r i==ar
ar n =a =r = or =ma ( =r = or-=m iurq nr m +rrn m = mr sia icvrr cr
m= = =rm r ar (

/. sri=r m =-n ,- -, m e =r=or-=m iurq sri=r m c irc = +rr srr r ar (
o = =r m -, =r m ra sric =r =m iam iaini=r m mr u= r =r =m c iar iarq m srro
m=m r c vrr-=m =r=r mr srro m=m sr=rr=, iim-=r=, s nr m inor=, im=r
= ==rr r s im=r ==ro = nr ==n=r mr = =rar m= m i=q = mc cr imr or =mar (
=m s=rnr m=rmr vr= = ==ni=a n=asr mr i=r r m=m smr inur m r=r = mr so imr
or =mar (

s. snmrvr m == mr sia r ,n-n - l -n- -, =r= or-=m iursr = si+r r
snmrvr m == = mr or nr=r iurq , nr m r= a r a=rr s mrr mr m= m nrc n a
=r == =rr=r n orar ( ic errr mr = == mr =r =c r r m=r i==rrr orqr ar n
= == mr m=r =r=r ora sr= s vrr=rar mr ===r mr s- r m=a ( ic
inor= = =r = or-=m iursr mr n==rr r ar n s snmrvr m == = iursr mr
s+r= m=a sr= snmrvr m == mr =cr m=a ( iursr = +rr = = s= =cn iar
inmi=a r ar , smr =r= o r ar sr = r m mr= mr = or-=m =ir +rr inmi=a r ar (

s. ri=m ivrrr sr = ri=m +rrnr , nr --, ini+r mr= mr rc
=rm iurq inori=r r mr ri=m ivrrr cr m=ar ( = inori=r r mr ri=m si=mr=r sr =
m=r r mr r r ar ( - m inor=rr ==ni=a =c m ia s m=r r mr == =ar (
rm s=rr = s = nra mr s +rn r =ar im n =rrc m inmr= a=rr s-=rr = +rr smr
cri-n ( on s s cri-nr a=rr m=r r mr s +rn r orar ar n q=r mr= r m=a or
svrr +rr r ar =rrc m ia = r (

a. =r = or-=m =-n ,--n- -, =m = mr rc =rm iurq =r= o +rr cr m=ar
( iurq inori=r r mr =n==r =r= o m=ar sr = s a a i= a=r aror m= c ar (

|. zr. =r =r m inr=r =r= =r = o mr r r ar rm im mr +rr =m= mr +rr s=rm
a=rr mr +rr inor=rr q =r r r =mar, io= == =i r , =r = m =cr r = +rr =m = m
sr , m==r sric = =r= o mr = ri=a im or =ma o = ==-, si+r, i=c cr m
=r z= nrr, mro mrcr, irm=r, == r, na mr mr=, mar n r sric( == =r = o m
i=q sn== i== , =n ==ra r r a=rr sn rrr, su= qn +rrnr-=m i rr inmi=a r r(=

. iam ivrrr sr = iam = = ,n nr n -, ini+r =rm iursr = +rr
= = inori=r r mr iam ivrrr i==ar ( inori=r r = c==r m ia cr mr +rrnr s- r ar
nr im = +rr = a == s m =ri=rr mr =rar m=r z ar ( m nr= inori=r r mr s
= ni=a = c = =r m= m i=q = =r mr i=rn imarn ==rr z ar a=rr s= =rcr=r mr
r s- r ar ( =m = ra = cri-n r +r i=mr i+rra == irrar mr r inmi=a r ar (
= mr= iursr m r=r inori=r r m iam inmr= = =rar i==ar ( =r=r m r=r inor=rr
ora r= mr = m =r=r = m=r =r=ra sr = s= =n==r iar iar mr +rrnr inmi=a r ar (

(,. =n s vrr= mr inmr= ,--- l -l -, = vrrirm iursr = +rr = =
inor=rr s sr = irr ==rr =r=r ora ( iursr = = = m mr=r s= vr=r=a
m= mr == r r r ar( im=r = r mr im iursr m inr =m= qm q=r ==r= or
inori=r r mr vr arr =mar mr r rrr i==ar ( iur == =m= s vrri=a =m = r ar ( =m
siai=na iursr m = r= m i=q inor=rr =n me i=r mr i=r r m=a sr= s i=r mr
r= m=r smr m=r n orar ( = mr= n =ns vrr= mr sr= s== r a (

(s. a -n ==n=r =-n rc =r=r iursr = nr = a -n mr r=ar qn inmr= r ar (
iurq nr = a -n m rr mr s+rr= m= qm ser ar n mr ivrrr c ar (

(=. =r cr-=m =-n ,|-|- -, irm=r, = iam=r, i=r=r nrr, i=c cr a=rr =r m
=r z= nrr, =r z =, r cvr r sric rc=rm iurq inori=r r = =r cr-=m rr mr
inmi=a a=rr ii= a m=ar (

(. oa rr-=m r =arsr mr inmr= rc =r=r iurq nr=mr = oa rr-=m r =arsr mr
+rr inmi=a m=ar ( iursr r=r r n =r=ra im orn = m=r , si=mr= sr= s=r=cri=-n mr
nr ==n (

(c. siai=na vrina mr =c r =r n rimr mr =a im imvrr =r = mr m= mr vrina r ar
im n m n= a m r=r r =r =r r r rar ( ic nr a r m s=rnr =rr=r n cr, ar
n siai=na vrina =a mr mr a= s= =r r orr( = mr= =rc iursr = +rr = =
s= siai=na vrina mr nr= imr= mr ser =r i== orar ( io= mr= o mr siai=na +rr
mr imr= m i=q ==rr mrc r ar , s=r mr= =rc iurq +rr imvrr =r mr siai=na vrina mr
imr= m i=q ==rr mrc mr mr= m=ar ( == nr=m = a i=a n =n==r =m= sia = = mr=
m= = ===r r orar (

(. rn=rim inmr= rc =r=r iurq nr=mr m rn=rim inmr= = +rr =r c ar (

irmrr == i=i=ra inn=r m sr=r= = = m =ma im rc =r=r iurq inori=r r m
vrr=ri=m inmr=, =or-=m r =arsr m inmr= a=rr n inam qn =r=riom rr m inmr= = =-n r
+r i=mr i+rra ( sa s-a srnvm ( nr=mr mr ia+rrsr mr s+rr= a=rr i=rr= m i=q
inori=r r = ==== = rcu= =r=r iursr mr i= a= srro imr orr riq(

= = rr-=m iursr m mr= ,- l .| -, =m= = n a =r =rm rc iurq
sr==+r mr or =mar ( smr qm = r i=i=i=ra

m =r =m iam iurq

( invr rr icn= ==r=r
, n =rcr vrr
s =rar-=m mr u=
= m = r=
=r mra n -
c rcm
inr a r=r m +rrrrr

=r =r=riom iurq

( sra mr sr= = =rmr mr =nra
, =ra mr +rr o
s imim
= = r z qn =mr=ic
inor=rr = c
c i= inori=rr m i=q =amr= m mr mr c =r+rr=
nr= =+rrq
s r=ri=m =rar
e s=rm a=rr =rariar mr n cm
(u ivrrrr-=m rrrq
(( vrr=ri=m mr
(, =r srcr=
(s =r=r ==r= iurq
(= ivrrcrr= n=n mr iaini=r
( inori=r r m i=q ivr =m =irr mr n==rr
vrr=ri=m iurq

( q. =r. =r.
, nr= =r=r or nr=r =r =
s = rr r =
= iar iar r =
s =r=
c cr z sric urz rq
=r= im rr=
s a =rmr
e r r

rr =rii-m iurq

( =m = mrvr
, irmrq
s nrirr m s m
= =a i=amrq
m=r sr = ic
c z r
s minar rc
e in=ra inar m +rrrrr
(u srcvr nrnr mr i==rr
(( c im ==rr= i==rr
(, c im inr=r mr i==rr

n =ri= m qn =r=riom m=rr ==n=r iurq

( =ri= m ivrrr n
, =r=riom qn iamr=r n=n
s =rrc r = =rr n
= nr sru=r m nrn mr n=
= sr= ra mr ror mr = r c r

=r= crim iurq

( =m = r=r r
, =mr=ic , = rz a=rr = zur =
s q. q=. q=.
= r= =n rr
inivrrc sn==r , o = == sric = ==ro = nr
c +rni=r r, =r = o sr= rarra mr ii=rr m=r
n r =rr

e =m = mr = nr = ==ni=a iurq

( mrr mr sr = = =m = mr a=rr =m = mr er z m= or nr=r mrr mr sr= c r(
, =m = m i=q cr mc cr m=r
s sr nr=r ~ irr m nrrm=r mr mr u= nrr
= =m = er z m= or nr=r ~ irr mr incr m=r
=m = m =crr mr n==rr m=r
c =m =r mr n=a sr mr ====a m=r
mrrsr mr n=a sr mr ====a m=r
s ini+r inrrr m n=n ==rria m=r

o =r=riom s= n=n
o inr n=n
o icr n=n
o i=vr n=n
o m irr n=n
o =ra n=n

o i=i~a iurq

( mr =r= in=( =ar(
, ==rr n=n(
s =m = n= sr = =m= i rr = inori=r r mr +rr =r(
= invr rr icn= mr u=(
sa=m =r iar iarq (
c =amr= m mr = =rar(
inor=rr iaini=r = ==ni=a icmcr mr inur mr r or sr = n==rr(
s =m = m ==mr=r sr= =rrirm ir mr izor nrr(
e =rr =amr m = mr n= m=r sr= i= inor=rr mr =am c r(
(u nr=r= sr= inr =a inor=r r m i=nr=r mr =r +r ia r =c vr +r or(
(( =m = mr =orr(
(, =rii-m sr = rcmr mrr m i=q = mr c =r+rr= m=r sr= =m= mr =ni rr=r mr crm
(s =m = mr ramr=r =+rr mr r or qn n==rr m=r(
(= = =r a=rr vr =r=r iar iarsr mr srro m=r(

= = rr-=m iursr m i=(ra ,an== ni nac onc ni nn. nr= on noso= =
iaini=r m =c m sr=r=+r a m ivrrr ==n=r i=(ra ( r sr=r= = rc =r=r iursr m
sz v = r =ma ( i=(ra i=i=i=ra

(. rc u= sr= =vr rirm iurq qm c== mr =m ( cr r =m= m mr u= mr sc c s
,. inori=r r mr = =ri=a =a s-=ria = = +rr = r riq( s m n= sar r iursr
= +rr = mr =rr c r riq io= sm s= = im=r mr= mr nr=r z (
s. iursr = +rr = m i=q =r marr-=m ini= mr srr riq( inori=rr mr im=r
mr = +rr = m i=q nr= r m=r riq(
=. iursr mr n==rr =m = m i=q i=r i=a == = r r riq(
. =r-=m mr u= mr n==rr r r riq(
c. iursr mr =r m i=q s=rmr mr ~ i==r riq( =mr s=r im iursr
mr = ica m= nr= s=rmr mr s=r mr ,==nrc =n m iiva m=a == s
mrr mr ~ +rr i==r riq(
. inori=r r mr ii=a a r m mr= ,a== a nna= nar mr s rr iursr = si=m
=na rar a=rr io== cr=r cr riq(
s. =+rr iurq =m = m sc= r r r riq, on am s mr sr = m= mr srr r(
e. inori=r r mr iursr = +rr = m i=q s=rmr , ==crr s=rnr na m = ==rrsr
, nc nac nac onc r=r nr= r imr orr riq(
(u. iursr = =a a mr nrar mr = =r m r r riq(
((. - m iur m m e m e ivrrr-=m sz v r riq( m n= =r=o m i=q m= = m=
iursr mr srr o r r r riq(
(,. iursr = inori=rr = srnvm sri=r m nr r z r riq(
(s. =m =r mr iursr m c m i=q s noc = sri=r m n=r m=r riq(
(=. inori=r r mr a-n sr= s==r cr r s +rn m=r riq(
(. iaini=r = inin=rar , invrr=ar a=rr s=r=ar r r srnvm (
(c. si=m =r s iaini=r = errr mr si+r=r qn =r-=m r mr sc +rn m=rr srnvm
( q =r mr +rr iaini= r or errr mr r =ar m nr= mr n=a r (
(. =+rr iaini=r errr mr si+r=i m s = qn s m = r ( errr mr sr si+r=i m
s=r= iaini=r mr si=mr= r r riq(
(s. iaini=r q =r r or =r= r m= m n= =r= =rr r (
(e. iaini=r m == ia = r= m i=q == sr= ==rr mr s-a srnvmar ( =m = == m
vra m e nrq =r =r mr n= r =mar ( ii=a ===r=rr m saa m e iaini=r
=i==i=a mr or =mar (
,u. = rr ,nr , sz v ria m i=q - m err mr iaini= = =i==i=a rr
srnvm io=m i=q s= =rr cr m=r srnvm ( =rr s= m =r = cr mr
or =mar (

m err mr =m = = =r n vr r = =m = mr =+rr iaini=r = i=ia m=rr orq arim n
s ===a iaini=r = = qm =m or s=mr si+r=i m s m= r (
=r iaini=r mr n= =n errr = r er z icr orr riq( =m i=q =n err = r
=rr srr riq s=rm n = r( s=rm n m n= sm ic vr = =rm r =mar
- m iaini= mr = = = errr mr = nar icr orq arim =c sm =r mr c irc
=r = ==rm= sr na ( err =n sr micrr mr ==r=r a a m= s == r riq(

,( s=rm n mr errr mr ic vrm nm= smr iaini=rr mr = r= m=r riq( - m
s=rm sr =r m s=r= im=r im=r iaini=r mr = r= m= =mar a=rr s==
ic vr cr m= =mar (
,, s=rm n mr im=r qm r iaini= mr ic vrm nrr orq( im=r +rr s=rm mr si=m
mr +rr= = cnrr orq(
,s iaini=r = ==ni=a == r =r= r mr = in=r rr riq nr im mr +rr iaini= inr r
=r=r m = r =mar(
,= iaini= ==n=r == =r=rr a=rr m = z= ii= a imq or riq(
, - m iaini= mr =c =m= m src vrr sr= ===rsr mr c irc = ==rm= imr orr riq(
,c srnvm =r=r mr r imr orq i=aar = mr= = m= =r=r mr errr m
sr = =rr orq(
, iaini=r mr n= m n= ic=rrn m i=q r imr orq(

= = rr-=m iursr m c = ===rq ,n;- nrr .| -,

nz c =r = mr z ar im srom= +rr=a m =m=r = rc =rm iursr mr i==ria nz r
vrr r ( =mr = = mr=r =r= c vr = i=a rr=r ( si=mr vr ===a == ar inor=rr =rrr
mr a r=r = r inar c a ( n rc =rm iursr mr mr =-n c m i=q =on = r orar
( =i=q =m=r = iurq m n= mror = r =ar a=rr =a i=a = = iursr mr =-n
c nr= =m =r mr = =r n a m= (

= = rr-=m r rc =rm iursr m c = ==ni=a m = = ===rq = i=i=i=ra

(. inori=r r mr sr= = =i mr s+rrn ,-i l -n- |- n l |- -, m nr= q =r
c =rr r im inor=rr iursr = =i r = a ( m i=i=i=ra mr=r

m =m = = n a m= iursr mr n==rr r r ,n l -n l- - |- |,
i, iursr = m= m i=q = mr s+rrn ,-i l n-n- ;- - |-- -,
n, iursr mr =m= == m vra m=nrr ,nrr |- - l-n |- | -,
i, s=rm mr sr iursr = =i r r ,-i l -n- |- n l |- -|-n |--
, n= m inr r iursr mr rrr rrrr m= c r , - |- - -- | n-n
, iursr = +rr = nr= inori=r r mr n a m= ~ i==r ,-i l n- r- |-
n l |-- -,
s, rc u= nr i= r m mr=r iursr = +rr = m i=q == i==r ,-i l - ln
nr .nnn - - nn ;-r |-,

z, s=rmr mr sr = = =i mr s+rrn ,-i l -n- |- n l |- -|-n,

- m vrrirm a=rr rc =rm iur = r a == =rr z ar ( iur m ro
s=rm mr =m siai=na mr= m i=q mr +r=rr r i==ar onim c == n a = c vrr =
iursr mr c m= nr= s=rmr mr +r=rr i==ar ( =r= c vr = +rr = mr= m i= r
riq( =m i=q i=i=i=ra = rn icq or =ma (

( s=rmr mr siai=na mr m i=q +r=rr icr orr riq(
2 rc siai=na iursr = +rr = m i=q sm s=r mr +rr= = m=r m= c r riq(
3 s s=rmr = iurq r =rr r riq or = = r s == m mr= mr nr i=q
q (
4 q = s=rmr mr ini+r iursr mr ro m+rr +rr r nrr riq io ==ni=a iur =
=rn a=rr =i r (
iursr mr s na =-n icr orr riq( srom= c =r = srar im - m s=rm
m mr= mr =rrr s=m =rrr i=rr=r m sr=r= = imr orar ( i=rr=n= inor=rr
ivrrr mr sr = si=rm =r c a sr= iursr mr sr= mr =r r c a (
c s=rmr mr iursr m ia q r m= m i=q a-= r r riq( =a m nr=
nr=ainmar c =r = srar im m s=rm =ia nrcr r a ( n =iar m s =r= mr= m=a
=a a=rr mr r m= mr a r= r r a (

= rn ,rr-,

, = vrrirm a=rr rc =rm iursr mr +rr sar r =-n icr orr riq ioar s=
mr icr orar ( iursr = inivrrcar ra m= nr= inori=r r mr +rr sar r ~
i==r riq ioar a r = inivrrcar ra m= nr= inori=r r mr icr orar (
i, iursr m s=rmr ,ro s=rmr mr m e m e icr orr riq( ic q =r ==+rn
r =m ar s=mr s=r mr u= m= imr orr riq( == n s=rm s iursr mr
sr = srmirr a r io= smr =i (
n, iursr mr = r= =m= == = r rr riq(
i, iursr mr =r ==ni=a z r = = r r r riq( z r mr n==rr ==mr= r
=m = si=mri=r r=r mr orr ri|
, ro s=rmr mr ==ni=a iursr m i=q ivrrr = in=rq cr mr orr riq arim n
==ni=a iur m r qn nra= r ra m=m iur mr = r= = = = ri=a m= =m (

s ==+rrina ===rq ,|-n ;- n;- = iaini=r m = r= = sr = +rr m
===rq io== mr sz v ==ra r orar (

, =r=r mr s+rrn ,-i l --, =r= c vr = si=mr vr =m =r = =r=r mr s+rrn ( =r=r
m inr mr +rr iaini= ==ar ra r m=ar( m q= =m= iom r= =r = m =cr
sr = r =r= im iz = m i=q rr invr rrm= n= =r nr= =r = q= +rr m =m = iom r=
=r+rrn ( i=rr==n= n m mr= mr =rr =r iursr ==n=r mr mr sia n= r m= =ma(
q = +rr =m =r mr m=r r iom r= n c mr =r=r r r r ar( sa n im=r nz ==r=r mr
srr o r r m= =ma(

z. inin=ar mr sr+rrn ,-i l n-, m =m= sier n m iaini=r mr = c m=a ( errr
mr ini+r =ir m s = n inin= iaini=r mr srr o r m= ra ( smr iaini=r m n= cr
ar mrr am r =ri=a o = nrirr m s-=n =rr r im=r c r = c mr srr o m=r sric(

s. errr mr m= = =r = +rr = r (Lack of participation by the pupils): r c =rr orar im
si=mr vr err invr rr = = iaini=r = +rr r =a ( =m m mr=r qm ar =n iaini=r
= =i r ==ra ( c==r im s=rm s = +rr = m i=q i=a r m=a ( err =
r mr m nr = cn q r a sr= m e s=rm ar iaini=r mr =rr errr m =rariar
= zr=a ( m+rrm+rr s rr= = =ra =r=, rcm m i=q r vrrm s=rnr s =r= r mr =r m
i=q mr orar ( = mr= n m n= =m= mr cvr m=m sr = i= errr = nr zr=m= s-a
i=( inar mr = m=a =a ( = mr=r errr a=rr sm si+r+rrnmr cr r = iaini=r m ia
= = a r orar ( qm sr= mr=r +rr im r nr = sr nr= errr mr iaini=r =
=i==i=a r mr sn== r i==ar( s= in=rom == errr m si+r+rrnmr = iar s- m=ar (
errr m i=q =m= = c= am n cr ==+rn r r ar(

. == =r=rr = mr ==rr r ,s - |- - |--, m =m=r = iaini=r m
i=q mr ==rr r nr im s r=a =rm= == =r=rr = ==rr r icr orar q = =m =r =
im=r snmrvr m == vrrrr = = s-a a = imr orar ( i= = ==rr icq or =
iaini=r mr mr =-n r r ar(

r. r a s=rm n mr s+rrn ,-i l -- ll, =r =, = ra, nrim i =r=r a=rr ivr=
sric m i=q s +rnr ivrrmr mr i na imr orr riq( m =m=r = = mr= m s +rnr
s=rm i na r imq ora ( i=rr==n= iaini=r mr nr na=r s=rm n = r z ar
( =nr+rrinm = mr= s=rm iaini=r = s srmr nrr ra

c. iaini=r = s ia n= ,-n -| -, m =m=r = iaini=r = s ia n=
icr orar io=m ==n= s= mr = r a m +rrn z ar ( - m == nr im=r mr=
= mr mr s-=n =r r =ar ( im=r =r = r n in= cvr m i=q =r= ara imq ora
arim oar s =c m= ( m e err =m= = nr= =m= m iaini=r = +rr = a ( n s
s= = in= =r r m= nrc innrc qn +rrrrr iar iarsr a=rr c r = cr = +rr = a =a ( oi n
s =m = m i=q vr =r mr m=a , ima smr s= vrr=ar = s+rrn =ar ( a r =
m=or = err =r =r = ser si+r=i ic=rra ( i=rr=n= v scar im nr =c n i( nr=
errr mr iaini=r = n ia ==rr orq( =mr s=r= r im = mr= m errr mr iaini=r =
si=m +rr = icr orq|

s vrr= ,-,
Discipline grows from within and not from without

s vrr= =m= m i=q s-a oic= ===r ( n=a a ivrrr mr ==ar se s vrr= =
i+r = r ar ( =m= vrr= m im=r qm a-n m =r=r r ni=m ini+r a-nr m =r=r ==ni=a
o = = =r=rmr qn n=mr = ==n=, = =r=rm qn s=rmr = ==n= s=rmr qn inori=r r =
==n=, =m = sr= si+r+rrnmr = ==n= sric s vrr= vr-c =r= c im r mr vr-c ( =mr
r = r m=a ( = im =m s=r mr crm a = r ora( = vr-c mr r si=ma= s
===rsr m i=q imr orar ( iomr =r=r = s orn = =+rr =a=r = m=r z ar ( =
mr= mr ===rsr mr = s vrr= = ==ni=a ===rsr m r= = ora ( im=r +rr mr m
= r= a a=rr siau=r mr i=r=r= =i=a m= m i=q io= vrina mr r imr orar ,
s= s vrr= mr or =mar ( s vrr= i=r i=a i=r = sr=ri=a n==rr mr nrq ==r mr r=
( - m =r=riom == r mr = r= i=r i=a i=r qn i=(rar m s =r= imr orar ( i=r
qn i=(rar m s==r m= m i=q == m =+rr =c=r mr sr ersr mr i ira m=r z ar
a=rr sr vrinar mr n==rr nrq ==r m i=q icvrrai=a m=r z ar ( =mr s r=r m=
= r s =c=r mr s vrri=a =rr orar (

~r =r m s =r=, s vrr= im=r ina mr vrinar mr = mr= ii=a m=ar ,
io== s=romar cnr = sr = sar a=rr +rrnrar m ==rr = mr m vr=ar n i=a ar
s- r (=

s vrr= mr s=r ,-r l -, Discipline vr-c mr s-ia = ic +rrrrr m vr-c n n=
= io=mr s=r =r=rr r srr mr r= m=r( - m n , == cr, ==ro qn =rrc m
m e srcvr , i=, invnr=, =riai=nro qn ivrrcrr= r a ( mr +rr ina io= ==ro mr =rasr
mr srar , s=m invnr=r , i=r , srcvrr qn =ria i=nror mr r= m=r s=mr == m=r r
orar ( on am ina ==ro m s i=r i=a i=r mr r= m=ar =ar ar n s vrri=a ==r
orar , = im on n smr s r=r r m=ar ar n s vrr=r ==r orar ( ini+r
==crr m =riai=nro qn ===rq i+r r ar ( =i=q =rc im ini+r =rrc r m ==ro m i=
i+r r a ( s vrr= mr s=r ==ro m i=q i=r i=a i=r mr s r=r m=r( ivrrr mr
==ar +rr se s vrr= = i+r = m=ar (

cr. r. mr inr= s vrr= = ina m = nr a=rr vrinar mr im=r ii=a =n= =
==rr =i==i=a , or s=romar mr c= m=m mr vr= qn i=a ar mr s- m=ar , io=m inr
+rrnrar qn =r ar =ar ( oi =r=r m ia = irr mr in=r = m=ar , =a == = =
= =n er n m =nrmr= m=r r z ar ( = m ia mr =o ia m = = =nrmr= m=r riq, or
sa= r ar mr sr = s == m=ar (

-rr=mrr or vrr m s=r= s vrr= nr = r = ivrrc qn =r ica sr=r , or =a =
src, ==ar, cri-n mr ~ rc +rrnr, si=mr= r =ar m ia =, i=iaar m ia =, ii=a
a-= qn m vr= m=r r= mr s-= mar, s iar = =n==r == r=r c ==r mr =rar cr
m= mr er a=rr inmc i==riar = = ==r mr r=ar = r cr c ar =+rr nra s vrr= =
=i==i=a (=

invninor= ivrrr srr mr inr= ,-- l -n - , =-nr im se
s vrr= mr sr=r m =n err=r =a=r m =r=r inor=rr mr ===ar m = = i=r or ni=m s=
nr= m inaa cri-n m = = i=r or (=
(It is important that good discipline be looked upon not as students conforrity to arbitrary standards of
conduct but rather as individual responsibility for behaviour)

s vrr= mr srnvmar qn =-n ,s-- n- l -, s vrr= == orn m i=q
s-a srnvm ( s vrr=r ina im=r (ia mr ar = +rrnvrr=r r cr r m= =mar
sr = r orn m iam = = inmi=a m= =mar ( orn m - m r r = s vrr= mr
srnvmar r ar ( mr==rr , mrr=, =r a, = r, == cr = mr s vrr= mr srnvmar r ar (
r. =r. = m s=r=, io= mr= = r, o= =r r =r= = s=r mr= =m= = +rr si=a-n mr
=r srnvmar s vrr= (
(As in the army the navy or the state, so in the school, the pre n-- |- -n l -n--
discipline) P.C. Wron.

=m = m mr u= mr ==ar n m mrr ina m= m i=q s vrr= s-a srnvm (
s vrr= mr =-n nara q = cri== srr mr , ic =m = s vrr=rar = c irra ar
ivrrr mr mr +rr = =r= qn =r-=m mr =rcr se i=rr= r c =mar(

i=i=i=ra mr=rr = =m= = s vrr= s-a srnvm (

. ar mr =vrna m=r , n-r|- |- --, s vrr= inori=r r mr ar mr =vrna
nrar ( inaa qn =r=riom orn m si=a-n mr srnvm vra ( s vrr= iam sac irc
inmi=a m=ar (

z. ln- i li ,--- l -n, inori=r r m ina-n m inmr= = s vrr=
=rm r ar ( s invnr= qn ==rr cr m=ar ( s sr =narar mr =r=rsr mr
+rr r m=rar ( s sr-=inmr= mr nr=ainm vrinar cr m=ar ( s= a m ==r
or im smr srai=m vrinar qn n iar mr s==-n cr m=ar ( s= s=r=cri-n mr +rrnr
inmi=a m=ar sr= s inn mvrr= rrr mr a= mr= m= mr =rr c ar (

s. vrinar mr +rrnvrr=r r ,-ll-- l --, inori=r r mr vrinar m
+rrnvrr=r r m i=q s vrr= s-a srnvm ( s vrr= m s+rrn = vrina sr = == mr
s r ar ( or z ,~nrc n= == m m=rrr =r=, s vrr= mr s=r vrina mr ar= r r,
=r q mr m i=q ra =r=r = i r rr( orr im ina mr nr m=r sr = srnvm
=r=r m r r=r s= a-=ar = m=r s vrri=a r r = r m i=q +rr =- sr= = m
i=q +rr(

. = rrrr m mr=rr mr c= m=r ,- l - l l, s vrr= = rrrr m ini+r
mr=rr mr am=a nrar ( s= invnr=, ca ar a=rr sia c ircmr r cr m=ar ( s vrri=a =
= m e +rr a r r ar( s== =ia nricar r =ar( s vrr=rar s =rr ar mr = =rr c ar
io= ina, == cr r =rrc sz v mr qmar, vrina qn =rr ra m=ar ( m n= vrr=ri=m = = r
r ni=m nr i(m = = +rr sn=r= a=rr =ianricar m ia =ri=m cr=ar mr sr = s== m=ar
( s vrr= =rnr vrinar mr =r=riom =r mr sr= s== m=ar ( s vrr=rar vrinar mr
srr si+rina mr =r mar sr= i=rr==n= n snr iea nr= r=r na r mr r= m=ar

r. s=rm m i=q srnvm ,- - ln -|-n, s vrr= s=rm m i=q +rr srnvm ( se
ivrrr m i= ioa se inr= sr= se s=rm sar ser i==riar +rr srnvm sr = ser
i==riar s vrr= = cr rar (

c. se vrr= m i=q srnvm ,- - ln r n, io= mr= s vrr= m inr
sa=rrc r =c, =r= r=, =rrc qn ==cr rc r ora sr= sara m a = in=r r ora ,
s=r mr= s vrr= m inr ivrrr = ==rrsr mr +rr a r orar ( s vrr= se vrr= m i=q
s-a srnvm ( s vrr= m inr mr +rr = ==rr +rrnvrr=r a = r = =mar( sa =rc
im s vrr= ==rria m=r vrr=mr mr = = mr r ar (

/. ==ro mr srnvmar ,--n-- l -, =m= mr s vrr= ==ro m i=q +rr srnvm
( =r marirm c ircmr r mr i=r r m=ar ( sr = =rrc mr vrina cr m=ar ( i=r rr-=m qn
=nrmr=r-=m s vrr= m inr ==ro mr srmr rr =r r r =mar(

sa =rc im =m = mr s vrr= m n= inori=rr m ia m i=q r r ni=m =m = qn
== ==ro m ia m i=q +rr =rm ( +rrnvrr=r vrr= a=rr =m = m m vr= = r= m i=q
+rr srnvm ( =rrc r vrina sr = i=r mr sr=r= (
se s vrr= m sr=r= s=rnr ser s vrr= m = ra imr or ,c = ni incm onc ni
nnm m n=c= na rn on nr=s= nnm mn=c= se s vrr= mr n irc =m= m
== mr u= a=rr mrr ivrrr = iia r ar (

. = =r=rm ,|- - -n, =m= m s vrr= = ==r=rm mr m c r +r i=mr i+rrr r ar
( qm m=or = = =r=rm =m= = vrr= ==rria r m= =mar( s= m+rr +rr s vrr=rar mr
i== r scr cr riq( s= s vrr= mr im=r crvr im i=(ra = sr=ri=a m=r riq sr =
s vrr= mr ==rria m= m i=q inori=rr qn s=rmr mr invnr= = = r riq( =m= m n= =
inori=r r mr +rr =r ra m=r riq sr= =m = mr ===rsr mr r = a ==r=r m=r

z. s=rm ,-|-n, r . =r mnr= ,ani +s =c a m vr-cr = ivrrr mr =nr a= ini=
mr +rr =a =r= r r iiva ( se s=rmr m =r=r ivrrr ini= m cr rrr mr +rr c= imr or =mar

s=rm se s vrr= mr =rr a ( m vr= qn vrinavrr=r s=rmr = mrrsr mr ===rq
s sr c = r orar ( m irr= crm mr , m n= =vrna ina ,s=rm s vrr= ==rr
mr =rrr mr =r=r m= =ma ( s vrr= m == ==rr m i= s=rm mr i=i=i=ra nrar
mr sr = =r c r riq

. rc u= = i=ia r r ,-- ln | |- ;, s=rm mr - m =a= = s inrr m
rc u= = i=ia rr riq( rcu= sr= s vrr= mr === =r ==n= r ar ( s= s
rc u= mr =a i=a ==rr riq( ic mr inor=rr s=mr sr iar r ==ar or s= i==rrr or
=r ar n m+rr +rr =r=r mr a r= r =r(

z. rcr mr = ir ioa m=r , |- - -, s=rm mr s rcr mr = ir ioa m=r
riq( rc mr =r= r inori=r r mr =ir , srnvmarsr , r =arsr a=rr sm =a= m s m= r
orr riq( inrr n=a mr sia c imr orr riq(

s. ivrrr mr == r= , |- - -, s=rm mr rc ser a= a rr riq( s=
inor=rr mr i=a m=r riq sr= rc mr inori=r r mr =r n rim srnvmarsr m s=r= =a a
m=r riq( s-i=m +rrrrr ini= m r = mrr = m mr= mr ===rq s- r =mar (
inori=r r mr =iuar mr +rr r -=ria m=r riq( ~c v =r=r mr +rr sia r m=r riq
sr = s=rm mr s rc =a arm=r mr a-mr= = = rm m= = r riq(

. - m inor=rr mr r= = orr ,n -| ; -, s=rm mr - m inor=rr mr r=
orr riq arim ic mr inor=rr vr=r=a m= ar s= r= = mr=r or =m ( r= or =
s vrr=rar mr m= imr or =mar (

r. inori=r r mr sr=r c =rr ,s- |- l , s=rm mr inori=r r mr sr=r
ser mr= = c =rr riq arim n s inori=r r m ia invr rr =r ==r =m io= sr-= = = qn
sia icvrr mr s+rrn (

c. u ( r r r riq , r- -, s=rm mr er crer cr nrar = ur= r m=r
riq( s= s sr = irr ==rr riq( s vrr=r s=rm inori=r r = s vrr= mr
srvrr r m= =ma (

/. ser s vrr=nrcr r r ,-- r n, s=rm mr ser s vrr=nrcr rr riq
sr = inori=rr mr = nra mr ar rr riq( srnvmar s +rn r = er mr n =r nr= m=
m i=q mrr = nr= imr= c r riq sr= s= sia cz c r riq(

s. crm irr ==rr ,-n-n- nr| n, s=rm mr sr==+r = r mrr = crm
irr ==rr riq arim mrr = vrr s vrri=a nr = (

s. ===r m ==r=r mr r= ,n ni |- n;-, s=rm mr mrr = inori=r r mr
===rsr m ==r=r mr r= m=r riq(
a. s vrr= ==n=r mr =n icrr ,- - n;- n-l, s=rm mr s vrr=
==n=r =+rr ===rsr mr =n icrr riq( ==r=rm m r= n a m= ===rq = orr
riq(ic n = nra mr = =r=rm m r= = orr ar n inori=r r sr= si+r+rrnmr mr sr =rr =
i= orr(

, =r= im iur mr r -=r c r ,-nr- rn , s=rm mr mrr = =r
=r= im iursr mr r-=r m=r riq(

i, =nar s= mr srcar mr i=r r m=r ,-;| |; l --- , s=rmr mr
inori=r r = =nar s= mr srcar mr i=r r m=r riq( n s=rm = iomr s i==ria
= +rr inor=rr mr= m=a =a (

n, inaa ini+rarq a ar , ll-n--, s=rm mr inori=r r mr ini+r
=ir , r =arsr , r=arsr , n iar sric mr a ar riq sr = sm s =r= sr mr srr ioa
m=r riq(

i, n c m i=q sia n= m=r ,i- -r nnr--, s=rm inori=r r m i=q
n c mr sia n= m=m s vrr=rar = r a = = ian= =r =mar (

s. =a i=a cr = c n= ,| - ;- - ;-, =a i=a cr = c n= = inori=r r mr in~r=
a=rr =r = o m i=q r a == i== =mar ( io== =rmr sr = =n c = r r sr= =rmr qn =n
+rr s vrr=rar m mr=r ( im=r +rr ri=z = mrr =rr=r r er z r orr riq( on mr
s=rm e c cr = r ar s=mr mr= c== s=rmr mr =r r orr riq sr= mrr mr = vrr =a
==rr riq(

. rc =rm iursr m sia mr u= ,;- nrn- l .nnn -, rc
=rm iursr qn =r =r m sia mr u= = sr-= == cr imr or =mar sr= sr-===
s vrr= mr n irc ( iur inori=rr mr =r mr ivrrr cr m=ar , s= cri-n mr
+rrnr inmi=a m=ar , s= i= r= a=rr si=mri=r m ia src= mr +rrnr mr i=r r m=ar ,
s= a -n m r inmi=a m=ar sr= saa s= =m= m ia s-n mr +rrnr mr i=r r
m=ar ( =m siai=na iur nrsr mr ersr mr si+rina m i= srr =r vr=a m=ar
onim ersr mr c= smr n r mr qm == mr=r r ar (

r. = ir ioa =m = mr , - - | ni, =m= =r sr==+r r = = r =m= m
== mr mr = ir ioa m= =r riq( == s=rmr mr =r=vr +rr = r riq( =m = m =
ic r - m inor=rr s-=r n m sr mr= sr==+r m= =m( = =r=rm mr = nra mr =r ==rr
riq im =m = m ivrrr mr u= mr im=r mr= mr ri (

c. mr m i=q +rr iam i==riar ,-n l ni, m vr= n i( a=rr s vrr=ia nr= m
i=q = ==rr mr = =i=oa rr s-a srnvm ser r =, ==i=oa =amr= qn rvrr=r,
mrrsr = r a ==rr, r a =r= m =cr, rr, nr qn =r vrr mr = n==rr, =r mr ser n=
sric nrar = =m= = =n==r nrarn=r ii= a r ar or sr-= s vrr= m i= s-a =rm (

/. =m = mr ser ===r , | n, =m = mr s vrr= s=mr ===rq =
sr=ri=a r ar ( =m= mr ser ===rsr s vrr= ==rr = r a =r cr m=ar ( =m =
r=r ii= a ser ===rsr mr nr ==r = s=rmr sr= inori=r r mr =aa r= m=a =r
riq( == =m= = +rr a=rr s m n iar = ==ni=a ===r cr r r ar( ===r qm
ic = r nar( s= m nrr = ora ( sa s vrr=rar mr qm r ar m = = i=r orr

s. +rrnvrr=r cr= mr ,-ll-- - ni, +rrnvrr=r cr= mr =m= m s vrr= mr =vrna
=r= ( = =r=rm sr= s=rmr qn si+r+rrnmr mr sr= = i==m= mr= m=r riq( =+rr
==ni=a inar mr inori=r r =m= qn ==ro m ia = i==o= m= mr= m=r riq( sa =m =
= qmar, =r a=rr s-n mr nrarn=r =r riq(

s. = ica s vrr= ria ,l- - , s=rmr m =r= im inr=in=vr = qm
=ica s vrr= ria mr i=r r imr orr riq( =m = = - m ina mr s vrr= m =r a=rr
s vrr= riar mr r r r riq(

a. iam ivrrr ,n -, iam ivrrr mr mr u= inori=r r = s iam srcvrr m
i=r r = =rm i=( r =mar ( srcvr inori=rr mr s m=r r m ia = a ==r sr = =
sm = = s=rmr m ia ~(r s- rr( q=nc q. sr== ,(==ao ( (= a m m=rr=r=,
=m = m iam qn s=ri-=m srcvrr m mr u= mr ivrrr in+rro mr = r ==r riq(
== rc u= mr si+r s ( =+rr mr =r qn iursr = = = n= icr orr riq( ser
=r=riom sr=r r s vrr= ser iamar m siai=na m e +rr r or orn = ser s- m=ar

s vrr= m mr= ,n l -, s vrr= sr ersr qn =r nr = qm i=rn=r m
s=r irr ==r orar ( i=rr==n= == cr i==riar =r= === =r orar ( ,( ina sr
er =r= srnvmar s +rn m=m sr ersr qn =r nr = irr m= ( ,, im=r nr= s m vr
r=r q =r m= m i=q nr= r r z ( =r i==ria m s vrr= mr srai=m s vrr= qn c ==r
i==ria m s vrr= mr nr s vrr= mr orar ( =m =r = ivrrr mr vr =sra = = m= sro am
nr s vrr= mr r s vrr= ==r orar ir ( sr= rim == = nr s vrr= m ==rr =
srai=m s vrr= inmi=a m= = n= icr orar ( = ini= = ==r , -r n = a=rr =r c ==r errr
mr =narar cr m= mr ===r imr ( +rr=ar =m =r = nr mr ar =narar r cr orar(

nr= m s =r=, inor=rr si=nn qn innvr r ar ( =i=q s= ==nr ===r r cr orr
riq( mr q=r r i mn s== s srmr =cmr = (= ini== q. r= m s =r=, q iari=m
= = s vrr= = vrr s= =r=rr m =r=r ==n i=a imr orar , io== mcr = =ri=m, iam qn
vrr=ri=m ivrrr r =r ( s vrr= =ar m ia ==i a r m= ra r ar im=r +rr mr= mr
snr m i=q cz +rar z ar ( sa m e nr=r ro ara r ar , or nr = =m r er
= ==ni=a ( na =r = =m = irr mr srai=m n=a = ==ni=a s=rr a srai=m
= = =r r er mr s iur =(=

s vrr= mr s=r na cr r ini=r sianrcr cr r m nr mr ini=r srr riq( =
nr mr sar r =nr ar cr orar , ioar s=m i=q srnvm ( n mr srnvmar=r= =mr =r
cz c r +rr mr n =r r, nr im == n mr sr-=r vrri=a r = =cc i==r == mr =c
r im sr-= vrr= n a o==r sr= na =r orn mr i=i==riar = =mr r r iara
srnvm (

s vrr= mr = mrr r =rr =r=rr ,snn n - l -, s vrr= mr rr =r=rr
errr mr inor= = iira ==r = invnr= ==rar ( =m s=r= errr mr i=r mr r=r
m= qn src vrr mr =r mr i==ria = cz mr in=r r r riq( s vrr= mr = mrr =r=rr
inor= = ==ni=a si=mri=r m src vrr a=rr mcr = i=r m r= = n= c ar ( = =r=rr m
s=r= mrr = im=r +rr mr= mr srnro r m= vrra nrarn=r =r riq(

= mr= mr = mrr =r=rr cz = r invnr= m=ar ( == = =r=rm inor= mr =nr i=mr=
ra arrvrr vrr=m qn s=rm s=m i= m vr =rr r a ( m = = im= q src vr r
inor= m i= r a ( z zr sr = =am m n= r cr sm=rr = r ivrrm sr s=r mr
m=ar ( = =r=rr m s =r= zz m inr err mr = =r= m+rr r r =mar( ic zzr er z icr
orq ar nr inz orq r( n==rr r inor= m i= sr= errr mr s=m r= m i=q mcr =ar
= innvr m= icr orar ( s vrr= mr =r=rr +r = sr=ri=a ( nr= = =rr r orar (
=i=q inrvrr-=m qn mr=r-=m ( +r mr +rrnr m mr=r errr = sr-== ar rr, sr-=i+r=ar,
=nic vr, =rr r mr vrina, sr-=iur a=rr sia r mr s= rr r r rar =rr( m i=i==riar
= err s srmr s=r ra =r ( =c n = mr= m nr=r cnrn mr === m=a =r (

s vrr= mr rm r sr= im =r=rr ,-n-n n -n - l -, z-= . q=. =rn
m s=r= mr=r-=m qn =mr=r-=m s vrr= mr s rr s=mr =mr=r-=m a=rr = or-=m = r
~ =m= ( s =n= = =mr = or-=m r r r crm ( a mr sr = = or mr srr sia
mr sr = = orr r =mr ==r z v ( +rrnr-=m irr =nr i= sr= i=r i=r r qm =r-=m
iur r ( er c= ~ rc r , sia si+rina qn sia irr r s ira (=

s vrr= mr rm =r=rr mr s=r =, sr=r qn c ircmr rr mr ivrrr, r m iam n iar
mr scr=rm=r a=rr i=r mr inmr=( c vr = orar mr ==rrr =ro iam inr==r=r = nc=rn srr
( == inor= vrr= qn ivrrm m nr= = +rr i=na sr ( sro mr ivrrm i= m vr =nr=r
mr a= nr= m=m qm i=r qn =r cvr m m = = === =r srar ( errr m ior ina-n
qn =narar mr =rar i==r ( ivrrr ==n=r ini+r iursr m mr=r sro mr err sr-=i+rina
m === =r mr s==r m=ar ( i=i==riar = s vrr= mr i=+rrrrr r nc= ( = =r=rr
m sa a errr = nr cnrn m ==rr = srai=m = = r rr m s= rr m i=q n= zr=r rar
( i=rr==n= errr = ~ rc nr=, =r i=r qn ina-n m inmr= mr =+rr nra ==ria
( ivrrr mr sz v nr=ainm = = =nr vrr= n r ( == zz m r mr r = =
nirmr= m= icr ( s vrr= mr nr =r=rr m s=r= sn errr m srai=m rr mr inmi=a
m= mr - imr or =r ( =m sa a src=, io== nr=r, i=r mr s r=r, m=r r mr ia,
=r mr +rrnr qn inmc i=i==riar = +rr ==r =n+rrn = mr nrar = n= zr=r orar (
= rcr m s=r= inor= s vrr= mr = = srnvmar inor= m =r=riom orn or im =mr=r
a = =ar a=rr s iam, =ri= m ivrrrsr = na , m r=r inori=r r = se nr= mr
=r=rrsr , srcar a=rr srcvrr mr inmr= m=r (=

s vrr= mr amrm ,-|- l -,

, =mr=r-=m amrm ,- -|-,

, =nvrr= ,-l r-n-, inor= = errr m =r = s vrr= ==rria m=r s- a
=== r ar ( io=m r=r err =n m s=r=cri-n ==m= inor= m i- mr u=r = +rr = m=
s vrr= nr = =rar cr m=a ( io=m r=r n =n mr s vrri=a nr =ma ( nr=m r =
inor= m iaic m =r=r mr u= m i=q s=r=cri-n zr=r r s=r= s vrr= mr ==rrr =
==nr =rar ( err =n s sr=r ==n=r i=r mr i=r r m= =ma ( m r= =
mr mr iimrc r r r, nr im n =n sm r=r ii= a imq ( =m siai=na s =
inor= mr =r , inaa =near sric mr cri-n zr=r or =mar ( = mr= sm =r =
inor= m == r nrarn=r mr q =r nrr or =mar io== =m= n =n mr s vrri=a m= =
===r r =m (

z, inor=r m i= n ===r ,-- n l | s vrr= ==rrr = inor= m
i=r qn ===rsr mr nz r =-n r ==rr ( inor=r m i=r mr i=r r ini+r vrinar r=r
imr orar =r=, ivrrr in+rr m i=, i(ar, n = ==ria m i=, a ar =rr=rm qn ivrrm
n r=r nrq q i=, a =r err i=rrc r=r ii= a i=r si=mr vra in+rrr qn n= ==ria
r=r ii= a i=r mr inr im=r iimrc m r= m=r z ar ( - m inor=r = m e ===rq
r ar ( ic im=r inor= mr ==r ser , an s= inor= mr s = =r mr =a= ser r r( ic
=m in=ra , an nr mr s vrr= ser rr( - m inor= mr =n mr narnr=r r ar ( or
inori=r r mr =n mr ni==ra m=r z ar ( s vrr= mr ==rrr m i=q inor= m si=mri=r mr
sr i=a ===rsr mr n=rn= siavrr= nr mr - m=r riq(

s, r==i=m =r , .-n, inor= m s c= =r=r mr u= =r = r i+r =
m=ar ( inor=r = r=rr=rm n ivrrmr mr sr=r =r, errr m =r m s+rrn = ,
si+r+rrnmr qn ==ro m =r m s+rrn = im=r mr mr ==ar n m r imr or =mar (
inor= = =+rr =rr mr cr= m = = mr m= m i=q -a= nrr riq( on =n =r
s s cri-n mr == qn s=mr r m= m i=q a-= r , an nr s vrr= =na r
s- r orqr nr im - m cri-n = s vrr= ==rria m= m i=q r==i=m =r mr
srnvmar (

, s na rc u= =r=r iusr mr n==rr , l nn- .nnn -,
s na rcu= =r=r iursr mr n==rr nr=mr = a -n m=r =rrar, si=mri=r m ia src=
mr +rrnr, n==rr qn ii=ar m ia ~(r sr-=ic vr mr vrina, ==riomar mr +rrnr, =r sric
mr inmr= imr orar ( iursr mr nz r r s vrr=r-=m =-n ( sa inor= = s vrr=
mr n==rr ==rria m= m i=q rc=r=r iursr mr s na mr u= i=r i=a imr orr riq
io== - m nr=m sr =i qn r =ar m s=r= s= +rr = =m sr= =n m s na rr mr
inmi=a m= = ===r r =m (

r, nr +rrnr = i rr ,n -n-n l--, s vrr= ==rrr m i=q nr
+rrnr , s=rr a ==ro mr cr =roria, ==riom arn, r==i=m =rrrr sric = i rr ==rr
srnvm ( mr inor= m invr ( nrarn=r = n vr m= = =r mr orq( o =r im =r ivrrr vrr=rr
or z rn mr m=r im inor= qm invr rr nrarn=r io=mr nr orn mr m =ar = =rm ==rr
orq( =m i=q sr a-nr mr r orq, or = =nr qn ivrrr c ( sa = invr rr nrarn=r mr vr(
nrq ==r m i=q ==ro mr c irra =roria = s=mr =rm, ==rr srnvm ( =r= c vr =
s vrr=rar mr = =r mr=r ==ro mr cr =roria qn r==i=m = rrrr mr rr r ( sa
s vrr= ==rrr m i=q nr +rrnr = inor= mr nrr orq(

c, iam ivrrr mr n==rr ,n ln n -, inor= = s vrr= mr ==rrr m
i=q iam ivrrr =-n r ==rr ==rar io=mr =rar = nr = s srcvr ==rria imq or =ma
( iam ivrrr mr n==rr inor=r = rc inrr m = = ==rm= ===a inrrr m ivrrr m =
mr ==rr icr orr riq( =r=r r =r=r ini+r iursr m =r=r=r=r iam rr = n= icr orr
riq, io=m r=r inor= mr nrarn=r iam nrr or =m (

/, inor= nrarn=r qn vr irm = in=rq ,| -n- - l -, inor=r =
inr s=r= nrarn=r a=rr vr irm = in=rsr m s vrr= ==rria m=r s-a mic mr r ar ( sia
ivrrr a inor= = sr=r= mr nrarn=r, =near, nr =r vrr, r = a=rr srnvm sm=r -ric
mr sia n==rr r r riq( ic mrr = n c mr r a n==rr, r vrr=r n smr =ro==or,
=r = mr =cr -ric mr sia n = r r riq( io== nr=m s vrr= = =r =r=r =m (

s, ivrrr si+r+rrnm =r ,n- -|-n .-n, ivrrm a=rr si+r+rrnm mr sr=r =r
s vrr= ==rria m= = s- a =-n r r ar ( nr=m mr si=mr vr == rr= = ara r ar (
inor= si+r+rrnmr m =r m s+rrn = smr sia inmr= m= = ===r r r ra a=rr
ivrrmr = ra ormr=r r=r si+r+rrnm nr=mr = ==ni=a ini+r ===rsr mr = m= = ===r
r ( sa nr=mr mr s vrri=a orn ara m=r i==rr m i=q s=rmr qn si+r+rrnm m nr
=== ==n= s- a srnvm (

s, ==mr= ,-- n, errr mr sm se mrr qn invr rrarsr a ==mr= cr m= mr s- a
=-n r =rr ( ==mr= m r=r nr=mr = se mrr mr m= mr srca a=rr =r n ia mr inmr=
r ar ( inor=r = ==mr= m r=r nr=mr mr +rrnr mr = a irc m i=q =r vr=a imq ora ( on
im=r nr=m m r=r ser mr imr orar ar s= sr = invr rrar m mr=r ==mr= ra r ar
io== c == nr=mr mr r-=r i==ar ( n s i=q ==mr= ra m= m i=q -vrr= r ora
( n s i=q ==mr= ria m i=q =c n =n mr c==r = ~rc civr a m= mr - m=a (
= mr= ==mr= s vrr= ==rrr = =-n r mr m=ar (

==mr= c m =r+r ,|r- l n- n,

(. =-mrr m i=q ==mr= ra m= mr srvrr = nr=mr = iar iar mr +rrnr = n i( r ar (
io=m ==n= n qm c == = si=m ser mr m= m i=q a-= r ora (
,. ==mr= ria = nr=mr mr src qn =rr ra r ar (
s. ==mr= r=r nr=mr = sr vrinar = invnr= s- r ar (
=. nr=m ==mr= ria m i=q ii=a qn m=r=rr r m= mr m=r =r=r ora (

==mr= m =r+r m =r=r=r=r m e in(rr r=r mr sr=r r +rr mr ( smr =a
==mr= cr m=r =r nrim n =r=riom c irc = s na (

==mr= c = ri , r- l n- n-,

(. ==mr= c = io nr=mr mr ==mr= mr ria r r ar n rr n (rr mr +rrnr =
i=a r ora (
,. io nr=mr mr ==mr= ra r ar n r == +rrina r a ( io nr=mr mr ==mr= mr
ria r r ar s= r +rrnr s- r ar (

==mr= mr =r=r m nr m i=q srnvm r orar im smr nz r =a mar s=rnr irrar m
=r=r cr imr orq( sa ==mr= cr m=a == i= nrar mr =r ==rr orr riq(

(. nr=mr mr im=r +rr qm sn== = civr a mr or nr=r invr rrar m sn== = ==mr= ic
orq ni=m smr nrr +r= mr imq or = ==mr= cr imr orr riq(
,. im=r +rr nr=m mr on +rr ==mr= cr imr orq( an ===a errr m sr sm rr mr
sna m=rr orq io== s errr mr +rr s rr mr ria a - imq orq(
s. ==mr= n inam = = cr m=m ni=m =r= im = = cr imq or riq, io==
inaa rr qn (rr mr +rrnr mr ==ra imr or =m (
=. ==mr= m = = n = = n=a q cr orq, nr im n = = n=asr = nr=mr = =r +r n =r=
s- r ar (

i, rmr=r-=m amrm ,s-r- -|-, s vrr= mr mr=r-=m amrm = c z n==rr mr
==rr orar ( c z n==rr s vrr= ==rrr mr =r= r =rr or =mar, nr im s=r= s vrr= ar
ina m sc= = s- r nr=r r =a nr=ainm i=i==riar = c z n==rr s- a srnvm
r ar ( = i=i==riar mr ==+rrnrsr mr ==ra r m= =ma ( r. = m =ar=r=, c z
qm n =r n=a sr = s=mr sn =r +rr mr orr riq( =a io= mr= =o mr rm vr=r= m
=z rn mr c= m= m i=q srnvm , s=r +rr ia =rn mr c n =arsr mr c= m= m i=q c z +rr qm
srnvm n =r , io=mr = srr z ar (=

c z m ini+r i=(ra ,-n |-n- l |-, on c z qm srnvm n =r sr = s= r m=r
z ar ar =na r vr scar im c z im= rorsr = icr orq( = ==n= = i= =r=rsr mr

. scr=rr-=m i=(ra ,-nn |-n, = i=(ra m r=r iarica imr orar im
s=r=r mr =i=q ciza imr orar im c ==r m i=q qm scr=r mr mr m= =m sr= c ==r
mr n =r r s=r= r =ar m= = =r m =m ( scr=rr=r ic mr nr=m r=r m=ar ar s= =
sz v = c iza imr or =mar im n i= r=r m= a=rr c == s +rn m= = im ic
= r=r mr ar = c z i== r( = mr= s= nr=m mr scr=r c==r mr r=r m= = nr =r(
==+rna s si+r r mr ia m= =m , nr im io= nr=m mr scr=r =a a m= a c z
i==r , r =mar im s=m i=r s== =r +r ia ==r = sr= i==ria sr = +rr mic n or (

z. iamr=r-=m i=(ra ,--n;- |-n, = i=(ra = narr orar im or ina =ar
s=rnr s=r= m=ar , s== =ar r s=r= mr nc=r i=r orr riq( = i=ra = c mr
onrn -=r= = cr or nr=r mrna i=rr=r r ar ( = mr= s=r=r mr i=(ra r = a i=( r
r ar (

s. = =r=r-=m i=(ra ,--ln- |-n, = i=(ra m s =r= cz mr ro s=r=r mr
==r=r ( i=(ra = nra = or = c ar im s=r=r mr s +rn m=rr or im n=a a s=
s=r= imr sr = s=m i=q s= c =r mc m=r riq a=rr s=mr sr r im n =n mr

. sn=r=r-=m i=(ra ,n--- |-n, = i=(ra m s=r= s=r=r mr s=r s=r= mr
=rn ia m= = =r mr a=rr c ==r mr =rr m=r ( =a i=(ra s=r=r r =ar m= nr= mr
=n mr ==r= m i=q mr sn== cr r m=ar( r c =rr orar im c z mr +r ic=rr =
s=r= =m m nor sr= na a ( cz m inrr = qm i=(ra sr = i=a ( n im i=r
mr r= m=rr orq( =m s =r= i= =nr , ic mr ina i=r mr s== rr m=ar
ar s= ciza imr orq( = i=(ra mr sz v i=r mr =rr m=r ( i=(ra =r=r orn m
i=q +r= r sia r , =a inor= = s=mr =nr ar = n= r icr orr riq(

s na i=(rar mr c =r m vra v scar im ic c z mr r m=r z ar n
im= sz v = icr orq r im= i=(ra m s =r= icr orq = ==n= = im=r iiva i=(ra mr
iarc r imr or =mar, nr im =r=a c z c nr= mr cvr r inr==r=r i+r r =mar (
c== s=r= io i=i==riar = sr , n i=i==riar i+r r =mar ( = ==n= = c z m n=
= rn m= m sz v = icr orr riq( =m siai=na c z c a == i= nrar = +rr =r icr
orr riq(

(. c z cr m= = n s=r= m mr=rr qn i=i==riar mr r ria imr orq sr = s c irra
i=i==riar mr = =r= mr - imr orq(
,. = sna r m vra nr=m mr sr =ar mr s +rn m=rr orq a=rr +rinr = q=r
m= m i=q arnr cr or ( ic n i= q =r m=ar ar s=m i=q c z mr n==rar mr
or =a cz c a == nr=m mr sr , =n+rrn, inr==r=r sric mr =r = ==rr or (
s. c z cr m= = irrar ==rr or (
=. c z s=r= m s m = icr orq a=rr s== si=m r m= =rrr = r icr orr riq(
. c z cr m= = , ic ==+rn r =m ar nr=mr m si+r+rrnmr = +rr ==r =r orq( =m
=r=r r nr=mr mr err =irrc mr ===ia mr =r = ==rr orq( == =r= im
s vrr=rar mr ===r s- r r rqr(

c z m ini+r =n= ,ll-n- ln l |-, sn inor= = s c zr mr ==rr r icr orar
or im rr mr= m inor= = i=a =r , scr=rrr=r mr z , n a =rr sric( srom= zr czc,
s=ria m=r, icr, inor= == m nrc =rmr, inor= mr m siai=na mr m=rr, s m m=
m= c r, = in=rq cr = r, ria r m=r, sri=r m cz, sric ini+r = i=a ( =n= =mr c z,
zr czc r sr= +rrnvrr=r i=( r ar ( =a ri=r cr s na ( nr=mr mr inor=
== m nrc =r mr +rr sia ic=rr r c ar nr im =mr +rr= =rariar = z ar ( nr=m s
+rr r nara im smr = = = c z icr r ( == = in=rsr mr err, siai=na mr c r,
s m m= m= c r, c = snia m= cr sric si=m s na , nr im mr +rrn s=r=r r =ar
m= nr= = z ar (
vrr=ri=m c z c r sia r ( sn ivrrmr r=r =rz =r= mr =rr mr +rr ar -=ria imr
orar ( m n= =rr=rm r invr rr i=i==ria = =mr sr m= =mar ( +rr=ar = rr m r
=+rr =r=r = vrr=ri=m c z m r m i=q ivrrr in+rr r=r a qn i=i==riar mr i=r=r m= icr
r (

c z mr qm =-n r = i= n a=rr irmr= , =cnc cm == nc , =a =mr
r =+rr= i=i==riar = r imr orr riq( mr a+rr sr imr or on ===a mr= =
nr=m mr =r =r = =rr s==+rn r or ( inor= si=mri=r m r=r = s ia= s=r (
=mr sr n a r m= imr orr riq(

ra mr=r =+rr mr srr o ,r nr -;, inor= mr =n= =r iur ramr=r
=+rr r ar s=rr a c == vr-cr = = m =ma im inor= mr mr r==+r r ra mr=r =+rr =
imr orar ( ra mr=r =+rr = inor=rr a=rr s=rm =r= im = = qmira r a , o r =
=r= im r=rr mr orar ( iam +rrrrr icq ora , inor= mr u= ==n=r rrrrrrrq mr orar ,
srnvm ic vr ic ora , ir= m mr orar a=rr = a= mr s iursr mr srr o imr
orar ( - cn c m s=r=, =m = =+rr =m = mr cr= =ric r ar (= z-= . sr=. i===r m m=rr r=
=m = =+rr = mr= m rc siai=na orn mr mc r ==r= (= =r=r o m m m inr= =r=
ra mr=r s+r= =r=r =ric ==r= , or - m ina m e m e c m i=q orar s
ii=rr a=rr s= mr =, =ra, =ri- sr = m=r io== s= src ra r ar ( qm q=r
==r= or =nm = =r qn m=rr m i= =+rr =r cr m=a (=

ra mr=r =+rr mr iursr mr m ia ,sn- l -;, ra mr=r =+rr mr iursr mr m ia =
mr= mr r ar

. =n =r= =m= mr r=r r r ar (
,. =rrc r r rr orar (
s. s=rm, inor=rr r = =r=rm iamar = = ira +rrrrr c a (
=. im=r =r=r =i nr= m=r = s=rm r nr=m r=r r ra m=nrr orar ( o =
=nr== m i=, a mr srca zr=r, =z m = = m i=, s vrr= mr =-n sric(
. =m = mr = c r = cr , ==r=r r = mnmn +rr =r( cr = c n= = mr i=na sr r
r sr = e c cr mr rrr rrrrq mr orar (
c. nr r=r = ira c im ==rr= a ora (
. nr r=r =nr== mr ==rr m i=q =r= im r. cr. mr orar (
s. mrr s=rmr r=r =near mr ii=rr imr orar (
e. mrr s=rmr r=r srsr mrrsr mr ro=r =r orar (

ra mr=r =+rr m sz v ,n- l -;,

(. =m = mr = ica m=r ra mr=r =+rr =+rr inori=r r a=rr s=rmr mr qm ==rr =
qmira r mr sn== cr m=ar ( =+rr errr m qm =r=r, qm r ==rr = qmia r
a=rr ini+r iursr = qm =r=r +rr = = s-n mr +rrnr inmi=a r ar (
,. iam ivrrr cr m=r iam ivrrr cr m=r ra mr=r =+rr mr = = sz v r ar
( iam +rrrrr, +ro sric r=r nr = iamar a=rr sr=ri-=mar mr inmr= r ar (
s. sr-=i+rina m i=q ivrrr ra mr=r =+rr = s m inor=rr +rrrrr c a ( ==rr= a a
, r=r r mr a -n m=a , =n= nr=mr = invnr= cr r ar ( s sr-=i+rina m=
mr =r mr +rr i==ar (
=. ser ~nr srcar mr inmi=a m=r c ==r mr nrar mr =r = = r( c ==r mr +rrnrsr
mr src= m=r, sia == = ari=r norr a=rr ini+r c ircmr r mr vr =r m=r sric
=-n r ~nr srca , io nr=mr = ra mr=r =+rr r=r r inmi=a imr orar (
. =rr=rr a r ~ rc s=i-= mr =nrmr= m=r on mr nr im=r +rr r r = ser cvr
m=ar , ar inor=rr mr s=i-= mr =+rr m =r= narr orar , io== n inor=rr =ar rr
a=rr src s +rn m=ar , io== s nr=mr mr +rr =rr i==ar (
c. errr = ser srcar mr inmr= m=r r=rr =+rr mr qm sz v nr = ser srcar mr
inmr= m=r +rr ( n =r= im r=r r m == vrraia =rz r m= r=r r m=a (
=rn oim =+rrsr = m =r nr= m=r riq = nra mr ivrrr r = nr mr i==ar (
+rrrrrmar mr nra mr =r n m =r, sia == = ari=r norr, c ==r mr +rrnrsr mr
src= m=r sric srca ra mr=r =+rr = ser a= = inmi=a mr or =mar (
. =rrc r s-=n a=rr arsr m nr= = r c r im=r +rr =rrc r n a=rr im=r +rr =rrc r ar
mr o= icn= =rr +rr ra mr=r =+rr mr sz v r ar ( == nr=mr = =rrc m ia
a=rr =rrc r arsr m ia ===r, src= a=rr = +rrn mr inmr= r ar (
s. rrr rrrrq m=r ramr=r =+rr mr qm = = szv rrr rrrrq m=r ( o= c im mr =
mr i=na , cr= c n= = i=na , mr= m rr cr = i=na , ==r=r, c r = cr mr rrr rrrr
m=r sric(
e. i=r i=r r ra mr=r =+rr = vn= mr r=r r m= a=rr = ira iam +rrrrrr mr = =
nr mr se n = mr r r ar ( n ora im =r= s srcvr nr nr m=r
sr = nr sm=r ( = mr= =+rr nr = =c rr mr inmi=a m= = =rm r ar (
(u. =m = m i=r = i=ia m=rr =m = mr ra mr=r =+rr mr = = sz v =m= m i=r
a=rr srcvrr m nr= = nr=mr mr i=ia m=rr (
((. iursr mr i=a m= mr =r= ramr=r =+rr mr qm sr= = = sz v rc qn rc
=rm iursr mr i=a m= mr =-n r =r= (
(,. a-n mr ivrrr c r r=r r =+rr = errr mr r=r r mr a-n m=r z ar ( iaic
==rr= =r = a m= = r za iom mr=r nr = a -n mr +rrnr mr i=r r r ar
(s. errr = qmar mr +rrnr cr m=r =+rr errr m qm =r=r, qm r ==rr = qmira r ,
ini+r iursr = +rr = sr= inor= mr iaini=r = i=ia r = s= inor= m
ia s-n mr +rrnr a=rr sr= = qm r mr +rrnr inmi=a r ar (
(=. inor=r m ini+r mr u=r = ==ni=a =-nr rrr rrrr m=r r=r r mr qm sz v inor=
m ini+r mr u=r = ==ni=a rrrrrrrq =rnoim = = m=r +rr ( r =+rr n n
s=rm mcc r a ( sa qm =r=r r =nmr im=r +rr mr= mr = r c cr orar , o=
inor= m im=r mr u= m srr o m nr= = , c im mr u= m i=na m nr= = , im=r
snmrvr m nr= = sric(
(. im=r +rr srramr=r i==ria = ic m i=q nr = =r mr sr= m= = +rr ra
mr=r =+rr =rm r ar (
(c. ramr=r =+rr =+rr errr mr rc qn =rc iursr = si=m = si=m +rr = m i=q
i=a m= mr ser =r= (
(. ramr=r =+rr = nr mr inor= m i=r , ===rsr , srcvrr sric = +rr sr=rr =
i=ia m=rr or =mar (

ra mr=r =+rr m mr u=r m i=r r m i=q =r cvr m = =rrq ,em==c= ina =s==
a==o=m ana ss=

. srr ioa mr u= ,- nrn- ramr=r =+rr m mr = srr ioa r riq, =m
i=q cr s=rm a=rr m e inori=r r mr i==mr qm m= cr nr orr riq sr = mr u= srr o mr
cri-n s= r =r r riq(

z. iursr mr inin=ar ,ll-n- -, ramr=r =+rr = srr ioa nr=r iursr
= inin=ar rr riq(

s. inori=r r mr =r ,.-n l -, ramr=r =+rr m mr u=r m srr o =
inori=r r mr si=m = si=m =r i=r orr riq( im=r +rr ina r ==cr m in=( m e r
nr =r riq(

. si=ma= r -=r ,n -nr--, si=m = si=m nr=mr mr ra mr=r =+rr =
+rr = m i=q r -=ria m=r riq(

r. rar mr =r rn ,n-n -- ln r, ramr=r =+rr m i= rar mr rn m=a
== =r ==rr riq im ra ser im== m r (

c. =m +rrrrr ,- -n-, ra mr=r =+rr = icq or nr= +rrrrr =r m, =m a=rr
= ira r riq(

/. =r= im iz = ,n n, m e == m i=q =r= im iz = +rr m=rr riq|

s. sia s vrr= ,n-n -, ra mr=r =+rr = s vrr= mr =r ==rr riq(

s. sia i=mrz ,n-n n-n, ra mr=r =+rr m mrr mr sr iar mr = =r m m= a
sia i=mrz ==rr orr riq(

a. = =r m a=rr i=rrr ,- -n, ra mr=r =+rr m mrr mr ii=rr qn
= =r m imr orr riq(

. inori=r r mr =cr = in+rrioa m=r =m c m i=q =+rr inori=r r m r m e =cr
,+n = = +rr in+rrioa imr or =mar sr= s m e inivrrc r= icq or =ma , o = c r =,
r =r, inn mrc =c sric( = =c mr ro mr s=rm r r riq( m e icr m i=q
ramr=r =+rr mr srr o qm =c m= i= m e icr m i=q c ==r =c( = mr= inor= =
=+rr errr mr = =+rr = +rr = mr sn== +rr i==ar = r(

inor= =+rr mr n= ,r-- l | -;, inor= =+rr mr s-a =orn qn sz v r =
cr m=r n=mr mr = =r mr ( errr mr =+rr = s vrr= n m =i==i=a r r sr= nr =
s s mrrsr = vrria n m orr s-a srnvm ( vr, =z r sr = qm c == m =r=r
nr =r in=m= nio a r r riq( nrarn=r mr s-a vrr a qn q mra r r sinr ( = ra =
na r=r r q=r =rrcrir rr s ira io=m r=r errr = +rrnrn vr qn +rina =m +rrnr mr
s= rr r ( qm nra mr =r ==rr orr o==r im inr sn== = errr mr +rr mr s=rom
vr-c m orq ( errr mr +r=r n =r mr s=rnr s ian ar-=m sc vr c r = sn== = sia
ara r r ar( nrar = nrarn=r vr ( r =ar sr = n =r +rrn z mr +r =ar ( =m= =+rr
mr = = sz v r r r riq im err ==cr mr si=mri=m rr = orar orq(

= mr= = s=r na nrar mr =r = ==rm= =ni==ra a = ra mr=r =+rr mr srr o
imr or =mar (

vr irm +r =r ,-nn- , ornrr r s +rnr r=r orn m i=q ivrrr or s nz =r m
sr = iur-=m a = srr= ra r orar ( =i=q ivrrm mr sia sn== i==a r = mr= m
+r =r qn c mr srro m=a =r riq(

vr irm +r =r c vrrc sric mr r r mrr rm ( =mr vr =sra inor= m in=m=, imc
r rr = mr orar ( r=rr =rmr = q= ==rr =ra, =ri=r, a=rn, mq, icr , = , =r a, r n=
= =rc r =ma ( vr=r =rmr = i==, mr==rr , ino=rrr=, ==n =c vr, nr rr=, sz z , ar=rr=,
c =rr , qn= o, zrm=rrr, n m, i= =r, iiz rrr=, = r=, i==m=rc ini+r ==mr=r +rn r
=ma ( q= inar m ==m = inor=rr sr =ma ( io== s ini+r mr= nrarn=r ==n=r
s +rn ra r =m ( r=rr inor=r m errr mr vr=r s = m s +rn m=r = ==ni=a +r =r
m=r = m rr =r+r r =ma ( =m siai=na errr mr r n = m =r=r c= ==rrr m +r =r m
i=q = orr or =mar or m +rr r i=m, q iari=m, =ri= m, =ro iam, nrim a=rr r or imr =r
m ==r=r qn mr oa mr sio a m=r = ==ar r =mar ( +r =r ==r=r mr =r=r =r+r
scr m i=q ==r= mr rn, or = n mr =+rr srnvm a ri=r , +r =r m cr=r qn nrc = imq
or nr= srr s nar mrr m =r== = srnvm ivrrr si== s +rnr m +rrn r so sric
m == ivrrm r=r =r =r =r icr orr riq( arim +r =r qn c =r=o a=rr = = mr =r=
nm= ==ro m imc orm= vr irm s +rn ra m= = +rrnvrr=r =r= i=( r =m (

z-= . q=. =r m m=rrr=r=, ivrrr mr sr= im orn m n ircr s +rnr = c= cr icr
r ( n a = =m =r = nr =rr or sr= =nr +rnr m i=q r a sn==r mr m=r ( s n=a sr ,
i==riar , ==n=r sric m ==n= = vr-cr mr m= sr= iursr mr si=m srnvmar ( srr ivrrr
m i=q inori=r r mr orn mr mr =r= r mr s+rn ra m= mr srnvmar qm sor, qm
c mr, vr sr mr =, im=r =r a, mr==rr, =cr=, rm , =r= sric mr =rrr mr sr= im =m= =
=-n r ==rr i==r riq(

vr irm +r =r nr srnvm

(. rcvrr=r = mrr = src mr n i( r ar ( n a =r vrr=r q vr irm +r =r mr s ==
in+rr mr ii=a +rr =rar nr im sr s+rn r=r =r=rr im vrr=r mr m
n a = = = sz v vr irm cr r=r r sr=r = = ra r =ma (
,. nr=mr mr ior=r mr n ia mr inmr= r ar on nr=m im=r n=a m ==r orm= s=m
mrr mr -r c =ra ar ini+r mrr mr c =rm= s mr=rr mr or mr s-= m =a (
s. nr=ainmar m ==m = sr m i=q a=rr i==r= r ra m= m i=q = mr= m +r =r
=rm i=( r a (
=. ==ro sr = rcvrr=rsr = imc ==n= ==rria r a or s=rm vr irm +r =r = ora n
invnr= m=a im vrr=r mr mr ==ro m mrr = ==ni=a r r riq(
. ==ro m =c= qmc == = sri~a r a ( io== nr=mr mr c =r mr =r mr i==ar ( ==
nr=mr = +r ra -n mr +rrnr mr inmr= r ar ( =r m sr=r= = sa=rrc r +r ra +rrn mr r n
z =mar (
c. nr=mr mr vr=r =r ==ra r orar , - m nr=m mr sr nar r ar a=rr inaa =
= r sioa m=r z ar ( s=rm +rr - m nr=m mr == = == r orar (
. nr=mr = s vrr= mr +rrnr mr +rr inmr= r ar (

s=rm mr nr n= m=r riq

(. vr irm +r =r = or m m ic n r s=rm mr n= m=r riq a=rr nr=mr mr qm
er cr =i=ia r riq(
,. im=r +rr vr irm +r =r = or = = s=rm mr =rrr n n= =i=ia = inr=in=vr
m= = r riq a=rr s= nr=rm mr vr irm +r =r = = or mr =nrm ia = r riq(
s. s=rm mr im=r ==rr = vr irm +r =r = = or = n =r =r riq im n ==rr
r ==ira s=rnr r nr im nr=mr m =r=r = mr= mr io==cr=r s=rm mr r =ar
=. io= im=r cvr r ==rr = vr irm +r =r or =r r nr m s=r = im=r iiva iai=r m
nr= = =nrm ia = = r riq, io== +r=r m == ===r =rz r r =m nr im m+rrm+rr
srm r im=r ==rr = = s=m c =r mr srr i== =mar (
. or = vr irm +r =r or =r r, nr = c= sric mr n==rr = = r m= = r riq(
c. i= = = nrar mr +rr s=rm mr = = r iiva m= = r riq(

m vrr=r er z n nr= sr mr ==(
=r r nr= =r mr s =r(
srn= mr =r= mr= = =rr orqr(
rr im= =r = rrr mr orqr(
n =r=a = mr mr sr = imarimar c= c=r or r(
nr=mr = nr =r=r mr srvrr mr or =mar (

vr irm +r =r m i=q errr r=r a r=r errr m vr irm +r =r m n= a=rr r or = s=rm mr
=rar m=r riq( s= inor=rr s +rn m= =a im sr ror = qm =r=r m mr
imr r ar r ir =-n na orqr( errr r=r qm =i=ia nr = r riq( or i+ri+r mrr =
s=rm mr =cc m= =m ( vr irm +r =r = nr= sr m nrc mr mr +r =r mr = =rr or =rr(

+r =r = nr= sr m nrc +rr nr=mr mr mrr mr m=r vr rr = orar ( nr=mr or m e
+rr c =rr n =r=rr , s=m nr= = nrcinnrc rr riq( or nr=mr mr =rc r r =mar s=m
inr= in=vr = vr r=r = m= mr = in=r nr=mr mr cr orr riq(

vr irm +r =r = nr= sr m nrc qm == = r mr a r=r m=r riq( = r =r= im
r inaa sr= i=i=ra r =r i=rm = = r =mar ( s= = r = a=rr r = s mrrsr m
nr=m +rr r rr +r =r mr i=a im or =ma (
vr irm +r =r = nr= sr = smr i=rrr vrina m = =r m mr smr or m=r riq(
or in=r-=m =rrr rr=r = r scc vr-=m =rrr rr=r = r =mar (

nr= ==r

r=i=+rm ivrrr m =rn +rr i=m=r n rr-=m ivrrr m i=q, =n ivrrr si+rr m sa a
i=r= c vr = invr rr r= imq or = ( ivrrr mr = = sz v nr=m mr =nr rr inmr= m=r (
=nr rr inmr= a+rr ==+rn on n mr =r-=m qn= m=r-=m r=ar +rr inmi=a r nr =
ia+rr m cm c m= +r=r =ar , nr= ==r qm q =r =r== io=m r=r err mr ier ia+rr mr
sor= m= m i=q rm = i==ar ( r r = =r = n ini+r iaini=r m =r== =
rro +rr m=a sr= s si+r+rrnmr , s=rm r qn ==r o=r= m =r=r i==m= qm =nec
=rr = = src ra m=a (

= = sz v

nr=mr m = rr-=m n == rr-=m =sr mr inmr= s=rr a =nr r r inmr= m=r(
errr mr ia+rr mr civr a m= mr =sn== cr m=r(
ivrrr m ia nr = =i cr m=r(
ini+r iaini=r m r=r rro (
=r-=m icvrr = r -=r c r(
= = mr ini+r iaini=r qn= inaa si+rina a ia==r-=m =r inmi=a m=r(
s errr mr inivrrc s=i-=r = =rr = r

srr o iur

=n ivrrr si+rr m sa a inori=r r m =nr r r inmr= m i=q nr= ==r mr ini+r =a=r
= srro imr orar , arim - m =m= m nr mr +rrrcr=r = iiva r =m , n sr
si+r=i m s=r= im=r qm s=rnr s m iaini=r = +rr = m i=q =na r r a ( ia+rrn
n ini+r =a=r = o=a q sr i rar mr cvr m=a ( =a= i= mr= =

(. = m= =a=
,. =rz =a=
s. io=r =a=
=. =r= =a=

= m= =a= = nr= == mr srro m c = = s=rm r=r imr orar - m m c m
=+rr =m =r m n = mr m = = +rr = a sr = ini+rr iain=rr m ino arsr mr =rz =a= m
nr= == m i=q ia imr orar ( = m= =a= = ia er =rz =a= = s =r m =r m err
m =r=r cvr m=a r = ia s-mrc inor=rr io=r =a= m mr u=r = +rr = a ( io=r mr
ia==r m ino arsr mr =r= =a= m i=q ia imr orar (


cr. q=. q=. cvr r qn =rr s-=n(
=rn mr vr= ==ni=a iaini=r(
=a m=rsr mr cvr (
ira qn= inr mr=(
mrc n nr= i== (
ini+r = (
= ci== ,ar=r=z= r=r =r = =z = m r n =rr =r rrcrsr mr ormr=r(
=rr r m =cr=(
= = mr i=r ic nr= rmr=r m r=r, iaic mr ==rr= r mrivra r r(
=r =m iam mr u=(
+rrrrr n nrc innrc iar iar(
qm= n == r(
- , =n= a =ccr = sr=ri=a ricmrq , cm= , =r z = iar iar(
mina sr=r(
ivrrr c =r = (
invr rr srnvmar nr= nr m i=q ini+r iaini=r (
m= co r=r ivrrr sr=ri=a ==(

nr= == mr =-n

nr=mr mr =nrrr inmr= r ar
errr mr iaini=r r=r =r=r mr sn== i==ar (
nri=m r ra m=m ivrrr m ia =i s- rar (
-rr=mr = =r n c=a +rrnr a=rr = or-=mar mr = o r ar (
=r= =a=r ==r, =r= m ini+r ==rrr = =rr orar io== nr=mr mr = nrr q
==rr mr +rr r i=m n =r =m iam orm=r ra r ar (
nr= == = iam = =r mr inmr= r ar (
ia==r mr +rrnr inmi=a r ar (

inr = =r

sro mr inr mr m=rar ( orn m - m r r = inr s-a =-n r
+r i=mr i+rr =i=q inr qm =-n r inrr ( =+r ( nrr n i= =r= c vr =
inr mr sinr inrr nr mr srnvmar = n= icr sr = +rr=a ==mr= =m =r = inr mr
sa= =a= = a m sz v mr ra m= m i=q =n = in=rq c mr iv imr(

inr mr = =r sz v nr=mr = inr m ia si+r=i cr m=m nrim c ircmr r s-
m=r, io== =nr r r inmr= r ( =m i=q s= inr ==n=r mr m=rq orq r rr = invr rr
n= c r riq( =m =r = inori =rr m i=q inrn=nr mr i=r r r r riq a=rr sm r=r imq
q mrr mr civr a m= m i=q inr = = qm =-n r =r== ( =m siai=na inr ==
cvr m r=r si+r+rrnmr a=rr =rmr m =r r mr =m = mr inr ==n=r iaini=r = i=ia m=rr
or =mar (

=rrc r vr irm s ==r qn irrr i=rrc ,e-=-= s inr ivrrr in+rr a=rr ivrrr
mr= or = ==ni=a in=ar= = nr in+rrr r=r = =r mr r -=r c =r ( = sz v m i=q
= ==rr io=r, = z= ,-=nc = sr= =romr =a=r = = = r cvr ir = ica m= =r ( sr = ==r
m =c = sri=r m =rar +rr c =r ( =rrc r =a= = +rr inr = =r mr srr ioa imr orar (
inr ==r qm ==r io== ia==r srsr inr i=r or =aa m=a ( inr ==
=r=i=m qn s =r=i=m =a= m errr = inr qn r or imr = si+r=i cr m= qn sr
ia+rr civr a m= mr sn== cr m=a ( err s r o nc m i=rr=r mr i=r c m = = iz==
nr z m = = r =r z= m = = =a a m=a (

sz v ,;--, =rrc r vr irm s==r qn irrr i=rrc m s=r= inr = = mr n==rr m
i= sz v r riq(

. =r-=m icvrr = r -=r ,-nr-- n-- -, errr mr s inr=r a=rr mrr =
=r ivrrr mr =r-=m icvrr = r m i=q r-=ria m=r(

z. =rr , errr mr s =ricr mr s=i-=r mr c =r mr sn== cr m=r
== s +rr s ro nc mr r or nr = =rr i==r(

s. =i ,-n-, errr mr inr ==n=r iaini=r mr =r mi nrr == mr m =a= =
sr = +rr ==r= r =m r(

. ln i-ir ,-nr--, inivrrc ia+rr == errr mr sia r -=r a=rr =nrm ia cr

r. ia+rr mr r rrr ,snn- l ln- -, +rr=a m +rrnr n rimr mr rr sr=
smr ia+rr mr r rrr m=r(

c. a =rr-=m s= ,n- , inr == mr iaini=r a=rr inaa iursr m
a =r-=m s= m i=q sn== cr m=r(

/. =r r = ==m ,--r | --, =rm =rr mr ==m = = srr sr = s errr a=rr
s=rmr = i==rr(

cvr r cr=r ,-n|;, inr == = inin= mr= m cvr r cr=r r riq( ==+rna
cvrr cr=rr mr i= nr = nrcr or =mar (

(. = mr n=aq
,. = = =ira r =orn
s. r ==n=r n=a q o = rc , = =rr, srm ia sric(
=. =r z= iurvrr= a=rr i==r= cr r a= m(
. sm=rr m inmi=a =(
c. =n ii= a sm=r(
. r inaa sr= =r= im(
s. s==r-=m rorq

s iurq ,or=a noso= inr = = = m n= =rr s=r na cr=rr mr cvr r
r ar = sn== mr s nrim iursr m i=q +rr =r+r scrr riq( q=r m e iursr mr =rn
r icr orar

(. n rim m=rr = nrcinnrc mr srr o m=r(
,. n rim m=rr = in= iar iar mr srro m=r(
s. r rc(
=. n rim i=r mr srro(
. =r= im inr= r rcr mr srro(
c. inr mr =amr mr cvr (
. n rim m=rr = ==n i=a = ir mr cvr (
s. i=( inr s=rmr mr +rrrrr(

= c ,nr, inr = = mr = c m=a == i=i=i=ra nrar mr sr = =r c r riq(

, sia ==rr ,n-n -, inr == m srro m i=q =n= =r =-n r srnvmar
= = mr ==rr ( = = m i=q a=rr = i= m i=q r a ==rr r r riq( n=r=cr +rr
sar r =-n r r ar , ioar = or sr = vr=r mr ==r mr ==rr(

i, mrvr n==rr ,-r|r |nnr--, m== = mrvr mr n==rr = a= r r riq im =r
sr=rr = sr or =m ( ino=r mr ser n= r r riq( ino=r r a =rrr = rr riq(

n, sr or mr n==rr ,|nnr-- l -n-, = = m ==rr = s c= sr a=rr nr= or m
=rr mr =r==rr r riq(

i, rr mr n==rr ,-n nnr--, vrr r=r a=rr r m rr mr sia n= r r riq(
n cvrr n=a sr mr ==rr ,- l -n|; io cvr r n=a sr mr c =r = == =ar
s qm r ==rr = r ==rr riq(

, r = n==rr ,nn- nnr--, or am ==+rn r =m r = mr =ni==ra n =
r r riq(

s, ivrira errr mr i ina ,|- l n- -, =rr m =rcvr m i=q
ivrira err i na m= riq or cvr r cr=rr mr r=r m= =m (

, inor= mr rn ,-- l |, = = q = =m= = =r riq io== nz r r = r sr =
nz nz m== r( s= q=r =m= = m m c = i==ra r ar == m i= srcvr ==rr
r r nr im q = ==rr = n a = =r cvr r c =r m i= sr =ma (

n, ino=r sr ia m ir= mr= a=rr =or = mr +rr n= r r riq( =or r a r r riq
a=rr =r z sr= = =r in=a a r riq(

i, == m= nr= cvr qm s= ==rr = r r ri (

inr = = m ini+r =a=
,ll-n- -- l -- ln,

. =m = =a=r = =r ,| -- ln =m = =a=r = =r =m =r = qm =r=r iur =r (
inr ivrrmr mr r =c n r= =r im rrr mr s=i-=r mr sm =rariar s=rnr s
=r r m =r= ==rr orq( = a= m = = errr mr s-=ria m=a a=rr smr inr m ia =i
mr na ra ( =m siai=na io=r =a= m ==r m sia rn a sn== cr m= (

z. io=r =a=r = =r ,n -- ln = m z=r qo m vr m in=ar= m =r=r io=r ivrrr
si=mri=r r=r io=r =a=r ==r mr srro imr orar or ini+r =m =r mr +rr = m i=
sr= ira imr orar ( io=r inr i=rrmr r=r == srr ioa im ora sr = ino arsr mr
==mr= c mr n = imr orar (

s. r ir inr = =r ,--r -- ln ==r vr irm s==r qn ivrrr mr =r=
i=rrc , -=-= s=rnr inr mr =r= = ==rr , = r=r srr ioa imr orar ( == r ir inr
cvrr m ino ar +rr = a ( cvr ir s-ri=m sr r a=rr = =r m mrr sz vr mr ria
m=a (

. =r= =a=r ==r ,- -- ln, = r rr = =r = q =cr mr r vrri== imr
orar ( c =rr r im errr m =r=r=r=r inr ivrrrsr = +rr iar r +rrnr inmi=a r ar
a=rr i=( r qn ==mr= ora = =r =i = =a ( =m siai=na inr = ia+rrsr mr
=rr o = =rm ( = = +rr -=-= r=r srr ioa im ora (

r. =rrc r inr = =r ,s -- ln, - m nrr c vr m i+r +rrr = =rrc r =a= = ==
srr ioa imq ora ( == =rrc r inr == = i cr =c vrri== imq ora ( = a= m ==
vr irm s==r qn ivrrr mr =rrc r i=rrc ,e-=-= r=r srr ioa im ora ( =r=ra = iur
= +rr=a m =r=rr +rr vrri== r a (

inr = = mr =-n

(. nr=mr = n rim c ircmr r inmi=a r ar (
,. n rimr mr ornr n mrr = i=ia r a ( a=rr nr r = c im orn mr ===rsr
===ar = =rro = = == n ora (
s. inr == m mrr m i=q ==mr= ra m= mr srvrr = nr=mr = iar iar mr +rrnr =
n i( r ar io=m ==n= n qmc== = si=m ser mr m= m i=q a-= =a (
=. s= n sr r =r= r = rc , =r z= srvr =ia sm=rr mr i=r r m= =ma (
. inr cvrr, ==r n i== cvr n srro = inr m ia =i or a r ar (
c. n rim n ivrrrinc m inr=r = sna r mr sn== i==ar (
. nr sinrmr=r mr ormr=r i==ar (
s. s inor=r m err, si+r+rrnmr qn s inar mr +rr inr n=n m sa a srr =
inr == n cvr r m =r== = inr m r r = r nr=r ia n sinrmr=r = sna
r mr sn== i==ar (

s=rm m i=q n i=rm = iar s=rnr iam = iar
,nl- -| ln -|-n,

n ia mr s=r
,-r l nl- ,

n ia qm n=r io=m i=q invr rr r mr srnvmar r ar ( o = scr=r m i=q ivrrr,
iim-=r sr = nmr=a sric( =m i=q io==cr=r, si+r =rr, i rar, qmar sr= =c mr +rrnr mr
r r o==r ( invr rr nr i(m r sr= ivrrr = sr=ri=a (

invr rrarq

(. ==ro = nr n ia = ==ro m=rr mr iar mr =-n icr orar ( inaa +rrnrsr sr=
=ir mr +r=rm= ==ro = nr m i=q m e io==cri=r mr nr m=r z ar (
,. r orn( r sr = mr vr=== r or n( r sr= mr vr= mr r =rr=ar= = imr orar
( sr= == nr i(m amrmr = n= icr orar (
s. invr rr ivrrr n iar = n vr m i=q invr rr n ==n == m ivrrr mr srnvmar (
=. inaa cri-n n ia qm =c io= mr mr ==rica m= mr =nraar ra r ar
a=rr == mr mr ==rc a=rr s=m nr= = ir = m i=q inaa ar= = io== nr=r
i+rrr z ar (
. ria = iar n iamr mr ria = iar mr r= m=r z ar ( n ia m = = ivrrr n ia mr
invr rrarsr mr or m nrc srnvm r orar im invr rrar ivrrr = im= c am
r orar (

(. =n= nz r == +rr=a = ivrrr == =n= nz r == (
,. mrr mr ==rc m=r s=rm mr sr +r i=mrsr m=r r sr= mrr mr ==rica m=r
z ar ( o= ivrrr, iro, =c, n rr, = = rm sr = ic vr -ric mr m=r(
s. = nr iicrcar s=rm errr sr= ==ro m i=q =-n r = nr cr m=a (
=. ivrrr m =rm ivrrr m =rm inin= mr= m = ==rrr sr= si+rm=rr r=r i=r i=a r a (
. s=rmr m n iam =c =c n iamr mr qm = rr or n iamr = nr m =a= m i=q
=r= im = = mr m=ar ( ar a= mr +r i=mr i+rrar

m n iam m vr=ar iiva m=r(
=r =c=r = n iam sr=r iiva m=r(
n ia m =a= mr = r scrr(

s=rmr m sa =rrc r =rrc r n r ir =a= = m = c n q (

c. ivrrr mr n iam=r ivrrr mr n iam=r m= mr i=q sm mc= scr q
m ivrrr inr mr qm inivrrcrm a inrr m = = =a a imr r ( s=rmr m i=q mr =
a r= im q sr= s =rr r +rr ic ora (
=r inrr n=a m ==n= = r =asr mr na r icr orar (
ivrrr m i=q a= r =ar i=r i=a mr (
rr n a=r = = vrr = +rr imr orar (


unit 4
* Professional ethics and education Code. Professional ethics for teachers meaning, characteristics, Responsibilities
of teachers in teaching profession ethical cods in teaching profession ethical code for teachers, core of conduct for
teachers obligations for teachers and education code and its application.
* Commitment of the teaching profession.
* Professional commitment or accountability, meaning, characteristics, its opponents, types of accountability and
assessment of accountability.
* Work ethics and qualities of a good teacher and head
* Mutual respect respect for community, administration and colleagues.
* Heads administrative leadership, team, pedagogical leadership, leadership for change in management.
* Leaue rules.

s=rmr m i=q n iam = iar s=rnr iam = iar
n ia mr s=r (Meaning of Professional )
n ia qm n=r=r io=m i=q invr rr r mr srnvmar r ar ( o = scr=r m i=q ivrrr,
iim-=r sr = nmr=a sric( =m i=q io==cr=r, si+r rrr, i rar, qmar sr = =c mr +rrnr
mr r r o==r ( invr rr nr im r sr= ivrrr = sr=rri=a (
invr rrarq
1. ==ro = nr n ia = ==ro m=rr mr iar mr =-n icr orar ( inaa +rrnrsr
sr = =ir mr +r =rm= ==ro = nr m i=q m e io==cri=r mr nr m=r z ar (
2. r orn r sr = mr vr= == rorn r sr= mr vr= mr r =rr= ar = = imr orar
sr = == nr im amrmr = n= icr orar (
3. invr rr ivrrr n iar = n vr m i=q invr rr n ==n == m ivrrr mr srnvmar (
4. inaa cri-n n ia qm =c io= mr mr ==rica m= mr =nraar ra r ar a=rr
== mr mr ==rc a=rr s=m nr= = i=r r = m i=q inaa ar= = io== nr=r i+rrr
zar (
5. ria = iar n iamr mr ria = iar mr r= m=r zar (
n ia m = = ivrrr (== nrc ani= nc)
n ia mr invr rrarsr mr or m nrc srnvm r orar im invr rrar ivrrr = im= c
am r orar (
(. =n= nzr == +rr=a = ivrrr == =n= nzr == (
,. mrr mr ==rc m=r s=rm mr sr +r i=mrsr mar sr= mrr mr ==rica m=r
zar o= ivrrr, iro, =c, nrr, = =rm sr = ic vr -ric mr m=r(
s. = nr iic rcar s=rm err sr = ==ro m i=q =-n r = nr cr m=a (
=. ivrrr m =rm ivrrr m =rm inin=r mr= m ===rrr sr= si+rm=rr r=r i=rr i=a r a
. s=rmr m n iam =c =c n iamr mr qm = rr or n iam = nr m =a= m i=q
=r= im = = mr m=ar ( ar a= mr +r i=mr i+rrar (
i. n iam m vr=ar iiva m=r(
ii. =c=r m n iam sr=r iiva m=r(
iii. n ia m =a= mr = r scrr(
s=rmr m sa=rrc r, =rrc r n r r =a= = m =c n q (
c. ivrrr mr n iam=r ivrrr mr n iam a m= m i=q s m mc= scr q (
i. ivrrr inr mr qm inivrrcrm a inrr m = = =a a imr r ( s=rmr m i=q mr =
a r= im q sr= s rr= +rr ic ora (
ii. inrr n=a m ==n=r = r =ar i=rr i=a mr (
iii. irrr m i=q a= r =ar i=rr=ar i=rr i=a mr (
iv. n a=r = =vrr =r +rr imr orar (
ivrrr n ia = io==cri=r
i=zr zr=r = ( m=c= nnaan ) i=i=i=ra c= io== cri=rr mr = r cr mr (
1. ivrrr m =r mr =r r i=rr=r
2. iam = iar mr srr, r= m=r sr= =r m=r(
3. n iam imrsr = vrr =r m=r(
4. n iam inor=r mr =rar cr m=r(
5. n iam s==rcnr=r mr +rar m=r, smr sr = s icvrr ic vr cr (
6. rr= cr m=r(
7. n iam imrsr = ivrrr c r(
8. +rrnvrr=r n iam = cr mr i=r r m=r(
9. sri=r m m=rr ==ira m=r(
10. mr= m= m i=q nr iea nrarn=r ar= m=r(
ivrrr n ia = =c mr s+rrn, ianar mr s+rrn, inivrrcrm=r sr = nrrar mr m=r, inivrrc
r mr s+rrn a=rr s=rmr = z =a+r c r m mr=r m =nr= scr ora (
ivrrr n ia = = =rr= m i=q = rnivrrr n ia = ==rr= m i=q invnrr s=rm i=rrc
i= = rn icq (
1. ==r nr= =+rr =a=r = s=rmr = ==r nr= imr orr riq(
2. n iam ivrrr ivrrr = rr-=m ==rr= m i=q s=rmr mr n iam ivrrr sr = nra= r
= sna m=nrr riq(
3. ==r sn== s inmr= m i=q s=rmr mr ==r sn== icq or riq(
4. = rrr mr ==rrr s=rmr m iar mr =rr m i=q = rrr mr i=r r imr orr riq(
5. vr irm mr u=r mr srro imr orr riq(
6. =r vrr=im mrr m i=q s=rmr m =r mr narnr icr orr riq(
s=rmr m i=q n iam s=rnr iam = iar mr s=r s i=r , vrar, ma, +r i=mrsr,
mrr , =rmr sr = cr mr = nrsr m =a=r mr i=n m= m i=q - m n ia mr =r c
mr sr qm riavrr= r ar ( s=rmr m i=q +rr qm = iar nr ( =m s=r=
s=rmr mr == r, = sr = ianar m =r=r ma , mr sr= io==cri=r i+rrr zar (
n iam =cr m i=r , si=ri=r mr r= m=r zar ( ivrrc r= nrq ==rr zar (
=rmr sr= srcvrr mr sa m=r zar (
= a= = n iam iam = iar = s=rmr mr ma r sr= io==cri=r mr =, ==r r
sr = ianar = i+rrar ( n ia m i=r n vrar mr r= m=ar a=rr iam i= rar mr
r= m=ar (
s=rmr m i=q n iam ria = iar mr srnvmar n =-n
ivrrr =r mr srnvmar i= mr=rr = (
1. ivrrmr m i=q n ia = iar mr srnvmar = i=q == = mr arim ivrrr s n=r mr
===r, vr n =a= nr ==r (
2. ivrrr m =a= = i=rnc sr = s=rmr mr =roria n s svr irm iaini=rr = vrri== r =
nr m i=q srr= = iar mr o==a (
3. iam = iar s=rmr = vr irm ~ rcar, nri=m n i sr= sr=a= m r m i=q si+r i=a
m=ar (
4. iam = ia s=rmr mr er, si+r+rrnm ,=m=r , ==cr a=rr s si=rmri=r m ia cri-nr
mr i+rr = =cc m=ar (
5. iam = iar s=rmr = iam srcvrr m inmr= m i=q =-n r (
s=rmr m i=q nr= = iar
sr===rr invninor= m r . c=ro +rr=ar ==ro = s=rmr m i=q nr= = iar =
a= = iiva mr (
i. s=rm s n=r m qmrm=r sr= ===r mr ==ira ==rr(
ii. - m s=rm == r r= m=r im n = ivrrr iaini=rr sr= =ro iam srcr =r =
i==r = = n (
iii. mr +rr s=rm q =r sr=r m= io== n=r = sr sr (
iv. im=r +rr s=rm mr o =+rr = s si=rmri=r sr = =r ir m i=r=r nr = mr si=rmr=
r (
v. - m s=rm r=ar =r= o = nr m= r(
vi. - m s=rm = =m ia m ia =rr mr invnr= =on a m= mr r= m= r(
vii. s si=rmr=r m m i=q s=rm m n= mrr =r==r mr r r m=r(
viii. s=rm mr inor=rr mr +rrrrr, =r= sric m sr=rr= = sm=r mr si=rmr= r (
ix. ror mr m i=q inori=r r mr =rar r = =mar(
s=rm m ma ,=onc ni ==nr=a
s=rm m== =rr m= riavrr= m i=r mr =r mr = m= = a a=rr inori=r r , si+r+rrnmr ,
==cr, n=r sr= sri=rmri=r m ia mar mr i+rrar (
inori=r r m ia ma
1. inori=r r m =r=r = a= = am n r= a nr= m=r(
2. inori=r r mr smr =ir n srnvmar m s =r= ivrrr m=r(
3. s ior =nr=r m i=q im=r +rr inor=rr mr =a =r= m=r(
4. s=rm r=r rnc c vr = =r m=rr(
5. inor= = s vrr= nrq ==r m i=q smr =r cvr m=r(
6. s=rm r=r inaa i+rar m sr=rr= = ivrrr mr narnr cr(
7. inori=r r m i=q r=r =r n sivrrc +rrrrr mr r m=r(
i. si+r+rrnmr m ia ma nr m =r nr = ==r= ==n=r nrr(
ii. nr mr mi=r n s=i-=rr mr ormr=r si+r+rrnmr mr c r(
iii. si+r+rrnmr mr inor= m mr m =r = sr= ia m=r(
iv. nr mr ===rsr mr ==r m i=q =r nr = ar=== ==rr(
s ==cr m ia ma
i. =r=crim im rm=rr = +rr = r(
ii. =r=crim +rrrcr=r mr narnr c r a=rr inr +rc+rrn m =+rr nr mr ivrrr mr ==r = =
narnr c r(
iii. ==cr = vr ar a=rr rr +rrnr mr = = =r mr(
iv. =rrc r qmar, +rr r=r, == i==r sr = =r mr nr ==r = sr r cr c r(
v. =m =, =rrc , ==ro m i=q ===r r nr= civr a m=r(
= n=r m ia ma
i. s n=r = n m=r(
ii. == m =r=r mr m=r(
iii. ivrrr riar mr =nrmr=r a=rr =r m=r(
iv. e ic cr mr =cr m=r(
v. a = rsr mr a ==rr(
vi. n=r m ia == r mr +rrn ==rr(
vii. n=rim =cr mr =im =c= nr sr= =c m =r mr ra m=r(
.sri=rmri=r m ia ma
i. s sri=rmri=r mr a = r mr s =rr mr cr(
ii. sri=rmri=r m ia invnr= ==rr n sm r=r =r q mrr mr =rcr=r = m=r(
iii. sri=rmri=r mr src= m=r a=rr sm src vrr mr r= m=r(

ivrrr srr= = iar (Education Code)
ivrrr srr= = iar mr s=r - m in+rr r=r s=mr n==rr nrq ==r m i=q m e i=r mr
i=rr =r imr orar ( ivrrr in+rr +rr s vrr= mr nr ==r m i=q i= nrq ar im mr
= r= = =r = sr = mr s=romar =(
ivrrr srr= = iar mr srnvmar n =-n sn==rr inir sii=aar sr= mr mr si=a=ar =
n m i=q srr= = iar o==r ( == s vrr= nr =ar a=rr inori=r r n s=rmr m iar
mr =rr r ar (
or qm a= srr= = iar s=rmr mr s ma m ia = a ==rar nr c==r sr= si=rmr=r
sr vrina mr c =rr +rr r m=a ( srr= = iar m sr=rr= = r cz sr= ==mr= mr rn=rr
imr orar (
ivrrr srr= = iar m a-n ivrrr mr srr= = iar = err m n vr, ===r=rr, e iccr , rc,
i=rrr, cz, ==mr= sric m ==n=r = i=r mr inn r mr rar ( ivrrr srr= = iar =
ini+r a-nr mr inn r = a= mr (
n vrr =ar n r=ar m s=r= ivrrr ra m=r - m n mr si=rmr= =i=q ==mr= r=r
ivrrr m =a= mr = =rr= m i=q s m = in=rrq cr mr ( ==mr= src vrr =r= - m nr or
r nrr mr r mr inor= = cri=r=r m=nrr orar ( s=mr cri=r=r su i=a=n= am =r mrr
= m=nrr or =mar (
vr =m ==mr= r==r mr vr =m = ar ( io== (= +rn i=r r z, (=u =r= z,=u = inin=r
z, (u = = zm r= m i=q ora ( m= i==rm= , =. u . ia n m i=rn = r= =r orar
( cri=r= m == , = = n r m i=q qm nr= =mrsc z i=r orar (
== =r=rr r=ri=m inor= = icr, ira, =r=rr=r inr, iam ivrrr sric inrrr m =r=r =r =r
m i=q +rr mr=r vr ==r q (
cz q n ==mr= nr mr vrr=ri=m r =ri=m cz c r srr= = iar mr s===r =rr r ( nr
m i=q ==mr=r mr +rr rn=rr imr r (
e icc r nr mr rr=mr= a=rr vrramr= = snmrvr cr imr orar ( o =r s=a = r =mri=
a=rr on=r = vrr=mri= snmrvr cr imr orar ( crrn=r m =r=r c icr mr snmrvr cr
imr orar ( m = i==rm= , icr mr snmrvr cr imr orar (
s snmrvr srr= = iar m s =r= ==mr= r=r i=rr i=a =roia snmrvr +rr cr imq ora (
=m =r=r ==rri snmrr mr +rr rn=rr (
srnvm =io=c=r mr n==rr inor= m mr mr = r= =r = =r m i=q ini+r =io=c=r mr
n==rr mr sinr nrr r (
z m mr in=rr = =r=rm, =rz ivrrr si=rmr=r io=r s irrr si=rmr=r mr z =r m=
m si=rmr= iiva imq q ( s=rm n mr s si=rmri=r mr =nrm ia = m= mr si=rmr=
icr r (
1. =r=r i= ==mr=r s=rm r n c ar = = rr= = r im=r s ==rr = c vr
r = =mar(
2. ==== = inor= i=rrr mr rn=rr ( r=ri=m =rz ivrrr si=rmr=r, io=r sivrrr
si=rmr=r r =r= =a= m si=rmr=r i=rrr m=a (
3. n vr m == sr nrr = m= r (
4. inor= m - m src= mr inirc r r riq(
5. =+rr sii=aarsr m i=q = =r=rm sr=crr rr(
6. inor= = vrr= cr=rr mr = n irr =r =rr r (
7. inori=r r = im=r mr= mr cr r i=r orr(
8. nr m i=q vrr=ri=m cz mr =rr (
9. err a=rr s=rmr mr si==ria mr sinr nrr r (
10. == i=rr =r = i=r mr r= m=r srnvm (

s=rm mr n=r m ia ianar r onrncr
Teacher Professional Commitment or Accountalaility
inor= mr irrr = = i=rr a=rr s=rmr m m e ma qn sr=cri-n r a io i+rr
mr ianar n =r m= mr onrncr =r r mr r ar ( = i=rr a=rr s=rm inor= mr = r=
m=a a=rr err m r irrm inmr= = s= +r i=mr ir+rra ( inor= = onrncr mr s=r =r
q sa=cri-nr m ia imq q s ==rica mr mr s-a= c r( z in= m s =r= onrncr a=rr
ianar im=r si=rmr=r r=r =r q mr mr rr-=m qn =nr a= =r = sirrmr=r m ic r m
s = m= mr n=r qn mr (
(nnnco =o= c n= onc cm a= nc =o= ni c cmsm = on =ainas
c=m mo= on =o ni r =o= cm n no= nnnamc or= ma=nonc ni r
= m s=r=, sri=rmr=r r=r s s=rr==rr = sm ma r mr ==rrr m=r r onrncr
m=rar (
Accountability is review of his subordinate to perform the duty as required by his superior
=rnrnc r r ianar mr invr rrarq
1. rr a=rr s=rm m ma a=r s-a=cri-n m in mr onrnc r r ianar ma (
2. onrncr =r q mr mr mr ==rc io= ina s ni=rc si=rmr=r r=r q ic vrr =r=
m=ar (
3. onrncr = ianar = sr= ~rcar vrri== r ar (
4. = i=rr r=r on =r q mrr mr im r-=m =r cr imr orar ar s=mr ianar r
onrncr m=rar (
5. == ic vrr mr r= imr orar (
6. == s-a=cri-n mr +rrnr mr ==rn vr rar (
7. mr ==rc = i=a= = =rr= =r mr imr (
onrn cr m rrcm
1. =r sr = =rcr=r = mr ==rc m=r(
2. +r i=mrsr r mar = =i, s-=r sr= invnr= ==rr(
3. mr ==rc = s sr mr =i==i=a m=r(
4. n=r=r m ia =mr=r-=m =r (
5. = i=rr r=r mr ==rc mr i =rrr m=r(
6. mr m s=a= mr nrq ==rr(
7. si=rmr=r mr sia r m=r(

inor= mr ivrrr = =r= sr= m c r si=rmri=r mr onrncr inor= ==n=rr ivrrr mr
onrncr inor= n=rm =z= r = = s=rm mr r r r ar ni=m =r= =rrc m s
si=rmri=r mr +rr sar r r ar ( s si=rmr=r s s=rr==r m= ri=r mr =r q mrr
mr i =rrr m=a ( m c r ==mr= m ic vrr mr =r= ==mr= r= m=ar sr= =r=r m
s-a=cri-nr mr m c r si=rmr=r ri=rrr m=a ( =r= s s=rr==r rc ivrm irrr
si=rmri=r , io=r ivrrr si=rmri=r inor=r m = i=rr n s s=rmr mr i=rrr m=a (
onrncr m mr= inor= ivrrr = = = = = s=rmr mr onrncr, = i=rr mr onrncr
sr = err mr onrncr mr vrri== imr orar (
(1) s=rmr mr onrn c r s=rmr mr err , si+r+rrnmr , ==ro, == cr, =rrc a=rr = r=mr
m ia onrncr r ar ( s r m=r m i=r n vrar mr =r m=r r ar =i=q ir nar
m ia s-a=crr =r r ar ( s iam ar = = err , si+r+rrnmr a=rr ==ro m ia
s-a=crr r r zar ( =r= s-a=cri-n s ivrrr m ==, = =rm m == r ivrrr
= ==rr mr =ria ic=r m i=q i+rr za (

s=rmr mr n iamr ianar s ma r mr ser a= = i+rr m i=q s=rmr mr
n=r m ia nn n s-=ria r r riq ( s== i= nra n=r m ia iaaar
mr crr ar

1. s=r m ia =mr=r-=m c ircmr r(
2. err mr ==r n sm inmr= m i=q =+rr ==+rn sr m=r(
3. ivrrr ==n=rr mr m =r = s-=r ic=rrr(
4. err mr +rrnrsr mr mc m=r a=rr s= =r rc r ==n=r ==rr(
5. n iamr inmr= m i=q = vrr s == =r(
6. s=rmr mr err mr srnvmar s =r= inaa n=ri=rm a=rr vr irm ic r
7. srvrrnrcr n iavrr= =n+rrn mr r r(
(2) inor= mr ivrrr = = i=rr mr onrncr inor= = = i=rr mr =-n r ==rr ( n
ivrrr mr ===a iaini=rr mr m c r ar ( inor= mr inmr= qm m vr= n r = = i=rr
= i+r= m=ar ( n inor= m = r=m n ic rm m =r = mr= m=ar ( =+rr im rsr
= s=m ina--n mr =m ic=rr c ar ( mr orar im o =r = i=rr rr n =r r
inor= +rr rr( =r a=rr qc o= =m= s = i=rr m mr=r r i= q ( = i=rr
m r=r err , si+r+rrnmr ,==ro, si=rmr=r n a=rr =cr m ia sr=cri-n i+rr za (
inor= = rrc nr=r rrcrsr , im rm=rr , sr=r ==n=rr , =rrr i=rr=r , mr m=r mr
==ars==ar a=rr vr irm nrarn=r m i=q = i=rr r io== nr= r ar ( se vrr= mr
~ n n = vrr= mr ncr=r =m = m = i=rr mr r orar (
(3) err mr onrncrs=rmr r=r nr mr vr irm inmr= imr orar sr= n s=rmr m
r=r i==rr nrar mr s vrr==r m=a ( nr mr ma im n s=rmr r=r
ar =r= r = r sio a m= ( s=rmr r=r icq q mr mr =r m= ( i=a=
= =r m r=r err mr s=i-=rr mr or mr mr ivrvr +rr mr orar == =rar= ia
m= s== s==rc mr orar ( s se mrr n nr= r=r er inor= mr r=
s==n= m= s=mr sr=cri-n (

onrncr mr = = rm
s=rmr mr onrncr mr = =r m m= m i=q i=i=i=ra ini=rr mr srr orar (
1. =n mr = =rm m=r s=rm sr = =rm =n m= =mar ( s= nr mr m =r
ivrrr cr rc =r=r im rsr m srro = nr rcr icr err , si+r+rrnmr ,
==ro a=rr =r c m i=q s=mr nr rcr =r
2. rrirr m r r i=r c i=r c inor= = = i=rr m r=r =+rr s=rmr m nr= =
a r= mr orar (
3. sr ri=m sn=r m ini=r = nrr ini=r +rr mr orar ( == = i=rr m r=r
s=rm mr = ia +rr imr orar sr= r +rr imr orar sr= s=m imrm=rr mr
sn=r m imr orar ( s=rm m ivrrr mr inin=r nrar mr inn=r a r= imr orar (
4. sr ri=m sn=r m = i=rr r=r srri=m =r = im=r +rr ==, im=r +rr ==rr =
r n inor= rr r , m cr r =r = mr =cr r r =amr= ( s=rm m mr
mr i=rrr m=ar (
5. err mr =r =r = i=rr r=r err = =r =r orar sr = a r nr= irrmr mr
= = rm imr orar (

inor= irrr mr srm= ==rrr =a= =, io=r =a= =, =r= a=rr =r c r =a= = +rr
imr orar ( ==rrr =a= = srm= m sr=rr= = si+r+rrnm s n m i=q inor= mr rn
m=a ( io=r =a= m srm= m sr=rr= = inor= mr =a= i=rr i=a imr orar ( =r= =a= = =
io=r =a= m s-n= inor=r mr rn imr orar ( inor=r ivrrr m srm= m i=q i= nrar
= =r icr orar o= inor= mr n=r m =r inor= vrr= = s=rmr n s m= ri=r
m ma sr=cri-n n +r i=mr m =r =r ( ivrrr m srm= m i=q =rrr i=rr=r mr +rr sr=rr=
=rr orar (

oi inor= mr m c = =r=rm ( =a s= mr ==ar = nra = i+r = m=ar im s=m r
mr= m= nr= s=rm s=mr im= =a= am =rar m=a ( ri = =r=rm mr ==ar s=m
s=rmr = r i+r = m=ar ( r = =r=rm imar r in(r n m vr= nr r ( ic s= r =
ivrrmr mr =r r i==ar ar n inor= mr = r= = = =r = ===r r r =mar(

=rr =r=r = = =r=rm qn s=rm cr nz r vrinar or im=r +rr inor= m i=q
=-n r s ( ==r=r mr == r m n= =r sr=r= = ==+rn r =mar ic crr r vrinar
=rcr=r a=rr ircr n m s s mr ==+rr=( siavr ina r r r ic = m im
= =r=rm m nrc s=rm inor= mr c ==r nz r vrina er cr or inori=r r m orn mr qm
=mr=r-=m icvrr c m= r = ri=m nrar ( s=rm nr=an = c vr mr =-n r ina-n r ar or
iar= =iar +rr ( = inrr = q. or. n == mr m=r , iar= mr nr=ainm i=r ar s=rm
r ar ( = s=rm mr nr mr = =rr (=

ivrrr inor= mr ia c ar ( nra =- im inor= +rn, rc u=, ic vr mr u=,
rc u= =r=r iurq , rc =am sric =+rr n=a q vr irm mr u= = n a =-n r ==rr ==rar
=a ic s= = mr= m= nr= s=rmr mr =a= a=rr i=r s r r r ar n inor= m+rr +rr
sia r m= =mar ( s=rm c ir mr n= c n m c =nm= m = = c =rar ar = ==r= mr
+rr r= mr rc a rar ( sa = irmrr ar m =ma im s=rm n vrina or inori=r r m
orn mr r r sia c vr m =n= mr +rr n= =mar ( s=rm mr i==ria a=rr s=m mr mr
== m i=q i+ri+r in(rr s=s= i=+rrrrrq cr io= = m e i=i=i=ra

(. =r mnr= s=rm m inrr = mr , se s=rmr m inr ivrrr mr =nr =r= ria
+rr == r r =mar( se s=rmr = = ivrrr (ia m cr rrr mr +rr c= imr or =mar
,. s=rm m =-n = mrvr zr=a q nri== ivrrr srr mr im = = nra =
r = = ==a im ivrrr = =-n r a-n s=rm s=m inaa r s=mr vr rirm
r =arq, s=mr rn=rim orn, ivrrr a=rr inor= sr = ==cr = s=mr ==rr inor=
mr i=i( a=rr =r=crim orn = s=mr +rrn s= = mr=a s=rmr = s=ri=a (=

= mr= ivrrr mr =-n ==ro a=rr ivrrr (ia crr = r =rc ( n=a a ivrrm s +rrnr
ri=mr mr i=r r m=ar io m == =rrc s-=rr qn a mr +rr= =i=q on +rr mr ina
= s= mr mr ar ar im=r innvrar m mr=r r r r riq( s=mr rn s= mr
=ir , n iar a=rr er m s = rr riq( m n= q =r r = r n = n=r = mr
=r=r m mr m= =mar ( =m siai=na ivrrr in+rr mr s=rmr m m == = nra mr
si=m =r cr riq im m n= sr inar mr = n=r = r or nr=an = == o z r
ra (

= =c ar r am ma im ser s=rm m n= nr r =mar ar a e a=rr rricr nrar
mr s orn = r = = cr c ( =a =rcra= s=rmr mr iocr = c =r mr i==ar
im smr m=rr a=rr m=r = nz r sa= ( n ic=rrnr ar m=a s =a=r i=r a=rr ina-n mr
=a nr=ainm orn = n a e rcr a=rr =r=r = == sc ra ( s=rmr = =r sn r = riza
r m= =r-=r r=r mr =rr im ivrrmr = srcvr qn nr= = r ==ro= ==rria r r rar
( n ma m e sr = m=a m e sr= (

i+ri+r in(rr r=r iiva imq rr mr sr=r= nrm= = m =ma im =r=r c irc =
qm s=rm = i=i=i=ra r ino=r r riq(

( ina-n ==n=r r ina-n m sa=a i=i=i=ra r sra

m ina-n mr nr r ina nr r mr +rrn c==r = =r c irc = =rcr z ar (
=i=q =mr nr inaan srmrr m a=rr +rrnvrr=r r r riq( n =nr== mr c irc = a se
r riq im inor= = r nr=r ini+r iursr = +rr = =m ( s=mr nrrr = = c =ar a=rr
si=mr= mr =r =i==rr r r riq( s=mr sr=r =rc r r riq a=rr si+rina = =m
=a i=a ina-n mr =m i==r riq( ic mr s=rm vrr=ri=m = = m e m=or= r s==
vrr=ri=m narq r ar n sr mi=r mr s nrara m a , ivrrcrr= a=rr == = nrrr = c =
m= =mar (
=r ina-n mr srai=m r nr r m n= =r= c irc r sr ri=marq i+rra nna mr= m=ar
( nr r r=r or +rrn zr=r orar s= i==r=ar c mr +r i=mr srai=m r i+rrar ( =-
im io s=rmr mr nr r srmrr m rar n inori=r r a=rr sm si+r+rrnmr = a =a
+rrn zr=a =a ic smr srai=m r m=or = r ar n siavrrrr sr srmrr m =rr c a =m
ini=a nr= = =r=r=r ara r nr= s=rm s srai=m rr = s +rrn mr n a si=m na r
= a ( =i=q qm s=rm = i=i=i=ra srai=m r r riq

( =ri=m =nr== qm == s=rm nr r ar or =ri=m = = =n==r r ar ( = m
siai=na == sinr +rrnr-=m ==rri-n = nr = == a=rr orn = ia =nrmr=r-=m c ircmr r r r

, inr c i ar a=rr n i( ra =r qm == s=rm nr m=rar or s rc mr mr
r==ar a=rr vr rmar sric invr rrrr = i=a r r c ar( =i=q s=rm mr inrci a=rr a=
r r riq( n r or im=r mr +rr sr sr = srmirr a m= mr sc+r a vrina ==ra ( rr
= == s=rm oic= = oic= a=rr r== inrr mr +rr = nr = a=rr === nr =mar a=rr ivrrr
iur mr =r m nr =mar (

s =r ma rr-=m c ircmr r ivrrr m =-n r sz vr = = qm sz v inori=r r = =r arr-=m
n iar mr inmr= m=r sr= ic s=rm mr =n mr c ircmrr =r ma rr-=m ar n s
inori=r r m c ircmr r mr s s = a=rr s=r= ar= = == r =mar ( = ==ar m i=q
s=rm m si+rina mr =narar m ia invnr= =irrar sr=r =r, riar a=rr ==rar
sric r r riq( nr im r === =r m=a q orar mr =ca a=rr == nra (

= sr-= = = = a=rr = = n r or im=r +rr ina mr =r nr =ma ( s=
=r +r ia r a r = rrr nr= ar ( mic i=i==ria a=rr s=r om sn==rr = +rr ic = qn
== mr r er z ar iiva = = n inrr i=i==ria = +rr nr= im= =mar (
=rcr=r a=rr =+rr s=rm mr s nr= a=rr mr m ia =rcr= a=rr =+rr= rr
riq( m n= qm =rcr= s=rm r s inori=r r mr =+rr=ar a=rr =rcr=r mr rc a r =mar
( s=rm mr i=r s=m inori=r r m i=q qm srcvr r ar ( =i=q s=rm = =rcr=r a=rr
iamar o= r ino=r r riq(

n=rim r s=r mr qm ~rc n=r ( ic mr ina s=rm nr rar ar s==
m e invr rr rr mr r r s-a srnvm ( m n= nr ina m vr= a=rr == s=rm n =mar
io= s=r mr =r r a=rr srnvmarsr mr r= = r r ( zr =r=rm rr m vr-cr = ==ro =
s=rm mr ==rr s-a =-n r ( n qm m c inc or = nr i(m ===rq a=rr amrmr
m vr=arq qm ra r = c==r mr = ri=a r ar ( n =+ar m cr mr =ni=a ==r = rcr cr
m=ar ( n m n= ina mr r =r cvr r m=ar ni=m == r =rrc = +rr= i=r r m=ar ( sa
s=rmr mr ==ro m ia s inivrrc m=r mr rr riq(

s=rm = im=r +rr inrr m ivrrr m i=q rn=rim c ircmrr = i=i=i=ra r r

( ivrrr ivrrr qm inr +rr sr= qm m=r +rr = mr = irar ra m= m i=q
ivrrr siasrnvm ( == siai=na s=r mr = ==ar m i=q s=rm mr nr= =r inr
mr r r r siasrnvm ( n i+ri+r ivrrr =r=r = s s=r mr = +rrnvrr=r nr
=mar ( inori=r r m sia =rcvr m i=q ini+r amrmr mr r m=r r ar a=rr =r=r r
=r=r s mr s=i-=r a=rr arsr mr i=mr z ==rr r ar a=rr i=mr z mr = =r m +rr m=r r ar
( =+rr rn=rim ivrrr m inr =r r r =mar( sa s=rm mr ivrira r r sia
srnvm (

, inrr n=a mr r im=r +rr s=rm mr an am ==ar r r =mar on am im s=
s inrr mr =r r r ( =i=q ivrrr mr mr ==ar a s=rm mr s inrr mr r
r r o==r rr o==r (

s =r i=mar s=rm = =r i=mar rr s-a srnvm nr im im=r +rr inrr mr iavrr=ar
a=rr ivrrr mr i= a= ==r nr=r iur s=rm = +rr i=mar mr =r m=ar (

= n= a=rr =r cvr mr r =ar m n= inrr mr r r r im=r ina mr r ==ar r
ic=r =mar ( rc mr m =r=r=r=r s= = mr m vr=ar a=rr =r cvr o= rr mr rr sia
srnvm ( s=mr mr= m n= rc =amr am r =ri=a r ni=m, s= inori=rr mr =r cvr
+rr m=r r ar ( =i=q s=rm mr ==ro mr =n= =-n r ina ==r orar ( s= =r cvr m
crvr im, si+r+rrnm a=rr i=r sric ==nr=r = mr=r orar (

=aa s= vrr=ar ivrrr iur n iur or =rn m =r=r r vr = r orar a=rr
s= mr =- am =ar =ar ( s=rr a im=r +rr =rn mr ivrrr iur orn +r= i=a= =ar =ar
( s=rm mr nra= ormr=r ra m= m i=q s sr mr a r = or z ==rr rr nr im
n ivrrr n==rr = r a+rr m= =mar on n i=a= sr r =ar mr = =r= = a==rar =
=r = ( - m s=rm mr riq i mn = ~r =nrc r=r c r= r=r m nr mr =c n rc
==r ( sr mr =rr, s=rm an am nr=ainm s=rr = r a r =mar on am n =n i=a=
=r=rar = ( qm crm an am c == crm mr =oni=a r m= =mar on am n =n o=ar
= (=

c s mr = invnr= s=rm mr s mr = ia invnr= a=rr sr==rr ==rr riq( ic
s= mr sr mr = sr==rr r ar n sr mr ==ar n m m=r = m+rr +rr ===r r r
=mar (

s=rmr mr ==cr ==ro m ia ==n= n s=r=cri-n

( s=rm mr ivrrr = ==rr mr inmr= == cr m i=q n =rn ==r= inmr= m i=q m=r
riq arim inori=r r m mr vr=r n iar mr inmr= imr or =m(
, s=rm mr nr m =r== = ==cr mr ===rsr mr ==r riq( arim s ===rsr
mr = a ar or =m( s=rm mr m+rr +rr +r=r r riq im n =n +rr == cr mr
=c= m n= sc= ar im n c ==r mr srr si=m s +rnr n i=nn r ar ( s=
==cr = s =c=r mr s =a= = =rr riq(
s s=rm mr m+rr +rr ==cr = vrr ar, rr +rrnr ini+r == cr m nr, ini+r ==r m nr
n ini+r +rrrrr r m nr r nr=r riq(
= s=rm mr = vrr =rrc r, qmar +rr r=r, == i==r, =r =c mr ivrrr c r riq(
s=rm mr = vrr =m =, ==cr, =r= n =rrc m ia =rrc =r +r ia r , ===r r
nr= civr a m=r riq(

s=rmr mr =mi=r m =r=r ==n= n s=r=cri-n

( s=rmr mr = vrr s =mi= r m =r=r n=r nr= m=r riq o=r nr= = s
i=q ra (
, s=rm mr s ==mi=r = i+rar r = +rr s= sm ivrrr =a= = crmr icrr r
m=r riq(
s s=rm mr = nrmr=r mr u=r o= mrr rcr, v , mr vrr=r === = =n s=
mr u=r = na a m= +rr = r riq(
= s=r mr m+rr +rr ivrrr m ==r s =mi=r m == s=rom m=r r m
s=rm mr = vrr sr = ==rr m = i=rr m =r=r n s =mi= r m =r=r =r , =r rc n
=r +r i= r nr= m=r riq(
c s=rm mr s n=r m = cr mr =c= qm rn=rim s=r=cri-n mr ia a snv
nrr riq(

r o msc oaonc= (msc oa onc vr-c mr s-ia = ic m vr-c zco=a = io=mr
s=r c ==r m m=rr m i=q = nr =a a m=r( rr = (mscoaonc vr-c mr =anians
o r= nrc= ni na nnns= r m s=rr = i=r orar =rr( =a =mr sr= imca= s=r icvrr r

vrr= q= rm =r=rr ( ivrrr riar m i=r r mrr a=rr = =r m m =r=r
==ni=a ( - = a=rr zr c= =mr a =r = o m =r=r mr ( io= mr= = o = ro mr
r == = = srar , s=r mr= ivrrr n= =m = mr = n=a = =r m ic a m=ar ( ic = o
ser r rr ar s== ic=rr c nr=r ro +rr ser a= ic=rr r cr( =r mr= ic =m = mr
n= ser r rr ar = nra mr ar r = =mr im =m = = nr r =r sr = =m= mr
n= ser rr ar =m= = r nr=r nra =rc = = ic=rr c = r( =m = mr =rr =m= m
= =r=rm mr mr= , =a = mr s=r r im n sm=r r =m= n= m i=q s=r=crr
( nr=an = =m= mr = =r=rm mr a-n cr m=ar (

vrr= mr sz v icvrr cr m=r( =m r=r ==, ina a=rr n=a sr m sia r m
i=q icvrr cr mr orar ( == m iurq ==ria r ar ( ivrrr = ==rr = n= r m ==rr,
= r=r a=rr inmr= mr r= m=ar (

nr=c m m=rr =r=, ivrrr vrr= mr nr i(m = c=ar mr n=a r ( ini+r inrrr i=
=roiar inr, =r=riom =r inr ==ro vrr=r, s=r inr, rr=, oii= , nr=a m=r, =r =mr
sric = m e m e s=r= = = +rr = = = i=+rrirra qn = ica inrr =r= r mr s+rrn (

z-= q= =rn m m=rr =r=, ivrrr vrr=, r=i=+rm = = n=r , == =r=irr s=
r orsr , +rnr m mr=r =io=c=r sric m =r=r ==ni=a r ni=m =r= r= m= m
c ircmrrr a=rr s nr m =r=r ==ni=a io m =r=r = mr= m=a (

sa =m = c mr s=r , rnri=m i=rr= or =i=q srq ora im arim =
invnr= r or im =r=r mr m= mr a or = r m= = =r =r=r ivrrr m sz v mr
ra m= = =rm r r a=rr nr m ia = rr(

zr o=na i= m m=rr =r=, =m= vrr=, ivrrr iur mr = =r ( on am =m = = c a
vrr= mr n==rr r mr orar an am mr +rr r or sr = ini= == r r =mar( =m = mr
m vr=ar n m =r m i=q vrr= s-a srnvm (

n=m nr n=m qm in=ar= n m vr-c = mr s=r c a=rr vrr= mr a =r = si=m
invrr= ( n=m r=r = a-n mr vrina s rr = =r =ma ( mr m ini+r = sr mr
or z ar arim n qm = a=rr or s= mr = +rr = a n == m sc= s=r=cri-n n = =r c =r
=ma =r sr=r= = m+rrm+rr ma im =m =r = == r n= = z= n a r ser r
n =r (

n= mr nr=rq sr = =r=rq n=m mr iur =cr qm v = sr==+r rr riq = mr =rz (
= = = = =r im = mr or = n= = =r= = = cr mr= mr nr=rq (

( ==ro = sr=ri=a nr=rq
, = ==rr = sr=ri=a nr=rq ( ==ro = sr=i=a nr=rsr = ==rr =rariar mr nr=, sri=r m
= =r=riom = +rrrrr ria sric sra ( = ==rr = sr=ri=a nr=rq inor=rr = c, ivrrmr mr
= =r, =rrr i=rr=, or , i=r c srnvm i=rr=, siai=na mrr m mr=, = ==rr r=r ora q
r=, inori=rr mr =n+rrn sric vrri== (

qm n= = inr= a+rr m= =mr on nr=rsr mr =orn a=nr= s=m r= s=-=
r r( s-a =rc mr nra im +rr=ar invr rrr nr=rsr mr == = ar =rr= =r
icr - imr( im vrr=r mr nr=rsr = vrr = rmr=r-=m =r, =i=q = mr
mr nrr +rr r (

qm ser n=m qm se n=m = i=i=i=ra r rq ora

( n ==rrr a=rr s = r ar (
, n se n = =n+rrn nr= =r mr i=r r m=ar (
s =m = = z=r=c= mr n=m =z= mr iaii=-n icr orar (
= =rariar ivrrm = rr mr iaii=-n n=m =z= = r ar (
=cr mr iaii=-n mr =m = = n=m =z= = r ar (

vrr= mr nc=ar =r=r

i=na m ia mr inor ( orn = - m r r = iaic i=na r a =a ( =rr mr
orn smr orn cvr orn ini= sric =n m e nc=ar =ar ( sro - m =r=riom ar = +rr
n rim, sr or im qn amrmr ia mr +rrn s+rn imr orar ( sa =m= iur = i=na
r r sinr ( ==ro mr nc=ar srnvmarsr m s=r= rc =amr = i=na r =r (
rc =am iursr mr =m = = =-n r ==rr icr or =r ( = =r m im nr ini=r mr srr
or =r ( ivrrr ini=r = +rr i=na r =r mcr = s vrr= m ==rr = sr-= vrr= = si=m
n= icr or =r sric(

rr vrr= nr i==riar m s m= r r =mar =r == = qm nr= cr = c n= n
or m vra s= mr mcr =ar m =r=r r=r imr orar =rr =a srom= q =r r imr or =mar(
== mr srnvmarsr m s=r= s== i=na m=r s ia r ( m e scr=rr m r=r nra i=(
mr or =mar

m =r =rioq mr srcnr mrr mr sia= ri=z =r =r mr =a qm ic nrrr r =ar (
sn =m = si=mr=r cr = c n= mr =-n ca sr= inori=r r mr s rr=r mr r or c a ar
s ia r r( cr = c n= mr mcr=ar = r= m= = ini+r iursr mr = r= = =
= r= r imr or =mar( =m = si=mri=r mr srnvmarsr m s =r= cr = c n= =
i=na m=a =r riq( s na i=i==riar = inor=r mr r ar im=r s inrr = =a
==rr riq r s rr= +ro c r riq(
=r =r =rioq im =m = = inori=r r m i=q qm ir= iiva ( ir= i=r m i=
ar srr =a ==a cz m icr = +rr =mr r mrc c ( sn ic =m= m si=mr=r
=icr = +rr ir= m r = n= c a ar i= mr cr=ar r r sr= inori=r r =
s-rr= rr( q =r i==ria = ir= m i= i=nia a m= = mr n =r r (

mcr =ar inori=r r = s=ar rr, i=rvrr sr = arvrr s- m=ar ( sa =m= vrr= mr =r=r
r ==rr riq( m e ina =r=r vr-c mr =a r=r m=a = mr ar- im =m =
si=mri= r mr i==ria m s =r= =narar mr m=r riq( i=r mr cr=ar rimr=m i=( r =mar
( srnvmar = nrc mr im mcr =ar sr= =r=r m =a= = (

vrr= m mr=

( arrvrrr vrr=
, =r marr-=m vrr=

( arrvrrr vrr= arrvrrr vrr= = qm ina mr vrr= r ar ( n nr = r ar ( =+rr
inar mr s=m src vrr mr r= m=r z ar , +r= r n src vr sia r r s ia( = mr=
mr m n= nr =ar or arrvrrr r (

, =r mar vrr= =r ma rr-=m vrr= = qm r si=mr=r mr vrr= r r ar ni=m s==
=r marr-=m i=r mr r= imr orar ( =r marr-=m orn =r marr-=m vrr= = nra mr
=rar im vrr= ini= mr sz v =r r m vr irm qn =r=riom sz vr mr ini=rc ria = =rar
cr m=ar ( io= ==ro = =r marr-=m srcvr r =r r nr ivrrr vrr= +rr sinr ar
=r marr-=m r rr riq(

sr= im +rr=a = = =roriam, =r=riom qn sri=r m r rr = =r ma rr-=m srcvrr mr
=nrmr= imr sr ( c vr mr sia ia m i=q =rmarr-=m c ircmr r srr srnvm sa
=rc im r m =rr mr =r ma rr-=m vrr= r =r rr(

Leave Rules
General Principles:
1. Leave can not be claimed as a metter of Right.
2. Leave sanctioning authority may refuse or reboke leave of any kind, but cannot alter the kind of leave due
and applied for.
3. Leave of one kind taken earlier may be converted into leave of different kind at a later date at the request
of the official and at the discreation of the authority who granted the leave.
4. No leaves of any kind can be granted for a countinous period exceeding five years.
5. Willful absence from duty after the expiry of leave renders a Govt. servent liable to disciplinary action.
6. Absence with out leave not in countinuation of any authorized leave will constitute an interruption of
service unless it is regularized.

Casual Leave:
An official on casual leave is not treated as absent from duty and pay is not intermitted. It can be
combined with special casual leave/vacation but not with any other kind of leave. It can not combine with the
joining time. Sundays, Public holidays/ restricted holidays can be pre-fixed/ suffixed to casual leave. It can be taken
for half day also. For regular teachers in Himachal Pradesh there is provision of twelve casual leaves for year.
Earned Leave:
Credit will be afforded in advance at a rate of ten days on the first January and ten days on the
first of July in every year. For non-vacational employees credit is afforded in advance at a rate of fifteen days on
the first of January and fifteen days on the first of July in every year. These leaves can be accumulated up to three
hundreds days. These can be availed up to 180 days at a time.
Extraordinary Leave:
Extraordinary Leave is granteed to a Govt. servent, when no other leave is admissible and when
other leave is admissible, but the Government servent applies in writing for extraordinary leave.

Medical Leave:
It is only for the non-vacational department staff. Twenty days medical leave are credit for one
Study Leve:
Study leaves granted to Government servents with not less then five years service for undergoing
a special course consisting of higher studies or specialized training in professional or technical subjects having a
direct and close connection with the sphere of his duties.

Special Casual Leave:
There is the provision of special casual leaves for sports events, cultural activities, for family
planning and for union/association activities. For union/association activities the maximum of days of special
casual leave admissible is twenty days in acalender year.
Maternity Leave:
Admissible to married /unmarried female employees during pregnancy to those employes who
have less then two surviving children. The leave is not debited to the leave account and granted on full pay. It
counts as service for increments and for pension.

Paternity Leave:
Admissible to male Government servant with less than two surviving children. It can be applied
up to fifteen days before or up to six months from date of delivery. Its duration is fifteen days during wifes
confinement and normally not to be refused.

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