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SAP Network Blog: Advanced Adapter Engine Configuration in PI 7.


Advanced Adapter Engine Configuration in PI 7.1

William Li Business Card Company: SAP Labs Posted on Jan. 10, 2008 03:36 PM in SAP Process Integration (PI)

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A new feature, Integrated Configurations, is introduced in PI 7.1. This feature allows us to configure an end-to-end scenario that will process messages locally in the Advanced Adapter Engine (AAE), bypassing the Integration Engine (ABAP stack of the Integration Server). The Advanced Adapter Engine is the new name in PI 7.1 for the Adapter Engine. The primary objective of using local processing in the AAE is to increase the performance of message processing by eliminating the need for the ABAP stack during the process. By bypassing the ABAP stack, the message processing will still keep the existing mapping, monitoring and support functionalities. Since the ABAP stack no longer participates in the processing of messages, therefore, any functionality provided by ABAP will not be available when the Integrated Configurations option is selected for message processing. A detail article of the step-by-step guide, as well as the benefits and limitations of using "Integrated Configurations" in PI 7.1's AAE is available from: How To: Configure Integrated Configurations in the Advanced Adapter Engine Architecture Runtime Picture: From...


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SAP Network Blog: Advanced Adapter Engine Configuration in PI 7.1

William Li is a Solution Manager in the NetWeaver Orchestration and Integration group at SAPLabs.
Please let us know if this feature could have helped in any of your previous scenarios requiring high performance. Comment on this weblog Showing messages 1 through 21 of 21. Titles Only Reg. License 2011-03-21 10:23:48 Naveen Chamala Business Card [Reply] Hi Li, This might be a silly question. For these AAE related interfaces, as we are not using Integration Server,does SAP charges the License fee same as normal third party to SAP data volumes ? Reg. License 2011-03-21 18:45:17 William Li Hi, This question is for your account executive to answer. PI now has a new licensing model, which is CPU-based. I do not know how this will affect existing customers based on number of messages. If based on number messages, I don't think there is any difference whether the messages go thru IS or AAE. Business Card [Reply] Main Topics Oldest First

Regards, Bill Performance Monitoring on AAE. 2009-09-01 11:35:22 Gabriel Sagaya Selvam Panneer Selvam Business Card [Reply] I want to test the performance by using normal method and by using advanced adapter engine (Integration configurations). Normal method by using Performance i am able to test, but how to test the Advanced adapter engine scenario? I am unable to test the Advanced adapter engine scenario by using performance monitoring, how to do it? Thanks Gabriel

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SAP Network Blog: Advanced Adapter Engine Configuration in PI 7.1

Performance Monitoring on AAE. 2009-09-01 11:47:49 William Li Business Card [Reply]

We normally use an external tool, e.g. Roadrunner, to do benchmarks. This way we measure the end-to-end response or processing from the user or system perspective. Regards, Bill Which features come with EhP1 ? 2008-10-08 09:19:08 Gerald Eder Business Card [Reply] Hello Which features are in EhP1 for PI 7.1 regarding the AAE ? Regards

Gerald how to moniter scenario using AAE in RWB 2008-08-27 07:18:20 vijaya lakshmiyn Business Card [Reply] Hi, Can u refer any pdf's which clearly provide the details on step by step basis for monitoring a scenario using AAE in RWB.

viji how to moniter scenario using AAE in RWB 2008-08-28 12:22:08 William Li Hi, AAE is just another name for adapter engine in PI 7.0. The tools to monitor AAE is no different than the tools to monitor adapters in PI 7.0. The RWB is still used to monitor AAE in PI 7.1, e.g. message monitoring, comm chan monitoring, etc. Business Card [Reply]

Regards, Bill not able to open How To: Configure Integrated Configurations in the Advanced Adapter Engine 2008-08-25 12:33:19 vijaya lakshmiyn Business Card [Reply] please help me on this.. i wanted to wrk on AAE.. not able to open How To: Configure Integrated Configurations in the Advanced Adapter Engine 2008-08-25 12:54:57 William Li Hi, The link above should be corrected. Business Card [Reply]

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SAP Network Blog: Advanced Adapter Engine Configuration in PI 7.1

Just in case, the link is: /SOA%20Middleware/Service%20Bus /How%20to%20Configure%20Integrated%20Configurations%20in%20the%20Advanced%20Adapter%20Engine%20(NW7.1).pdf

Regards, Bill No Receiver Could be Determined 2008-05-21 12:08:52 Lionel Tafel Business Card [Reply] Hi, We all ready configured all the steps like the document show's and we are getting the error "No RECEIVER COULD BE".

thanks for your time. Regards Lionel No Receiver Could be Determined 2008-05-21 13:52:03 William Li Hi, I assume the activation of the configuration is okay and the error is from runtime. Make sure there is not a conflict with a receiver determination configuration which uses the same sender component and interface as the AAE's integrated configuration. Business Card [Reply]

Have you checked for errors in RWB for: Message Monitoring and comm chan monitoring?

Regards, Bill Link is not working 2008-03-31 14:08:09 Raghavesh Reddy Business Card [Reply] Does the link How To: Configure Integrated Configurations in the Advanced Adapter Engine is working fine..... i am getting 404 says The requested resource is not available. Link is not working 2008-04-01 08:00:21 William Li Hi, It is hard to help w/o additional info. Can you provide more details, e.g. Where is error coming from? Business Card [Reply]

What are the sender and receiver?

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SAP Network Blog: Advanced Adapter Engine Configuration in PI 7.1

Regards, Bill Persistance ? 2008-01-14 12:14:31 srinivas kapu Business Card [Reply] Is there a way to avoid the single persistance in the case of AAE. Why i am asking is i dont want to store the raw credit card data at any place in PI.


Srini Persistance ? 2008-01-14 12:22:25 William Li Hi Srini, There is not. a single persistence is required for guaranteed delivery when system goes down. Without it, the sender's msg will have to be resent. Regards, Bill Persistance ? 2008-08-20 11:17:17 Srinivas Reddy Business Card [Reply] Hi William, Our aim is to prevent the storage of a single field in the payload. Is it possible with this single persistance that we have a adapter module which takes the payload but while storing it should not store the value of a single field. Business Card [Reply]

any suggestions would be appreciated


Srini Persistance ? 2008-08-20 10:57:01 Srinivas Reddy Business Card [Reply] Hi William, Our aim is to prevent the storage of a single field in the payload. Is it possible with this single persistance that we have a adapter module which takes the payload but while storing it should not store the value of a single field.

any suggestions would be appreciated

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SAP Network Blog: Advanced Adapter Engine Configuration in PI 7.1


Srini Persistance ? 2008-08-20 11:17:26 William Li Hi Srini, This is not possible. The persistence is for the original msg, so that restart of msg processing is possible to guaranteee delivery, e.g. after system went down. You will have to encrypt the credit card info before sending it to the adapter. Business Card [Reply]

Regards, Bill Monitoring using MONI? 2008-01-10 15:47:34 Bhavesh Kantilal Business Card [Reply] Hello Bill, As the message flows only through the J2EE engine or the AAE would this mean that monitoring henceforth for these AAE messages would not be possible via the SXMB_MONI transaction? Also the presentation attached had a option "Schema Validation" , it looks like the long needed demand of XI consultants is finally being met. Looking forward to hear from you on this feature as well.

As usual thanks for the blogs on PI 7.1 . They are providing us a insight on what to expect and how easy it would be.

Cheers, Bhavesh Monitoring using MONI? 2008-01-10 16:15:06 William Li Hi Bhavesh, Yes, you are right. The message cannot be monitored via SXMB_MONI. It will have to be monitored using the RWB's Adapter Message Monitoring. Business Card [Reply]

Regards, Bill Monitoring using MONI? 2008-06-03 07:23:42 Mathias Deisinger Business Card [Reply] Hello I am currently assessing the performance feastures on PI 7.1 and I am wondering about an option to view the Performance of message processing in case of the Avanced Adapter Engine.

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SAP Network Blog: Advanced Adapter Engine Configuration in PI 7.1

Do I understand the documentation correctly that this is currently not possible? Any workaround suggestions?

Thanks alot.


Showing messages 1 through 21 of 21.

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