Science For JBT Students

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Curriculum Organization

Not many years back the major of education was the acquisition of a fund of information. It was therefore, the curriculum began to be regarded as synonymous with subjects of instruction. But now education is regarded as a dynamic process and so the aims and objectives have changed. It is not merely the courses of study but is the sum total of the experiences of the pupil that he receives through the manifold activities that go on in the school, in the class room, in the laboratory, in the workshop, in the playground and in the numerous informed contacts between the teacher and pupil. It is much more than mere subject matter as it is traditionally conceived. The whole life in the school constitutes curriculum. Curriculum is the soul of the process of education. It acts as pivot in organizing educational effort on some manageable basis. A curriculum is a plan of learning consisting of two major dimensions i.e. vision and structure. Vision in a curriculum is the product of a set of assumptions about people and the world at large and takes the form of some conceptualization of reality. The definition of curriculum as a product that is contained proved unsatisfactory to many educators involved in the development of school programmes. Curriculum is the planned and guided learning experiences and intended outcomes. Curriculum is the sum total of all the experiences which have to the provided for the good of is individual and the society.

EVS as an integrated area of study that draws upon understanding from science/S.Sc. and environment education.
The environmental studies is the study of environment. Its main component are nature, man and society and the interaction between these components. Environment includes all those unknown and known natural and social components which directly or indirectly affect life and working of an organization NCERT. The environmental studies (EVS) are on important area of study at primary stage. The main objective of EVS is to help the child and to make him aware of the environment and feel concerned about it. Environmental studies was introduced with this broad objective in mind. Those who has concern for environment appreciated the fact that man is a part of natural environment. It is he who not only perceives and understand the law of Nature, but also manipulate them in his self interest. EVS deals with the Social & Scientific aspect of the environment. These include social customs, traditions and other activities taking place around the children. Such a study may draw its content from subjects like History, Geography, Sociology, SocialStudies and Sciences etc. The child in new set-up has to study different sciences :physical sciences ,natural or biological sciences and social sciences. Physical Science deals with our environment and the material around us. Natural or Biological Science are life aspects dealing with the organic existence around us, of the flora and fauna and human being and the complicated processes of their growth and decay. Social sciences deals with the need of man and society, the way in which he has organized himself in his political, economic and commercial activities.

It might appear that the physical sciences, have little in common with social sciences. It is true that subject matter of the two fields is very different but the interaction between the two is of tremendous significance. They are not independent of each other in their influence upon mankind. To quote on example : erosion is a physical process and its study falls with in the realm of physical sciences, but when the Ganges carrying water from the Himalayas floods the plains of U.P., the question of its control becomes the interest of economist, the sociologist and the political scientists. There are several social problems like population. The social science teacher can use biological principles to present an integrated picture of the population dynamics. Environmental Studies (EVS) is an important area of study at the primary stage. Earlier the subjects like General Science and Social Studies were introduced in primary schools. Teaching of these subject, however was more information oriented and not very relevant to the Childs need and requirement. This problem was discussed by the Kothari Commission which recommended teaching of Envornmental Studies. In NCF (1986), for classes I and II environmental studies is taught as a composite area of study i.e. in syllabus of EVS, Science and Social studies are integrated. The basis for this pattern is that child in early stages interacts with the environment in totality. The other characteristics of curriculum of class I and II is that it takes into account the immediate environment of the child. The various units identified for class I and II are like :(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) Our family Our house Our school Our neighbour Our earth Our sky Our body.

The teaching learning programmers in these areas will expose the child to things and happenings taking place in childs immediate environment. It means that when we teaches EVS, we use same materials of the environment which consist of family, house, school neighbourhood, earth, sky and body. In classes III IV EVS is tangut as separate subjects EVS (Social Studies) and EVS (Social Science). Both the subjects, however are correct under the umbrella of EVS. It means that whatever will be selected as a part of EVS syllabus will done directly or indirectly on environment content and orientation. The syllabus for class III V It is clear that when content for the syllabus in science is selected, the broad areas of the child interaction with the natural and physical environment have been taken into account. Similarly while selecting the content for social studies the emphasis is on the interaction of man with his social environment. Also the core components in the syllabus of social studies and science have been interweaven. It has been suggested that teaching learning programme in these subjects should have EVS approach, and exploit the environment. By doing so child will develop attitudes regarding preservation and conservation of environment. He / she will be the best judge to decide as to what is useful and good in environment of which they and their aim immediate environment is a part. Thus we can include from this discussion that subject like science, social science can not be belated from the environment.

EVS as EVS (Science) and EVS (Social Science) At primary level we teach EVS. In classes I II EVS is an integrated package of social studies and science. In classes III V it is taught as separate subject, EVS (Science) and EVS (Social Science).

EVS as EVS (Science)

Science may be defined as a body of knowledge, a way of investigation (or a method) and a way of thinking in the persuit of an understanding of nature. The main objective of teaching science as EVS (Science) is to create among children awareness, understanding and concern for natural and physical environment. To arouse the students interest in their environment and to raise challenging problems in connection with it. To acquire knowledge about the objects, events, phenomena, processes taking place in environment. To develop attitude and values such as objectivity, openmindness, perseverance, concern for maintenance and improvement of environment. To achieve these objectives the teacher should correlate the subject with day to day life as well as with the environment, so that students should be able to relate the classroom learning to the environment around, whether it is polution or the use of pesticides. Also the students should be able to recognize and enjoy some scientific aspects of their natural and man made environment. In the national curriculum framework, for classes I and II environment studies is taught as a composite area of study. This approach has been adopted

because the child in the easly stages interact with the environment in totality. For this units like our family, our houses, our school, our neighbourhood, our earth our body and our sky have been included. These units takes into account the immediate environment of the child. From Class III V a theoretic approach for the selection of content has been adopted and themes like living things, body, food and health, material and their properties, force, work and energy, operating in the environment weather and its influence, earth and sky are included. While selecting the content for syllabus in science, broad areas of the child interaction with natural and physical environment have been taken into account. Attempts should be made to exploit the environment and its resources during teaching learning programmes.

EVS as EVS (Social Science)

People everywhere have certain basic needs, how they meet these needs depend on their environment. Man in society is the theme of social sciences. Social, sciences deals with the need of man and society, the way in which he has organized himself in his political economic and commercial activities. The study of social science as a component of general education is of critical importance in facilitating the learners growth into a well informed and responsible citizen. It should aim at developing in him / her an understanding of his/her physical and social environment. The study of social science should help him/her in understanding of the interaction of man with his physical and social environment and with the institution social, economic and political through which human being interrelate with one another and function in society. Similar to the study of physical and natural environment in science education the study of social environment in social sciences should have three aspects namely :1. 2. 3. Learning about the social environment. Learning through the social environment. And Learning for the social environment.

Social sciences is perhaps the singular curricular area which can prove to be of the most effective tool for providing education in the context of all the care component indicated in NPE -86. The National Council (NCERT) has attained the need for inclusion of social science (NCERT has not used the term social studies) in these words. In NCF (1986) for classes I II environmental studies is taught in an integrated form of science and social science. The curriculum in syllabus for classes III V is divided into two parts social sciences and science but still under the umbrella of EVS. While selecting the content for social studies, the focus is on the interaction of man with his social environment. Thereby the life of man in neighbourhood, in the district, state and country, also in the world becomes the main focus of study. Nature influences the pattern of life of a person and he/she has always made efforts to control and use nature to live a comfortable life. This has been a determining factor for selection of content for social studies. It means that whatever will be selected as part of social science syllabus will have directly or indirectly an environmental orientation. Thus for selecting the content of social science syllabus the emphasis is on the interaction of man with his social environment. The EVS may be considered as EVS (Science) and EVS (Social Science).

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