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Tuning PID Controller Parameters Using Tabu Search Algorithm

D. Karaboga and A.Kahnh

ISYS Research Group, Department of Electronics Engineering, Engineering Faculty, Erciyes University, Kayseri, 38090, TURKIYE


In the design of a proportional-integralderivative (PID) controller for a process three parameters have to be specifted: praportioaalgain, integral gain and derivative gain. The performance of the umtroller directly depends on these parameters. In order to specifythe appropiate values of the parametem in a acceptable t m a robust and quick method ie is required. This letter describes a new method for tuning the control parameters of PID controller. The method is
based on the tabu search algorithm which is a general heuristic procedure for guiding search in a complex search space to F d global optimal solutionsfor difficult problems.

global optimal solutins for the difficult problems in a reasonable time. This algorithm seems quite promising for real world problems which are complex and multidimensional, especially for real-time applications, but it has not found so many applications, yet [SI. This paper describes a new method based on the tabu seafch algorithm for tuning PID control parameters.

The discrete-time equivalent expression for PID control used in this paper is given as KpeOr)+IzT,e(i)+ (KdITs)e(k)
where K p


The best-knownumtmllers used for industrial control processes are PID controllers since their structure is simple and

the performance is quite robust for a wide range of operating conditions. In the design of such a controller three parame ters called umtrol parameters have to be specified: proportional, integral and derivativegains. Control parameters of a standard PID are fixed during control after they have been tuned or chosen in a certain wy. Several m t o s have been ehd developed to produce appropriate values fop the pan [1,2,3]. Depending on the nature of the process (nonlinearity, order,etc.) to be controlled the production of the appropriatevalues of the parameters might be v e q difficult. In an adaptive PID controller design a second problem comes out since the time spent on optimising the parameters is limited. L t q be a vector of t r e parameters of a PID. The space of e he possible vectors q is potentially very large. The design of the PID canberegardedasthe selection ofan optimal vect)rq that will minimise a cost function J(Tf) subject to the constraint that q*belongs t Q. Tois the t t l time over which o oa cost is computed. In general, the CoIlstrained design space Q is a complex multidimensional space. To h the optimal i vector q a robust search algorithm capable of efficiently exploring such a space is required. Tabu search algorithm introdwed by Glover [4] is a quite new search algorithm which has been developed especially for the combinatorial optimisation problems. It can find the

Ki, and Kd, are the proportional, integral, and derivative gains, respectively. K and Kd parameter can be i stated in the tenn of Kp in the following form:


H r ,Ti and Td are known as the integral and derivative ee

time constants, respectively.

In equation (11, u(k) and e(k) are, respectively, the control signal and the error between the reference and the output, T, is the sampling period for the controller. In order to obtain the desired response curve from a given process, Kp, K and i Kd parameter values should be chosen or tuned optimally. In this letter tabu search algorithm is used for this purpose.
It is d . t h a t the umtrol parameters Kp, K,and& are inpredetermtaed ranges [I<pIIR, L , L and I [Kdnnn; I [Kmn, L respectively. Tabu search algorithm searches ] , the optimal values of the parameters in these ranges.A p Ppiate ranges for the are d e f d by the following relations [6]:

Kplll= 0.32 K.,

Kprmx = 0.6 K. KQlm -0.08 &Tu, &= 0.15 Ku T u = K 2 m / 3 L Kmux = K z p


where K. and Tuare, respedively. the gain and the period of oscillation at the stability limit under Pumtrol.

0-7803-3280-6/96/$5.00 O1996 IEEE

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The cost function to be minimisedis d f e by: emd

. n

the absolute error and the integtal of the squared error, respectively. (4) Time response obtained b m the process under the control of the PID umtroller designed using tabu search algorithm is plotted in Figure 1. The results obtained by using ZieglerNichols PID controller and K i f a ~ PID controller are also presented. The parametem of Ziegler-Nichols PID cond troller are deterrmned 89 Kp = 0.6Ku,Ti = 0.5Tu, and T = O.125Tw The ccmtroller designed Using proposed methnd yields better umtrol p e r f i m c e than the Ziegler-Nichols and Kitas PID controllers do. This can be seen 6-om the performance index values given in Table 1.

where y and yp are the desired and the actual outputs of the d plant, respectively, To is the total time over which cost is computed and T is sampling period.

Performance of the PID designed by tabu search algorithm is calculated using its cost value. For this purpose the following function is used: W i ) = A-J(i)

where A is a positive constant, J(i) is the cost value computed when the parameter values obtained from i&move or neighbor of the present solution are used.

Tabu search algorithm chooses the next solution among the neighbours BccoTding to the their evaluation values. Evaluation value of i* neighbor is calculated by eval(i) = a*improvement(i) + rPrecency(i)) fi*fbquency(i)


This paper describes a new method far the design of stsndard PID controllers. The method is based on the tabu search algorithm. Tabu search algorithm is empIoyed fw tuning of the control parameters of the PID controller for a ht given process. The simdtion results obtained showed t a the proposed method can be efficiently used for tuning control parameters of PID controller. Although this letter describes the proposed method for a standard PID controller design and gives simulation results the extension of the method to the design of adaptive PID COntrolIers are being undertaken.

where recency(i) and fbquency(i) are the p giving a the information about the past steps of the search, and a, rl and fj are improvement, recency and tkquency factors, respectively. The improvement(i) is the difference between the perfoxmance values of the present solution@) and its neighbor(i),
ient(i) = performance(i)-ptxformanw(s)

For forbidding strategy of the tabu search, two conditions

are used: recency(i)S r2*N (recency umdition), Erequency(i) 2 fi*avfieq (fkquency condition). H r ,r and fi are reee 2 cency and fkquency factors used for forbidding strategy, N is the number of element in the binary sequence and avfieq is the average change of bits.

In this work, each parameter is represented with 8 bits. Therefore, the length of a binaty sequence is 24. Each parameter is f M produced as integer number, and then it is d e d into the p e e m d range of that parameter. rdfe
The proposed method has been tested on the following timedelayed seumd-order process for the c m a i o [6]: oprsn
G S = eo.* / (s+l) ()

[I] J.G. Ziegler and N.B. Nichols, Optimum Settmgs for TW. ASME, VO~. 64,1942, ~ u t o m t i c controiiers, ~p.759-768. [2] T. Kitamori, A method for Control System Design Based upon Partial Knowledge about Controlled Proces~, T a s SICE Japan, vol. 15,1979, pp.549-555. rn. [3] C.C. Hang, K.J. Astrh and W.K Ho, Refinements of the Ziegler -Nichols Tuning Fonnula, Proc. IEE, Pt. D., vol. 138,1991,~.111-118. [4] F. Glover, Tabu Search-Part I, ORSA Journal on Com. puting, Vol. 1, N0.3, 1989, p ~190-206. [SI D.Karaboga and A. Kaplan, Optimising Multivariable Functions U i g Tabu Search, The tenth Int. Symp. on sn Comp. and W. Sciences (ISCIS X , Kusadasi, Turkiye, Oc) tober, 1995, VOL?.,~p.793-799. [6] Z.Y. Zhao, T. Masayoshi and S Isaka, Fuzzy Gain . Scheduling of PID Controllers, IEEE Trans. on SMC, vol. 23 N0.5, september/october, 1993, ~p.1392-1398.


& representsthe petcent maximum overshoot, T5 stands for

Table 1 shows the simulation results obtained. In the table,

the 5 percent settling time, and IAE, ISE are the integral of


Table 1. Results obtained by using Ziegler-Nichols, Kitamori and Proposed PID controllers Ziegler-Nichols PID Controller K,= 2.808 , Kd = 1.151 K,= 1.7122 IAE = 1.375 ISE = 0.842 Ya=32% 4~4.13 Kltamoris PID Controller K p= 2.212 &= 1.148 Ki = 1.OS58 IAE= 1.016 ISE = 0.787 Y,,, = 6.7% T = 2.304 g Proposed PID Controller IG,= 2.194 Kd = 1.465 K = 1.209 i IAE = 0.995 ISE = 0.741 Ya = 5.5% Ts= 1.8

1.2 1

0.4 0.2 0

Figure 1. Time responses obtained eom the process under the control of Ziegler-Nichols, Kitamori and Proposed PID controllers


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