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) TOPIC AND GUIDELINES OF THE ASSIGNMENT Based the concepts of the art and design methodologies, choose only ONE methodology as proposed or designed by the renowned art scholars/art historians. Analyze and discuss with an understanding of the relationship between the methodology and the selected artworks, designs or photograph. Provide your analyses/descriptions with relevant or supporting facts such as artist quotations, period or related theories from any references. The assignment should emphasize with a clear, organized structure which presents an idea in such a way that the reader can understand them. The assignment should be written in English and the date of submission is on the second week after the mid semester break. The format of the assignment is as follows:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Title/ Topic (front page) List of the member names with UiTM Matric Card Number (front page) and h/p no. . Lecturer name who supervise the assignment (front page). List of contents Brief explanation with reference to the selected principle concepts of the art and design methodology. 6. Facts (Analyses of artworks or designs, discussion and result) 7. Conclusion 8. References The assignment must be typed of using 1.5 spacing, font 12 and Times Roman with approximately 10 pages in length. The color scanned pictures or illustrations are supportive elements in strengthening your analyses. Arrange list of the books accord with the names of the writers in an alphabetically order. References/Bibliography Hunter, S. and Jacabus, J., 1985. Modern Art. New York: Harry N. Abrams. Muliyadi Mahamood, 1993. Mendekati Seni Lukis dan Seni Reka. Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka. Schapiro, M., 1953. Style in Rader, M., 1973. A Modern Book of Aesthetic: An Anthology. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc.

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GEORGIO VASARI Theory of a biological cyclic model Concept of mimesis or imitation Vasari Book: Lives of the Artists The Quality of Good Rules HEINRICH WOLFFLIN Wolfflin: Mode of Beholding (Visual Scheme) Five pairs of concept (Oppositional Principles) External and Internal History of Art ERWIN PANOFSKY Study of Iconology - Humanism Primary or Natural Subject Matter Secondary or Conventional Subject Matter Intrinsic Meaning or Content MEYER SCHAPIRO Style from the perspective of Archeologist Style from the perspective of Art Historian Style from the perspective of Historian Culture Style from the perspective of Art Critic ARNOLD HAUSER Scope and Limitation of Sociological Approach in Art Art and Communication Art and Culture ISMAIL AL-FARUQI Al-Quran as Transcendant Al-Quran as Artistic Model Al-Quran as Artistic Iconography 6 Characteristics of Aesthetic Expression of Tauhid Taib Osman Malay Arts and Craft- Islamic Inspiration in Creativity Malay Arts and Craft- Inspiration from Nature Symbolism of Color Symbolism of Malay Motifs and Patterns Malay motifs & patterns

Semiotic in Malay arts & crafts MOHAMAD KAMAL BIN ABD. AZIZ


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