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Distributed Database Systems

Distributed DBMS Design

Dr. M. Alam

Distributed Database Management Systems

Introduction Design Strategies Distribution Design Issues Fragmentations
Horizontal & Vertical Fragmentation


Dr. M. Alam

Distributed Database Management Systems

Design Introduction
In the general setting :
Making decisions about the placement of data and programs across the sites of a computer network as well as possibly designing the network itself.

In Distributed DBMS, the placement of applications entails

Placement of the distributed DBMS software; and Placement of the applications that run on the database
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Dimensions of the Design Problem

Access pattern behavior Dynamic Static Partial Information Data Data + Program Level of knowledge Complete Information

Level of sharing
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Level of Sharing
No Sharing
Each application & its data execute at one site. No communication with other programs or access to data at other sites.

Data Sharing
All programs are replicated at all sites but not the data files. User requests are handled at home site only & necessary data files are moved around the network.

Data and Program Sharing

A program at a site can request a service from another program at second site that have to access data file may be located at third site. It is difficult (some time impossible) in heterogeneous systems whereas data moving is relatively easy.

Dr. M. Alam

Distributed Database Management Systems

Access Pattern Behavior

User requests may be static (no change over time) or dynamic. Most of the real life applications are dynamic. What is the nature/level of dynamicity?
It depends on relationship between distributed DB design & query processing.

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Distributed Database Management Systems

Level of Knowledge
No Information
Designer has no information how user will access DB.

Complete Information
Access pattern can be predicted that do not deviate significantly from prediction.

Partial Information
Predicted pattern may deviate..

Dr. M. Alam

Distributed Database Management Systems

Distributed Design Strategies

Top-down Design Process
Mostly used for designing the systems from scratch Mostly used for designing homogeneous systems

Bottom-up Design Process

When the databases already exist at a number of sites

Dr. M. Alam

Distributed Database Management Systems

Top-down Approach
Requirement Analysis System Requirements (Objectives) Conceptual Design GCS
User Input View Integration

View Design External Schema Def.

Access In formation Distributed Design Local Conceptual Schemas Physical Design Physical Schema

User Input

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Observation and Monitoring

Distributed Database Management Systems


Top-down Approach (Cont.)

Requirement Analysis: Defines environment of the system and elaborates the data & processing needs of all potential DB users. System Requirements: Specifies which objectives (Performance, reliability & availability, economics, flexibility, ) final system is expected to achieve. View Design
Deals with defining the interfaces for end users. Results in individual External Schema Definition (Global users)

Conceptual Design is Global Conceptual Schema

Process by which enterprise is examined Integration of user views. 1. Entity analyses, Determining the entities, attributes and the relationship between these. 2. Functional analyses, concerned with determining the function
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Top-down Approach (Cont.)

Activities so far are similar to Centralized DB Design Distribution Design
Design the LCS by distributing the entities over the sites of distributed system. It consists of two steps: Fragmentation & Allocation

Physical Design: Maps LCS to physical storage devices available at corresponding sites. Access pattern information about fragments is its input. Monitoring: Design & development activity needs constant monitoring & periodic adjustments.

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Distributed Database Management Systems


Bottom-up Approach
Suitable for applications where database already exists. Designing task involves integrating these into one database. Starting point is individual conceptual schemas Exists primarily in the context of heterogeneous database
External Schema Global Schema External Schema

Component Schema Local Schema

Component Schema Local Schema

Multidatabase Architecture
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Distribution Design Issues

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Why fragment at all? How to fragment? How much should be fragmented? How to test correctness? Allocation Strategy Required Information

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Distributed Database Management Systems


Unit of distribution: Relation?
Views are subsets of relations, extra communication. Unnecessary high volume of remote data access or unnecessary replication.

Can't we just distribute relations? Instead of distributing relations, why not divide the relation into sub-relation (fragments) & distribute fragments. Fragments of relations (sub-relations)
Views that cannot be defined on a single fragment will require extra processing Semantic data control (especially integrity enforcement) is more difficult

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Distributed Database Management Systems


Merits & Demerits of Fragmentation

Merits 1. Permits a number of transactions to executed concurrently 2. Results in parallel execution of a single query 3. Increases level of concurrency ( intra query concurrency) 4. Increases system throughput Demerits 1. Applications whose views are defined on more than one fragment may suffer performance degradation, if applications have conflicting requirements. 2. Simple tasks like checking for dependencies, would result in chasing after data in a number of sites 3. Difficult to manage in case of non-exclusive Fragmentation (replication) 4. Maintenance of integrity constraints

Dr. M. Alam

Distributed Database Management Systems


Fragmentation Alternatives
Horizontal Fragmentation
Partitions a table along its tuples. Performed based on some Predicate / Condition Primary & Derived Horizontal Fragmentation.

Vertical Fragmentation
Different subsets of attributes are stored at different places

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Distributed Database Management Systems


Fragmentation : Example
Id 1 2 3 Name Akram Bashir Saleem Sal 10K 15K 20K Dept. D1 D2 D3

Horizontal Fragmentation Rows split : Sal > 15K Id Name 1 Akram 2 Bashir Sal Dept. 10K D1 15K D2

Vertical Fragmentation Columns split : Primary Key Retained Id Name 1 2 3 Akram Bashir Saleem Id Sal 1 10K 2 3 15K 20K Dept. D1 D2 D3

Id Name Sal Dept. 3 Saleem 20K D3

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Distributed Database Management Systems

Horizontal Fragmentation Example

PROJ1 : Projects with Bud < 30M PROJ2 : Projects with Bud 30M PRJ
P-ID P-Name P1 P2 P3 P4 Bridge Flyover Building School Bud 20M 40M 50M 30M LOC Karachi Lahore Islamabad Karachi

PRJ1 P-ID P-Name Bud P1 Bridge 20M LOC Bridge

PRJ2 P-ID P2 P3 P4 P-Name Flyover Building School Bud 40M 50M 30M LOC Lahore Islamabad Karachi

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Distributed Database Management Systems

Vertical Fragmentation Example

PROJ1: Information about project budgets PROJ2: Information about project names and locations
PRJ1 P-ID P1 P2 P3 P4
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P-ID P1 P2 P3 P4 P-Name Bridge Flyover Building School PRJ2 Bud 20M 40M 50M 30M LOC Karachi Lahore Islamabad Karachi

Bud 20M 40M 50M 30M

P-ID P1 P2 P3 P4
Distributed Database Management Systems

P-Name Bridge Flyover Building School

LOC Karachi Lahore Islamabad Karachi


Degree of Fragmentation
Finite number of alternatives

Tuples or Attributes


Finding the suitable level of partitioning within this range, Between no to the extreme level that could be to the individual tuple or column fragmentation; a compromised decision.
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Correctness of Fragmentation
Completeness Decomposition of relation R into fragments R1, R2, ..., Rn is complete if and only if each data item in R can also be found in some Ri (Lossless Decomposition). Reconstruction If relation R is decomposed into fragments R1, R2, ..., Rn, then there should exist some relational operator such that R = 1inRi , Ri FR will be different for different forms of fragmentation. Ensures that constraints defined on the data in the form of dependencies are preserved. Disjointness If relation R is decomposed into fragments R1, R2, ..., Rn, and data item di is in Rj, then di should not be in any other fragment Rk (k j ).
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Other Fragmentation Issues

Privacy Security Bandwidth of Connection Reliability Replication Consistency Local User Needs

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Distributed Database Management Systems


Allocation Alternatives
Let database is fragmented properly, one has to allocate fragments to various sites over the network. Non-replicated Database
Partitioned : each fragment resides at only one site

Replicated Database
Fully replicated : each fragment at each site Partially replicated : each fragment at some of the sites

Replication is advantageous if
read - only queries update queries 1

Reference: W. W. Chu, Optimal File Allocation in Multiple Computer System, IEEE Transaction on Computers, 885-889, October 1969.
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Comparison of Replication Alternatives

Full Replication Easy Easy or nonexistent Moderate Very High Possible Application Partial Partitioning Replication Same Difficulty Same Difficulty Difficult High Realistic Easy Low Possible Application

Query Processing Directory Management Concurrency Control Reliability Reality

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Distributed Database Management Systems

Information Requirements
Database Information Application Information Communication Network Information Computer System Information

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Distributed Database Management Systems


Database Information
Need to consult the conceptual DB design Apart from tables, we need relationships, cardinality and the owner and member tables Selectivity of fragments and size of a fragment How DB relations can be connected with each other (Join)? Directed links relate relations to each other using equi-join operation Owner(L1) = PAY while Member(L1) = EMP
PAY Title, Sal L1 EMP ID, Name, Title L2 ASIGN
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P-ID, P-Name, Bud, LOC L3


ID, P-ID, Resp, Dur


Distributed Database Management Systems

Application Information
Qualitative and Quantitative information Qualitative information : Guides fragmentation activity
User query uses Predicates, at least most important should be known. Simple Predicates : Given relation R[A1, A2, , An] pj : Ai Value A simple predicate pj is where {=,<,,>,,}, ValueDi & Di is the domain of Ai. For relation R we define Pr = {p1, p2, ,pm} Example : P-Name = Building, Bud 40M, .... Minterm Predicates M: Given R and Pr={p1, p2, ,pm} M={m1,m2,,mr} is defined as M={ mi|mi = p Pr pj* }, 1jm, 1iz j where pj* = pj or pj* = (pj). Some minterm predicates may be meaningless.
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Application Information (Cont.)

Example: P-Name = Building & Bud 40M Minterm Predicates
m1: P-Name=Building Bud 40M m2: (P-Name =" Bridge ") 40M m3: P-Name = " Bridge (Bud 40M) m4: (P-Name =" Bridge ") (Bud 40M) Note: Some minterm predicates may be meaningless

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Distributed Database Management Systems


Application Information (Cont.)

Quantitative information deals allocation models.
Two sets of data

Minterm Selectivity [sel(mi)]

The number of tuples of the relation that would be accessed by a user query which is specified according to a given minterm predicate mi.

Access Frequency
Frequency with which user application access data. acc(qi) gives frequency of query qi in given period. acc(mi)] represents frequency of minterm mi.

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Distributed Database Management Systems


Communication Network Information

Communication network information
Unit cost of storing data at a site Unit cost of processing at a site

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Distributed Database Management Systems


Computer System Information

Bandwidth Latency Communication Overhead

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Distributed Database Management Systems


Horizontal Fragmentation
Partitions a relation along its tuples. Primary Horizontal Fragmentation (PHF)
Performed using predicates that are defined on that relation.

Derived Horizontal Fragmentation (DHF)

Partitioning a relation that results from predicates being defined on another relation.

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Distributed Database Management Systems


Primary Horizontal Fragmentation

Definition : Rj = Fj (R ), 1 j w Therefore,
A horizontal fragment Ri of relation R consists of all the tuples of R which satisfy a minterm predicate mi.

where Fj is a selection formula, which is (preferably) a minterm predicate.

Given a set of minterm predicates M, there are as many horizontal fragments of relation R as there are minterm predicates. Set of horizontal fragments also referred to as minterm fragments.

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Distributed Database Management Systems


PHF - Example
R1 = Sal 15K (R) R2 = Sal > 15K (R)
Id 1 2 3 Name Akram Bashir Saleem Sal 10K 15K 20K Dept. D1 D2 D3

Id Name 1 Akram 2 Bashir Sal Dept. 10K D1 15K D2

Id Name 3 Saleem Sal 20K Dept. D3

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Distributed Database Management Systems


PHF Algorithm
Given: A relation R and the set of simple predicates Pr Output: The set of fragments of R = {R1, R2,,Rw} which obey the fragmentation rules. Preliminaries :
Pr should be complete Pr should be minimal

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Distributed Database Management Systems


Completeness of Simple Predicates

Completeness: A set of simple predicates Pr is said to be complete if and only if there is an equal probability access by every application to any tuple belonging to any minterm fragment that is defined according to Pr.
Complete set of predicates should be used as the basis of PHF

Assume PRJ[P-ID, P-Name, Bud, LOC] has two applications defined on it. 1. Find the budgets of projects at each location. [Complete] 2. Find projects with budgets less than 40M. [Not Complete]
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Minimality of Simple Predicates

If a predicate influences how fragmentation is performed, (i.e., causes a fragment f to be further fragmented into, say, fi and fj) then there should be at least one application that accesses fi and fj differently. In other words, the simple predicate should be relevant in determining a fragmentation. If all the predicates of a set Pr are relevant, then Pr is minimal. Let mi and mj are minterm predicates that are identical in definition except mi contains simple predicate Pi in its natural form while mj contains compliment of Pi . Also fi and fj be two fragments defined according to mi and mj. Then Pi is relevant if and only if. acc(mi) acc(mj) card(fi) card(fj)
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Example of Minimality
PRJ1 : Projects with LOC=Karachi PRJ2 : Projects with LOC=Lahore, PRJ3 : Projects with Bud30M PRJ4 : Projects with Bud>30M Pr = {LOC=Karachi, LOC=Lahore, Bud30M, Bud>30M} is minimal (in addition to being complete). However, if we add P-Name = Building then Pr is no longer minimal because it is not relevant to Pr. No application would access resulting fragments differently.
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Horizontal Fragmentation Example

P-ID P-Name P1 P2 P3 P4 Bridge Flyover Building School Bud 20M 40M 50M 30M LOC Karachi Lahore Islamabad Karachi PRJ1 P-ID P1 P4 PRJ2 P-ID P2 PRJ3 P-ID P-Name P1 Bridge P4 School
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P-Name Bridge School

Bud 20M 30M

LOC Karachi Karachi

P-Name Bud Flyover 40M

LOC Lahore

PRJ4 Bud 20M 30M LOC Karachi Karachi P-ID P2 P3 P-Name Flyover Building Bud 40M 50M LOC Lahore Islamabad

Distributed Database Management Systems

PHF- COM_MIN Algorithm

Given: A relation R and a set of simple predicates Pr Output: A complete and minimal set of simple predicates Pr' for Pr Rule 1: A relation or fragment is partitioned into at least two parts which are accessed differently by at least one application. Declare: Fi is a set of minterm fragments

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Distributed Database Management Systems


PHF-COM-MIN Algorithm (Cont.)

Find a pi Pr such that pi partitions R according to Rule 1 Pr' pi ; Pr Pr pi ; F fi

Iteratively add predicates to Pr' until it is complete

Find a pj Pr such that pj partitions some fk defined according to minterm predicate over Pr' according to Rule 1 Set Pr' = Pr' pj ; Pr Pr pj; F F fi If pk Pr' which is non-relevant then Pr' Pr' pk F F fk

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Distributed Database Management Systems


Horizontal Partitioning Algorithm

Makes use of COM_MIN to perform fragmentation Input: A relation R and a set of simple predicates Pr Output: A set of minterm predicates M according to which relation R is to be fragmented Pr COM_MIN (R, Pr) Determine the set M of minterm predicates Determine the set I of implications among pi Pr Eliminate the contradictory minterms from M
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Example Fragmentation of PAY

Check the salary information and determine raise. Assume that employee records are kept at two sites application run at two sites Simple predicates
p1 : SAL 7000 & p2 : SAL > 7000 Pr = {p1, p2}

Apply COM-MIN Algorithm Initialize with i=1, results Pr = {p1} It is complete and minimal because p2 cant further partition f1 (Minterm fregments w.r..t p1) . So Pr =Pr= {p1,p2} Minterm predicates
m1 : (SAL 7000) m2 : (SAL 7000) = (SAL > 7000)
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Example Fragmentation of PAY

PAY Title Superintendent Designer Programmer Engineer Analyst PAY1 Title Superintendent Designer Programmer
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Sal 5000 7000 6000 8500 9000 PAY2 Title Sal Engineer 8500 Analyst 9000

Sal 5000 7000 6000

Distributed Database Management Systems


Example Fragmentation of PRJ

Applications: 1. Find the name and budget of projects given their location, issued at three sites. 2. Access project information according to budget : one site accesses Bud 30M other accesses Bud > 30M PRJ Simple predicates for (1) p1 : LOC = Karachi p2 : LOC = Lahore p3 : LOC = Islamabad Simple predicates for (2) p4 : Bud 30M p5 : Bud > 30M
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P-ID P1 P2 P3 P4

P-Name Bridge Flyover Building School

Bud 20M 40M 50M 30M

LOC Karachi Lahore Islamabad Karachi

Distributed Database Management Systems


Example Fragmentation of PRJ

Pr = Pr' = {p1, p2, p3, p4, p5 } Implications (Implications must be based on the database semantics not according to current value)
p1 p2 p3 p2 p1 p3 p3 p1 p2 p4 p5 & p5 p4

From predicates p1 to p5 in Pr, there may be so many minterm predicates, like,

p1 ^ p2 ^ p5 ^ p4 ^ p5

Excluding the contradicting minterm predicates

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Fragmentation of PRJ (Cont.)

Minterm fragments left after elimination m1 : (LOC = Karachi) (Bud 30M) m2 : (LOC = Karachi) (Bud > 30M) m3 : (LOC = Lahore) (Bud 30M) m4 : (LOC = Lahore) (Bud > 30M) m5 : (LOC = Islamabad) (Bud 30M) Empty m6 : (LOC = Islamabad) (Bud > 30M)
Distributed Database Management Systems 47

Empty Empty

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PHF Example
P-ID P1 P4 P-Name Bridge School Bud LOC 20M Karachi 30M Karachi

P-ID P-Name Bud LOC

P-ID P-Name Bud LOC

P-ID P2 P-Name Flyover Bud 40M LOC Lahore

P-ID P-Name Bud LOC

P-ID P3 P-Name Building Bud 50M LOC Islamabad

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Distributed Database Management Systems

PHF Correctness
Resulting fragmentation is guaranteed to be complete as long as selection predicates are complete. Since Pr' is complete and minimal, the selection predicates are complete

If relation R is fragmented into FR = {R1,R2,,Rr} R = R
i FR


Minterm predicates that form the basis of fragmentation should be mutually exclusive.
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Derived Horizontal Fragmentation (DHF)

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Distributed Database Management Systems


Derived Horizontal Fragmentation

Defined on a member relation of a link according to a selection operation specified on its owner. Link between the owner and the member relations is defined as equi-join. An equi-join can be implemented by means of semijoins. Given a link L where owner (L) = S and member (L) = R, the derived horizontal fragments of R are defined as
Ri = R Si , 1 i w Where w is the max number of fragments that will be defined on R, and Fi is the formula using which the primary horizontal fragment Si is defined Si = Fi (S)
Dr. M. Alam Distributed Database Management Systems 51

DHF Example
Consider the link L1: Owner (L1) = PAY Member (L1) = EMP We want to group employees on the basis of their salaries one with salary less than or equal to 7000 and other more than that. Three inputs are needed: Partition of owner (PAY1 & PAY2), member relation, set of semijoin predicates between owner & member (EMP.Title = PAY.Title)
PAY Title, Sal L1 EMP ID, Name, Title L2 ASG
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P-ID, P-Name, Bud, LOC L3


ID, P-ID,Rresp, Dur


Distributed Database Management Systems

DHF Example (Cont.)

Consider relations EMP & PAY Fragmentation of EMP is
EMP1 = EMP PAY1 EMP2 = EMP PAY2 Operation on smaller relations Performing joins in distributed fashion PAY1 Title Superintendent Designer Programmer PAY2 Title Engineer Analyst Sal 8500 9000

Sal 5000 7000 6000

PAY1 = Sal 7000 (PAY) PAY2 = Sal > 7000 (PAY) A relation may have more than two Links!
More than one DHF are possible.
Dr. M. Alam Distributed Database Management Systems


DHF Example (Result)

EMP ID Name Akram 1 2 Bashir 3 Saleem 4 Aslam 5 Hafeez 6 Liaqat Title Superintendent Designer Programmer Engineer Programmer Analyst EMP1 ID Name 1 Akram 2 Bashir 3 Saleem 5 Hafeez EMP2 ID 4 6 Name Aslam Liaqat Title Engineer Analyst Title Superintendent Designer Programmer Programmer

Assignment: Fragment ASG where location is Karachi or other cities.

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DHF Correctness
Difficult to define involvement of two relations. Let R be the member relation of a link whose owner is relation S which is fragmented as FS = {S1, S2, ..., Sn}. Furthermore, let A be the join attribute between R and S. Then, for each tuple t of R, there should be a tuple t' of S such that t[A]=t[A] Referential Integrity: Ensures that tuples of any fragment of the member are also in the owner relation. There is no ASG tuple which has a P-ID that is not also contained in PRJ. Similarly same Title appears in EMP & PAY.

Same as primary horizontal fragmentation.

Simple join graphs between the owner and the member fragments.

Dr. M. Alam

Distributed Database Management Systems


Vertical Fragmentation

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Distributed Database Management Systems


Vertical Fragmentation
More difficult than horizontal, because more alternatives exist. Easier to enforce functional dependencies. Approaches: Grouping & Splitting Grouping
Starts by assigning each attribute to one fragment At each step, joins some of the fragments until some criteria is satisfied. Results in overlapping fragments

Starts with a relation and decides on beneficial partitioning based on the access behavior of applications to the attributes Fits more naturally within the top-down design Generates non-overlapping fragments.

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Distributed Database Management Systems


VF Information Requirements
Application Information
Attribute Affinities A measure that indicates how closely related the attributes are. This is obtained from more primitive usage data. Attribute Usage values Given a set of queries Q = {q1, q2,, qq} that will run on the relation R[A1, A2,, An], use(qi, Aj) = 1 if attribute Aj is referenced by query qi 0 otherwise

* use(qi,) can be defined accordingly

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VF Definition of use(qi,Aj)
Consider the following 4 queries for relation PRJ
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q2: SELECT P-NAME, BUD FROM PRJ q4: SELECT SUM(BUD) FROM PRJ WHERE LOC=Value A2 0 1 1 0 A3 1 1 0 1 A4 0 0 1 1


Let A1= P-ID, A2= P-NAME, A3= BUD, A4= LOC

1 0 0 0

Distributed Database Management Systems

VF Affinity Measure aff(Ai, Aj)

The attribute affinity measure between two attributes Ai and Aj of a relation R[A1, A2, , An] with respect to the set of applications Q = (q1, q2, , qq) is defined as follows :
aff (Ai,Aj) = all queries that access A and A (query access) i j access query access = all sitesaccess frequency of a query execution ref (qi) = access execution
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VF Calculation of aff(Ai, Aj)

Assume each query in the previous example accesses the attributes once during each execution refi(qk)=1.
S1 5 25 3 S2 0 25 0 S3 0 25 0

Assume the access frequencies acci(qk) Then

aff(A1, A3) = acc1(q1) *1 + acc2(q1) *1 + acc3(q1) *1 = 15*1 + 20*1+10*1 = 45

q1 q2 q3 q4 A1 A2 A3 A4




The attribute affinity matrix AA is

A1 A2 A3 A4 45 0 45 0 5 75 0 80 45 5 53 3 3 78 0 75

Assignment: Make calculations for affinity matrix AA.

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VF Clustering Algorithm
Take the attribute affinity matrix AA and reorganize the attribute orders to form clusters where the attributes in each cluster demonstrate high affinity to one another. Bond Energy Algorithm (BEA) has been used for clustering of entities. BEA finds an ordering of entities (in our case attributes) such that the global affinity measure AM is maximized. AM = (affinity of Ai and Aj with their neighbors) AM = aff(Ai,Aj) [aff(Ai,Aj-1)+aff( Ai,Aj+1)+aff(Ai-1,Aj)+aff(Ai+1, Aj)]
i j n n i j n n

n n i j

aff(A0,Aj) = aff(Ai,A0) = aff(An+1,Aj) = aff(Ai, An+1) = 0

AM = aff(Ai,Aj) [aff(Ai,Aj-1)+aff( Ai,Aj+1) *Column operations only

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Bond Energy Algorithm

Input: The AA matrix Output: The clustered affinity matrix CA which is a perturbation of AA Initialization: Place and fix one of the columns of AA in CA. Iteration: Place the remaining n-i columns in the remaining i+1 positions in the CA matrix. For each column, choose the placement that makes the most contribution to the global affinity measure. Row order: Order the rows according to the column ordering.
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Bond Energy Algorithm

Best placement? Define contribution of a placement:
cont(Ai, Ak, Aj) = 2bond(Ai, Ak)+2bond(Ak, Al) 2bond(Ai, Aj)


bond(Ax, Ay) = aff(Az, Ax) aff(Az, Ay)

z =1

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Calculation of Bond & Contribution

cont(A1, A4, A2) = 2bond(A1, A4)+2bond(A4, A2) 2bond(A1, A2) bond(A1, A4) = aff(A1, A1) aff(A1, A4) + aff(A2, A1) aff(A2, A4) + aff(A3, A1) aff(A3, A4) + aff(A4, A1) aff(A4, A4) = 45*0 + 0*75 +45*3 + 0*78 = 135 bond(A4, A2) = aff(A1, A4) aff(A1, A2) + aff(A2, A4) aff(A2, A2) + aff(A3, A4) aff(A3, A2) + aff(A4, A4) aff(A4, A2) = 0*0 + 75*80 +3*5 + 78*75 =6000+5850= 11850 bond(A1, A2) = aff(A1, A1) aff(A1, A2) + aff(A2, A1) aff(A2, A2) + aff(A3, A1) aff(A3, A2) + aff(A4, A1) aff(A4, A2) = 45*0 + 0*80 +45*5 + 0*75 = 225 cont(A1, A4, A2) = 2* 135 +2* 11850 2* 225 = 23550
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BEA Example
Consider the following AA matrix and the corresponding CA matrix where A1 and A2 have been placed. Place A3:
A1 A2 AA = A3 A4 A1 45 0 45 0 A2 A3 0 5 80 5 5 53 75 3 A4 0 75 3 78 A1 45 0 CA = 45 0 A2 0 80 5 75

Ordering (0-3-1) :
cont(A0,A3,A1) = 2bond(A0 , A3)+2bond(A3 , A1)2bond(A0 , A1) = 2* 0 + 2* 4410 2*0 = 8820 = 2bond(A1 , A3)+2bond(A3 , A2)2bond(A1,A2) = 2* 4410 + 2* 890 2*225 = 10150

Ordering (1-3-2) :

Ordering (2-3-4) : cont (A2,A3,A4)

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= 1780

Distributed Database Management Systems

BEA Example
A1 A3 A2 45 45 0 80 5

Therefore, the CA matrix has to form

45 53 0

3 75

A 1 A 3 A2 A4

When A4 is placed, the final form of the CA matrix (after row organization) is Top-left Low affinity measure High affinity measure
Distributed Database Management Systems

A 1 45 A 3 45 A2 A4 0 0

45 53

0 5

0 3 75 78

5 80 3 75

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VF Algorithm
Divide a set of clustered attributes A={A1, A2, , An} into two (or more) sets {A1, A2, , Ai} and {Ai, Ai+1, , An} such that there are no (or minimal) applications that access both (or more than one) of the sets. Set of Applications = Q = {q1, q2, , qq}
A1 A2 A3 Ai Ai+1 . . .Am A1 A2 Ai Ai+1 Am
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... ...



VF Algorithm (Definitions)
AQ = = TQ = = BQ = = OQ = = Set of applications that access A { Aj \ use(qi, Aj) = 1 } Set of applications that access only TA { qj \ AQ(qi) belongs to TA } Set of applications that access only BA { qj \ AQ(qi) belongs to BA } Set of applications that access both TA and BA Q - { TQ BQ }

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VF Algorithm (Definitions)
CTQ = Total no. of accesses to attributes of only TA by applications CTQ =
qi BQ TQ

Refj(qi) accj(qi)

CBQ = Total no. of accesses to attributes of only BA by applications CBQ =


Refj(qi) accj(qi)

COQ = Total no. of accesses to attributes of both TA & BA by applications COQ =

qi OQ

Refj(qi) accj(qi) CTQ CBQ COQ2

Then find the point along the diagonal that maximizes

Dr. M. Alam Distributed Database Management Systems 70

VF Algorithm (Problems)

Cluster forming in the middle of the CA matrix

Shift a row up and a column left and apply the algorithm to find the best partitioning point Do this for all possible shifts Cost O(m2)


More than two clusters

m-way partitioning Try 1, 2, , m1 split points along diagonal and try to find the best point for each of these Cost O(2m) Alternative: Perform binary splitting iteratively till having m-partitions.

Dr. M. Alam

Distributed Database Management Systems


VF Example
Apply partition algorithm to the CA matrix obtained for relation PRJ.
A 1 A 3 A2 A4 A 1 45 A 3 45 A2 A4 0 0 45 53 0 5 0 3 75 78

5 80 3 75

Result: FPRJ = { PRJ1, PRJ2} PRJ1 = { A1, A3 } = {P-ID, Bud} PRJ2 = { A1, A2, A4 } = {P-ID, P-Name, LOC} **Each Ri contains key attribute(s) or system assigned tuple IDs (TIDs)
Dr. M. Alam Distributed Database Management Systems 72

VF Correctness
A relation R, defined over attribute set A and key K, generates the vertical partitioning FR = {R1, R2, , Rr}. Completeness
The following should be true for A: A = AR

Reconstruction can be achieved by R= Ri FR K Ri

TID's are not considered to be overlapping since these are maintained by the system totally invisible to the users. Duplicated keys are not considered to be overlapping
Dr. M. Alam Distributed Database Management Systems 73

Hybrid Fragmentation
Horizontal or vertical fragmentation is not sufficient to satisfy the requirements of user applications. Consists of a horizontal fragment that is vertically fragmented, or a vertical fragment that is horizontally fragmented. In horizontal fragmentation, minimum size of a fragment is one tuple, whereas in vertical fragmentation is one attribute per fragment. p(a1, ... ,an(R)) or a1, ... ,an(p(R))
R HF R1 VF R11
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VF R12

VF R21

VF R22

VF R23

Distributed Database Management Systems

Hybrid Fragmentation- Example

R VF R1 HF R11 HF R12 HF HF R13 R21 VF R2 HF R22 R1 VF VF VF VF R13 R21 HF

R HF R2 VF R22 HF R3

R11 R12

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Distributed Database Management Systems


Hybrid Fragmentation - Correctness

It is complete if intermediate & leaf fragments are complete.

If intermediate & leaf fragments are disjoint then hybrid fragmentation is also disjoint.

Start from leaves of partitioning tree & moves upward performing joins & unions. (See Figure)

Dr. M. Alam





Distributed Database Management Systems

Allocation Model

Dr. M. Alam

Distributed Database Management Systems


Fragment Allocation
Problem Statement
Given F = {F1, F2, , Fn} Fragments S ={S1, S2, , Sm} Network sites Q = {q1, q2,, qq} Applications Find the "optimal" distribution of F to S.

Minimal cost: (Usually in terms of time) Communication + storage + processing (querying & update) Performance: Response time and/or throughput Constraints: Per site constraints (storage & processing)

Dr. M. Alam

Distributed Database Management Systems


Information Requirements
Database information
selectivity of fragments size of a fragment

Application information
access types and numbers access localities

Communication network information

unit cost of storing data at a site unit cost of processing at a site

Computer system information

bandwidth latency communication overhead
Dr. M. Alam Distributed Database Management Systems 79

File Allocation (FAP) vs Database Allocation (DAP)
FAP model separates query processing cost into two parts: retrieval processing cost & update processing cost. In DAP model query processing cost is consist of processing cost (PC)& Transmission cost (TC).

Fragments are not individual files

Relationships have to be maintained

Access to databases is more complicated

Remote file access model is not applicable Relationship between allocation and query processing

Cost of integrity enforcement (IE) should be considered Cost of concurrency control (CC) should be considered
Dr. M. Alam Distributed Database Management Systems 80

Allocation Information Requirements

Database Information Application Information
seli(Fj): Selectivity of a fragment Fj w.r.t query qi. Size of a fragment: size(Fj) = card(Fj) * length(Fj) RRij: Number of read accesses of a query to a fragment URij: Number of update accesses of a query to a fragment UM{uij}: A matrix indicating which queries updates which fragments RM{rij}: A similar matrix for retrievals O {o(i)}: o(i) specifies originating site of query qi. USCk: Unit cost of storing data at a site Sk. LPCk: Unit cost of processing at a site Sk. gij: Communication cost/frame betweensites Si and Sj. Frame size in bytes. Complex networks (Channel capacity, distance between sites, protocol overhead and so on.)
Dr. M. Alam Distributed Database Management Systems 81

Site Information

Network Information

Allocation Model
Object: Minimize the total cost of processing & storage while meeting the certain constraints General Form min(Total Cost) subject to Response time constraint Storage constraint Processing constraint Decision Variable
xij =
Dr. M. Alam

1 0

if fragment Fi is stored at site Sj otherwise

Distributed Database Management Systems 82

Allocation Model Total Cost

Total Cost [TOC]

all queries Query processing cost (QPCi) + all sites all fragments Fragment storing cost at a site (STCjk)
Storage Cost (of fragment Fj at site Sk)
USCk * size( Fj) * xjk

[ STCjk ] [QPCi ]

Query Processing Cost (for one query)

Processing component (PCi)+ Transmission component (TCi)

Dr. M. Alam

Distributed Database Management Systems


Allocation Model
Query Processing Cost
Processing component
Access cost + Integrity enforcement cost + Concurrency control cost

Access cost

all sites all fragments(No. of update accesses+ No. of read accesses) *

xij * Local processing cost at a site

ACi= all sites all fragments (ujk * URij + rij * RRjk ) * xjk * LPCk Integrity enforcement and concurrency control costs can be similarly calculated. For this unit local processing cost will be different. (Discussed in Chapter 6 & 11 in detail)
Dr. M. Alam Distributed Database Management Systems 84

Allocation Model
Query Processing Cost
Transmission Component Cost of processing updates + Cost of processing retrievals Cost of Updates (Inform all replicas)

all sites all fragments Update message cost + all sites all fragments Acknowledgment cost
Cost of retrievals

all fragments min sites(Cost of retrieval command + all

Cost of sending back the result)
Dr. M. Alam Distributed Database Management Systems 85

Allocation Model - Constraints

Response Time
Execution time of qi Max. allowable response time for qi

Storage Constraint

all fragments Storage requirement of a fragment at site Sk

Storage capacity at that site Sk

Processing Constraint

all queries

Processing load of a qi at site Sk Processing capacity of site Sk

Dr. M. Alam

Distributed Database Management Systems


Allocation Model
Solution Methods
FAP is NP-complete DAP is also NP-complete

Heuristics based on
Single commodity warehouse location (for FAP) Knapsack problem Branch and bound techniques Network flow algorithm
Dr. M. Alam Distributed Database Management Systems 87



NP refers to "nondeterministic polynomial time." NP is the set of all decision problems for which the instances where the answer is "yes" have efficiently verifiable proofs of the fact that the answer is indeed "yes." More precisely, these proofs have to be verifiable in polynomial time by a deterministic Turing machine. OR NP is the set of decision problems where the "yes"-instances can be recognized in polynomial time by a non-deterministic Turing machine. The equivalence of the two definitions follows from the fact that an algorithm on such a non-deterministic machine consists of two phases, the first of which consists of a guess about the solution which is generated in a non-deterministic way, while the second consists of a deterministic algorithm which verifies or rejects the guess as a valid solution to the problem.
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Attempts to reduce the solution space

Assume all candidate partitionings are known; select the best partitioning & placement for each relation. Ignore replication at first, replication is handled at next step (Greedy Algorithm)

Dr. M. Alam

Distributed Database Management Systems


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