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1- Heavy Cream Easy-To-Use Facial Mask Ingredients :

Heavy Cream ( Milk Cream )...................... 1 Tablespoon Honey ....................................................... 1 Tablespoon Baking Soda ............................................. 1 gram Method : - Mix the baking soda with the cream until it acquires the consistency of men's shaving foam - Add honey and mix, smooth the skin of face and neck for 20 minutes This is the quickest mask to prepare it has also the quickest effect, since it c ontains medium chain fatty acids in the free form, sugars, vitamins (specially v itamin A), minerals and trace elements. It will leave your skin very smooth. Related Masks Wonderful Homemade Face Masks in Your 30s 2- Best Face Mask In Your 30s Ingredients : Fractionated Coconut Oil.. 2 Tablespoons Egg Yolk ............................. 1 Honey ................................. 1 Tablespoon Yogurt ................................ 1 Tablespoon Sugar.................................. 1 Teaspoon Method : - Mix all the ingredients and process them in a blender - smooth the skin and leave for 25 minutes - Wash using luke water and then splash with cold water At the age of 30 the skin starts to decline, and this mask thanks to its high co ntent of Medium Chain Triglycerides, Sugars, Lecithins, and Vitamins is the best for your skin at the beginning of the decline stage. You will be astonished wit h its effects when applying for the first time. Wonderful Homemade Facial Masks in Your 40's - Wrinke Masks 3- Best Face Mask In Your 40s Ingredients : Sweet Peas ........................ 2 Tablespoons Evening Primrose Oil ......... 1 Tablespoon

Yogurt ................................ 1 Tablespoon Grape Seed Extract ........... 1 Tablespoon Carrots Juice ..................... 1/2 Cup Method : - Mix all the ingredients in a blender - Smooth the skin and leave for 30 minutes - Wash your face using luke water and then splash it with cold water At the age of 40, the changes in your skin are going deeper to involve proteins like Collagen and Elastin. For example, collagen begins increased cross-linking inside the molecule, the thing that causes more tense less elastic collagen. Swe et Peas contain an enzyme inhibitor called 3-Amino-Propionitrile that inhibits t he enzyme Lysyl Oxidase responsible for cross linking of collagen. Grape seed ex tract helps build more collagen. True, you will be surprised when applying for the first time. Best Facial Mask In Your 50s Best Facial Mask In Your 50s This is the richest face mask with antioxidants for 50s and over. Related Masks Top Acne Face Masks at Home Acne face masks that can make wonders. 4- Best Facial Mask for the Younger Skin Ingredients : Brewer's Yeast .................................. 1 Tablespoon Yogurt .............................................. 1/2 Cup Honey ............................................. 1 Tablespoon Method : - Add the yeast to yogurt and stir well, then put in the refrigerator overnight - Add the honey and mix well - Apply the mask heavily and leave for 30 minutes - Rinse with luke water and then splash with cold water The young skin of the teens and 20s is very active and it needs vitamins the mos t, not to produce cumulative undesired products like found in acne. This mask co ntains all the vitamins needed specially vitamin B complex. Banana for Face means a Smooth Face Skin

5- Best Facial Mask to Smooth the skin Ingredients : Banana (ripe).................................. 1/2 Avocado (over-ripe)................................. 1/2 Cucumber (chopped) .............................. 1 Tablespoon Yogurt .................................................... 1 Tablespoon Olive Oil ................................................. 1 Tablespoon Method : - Mix all the ingredients and process them in a blender - Apply a thick layer and leave for 30 minutes - Wash with luke water then splash with cold water 6- Best Facial Mask for Sun Protection Ingredients : Sesame Oil ..................................... 2 Tablespoons Aloe Vera Gel ................................. 2 Tablespoons Wheat Germ Oil .............................. 1 Teaspoon Cinnamon Oil .................................. 12 drops Lavender Oil ................................... 12 drops Method : - Mix all the ingredients in a mixer - Apply the mask as long as you can and then wash it - Keep in mind that this is not a sun screen, it only offers you a partial prote ction from sun rays, wear your usual sun screen 7- Best Face Mask to Refresh the Skin Ingredients : Apple ........................................... 1/4 Peach .......................................... 1/2 Tomato ........................................ 1/2 Milk .............................................. 1/4 Cup Almond Oil ................................... 1 Tablespoon

Method : - Peel all the fruits and mash them - Add the milk and oil to the mashed fruits and use moderate heat with stirring, untill the mixture acquires the consistency of of a cream - Leave to cool - Apply a thick layer to the skin and leave for 30 minutes

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