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: Martiwi Diah Setiawati : 11 8710 602 3 : Prof.Masahiko Sekine

Small Pelagic Fish Overfishing In The Java Sea

Indonesia as an archipelago state has a big potential of fisheries resources with high biodiversity. One of fisheries resources is small pelagic fish like Decapterus spp, Stelopohorus spp, Sardinella sardinella, Sardinella longiceps, Rastrelliger spp, Cypsillurus spp, etc. Java Sea is known as crowded fishing operation in Indonesia. Mostly fisheries resources at Java sea is small pelagic fish. In the recent years, the development of fishing equipment both quantitatively and qualitatively may support big exploitation of small pelagic fish.

Figure 1.Java Sea The area of Java sea is about 400,000km2 with the small pelagic fish potential about 340000 ton/year but the small pelagic fish production is about 443000 ton/year. So the utilization level is about 130%, by this fact Java sea was shown as crowded fishing operation. (Fisheries Statistic in 1997). Fisheries resources as a renewable resources, but if the fishing activities are not supervised, it will cause overfishing which can affect fisheries productivity. The data below show the level of utilization based on the pelagic fish catches from 1990


140 level of utilization (%) 120 100 80 60 40 20 0


Figure 2. level of utilization based on the pelagic fish catches (Purnomo,2002 and Yusron,2005). Based on the graphic above the highest utilization was in 1998. Very high utilization level of pelagic fish catches occur in 1992 until 1999 which the average level around

90.57%. From 2000-2003 the level of utilization of fish catches decrease year by year. Low utilization level of fish catches in 1990 and 1991 was caused by the technology of fish catching was so simple, only used rumpon (traditional tool to catch the fish) and petromax light. After it, the technology to catch the fish developed. The fisherman mostly used mini purseine and payang gear to catch small pelagic fish which mesh size around 0.5 inchi until 0.75 inchi. By using this technology, the fisherman can catch much more fishes than before. But after in 2000 level of fishing decrease year by year. It because increasing the frequency of ship trip to java sea which can cause overfishing.

Figure 3. A. Purseine B. Payang C. Traditional rumpon Based on Indonesia Ministerial Decree Of Agriculture No.123/KPTs/UM/1975 about provisions of wide meshes purse seine to catch small pelagic fish was about 2.0 inches. But the increasing intensive fishing activity with purseine cause the mesh size was created smaller than the role. It impacts to the young small pelagic fish can be captured by the fisherman. For that reason, the fish catch decrease year by year. To maintain the sustainability of small pelagic fish, responsible fisheries principle should be developed. Based on the Republic of Indonesia law No. 8 year 1985 there are several thing should be done; 1. Regulate the fishing gear 2. Set of technical requirements fishery carried on board 3. Regulate the amount of fish, fish species and sizes of fish that may be captured. 4. Set the path area and the season of fishing 5. Prevent pollution and destruction the marine environment The basic problem related to management fisheries resources which is weak supervision and law enforcement. The other one that there is an assumption for fisherman that ocean is

common property and open access area which can be exploited with no limitation. Indonesia government used Community based management for sustainability fish resources. It means that management which leads to how fish resources currently available for current needs and for future generations, which should meet the sustainable aspects of ecology, socio-economics, the community and institutions. User, potential user, and influenced institution should be involved based on stakeholder involvement to make some decision like setting of goals, surveying resources, assessing resources use, reviewing pre-plan alternative, reviewing of the draft plan, plan implementation, revision of an enacted plan. Stakeholder involvement can be reached through participatory research approach. The activity cover public consultation meeting, focus group discussion, arrangement interviewing survey. Table 1. Participatory approach activity to manage fisheries resources. (Malawa,2006) No 1 Type Public consultation meeting Methode/participant 1. government and non government 2. Workshop meeting to discuss and capture

information and ideas time during the study 2 focus group discussion (FGD) 1. FGD The participant is vary, most of them is non and arrangement interviewing governmental.AIS the participant is vary both from survey. (AIS) government and non government 2.FGD is an unofficial discussion group, AIS semi-structured interview which is closely related to specific topics 3. FGD will be adapted based on the number of district.

The system was made as a proposal. I think the system is adaptive and involve the public society, but practically the system unsustainable and stop in the middle of program.

Reference Mallawa, Achmar. 2006. Sustainable Management Of Fish Resources and Society Based. Research Program Workshop of COREMAP II, Selayar District, Indonesia. 9-10 September 2006. Purnomo, Hari. 2002. Analysis of Potency and Small Pelagic Fish Resources Problems at North Sea of Central Java. Master student thesis of Diponegoro university. Semarang Yusron, Muhammad. 2005. Analysis of Potency and Small Pelagic Fish Resources Utilization at Samantaha island North Sea of Central Java. Master student thesis of Diponegoro university. Semarang

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