Do Convite, Dialogue of Jesus and Nicodemus

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SOURCE: Systematized Study of the Spiritist Doctrine.

A study of high substance up to the student capacity. Firstly we will know that Nicodemus was a Doctor of the Moses Law and he was a member of the advice council called "Sanhedrin" in Hebrew, an institution composed by 71 members, presided by the high priest, and that needs 2/3 of votes for judgments. Jesus was judged by them, but Nicodemos was one of those who voted against the condemnation of Jesus, the Sanhedrin was composed by Sadducees incidentally in the judgment, the accusation against Jesus, was of" blasphemy" (St. John 19:7). Nicodemus condemned the Sanhedrin, for not having heard Jesus, in other words, what Jesus would have to say (St. John, 7:50,52). Nicodemus helped in the preparation of Jesus' body for the grave (St. John, 19:39), Nicodemus was a good man and moralized with a great knowledge of the Mosaic laws and devotion for the things of God; especially because Sadducees didn't accept the immortality of the soul, but it rouse up in him that knowledge brought by Jesus. And, Nicodemus followed Jesus' steps with the most curiosity and interest, until he came to Jesus by night for an interview, which was of most theme and strictly of a serious study, he came to Jesus telling him that he trusted him: Rabbi (that means Master), we know that thou art a teacher come from God: for no man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with him." (John, III: 2) Jesus, knowing that the Sadducees did not believe in the resurrection, in other words, in the reincarnation, Jesus dealt soon with the important theme; explaining to him that: Except a man be born of water and of Spirit, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God. (John, III: 5) Being born of the water was known on that time, how to be born in the body, because the water was a symbol of the matter. Well then, Jesus also explained: That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit. (John, III: 6) hence, giving us to know, that he who gives the body are the parents and the Spirit he who gives is God. Now, when Jesus explains that the wind bloweth where it listeth and that we don't know from whence it cometh, he wants with that to explain that the parents' affinities can attract similar spirits in the reincarnation laws, justice of God and Law of causes and effects, that regulates the going and the coming in the evolution and progress need, so that one does not know from where he comes, nor where he goes, which means spiritual graduation and worthy of the several mansions of the Father's house. But, that through law of attraction one comes to the world for obvious reasons of the justice of God. Nicodemus as master of Israel, certainly he didn't ignore the Cabala which taught reincarnation laws among other mysteries. One would see that in the spiritual interpretations of "Genesis" of Moses one would think that Adam and Eve, our ancestors sinned and it was interpreted that from then wards we would have inherited the sin which we call original sin, Nicodemus as a doctor of the Moses law certainly he was curious and wanting to know the knowledge of Good News which Jesus was bearer and as Jesus when teaching that flesh is flesh, strictly gave to Nicodemus, concepts opposed to those he knew until then, thence he knew that we didn't inherit the sins of our carnal parents, because the flesh and the spirit are two things completely different and separated. And, so that the spirits may progress they have to be reincarnated, as many times as necessary, because as long as they are attracted to fleshly bodies it is because they still didn't leave the litany of that need, thence the not knowing where one comes from, and as the law is according to their works or the degree reached one does not know where one is going, because while it is not paid the uttermost farthing of the prison world where one may be, they won't leave that process for ascension to better worlds. Many interpret being born again as regeneration, but if it was so, Jesus would not say: "of the water and of the Spirit" (John, III: 5) but he would say: man has to change his attitude he has to regenerate! Does not one think it ought to be so? Also because, if the study that Jesus presented was about regeneration, Jesus would not say: Art thou a master of Israel, and knowest not these things? (John, III: 10), because that, the regeneration was known, it was certainly on the study of the profoundest laws of reincarnation, reasons of being and consequences of the

Studied at the center, Luz e Verdade, on 01/ 07 /1998.

spirit not knowing from where he comes nor where he goes; laws that obey the laws of God of causes and effects, affinities and syntonies. They were teachings completely new brought by Jesus and that fits well in his complementary teachings of eternal life and multiplicity of worlds and justice of God. And, also of free will, in which He complements in a father's parable that had two children, Parable of the prodigal son, (Luke, XV: 11-32) teachings those which with the complement of reincarnation fits in completely in the testimony that the spirits brought us, and Kardec codified, and with the most dedication he presented to us, in a way didactic, illustrative and elucidating granting us the guidelines of our conduct to the spiritual and eternal happiness, which were the objective of all the teachings that Jesus brought. There are those who interpret" to Be born of the Spirit" as the entrance of Gods Spirit, in the heart, to whom they call Holy Spirit" commonly, or allowing Jesus to enter in the heart, understandingly, the idea of God in three persons only came later, in other words, much after Jesus, then "being born again of the Spirit", in the idea that Jesus brought us, should not be the same as the interpretation of the modern theology, that grew, after St. Paul and the first Christians were in the world; we evaluate that it could not be from Jesus' thought if being considered, because, the idea of Gods Trinity only came much later. Then we agree that, actually, Jesus, talked to Nicodemus about reincarnation and its necessity, for a total explanation of the laws of God and His justice and the reasons of death and rebirths, whose laws this world contains. When St. Paul says: "I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me, (Galatians, II: 20) certain that St. Paul doesn't mean to say that he was possessed by Christ's spirit; but yes that Jesus' teachings were assimilated and the fruits are as if they were as from Jesus, and accompanied by the Lord. It is good to remind that the doctrine of the spirits which is the one of Jesus, inspiringly says: "love yourselves and instruct yourselves" (The Gospel according to Spiritism, VI: 5) these teachings are, therefore, so that we may not be ignorant, but experts of our past and of our future and reasons of the things and why we are in this world and not in other, being especially because we are still in the degree of proofs and atonements waking up for the light. Like St. John said: "We forbad him, because he followeth us not." (Mark, IX: 38). and like Jesus said to Peter: "What is that to thee? Follow thou me ." (John, XXI: 22) certain that Nicodemus left his companions and came alone to meet with Jesus by night, for this reason it showed obviously to be following Jesus. Who knows it might not be in his mind Jesus' words that he said: "Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me." (Mark, 8: 34). Nicodemos was a secret disciple of the Master. God, be with us as formerly, today and always.

Extract of the book Convite ao Espiritismo (Invitation to the spiritism Doctrine) by Antnio Martinho Fernandes.

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