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Brazil has overtaken the UKs GDP

New world economic league table shows Brazil overtaking UK in 2011; Russia to reach No 4 by 2020, India to be No 5 by 2020. European countries including the UK drop back but UK overtakes France in 2016
ThelatesteditionofCebrsWorldEconomicLeagueTable(WELT)showssomeinterestingmoves. The Brazilian economy has overtaken the UK economy in 2011 to become the worlds 6th largest economy. Russiaclimbstheleaguetabletomovefrombeingthe11thlargesteconomyin2010tobecomethe worlds No 4 economy by 2020. India moves up from being the 9th largest economy in 2010 to becomethe5thlargestby2020. OtherAsianeconomiesalsomoveuptheranking.Thailandmovesup7placesfromNo32toNo 25;Taiwanfrom24thto18thandKoreafrom15thto12th. Europeancountriesfallback.GermanyfallsfromNo4in2010toNo7in2020;theUKfrom6thto 8thandFrancefrom5thto9th. CommentsCebrChiefExecutiveDouglasMcWilliams:BrazilhasbeatentheEuropeancountries atsoccerforaverylongtime.Butbeatingthemateconomicsisanewphenomenon. Our World Economic League Table (WELT) shows how the worlds economic map is changing, with Asian countries and commodity producing economies climbing up the league while we in Europefallback.
Centre for Economics and Business Research ltd Unit 1, 4 Bath Street, London EC1V 9DX Telephone 020 7324 2850 Fax 020 7324 2855

Table 1 Cebr World Economic League Table 2010 (see notes to editors)
Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Country United States China Japan Germany France United Kingdom Brazil Italy India Russia Canada Spain Australia Mexico Korea $ GDP (billions) 14,527 5,878 5,459 3,286 2,563 2,250 2,090 2,055 1,632 1,480 1,577 1,410 1,237 1,034 1,014 Rank 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Country Netherlands Turkey Indonesia Switzerland Poland Belgium Sweden Saudi Arabia Taiwan Norway Islamic Republic of Iran Austria Argentina South Africa United Arab Emirates $ GDP (billions) 781 735 707 528 469 468 459 448 430 413 407 377 370 364 302

Table 2 Cebr World Economic League Table 2011 (see notes to editors)
Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Country United States China Japan Germany France Brazil United Kingdom Italy Russia India Canada Spain Australia Mexico Korea $ GDP (billions) 15,065 6,988 5,855 3,629 2,808 2,518 2,481 2,246 1,885 1,843 1,759 1,536 1,507 1,185 1,164 Rank 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Country Netherlands Indonesia Turkey Switzerland Sweden Saudi Arabia Poland Belgium Taiwan Norway Islamic Republic of Iran Argentina Austria South Africa United Arab Emirates $ GDP (billions) 858 834 763 666 572 560 532 529 505 479 475 435 425 422 358

Table 3 Cebr World Economic League Table 2020 (see notes to editors)
Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Country United States China Japan Russia India Brazil Germany United Kingdom France Italy Canada Korea Australia Indonesia Spain $ GDP (billions) Change from 2010 21,278 17,888 7,630 4,584 7 4,501 4 4,262 1 4,187 -3 3,975 -4 3,689 -2 2,678 -2 2,432 -1 2,268 3 2,092 2,068 4 1,969 -3 Rank 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Country $ GDP (billions) Change from 2010 Mexico 1,822 2 Turkey 1,555 Taiwan 1,072 6 Netherlands 1,065 -3 Sweden 1,010 2 Saudi Arabia 917 2 Poland 858 -2 Switzerland 855 -4 Islamic Republic of Iran 789 2 Thailand 778 7 Belgium 708 -5 Argentina 663 1 South Africa 648 1 Norway 605 -4 United Arab Emirates 572 -



The Cebr World Economic League Table (WELT) is an annual calculation by Cebr which is produced as part of the The Global Prospects Report. The base data for 2010 is taken from the IMF and GDP is forecast for the future years using Cebrs global prospects model to forecast growth, inflation and exchange rates.

Please refer to this in copy when quoting as The Cebr World Economic League Table or Cebrs WELT.
The Global Prospects Report is a quarterly report every three months. The report is part of the prospects service Cebrs macroeconomic advisory package for business. Cebr is a leading independent commercial economics consultancy with particular strengths in macroeconomic and market forecasting. The report has been co-authored by Cebr staff (for details see below). For more information, please contact: Douglas McWilliams Tim Ohlenburg Charles Davis 07525 287112 (over the Christmas period please phone 01368850619) 020 73242871 020 7324 2863

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