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Mathematics Workbook
Sample Assessment Material
Learner name Learner signature and date Functional Skills Qualification in Mathematics at Entry 1

Work through the whole book. Answer every question. You can write or draw to show your answers in the workbook. You can use a calculator. Your tutor may read the questions to you. Ask your tutor if you do not understand any words. You have up to 1 hour to complete the workbook. Your tutor may give you objects to help you with the questions. You will need: Pencil Ruler Rubber

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2011 Edexcel Limited.


1 Planting seeds Ria works at the garden centre. She wants to plant some seeds.



Sow in May Carrot

Sow in March Pea

Sow in April

Sow in April

The seeds must be planted in date order. Write the packets in date order on the calendar. March April May June (1)

FC026744 - Edexcel Functional Skills Qualification in Mathematics at Entry 1: Sample assessment workbook - May 2011

Ria has these pots.

She has 10 seeds to use. She can plant 1 seed in each pot. How many more pots does she need? Show your working in the box below.

FC026744 - Edexcel Functional Skills Qualification in Mathematics at Entry 1: Sample assessment workbook - May 2011

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Another seed needs a large pot.

Choose the largest pot. (1)

FC026744 - Edexcel Functional Skills Qualification in Mathematics at Entry 1: Sample assessment workbook - May 2011

Ria wants to grow seeds in some square pots. She needs 6 square pots.

Are there enough square pots? Explain your answer in the box below.

FC026744 - Edexcel Functional Skills Qualification in Mathematics at Entry 1: Sample assessment workbook - May 2011

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2 Moving plants You have some tall plants and some short plants. Small plants go in the greenhouse. Tall plants go outside. Show which plants go in the greenhouse and which plants go outside.



(1) How many plants go outside? Write your answer in the box below.

FC026744 - Edexcel Functional Skills Qualification in Mathematics at Entry 1: Sample assessment workbook - May 2011

3 Selling plants Pete wants 2 corn plants and 5 bean plants. Choose the plants for Pete. Corn plants

Bean Plants

(1) Jez buys 4 corn plants and 4 bean plants. Who buys the most plants altogether, Pete or Jez? Explain your answer in the box below.


FC026744 - Edexcel Functional Skills Qualification in Mathematics at Entry 1: Sample assessment workbook - May 2011

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Laura wants 2 corn plants and 3 bean plants Here are three trays of plants.

Check the number of plants on the trays. Which tray is for Laura? Mark the tray. Explain your answer in the box below.


FC026744 - Edexcel Functional Skills Qualification in Mathematics at Entry 1: Sample assessment workbook - May 2011

Sue wants to buy a plant. A plant costs 10 pence. Sue has this money.

How much money is there? Is this enough to buy a plant? Show your working in the box below.

FC026744 - Edexcel Functional Skills Qualification in Mathematics at Entry 1: Sample assessment workbook - May 2011

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