People of Hope - A Branch of The SOS - and It's Troubles

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The People of Hope

A Branch of the Sword of the Spirit

And Its Troubles 1985 -1992

A Collection of 15 documents reguarding the conflict between the People of Hope and the Catholic Church. Many thanks to the multiple donors who contributed to this collection.

31 Livingston Avenue Warren, New Jersey 07059

December 8, 1992

To Our Dear Brothers and Sisters in the People of Hope,

After 14 years of serving as a Coordinator in the People of Hope, I find myself in serious disagreement with the present positions of the leadership with regards to the following: 1. As to the depth and extent of the negative psychological, emotional and spiritual impact the community has had on many individuals over the years. The leadership position regarding the relationship with Arch Bishop McCarrick, specifically, the refusal to change a system that exhibits too much control over individuals lives and whose leadership has no accountability outside of itself. A number of sources has confirmed that Bishop Cordez believes Arch Bishop McCarrick's requests are reasonable and well within his jurisdiction.


These disagreements in no way detract from the wonderful blessings the People of Hope bas been
to us and to hundreds of others over the years. They are however, serious enough for us to take a 6 month leave of absence from involvement in the Community. Weare making this decision because we are "for" the community not against it, and believe that radical reform is necessary in the best interest of, and possibly for the survival of the People of Hope. Freda and I apologize for any hurt that this decision may cause in any of you. Be assured of our continued love and affection for all of you. We would be happy to talk privately to any individual or couple about our views. Advent is a season of hope. Let us hope together that any disagreements we have can either be resolved or Jived with in a spirit of peace, love and joy as is befitting all good Christians.

We remain your friends in Christ,

Lew and Freda Ferris

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