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Mit)i Cot)dos MediufT) Cot)dos Outside 10>(IOs rut) 13.95 t)i9ht 16.95 t)i9ht 17.95 t)i9ht IB.95 t)i9ht 20.95 t)i9ht 23.95 t)i9ht suite 26.95 t)i9ht 3b.95 t)i9ht 41.95 t)i9ht 5.00 fT)0t)[(

W~at to k!)Owbefore ~ou board ~our pet!

All vaccit)atiot)s 6fT)Os. Please lifT)itpersonal We do t)ot 9uarat)tee leashes etc. itefT)Sto 2-3 pieces at)d label thefT) all cleariJ. the return

IT)ust be curret)t

it)ciudit)9 bordetella

withit) the last

4>(4 in/out

4>(6 in/out rut) 5>(6 in/out rut) 4>(6 Executive 6>(BVIP suite B>(BGrat)d Ma&'!r Wellt)ess Fee

of to~s. beddit)9. collars,

All rOOIT)S are cleaned dis9arded

and sat)iti1.ed daiiJ. a~


food will be

and replet)ished.

(Unless ot~erwise re~uested) food as it is best t)ot to switch their will be a fee of $1 for

Please brit)9 ~our pets preferred

(t~is is a ,,>andatoryinsurance, see boardin.9contract for mere info.)

diet. If ~ou choose to use house food there sfT)all d09s t)' $2 for large d09s per da~.

Da~care Mot)-Fri Ba-6p 16.95 d~ (t~is is w~en:Jourpet skares a roo,,>and pla:Jswit~ ot~er d0.9s) Da.':lboardit)9 MOt)-Sat Ba-6p ..Sut) 1-50<ate of selected AII9rouP pla~ t) da~care before placed it) a d~care

Medicatiot) cat) be adfT)it)istered at t)o additional

fee however.

We're Not Just Pets...We're


vitafT)it)s. supplifT)et)ts. heartworfT) etc are subject to a $2


Hours of Operatiol)
MOt)-Sat Ba-6p .... Sut) 1-5 GroofT)it)9 MOt)-Sat Ba-6p Sut) 1-5 b~ appt *(Before n' after ~our drop off or pickup can be arran.9e.d an additionalfee wit~ for advance notice)

d09S fT)ust be tefT)perfT)et)t tested et)virot)fT)et)t

Please also cOt)sider .':lour d09s tefT)perfT)et)t whet) the et)closure ~our pet will sta~ it). If ~ou have a




pet it would be a health.') choice for ~ou to provide additional

thefT) with

C~eck-il) I)' Out

Check-it) daiiJ after 12p MOt)-Sat Check-it) 1-5 Sut) Please allow at least one, hour before closit)9 whet) droppit)9 off to

pla~tifT)e services to ensure the~ sta~ active. You

kt)ow ~our pet best!

Extra PalT)peril).9I)' E.xcercise

*Additional Pla~tifT)e (IOfT)it)) $6.00 *5all or Frisbee Toss (10 fT)it))$6.00

et)Sure a sfT)ooth cOfT)fortable check-it) process Check-out is b~ t)oot) ut)less ~our pet is beit)9 9roofT)ed or bathed. tifT)e is extet)ded to 3p t)i9hts charge.

thet) check-out late check-out

UfT)fT).':I (10 fT)it))$6.00 Rub Hike (15 fT)it).) $B50

will result it) at) additional


*StorytifT)e (30 fT)it).)$11.00 *Movie and Popcort) (I hr) $20.00 *Off leash d09 park (I hr) $25.00 (it)'l.uire for details)

Holida~ Cal)cellatiol) Polic~

A credit card is re'l.uired to hold all holida~ reservetions. t)otice is re'l.uired to cancel a~ holida.':l reservatio. A five da.':l of Cat)cellatiot)s

less that) five da.':ls will be subject to a fT)it)ifT)ufT) of orve t)i9hts sta.':l. If a holida.':l reservatior, is made and the pet is a no show. there


LU)(uy!:) boclYcI~vcg gyoolM.~vcgspecLClLtt:l 5VWp

Cat Boardil).9
Separate peaceful Curret)t 'l.uarters for our Felit)e friet)ds are private and with a nature Vaccit)atiot)s view at REQUIRED. $13.95 t)i9ht

will be a three

t)i9ht fT)it)ifT)UfT) charge. 20110 Hw~ 69S T~ler. 1)( 75703 903-B94-9333 903-B94-9305 Phone


very Ul)i'tue facilitJ for t~is area ...

ClilT)ate corvtrolled Il)door outdoor rUI)S Furl)is~ed suites wit~ 1V & Beds

All t~e cOlT)fortsof ~olT)efor ~our

palT)pered pet!

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