Red 20-1

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We believe lin education for real life
Beyond students can choose
from, a r ide variety of creative{and "
coreer"Oosed classes like ceramics, and
culinary arts, Here students are"encouraged to
hi1ls.. ways they befQre,.a_skJ ll
can be helpful later in life. "Ar\
problems w ith no definable answer," said
Mr.s. l0arissa Trefethen "Employer today
especially looking for people with an
aHs-bosed education because they're trained
to thinKi'ilore broody" These classes are not
only meant to instruct, but to engage; students
can learn and have fun ct the time
Ms' Cbiazor Nwabude's ...oovanced dancers
worm up ....for class. "We put a let
effort practice so can give a gex:,c!
Anthony Dunning n11 dices up some pQrsley for his
sauce in Culinory Arts. "My favorite part of
class is eating the food we make," said Anthony
Culinary students prepare cuisine from all over the
dry AtkinsOn tl11 begins sketching for her surrealism
Corvin Hardy n11 peers into the come
lens while filming in his lDlue Devil Ne\
class. journalism is the best." sc
Corvin. can. actually be out in
show," said lily Negasl1 n:2l. Two donee
proiect "I really IikeJ o see wnat I can do w ith a blank
ieJd reporting on V:hat's going on" B
concerts ore helJ every year in the Blackbox . -
Devil News is iust one of the many v
page," said Katy. Oroyving I students are, exposed to
Theatre feoturinOdancers of all different levelS.
several art rn,-,\/orncnV<
classes a student con take.
Lt Col James
David Dover David Dubose Deborah Matthews Shelly McC=k Jerid MorisC;o Chiozor Nwabude Brad Windsor
Ms Janet Vansant demonstrates the proper way to transfer a patient from
strercher to hospital bed in her Therapeutic Services cl oss. "Ms. Vansant
teaches us a lot of useful stuff, like how to toke blood pressure or measure a
pilot; I spent a lot of
traveling when I was
_ftJer and I always thot..ght it
be a cool job.'
- Mr. Tommy Corthers
heart said C;oIeb (1])
A firefighter; I liked the ideo of
saving people's lives. I also thought
the red truck was pretty cool:
- Mr. Brandon Andrews
An artist: my mother was a huge
influence on me, and I entered a
lot of art competitions when I was
- Mrs. Deborah Matthews
Al exander Goolsby (91 carefully
molds a cerami c mug in Introducti on
to Arts. "We use a lot of different
materi als, and cloy is iust one of
them," said Alexander. Students
wonting to toke more advanced ar
classes fi rst have to enrol l in
Introduction to Arts.
Vidor Ri vera (10 edi ts on image
using Adobe Il lustrator "I really like
my graphics closs because we mak
vector images, and that sounds
real ly cl ose to my nome," said Victe
Juan Orell ana (12) smoothes oul thE
edge of is cl oy bowl in Ceramics.
"Pointing the finished scul pture is m'
favorite port of the cl oss: said
Juan. Ceramics students leorn a
wide vor iety of techniques
A professional football player: I
krew there were no girls in tre
game and I wonted to be the
first one:
- Ms. Ginger Pratt

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