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Retail Project

Buying Process at Unorganised Retail Stores

Submitted to Sandhya Maam J

Submitted By Nitin Shukla(RM-27) Jitendra Yadav(RM-28) Abhishek Rawat(RM-29) Rahul Dwivedi(RM-23)

We are grateful to our lecturer Sandhya Maam for giving us an opportunity to understand the buying process of unorganized retail .We took this opportunity and interacted with the owners of several stand alone stores. We are thankful to all the four retailers who helped us with this valuable information. Last but not the least, this project would not have been possible without the coordination of all the group members.

The Buying Process in an Unorganized Retail Stores

For the successful completion of the project and a better understanding of the buying process of an unorganized retail we interviewed four people. So that we get a better understanding of not only the buying process but also that how these stand alone stores or the conventional stores are sustaining. The people whom we interviewed were the owners of stationary shop, medical store and restaurant.

Stationary Shop
We interviewed two people who are the owners of stationar shops. Both of them have a family run business. We interviewed two stationary shop owners since we wanted to know that what role location plays in the buying process. 1) Mr.Prithavi Nath Shukla- He owns a shop at Chinhat near BBD college called Student Stationers . He has a shop there from the last ten years. He manages the shop with the help of one servant. We asked him questions regarding his buying process and his sales. He didnt tell us that how much he earns from it but he made us understand his buying process. He told us that he makes buying according to The current demand and he mainly focuses on the needs of the students of the engineering college. He keeps into knowledge that from when is the new session starting and from when are the exams of the BBD college. He told that he does not has a fixed period in which he goes to make the buying since he said it depends on the sales and the present demand. He told that he makes all his buying from Aminabad , Lucknow.

2) Mr. Ajay Shukla- He has two shops in Gomtinagar both of stationary in the name Shukla Stationers. He had totally different answers to the same questions that I had asked Mr. Prithavi Nath Shukla. In all he had totally different buying process though the buying place is the same. His buying process depends on He said that buying planning is done by big shopkeepers and retailers not by small vendors like him.

The current demands of the customer. He gave a very interesting answer to my posed question. That is , he gets to know that what he has to buy the same way as an Indian women gets to know that what spices are there in stock and what she needs to buy. That is all they could add to our project.

Medical Store
To know the difference between the buying process of a stationer and a medical store we interviewed the owner of a medicals store. He has a medical store at Husadiya known as Pavitra Medicals. It is owned and managed by Mr. Yash Pal Singh. He gave us the following details about his buying process He said that as he sells a particular medicine he notes it down that how much stock he is left with. On the basis of those notes of the remaining stock he makes his purchases He too didnt had a fixed period for going to the market for making the buying.

We interviewed Mr. Deepak Raval the owner of Vindeez Restaurant,Gomtinagar. From him we got to know that how he makes his buying for his restaurant. He always keeps a limited reserve stock for the major food items that are demanded by customers. He makes purchases of vegetables or the perishable items on the number of customers visiting .He believes in just in time strategy. For New Year and Christmas eves he maintains more stock than what he keeps normally.

Thus after interviewing these four unorganized retailers we understood that though they dont plan it like big players but they know their business very well. They understand each nerve of it. Thus they are still not only surviving but making profits too.

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