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2008 AB Steelers Offense Playbook

Name: ZR Wide 32 Dive

Play Description: QB hands ball to FB who runs behing RG. Center blocks to playside and double DT if needed or ideally chips DT and blocks ILB. Line block progression: inside gap; head up; outside gap. HB & QB carry out great fakes trying to get tackled.

Extended Play Description:

Scouting Notes:

Name: ZR Wide 28 Sweep

Play Description: QB fakes 32 dive to FB. FB runs a great fake and trys to get tackled then blocks DT over RG. Line blocking inside gap, head up the outside gap. WB blocks DE to inside if possible. RG guard pulls right and leads play around the right and blocks first outside defender usually the OLB.

Extended Play Description: HB must run hard to corner and cut up field. QB must carry out great fake boot to left trying to get tackled.

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Name: ZR Wide 17 Boot

Play Description: QB fakes 32 Dive and 28 Sweep. FB & HB must carry out great fakes trying to get tackled. Blocking same as 28 Sweep except RG pulls to left blocking first defender on the corner usually the DE or OLB.

Extended Play Description:

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Name: ZR Wide Fake 17 Boot Slant Pass

Play Description: Fake 32 Dive & 28 Sweep; Blocking same as 17 Boot including RG pulls left. QB boots left. SE blocks down the same as 17 Boot and the release at a 45 degree angle to about 10 yds downfield, stops and faces QB. QB gathers and sets then throws pas to SE.

Extended Play Description:

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Name: ZR Wide 47 Reverse

Play Description: Fake 32 dive and 28 sweep. Wing Back hesitates 1 second then sprints parallel to LOS cutting up field in 5 hole if open, if not getting to corner then heading up field.

Extended Play Description: Blocking same as 28 sweep except RG pulls to left. HB blocks to offside to cut off backside pursuit. Wing Back checks 5 hole first then bounces outside.

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Name: ZR Shift Motion 18 Sweep

Play Description: QB approaches line and yells "Shift". SE moves to left Wing Back position and Wing Back moves to SE on right side (on the line). On "Set" Wing Back goes in motion to right and taps QB as he passes. QB calls "GO" 1 second later.

Extended Play Description: QB fakes hand off to FB. FB carries out 32 Dive fake trying to get tackled and blocks play side DT. SE blocks down on DE. WB turns corner and blocks 1st defender on outside, usually OLB or CB. Right OG pulls and heads around corner and blocks 1st defender or seals pursuit from inside. HB leads QB to 8 hole blocking 1st defender downfield, hopefully the FS. Line blocks based on IHO rules - Inside Gap; Head-up; Outside Gap. Center doubles with RG on play side DT. QB sprints to outside to get the corner following HB down field.

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Name: ZR Shift Motion 32 DIve

Play Description: QB approaches line and yells "Shift". SE moves to left Wing Back position and Wing Back moves to SE on right side (on the line). On "Set" Wing Back goes in motion to right and taps QB as he passes. QB calls "GO" 1 second later.

Extended Play Description: QB hands ball to FB then fakes handoff to HB. QB carries out 18 Boot fake trying to get tackled. HB carries out 18 Sweep fake lead blocking down field. SE blocks down on DE. WB turns corner and blocks 1st player on outside, usually OLB or CB. Line blocks based on IHO rules Inside Gap; Head-up; Outside Gap. Center doubles with RG on play side DT.

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Name: ZR Shift Motion 25 Counter

Play Description: QB approaches line and yells "Shift". SE moves to left Wing Back position and Wing Back moves to SE on right side (on the line). On "Set" Wing Back goes in motion to right and taps QB as he passes. QB calls "GO" 1 second later.

Extended Play Description: QB fakes hand off to FB. FB carries out 32 Dive fake trying to get tackled and blocks play side DT. SE blocks down on DE. WB turns corner and blocks 1st defender on outside, usually OLB or CB. Right OG pulls LEFT and heads to left side and blocks 1st defender, probalbly the DE. HB fakes lead blocking for 18 sweep and counters at point in line with RG. Line blocks based on IHO rules - Inside Gap; Head-up; Outside Gap. Center doubles with RG on play side DT. QB fakes 18 sweep carrying out fake trying to get tackled. QB hands ball off to the HB as he counters back. HB reads RG heading to 5 hole or bounces outside if the hole is filled.

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Name: ZR Shift Motion Fake 18 Slant Pass

Play Description: QB approaches line and yells "Shift". SE moves to left Wing Back position and Wing Back moves to SE on right side (on the line). On "Set" Wing Back goes in motion to right and taps QB as he passes. QB calls "GO" 1 second later.

Extended Play Description: QB fakes hand off to FB. FB carries out 32 Dive fake trying to get tackled and blocks play side DT. WB turns corner and stops at LOS blocking 1st defender on outside, usually OLB or CB. Right OG pulls and heads to corner stopping at LOS and blocks 1st defender. HB leads QB to 8 hole stopping at LOS blocking 1st defender. Line blocks based on IHO rules - Inside Gap; Head-up; Outside Gap. Center doubles with RG on play side DT. SE blocks down on DE then release at ~60 degree angle towards right sideline stopping at 10 yards to face QB. QB fakes 18 sweep, pulls up to set and throws to SE. Everyone releases and blocks down field.

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