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Short Circuit Calculation

Sector Energy D SE PTI NC Steffen Schmidt

Copyright Siemens AG 2008. All rights reserved.

Standards and Terms

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Steffen Schmidt

Copyright Siemens AG 2008. All rights reserved. E D SE PTI NC

Purpose of Short-Circuit Calculations Dimensioning of switching devices Dynamic dimensioning of switchgear Thermal rating of electrical devices (e.g. cables) Protection coordination Fault diagnostic Input data for Earthing studies Interference calculations EMC planning ..
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Steffen Schmidt

Short-Circuit Calculation Standards IEC 60909: Short-Circuit Current Calculation in Three-Phase A.C. Systems European Standard EN 60909 German National Standard DIN VDE 0102 further National Standards Engineering Recommendation G74 (UK) Procedure to Meet the Requirements of IEC 60909 for the Calculation of Short-Circuit Currents in Three-Phase AC Power Systems ANSI IIEEE Std. C37.5 (US) IEEE Guide for Calculation of Fault Currents for Application of a.c. High Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a Total Current Basis.
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Short-Circuit Calculations Standard IEC 60909 IEC 60909 : Short-circuit currents in threephase a.c. systems Part 0: Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: Calculation of currents Factors for the calculation of short-circuit currents Electrical equipment; data for short-circuit current calculations Currents during two separate simultaneous line-to-earth short circuits and partial short-circuit currents flowing through earth Examples for the calculation of short-circuit currents
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Part 4:

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Short-Circuit Calculations Scope of IEC 60909 three-phase a.c. systems low voltage and high voltage systems up to 500 kV nominal frequency of 50 Hz and 60 Hz balanced and unbalanced short circuits three phase short circuits two phase short circuits (with and without earth connection) single phase line-to-earth short circuits in systems with solidly earthed or impedance earthed neutral two separate simultaneous single-phase line-to-earth short circuits in a systems with isolated neutral or a resonance earthed neutral (IEC 60909-3) maximum short circuit currents minimum short circuit currents
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Short-Circuit Calculations Types of Short Circuits




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Variation of short circuit current shapes

fault at voltage peak fault located in the network

fault at voltage zero crossing

fault located near generator

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Short-Circuit Calculations Far-from-generator short circuit

Ik Initial symmetrical short-circuit current ip Peak short-circuit current Ik Steady-state short-circuit current A Initial value of the d.c component

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Short-Circuit Calculations Definitions according IEC 60909 (I) initial symmetrical short-circuit current Ik r.m.s. value of the a.c. symmetrical component of a prospective (available) short-circuit current, applicable at the instant of short circuit if the impedance remains at zero-time value initial symmetrical short-circuit power Sk fictitious value determined as a product of the initial symmetrical shortcircuit current Ik, the nominal system voltage Un and the factor 3:
" " Sk = 3 Un Ik

NOTE: Sk is often used to calculate the internal impedance of a network feeder at the connection point. In this case the definition given should be used in the following form:
2 c Un Z= " Sk
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Short-Circuit Calculations Definitions according IEC 60909 (II) decaying (aperiodic) component id.c. of short-circuit current mean value between the top and bottom envelope of a short-circuit current decaying from an initial value to zero peak short-circuit current ip maximum possible instantaneous value of the prospective (available) short-circuit current
NOTE: The magnitude of the peak short-circuit current varies in accordance with the moment at which the short circuit occurs.

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Short-Circuit Calculations Near-to-generator short circuit

Ik ip Ik A IB Initial symmetrical short-circuit current Peak short-circuit current Steady-state short-circuit current Initial value of the d.c component Symmetrical short-circuit breaking current

2 2 IB


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Short-Circuit Calculations Definitions according IEC 60909 (III) steady-state short-circuit current Ik r.m.s. value of the short-circuit current which remains after the decay of the transient phenomena symmetrical short-circuit breaking current Ib r.m.s. value of an integral cycle of the symmetrical a.c. component of the prospective short-circuit current at the instant of contact separation of the first pole to open of a switching device

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Short-Circuit Calculations Purpose of Short-Circuit Values

Design Criterion Breaking capacity of circuit breakers Mechanical stress to equipment Thermal stress to equipment Physical Effect Thermal stress to arcing chamber; arc extinction Forces to electrical devices (e.g. bus bars, cables) Relevant short-circuit current Symmetrical short-circuit breaking current Ib Peak short-circuit current ip

Protection setting Earthing, Interference, EMC

Temperature rise of electrical Initial symmetrical shortcircuit current Ik devices (e.g. cables) Fault duration Selective detection of partial Minimum symmetrical shortcircuit current Ik short-circuit currents Potential rise; Magnetic fields Maximum initial symmetrical short-circuit current Ik

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Standard IEC 60909 Simplifications and Assumption Assumptions quasi-static state instead of dynamic calculation no change in the type of short circuit during fault duration no change in the network during fault duration arc resistances are not taken into account impedance of transformers is referred to tap changer in main position neglecting of all shunt impedances except for C0

-> safe assumptions

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Equivalent Voltage Source

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Short-circuit Equivalent voltage source at the short-circuit location real network


equivalent circuit


c.U n 3

Operational data and the passive load of consumers are neglected Tap-changer position of transformers is dispensable Excitation of generators is dispensable Load flow (local and time) is dispensable
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Short circuit in meshed grid Equivalent voltage source at the short-circuit location real network equivalent circuit

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Voltage Factor c c is a safety factor to consider the following effects: voltage variations depending on time and place, changing of transformer taps, neglecting loads and capacitances by calculations, the subtransient behaviour of generators and motors.
Voltage factor c for calculation of Nominal voltage Low voltage 100 V 1000 V -systems with a tolerance of 6% -systems with a tolerance of 10% Medium voltage >1 kV 35 kV High voltage >35 kV 1.05 1.10 1.10 1.10 0.95 0.95 1.00 1.00
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maximum short circuit currents

minimum short circuit currents

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Steffen Schmidt

Maximum and minimum Short-Circuit Currents

maximum short circuit currents Voltage factor Power plants Network feeders Cmax Maximum contribution Minimum impedance minimum short circuit currents Cmin Minimum contribution Maximum impedance


shall be considered

shall be neglected

Resistance of lines and cables

at 20C

at maximum temperature

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Short Circuit Impedances and Correction Factors

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Short Circuit Impedances For network feeders, transformer, overhead lines, cable etc. impedance of positive sequence system = impedance of negative sequence system impedance of zero sequence system usually different topology can be different for zero sequence system Correction factors for generators, generator blocks, network transformer factors are valid in zero, positive, negative sequence system
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Steffen Schmidt

Network feeders At a feeder connection point usually one of the following values is given: the initial symmetrical short circuit current Ik the initial short-circuit power Sk
2 c Un c Un ZQ = = " " Sk 3 Ik

XQ =

ZQ 1 + (R / X)2

If R/X of the network feeder is unknown, one of the following values can be used: R/X = 0.1 R/X = 0.0 for high voltage systems >35 kV fed by overhead lines
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Network transformer Correction of Impedance

ZTK = ZT KT general

c max K T = 0,95 1 + 0,6 x T

at known conditionsmax operation U c of KT = n Ub 1 + x T (Ib IrT ) sin b T T

no correction for impedances between star point and ground

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Network transformer Impact of Correction Factor

1.05 1.00 0.95

0.90 0.85 0.80 0 5 10 15 20
cmax = 1.10 cmax = 1.05

xT [%]

The Correction factor is KT<1.0 for transformers with xT >7.5 %. Reduction of transformer impedance Increase of short-circuit currents
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Generator with direct Connection to Network Correction of Impedance

ZGK = ZG KG general
KG = Un c max UrG 1 + x sin rG d

for continuous operation above rated voltage: UrG (1+pG) instead of UrG turbine generator:
Page 26

X(2) = X(1)
Steffen Schmidt Copyright X ") X(2) = 1/2 (Xd" + Siemens AG 2008. All rights reserved. q

salient pole generator:



Generator Block (Power Station) Correction of Impedance


ZS(O) = (tr2 ZG +ZTHV) KS(O) power station with on-load tap changer:
2 2 UnQ UrTLV c max KS = 2 2 UrG UrTHV 1 + x x T sin rG d

power station without on-load tap changers: UnQ U c max K SO = rTLV (1 p t ) UrG (1 + pG ) UrTHV 1 + x sin rG d

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Asynchronous Motors Motors contribute to the short circuit currents and have to be considered for calculation of maximum short circuit currents

2 1 UrM ZM = ILR / IrM SrM

XM =

ZM 1 + (RM / XM )2

If R/X is unknown, the following values can be used: R/X = 0.1 medium voltage motors power per pole pair > 1 MW R/X = 0.15 medium voltage motors power per pole pair 1 MW R/X = 0.42 low voltage motors (including connection cables)
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Special Regulations for low Voltage Motors

low voltage motors can be neglected if IrM Ik groups of motors can be combined to a equivalent motor ILR/IrM = 5 can be used
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Calculation of initial short circuit current

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Calculation of initial short circuit current Procedure Set up equivalent circuit in symmetrical components Consider fault conditions in 3-phase system transformation into symmetrical components Calculation of fault currents in symmetrical components transformation into 3-phase system

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Calculation of initial short circuit current Equivalent circuit in symmetrical components



(1) (1)





positive sequence system

(2) (2)

(2) (2) (2)

(2) (2) (2)

negative sequence system

(0) (0)

(0) (0)

(0) (0) (0) (0)

zero sequence system

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Calculation of initial short circuit current 3-phase short circuit L1-L2-L3-system L1 L2 L3 ~ ~ ~ -Uf
I sc3 = c Ur 3 Z (1)

c Un 3


(1) Z(2)r






UL1 =


network left of fault location

fault location

UL2 = a2 ( Uf) UL3 = a

Page 33

U(1) = Uf U(2) = 0 U(0) = 0

network right of fault location

( Uf)
Steffen Schmidt


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Calculation of 2-phase initial short circuit current L1-L2-L3-system

L1 L2 L3


c Un 3






c U r I sc2 = Z ( 1) + Z ( 2 )
c U r 2 Z ( 1) I sc2 3 = I sc3 2
U = c n 3





I sc2 =

IL1 = 0 IL2 = IL3 UL3 UL2 = Uf

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U (1) U ( 2 )

network left of fault location

fault location

network right of fault location

I(0) = 0

I(1) = I(2)
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Calculation of 2-phase initial short circuit current with ground connection L1-L2-L3-system
L1 L2 L3


c Un 3






I scE2E

3 c U r = Z ( 1) + 2 Z ( 0 )





I L1 = 0
U L2 = a c U L3 = a c
Page 35

Un 3 3
Steffen Schmidt

network left of fault location

fault location

network right of fault location


U (1) U ( 2) = c

Un 3

= U (1) U ( 0)

I(0) = I(1) = I(2)

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Calculation of 1-phase initial short circuit current L1-L2-L3-System

L1 L2 L3
" I sc1 =








3 c U r Z (1) + Z ( 2 ) + Z ( 0 )

c Un 3 Z(0)l




U L1 = c
IL2 = 0 IL3 = 0
Page 36

Un 3

network left of fault location

fault location

network right of fault location

U ( 0) + U (1) + U ( 2) = c
I(0) = I(1) = I(2)

Un 3


Steffen Schmidt

Copyright Siemens AG 2008. All rights reserved. E D SE PTI NC

Largest initial short circuit current Because of Z1 Z2 the largest short circuit current can be observed for Z1 / Z0 < 1 3-phase short circuit for Z1 / Z0 > 1 2-phase short circuit with earth connection (current in earth connection)

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Feeding of short circuits single fed short circuit

" I sc

S" kQ UnQ



multiple fed short circuit

G 3~ M 3~ IscG IscN IscM Fault
Page 38 28.06.2008 Steffen Schmidt Copyright Siemens AG 2008. All rights reserved. E D SE PTI NC
" I sc = " I sc_part I sc_part "

Calculation of short circuit currents by programs (1/3) Basic equation i=Yu Y: matrix of admittances (for short circuit)
0 Y 11 0 Y 21 . . . . . . '' = I sci Y i1 . . . . . . 0 Y n1 . . . . . . . Y 1n . Y 2n . . . . Y in . . . . Y nn U1 U 2 . . . Ur c 3 . . . U n
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Steffen Schmidt

Calculation of short circuit currents by programs (2/3) Inversion of matrix of admittances u = Y-1 i
U1 U 2 . . . Ur = c 3 . . . U n Z 11 Z 21 . . . Z i1 . . . Z n1 . . . . . . . . Z 1n Z 2n . . . Z in . . . Z nn 0 0 . . . '' I sci . . . 0
Copyright Siemens AG 2008. All rights reserved. E D SE PTI NC

Z ii

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Steffen Schmidt

Calculation of short circuit currents by programs (3/3)

from line i:
c Ur " = Z ii I sci 3

I " = c U r sci 3 Z ii

from the remaining lines:

U sc = Z sci I sci

calculation of all node voltages from there -> calculation of all short circuit currents

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Short Circuit Calculation Results Faults at all Buses

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Short Circuit Calculation Results Contribution for one Fault Location

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Data of sample calculation

Network feeder: 110 kV 3 GVA R/X = 0.1

Transformer: 110 / 20 kV 40 MVA uk = 15 % PkrT = 100 kVA

Overhead line: 20 kV 10 km R1 = 0.3 / km X1 = 0.4 / km

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Impedance of Network feeder

2 c Un ZI = " Sk

1.1 ( 20 kV ) ZI = 3 GVA

ZI = 0.1467

RI = 0.0146

XI = 0.1460

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Impedance of Transformer

2 Un Z T = uk Sn

Z T = 0.15

( 20 kV ) 2
40 MVA

( 20 kV ) 2 R T = 100 kVA ( 40 MVA ) 2

R T = 0.0250 X T = 1.4998

2 Un R T = PkrT 2 Sn

Z T = 1.5000

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Impedance of Transformer Correction Factor

K T = 0.95 K T = 0.95

c max 1 + 0.6 x T 1 .1 1 + 0.6 0.14998

K T = 0.95873 Z TK = 1.4381 R TK = 0.0240 X TK = 1.4379

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Impedance of Overhead Line

RL = R' RL = 0.3 / km 10 km
RL = 3.0000

XL = X' XL = 0.4 / km 10 km
XI = 4.0000

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Initial Short-Circuit Current Fault location 1

R = RI + R TK R = 0.0146 + 0.0240 R = 0.0386

" Ik =

X = XI + X TK X = 0.1460 + 1.4379 X = 1.5839 c Un 3 ( R1 + j X1 ) 1.1 20 kV 3

" Ik =

( 0.0386 ) 2 + (1.5839 ) 2

" Ik = 8.0 kA

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Initial Short-Circuit Current Fault location 2

R = RI + R TK + RL R = 0.0146 + 0.0240 + 3.0000 R = 3.0386

" Ik =

X = XI + X TK + XL X = 0.1460 + 1.4379 + 4.0000 X = 5.5839 c Un 3 ( R1 + j X1 ) 1.1 20 kV 3

" Ik =

( 3.0386 ) 2 + ( 5.5839 ) 2

" Ik = 2.0 kA

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Calculation of Peak Current

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Peak Short-Circuit Current Calculation acc. IEC 60909 maximum possible instantaneous value of expected short circuit current
" equation for calculation: ip = 2 Ik

= 1.02 + 0.98 e 3R / X

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Peak Short-Circuit Current Calculation in non-meshed Networks The peak short-circuit current ip at a short-circuit location, fed from sources which are not meshed with one another is the sum of the partial short-circuit currents:





i p = ip1 + ip2 + ip3 + ip4

Page 54 28.06.2008 Steffen Schmidt Copyright Siemens AG 2008. All rights reserved. E D SE PTI NC

Peak Short-Circuit Current Calculation in meshed Networks Method A: uniform ratio R/X smallest value of all network branches quite inexact Method B: ratio R/X at the fault location factor b from relation R/X at the fault location (equation or diagram) =1,15 b Method C: procedure with substitute frequency factor from relation Rc/Xc with substitute frequency fc = 20 Hz R R c fc = X Xc f best results for meshed networks
Page 55 28.06.2008 Steffen Schmidt Copyright Siemens AG 2008. All rights reserved. E D SE PTI NC

Peak Short-Circuit Current Fictitious Resistance of Generator

RGf = 0,05 Xd" for generators with UrG > 1 kV and SrG 100 MVA RGf = 0,07 Xd" for generators with UrG > 1 kV and SrG < 100 MVA RGf = 0,15 Xd" for generators with UrG 1000 V

NOTE: Only for calculation of peak short circuit current

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Peak Short-Circuit Current Fault location 1

" Ik = 8.0 kA

R = 0.0386 R / X = 0.0244

X = 1.5839

= 1.02 + 0.98 e 3R / X
= 1.93
" ip = 2 Ik

ip = 21.8 kA
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Steffen Schmidt

Peak Short-Circuit Current Fault location 2

" Ik = 2.0 kA

R = 3.0386 R / X = 0.5442

X = 5.5839

= 1.02 + 0.98 e 3R / X
= 1.21
" ip = 2 Ik

ip = 3.4 kA
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Steffen Schmidt

Calculation of Breaking Current

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Breaking Current Differentiation Differentiation between short circuits near or far from generator Definition short circuit near to generator for at least one synchronous machine is: Ik > 2 Ir,Generator or Ikwith motor > 1.05 Ikwithout motor Breaking current Ib for short circuit far from generator Ib = Ik

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Breaking Current Calculation in non-meshed Networks The breaking current IB at a short-circuit location, fed from sources which are not meshed is the sum of the partial short-circuit currents:


IB1 = I k

IB2 = Ik

IB3 = qI k

I B4 = qI k

I B = IB1 + I B2 + IB3 + IB4

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Breaking current Decay of Current fed from Generators IB = Ik Factor to consider the decay of short circuit current fed from generators.

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Breaking current Decay of Current fed from Asynchronous Motors IB = q Ik Factor q to consider the decay of short circuit current fed from asynchronous motors.

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Breaking Current Calculation in meshed Networks Simplified calculation: Ib = Ik For increased accuracy can be used:
U"Mj U"Gi " " Ib = I (1 i ) IkGi (1 jq j ) IkMj i c Un / 3 j c Un / 3
" k

UGi = jX " IkGi diK



" UMj = jXMj IkMj



XdiK XMj IkGi , IkMj

Page 64

subtransient reactance of the synchronous machine (i) reactance of the asynchronous motors (j) contribution to initial symmetrical short-circuit current from the synchronous machines (i) and the asynchronous motors (j) as measured at the machine terminals
28.06.2008 Steffen Schmidt Copyright Siemens AG 2008. All rights reserved. E D SE PTI NC

Continuous short circuit current

Continuous short circuit current Ik r.m.s. value of short circuit current after decay of all transient effects depending on type and excitation of generators statement in standard only for single fed short circuit calculation by factors (similar to breaking current) Continuous short circuit current is normally not calculated by network calculation programs. For short circuits far from generator and as worst case estimation Ik = Ik
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Steffen Schmidt

Short-circuit with preload

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Short-circuit with preload Principle


Load flow calculation that considers all network parameters, such as loads, tap positions, etc. Place voltage source with the voltage that was determined by the load flow calculation at the fault location. Superposition of A and B

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Short-circuit with preload Example A Load flow calculation

B Short circuit calculation

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Short-circuit with preload Results

Load flow
2 50A 1000V 900V ~ 40A 3 10A 90 780V 700V 40A 2 10A 2 50A 720V 14 ~
1000V -0V 1000V

Superposition: Load flow + feed back

50. A 153.95A 203.95A 40. A 157.37A 197.37A 40A 208A 168A 10A 182A 192A 720V -0V 720V

900. V -307.89V 592.11V 365.37A

700V -364V 336V

Short-circuit: feed back

153.95A 0V 3.42A 365.3A 157.37A 208.0A 182A 26A 0V 1000V ~

Short-circuit with preload

203.95A 197.37A 6.58A 592.11V 336V ~ 365.37A 168A 24A 720V 192.0A




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Break time!

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Contact Steffen Schmidt Senior Consultant Siemens AG, Energy Sector E D SE PTI NC Freyeslebenstr. 1 91058 Erlangen Phone: +49 9131 - 7 32764 Fax: +49 9131 - 7 32525 E-mail:

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Thank you for your attention!

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