English Test

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1. What is Islamic fundamentalism? Islamic fundamentalism is a term used to describe religious ideologies seen as asking a return to the
"fundamentals" of Islam: the Quran and the Sunnah; one of the most defining features of Islamic fundamentalism is belief in the "reopening" of the gates of Ijtihad, the holy war

2. How can groups of people with different beliefs and goals live together as a nation? The nation is a group of people who share a language, a culture and a ethnic origin, and the members of a nation are aware that they constitute an ethnical cultural and political body together, so they go beyond individual beliefs and goals when they refer to themselves as a nation.

3. How does terrorism differ from planned acts of military aggression? Terrorism is the use of terror especially as a means of cocoercion, violent acts which are intended to create terror among the innocent, the target are usually civilians and terrorism has a religious, political or ideological goal. Military aggression is differrent because it doesn`t target civilians.It is a military conflict, it may have the justification of self defence and it is very well organized. The goals of offensive warfare are typically the submission, assimilation or destruction of another group, while the goals of defensive warfare are simply the repulsion of the offensive force and, often, survival itself

4. How do you think the U.S. and other countries should work toward preventing terrorists from attacking again?

I think that the U.s shouldn`t interfere in other countries disputes anymore and shouldn`t help to arm other countries, and give no funds for weapons, so there will be no reason that the other nations hate the Americans. Security should be more important, more funds should be given to enlarge security, and all the people should be trained to know what to do if they are caught in a terrorist atack.

5. Are civilian casualties the inevitable outcome of war? I think civilians are inevitable victims because the weapons are not so precise to target only military force, civilians will always be cought in the action, this can`t be avoided. We can only hope that less and less civilians will be caught in military conflicts

6. Can democracy be imposed on another country? I think that democracy can`t be imposed by force, if a nation is not ready for democracy, they can`t understand it, so they won`t accept it, whatever the imposing force does.

7. Should the situation in Afghanistan continue to receive international aid and support? I think that civilians and innocent people in Afghanistan should continue to receive aid and support, they really need it because more people were killed by Talibans than by the military conflict in that area.

8. What is terrorism? Terrorism is the use of terror especially as a means of coercion, violent acts which are intended to create terror among the innocent, the target are usually civilians and terrorism has a religious, political or ideological goal

9. What is the legal way of dealing with terrorism?


10. Which nations have been supporting the US war in Afghanistan and why? United Kingdom, France, Germany, Spain, Belgium Canada are the most important countries supporting the U. S. war

11. What are the reasons to oppose U.S. bombing of Afghanistan? The main reason to oppose the bombing of Afghanistan is the civilian casualties associated to bombing. Bombs are not precise, some of them might fall on civilian settlements, the inteligence about terrorists houses or Taliban safehouses might be wrong and if different places are bombed, innocent civilians may die

12. How long will the war in Afghanistan go on? I don`t think it will go on more than 1 year, the peacekeeping missions do their best to stop the war, international protests against the war and against bombing grew stronger, so gouvernments will decline the participation in this war and soldiers will soon leave Afghanistan.

13. The peace movement says "Justice, Not War. " But with terrorists, how can justice be achieved without war? _With terrorists, justice cannot be achieved without war, there will always be a war against terror, but unfortunately this will affect civilians, too, as collateral damages, but i hope that terrorists won`t be able to attack so easy the targets they want and to kill so many innocent people.

14. Why did the whole Afghanistan war start? The war in a start on the 7th of October 2001, as the U. S. Military force along with United Kingdom force launched an attack, as a responce to the 9/11 attacks on the U.S. Thecharacter of the war eveoved from a violent struggle against al-Quaida and its Taliban supporters to a

complex effort to mentain peace in the country. The first phase of the war was to destroy the Al Qaeda and its use of the Afghan territory as a base of operations for terrorist attacks

15. What military threat does Afghanistan currently pose to the United States? Terrorist attack are the main threaths to U.s and paramilitary threats,too

16. Describe your duties and responsibilities at work. My responsabilities at work are: planification of missions , management, control, mission accomplishment, missions of rescue and finding missing people, taking part in humanitarian missions, protection of civilians.

17. Is it possible that voters in Afghanistan are going to be intimidated by the presence of the American military, and therefore tend to vote for the candidate that was put in place there by the military? How would you feel if we went to vote at our local polling place and there was a military presence of an occupying country? I think that the voters might be intimidated by the military force present there, especially if they do not know exacly the role of the peace keeping forces. That is because they associate military force with aggression, bombing and war and maybe they do not understand correctly their role or they believe that military force shouldn`t interfere in their country politics. I think I wouldn`t feel safe in their presence and I would be surprised to find foreign force interfering in my country politics.

18. Speak about peacekeeping missions. Peacekeeping missions are a way to help countries torn by conflict create the conditions for lasting peace. Peacekeepers monitor and observe tthe peace process in post-conflict areas and assist ex-combatants in implementing the peace agreements they signed. Peacekeeping missions include soldiers, police officers and civilians Most of these operations are established and

implemented by the United Nations itself, with troops serving under UN operational control. In these cases, peacekeepers remain members of their respective armed forces, and do not constitute an independent "UN army", as the UN does not have such a force.

19. Is training the Afghan Army the most important part of any plan? _Yes, I think it is important, but not the most important, I think that order and peace keeping in the country are more important.

21. What is the European Gendarmerie Force ?

The European gendarmerie force is an initiative of 5 EU Member States - France, Italy, The Netherlands, Portugal and Spain aimed at improving the crisis management capability in sensitive areas. EGF responds to the need to rapidly conduct all the spectrum of civil security actions, either on its own or in parallel with the military intervention, by providing a multinational and effective tool.

22. What are the requirements to participate with EGF to an international mission. To be part of EGF, to take part in peacekeeping missions,

23. Speak about ISAFs objectives and tasks. The main objective of IS AF is to assist the Afghan authorities in providing security and stability, in order to create the conditions for reconstruction and development. The tasks of ISAF are: conducting security and stability operations, training the Afghan National Security Forces , disarming illegally armed groups (DIAG), facilitating ammunition depots mannagement, Providing post-operation assistance, providing security to permit reconstruction _________

24. What is NATOs role in Afghanistan? NATOs main role in Afghanistan is to assist the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (GIRoA) in exercising and extending its authority and influence across the country, paving the way for reconstruction and effective governance. NATO does this predominantly through its United Nations-mandated International Security Assistance Force 25. Describe a weapon and tell us the warnings before using firearms.

26. What was the most dangerous order that you have ever had to follow?

27. What was the most difficult order that you have ever had to give? The most difficult orders I had was an intervention order upon some people who were asking their legal rights, when I had to evacuate people using force, when I had to give an order to a man to hand caugh a woman.

28. Is there any order that you have received and wanted to disobey? Yes, the illegal orders, an intervention order when it was not necessary and I received order to use force, the order to punish somebody and it wasn`t the case.

29. Is it useful to have medical training before going in an international mission? Yes, I think it is very important, I should know how to give the first aid to a wounded partener or to a civilian if necessary.

30. Indispensable clothing and equipment during an international mission.

31. What are the most useful courses before going to Afghanistan as an instructor? The English course, The medical training, The survival course, Laws and culture in Afghanistan

32. Describe the organization of Romanian Gendarmerie. The General Inspectorate of the Gendarmerie is the central structure of the Romanian Gendarmerie under the command of a General Inspector (Inspector-general) appointed by the Minister of Interior.

The General Inspector is assisted by 3 deputies. The first deputy (prim-adjunct) is the chief of the Gendarmerie Staff and heads the Operational Planning and Management, Guard and Institutional Protection and the Public Order and Security Directorates. The other two deputies manage the Human Resources and the Military Schools Directorates, and the Logistics, IT and Communication Directorates respectively. The task of the General Inspectorate is to plan, manage, coordinate and control the territorial inspectorates, the Mobile Squads, the Special Intervention Brigade and the military schools.] The General Inspectorate of the Gendarmerie also acts as an interface of the organization

33. Speak about peacekeeping missions. Peacekeeping is defined by the United Nations as "a unique and dynamic instrument developed by the Organization as a way to help countries torn by conflict create the conditions for lasting peace".[1] It is distinguished from both peacebuilding and peacemaking. Peacekeepers monitor and observe peace processes in post-conflict areas and assist excombatants in implementing the peace agreements they may have signed. Such assistance comes in many forms, including confidence-building measures, power-sharing arrangements, electoral support, strengthening the rule of law, and economic and social development. Accordingly UN peacekeepers (often referred to as Blue Beret because of their light blue berets or helmets) can include soldiers, police officers, and civilian personnel

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