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SOFTWARE PROJECT MANAGEMENT (Quality planning, Risk management, Tracking, PMP) Ref: Software Project Management in Practice by Pankaj

By, Ayaz Ahmed Shariff K Asst Professor (Senior Grade) BIT UAE campus Twitter: #ayazahmedsk


Software Project Mangement by Ayaz Ahmed Shariff K

Outline of presentation Chapter 5: Quality Planning Chapter 6: Risk Management Chapter 7: Measurements and Tracking planning Chapter 8: Project Management Plan
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CH-05: Quality Planning

By Ayaz Ahmed Shariff K Asst. Professor; Dept of CSE; BITIC-RAK-UAE


Software Project Mangement by Ayaz Ahmed Shariff K

5.1 Quality Planning

SE suffered same tragic notion of quality that manufacturing companies suffered earlier. PMs are quality conscious during system testing or before delivering a product but fail to give importance during development process. Like for Effort and Schedule, we can use data of completed projects and experience for effective planning. This chapter focus on how PMs at Infosys set the quality goals for their projects and how Software Project Mangement Ayaz they develop planbyto achieve these goals. Ahmed Shariff K


5.2. Quality Concepts

Delivered Defect Density (DDD): Number of defects per unit size in the delivered software definition of quality Defect: Something which causes software to behave in inconsistent manner or deviates from the requirements Defect Injection: Defects can be injected during any transformational activities like requirements specification, HLD, Detailed design and Coding.

Removal cycle: Active removal of defects Software Project Mangement by Ayaz are necessary to deliver a high-quality Ahmed Shariff K

//Japan's quality standard

This speaks a lot about the Japanese quality standards and also cultural misunderstandings. They're still laughing about this at IBM. Apparently the computer giant decided to have some parts manufactured in Japan as a trial project. In the specifications, they set out that they will accept three defective parts per 10,000 . When the delivery came in there was an accompanying letter. "We, Japanese people, had a hard time understanding North American business practices. But the threeProject Mangement by per 10,000 have been Software defective parts Ayaz separately manufactured and have been included in the Ahmed Shariff K


5.3 Defect Injection and Removal

The defect removal efficiency (DRE) gives a measure of thedevelopment team ability to remove defects prior to release. It is calculated as a ratio of defects resolved to total number of defects found. It is typically measured prior and at the moment of release. DRE = Number of defects resolved by the development team / total number of defects at the moment of measurement.
77 Software Project Mangement by Ayaz For example, suppose that 100 defects were Ahmed Shariff K

5.4 Procedural Approach to Quality Management

The task of Quality Management is to plan suitable control activities and then execute accordingly and control them to achieve the projects quality goals.

Defects can be detected by performing reviews or testing. Reviews are human oriented process, testing is the process of executing a software. In procedural approach to quality management: Procedures and guidelines for the review are established.
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Procedural Approach to Quality Procedural approach is the execution of Management(contd..) detect certain processes at defined points to
defects. This approach is dependent on the quality of procedure & the quality of execution. For ex: Planning testing and review gives better performance after testing. Drawback of Procedural approach: Lack of quantitative terms for PM to access the quality of the software produced.
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5.5 Quantitative Approach to Quality management

If controls are applied based on quantitative data to achieve quantitative goals, then we say that quantitative quality management approach is applied. It has 2 key aspects Setting a Quantitative Quality Goal Managing as Software development process quantitatively to meet the Quality goal. A good quality management approach should provide early warning signs early stages (not only toward end). by Ayaz Software Project Mangement
Ahmed Shariff K

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Quantitative Approach to Quality One approach to quantitatively control the management(contd..) quality of the s/w is to work with Software

Reliability Models using the failure data during final stages of testing to estimate reliability of the s/w.

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Defect removal efficiency(DRE): percentage of existing defects that are detected by Quality Control(QC) activity. It can define the quality(DDD) of software if defect injection rate is known. But this approach is not suitable because the DRE of a QC can be computed only at the end Software Project Mangement by Ayaz of the projects when all defects are Ahmed Shariff K

Quantitative Approach to Quality 3. Defect Prediction: Here U set the management(contd..) U set quality goal in terms of DDD, then
intermediate goals by estimating defects identified in each activity; Finally compare the actual number of defects to the estimated defect levels. (Effectiveness of this approach is depends on how well U can predict the defect levels at various stages of project). Defect rate follows Rayliegh curve as effort rate. (it is similar to STEER approach of IBM).
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Statistical Process Control(SPC): U set Software Project Mangement by Ayaz the Ahmed Shariff K performance expectations of the

//Sample interview questions about Quality

What is the difference between QA and testing? Describe to me the difference between validation and verification? What are the three measures in common use in Quality? What are the benefits of Quality Management System?

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Software Project Mangement by Ayaz Ahmed Shariff K

5.6 Quantitative Quality Management Planning

To know how PMs at Infosys use defect prediction approach for managing Quality in quantitative terms. Two issues we face for Quantitative Quality management planning;

Setting the Quality Goal Predicting defect levels at intermediate stages which monitor the progress towards goal.


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5.6.1 Setting the Quality Goal

The Quality of Goal is the expected number of defects found during acceptance testing. Primary sources used for setting the Quality goal are: Past data from similar projects Data from PCB Note: It is expressed that U will use Standard Process and hence Standard Quality results will be expected.
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Setting the Quality Goal (contd..)

If U use data from similar projects, U can estimate the number of defects found during the Acceptance Testing(AT) of the current project as the product of number of defects found during AT of the similar projects & the ratio of estimated effort for this project & the total effort of similar projects If U use data from PCB, you can use any of the several methods to compute this value For ex: if we set quality target as the no. of defects/FP, then
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Set the quality goal in terms of defects per Software Project Mangement by Ayaz FP Ahmed Shariff K

5.6.2 Quality Process Planning

q q

Set the quality goal that is higher or lower than the quality level of similar project Determine the number of defects for the higher goal by using quality goal set for the project If the quality goal is based on past data and Quality goal is higher than that of similar projects, dont use the same process as used in similar projects (upgrade the process)



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If the quality goal is higher than the Software Project Mangement by Ayaz Quality levels of PCB, dont follow the Ahmed Shariff K


Defect Prevention (DP) intended to improve quality and improve productivity by understanding the cause behind the defection injection and efforts to eliminate them.

Like any task, the DP activities must be planned; the following are the DP activities employed at Infosys. Identify a defect prevention team within the project



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Have a kick-off meeting to identify Software Project Mangement by Ayaz existing Shariff K Ahmed solutions

Estimates of Defects to Be Detected

Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level

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Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level

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Quality means doing it right when

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CH-06 Risk Management

Ayaz Ahmed Shariff K Asst. Professor; Dept. Of CSE BITIC-RAK-UAE

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Topics to be covered

Concepts of Risk Risk Management Activities Risk management execution Risk Assessment Risk Control Top 10 common risks Risks of ACIC project at Infosys

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6.1 Concepts of Risk Management

Risks are the those events which may occur, and whose occurrence , if does takes place, has a harmful or negative effect on a project. Risks should not be confused with events or conditions. PM should plan and deal with those situations whose exact nature is unknown, may or may not be risks. For ex: Its most likely to get change requests or defects to be found during testing, so plan itSoftware Project Mangement by Ayaz these events. accordingly to handle Ahmed Shariff K

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Concepts of Risk Management

Risk Management is required to identify risks and then take actions to minimize their effect on the project. The effects of Risk Management includes Additional Cost Additional Effort & schedule Its not easy to measure the value of Risk Management so chances that RM systems used or may not be used.
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Therefore Risk assessment is needed and Software Project Mangement by Ayaz well the controlKprocess to handle risks. Ahmed Shariff

6.2 Risk Management Activities

Risk Management

Risk Assessment Control

Risk Identification Planning Risk Analysis
26 26 Software Project Mangement by Ayaz Risk Prioritization Ahmed Shariff K


Risk management & Risk Resolution Risk monitoring

6.3 Risk Management & Execution

Other Factors
P r o j e c t p r o c e s s

Risk Assessment


Managing Risks

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Software Project Mangement by Ayaz Ahmed Shariff K

Risk Management & Execution(contd..)

One way to prioritize the risks, is to estimate the probability of its occurrence & its consequences when it does occur. If Prob(R) is probability of risk R occurring, & Loss(R) is the total loss if risk materializes, then RE(R) is the Risk Exposure given by RE(R) = Prob(R) * Loss(R) Risk Management can be integrated in the development process itself, as its done in the spiral model of software development.
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If we treat RM as separate process, we need Software Project Mangement to understand its by Ayaz Ahmed Shariff K relationship with project

//Some words
Knowing our risks provides opportunities to manage and improve our chances of success Roger VanScoy

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Software Project Mangement by Ayaz Ahmed Shariff K

6.3.1 Risk Assessment

Risk Assessment contains 3 traditional components. The purpose of Risk Assessment is to identify risks, analyze them, organize them and prioritize them.
Risk Identification Risk Analysis Risk Prioritization




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Software Project Mangement by Ayaz Ahmed Shariff K

6.3.2 Risk Identification


For a project, any event, condition or situation that occurs which jeopardize its success, constitutes a Risk. Methods to identify risk include checklists of possible risks, meeting, surveys, brainstorming, reviews of plans, process. At Infosys, the commonly occurring risks are compiled from survey checklists, PDB of similar projects, and PMs experience & Judgment

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6.3.3 Risk Prioritization

Prioritization requires analysis the possible effects of the risk event if it occurs. If risk materializes, what will be the loss to project. The loss could be direct loss, future business loss, due to lost business, financial loss, due to the diminished employee morale, etc. Based on these possible consequences & the probability of the risk, compute the risk exposure (RE). Hence RE can be used to prioritize the identified risks. Level of Range
Consequence 0.0 to 3.0 3.0 to 7.0

Low Low 0.0 0.3 Software Project Mangement by Ayaz Medium 32 Medium 0.3Ahmed Shariff K 0.7 32


Risk Prioritization (contd..)

At Infosys, to rank the effect of a risk on a project, you must select a unit of impact from table below on scale of 1 to 10. The following is a simple method of risk prioritization:

For each risk, rate the probability of its happening as low, medium or high and assign the probability values. For each risk, assess its impact on the project as low, medium or high and assign a weight on a scale of 1 to 10.


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Rank the risks based on the probability & effects on Softwarethe project. Project Mangement by Ayaz
3. 4.

Select few top risk items for mitigation & tracking.

Ahmed Shariff K

6.4. Risk Control

Once PM identifies & prioritizes risk, minimize the effect of risk as second step of risk management. This step is Risk Control. Risk control involves planning the Risk Mitigation & then executing the plan, finally monitoring them.

Risk Management Planning: From prioritized risks, PM is clear with which risks to control and manage. The main task is to identify the actions need to minimize the risk consequence, called Risk Mitigation plan. Commonly used risk mitigation steps are shown in next slide. Risk monitoring & Tracking: Monitor & track the progress of risk mitigation steps and seek fresh risk analysis to check priorities again, if required.


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6.5 Top Ten Risks

Sequence Number 1 2 Risk Category Shortage of technically trained manpower Too many requirement changes Manpower Attrition Risk Mitigation Steps Conduct training Negotiate payment on actual effort; Convince the client about changes; Ensure multiple resources; Rotate jobs; Maintain documentation Increase interaction with clients and ensure KT Provide training in new technology; consider a phased delivery Negotiate for a better schedule; negotiate payment;

4 5

Insufficient business knowledge WORKING ON NEW TECHNOLOGY UNREALISTIC SCHEDULES Software Project Mangement by Ayaz Ahmed Shariff K

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6.6 RMM for ACIC Project

Seq. No 1 Risks Probability Impact Risk Mitigation Plan Exposure 8 4 Plan time of these groups; Have an onsite coordinator work closely on these groups Assign tasks so that more than 1 person is aware of use cases in project

Need support 0.5 from DB architect & customers DBA

Personnel attrition; team members might leave on short notice



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Ex: FIRMA Project RMM plan

//sent through mail

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The person who risks nothing does nothing, has nothing, is nothing

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CH_07: Measuring & Track Planning

AYAZ AHMED SHARIFF K Asst. Professor (senior grade) BITIC RAK UAE

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Software Project Mangement by Ayaz Ahmed Shariff K

7.1 Metrics
Software Metrics: Software metrics can be used to quantitatively characterize various aspects of software process or software products. Process Metrics: Quantify attributes of the software process or development. Ex: Defect injection rate, quality, productivity, DRE
40 40 Software Project Mangement by Ayaz Product metrics: It remain independent of Ahmed Shariff K

7.1.1 Metrics & Measurements

Basic measurements:

Use of metrics necessarily requires that measurement be made to obtain data.

Schedule: Easiest & important metrics, uses calendar time. Effort: Main resource consumed in project. To make statements such as cost of project is 30% more Defects: Because defects have direct relationship to s/w quality Size: Fundamental metric because many data are normalized with respect to size




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7.1.2 Factors affecting variability of Metrics

Factors affecting the variability in the value of characteristics in metrics are classified into 2 groups. Natural (inherent) causes of variability Assignable (Special) causes of variability natural ... Assignable
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Factors affecting variability of Metrics (contd..)

Natural Causes: always present and each will contribute to the variability. Its not practical to control these causes. Assignable Causes: those which occur once in a while, will have larger influence over variability in performance, but can be controlled.

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7.1.3 Statistical Control Process (SPC)

A process is said to be in statistical control if the variability in the quality characteristics is due to natural causes only. Goal of SPC: To keep the production process in statistical control Control charts are the tools for applying SPC.

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A control chart monitors process performance and identifies process shifts. Control charts can be used in many ways to monitor: X- Charts(average charts), R-charts, xmr charts Any product specification over time Number or percent of defects Financial performance

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Steps to build control charts to apply SPC:

Consider output of a process to be stream of numbers representing characteristics Make subgroups of data from this stream Find the mean values for subgroups Plot them on X- Bar A lower control Limit(LCL) and Upper control limit(UCL) are established.
Software Project Mangementoutside If a Ahmed Shariff K by Ayaz point falls





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the control limits,

SPC - Actions, if output falls outside control limits

The following are the actions to be performed if the output falls outside the control limits in X-bars or R-chart: Rework the output so that it has acceptable characteristics (take corrective action). Conduct further analysis to identify the assignable causes and eliminate them from process(preventive actions).

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Software Project Mangement by Ayaz Ahmed Shariff K

7.2 Measurements
To perform measurements during project execution, you must plan. What to Measure? When to Measure? How to Measure? Note: Measurement is key element in project planning. Lets discuss the standard measures used atby Ayaz Software Project Mangement Infosys.
Ahmed Shariff K

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7.2.1 Collecting Effort Data

Each employee records in a weekly activity report(WAR) system the effort spent on various tasks. WAR entry consists of records. Each record contains list of items and each item has following fields. Program Code Module Code Activity Code Activity description
49 49 Software Project Mangement by Ayaz Ahmed Shariff K Hours for (5days or 6days..

Depends on

7.2.2 Logging & tracking Defects

At Infosys, defect detection and removal is practiced as follows: The defect is found and recorded by a submitter. The defect then in state submitted. Next, PM assigns the job of fixing defect to someone. That person debugs and fixes the defect and then enters fixed state. A fixed defect is still not closed unless the submitter verifies it.
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Life cycle of Defect Ayazshown in figure below. Software Project Mangement by is

Submitt Ahmed Shariff K ed Fixed Closed

7.2.3 Defect Types

Logic: Algorithmic errors, wrong conditions, test cases, design docs errors Standards: Problems with coding standards like aligning, misspelling Redundant code: same piece of code used again UI: Improper menu navigation Performance: Poor processing speed, system crashes, memory issues Reusability: Inability to reuse the code
51 51 Software Project Mangement by Ayaz Ahmed Shariff K Document defects: Defects

in project plans,

7.2.4 Defect Severity

Critical: Defect may be very critical in terms of affecting schedule or it may be a showstopper that it may stop user from using system further. Major: Same type of defect occurs many times in a program Minor: The defect isolated but causes inconvenience. Cosmetic: A defect may that does not affect the performance of s/w product (ex: grammatical errors in a message)
Software Project Mangement by Ayaz Ahmed Shariff K

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7.3. Project Tracking

The main goal of tracking is for PM to get the visibility into the project execution to determine whether any action needs to be taken or not. Tracking plan followed at Infosys is as follows:

Activities tracking Defect tracking Issues tracking



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//Study about tracking in detail from Chapter 11

The real problem is what to do with problem solvers after the problem is solved -Gay Talese

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AYAZ AHMED SHARIFF K Asst. Professor (senior grade) BITIC RAK UAE

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8.1 Introduction
The project management plan (PMP) document is the culmination of all planning activities undertaken by project managers. Outputs of various planning activities appear in this document, which becomes the baseline document guiding the overall execution of the project. It should not be confused with the detailed project schedule, which represents only Ayaz the schedule and Software Project Mangement by Ahmed Shariff K assignment activities.

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8.1 Team Management

Software development is a team effort. High quality and productivity result when the team members contribute effectively and remain motivated, functions efficiently. Team management includes Engineering issues Project management issues People issues as well

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Software Project Mangement by Ayaz Ahmed Shariff K

8.1.1 Team Structure

At Infosys, hierarchical team structure is employed. Typical team consists of Developers(DVs), the configuration controller(CC), DBA, PM, Business manager or Account manager, testers. Some projects will have module leaders, defect prevention team from existing members, S/w Quality advisor(SQA). Following are the factors that a PM takes into account in determining the team structure Software Project Mangement by Ayaz and personnel growth. Ahmed Shariff K

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8.1.2 Communication
A team that will work together for a few months toward a common goal must jell well and must have good intrateam communication. Team communication divided into 2 categories Project related communication Destressing communication Following are the methods to enhance team Software Project Mangement communication. by Ayaz Ahmed Shariff K

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8.1.2 Communication (contd..)

Communication aimed at de-stressing is important to motivate team members. Most PMs plan events that enable fun communication like following examples: Project parties Birthday parties Quizzes and Games with prizes Informal, fee-wheeling crib sessions, short trips, bonus on performance etc
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8.1.3 Team Development

Project teams often include many junior people. It is the responsibility of the PM to enhance personnel development of these members. As the skills and abilities of the team members improvement they become more productive later in the project. Following methods make team members to handlle tasks in better way. Job rotation
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Mentoring Mangement by Ayaz Software Project of junior members

Ahmed Shariff K

8.2 Structure of Project Management Plan


PMP Plan template provided at Infosys has 4 major sections: Project Summary Project Planning Project Tracking Project team




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8.2 Structure of PMP plan (contd..)

Project summary: Gives high-level overview of the project(start date, project leader, contacts..) Project Planning: Outputs of executing the various project planning procedures(RCM, RA, tailoring) Project Tracking: defines measurements to be taken and systems to record data. Project team: Team structure, roles & responsibilities.
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8.3 ACIC Project Plan

// Refer book //Assignment

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Project Manager is a Person who thinks nine Women can deliver a baby in One month Developer is a Person who thinks it will take 18 months to deliver a Baby. Onsite Coordinator is one who thinks single Woman can deliver nine babies in one month Client is the one who doesn`t know why he wants a baby
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Marketing Manager is a person who thinks Software Project Mangement by Ayaz he canAhmed Shariffa baby even deliver K

Thank You
Mail your queries to:

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Software Project Mangement by Ayaz Ahmed Shariff K

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