Sexual Recovery Institute - Winter & Spring 2012 Saturday Lecture Series

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Michael Alvarez, MA, MFT

1ecrure & Process Groups:

1lndlng ourselI
Michael Alvarez, LMl7, Sl 7ro|n|ng Consu|tont
A clrcle ls not a square. Tbe neeo tor lnolvlouallty may mlsleao an aoolct lnto
secrecy ano lsolatlon. Wby can't | bave sometblng tbat's just mlne? Come eplore
tbe lnterplay between treeoom ano commltment.
Q & A on Sex and 1ove Addlcrlon and
Parrner Recovery *
Kevin King, MA, CSA7 Cond|dote, Sl Add|ct|on Spec|o||st
[oln us tor a sbort olscusslon ot se aoolctlon recovery resources lncluolng tbose tor
partners ot se aoolcts. 8rlng your questlons, a tberaplst trom tbe SR| |ntenslve program
wlll be reaoy to olscuss your speclc concerns as well as a varlety ot treatment optlons.
8otb partners ano se aoolcts are welcome to partlclpate ln tbls lntormatlonal olscusslon.
1ecrure & Process Groups: Dlscloslng
1nrlnare Secrers A Good 1dea or Nor?
5haron O'Hara, LMl7, Sl C||n|co| u|rector
Tbe pros ano cons relateo to olsclosure ot seually aoolctlve bebavlors ln a commlt-
teo relatlonsblp. Wben ls olsclosure a bealtby loea tor couples, ano wben ls lt more
llkely to backre? Come tor a llvely eploratlon ot controverslal loeas relateo to lntl-
mate secrets. |ncluoes a olscusslon ot tbe pros ano cons ot tberapeutlc separatlon.
Q & A on Sex and 1ove Addlcrlon and
Parrner Recovery *
Kevin King, MA, CSA7 Cond|dote, Sl Add|ct|on Spec|o||st
[oln us tor a sbort olscusslon ot se aoolctlon recovery resources lncluolng tbose tor
partners ot se aoolcts. 8rlng your questlons, a tberaplst trom tbe SR| |ntenslve program
wlll be reaoy to olscuss your speclc concerns as well as a varlety ot treatment optlons.
8otb partners ano se aoolcts are welcome to partlclpate ln tbls lntormatlonal olscusslon.

Sexual Addlcrlon ducarlon
and Supporr Calendar
january 2012

No Progran see you nexr veek!

1ecrure & Process Groups
Why Addlcrlon?
Robert Weiss, LCSW, CSA7-S, Sl lound|ng u|rector ond u|rector
of lnt|moc, ond Sexuo| u|sorders Serv|ces: L|ements 8ehov|oro| Heo|th
A oynamlc presentatlon trom tbe SR| tounoer Rob Welss, wbo wlll olscuss bow se
aoolctlon oevelops ln a worlo ot eploolng soclal meola temptatlons. Uslng bumor, lm,
eample, ano a blstorlcal perspectlve, tbls presentatlon wlll belp you to learn not only bow
seual aoolctlon progresses, but also tbe most powertul steps to take towaro beallng.
Q & A on Sex and 1ove Addlcrlon and
Parrner Recovery *
Kevin King, MA, CSA7 Cond|dote, Sl Add|ct|on Spec|o||st
[oln us tor a sbort olscusslon ot se aoolctlon recovery resources lncluolng tbose tor
partners ot se aoolcts. 8rlng your questlons, a tberaplst trom tbe SR| |ntenslve program
wlll be reaoy to olscuss your speclc concerns as well as a varlety ot treatment optlons.
8otb partners ano se aoolcts are welcome to partlclpate ln tbls lntormatlonal olscusslon.

1ecrure & Process Groups: Hov ro Wrlre
a 1lIeChanglng Mlsslon Srarenenr
Yerry Gatewood, MSW, ASW, CSA7 Cond|dote, Sl
Add|ct|on Spec|o||st
|n early recovery aoolcts otten teel oeneo by tbelr prevlous actlons, creatlng buge levels ot
sbame ano gullt. Ongolng recovery ls largely about recoverlng trom tbe oestructlon ot your
past. Creatlng Your Personal Mlsslon Statement allows you to oetermlne wbo you are, wbat
you are golng to oo, ano bow you are golng to oo lt. Tbls ls your cbance to own lt!
February 2012
Featured 5peakers: Robert Weiss, 5haron O'Hara and Michael Alvarez
Saturoay Program runs trom 10 am to 12:30 pm, Prlce reouctlon! Now only $10 per person tor botb aoolcts ano partners.
Please note: Lectures tbat are NOT tolloweo by a process group are noteo below by *
914 5. Robertson Blvd. 5uite 200 | Los Angeles, CA 90035
310-360-0130 |
q zS
10:00 - 11:15 am Lecture
11:30 - 12:30 pm Facilitated 5upport Groups for Addicts and 5pouses
$10 per person. Reservations not required. Everyone is Welcome.
Q & A on Sex and 1ove Addlcrlon and
Parrner Recovery *
Kevin King, MA, CSA7 Cond|dote, Sl Add|ct|on Spec|o||st
[oln us tor a sbort olscusslon ot se aoolctlon recovery resources lncluolng tbose tor
partners ot se aoolcts. 8rlng your questlons, a tberaplst trom tbe SR| |ntenslve program
wlll be reaoy to olscuss your speclc concerns as well as a varlety ot treatment optlons.
8otb partners ano se aoolcts are welcome to partlclpate ln tbls lntormatlonal olscusslon.

1ecrure & Process Groups: Bulldlng a
Recovery Nervork
Gregory Pospisil, MA, CSA7 Cond|dote, Sl Add|ct|on Spec|o||st
Tbls sesslon lnvolves an lnteractlve ano eceeolngly practlcal 8o Lerclse tbat
belps you to teel more empowereo about bullolng your recovery network.
Surrenoerlng Core 8ellets wlll also be aooresseo tor botb aoolcts ano partners.
Q & A on Sex and 1ove Addlcrlon and
Parrner Recovery *
Kevin King, MA, CSA7 Cond|dote, Sl Add|ct|on Spec|o||st
[oln us tor a sbort olscusslon ot se aoolctlon recovery resources lncluolng tbose tor
partners ot se aoolcts. 8rlng your questlons, a tberaplst trom tbe SR| |ntenslve program
wlll be reaoy to olscuss your speclc concerns as well as a varlety ot treatment optlons.
8otb partners ano se aoolcts are welcome to partlclpate ln tbls lntormatlonal olscusslon.
1ecrure & Process Groups: 1alr
1lghrlng & Healrhy Connunlcarlon
Marty 5impson Revell, MA, CSA7 Cond|dote, Sl
Add|ct|on Spec|o||st Do you ano your partner no yourselves repeatlng
tbe same arguments ano gettlng nowbere? |s manlpulatlon, sbuttlng oown,
yelllng, or control present ln your relatlonsblp ano communlcatlon? Flno
ano practlce new ways to communlcate lntlmately ano respecttully wltb one
anotber even wben you olsagree. 8rlng your partner to practlce togetber.
8ecome more mlnotul about bow you lnteract to create satety ano trust ln
your relatlonsblp.

Q & A on Sex and 1ove Addlcrlon and
Parrner Recovery *
Kevin King, MA, CSA7 Cond|dote, Sl Add|ct|on Spec|o||st
[oln us tor a sbort olscusslon ot se aoolctlon recovery resources lncluolng tbose tor
partners ot se aoolcts. 8rlng your questlons, a tberaplst trom tbe SR| |ntenslve program
wlll be reaoy to olscuss your speclc concerns as well as a varlety ot treatment optlons.
8otb partners ano se aoolcts are welcome to partlclpate ln tbls lntormatlonal olscusslon.

Sexual Addlcrlon ducarlon
and Supporr Calendar
March 2012
Mlchael Alvarez, LMFT, SRI Training Consultant,
bas a prlvate practlce ln Torrance, CA. He ls an lnternatlonally recognlzeo epert ln
aoolctlon treatment, epert testlmony, ano torenslc evaluatlon.
Terry Garevood, MS\, AS\, CSAT Candidate,
SRI Addiction Specialist, ls a graouate ot Cal State Unlverslty Los
Angeles. He bas a backgrouno ln torenslc soclal work, cbemlcal oepenoency ano
seual aoolctlon.
Hevln Walron Hlng, M.Liv, MA., CSAT Candidate,
SRI Addiction Specialist, bas a backgrouno ln rellglon, communlty
organlzlng, ano tbe arts. He speclallzes ln blenolng splrltuallty ano creatlvlty.
Roberr Welss, LCS\, CSATS, SRI Founding
Lirector and Lirector oI Sexual Lisorders Services
at The Ranch Treatment Center in unnelly, T, , ls
a natlonally acknowleogeo speaker ano tralnlng protesslonal ln tbe elo ot seual

914 5. Robertson Blvd. 5uite 200 | Los Angeles, CA 90035
310-360-0130 |
Sharon O'Hara, LMFT, CSAT Candidate, SRI
Clinical Lirector, bas 19 years ot eperlence worklng wltb se aoolcts,
partners, ano se ottenoers. Her speclal lnterest ls ln treatlng tbe trauma tbat lles
unoerneatb many aoolctlve bebavlors.
Gregory Posplsll, MA, CSAT Candidate, SRI
Addiction Specialist, bas an etenslve backgrouno worklng ln tbe elo ot
cbemlcal oepenoency ano seual aoolctlon, wltb a speclal lnterest ln tbe use ot
tberapeutlc art tecbnlques to motlvate beallng.
Marry Slnpson Revell, MA, CSAT Candidate, SRI
Addiction Specialist ls a graouate ot tbe Master's ot Cllnlcal Psycbology
program at Antlocb Unlverslty, Los Angeles. Sbe ls tralneo ln LG8T Atrmatlve
Psycbotberapy ano speclallzes ln |ntlmacy olsoroers, Se ano Love Aoolctlon, ano
couple's communlcatlon.
Srephen Saord WolIson, MA, LMFT, RCP Z,
SRI Clinician, bas 12 years ln cllnlcal practlce. He co-autboreo a cbapter on
autlsm ln tbe Neuropsycbology Hanobook, ano be bas a certlcatlon ln bypnotberapy
ano psycbooynamlc psycbotberapy.
10:00 - 11:15 am Lecture
11:30 - 12:30 pm Facilitated 5upport Groups for Addicts and 5pouses
$10 per person. Reservations not required. Everyone is Welcome.
* Lectures thot ore N07 fo||owed 5, o process group

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