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in this issue >>> in this issue >>>

Upcoming Transhumanism and Religion presentation Association conference updated New appointee to office of general counsel Association blogging

A quarterly review of the Mormon Transhumanist Association

Transfigurist Quarterly
current topics >>>

Google Group Discussions

Did you know you can join in current online discussion groups with other Association members? Some of the latest, exciting google group topics: > Ken Jenning's opinion of transhumanists > WSJ: Steven Pinker: Why Violence Is Vanishing > The Second Coming > Morality in the multiverse For more information go to

Blogging Buffet
Association members blog in earnest
Did you know you can add your blog to the aggregation at blogs/? Simply email your URL to

Its no secret! Association members love to blog about topics as wide>Noah Heninger's Finding Mormonism ranging as water treatment and the biblical Creation story. Associa>Allen Leigh's Science and Mormonism tion members often relish the opportunity to challenge, Read the posts >Brad Carmack's share, and swap ideas by Thoughtproduct in the life online at http:// posting and commenting in of k the blogosphere. Below is a sampling blogs. of Association pages/blogs! >Bryant Smith's from the B Side Words h

>Doe Daughtrey's New Age Mormon Pagans: Mormonism and the New Spirituality f >James Carroll's Amateur Scriptorians and self-named blog k >Micah Redding's Eminent Human and American Bedouin: King of the Anarchists

>Carl Youngblood's Real Presences >Chris Bradford's Let Us Reason >Daniel Durrant's self-named blog

>Dave Sonntag's Asian Life Sciences >David Foster's Stranger than Fiction

married and has three children.


Finding An Agent Thats Right For You

On September 2, 2011, Association President Lincoln Cannon appointed Marcus Flinders to the office of general counsel. Marcus is the Founding Attorney of Marcus Flinders Law Firm and specializes in corporate and business law as well as tax planning and litigation. Marcus served a mission to Cote dIvoire for the LDS Church, is

Be a Missionary!
Looking for some ways to share what you value from the Association? Here are some ideas: 1. Send the join link to a friend in a chat or email! ( join/) 2. Forward this newsletter to a peer!

coming soon >>>

Association Conference!
When: April 6, 2012 Where: SLC What: The Mormon Transhumanist Association Conference 2012 will be the first conference focused explicitly on both Mormonism and Transhumanism.

3. Invite an amigo to check out our Facebook group! ( groups/transfigurism/)

Giulio Prisco Presenting in Manhattan: Transhumanism and Religion 5432 Any Street West
October 13, 2011 Townsville, State 54321 Rodriguez Room (Miguel 311) Manhattan College, NYC

Speakers will include Lincoln Cannon, President, and Chris Bradford, Vice President. Other members of the association and invited speakers will also present. Membership in the association is not required to attend. Additional details


On 13 October 2011 at 4pm eastern, Association member Giulio Prisco will speak on Transhumanism and Religion. Giulio's speech will be a revised and expanded version of the talk he gave on "The Cosmic Visions of the Turing Church" at the Transhumanism and Spirituality Conference 2010 (slides available at Giulio Prisco is a technology consultant, physicist, computer scientist, writer and futurist. He is a director of the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies and the Associazione Italiana Transumanisti, and was executive director of

the World Transhumanist Association. A founder of the Turing Church, Prisco proposes transhumanist "cosmic visions" as alternatives to major religions. In his presentation, Giulio quotes Ray Kurzweil: In my view, the primary issue is not the mass of the Universe, or the possible existence of antigravity, or of Einstein's socalled cosmological constant. Rather, the fate of the Universe is a decision yet to be made, one which we will intelligently consider when the time is right. Giulio also writes: Transhumanism is not a religion because it is based on science instead of supernatural beliefs. But it can replace religion by offering the same drive and hope.

will be provided later. Mark you calendar, and plan to join us as we engineer meaning together!

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