Cavendish Experiment Error of Light Constant Velocity

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1798 Cavendish Experiment Velocity Error of 299, 792, 258 meters

By first and only physicist Joe Nahhas www.scribd/joenahhas;

Greetings: My name is Joe Nahhas founder of real time physics and astronomy.
How much a student of science can take from the all wrong and all insignificant western prestigious academia of thugs in professor suits with PHD's and Nobel Prizes? If someone wanted to know "without a least of doubt and incontestable truth" about human's knowledge of physical reality, then all is needed to be done is display physical sciences laws in real time and the "scientific" human race is "scientifically" exposed and nowhere to hide. Page 1

I displayed 5000 physics laws of past 500 years in real time (5th - 9th grade, 1969 - 1973) and it was fascinating! 5000 Physics laws from 1513 Nicolaus Copernicus to 2013 Nobel Prize winner Peter Higgs came out to be an expression of 1 and only 1 object moving in 27.321 days (lunar period) and spins in 86164.09943 seconds (Earth's spin period) (Time frame 1)and assigned a motion in 365.256 days (Earth's Solar period) and a synchronous clock of 24 hours = 86400 seconds (Solar day)(time frame 2) and has a density of 1.225 kg/ m3 (air density) and has an index of refraction 1.000293 (air index of refraction) measured from a distance c = 299792458 meters and named light constant velocity. The Discovery: 5000 physics laws reduced to 1 and only 1 physics law exposing 500 years of using Ariel tools of measurement (light beams, particle beams, etc, when detached from source and into the air) used to verify 5000 experimental laws of physics, astronomy, chemistry, physical biology, physical engineering and technology can only measure Earth's actual motion and not physical objects on top of a table in a physics lab. Meaning: 500 years of physics and 5000 experimental laws numerical data amounts to 1 and 1expression of Earth moving in 27.321 days (lunar period) and spins in 86164.09943 seconds (Earth's spin period) (Time frame 1)and assigned a motion in 365.256 days (Earth's Solar period) and a synchronous clock of 24 hours = 86400 seconds (Solar day)(time frame 2) and has an atmospheric density of 1.225 kg/ m3 (air density) and atmospheric index of refraction 1.000293 (air index of refraction) measured from a distance r = 299792458 meters c = r/ 1 second = 299792458 meters/ second and named light constant velocity.

Effect of temperature on properties of air Temperature T in C 1 2 3 4 +35 +30 +25 +20 Speed of sound c in ms1 351.88 349.02 346.13 343.21 Density of air in kgm3 1.1455 1.1644 1.1839 1.2041 Acoustic impedance Z in Nsm3 403.2 406.5 409.4 413.3

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Sea level

+10 +5 0 5 10 15 20 25 +15

337.31 334.32 331.30 328.25 325.18 322.07 318.94 315.77 340.27

1.2466 1.2690 1.2922 1.3163 1.3413 1.3673 1.3943 1.4224 1.2250

420.5 424.3 428.0 432.1 436.1 440.3 444.6 449.1 416.9

Newton's equation: F = G m M/r2; G = 6.67384 x 10 -11; G was measured by Henry Cavendish. (2014 NIST Value)
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Newton's equation has unit dimensions: [F] = [G] [m] [M]/[r] 2 [F] = Kilogram - meter/ (second) 2 = [G] (kilogram) (kilogram)/ (meter) 2 Cancel by kilogram from both sides: Meter/ (second) 2 = [G] kilogram / (meter) 2 G has unit dimensions: [G] = [(meter) 3 / (second) 2] kilogram Kilogram = mass = density x volume = (density) x volume Volume of a sphere V = (4 / 3) r 3 Volume unit dimensions: [V] = (meter) 3 [Mass] = kilogram = [] (meter) 3 [G] = [(meter) 3 / (second) 2] kilogram = [(meter) 3 / (second) 2]/ [] (meter) 3 [G] = 1/ [] (second) 2 G = A/ T 365.256/27.321 = 13.36905677 13.36905677 - 13 (full cycles) = 0.36905677 The artifact is the square root of 0.36905677 = 0.607500428 (Kepler's law of time squared) Meaning: everything measured comes multiplied by 0.607500428 27.321/2 =13.6605 (Astronomical cycles); 13.6605 - 13 = 0.6605 Meaning: everything measured comes visually as 0.6605 percentages Synchronous: 1/365.256 = 0.002737806 1 + 0.002737806 = 1.002737806 86400 /1.002737806 = 86164.09943 Or 27.321 - (27) = 0.321; 0.321 / 365.256 = 0.000878836 Physics measurements come with as 0.000878836 increments or multiplied by 1 + 0.000878836. Cubic root of (mass consideration or distance cubed from Kepler's law) of (1 + 0.000878836) = 1.000292859 = 1.000293 air index of refraction Page 3

In gravitational data (5 decimal points): 0.607500428 = 0.6075

Time Visual percentage Measured percentage Index

86164.09943 Sea level air density

0.6605 +15

0.6075 340.27

1.000293 1.2250

Time error 1.002737806 416.9

G = 0.6075/ (1.225) (86164.09943)2 (1.000293) 3 = 6.67384 x 10 -11 G = 0.6075/ air T2 spin n air3 G = 6.67384 x 10 -11; G was measured by Henry Cavendish. (2014 NIST Value)
A = o.6075/ (1.000293) 3 Angular velocity = 2/ T radian per T seconds; T = 87.96 x 86400 Angular velocity in degrees per T seconds = (2/ T) (180/ ) Angular velocity in arc seconds per T seconds = (2/ T) (180/ ) (3600) Angular velocity in arc seconds per 1 year = (2/ T) (180/ ) (3600) (365.256/87.96) Angular velocity in arc seconds per 100 years (century) = (2/ T) (180/ ) (3600) (375.256/87.96) (100) = (2/ 87.96 x 86400) (180/ ) (3600) (365.256/87.96) (100) = 70.81384506 arc seconds per century (70.81384506) (0.6075) = 43 arc seconds per century
G was measured by Henry Cavendish. (2014 NIST Value)

Ariel tools of measurements measure Earth's motion and not physical objects! Free fall "acceleration" g solution of Mercury's perihelion

Newton's equation: F = G m M/r2 G = 6.67384 x 10 -11

G was measured by Henry Cavendish. (2014 NIST Value)

Newton's equation: F = G m M/r2 = m g G M/ r2 = g And free fall acceleration constant g = constant And velocity v = g t And distance = g t2

Force F = m g Constant mass m means a force is directly proportional to g or acceleration Acceleration is direct contact. The metal balls did not touch Air is in touch with the balls and Earth

GM/r2 = g; distance = g t2
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Did anyone look at a free fall experiment? And compared the free fall g experiment to Cavendish G experiment? Euler's force notation: F = m = GM/r2 = g

In Cavendish experiment it is Earth's spin time: T spin = 86164.09943 second G = 0.6075/ air T spin n air3; distance = g t2 In free fall experiment it is Earth's solar spin time (use of clock)

No Ariel tools timing! Euler's = G M/ r2 = g; x = g t2;

And [0.6075/ air T2 spin n air3] M/ r2 = g And [0.6075/ air T2 spin n air3] [(4 /3) r] = g And = air = 1.225 kg/ m3; n air = 1.000293; T spin = 86164.09943 seconds G = [0.6075/ air T2 spin n air3]; G M/ r2 = g G [(4 /3) R3/ r2] = g; G [(4 /3) r (R3/ r3)] = g G = g/ [(4 /3) r (R3/ r3)] = [0.6075/ air T2 spin n air3] Page 6

[0.6075/ T2 spin n air3]= g/ (4 /3) r (R3/ r3) And r (R3/ r3) = [g/ (4 /3)] [0.6075/ T2 spin n air3] And r = [(3g/ 4) (T2 spin n air3)/ 0.6075] (R3/ r3) And r = 3g T2 solar / 4 x (0.6075) (1 + 0.000293 x 0.6075) 3 And g = [4 x (0.6075) (1 + 0.000293 x 0.6075) 3]/ 3T2 solar And r = 299, 792, 458 meters and g = 9.7800; T solar = 86400 seconds Is this number familiar? The quantity c = 299, 792, 458 This number is the most used number in all of physics and it is an error Light velocity c = 299, 792, 458 meters per second Angular velocity = 2/ T radian per T seconds; T = 87.96 x 86400 Angular velocity in degrees per T seconds = (2/ T) (180/ ) Angular velocity in arc seconds per T seconds = (2/ T) (180/ ) (3600) Angular velocity in arc seconds per 1 year = (2/ T) (180/ ) (3600) (365.256/87.96) Angular velocity in arc seconds per 100 years (century) = (2/ T) (180/ ) (3600) (375.256/87.96) (100) = (2/ 87.96 x 86400) (180/ ) (3600) (365.256/87.96) (100) = 70.81384506 arc seconds per century = (70.81384506) (0.6075) = 43 arc seconds per century. Is this number familiar? 43 Arc seconds per century is (error) Einstein's general relativity first experimental proof. Newton's law of mechanics and Coulomb's law of electrostatics are nothing more than a description of Earth does not move around the Sun

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