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V O L U M E 2 , I S S U E 4 D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 1

Fort Sill Community Newsletter



Welcome Home! Welcome Home! Welcome Home!

troversy here at home, with patriots on both sides of the debate. But there was one constant -- there was one constant: your patriotism, your commitment to fulfill your mission, your abiding commitment to one another. That was constant. That did not change. That did not waiver. Its harder to end a war than begin one. Indeed, everything that American troops have done in Iraq - all the fighting and all the dying, the bleeding and the building, and the training and the partnering - all of it has led to this moment of success. Now, Iraq is not a perfect place. It has many challenges ahead. But were leaving behind a sovereign, stable and self-reliant Iraq, with a representative government that was elected by its people. Were building a new partnership between our nations. And we are ending a war not with a final battle, but with a final march toward home. .. Click HERE to view the First Lady and President Welcome Home the Troops.

President Barak Obama

(Excerpts from Ft Bragg Speech) Fort Bragg, were here to mark a historic moment in the life of our country MOCK BODY COMMUNIand our military. For nearly nine years, CATION PARTY 8 our nation has been at war in Iraq. And you -- the incredible men and women of WHAT YOU DO IN THE Fort Bragg -- have been there every step DARK COULD JEPORDIZE of the way, serving with honor, sacrificing YOUR CAREER greatly, from the first waves of the inva9 sion to some of the last troops to come 2011, YOUR YEAR IN REVIEW home. So, as your Commander-in-Chief, 10 and on behalf of a grateful nation, Im proud to finally say these two words, and TRAINING CHANGES I know your families agree: Welcome CREDIT CARD RESOLUhome! Welcome home. Welcome TIONS 11 home. Welcome home. As your Commander-in-Chief, I can tell INTEGRITY AND STEPPING you that it will indeed be a part of hisOUT IN FAITH 12 tory. Those last American troops will SNEAK PEEK JANUARY move south on desert sands, and then 13 they will cross the border out of Iraq

with their heads held high. One of the most extraordinary chapters in the history of the American military will come to an end. Iraqs future will be in the hands of its people. Americas war in Iraq will be over. Now, we knew this day would come. Weve known it for some time. But still, there is something profound about the end of a war that has lasted so long. Now, nine years ago, American troops were preparing to deploy to the Persian Gulf and the possibility that they would be sent to war. Many of you were in grade school. I was a state senator. Many of the leaders now governing Iraq -- including the Prime Minister -- were living in exile. And since then, our efforts in Iraq have taken many twists and turns. It was a source of great con-

Upcoming Endings and New Beginnings

This year is coming quickly to an end. As we reflect on another great year, we must get ready to celebrate what next year holds for us. Inside you will find tips for healthy resolution planning, proper goal setting, and planning for safe holiday partying. We cannot forget self-care during this fast paced time of year, so of course, you will find tips on emotional, spiritual, and physical well-being to get you through this transitional period. Winter is here...bundle up, relax, and sip a hot drink while indulging your senses into this months edition of Workforce Pride.


Staring Down Your Fear in the New Year!

By Dr. Cher Springer, ASAP Counselor
Setting New Years resolutions is virtually the same thing as setting goals. Sometimes we reach our goals, sometimes we fall far short. Many of us have the same New Years resolutions year after year. For example, how often have we heard someone say I resolve to stop smoking cigarettes this year? Some people actually do stop smoking, many, however, end up smoking more. The same is true of weight loss, spending habits, and quality time with mates, children, or alone. Why do so many folks keep resolving, year after year, to accomplish the same things or break the same habits, only to continue with the status quo? One answer might be poor goal setting skills. For great tips on how to set SMART goals, read Tom Easterlys Goal Setting article in this issue. Some of us also fall short of our goals and resolutions because we fear success and sabotage ourselves subconsciously. As an example, an acquaintance of mine once resolved to save money for a special vacation. He established a clear goal for the amount of money he needed to save, he developed an articulate plan for achieving his goal, and he appeared to have a passion for the outcome he desired. Unfortunately, he still fell short on his incremental goals month after month. He had lots of excuses for the short fall, but he also knew his excuses werent valid. One day he told me about the situation and we explored his story. I asked how he felt about the outcome of his goal what he hoped to get out of taking this special vacation. As it turned out, this man was divorced; he hadnt dated much since his wife left him and his goal was to take a cruise around the Mediterranean in hopes of meeting new and interesting women. He was excited about the prospect of meeting women who shared his interests and simultaneously terrified no one would find him attractive. Subconsciously, he sabotaged his plans in order to avoid the potential disappointment of rejection.

Goals Set for Success

With the New Year coming, what is your plan for 2012? Lets talk goal setting. Goal setting involves establishing Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-targeted (S.M.A.R.T) goals. The theory of goalsetting suggests that it's an effective tool for making progress by ensuring that your goals are clear and you know what is expected to reach them. Setting goals helps people work towards their objectives. The most common are financial or careerbased goals. Goal setting is as a major component of personal development and success in both personal and Thomas M. Easterly professional life. A goal can become more specific through quantification or enumeration (measurable), such as by demanding "...increase productivity by 25%," or by defining certain tasks that must be completed. You can set immediate, short term, and long term goals. The hardest part of goal setting is sticking to them. Short term goals usually are considered to be within the range of 1-3 years. By setting sharp, clearly defined goals, you can measure and take pride in the achievement of those goals, and you'll see forward progress in what might previously have seemed a long pointless grind. You will also raise your self-confidence, as you recognize your own ability and competence in achieving the goals that you've set. Goals Setting: 1. Choice: goals narrow attention and direct efforts to goal-relevant activities, and away Once he understood why he was sabotaging himself, he realized his fear was irrational and he was able to step up his savings plan to from perceived undesirable and goal-irrelevant actions. 2. Effort: goals can lead to more effort; for example, if one typically produces 4 process achieve his goal. Carl Jung once wrote, When an inner situation is not made conscious, it appears outside as fate. My client could have reports an hour, and has defined a goal of producing 6 an hour, one may work more continued making excuses, missed achieving his goal, and thereby intensely towards the goal than one would otherwise. avoided facing his fear. Instead, he explored what was tripping 3. Persistence: One becomes more prone to work through setbacks if pursuing him up and why he was sabotaging himself. In the a goal (this also builds confidence). process, his fears became conscious; that is, he knew 4. Cognition: Goals can lead individuals to develop and change and understood them, they were conquered. their behavior.
Explore your revolving resolutions. Whats really stopping you from losing twenty pounds; saving for a new car; or spending quality time with your mate? Ask yourself what is the worst that could happen if you do reach your goal, and what will you miss out on if you dont reach your goal. Call me. Lets talk about it! Dr. Cher Springer (580) 4421547! Blessing and Happy New Year to everyone!

How to create Goals: Create your "picture" of what you want to do with your life over the next 1-3 years, and identify a large-scale goal that you want to achieve at the 3 year mark. Break this down into smaller targets (mini goals) that you must hit to reach your 1-3 year goals. Once you have your plan start working NOW to achieve these goals. Do not be afraid to ask for help on your goals and let them be known to friends as this will hold you even more accountable to achieve them. Goals are not just for work. Goals can be and should used in all aspects of your life. Whether it is work, finances, or family relationships goals are a way of knowing where you want to be and how you are going to get there. Goals can also be a team effort especially for families. You and your family can sit down and define where you as a family want to be in 2, 5, or 10 years. Making family goals ensures that the whole family is on the same sheet of music and understands where they are headed and what is required to get there. (Tom works in the Plans, Analysis & Integration office as a Strategic Planner for the Fort Sill Garrison. He is currently pursuing a Doctorate of Education.)




Statistics, History, and Holiday Safe Tips



In June of 1874 the Comanches, Kiowas, and Southern Cheyennes went to war on the southern plains. The Army went into the field with eight regiments of cavalry and infantry to force the tribes back onto the reservations. The conflict lasted about a year and was known as the Red River War. In the winter of 1874-1875 the Army tracked down most of the hostile tribes and villages and forced them back to the reservations around Fort Sill. As the villages came in to surrender, their weapons, horses, and camp equipment were taken from them. The women, children, and old men were placed under the control of one of the reservation chiefs while the hostile chiefs and fighters were sent to the icehouse. The icehouse was under construction and had only the concrete floor and walls finished with no roof. It was located down the hill from the fort on the east side about 50 feet from what today is highway 277 or I-44. The Army placed a total of 103 Indian fighters in the icehouse under guard. They provided the prisoners pup tents and twice a day an army wagon would pull up to the wall and raw meat would be tossed over the wall to the Indians. Eventually the prisoners became too many and they were released from the icehouse to join their families on the reservation. Today nothing remains of the old icehouse except parts of the floor which may be seen in the grass near I-44 as you drive past north of Key Gate.

Risk Reduction Holiday Safety Tips

By Stephanie Armel
With all the holidays celebrations and holiday parties upon us there are good reasons for having a nonalcoholic holiday party. Having alcohol-free beverages can help avoid a plethora of problems and help keep Team Sill and our community members safe. Believe it or not, it is possible to have a great party that's a success and fun for all without alcoholic drinks. 1. Tell your guests that you are having a non-alcoholic holiday party. Advising this up front can help prevent problems such as the guests bringing their own alcoholic drinks and prepares everyone for the theme and tone of the party. 2. Make lots of different mocktails. A mocktail is like cocktail but without alcohol. There are many online websites and drink books that offer plenty of recipe ideas for punches and drinks that lend to the holiday spirit without the alcohol. Choosing holiday themed drinks is a good idea. 3. Offer hot and cold drinks with a holiday theme. Making punches and eggnog without the rum as well as flavored coffee such as Irish coffee with a flavored creamer gives the taste of a loved holiday drink but without the alcohol content. Many alcohol-free beers also exist that taste very much like the real thing. 4. Thank your guests for participating in your alcohol free holiday party. Explaining your motives will often be met with understanding and appreciation. Perhaps a reformed alcoholic is attending or there will be many children present or you are just increasing awareness of options for alcohol free holiday parties. Be a gracious host and your guests will likely be gracious as well. By following these few steps, you will help us to continue being a part of the solution in keeping our community safe from alcohol related incidents. Thank you Team Sill for making great choices which is why the alcohol offenses are declining. Just like the old saying...the proof is in the pudding...the proof is in our numbers and speaks to your success! Stephanie Armel, Risk Reduction Coordinator

by Dale Keesee

Alcohol Offenses
120 107 100

84 80 60 40 20 0 FY 08 FY 09 FY 10

Way To G Fort Si o ll!!!


FY 08-11

FY 11






J a n u a ry 2 0 1 2
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

Federal Holiday

ADAPT (WBC 0800-1600)


BPL Meeting
(1430) at WBC

ONE Brief


Training Holiday










Federal Holiday









Well-Being Center, ASAP 3415 Miner Rd




Tues 18002000 Weds 1900

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For more community events, activities, and trainings, check out the MWR and ACS websites: (click on logos)

ASAP Community Training Winter Quarter (January 2012) Wednesday, 25 Jan 2012 0900-1100, Generational Workforce 1330-1530, Sleep Hygiene Thursday, 26 Jan 2012 0900-1100, Suicide Prevention 1330-1530, Meth: Dream Killer Friday, 27 Jan 2012 0900-1100, Supervisory Workforce Engagement Training 1330-1530, Workplace Etiquette

New Years Holiday Events

Impact Zone (20000100) Twin Oaks (20000100) Patriot Club (21000100)




Strategies for Managing Stress at Events

Experiencing stress during reintegration is common for those who have served in combat environments in Iraq, Afghanistan or elsewhere around the globe. Even the most seasoned and prepared warriors can experience common stress reactions after returning home from uncommonly challenging events. When you return home, your family and friends may invite you to a number of social gatherings for events ranging from family dinners to New Years Eve celebrations, or even welcome-home celebrations in your honor. The tips in this article will help you to be better prepared for these interactions, so that you can enjoy them and continue to successfully reintegrate into life at home. Make a Plan Before Attending Your family, friends, colleagues or others may be curious and will want to ask you all about your time on deployment, and some of their questions may have the potential to make you feel uncomfortable. It can be helpful to formulate a plan for yourself beforehand. Decide ahead of time what you are willing to discuss with them, and set boundaries for what may make you feel uncomfortable. You may also: Share a little at a time, then let the other person respond to what you have to say Listen without interrupting or getting defensive Recognize that others may not agree with your personal views or understand your service in the military Agree to disagree everyone has their own opinion about the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, If you are in crisis: Call the toll- and the military, in general. Respectfully decline to answer free National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255), availany question that crosses the able 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The boundaries youve set.
service is available to anyone. All calls are confidential.

Life focus


Learn to Manage Feelings of SUICIDE PREVENTION Stress and Anger PROGRAM COORDINAPost-Deployment Reintegration TOR (SPPM) into Family Life ROBERT DODRILL Learn additional tips and tactics for successfully transitioning back into family life. Everyone can experience stress before, during and after an event or gathering regardless of whether or not they have served our nation in the armed forces. There are many things you can do in your everyday life to help manage your stress, from simply playing cards with buddies to practicing mediation . One popular stress-reducer is exercise. Activities like jogging, swimming, weight lifting or playing sports can often reduce physical tension. (Check with you doctor before starting a new exercise routine.) Exercise can give you a break from difficult emotions, distract you from painful memories and improve your self-esteem. For other ideas about how to manage stress, visit the stressbusters page on the Navy Combat and Operational Stress Control website. It is also helpful to recognize and try to manage any angry feelings that may arise. If a situation arises in which you feel anger when speaking to a family member, friend or acquaintance about your military service (or other topics), you can manage your emotions by: Taking a deep breath and counting to 10 before reacting Walking away Thinking about the ultimate consequences of your responses Using these tactics to manage stress or anger will allow you to more fully enjoy social events following deployment and beyond. For Further AssistanceReach Out Experiencing stress after returning home from a deployment is not uncommon. The information in this article can help you learn to address that stress successfully, but if you feel that youd like to speak with a trained professional, dont hesitate to contact the DCoE Outreach Center. Call 866-966-1020 or log onto Real Warriors Live Chat to get free, confidential guidance on resources for getting help 24/7.

Safety Alert: Winter Weather

The Red Cross offers these measures people can take to stay safe during and after the storm: Stay indoors during the storm. If you must go outside, layers of clothing will keep you warmer than a single heavy coat. Wear gloves or mittens and a hat to prevent loss of body heat. Cover your mouth to protect your lungs. Walk carefully on snowy, icy sidewalks. If you shovel snow, be extremely careful. It is physically strenuous work. Take frequent breaks. Avoid overexertion heart attacks from shoveling heavy snow are a leading cause of deaths during winter. Avoid traveling by car, but if you must, keep the gas tank full for emergency use and to keep your fuel line from freezing. Let someone know your destination, the route you are taking, and when you expect to arrive. If your car gets stuck along the way, help can be sent along your predetermined route. If you do get stuck, stay with your car. Do not try to walk to safety. Tie a brightly colored cloth to the antenna for rescuers to see. Start the car and use the heater for about ten minutes every hour. Keep the exhaust pipe clear so fumes dont back up in the car. Leave the overhead light on when the engine is running so you can be seen. As you sit, move your arms and legs to keep blood circulating and stay warm. Keep one window open to let in air. After the storm, avoid driving until conditions have improved. Listen to local radio and television stations for updates. Help a neighbor who may require special assistance, especially families with infants, the elderly, and people with disabilities. For more information on winter storms and power loss safety, visit Keep up with Red Cross response to winter weather in the Disaster Online Newsroom.




Drug Awareness


Dear Fran, My son and I have been close since the day he was born. We always did things together and I made all his soccer games and thought I was doing everything right until recently. When he turned thirteen it was someone else took over. He began getting Cs and Ds on his report card. He has stopped hanging out with his childhood friends and is now hanging out with some older kids I dont know very well. He is becoming very secretive and suspicious. Hes got a new, weird looking haircut and never wears anything but Fran Alltizer, black colored clothes. Should I be worried, or is this just a normal phase of LCSW, ASAP Supervisor growing up? Signed, Where did I go wrong???

The Older the Better?

Lower Legal Drinking Age Linked to Higher Risk for Homicide, Suicide in Women

By Join Together Staff Women who became adults when 18 was the legal drinking age in the United States are at higher long-term risk for homicide and suicide, than women who grew up after the legal drinking age became 21, a new study Dear where did I go wrong? finds. With teens, it is important to pick your battles. Some of the behaviors you mention are healthy and appropriate at that age. Others should be seen as red flags. The weird hair and clothing can been seen The study followed Americans who became adults before as normal, but the failing grades, secretive and suspicious behavior and his choice of new friends can 1984, when a federal law went into effect that established the mean he might be experimenting with drugs. Those are indicative of behaviors we look for as profeslegal drinking age as 21. During the 1960s and 1970s, many sionals and you can be aware, also. The best approach is the direct approach. Don't be afraid to ask in states lowered the drinking age to 18 to match the age for a non-accusatory way, and let him know how much it affects you and everyone in the family when he military service and voting, HealthDay reports. A rise in drunk makes a bad choice. Has he been getting the attention he needs and deserves? Often teens begin to seek attention and approval from outside the home when parent's expectations become unclear or too driving deaths led to the law that raised the drinking age to 21 demanding. Just because they look like an adult, does not mean they have the capacity to make sound around the country. decisions. Also, have you been setting a good example of a healthy lifestyle? Many parents engage in The researchers looked at data on 200,000 suicides and behaviors that model things they would not want their kids to mimic, yet children listen to what you do, 130,000 homicides that occurred between 1990 and 2004. not what you say. After you ask about drug use, follow up with family counseling, if needed. If the child They focused on 39 states where the drinking age was raised is just feeling neglected in the family, find something new you can do together that fits the child's new to 21. In 37 of the 39 states, they found women who grew up maturity level. Kids need family interaction even when you do not approve of how they are spending when drinking below age 21 was legal had a 12 percent higher their time. They need to feel respected and understood and that risk for suicide, than women who grew up after 21 was the happens through listening. When you find out you did nothing If you have any questions or wrong, look for what you can do right. Call us at the Well-Being legal drinking age. concerns that you Center. We can point families in the right direction to solve many In 38 of the 39 states, women who grew up when the legal would like Fran to difficult problems. Thanks for writing. Hope to hear from you if drinking age was below 21 had a 15 percent higher risk of address, please you need help. dying from homicide, compared with women who came of contact Fran Fran, age when 21 was the legal drinking age. These trends were through our ASAP ASAP Supervisor not seen among men. Raising the drinking age to 21 has prevented up to 600 suicides and 600 homicides per year, the researchers estimate. We suspected that adolescence is a unique period in terms of the brains response to alcohol and the vulnerability for addiction, lead researcher Richard Grucza said. And, in fact, Texans arrested for drunk driving this holiday season what we have here is a natural experiment that supports that who refuse to take a breathalyzer test may have to idea, by demonstrating an unintended but positive consesubmit to a blood test. According to The Wall Street quence that comes from having raised the drinking age. Journal, many cities and counties in Texas have instiThe study appears in the journal Alcoholism: Clinical & Extuted the blood-test policy, which is also in place in perimental Research. other states including Florida, Missouri, Illinois and Louisiana. Law enforcement officials call the policy no refusal, because it prevents drivers from refusing to provide evidence they are intoxicated. Evidence of intoxication from a blood test often wins convictions in jury trials, the article notes. In many cases, defendants who are faced with evidence from blood tests admit their guilt. Criminal defense lawyers have objected to the blood tests. Its an erosion of civil I have learned that there are people out liberties, said Samuel Bassett, a defense lawyer from Austin. If we can poke people involthere who are ready to give their all to help untarily for evidence, where do we draw the line?Under the no-refusal initiatives, magisyou overcome issues that you might be facing. I have also learned that I am not the trate judges are standing by at a police station or other location to issue search warrants only one out there who is facing difficult needed to conduct the blood tests. A nurse or other medical professional draws the issues. Also, by being in group with all my blood. Police are allowed to strap a suspect to a chair if needed to obtain a blood sample, fellow peers and hearing their stories it has helped me to open up so blood can be drawn quickly, before a persons blood-alcohol level drops. Some police and tell others about mine. By doing this it has helped to relieve officers find the new rule encourages people to submit some of the stored up emotions that were inside of me. What it to breath tests, to avoid being poked with a needle. all comes down to is that no matter what you are facing, there are According to the Texas Department of Transportation, people out there willing to listen and help you. in 2010 about 800 traffic deaths in the state involved a legally intoxicated driver. In 2009, more drivers were SGT involved in fatal alcohol-related crashes in Texas than in any other state, according to the most recent data USA, Ft. Sill from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.


ASAP Testimonial




Mind Expansion


Clarence Pierce III, Contracting Officer Representative, DPW
What is your favorite word? Everything! SSG Joshua Ferrier, What is your least favorite word? HQ A 3/6 Anything! What turns you on? Ladies! What turns you off? Cats. What sound or noise do you love? A crowd roaring in a stadium. What sound or noise do you hate? Babies crying (especially in church). What profession other than your own would you like to attempt? Acting! I was a thespian in high school. What profession would you not like to do? Medicine. I don't mind the smell of sewage, but the smell of hospitals and nursing homes, ack! What is your ideal vacation? The Atlantis Resort in the Bahamas.

December Brainteaser Can you decipher these common Christmas Carols? 1. Happiness to the Global Ecosystem 2. Small male percussionist 3. I am experiencing nocturnal vi-

Ft. Sill Talks Back

What is the greatest gift you can receive for the holidays?

Mr. Aaron Peterson, IGI&S, DPW "A cure for cancer."

sions of a colorless holiday 4. Festoon the Corridors 5. A Non-summer fairytale area 6. Oh holiday conifer 7. Ten plus two twenty-four hour periods of holiday festivity 8. Hey tiny city in Israel 9. In a remote location in a barn stall Answer in next months issue November Answer

Ms. Lakisha Ramsey, administrative assistant for the director, DPW: "Love."

An antique lamp from Belgium would not have a plug that would fit into a standard outlet in North America. The father noted that the plug was a sealed plug not a replacement one and therefore was the original installation. He obviously bought it at a local store.

Mr. Randall Butler, director, DPW: "Peace for everybody, even if it puts me out of a job."

EAP Mental Health Minute: S I M P L I F Y .

Below are just a few tips on ways to simplify your life, do "less rather than more," and achieve more happiness as a result: Look within yourself and examine how your life feels. Are you constantly rushed? Stressed? Always behind? Do you have sufficient time to pursue activities that are personally meaningful to you? Reduce the time pressure in your life. Reduce the overall number of activities in your day and reduce the number of things you do all at once. For example, if you can, when spending time with loved ones, don't answer the phone or check your email. You'll be happier and more effective in all realms of your life. Be careful about over committing yourself and about taking on new projects. Learn to say "no" to extra demands on your time. Turn off distractions during times of leisure. Cell phones, email, computers, and the rising complexity of modern life -- these all contribute to the constant time pressures we feel. And they can contribute to our feeling distracted from fully enjoying the time we spend with family and friends. As much as possible, give yourself uninterrupted time at work. When we can focus on a single activity without distractions, we are not only happier -- we are also more effective, productive, and creative. Simplify your life to achieve a healthier love relationship. Researchers have found that stress and overwork are significant barriers to a healthy love relationship. Do something every day that restores you. Set aside time each day for an activity that refreshes you, such as going to the gym or spending time with people you love. Research has found that when we engage in a restorative activity "not only do we become happier, we actually become more productive and creative during the other times when we are doing work," Dr. Ben-Shahar says.




Complete Well-Being


Wellness Window
Healthy New Years Resolution
New years Resolutions dont have to be big. Sometimes, its the small things that count. Here are some quick and easy ways to get you and your family on the fast track to meeting your New Years nutritional goals! 1. Eat together Make it a point to eat dinner together at least once a week. Children are more likely to try new foods, like vegetables and whole grains, if they see their parents eating them at the dinner table as well Walk, walk, walk Walk as much as possible with a family member. Not only is it a great way to burn some calories, but its also a great way to catch up with your loved ones. If its too cold outside, take a walk around the mall and take advantage of the great post-holiday sales! Try something new Try a new fruit or vegetable as a family once a week. Rate it, discuss it, and talk about it. Remember dont over cook your veggies youll cook out the taste. Try some yummy winter root vegetables like beets or turnip! Roast them in the oven with a little olive oil to bring out their natural sweetness. The perfect side dish for any meal! Shop together Take the kids shopping and let them pick out something new to try. Try a new grain, like quinoa pasta or wheat berries, and go home and cook a new recipe together.

Cooking Excellence
Baby Bellini Mocktail
There's a classic peach and Champagne cocktail from the 1930's called the Bellini and this is the virgin version of that. The Baby Bellini is perfect for elegant entertaining and has the feel of a great Champagne cocktail and the same great taste of the original, but none of the alcohol. As in the Bellini, peach juice or puree can also be used. Serve this drink as an alternative to spirited drinks this New Years! Ingredients: 2 oz peach nectar chilled sparkling cider Preparation: Pour the peach nectar into a Champagne flute. Slowly add the sparkling cider. As always, this recipe is versatile and you can add any other nectar or fresh fruit to your pleasure.




Just remember: Small changes = BIG RESULTS!!! For more information regarding the IMCOM & DOD Wellness Program please click the following links: IMCOM WELLNESS DOD WELLNESS

Enjoy!!! Cheers!!


Mango Bellini

PEACEFUL PLAZA: Communicate with Your Body

The holidays are over. The goodies are mostly eaten. And were all ready for a fresh start in 2012. But before you start on those New Year resolutions, take a peek at this. Did you know that your body is built to match your life purpose? As a spirit, you actually chose a body with the genetics that you need to do what you came here to do. It may not always seem that way, especially when youre struggling to lose weight or keep exercise goals. But its true. You came equipped to fulfill your goals as spirit this lifetime. Take a moment and take stock of the things you like about your bodythe things it can do, the gifts it came with. And notice how these abilities and gifts have served you well all of your life. Now, there may be other aspects that you arent so pleased with, but you may also find that you have learned a lot in dealing with them, too. Learned things that have helped you along your pathto become more empathetic with others, to grow as a spirit, and so on. Your body is a part of who you are, but it is guided on the whole by you as an immortal spirit. Its kind of like you and your car, only on a much deeper, more connected level. If you picture your car as a creature with feelings and desires, its a much closer comparison. As a spirit, youre in the drivers seat, but your body ultimately controls how far and how fast you can go. If your body is unhappy, or not well cared for; if it doesnt have the right fuel; or if its just plain mad at you, you may find your goals grinding to a halt. So, the communication between you and your body makes a BIG difference in how your life goes. Good communication means much smoother sailing. That communication includes everything from feelings and sensations, to thoughts, words and mental images. You as a spirit communicate best in images. Your body does better with feelings and senses. Words and thoughts come somewhere in the middle. In a sense, with every thought, feeling, and choice, you are relationship-building with your body. Whenever you do, say or think things that are supportive, caring and loving towards your body, it builds trust and communication. Thoughts and actions that are negative, or not supportive, tend to undermine the trust and communication we have with our bodies. Consistent positive input, from your thoughts to what you eat and how much sleep you get, makes a big difference in the body-spirit partnership. When times are tough and you need that partnership the most, you want it to be as strong as possible. The stronger the partnership, the more you can use the gifts and strengths you designed your body to have in the first place. Other benefits of good body-spirit communication are strong intuition, greater aware- Click: COMMUNICATION to relax and ness, creativity, greater wellness, and more fun. Youll have greater awareness of what you really want, and it will be enjoy this months featured Peaceful much easier to get there--when you work with your body as a partner in the process. Plaza Guided Imagery segment as proTake time to click COMMUNICATION to relax and communicate with your body through this body awareness guided imagery exercise.

vided through




Etiquette and Managers Notes


Managers Memo: Doing the Wrong Thing in 2011 Got You Noticed
The year in review articles always capture a year in a way very few articles can. These segments highlight the years most significant and newsworthy events. I am assuming here that the topics that find their way into the news repeatedly throughout the year are newsworthy. So, what did we read a lot about this year? Although most leaders do the right thing, they are not the ones By Jay Khalifeh that most want to read about. Reviewing this years news round-up it is obvious that we were fascinated by the ethical failures and shortcoming of our political, business, and media giants. Month after month another public figure's private indiscretions were presented for public scrutiny. Lets see, there was a married Anthony Weiner, a promising and competent politician who after much deception finally admitted to twittering indecent pictures of himself to a college student. There was a promising presidential hopeful, Herman Cain, who was forced to end his presidential aspirations after being accused of a 13 year long marital affair and multiple sexual assaults. Then, there was Californias ...Californias exex-governor and movie star, Arnold Schwarzenegger, accused of having a 10 year old child with the governor and movie family housekeeper after the housekeeper came forward. There was also a acclaimed world class star Arnold Schwargolfer, Tiger Woods, who admitted to multiple extramarital affairs only after his wife smashed a ninezenegger... iron into the windshield of the car causing an accident. There was a married, world leader and a probable successor to the president of France, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, who was force to quit as head of the International Monetary Fund after he was accused of sexually assaulting a hotel housekeeper during a stay in New York. The charge was later dropped when investigators determined that the relationship was consensual. But the damage to his reputation could not be undone. There was also a rich and powerful media tycoon Rupert Murdoch who was unscrupulously hacking the phones of politicians, celebrities and kidnap victims in a way that brought the scorn of the British public resulting in the folding of his venerated 125 year old flagship paper, The News of the World.

Anthony Weiner, a promising and competent politician..

There were allegations that former Pennsylvania State University football assistant coach Jerry Sandusky sexually assaulted or had inappropriate contact with underage boys on or near university property. This culminated with his firing and the firing of the team coach of 31 seasons, Joe Paterno. The president of the university was also pressured to resign, and subsequently did. The public thought he and others should have done more to protect the children. Syracuse University fired assistant basketball coach Bernie Fine amid allegations that he sexually molested boys negatively impacting the reputation of the team and university. More recently, Dr. Conrad Murray was convicted of involuntary manslaughter, or gross negligence, after admitting that he gave Michael Jackson nightly doses of the anesthetic propofol in an effort to help Michael sleep. In the eyes of many, Dr. Murrays behavior was self serving and violated a doctor-patient trust. He was sentenced to four years in jail

acclaimed world class golfer, Tiger Woods..

Although these shortcomings were in private they were very publically scrutinized because of the far reaching impact on public trust, loyalty, and confidence. A wide range of stakeholders were impacted in ways that the unwillingly newsmakers never would have imagined. In most cases those spotlighted were respected, capable and mostly beloved people. However, the criminal cannot be viewed separately from the crime. What made these incidences even more unacceptable was that, despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary, many of the aforementioned did not immediately own up to their actions.. No matter how good and successful leader we are, it is by our worst decisions that we will be judged, even when we thought it was nobody elses business.

...promising presidential hopeful, Herman Cain

On December 06, 2011, Rod Blagojevich, was found guilty of 18 felony counts of corruption. Last week he was sentenced to 14 years in prison. That makes the fourth consecutive Illinois governor that has been convicted of a crime and sent to jail. Believe it or not, two additional Illinois governors have been charged with crimes but were not convicted. As the judge in the Blagojevich so succinctly put it during Blagojevichs sentencing hearing; The harm here is not measured in the value of property or money. The harm is the erosion of public trust in government.

Workplace Etiquette 101: Proper English Communication

Although you may text or e-mail friends and family members telling them things like "C U L8R" these textisms should never enter into workplace communications. Not only are they unprofessional, they may be difficult for those less familiar with text-speak to interpret. Always present yourself professionally in written workplace communications by spelling out all messages, and quickly proofreading all correspondence.

Mission Card, Year in Review, ASD Update


A Personal Year in Review

Be honest. How many of you click on your TV and watch all the Year in Review news programs that flood the airwaves during the last week of December? Its always amazing to me to take a step back and reflect on the changes that occur over the course of a year. Thats true of the country, our installation, Lisa Jansen-Rees, MSW, ACSW our workplaces, our children and Family Advocacy Program Manager us. Change happens thank goodness! On a personal and professional basis, reflecting on those changes helps me celebrate my accomplishments and the hard lessons learned throughout the year as well as take stock in what Id like to purposefully change or learn in the year ahead. Making the review personally meaningful is easier than it might seem at first blush. All you need is your calendar and little uninterrupted thinking time. Step 1 Review your 2011 calendar and list out, by month, one professional project, one personal situation and one family related activity that was demanding a lot of your attention at that time. If you had to sum up what you learned or took away from each of those experiences in just as few words as possible, what would they be? Write them down under 2011. You should have three words or summary sentences per month for a total grading list of thirty six things you worked on last term in the school of hard knocks. Step 2 Review your 2011 list of experiences and make a judgment call about the takeaway. If you werent happy with having to go through the experience, were you at least satisfied with you learned from having lived through it? Grade yourself. I know we hear all the time that we should be judgmental but this is about your own life and what you are learning from it. So go ahead, be tough on yourself. Doesnt matter if you use a standard A-F grading scale or simple smiley/frowney faces. Step 3 Make a list of things youd like to experience, learn or improve at in the coming year. Take look at the areas where you marked yourself low in 2011. Review the list for gaping holes, areas that you know you need to focus more on in order to be happier in the coming year. Jot down your thoughts on a sheet of paper youve labeled 2012 Highlights and tuck it in a safe place. In January Ill write about crafting personal mission statements and in February Ill talk through what Dr. Covey has to say, in the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, on writing goals that support those personal mission statements and youll pull out your dream sheet for both of those months. In the meantime, if you are interested in learning more about personal and professional effectiveness, talk with one of your Employee Assistance Program representatives. They have a ton of resources to help get you started on a spectacular 2012.

Industry Alert - Mail Processing Network Rationalization Service Changes

Mailing Industry Stakeholders On December 5, the Postal Service filed a request with the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC) for an advisory opinion on proposed changes to mail service standards. The Postal Service also will seek public comment on proposed service standard changes for various mailing services products through a notice in the Federal Register. This action follows the solicitation of public comment on service standard changes previously published on September 15 along with numerous outreach efforts to the mailing community. The most significant revisions would eliminate the expectation of overnight service for significant portions of First-Class Mail and periodicals; however, there would be an opportunity for mailers who properly prepare and enter mail at the designating processing facility prior to the day's critical entry time to have their mail delivered the following delivery day. In addition, the 2-day delivery range would be modified to include 3-digit ZIP Code origin-destination pairs that are currently overnight, and the 3-day delivery range also would be expanded. These revisions would allow for a significant rationalization of the Postal Services mail processing and transportation networks. The Postal Service is completing the facility reviews using the well-established Area Mail Processing guidelines, which will continue as announced in September. Supporting documents such as the proposed rule, an illustrative Service Standard Directory (SSD), and illustrative labeling lists are just a few of the requested documents are available on the Mailer Information website (http:// welcome.htm and RIBBS will be updated with documents and links supporting this announcement.


MISSION To provide Soldiers, Civilians, Retirees and their Families with a secure installation, consistent and efficient services, and quality facilities and infrastructure . VISION With current fiscal reality, to maintain our quality services and infrastructure across the installation. To maximize available resources and to foster positive relationships with those living and working on Fort Sill as well as with our surrounding communities. INTENT To develop an environment that becomes a model for integrating organizations into common footprints, thereby becoming true stakeholders of the installation. To empower Organizations by instilling pride in ownership and providing a voice. To transform the Garrison while capturing efficiencies and promoting fiscal responsibility. To maintain an environment that enhances safety, well-being, and readiness; a place of limitless opportunities to develop both personally and professionally.




Financial Fitness and ASAP Training Update



5 Credit Card New Years Resolutions

By Martha C. White | December 22, 2011 | Its time for New Years resolutions: Along with promises to yourself about cutting out the reality TV and hitting the gym more often, there are also some financial goals you should set for 2012. Specifically, there are some goals you should set regarding your credit cards, credit card spending and outstanding balances. Yes, looking at your statements in January after weeks of holiday-fueled spending might make you wince, but take a deep breath and start 2012 with these credit card New Years resolutions. 1. Transfer a balance. Credit card companies are aggressive with their offers of 0% teaser rates for transferred balances. Its not uncommon to see no-interest offered for 12 months or even longer, and a couple of issuers have even begun waiving the typical 3% balance transfer fee. If your credit is otherwise good but youre paying off a balance at a high interest rate, apply for one of these cards. The caveat is that these cards can come with higher standard rates; arrange and rearrange, if necessary your budget so you can pay that balance off before the 0% promotional period expires. Finally, resist the urge to begin charging again on the card from which you just transferred the balance. 2. Pay off a balance. If youre currently revolving balances from month to month, commit to paying one off entirely over the course of 2012. Experts have differing opinions on whether its better to target the card with the highest interest rate or the smallest balance. Basically, whichever will motivate you to keep chipping away at that accumulated debt is the best way for you. Dont close the card after the outstanding debt is paid off, though, since this hurts your utilization ratio. The exception here is if you know you wont be able to resist the temptation, in which case, cancel away. 3. Ditch superfluous monthly charges. Give your statement a close look. Are you paying for a membership, subscription or other service that you never (or hardly ever) use? Contact the merchant and cancel it. Depending on when in your billing cycle you make that move, it may take another statement before the charges stop. Give it a month and check back to make sure your cancellation has been applied. 4. Ask for a credit limit increase. If you have an account in good standing, this is an easy way to boost your credit utilization ratio without having to open a new account. Opening a new account lowers the average age of your accounts, which pulls down your credit score a little bit. The inquiry from the lender also has a slight impact on your score. For both these reasons, boosting the limit on an existing account is a better way to go. It helps if the card is one you use frequently and if you have a strategy planned out when you call customer service. Be specific: Tell them why youd like the increase and how much more you expect to charge as a result. (MORE: 3 New Years Resolutions that Reflect Reality) 5. Make sure your cards fit your needs. Take a look at your primary card or cards and ask yourself: Do you use the perks? Cash in any points or miles you earn on a regular basis? Your lifestyle changes over the years. Maybe an airline card with lots of frequent-flier miles and upgrades to first class was a good fit before, but maybe youd be better off now getting a card that helps you save toward a childs college tuition. If the cards offerings no longer mesh with your needs, make a list of what you would like in a card and start shopping around for a new one.

Upcoming Changes to ASAP Community Training for 2012

After going back to the drawing board for the planning process of next years ASAP Community Training, a conclusion was determined that more effective, timely, and relevant trainings are necessary for professional and personal growth. After review of feedback received from each class, it was noted that more convenient times and availability of topics to be provided to a broader audience were mostly requested. Therefore, effective January 2012 there will be Quarterly Community Trainings held in the following schedule: 25-27 January 2012 25-27 April 2012 25-27 July 2012 24-26 October 2012 All classes will be held between the hours of 0900-1100 and 1330-1530 on each training day. As always, a training schedule will be sent out to each organizations POC specifying the details and location of each class. All classes will provide Civilians and Military the opportunity to complete the Substance Abuse Prevention Education requirement as outlined in AR 600-85. Also, friends, family, community members and leaders are always welcome at all Community Training events. If ever you are in need of on-site training, please do not hesitate to contact me at any time. I am always willing to come out and teach your organization at your convenience. If you have any concerns regarding this matter, please contact me, RaShonda Labrador, at 580-442-4205/6306.

Do Boomers Want to Retire? Yes and No.

"Working boomers are split between those who can't wait to retire (43%) and those who won't want to stop working (41%); these percentages have been stable for the last 13 years" [since 1998], according to a 2011 AARP survey of over 1000 working and retired boomers. Reference:
AARP. (2011). Boomers envision what's next. Washington, DC: AARP. Retrieved from




Inspire and Encourage




The Character Couch:


Part of Speech: noun Definition: The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness. The state of being whole and undivided. Synonyms: candor, forthrightness, goodness, honesty, honorableness, incorruptibility, incorruption, principle, probity, purity, rectitude, righteousness, sincerity, straightforwardness, virtue Antonyms: corruption, disgrace, dishonesty, dishonor


I know Gods given you dreams Hes put them on your heart in a way you cant deny. You may not have told anyone. You may have thought it was too big to happen. But I want you to realize that God hasnt given up on those dreams and you dont have to either. Ive never heard of one story where God gave a dream and fulfilled it on the same day. God has designed life with seasons and processes each step along the way does something unique that builds our faith and causes us to step out and trust Him. God came to Abraham in Genesis 12 and promised not just to bless him, but to bless ALL the people of the earth through Him. In Genesis 15 Abraham is struggling to believe these incredible promises so God does something amazing that I want you to notice. Then the Lord took Abraham outside and said to him, Look up into the sky and count the stars if you can. Thats how many descendants you will have! (Genesis 15:5 NLT) God wasnt just making promises to Abraham He was teaching him how to dream. God knew if Abraham could see it...then he could dream it. And just like He called Abraham to look up and see it Hes making that same promise to you today. God wants to teach you the same process He taught Abraham under that beautiful star-filled sky. First you dream it...Then you believe it...Then you live it... The first step is to get a vision. The next step is to trust Him. Then finally you take a step of faith and live out what God has promised, no matter what your circumstances, your friends, your worries or the enemy is telling you. Victoria and I want you to know that God loves you generously and abundantly, and as a loving Father, Hes impressed and honored when His children dream bold, supernatural dreams. I believe we bless God when we dream big. Remember, its never too late for God to move in your life. Step out in faith today!




EAP Services to Employees and Supervisors:

Well-Being Center, ASAP

3415 Miner Road Ft. Sill, OK 73503 Phone: 580-442-4205 Fax: 580-442-5704

E-mail: Facebook: Lawton-OK/Fort-Sill-Army-SubstanceAbuse- Program/115638415119642 EAP Services to the Installation Organization: Website: DHR/ASAP/ Training and consultation for supervisors and managers on how and when to make proper
use of EAP services for improving employee performance and conduct.

Assessment, problem identification, and short-term counseling/intervention. Referral for treatment and rehabilitation to appropriate community counseling/treatment resources. Follow-up services to aid an employee in achieving an effective readjustment to his or her job after treatment. Training and education for supervisors and employees about alcohol and drugs.

RaShonda M. Labrador, MS, EAPC (580)442-4205/6306

Sneak Peek: What to Expect Next Month




The new year always brings new joy, new hope, and new expectations. But in the midst of all of the newness, we sometimes forget the most important renewal of all.self. Yes, it is time for us to put ourselves first and remember that without self-care, we cannot fully care for anyone else. The next edition of Workforce Pride will visit the topics of continuous self-care, tips for organization, and Valentines preparation for the love of your life!

WE WANT TO KNOW YOUR We are back!!! We have read your comments, answered your requests, and created RESOLUTIONS FOR 2012!! a NEW training schedule just for YOU!! Please contact us if you HAVE A STORY TO January 2012 will be the next opportunity SHARE!! Your story will be greatly appreciated for all to receive their Substance Abuse Prevention and Life Skills Training in accordance for next months issue. Anonymity requests will be respected. with AR 600-85. There is an annual 2 hour requirement for Civilians and 4 hour reANYTHING ELSE YOU WOULD LIKE quirement for Soldiers. Check out page 11 TO SHARE?? within this edition for more details on the Contact me at 580-442-4205/6306 or at upcoming year changes!!!
I look forward to hearing from you!!

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