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What is an argumentative text?

argumentative texts are intended to persuade and convince the audience in terms of communicative functions. The term argumentation is used to define the operation of justifying an opinion or thesis through the reasoning (or argument), with the aim of changing the views of other person or merely communicating our own ideas HEALTH AND HEALING AT YOUR FINGERTIPS

Throw out the bottles and boxes of drugs in your house. A new theory suggests that medicine could be bad for your health, which should at least come as good news to people who cannot afford to buy expensive medicine. However, it is a blow to the medicine industry, and an even bigger blow to our confidence in the progress of science. This new theory argues that healing is at our fingertips: we can be healthy by doing Reiki on a regular basis.

Supporters of medical treatment argue that medicine should be trusted since it is effective and scientifically proven. They say that there is no need for spiritual methods such as Reiki, Yoga, Tai Chi. These waste our time, something which is quite precious in our material world. There is medicine that can kill our pain, x-rays that show us our fractured bones or MRI that scans our brain for tumors. We must admit that these methods are very effective in the examples that they provide. However, there are some every day complaints such as back pains, headaches, insomnia, which are treated currently with medicine. When you have a headache, you take an Aspirin, or Vermidon, when you cannot sleep, you take Xanax without thinking of the side effects of these. When you use these pills for a long period, you become addicted to them; you cannot sleep without them. We pay huge amounts of money and become addicted instead of getting better. How about a safer and more economical way of healing? When doing Reiki to yourself, you do not need anything except your energy so it is very economical. As for its history, it was discovered in Japan in the early 1900s and its popularity has spread particularly throughout America and Western Europe. In quantum physics, energy is recognized as the fundamental substance of which the universe is composed. Reiki depends on the energy within our bodies. It is a

simple and effective way of restoring the energy flow. There are no side effects and it is scientifically explained.

Opponents of alternative healing methods also claim that serious illnesses such as HIV/AIDS and cancer cannot be treated without drugs. They think so because these patients spend the rest of their lives in the hospital taking medicine. How can Reiki make these people healthy again? It is very unfortunate that these patients have to live in the hospital losing their hair because of chemotherapy, losing weight because of the side effects of the medicine they take. Actually, it is common knowledge that except for when the cancer is diagnosed at an early stage, drugs also cannot treat AIDS or cancer. Most of the medicine these patients use are to ease their pain and their sufferings because of the medical treatment they undergo. Instead of drugs which are expensive and have many side effects, you can use your energy to overcome the hardships of life, find an emotional balance, leave the stress of everyday life and let go of the everyday worries. Most of the chronic conditions such as eczema or migraine are known to have causes such as poor diet and stress. Deep-rooted anger or other strong emotions can contribute to viral infections as well. Since balancing our emotions and controlling our thoughts are very important for our well-being, we should definitely start learning Reiki and avoid illnesses before it is too late.

Some people may still maintain that in our material world, everything depends on time. It is even lacking time that causes much of the stress that leads to the illnesses we mentioned. How would it be possible to find time to do Reiki to ourselves and the people around us when we cannot even find time to go to the theater? This is one good thing about Reiki; it does not require more than 15 minutes of our time. There is no need for changing clothes or special equipment. It is a wonderfully simple healing art, an effective method of relaxation and stress-relief. Most important of all, it is less time consuming than medicine if we think of all the time we spend taking medicine for some complaints and taking some more for the side effects as well.

Having said these, resistance to Reiki would be quite illogical. Reiki is natural and drug-free. What is more, it is easy to learn by anyone,

regardless of age and experience. It can be used anywhere, anytime. It also enhances physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being and the benefits last a lifetime. It is definitely high time to get away from the drug boxes we store in our drug cabinet!

Argumentasi adalah salah satu jenis pengembangan paragraf dalam penulisan yang ditulis dengan tujuan untuk meyakinkan atau membujuk[rujukan?] pembaca. Dalam penulisan argumentasi isi dapat berupa penjelasan, pembuktian, alasan, maupun ulasan obyektif dimana disertakan contoh, analogi, dan sebab akibat. Tujuannya adalah agar pembaca yakin bahwa ide, gagasan, atau pendapat tersebut adalah benar dan terbukti.

Menurut Iskandar, sudah saatnya masyarakat mengubah paradigma agar lulusan SMP tidak latah masuk SMA. Kalau memang lebih berbakat pada jalur profesi sebaiknya memilih SMK. Dia mengingatkan sejumlah risiko bagi lulusan SMP yang sembarangan melanjutkan sekolah. Misalnya, lulusan SMP yang tidak mempunyai potensi bakat-minat ke jalur akademik sampai perguruan tinggi, tetapi memaksakan diri masuk SMA, dia tidak akan lulus UAN karena sulit mengikuti pelajaran di SMA. Tanpa lulus UAN mustahil bisa sampai perguruan tinggi. Pada akhirnya mereka akan menjadi pengangguran karena pelajaran di SMA tidak memberi bekal untuk bekerja. Sumber : Cerdas Berpikir Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Kesimpulan dari paragraf tersebut ialah memilih SMA tanpa pertimbangan yang matang hanya akan menambah pengangguran. Dilihat dari struktur informasinya, dalam paragraf argumentasi akan ditemukan:

Pendahuluan, bertujuan untuk menarik perhatian pembaca, memusatkan perhatian pembaca kepada argumen yang akan disampaikan, atau menunjukkan dasar-dasar mengapa argumentasi dikemukakan. Tubuh argumen, bertujuan untuk membuktikan kebenaran yang akan disampaikan dalam paragraf argumentasi sehingga kesimpulan yang akan dicapai juga benar. Kebenaran yang disampaikan dalam tubuh argument harus dianalisis, disusun, dan dikemukakan dengan mengadakan observasi, eksperimen, penyusun fakta, dan jalan pikiran yang logis. Kesimpulan atau ringkasan, bertujuan untuk membuktikan kepada pembaca bahwa kebenaran yang ingin disampaikan melalui proses penalaran memang dapat diterima sebagai sesuatu yang logis.

Argumentative text
Segunda, 12 Janeiro 2009 20:08 |

Escrito por Joo Carreiro |

How to write an argumentative text.

When discussing a topic, or giving your opinion, you first have to take notes about the advantages and disadvantages, or the arguments for and against, the topic you are going to write about, then organise and expand them into a full text and finally take a conclusion. Example A. Topic: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of air travel.

Look at the notes we have taken for this composition: Advantages Quick Easy and comfortable Relatively cheap Disadvantages No feeling of travelling Dont see the countries/ enjoy landscapes on the journey tiring/ Weather delays

Now, see how these notes have been organised and expanded into a full composition.

The first obvious advantage of air travel is that it is quick. You can fly from Europe to America in a few hours, and with the introduction of supersonic planes, travelling time between continents is getting shorter. It is very easy and comfortable to travel by plane; someone looks after your luggage and all you have to do is to get on, sit down, relax and enjoy a meal or a film. Your comfortable seat is reserved and there is excellent waitress service. Another point in favour of air travel is that it is relatively cheap, especially for long-distance travel. On the other hand (However), travelling by air has some disadvantages. Perhaps the most important is that (For example) you fly directly to your destination and you have no feeling of travelling from one country to another. Another point (disadvantage) is that because (as) air travel is so quick, people going long distances non-stop often suffer from tiredness; so they save time travelling, but waste time recovering. It also happens that passengers are often delayed by fog and other weather conditions. Anyway, I think that the advantages of travelling by plane outweigh the disadvantages, mainly when you have to travel long distances and want to save time. Example B

Topic: Do you think old people should be looked after by their families when they become too old to manage by themselves? If so, give your reasons; if not, say why not, and suggest how they should be looked after.

In this composition you are asked something more than in the first one. Here you are asked to give your opinion, to give reasons and to give suggestions. Look at the notes for this composition: Opinion: I dont think that old people should be looked after by their families. Reasons: difficult to be looked after properly; relationships between generations not easy. Suggestions: financial assistance from the state; government nursing system; special homes; special housing areas with supervision. Now, see how these notes have been expanded into a full composition. The problem of looking after old people is greater today than ever before. It is difficult for them to be properly cared for by the family because quite often both parents go out to work. Another problem is that, if nowadays the relationship between two generations in one house is often difficult, with three generations it may be impossible. Bearing this in mind (Considering this) I think that old people should be the states responsibility, not the familys. They should be given financial support, so that they can end their lives without worrying about money. If they wish to live in their own houses, but need special care, this should be given by a government nursing system. In many countries old people can live in special houses; public money should be spent on building more of these houses, and improving their facilities. Even better would be to build old peoples flats or bungalows, grouped together and under the supervision of trained staff. To sum up (In conclusion) I believe that families cant look after their old people satisfactorily nowadays, and that this should be the responsibility of the state. How to make a point, or express an opinion, or reason. First of all... One advantage/ disadvantage of (...) is ... Another point in favour of/ against (...) is ... A further argument in favour of /against (...) is ... The biggest advantage/disadvantage is ... One objection to this argument is ... No doubt ..., however ... This is not always the case ... Take for instance (to present an example) ... In my opinion, ... I think ... If ...., then ... Its important/true/necessary to remember/ to point out that ...

Bearing this in mind/ considering this, I think ... Its worth remembering that ... To sum up/In conclusion I would say that ...

How to link the points or opinions, or reasons together On the one hand ..., on the other hand (the second part can be used alone to introduce an opposite point) On the one hand travelling by air is very fast; on the other hand it has several disadvantages. But

There are many advantages in owning a dog, but there are one or two disadvantages too. In contrast

Cats are rather independent. Dogs, in contrast, provide real companionship (much more usual is on the other hand) Besides

Besides this problem, there is the question of exercise for dogs. Besides providing financial help for old people, the government should build more special houses. Moreover (used to add another point)

Air travel is easy, comfortable and quick. Moreover, it is relatively cheap. Whereas; while

Dogs are fairly expensive to keep, whereas/while cats cost very little. Dogs must be taken for walks, while/whereas cats can look after themselves. However; although; in spite of

Exercise B Look at the ideas you wrote down for the topics in Exercise A. Using the ways of making a point and expressing an opinion write full texts on the topics, pointing out the advantages and disadvantages/arguments for and against. Exercise C

Using the ways of liking points, expressing opinions or reasons complete the following: 1. football/exciting; Cricket/ more relaxing Football is an exciting game. cricket, in contrast, _____________________ 1. living in a foreign country/difficult/ rather exciting People say that living in a foreign country is difficult. On the other hand it __________ 1. northern countries/rather reserved-Mediterranean countries/extrovert People from northern countries tend to be rather reserved. Those from Mediterranean countries, on the other hand, __________________________ 1. England/monarchy-Portugal/republic England has a monarchy, whereas __________________________________ 1. England/ drive left-rest of Europe/right In England people drive on the left, while _______________________________ 1. England pounds sterling/ most European countries/euro our currency is pounds sterling, whereas _____________________________ 1. England/non-compulsory military service efficient armed forces England has no compulsory military service, however _______________________ 1. no high mountains in England Switzerland very mountainous country There are no really high mountains in England, whereas _________________ 1. television kills conversation, makes people dumber Besides killing conversation, television ______________________________ 1. gardens- place for children to play- beautify the houses Gardens provide a place for children to play. Moreover, they _____________

Exercise D Following the patterns given before write down your notes ( not complete sentences) and ideas for one of these topics 1. Boys should receive a different type of education from girls. What is your opinion on this? Give your reasons. 2. Television is doing an irreparable harm to our society. Are you of the same opinion? State your reasons. 3. Space race is the words biggest waste of money. Are you of the same opinion? State your reasons. 4. New fashions in clothing are created only for commercial exploitation of women. Comment on this topic. 5. Examinations have a pernicious influence in education. Are you of the same opinion? State your reasons. 6. Parents are too permissive with their children nowadays. Are you of the same opinion? State your reasons. 7. Capital punishment is the only way to stop criminals. Comment on it.

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