Written Report Rizal

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Polytechnic University of the Philippines Sta.

Mesa, Manila

Mga Buhay, Gawain at Kaisipan ni Rizal (HS101)

Submitted by: Flores, Charlie S.P. Submitted to: Prof. Buhay

Integrity is one of the most important and oft-cited virtue terms. It is also perhaps the most puzzling. While it is sometimes used synonymously with moral, we also at times distinguish acting morally from acting with integrity. Thus, personal integrity refers to a quality of an individuals character. Acting with personal integrity will always be explained in terms of broader feature of a persons character and life. Dr. Rizal is a good example of personal integrity, basing his actions on an internally consistent framework of principles. His commitment towards intention, promises and convictions is truly unfathomable. Oftentimes, we find ourselves with so many commitments, of so many different kinds, and eventually these inevitably clash and change over time. This makes Dr. Rizal so special; his personal integrity came from steadfast commitment he expected to remain true to. Rizals integrity was in one way or another belied by many people. One big issue being debated is the extraction of Rizal to Catholicism. This is plainly hoax intended to ruin his credibility as a martyr, not even being proven consistently. Actually, Dr. Rizal loved God deeply, in his My Last Farewell which was written hours before he was executed he showed his love for God:
And in the still evening a prayer be lifted on high From thee, O my country, that in God may rest.

His unfaltering commitment for love of country was shown in his one of writings:
I have always loved my poor country, and I am sure I shall love her to the last moment, even though men are perhaps unjust to me; my future, my life, my joys --- all these I have sacrificed for my love for her.

Rizals personal integrity is somewhat as social virtue, which is his proper regard for his own best judgment. He did not just act consistently with his endorsements, he stood for something. He stood for the best judgment within community of people trying to discover what in life is worth doing. He asserted that in order for the country to develop, fellow Filipinos should first seek for self-improvement.

Rizals idea of this virtue is as valid today as they were yesterday. These days, we experience deep trauma of social and political crises. But actually, these crises came from us! This is because of less attention weve been giving with our own integrity that affects largely to social and political structures and processes when put together. We always ask for change in the government and improvement in society, but never we ask change for ourselves. Rizal strived for perfection, so we should too. All changes begin within. To change the whole society, we begin with the individual parts that make up the whole namely ourselves. Issues about personal integrity can properly be raised then. The worst fortunate will be the next generation, the kind of environment they will inherit. This does not imply that issues about personal integrity are entirely moral, not having to do with idiosyncratic characteristics of individuals; instead it suggests that the very meaning of personal integrity in particular cases sometimes depends upon more general considerations about the nature of the society that makes those idiosyncratic properties identifying and others not. The pursuit of adequate personal integrity often depends, not so much on understanding who one is and what one believes and is committed to, but rather understanding what ones society is and imagining what it could be. Any agenda for social change is bound to fail if it lacks the core formula of personal transformation. Without personal discipline, and personal integrity, no master plan for improving society can succeed. As Rizal said, My countrymen, I have given proofs, more than anybody else, of desiring liberties for our country and I still desire them. But I place as premise the education of the people so that by means of education and of labor they might have a personality of their own and make themselves worthy of liberties.

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