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In the beginning, they were a joke, little grey men in skin tight suits. Now, with an empire spanning three entire star systems and technology to vaporise even a Titan, the galaxy shudders when war is declared by the mighty Terran Empire.

Weapons of the Terran Empire Anti Matter Blaster: 24" S7 AP1 Heavy 1, Large Blast Anti Matter Ray: 48" S9 AP1 Lance Anti Matter Cannon: 48" S10 AP1 Heavy 2, Large Blast Dark Matter Cannon: 72" S10 AP1 Barrage, Large Blast Dark Matter Fusion Cannon: 72" S10 AP1 Ordnance 2, Large Blast, Twin Linked Mercurite Carbine: 24" S6 AP4 Rapid Fire Mercurite Blaster: 24" S7 AP3 Heavy 1, Blast Mercurite Missile: S10 AP2 Heavy 1, Large Blast Particle Pistol: 12" S4 AP3 Assault 2 Particle Carbine: 24" S4 AP2 Rapid Fire Particle Blaster: 24" S6 AP2 Heavy 1, Blast Particle Beam: 48" S9 AP1 Lance Particle Fusion Beam: 48" S9 AP1 Lance, Blast, Twin Linked Particle Missile: S9 AP1 Heavy 1, Blast Particle Gattler: 36" S5 AP2 Heavy 25

HQ Terran Warlord... 80 points WS 6 BS 7 S 3 T 3 W 3 I 4 A 3 Ld 10 Sv 3+

Unit Composition: 1 Warlord Unit Type: Infantry Equipment: Imperial Armour, Psychic Helm, Lightning Blade, Particle Pistol Special Rules: Acute Senses, Command and Conquer, Ultimate Leader, Combat Specialist, Eternal Warrior, Ancient Tongue, Honoured Opponent

Terran Grand High Master... 125 points WS 5 BS 4 S 3 T 3 W 3 I 2 A 1 Ld 10 Sv -

Unit Composition: 1 Grand High Master Unit Type: Infantry Equipment: Warp Ring, Staff of Ages Forgotten, Particle Field Special Rules: Acute Senses, Command and Conquer, Eternal Warrior, Ancient Tongue, Psyker, Master Strategist, Shifting Reality, Divine Presence, Immortal

TROOPS Terran Warrior Regiment... 120 points WS 3 BS 4 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 4 A 1 Ld 6 Sv 5+

Unit Composition: 9 Warriors + Captian Unit Type: Infantry Equipment: Aero Suit, Particle Carbine, Particle Pistol(Captian), Energy Sword(Captian) Special Rules: Acute Senses, Command and Conquer

Terran Scout Squad... 65 points WS 3 BS 3 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 4 A 1 Ld 5 Sv 5+

Unit Compisition: 5 Scouts Unit Type: Infantry Equipment: Aero Suit, Particle Pistol Special Rules: Acute Senses, Command and Conquer, Move Through Cover, Scouts, Stealth

ELITES Terran Sniper Squad... 90 points WS 3 BS 5 S 3 T 3 W 1 I 4 A 1 Ld 6 Sv 5+

Unit Composition: 4 Snipers + Captian Unit Type: Infantry Equipment: Aero Suit, Particle Sniper, Target Lock(Captian) Special Rules: Acute Senses, Move Through Cover, Stealth

Octopod... 80 points WS 4 BS S 4 T 4 W 2 I 6 A 8 Ld 10 Sv 4+

Unit Composition: 1 Octopod Unit Type: Beast Equipment: Hypnotic Eye Special Rules: Acute Senses, Backup Computer, Counter Attack, Feel No Pain, Move Through Cover, Stealth, Fearless

Tripod... 145 points WS 4 BS 4 S 6 FA 12 SA 12 RA 12 I 4 A 4

Unit Composition: 1 Tripod Unit Type: Vehicle(Walker) Equipment: Grappling Hook, Particle Beam, Mercurite Missile(x2), Force Field Special Rules: Backup Computer, Tank Hunter, Massive Stride

Heavy Tripod... 150 points WS 4 BS 4 S 6 FA 12 SA 12 RA 12 I 4 A 4

Unit Composition: 1 Heavy Tripod Unit Type: Vehicle(Walker) Equipment: Grappling Hook, Anti Matter Cannon, Mercurite Missile(x2), Force Field Special Rules: Backup Computer, Tank Hunter, Massive Stride

Master Tripod... 200 points WS 5 BS 5 S 6 FA 12(14) SA 12(14) RA 12(14) I 4 A 4

Unit Composition: 1 Master Tripod Unit Type: Vehicle(Walker) Equipment: Grappling Hook, Particle Fusion Beam, Mercurite Missile(x2), Force Field(x2), Particle Gattler Special Rules: Backup Computer, Massive Stride, Booming Call, Relentless

FAST ATTACK Air Blade... 40 points WS 3 BS 4 S 3 T 3(4) W 1 I 4 A 2 Ld 8 Sv 5+

Unit Composition: 1-3 Air Blades Unit Type: Jetbike Equipment: Aero Suit, Twin-Linked Particle Carbine, Mercurite Missile, Force Field Special Rules: Acute Senses, Skilled Rider, Stealth

Heavy Air Blade... 55 points WS 3 BS 4 S 3 T 3(4) W 1 I 4 A 2 Ld 8 Sv 5+

Unit Composition: 1-3 Heavy Air Blades Unit Type: Jetbike Equipment: Aero Suit, Particle Blaster, Mercurite Missile, Force Field Special Rules: Acute Senses, Skilled Rider, Stealth

Repair Drone... 30 points WS 2 BS 2 S 3 T 4 W 1 I 6 A 1 Ld 9 Sv 4+

Unit Composition: 1-5 Repair Drones Unit Type: Jump Infantry Equipment: Particle Carbine, Mercurite Missile Special Rules: Repair, Vulnerable to Blast, Move Through Cover

DEDICATED TRANSPORTS Manta Carrier... 40 points BS 4 FA 12 SA 12 RA 10

Unit Type: Vehicle(Skimmer) Equipment: Particle Gattler, Mercurite Missile(x2), Force Field Special Rules: Relentless Transport: 10 models Fire Points: Both sides of the Manta are fire points, allowing your units to 'broadside' enemies. Units can only fire from one side each turn when in the vehicle. Access Points: Models may disembark and embark within 2" of the side of the Manta.

Ghost Carrier... 500 points BS 4 FA 14 SA 14 RA 14

Unit Type: Vehicle(Tank, Skimmer) Equipment: Mercurite Missile(x4), Dark Matter Fusion Cannon(x2), Twin Linked Particle Carbine(x4), Force Field(x3), Abduction Beam Special Rules: Relentless Transport: Entire Army Fire Points: Both Sides of the Ghost are fire points, allowing your units to 'broadside' enemies. Separate units may fire from either side of the vehicle. Access Points: Models may disembark and embark within 5" of the side of the Ghost.

HEAVY SUPPORT Humongor... 250 points WS 3 BS S 8 T 8(10) W 10 I 5 A 2 Ld 10 Sv 4+(2+)

Unit Composition: 1 Humongor Unit Type: Monstrous Creature Equipment: Hardened Carapace Special Rules: Acute Senses, Backup Computer, Fearless, Fleet, Feel No Pain, Move Through Cover, Indestructible, Thunderous Charge

Warp Ship... 120 points BS 4 FA 12 SA 12 RA 12

Unit Composition: 1-3 Warp Ships Unit Type: Jetbike Equipment: Dark Matter Fusion Cannon, Mercurite Missile(x2) Special Rules: Acute Senses, Skilled Rider, Off the Radar, Shifting Reality, Homing Technique

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