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Year 1 Year 2

Year 3

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fan & pump motor energy savings guide

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fan and pump motors waste over 30% of power consumed index
How is energy wasted? What are the fundamental principles of energy saving using inverter drives? How is energy saved when using centrifugal pumps? How is energy saved when using fans? Is a 30% energy saving too good to be true? How does energy saving using inverters work in practice? How does Control Techniques deliver energy savings? How does the Government support energy savings? How do I move forward with a savings plan for my pumps and fans 3 4 4 6 7 8 9 10 12

who is Control Techniques?

Control Techniques is a global no compromise specialist in variable speed drives and drive systems, providing best practice in applications through an international network of local drive centres, from a UK manufacturing and development centre. Control Techniques has concentrated its skills on drive design, manufacture and application to differentiate themselves from generalists, who, in their view, are unable to place and sustain such a powerful focus upon this essential area of technological development and application.

fan & pump motor energy savings guide

how is energy wasted?

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Some 40% of industrial electricity consumption is utilised as the motive power for pumps and fans. The vast majority of these motors are driven at constant speed by squirrel cage machines, and any variation in system output is generally achieved by throttling or damping in the system.
With VTC and Verisave

However, a substantial amount of this energy is wasted. This is because most fan and pump systems are oversized, usually because of too much contingency planning in the system design, and then rounding up to the

Year 1 Year 2

next standard motor size. Consequently, significant amounts of energy are expended unnecessarily, and the operating cost of the system is as much as 50% more than it should be. There are also significant indirect cost savings available by extending motor life,
Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

reducing maintenance time and cutting overall noise levels. The overall savings to be made in energy and indirect costs rely upon the effective application of variable speed AC inverter drives; for example, a 15% reduction in fan or motor speed will achieve a 40% energy saving.

Energy Costs

Payback Costs

Ongoing Savings

fan & pump motor energy savings guide

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what are the fundamental principles of energy saving using inverter drives?
The performance of pumps and fans is slightly different, so at this stage they are considered separately in demonstrating the fundamental principles of how energy saving is achieved through the effective application of variable speed inverter drive control.

how is energy saved when using centrifugal pumps?

When using a centrifugal pump, throttling the pump output increases the system impedance. Figure 1 shows how this change in system characteristics is represented as a net increase in the Total Dynamic Head (TDH) of Xft. Energy is therefore dissipated at the rate equivalent to pumping B gallons per day (gpd) to a height of Xft. In Figure 2, the alternative is demonstrated, reducing the speed of the pump. In this case, the reduced throughput of the system B gpd is achieved with a nett reduction in TDH of Yft. Therefore, by using variable speed instead of throttling, the saving is the difference in THD of (X+Y)ft.

HEAD X Friction head Static head

System Characteristic Point B Design Point A HEAD Y Point A Point C


Pump characteristic speed constant TDH

Pump characteristic reduced speed

throughput gpd

Figure 1

throughput gpd

Figure 2

fan & pump motor energy savings guide

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The combined set of typical pump characteristics is shown in Figure 3, illustrating the effect of speed variation verses throttling on both pump efficiency and absorbed power. The most notable points illustrated are that throttling the system does not reduce throughput at the cost of increasing absorbed power as popularly believed; the power absorbed does reduce as the throttle is closed. The absorbed power locus which passes through points PN1 and PN2, indicates that even at zero flow, some power is still absorbed, and this constant component of absorbed power is necessary to overcome the static head, which is constant in many pump systems. The power locus has a cube law characteristic for speed/flow against power, and this enables a calculation of the energy savings. In Figure 3, the efficiency characteristics are also shown. The pump is selected to operate at peak efficiency, but throttling the system defeats that objective, and results in the pump operating at an efficiency well below its peak value. From the efficiency curves, it is clear that from approximately 70% to 100% throughput, little efficiency is lost by varying the speed.
Ful Speed Power Curve Power at Speed N2

Throttled System Unthrottled System

Pump Characteristics at Full Speed N1 Pump Characteristics (Reduced Speed N2)

Power Locus

P N1 Power Saving by Speed Variation P N2 2

Consequently, it is clear that significant energy, and therefore cost, savings are available by using a variable speed system employing inverter drives instead of throttling the pump.




Pump Efficiency %

Efficiency at Reduced Speed N2

Pump Efficiency Full Speed N1


Figure 3


fan & pump motor energy savings guide

how is energy saved when using fans?
In a similar way to the pump illustration, Figure 4 demonstrates the performance of a fan alongside a characteristic showing the system resistance. Where the two curves intersect, the fan performance meets the system requirements. Should a variation in volume be required, it is necessary to achieve control by damping the system or varying the fan motor speed. Outlet damping control is similar to throttling a pump. Figure 4 demonstrates where a reduced volume V2 is required, a pressure drop P must be effected across an outlet damper, in order to meet the system requirement, which at V2 is less than the capability of the fan. Thus energy is wasted, usually as heat and noise.
Da m pe

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Outlet Damper Control

Fan Pressure P1 Pressure P

System Pressure

Fan Performance P2


S ys

te m


si s

V2 Volume


Figure 4

Inlet Damper Control

Dam p er
ti a
ll y


S yste m R e sis ta n c e

In Figure 7, graph A shows how absorbed power varies as the system is damped. Taking this example to the extreme, if the damper were completely closed, a considerable amount of energy would be wasted in simply pressurising the system. By placing inlet dampers directly in the input to the fan, vortices are generated in the airflow, reducing the efficiency of the fan as illustrated in Figure 5. This is less wasteful of energy than outlet damping as demonstrated by graph B in Figure 7, as energy is not dissipated in pressurising the system. Inlet damping is also less noisy which is important in air conditioning, heating and ventilation systems.
Red uc ed

Fan & System Pressure


Figure 5

Variable Speed Control


ll S



The results achieved by varying the speed of the fan using an inverter are demonstrated in Figure 6. In Figure 7, an illustration of how power absorbed in this method of control varies in comparison to inlet and output

Fan & System


Figure 6

Sy R e ste m sis ta n ce
d ee

fan & pump motor energy savings guide

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damper control. As graph C intersects with both A and B, it indicates that when the fan is required to operate at full capacity, or close to it, the inverter losses exceed damping losses, and are additional in the system. The

gradients of the relevant graphs indicate how rapidly energy savings can be achieved as throughput is reduced.


I nl e









r pe

Fans are similar to pumps in their operation characteristics; however, unlike pumps, fans can be controlled by damping of the input in addition to throttling of the fan output.

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Figure 7

is a 30% energy saving too good to be true?

No. By expertly assessing the pump or fan control system, and making appropriate measurements, the true cost saving will appear, and this example illustrates a typical situation. The first step in deciding if an inverter would be cost effective is to calculate the payback period in years, which is based upon the total project capital cost divided by the expected annual saving. Example: Pump Application A 22kW centrifugal pump running continuously at 50% flow. Comparison of operating costs between pump throttling and Control Techniques VTC inverter control, using typical losses at 50% flow: - kW needed for throttle system = 55% of 22kW = 12.1kW - kW needed for inverter system = 25% of 22kW = 5.5kW - Savings = 6.6kW More than 50%! If the pump operates on a duty cycle of 12 hours per day, 7 days per week, for 48 weeks per year, the annual saving is considerable. - 6.6kW x 12 x 7 x 48 = 26,611 kWh Assuming a cost of electricity at 0.05/kWh, the annual savings are 26,611 kWh x 0.05 = 1,330!

fan & pump motor energy savings guide

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how does energy saving using inverters work in practice?

These are examples from the Control Techniques portfolio of case studies demonstrating the proven energy cost savings achieved by effective application of Control Techniques VTC inverter drives to fan and pump control. Chiller Pump Running Costs Reduced By Over 1,000 Per Month
Site: Product: Project: Options: Decision: Result: Summary: DVLA Swansea. Control Techniques 160kW Unidrive VTC inverter drive system. Reduce the power requirement of the chiller water circulating pump. Change the motor or introduce an inverter drive system to replace the pump star/delta starter Inverter drive system based upon Control Techniques 160kW Unidrive VTC System. Power consumption down from almost 160kW to 50kW, saving between 100kWh and 115kWh for 12-15 hours per day, providing a payback within 18 months of installation. Control Techniques delivered, installed and commissioned the main and standby drives systems in only 16 hours. The Control Techniques inverter drive selected was the 160kW Unidrive VTC, which has been designed to meet the special needs of the HVAC market, including features dynamic voltage/ frequency control which automatically optimises the voltage to the required load. The consequence is an additional energy efficiency as the motor flux is matched to the actual need. Contractor: Planned Maintenance Regional Services.

39% of Energy Costs Saved!

Site: Product: Project: Oxford Brookes University Students Union. Control Techniques Unidrive VTC inverter drive system. Reduce the power requirement of the air handling system which uses two 25kW two-speed motors for extraction and supply of fresh air to the union. Energy consumption of the supply and return fans over their duty cycles showed an annual return of around 164,000kWh. Original Control System: Star/Delta starters and manual switching between full speed, at 25kW and low speed at 7kW Control improvements were necessary to provide an appropriate response to the number of people using the union facility. New Control System: Control Techniques Unidrive VTC system, providing a continuous adjustment to fan speed. Result: A considerably improved level of temperature and air quality control, plus a reduction in power consumption of approximately 60,000kWh per year. This will provide an annual saving of 2,500 and payback in just over 2.5 years at current energy costs. Summary: The Control T echniques VTC Unidrive system matched the motor speed to the requirements of the air handling system, resulting in a substantial energy saving, which was very close to the original theoretical calculations.

fan & pump motor energy savings guide

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how can Control Techniques deliver energy savings?

Initially a Control T echniques specialist will if requested conduct an on-site fan and pump energy survey. Alternatively, it is a simple matter for the user to conduct his own survey and calculate the anticipated savings using Windows based CTSAVE software, available free on request.

% 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1 2 3

Heating Pump

Cooling Pump

Flow rate % Energy used %

% 50 40 30 20 10

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8



Most fan and pump systems are over-sized for anything less than full flow. Consequently a significant amount of energy is wasted and the operating costs are unnecessarily high. The Control Techniques CTSAVE software system illustrates the real potential savings, including a payback calculation which is worked out by dividing the project capital cost using the Control Techniques Unidrive VTC Inverter System by the expected annual savings. 0700 CONTROL (0700 2668765) for more product information or FREE CTSAVE software.

900 SO




fan & pump motor energy savings guide

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what Government legislation forces energy saving?

In 2001, UK business is going to be hit with a savage increase in electricity costs, currently estimated at 25%. This is being levied by HM Government, through the Climate Change Levy, to stimulate the carbon reduction commitments made at Kyoto in 1997. This will motivate many businesses to survey their fan and pump installations, then fit speed control where appropriate and move towards a cleaner environment. Frequently, fan and pump systems are larger, sometimes far larger, than necessary. This results from designers choosing to err on the positive side, as an undersized system cannot easily be made larger, whilst an over-large system can be turned down. Clearly this situation will have to change in the very near future.

how does the Government support energy savings?

Control Techniques VTC inverter drive products are recognised under the Energy Saving Trust [EST] Energy Efficiency branding scheme. Please contact Control Techniques on 0700 CONTROL if you require more information on the scheme, which highlights its main message in the following text. A Message From The Energy Saving Trust You dont have to be a genius to save money on your energy bill. Just look for products and services where you see the Energy Efficiency logo. They save or use less energy, and save you money. And, because they use the latest technology, theres no compromise on performance. This prestigious logo has been introduced by the Energy Saving Trust, an independent, Government funded body, working in partnership with industry. Look for it. Anything else is a waste of energy.
Energy Saving Trust


fan & pump motor energy savings guide

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Control Techniques co-operation

supply of energy saving drives to industry and commerce.


SWALEC Energy Saving Partnership has successfully pioneered an innovative mechanism for the

reduce costs

an innovative way to your energy

The Energy Saving Partnership has been developed

by SWALEC to enable businesses to realise energy savings without the need to invest in their capital. Under this scheme the costs of installing energy efficient equipment are met by SWALEC and the investment is recovered by sharing the value of the energy savings with the customer. Funding is available for a wide range of energy efficient technology including lighting and motor control.

investing in energy efficiency


Whilst we are able to offer a wide range of

competitive energy supply prices, you do not have to buy your power from SWALEC to qualify as an energy saving partner. We will establish the energy saving potential of your business for you, and recommend the right technology to reduce your bills.

SWALEC will fund and arrange the installation of energy efficient equipment. The investment will be recovered by sharing energy cost savings over an agreed contract period.

pays for the installation?

Under the partnership agreement

For more information contact Bob Oglesby at SWALEC

SWALEC (South Wales Electricity) Energy Services, Newport Road, Cardiff, CF3 9XW Phone 01222 334824, Fax 01222 773980, e-mail

01222 773927

or fill in and return the reply paid card opposite.

fan & pump motor energy savings guide

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how do I move forward with a savings plan for my pumps and fans?
Please make your selections from the FREE material list below, and if you require more immediate information, please telephone

Is your application a FAN What size is it? Running current (if known) How many hours per day does it run? How many days per week? Application? Current method of control How much do you pay per unit for electricity? County p/unit Postcode please arrange a Control T echniques specialist to call me or my colleague below and discuss a FREE energy savings site survey. Telephone Facsimile E-mail please send me a FREE CTSAVE software pack to calculate my own survey or a PUMP kW amps hrs days Your Initials Your Surname Job Title Company Name Address

(0700 2668765)

Many thanks for your interest in Control Techniques energy saving variable speed drives.


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driving the world...

Control Techniques UK Marketing Centre Unit 5 St. Giles Technology Park Newtown SY16 3AJ Tel: 01686 612900 Fax: 01686 612999

Control Techniques 2001. The information contained in this brochure is for guidance only and does not form part of any contract. The accuracy cannot be guaranteed as Control Techniques have an ongoing process of development and reserve the right to change the specification of their products without notice.

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