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Run by
Jayashree, Amit, Badribhai, Devika behen, Majali, Shewanta, Shanta the regulars Kalsingh, Mirkha Trainee teachers Kamal, Deewansingh, Kesarsingh, Anil, Sarang, Pushpendra senior students The Octopus, Nile and Amazon group children Kalsingh, Mansi, Annie, Mirkha, - The volunteers


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. . . . . . . . Introduction .
The Adharshila Learning Centre was started in 1998 to explore new possibilities in the field of education of tribals. Could there be a paradigm of education for children based on their distinct culture and lifestyle, history of struggle against oppression. Could education come up with livelihood options for the future generation based on their land and natural resources and to a large extent on the local economy. Could education play a role in the struggles of people to create a more equitable and just world ? Could it play a role in establishing cooperation and social good as values instead of greed and individualism? Could it help to establish progressive, democratic and secular thinking in the minds of future citizens? This urge to explore these questions was born out of our experience of working in an adivasi organization The Khedut Mazdoor Chetana Sangath in Madhya Pradesh where we came across expoitation at its worst. Where we learnt our lessons on caste, gender, moneylender, bureaucracy, religion, police, the state and its power. We felt the helplessness and frustration of not being able to do anything even after knowing that one was right. But we also learnt that in spite of all odds there could be successes howsoever small. The optimism that things could be changed. We draw courage even now from the extraordinary strength and courage being shown by ordinary people all over the world, who are standing up against the ever increasing exploitation and repression in the new global economic order and also against the tyranny of local oppression of petty officials, goondas, liquour vendors, politicians. The thirteen years of Adharshila have produced a lot of ex students, now in colleges or villages waiting for lady (and) luck to strike. So it was only natural for us to get involved with the young people of our area. In these years we have received a lot of support from friends and colleagues, yet we feel that discussions on education are still guided by the agenda and paradigms of the state. The activist friends have yet to grasp the full potential and scope of education as a political weapon to change the way things are. It is disappointing to see that in spite of so many innovative ideas everybody is still stuck with the school, classroom, exam model of education. Our experience tells us that we will be able to say good morning after maybe 10 years when people wake up to the call of radical change in education. The state and the market have always been ahead of us. Education is a long term investment in which only people with long term vision can invest. Right now it

. . . . . . . . seems they have it and they keep everybody busy with firefighting. .
ahead of us in the mind game and hence winning.

They are

Main Stories with some hidden messages

The RTE dilemma
The year started with various rumours of the Right to Education Act. Most teachers and local people who knew about the act were not happy with the act. Everybody has experience of the existing scheme where children were not supposed to be failed till the 5th class and teachers were forced to show 100% enrolment in the primary section. As a result of this we had lots of dropouts after 5th, mostly children who didnt actually attend school, but had there names on the rolls and we saw middle school teachers complaining that many children admitted to 6th class were illiterate or could barely manage to read and write. So with this experience in mind the parents and teachers fear that now children will be promoted to 8th class without the capability to read and write because this Act also forces 100% enrolment and it is mandatory to pass everybody. There is a provision in the Act which says that if a child has not gone to school she/he can be admitted to a class according to his age. Meaning that a 14 year guy who has never gone to school will also be admitted to the 8th class.Though there is a provision for remedial class for weak students in the holidays but ultimately the child has to be promoted. So parents fear that this will actually make schooling a bigger farce - it already is a very big farce and now this farce will have legal sanction. We have a hunch that this is just to prepare ground for the privatization of schools by putting in place a set of rules for pvt. schools. Interestingly these rules dont apply to existing Govt. schools. The other problem in front of us was that according to the Act no child below 14 years could be kept outside school. As Adharshila is not a regular registered school, the children learn here and give private exams at the 5th, 8th and 10th levels according we could not keep children below 14 years. So it was decided in a parents meeting that the childrens names will be enrolled in the nearby govt. school and the children will stay in Adharshila and learn here also. The parents

. . . . . . . wanted to. keep the children in Adharshila as they felt that they will gain more .
here. But by the end of the year we were not satisfied with this solution as it created a lot of confusion in the minds of children. The act does not have any space for innovative alternative schools. And does not leave a choice to the parent or child not to go to school. Which is a very valid choice for rural areas as it is much better not to go to school rather than go to a useless school where there is no teaching and no teacher most of the time.

Who? How Many? Cobra, Dogs and Other Animals way of Roll Call
Catching the Cobra One evening a Cobra was sighted. For two days we saw that he took out his head from the hole and sat in the sun. This was too dangerous with kids playing all around. We thought of calling a snake charmer instead of just being brave. It was a great scene. Everybody was waiting to see a snake charmer. Instead of the stereotype image a young guy clad in jeans, long brown hair and wrist bands was seen on a bike. Empty handed, he headed straight for the hole. Fearlessly, he put his hand inside the hole. After digging for fifteen twenty minutes he took out the snake with his bare hands. It was a beautiful, long, black Cobra no doubt. He played with it for a while, swinging it by the tail, chasing it, getting chased with its hood up to strike, and finally put him in an old plastic cement bag. The children saw for the first time someone catching a poisonous snake so fearlessly and they didnt see any magic or mantra in this. We talked to the snake catcher and the children asked him if he had any special powers. No he said emphatically. He had been doing this since the age of 10 with his father. And he learnt. The dogs This year we recorded the maximum canine polulation in Adharshila. At one time there were six adults and nine pups all desi breed. We are not sure if this was a global phenomenon or if it is related to climate change ? And other animals

. . . . . . . This year . again we were about 120 people staying at the campus. Of these, 110 .
were adivasi children, all but one. This one had come from Indore where his father is a vegetable vendor and mother works in a factory. About 40 adivasi children were coming from nearby villages. The girl teachers (they insist on not being called women) were all there. Shobharam Kanoje who was with us for about 10 years left the school after the first term as he could not manage his farm and school together. Even though Adharshila is a hard ball for most outsiders, Manasi decided to spend one more year at Adharshila which was a big help. She was much more relaxed this year. We had another volunteer Annie who helped with teaching English and worked on developing the curriculum for the primary section. Her motivation to volunteer was to teach her son in Adharshila. We spotted at least 20 types of birds on the campus over the year including some that migrated from the Himalayas. And many exotic insects whose pics we are trying to upload on the blog.

Education, Learning, teaching, unlearning, whatever. Through Shivirs, Tours, Surveys and apprenticing.
Out of class learning and discussion has been a very important aspect of the Adharshila Learning Program. . Besides classroom teaching, workshops, shivirs, surveys and tours form important tools for learning and engaging the children creatively on various issues. A Poster Exhibition of Adivasi history was created and shown in two schools, Baal Melas and two Adivasi Sammelans. The posters were stolen/misplaced in one of the Sammelans. Health Shivir A two day health shivir was held for senior students based on the books created by CEHAT, an organization working on health rights. Craft Shivir A craftsman, the grandfather of one of our children, was called as resource person from the Kajal Mata village who taught the children bamboo mat weaving. Another craftsman from Sakad village, showed the children the art of netting a cot in a traditional design pattern. Origami Shivir was organized for the children of Adharshila. A group of children only taught the other children.

. . . . . . . . Story telling it was fascinating to hear children, 8 -10 years old, tell folk stories .
will make story books from them some day. Maths Shivir -

in their mother tongue. All the elder children and teachers, listened and laughed and encouraged the young ones. Later the teachers wrote the stories. Maybe we A shivir for teachers and senior students was conducted to

understand the concept of fractions. Lesson Making A workshop was conducted by Annie to make lessons in the local language. Animal Husbandary and Poultry Dr. PV Bhalerao a retired veternary scientist conducted a three day workshop for senior students to discuss the traditional and scientific techinques of poultry and rearing milk producing cattle. .and people who helped doing the shivirs The shivirs were conducted by Mansi a voluteer, Praveen, Rameshwar and Arvind, students of Adharshila, Jayashree, Shewanta, Shanta and Majali taechers, Priyanka a friend from Mumbai, and ..Baba from Kajalmata and baba from Sakad.

Educational Tours Like every year this year too the children went on educational tours. The small children went to around Sendhwa town. The middle section children went to Shirpur and really enjoyed the trip. They saw many industries based on agriculture strike in the sugar mill, cold storage, cotton ginning and spinning factory. In the end they visited a very beautiful recreational park. Everybody was surprised to see such a well kept and equipped park in a town like Shirpur. Indore Organic Farming Training A group Adharshila students, teachers, staff and villagers were taken to see some organic farms near Indore to learn the technique of cultivation of a variety of wheat which has very little water requirement. Some parents who showed interest were given the seeds for propogation. Some of them got very good results and are keen to plant on a bigger area next year. Local Travels Besides these once an year tours the children regularly go for outing walks whenever they feel like. Many times morning routines are broken to

. . . . . . . . go for long walks which the children just love. There alertness and interest as .
compared to the classroom is amazing.

A group of students and teachers did a food availability survey of 100 households in 8 hamlets of 8 villages spread over three blocks of Barwani district to realize that smart looking people with mobiles and goggles didnt have grain and daal to last for the season. And these include hamlets in the villages of the MLA and ex MLA. People will have to buy grain from the open market and remember they wont buy daal @ Rs. 80/kg. why? Its just not done. There are many such intricacies due to which our smart malnutrition experts never win. A health survey was done in three villages as part of the health shivir.

Learning Outside Adharshila /Linking with others Two teenagers spent 15 days at Abhivyakti, Nasik to learn film editing. In the end
they made a short film about some childrens activities of Adharshila. Two more children went to Ratnagiri to learn about poultry and animal husbandry with ANTHRA, an organization working in the villages of Maharashtra. Every year three to four students go out and stay in places where some work of their interest is being done. This was made possible by the support Friends of Adharshila. Children make Huts Instead of Classrooms. The most enjoyed item of the year was the hut building, which started spontaneously and went on for almost two months. They made small box like enclosures for themselves in groups, from anything that they could lay there hands on sticks, papers, gunny bags, ropes, plastic.. finally, the teachers also shifted in the middle of these huts and started giving and checking assignments here only, which the children happily did sitting in there huts. Some assignments were based on their housebuilding and for a while the teachers forgot about the time table. The main thing that they learnt was concentration. To be able to work on their own without instruction and that too creative, to believe in what they wanted to do, to put in sincere effort in something they had decided . if you look up some bibles of education you will definitely find this as the most important aims of education which our system has totally forgotten.

. . . . . . . . This was an important event as it gave us a real feel of what it was to totally go by .
not pressed to follow it too much.

childrens decisions. Of course we weaved in our agenda in this but still. They were

Science/Social Science Projects

Another important feature of the Adharshila Learning Program is the holistic approach to learning about something as opposed to the fragmented subject approach of traditional schools. Many topics are taken up over the year depending on the interest of the children, teachers or season or local event or visitor. The topics include birds, animals, water, machine, country, state, rivers, maps, gender relation, origin of earth, prehistoric civilization, caste, AIDS, nutrition, electricity, organic farming etc. The topic is not divided into subjects and is studied from various angles. We are in the process of making modules for these topics.

Trying to make Adharshila a Self Learning Centre

Painting/ Writing on the Walls As you enter Adharshila you are confronted with question Why? What ? How? ...... painted on the pillars. The idea was to paint and write educational material on the walls of Adharshila. We already have some freedom fighters, names of elements and reading lessons for the first group. This year the students painted some names of scientists, vertical and horizontal measuring scales and a diagram of a cell, scientific names of trees. The idea is that words and concepts stick to children as they move around the campus. Any artist willing to volunteer?

Reading Out of the Box Playing out of the Cupboard

This is a very successful idea running since last year. Just a box with books kept near our house. The children are free to come any time, take out books and read or just flip through and see pictures. This has contributed the most towards enhancing the reading skills of the children. They also learn to keep things back, handle books properly etc.

. . . . . . . Near the box .is the cupboard with toys. Here too they are free to open the cupboard .
the noise or insisting on closing the cupboard properly etc.

and play anything. Sounds good but gave us many hair pulling sessions trying to stop

Maths Levels and English Book I, II, III

Since the inception of Adharshila we are developing material which children can use to learn on their own. The English books and math worksheets are part of this effort. They are a big hit with children and they do it very earnestly. They are more serious while working on their own than in classes with a teacher. Children are grouped according to their working levels rather than classes. Many children in lower groups were doing worksheets at par with senior students and went in an overdrive to take higher level worksheets. Of course we had speed breaker tests for overspeeding. The phonetic based English learning books are also being designed in a manner in which children can use the book on their own after one or two levels. The children are given a chance to move to the next book every month.

Regular In house functions

Then there were the regular school type functions Sports Day, Republic Day, Martyrs Day, Womens Day etc., which give children a chance to show their talent. Lots of special meals and films on Sundays.

Student Teachers
Like every year, students of amazon, nile and octopus ( Middle classes ) groups took turns to teach the children of smaller groups. The 9th class boys taught math to the middle classes.

The Balancing Act I

We are still doing the balancing act between self driven time and instruction. Some children are able to cope with free time and some are not. Though most children learn the regular things far better than other school children but still we feel the time could be better utilized. But the thing is not about learning its about freedom somehow we are not able to digest this fully and the parents dont understand at all. They need to see structure, discipline. We dread a parent coming in the middle of the school and seeing the child in the sand pit with unruly hair and unbuttoned shirt, or sitting in a slum type of a hut with no teacher in sight. Parents dont seem to be interested in educational theory.

The Balancing Act II

. . . . . . . This year we .were forced into another balancing act between what children learn at .
about what to read and also about the importance of the different still undecided on what to do next year.

Adharshila and what they will be asked in the Govt. school exam where they were forced to be enrolled. More than us this created confusion in the minds of children

Curriculum Development
This year we were able to complete the texts of first four English Learning Books through phonetics. Manasi worked on the Math curriculum and we completed worksheets for first ten levels. Some social science modules were made for the primary sections. About 20 small toys/ experiments were set up from ordinary things available in the school to demonstrate science principles. This work is taking long as there is no person working fulltime on this.

Working with Youth

We had started to increase our interactions with the youth of the area last year with a view to engage our ex students, mainly and others with them. We increased our engagement with them this year through publications, shivirs, and a sports event.

Publications for Youth

The main thrust of this program is to create good reading material to promote progressive, democratic ideas amongst youth of the area. This year we printed four booklets, a poster and a calendar based on adivasi freedom fighters of the area. We have also started a youth magazine with our ex students and other youth of the area. The books and magazines were very well received.

Shivirs for youth

Village Development Shivir An in house 5 day shivir for 20 senior students and teachers was held. This was mainly a discussion based shivir. The participants were pushed to think about the meaning of development. Tantya Mama Kabbadi Tournament - This event is being organized since last three years. This was started for village youth, especially non school going. Every


. . . . . . . year 8 to 10 . teams participate and a thousand strong crowd witnesses the matches. .
Prizes worth Rs. 5000/- are given to the participants. This year the tournament is being organized in Devli village where the youth will get an opportunity to understand the experiment in village development without external aid, being undertaken by the villagers of Devli. Journalism Shivir About 30 young boys and girls, mostly ex students of Adharshila, and two activists of AMS attended. They were given guidance in writing out reports by us and Priyanka, a journalist from Mumbai. By the end of the shivir the first issue of Yuvaniya, a new youth magazine was born. We made about 500 copies by photocopying. We hope to take out the magazine on a monthly basis. The shivir will also be held every month to strengthen the writing skills of the participants. Activist School Hosted and conducted SRUTIs activist schools 3 rd shivir for 5 days. Adivasi History Shivir One shivir was conducted in which about 35 children in the age group of 15-24 years participated.

Theatre, such a powerful form of communication, is almost dying. It has become limited to cities and summer camps. Adharshilas Naatak India Company got a chance to perform a newer version of its production Hum kahaan Ja Rahe Hain in front of a 25,000 strong crowd at the annual Adivasi Maha Sameelan held in Merkhedi near Sendhwa, MP. As usual the play was a hit with audience laughing and applauding for full one and a half hour in the middle of the night. The message of the play about how adivasi society is being divided and used by the market, communal forces, and politicians, was so strong that we instantly got an offer to perform at another adivasi conference in Shahada, Maharashtra. The rehearsals at Adharshila set off a chain reaction in the smaller children who just freaked out enacting plays for almost a month day and night, with their own scripts and direction. We would like to take theatre ahead in a big way. We are thinking of ways of doing it without getting into projects and salaries, like all our other programs. Lets see.

Holi program A response to problems of fund raising - A team of senior

students, Jayashree, people from Sendhwa and activists of AMS went around


. . . . . . . Sendhwa for .two days asking people to donate for struggling against alienation of .
agriculture and forest lands. A pamphlet was distributed highlighting the problems as the people of Sendhwa who had never seen educated people go from house to house asking for donations. They read the pamphlet very carefully and appreciated the effort. About 8000/- were collected which will be given to some organization struggling for dignity and rights. posed by the policy of globalization. It was a novel experience for our team as well

Doing and Promoting Organic Farming

We are doing organic farming on almost three fourth of an acre, mainly vegetables. This year our total produce from this was about 15 quintals not counting what the kids ate on the side. For 100 kids this could be very substantial. The crop included rice, pulses, tomatoes, brinjal, beans, radish, onions, garlic, coriander, methi etc. The farm provided us with vegetables for the mess of 120 persons for almost 31/2 to 4 months. The production of brinjal was very good. On a small plot of 1/3 guntha we got about 250 kg. Doing arithmetic we got more than 25 ton to an acre which could be a record production for brinjal. A volunteer and a student sat for half a day with the women vegetable sellers in Sendhwa market to sell the brinjals. They sold about 20 kg. This was their way of creating awareness about organic farming and the dangers of pesticides. The children learnt to make Jeevamrit an organic growth promoter and pesticide from leaves. They also learnt to enrich the soil by adding biomass. Bhavana tai from Mumbai taught the children the technique of composting biomass. A team of students, teachers and villagers went to see two organic farms near Indore. Promotion - Traditional seeds of wheat requiring less water were distributed. The children made the organic pesticide and jeevamrit in their homes also and smaller children mulched the fruit trees at home with leaves.

The main aims of planting trees in Adharshila are To make Adharshila self sustaining, at least partly in terms of fuel wood. To preserve and propagate all the varieties of trees found in the area. To generate green mulch for the organic farm.


. . . . . . . . To plant as many food trees as possible. .

To generate interest in planting trees amongst children. More than two hundred trees were planted this year. The plants were nurtured in the Adharshila nursery. The trees were looked after in the usual manner with children watering them and each group being allotted a tree plot. Children were allotted trees individually also. This year we got fuel wood for the mess for almost 45 days resulting in a saving of at least Rs. 10,000.00 with near zero investment.

Participation in Public Programs

Adivasi Maha Sammelan, Merkhedi The children and teachers of Adharshila participated in the Adivasi Maha Sammelan. A one and a half hour play was shown, highlighting the problems of adivasis in confronting the modern world. Some children and teachers had put up a bookstall where they sold lots of was put up which sold books worth Rs. Ten Thousand. We had also put up a poster exhibition on Adivasi History and Education. Sadly we lost all the posters in the Sammelan except one. This was really sad as we had put in a lot of effort in making these posters. Any way the Sammelan was a great boost and learning experience for all of us. There was a lot of discussion amongst the students about the merits and demerits of such programs. Shahda Sammelan in the Merkhedi Sammelan we got an invitation to do a show in Shahda, Maharashtra, all costs paid. This was a very happy occasion for us as it meant that people really appreciated the message and the medium. Every year after a successful show we get very enthused and start planning a tour of the Naatak India Company to other tribal areas, but we get bogged down by the routine of the school and forget it. This year we are more determined to carry this scheme forward next year. Varla Sammelan - A small dance song sequence about adivasi freedom fighters was performed in the Varla Sammelan by the Kaveri and Brahmputra group children (age 10 13). Sendhwa 26 Jan Cultural Program The Brahmputra and Krishna group children went to perform at the Republic Day celebration in Sendhwa.


. . . . . . . . Anna Hazares Support The teachers and senior students went to the dharna in .
Sendhwa in support of Anna Hazare. forest rights in Satana. Baal Mela - Children participated in the Baal Mela organized by Narmada Bachao Andolan in Barwani. Other Meetings Besides these we members attended various other meetings viz. Nirdaliyata Conference in Allahabad organized by Rashtriya Jantantric Morcha, workshop to prepare a policy paper for Education of Tribals at the National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore, SRUTI Mitra Milan, Delhi, Kakrana School proposal meeting, Mumbai. Satna Public Hearing Jayashree and Shewanta attended a public hearing on

Support to other schools/ institutions, Engaging children outside Adharshila

As part of our efforts to support other schools and institutions the following activities were undertaken

Baal Melas were conducted in 8 villages in which about 1500 children participated. Adivasi History poster Exhibition was put up explained to children and adults in the above 8 schools and 4 other schools. An Essay Competition was held for students of 10th and higher classes on the topic Problems of Education of Tribals. More than 500 students participated. Discussions and Training Kakrana, Dist. Alirajpur, MP A Baal Mela and an Origami Shivir was held at the Kakrana Centre by the children of Adharshila. Teacher Training and Evaluation or Aazadi Shikshan Kendra, Pati block, Dist. Barwani, MP Teacher Orientation workshop in Sendhwa Public School, Sendhwa An activist of the Narmada Bachao Andolan stayed at Adharshila for about 8 months to develop her reading writing skills. with Teachers in Ranikajal Learning Centre,


. . . . . . . . .

of Adharshila

Majali, Shewanta, Shanta and Badribhai, teachers and staff were honoured for their service to adivasi society at the Vishwa Adivasi Diwas celebration held at Nandurbar, Maharashtra.
We too feel that they deserved the honour as there will be very few examples where girls in their twentys are running a full fledged educational institute and trying to be creative too.

A Governance Model to run Adharshila. Trying to put some

structure in the daily running of Adharshila. For the first few months the decisions were taken by the team of teachers and senior students. Gradually the frequency of meetings started becoming less leading to chaos. So it was decided that one person will be head of the team for a month, decided by draw of lots. This person was overall in charge and distributed duties, held meetings etc. This worked well as it gave everybody a taste of the problems faced by the head of the institution. It also gave them the confidence to run such institutions. Interactions with parents in parents meetings were also done very well by the teachers. The girl teachers were able to bring most people in line except the senior boys and male staff members. There were weekly or monthly childrens meetings where they voiced their opinions, problems were discussed and fights resolved. For cleaning and farm work groups were made and duties allotted. They remained self governed for a week and then needed prodding.


. . . . . . . . Construction .
Two teachers quarters and a toilet and bath were added this year. Two walls with unbaked bricks and mud mortar were built as a student project. Repair work was done in the kitchen shed roof which had broken due to strong winds.

Friends who visited

MSW students from Bangalore MSW students from, KISS, Pune Sejal, Ahmedabad Sachin, Swaraj University, Rajasthan Natasha, Afzal, and daughters, Delhi Lakhsmi, Freelance Journalist, Kerala Bhavana Tai and Dutta Gandhi, Mumbai Muriel and family Ravi,Indira, Gulshan Rahul, Subhadra and Ishan Indu and Manoj Mathur, architects from Delhi Students from Kakrana Kalusingh Alirajpur Bhai & Gootiya Bhai, Malak Singh, architect from Mumbai Dr. PV Bhalerao, Veternary Scientist Roshan, researcher, Indore Smt. Sunila, a teacher from Hoshangabad, MP Rohit, photographer, Delhi Rajendra Sharma and family, Trustee, Newali Bapu Kapure, Trustee, Sendhwa Bijoy Panda, activist, Orissa Rajendra Motiyani and friends, Ex Mayor, Sendhwa Goi Seth , Kali Motiyani and friends, Sendhwa

The annual expense of running Adharshila is approximately Rs. 6 lakh. Almost 50 -60% comes by way of donations from the local area and funds raised by children through theatre and craft. The rest comes from donations from friends and small trusts. Friends who helped Adharshila this year were Shri Ramesh Kacholiya, Shri Ravi Gulati, Sunny and Meeta, Ms. Amita Baviskar, Shri Mahendra Prasad, Sameer Shah, Shri Eams Demetrios, Dr. Sneh Raj and Shri Umesh Atree. Besides these individuals we got fellowship support for Amit and Jayashree from SRUTI, Delhi, Zindabaad Trust supported the publication initiative and Pratibimb, Bangalore helped with the Adharshila Scholarship Program. Shri


. . . . . . . . Medha Mathur, Vandana Kumar, Mrs. Bagchi, Ms. Pushpa Nagpal, Karina .
Michelles, the INSPIRE group, Ravindra, Ramesh Bhai, Vidya, Rohini from Kolkata, Narsingh and Rashmi Narayan from Hyderabad for the music classes, Vibhash Sureka, Indore, Uma Sudhir and friends from Eklavya Indore, Rosalin Mulji, Rosy Martin, Pratibimb, Bangalore, Katharina Poggendorf Kakkar, Nikita, Dr. Sneh Raj, Ms. Chitra Kumar, Ms. Madhulika Aggarwal, Ravindra Shroff, Magan Bhai, Umesh Atree.

Adharshila Learning Centre Village: Sakad, P.O Chaatli, Via Sendhwa, District: Badwani, Madhya Pradesh. India. Pin: 452 666. Phone no: +91 7281 233221. Mobile +91 9425981606. Email :


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