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0.1 The Schedule of Rates is prepared for the year 2011 - 2012, Operative from
1st September 2011 as applicable for P. W. Circle Pune / Satara / Kolhapur / Solapur
and it is also applicable to Sangli District under Kolhapur Circle.
0.2 For the rates in Corporation area, Notied Tribal area, Hilly inaccessible areas, & Central
Jail premises, Mental Hospital premises, an increase of percentage over the normal
schedule of rates prescribed for the year 2011-2012 is allowed as follows.
1. Corporation Areas 5%
2. Sugarcane area 10 Km. radius 5%
3. Tribal Areas 10%
4. Notied Hilly / naccessible areas 10%
5. nside Central Jail Premises, Mental Hospital premises, 15%
Raj Bhavan and Yerwada printing prison press
The Superintending Engineers should Specify the sugar producing areas under their circles.
The Hilly/ naccessible areas in Western ghat region for Public Works Region, Pune are
identied as below:
Sr.No District Hilly / Inaccessible areas
1. Pune
2. Satara Government Resolution, Planning Department No. DVK/1089/P-66/Y-19
3. Solapur Dated 23-11-1990 & Government Resolution Planning Department
4. Sangli No. DVK-1002/ PK-30/ K-1455 dt. 13/06/2003.
5. Kolhapur (copy attached in pg no. 305 to 308 of this D.S.R.)
The increase in rates as above should be applicable only one at a time e.g. if
Central Jail is situated in Corporation area an increase of only 15% for the jail is to be
considered and not 20% (15% + 5%). ssue rates of Schedule A Material for above
notied areas shall be increased by respective percentage.
0.3 The rates worked out in the schedule of rates includes initial lead of 5 Km. for all
completed items including asphalting road items, but excluding M.O.R.T. & H. Items.
For supply items and providing Earth Work in embackment of road materials lead
is not considered in the rate analysis. Actual lead charges are to be added for these
supply items.
0.4 The Basic rates for all quarrying materials such as metal aggregates, boulders, sand,
murum, etc. are taken as rates at quarry with lead of 50 mtr. (Head load lead which
is not to be deducted from lead) and for other items the market rates are considered
in the Statement A-1
Statement A - 1 - Material Master (Basic rates of material)
Statement A - 2 - Labour Master
Statement A - 3 - Machinery Master
0.5 Rates for transportation shown in the statement C includes labour charges for loading,
unloading and stacking of material on site.
0.6 For working out items of additional leads more than 5 Kms. the estimate should be
prepared for actual leads by deducting initial lead charges of 5 Kms. for all completed
0.7 For leads less than 1.00 Km. the rates worked out for bullock cart, head loads, whichever
is economical should be adopted as per statement C-2
0.8 For items of building superstructure rates to be increased as follows for the oor lift.
Floor Percentage increase
) Ground Floor Nil
) First Floor 2.00 %
) nd Floor 3.50 %
V) rd Floor 5.00 %
V) Vth Floor 6.50 %
V) Vth Floor 8.00 %
For every additional oor one and half percent increase in rates shall be considered.
The oor to oor height of 3.60 mtrs is considered for the purpose of lift charges. For
oor to oor height more than 3.60 mtrs. the percentage increase for the upper oor
shall apply:
The increase in rates as above should be on Ground oor basic rates only. No cumulative
increase shall be done.
0.9 tems to be carried out above terrace such as water proong treatment on terrace, water
storage tank, parapet wall with coping, Stair-case, lift room with slabs and water proong
treatment, plastering, painting etc. required for the completion of building are assumed
to be the items of its lower oor.
0.10 a) Schedule of rate is based on the following basic rates of material which are normally
supplied by the Department.
A Cement Rs. 5,600.00 / M.T.
B Mild Steel Rs. 41,600.00 / M.T.
C Structural Steel Rs. 43,500.00 / M.T.
D Tubular Steel Rs. 53,500-00 / M.T.
E TMT-FE-500 Rs. 45,700.00 / M.T.
F High Tensile Steel Rs. 73,700.00 / M.T.
G Bitumen VG-40 (Packed) (30/40 grade) Rs. 46,572.00 / M.T. Ex-Renary Mumbai
H Bitumen VG-30 (Packed) (60/70 grade) Rs. 44,100.00 / M.T. Ex-Renary Mumbai
Bitumen VG-10 (Packed) (80/100 grade) Rs. 43,071.00 / M.T. Ex-Renary Mumbai
J Bitumen VG-40 (Bulk) (30/40 grade) Rs. 42,581.00 / M.T. Ex-Renary Mumbai
K Bitumen VG-30 (Bulk) (60/70 grade) Rs. 40,110.00 / M.T. Ex-Renary Mumbai
L Bitumen VG-10 (Bulk) (80/100 grade) Rs. 39,030.00 / M.T. Ex-Renary Mumbai
M Rubber Modied Bitumen (Bulk) C.R.60 Rs. 41,539.00 / M.T. Ex-Renary Mumbai
N Rubber Modied Bitumen (Bulk) C.R.55 Rs. 40,612.00 / M.T. Ex-Renary Mumbai
O Rubber Modied Bitumen (Bulk) C.R.50 Rs. 40,599.00 / M.T. Ex-Renary Mumbai
b) The above rates are as per the Rates charged by the main producers at their respective
points of supply, as on the date of implementation of D.S.R. which includes all taxes
such as excise, CST, Terminal tax, educational tax etc. except for Bitumen and Cement.
For cement 4% Sales tax is considered.
The rates of bulk/packed bitumen, bitumen emulsion and rubber modied bitumen, adopted
for the items of bituminous works are based on the rates prevailing on 01-04-2011 at
ex-Renery Mumbai. The rates are inclusive of excise duty of 14% and additional cess
of 3% on excise duty and VAT 12.50%
Subsequent increase/decrease if any in bitumen rate shall be accounted for in the analysis
of items while framing Estimate
c) f materials are to be supplied by Department under Schedule A of contract, the rate
at which the materials will be charged to the Agency shall be based at D.S.R. rate or
prevailing stock issue rate, whichever is more.
0.11 Sales Tax and other taxes levied by Govt. are not considered seperatly in the rate
abstract as the basic rates considered are inclusive of all these taxes
0.12 i) As per Govt. Circular No. DSR - 1090/CR-6453/PLN-3 dated 14-07-1993 1% for Labour
Amenity is considered in DSR while arriving the rates.
ii) As per Govt. in ndustries & Power G.R No. BCA-2009/CR-108/Labour 7-A dated
17/06/2010, 1% cess on labour welfare is not considered in the DSR while arriving the
rate. The same should be added in the rate analysis while framing the estimate and
the amount shall be deducted from contractors bills as prescribed in the said G.R.
iii) As per revised circular issued by Dy. Directorate of nsurance Maharashtra State vide
letter No. eef Jeef ve-2310/mee.yee.ef Je/ ef Jecee keme }er /Deef Ye-3 dated 08/09/2010 below mentioned
percentage for insurance of contract work shall be added in the recapitulation sheet while
framing the estimate as it is not considered in the D.S.R. while arriving at rates and the
amount incurred by contractors for insurance of work shall be reimbursed on production of
documentary evidence and after checking/ certication from Divisional Accountant Ofcer.
a) Work value upto 25.00 lakhs - 0.50%
b) Work value above to 25.00 lakhs - 1.00%
0.13 i) Lead charges are taken as per the statement C-1 for the major item., such as - lime,
murum, earth, building rubish, manure of sludge, sand, stone, agreegate, soling stone,
concrete block, timber, cement., A.C. Pipes, Cement Blocks, steel, tar bitumen, roong
felt, oor asphalt, steel, mating, bamboos, and ballies of all size, ceilling board, rubber
P.V.C. pipes and tting, Sheet and plate glass in packs, painting and distemper A.C.
sheet and tting iron sheet linoleum, bricks, Modular Bricks, Traditional Bricks, Tiles, half
round Roong Tiles, Glass Block., Empty cement Bag, Stone Wear pipes, R.C.C. Pipes,
C.. Pipes, Prestressed concrete pipes, A.C. pipes etc.
ii) Rate of Transportation of Bulk Bitumen from Renary to the site of work is Rs4.80
Per Metric Tone per Kilometer (one side). Rate of heating and unloading is Rs. 110/-
per Metric Tone
0.14 References of P.W.D. standard specication / M.O.S.T. specication are mentioned in
bracket below the description of the items.
0.15 M.O.S.T.s specication and rates should be adopted for Bituminous work of state road.
For National Highway works rates of state D.S.R. shall be adopted wherever required
for which no separate rates are available in M.O.R.T & H. chapter.
0.16 tems required for water supply and sanitory works, which are not included in this DSR,
the DSR of Environmental Engineering Organisation (ENE) is to be adopted.
0.17 For testing of soil, road, building material, test bores, load tests, plate load test etc. the
rates as per DSR of Maharashtra Engineering Research nstitute (MER) Nashik are to
be adopted.
0.18 Turn over tax is not considered in the rate analysis.
0.19 tem code No. Bd-F-41, Deals with the rate of concrete for grid slab, this item should
be used for grid slab only i.e. where distance between two beams in both the direction
is not more than 2 Mtrs.
0.20 n respect of hot mix B.T. works a separate rate of conventional machinery and modern
machinery be used as the case may be.
0.21 For items of excavation, foundation concrete and masonary etc. for C.D. works, rates
shall be adopted from corresponding items under respective building sections.
0.22 For scaffolding work required to be errected for carrying out repairing work on external
faces of building at various heights (viz. repairs to chajjas, external plastering, painting,
etc.). The rate of Rs. 1.50 per Sq.m.of scaffolding area shall be considered.
0.23 As per Government C.R. of Maharashtra, Revenue and Forest Departments Notication
No. Gaukhani-10/1009/PK-309/Kh(3) dated 11th Feb. 2010, royalty charges of Rs.200/
Brass, i.e. Rs.70.67 / cum., are included in the respective items of Supply of all natural
minerals i.e. Rubble, Metal, Sand, Murum earth etc. in the D.S.R. Agency will have to
produce documentary evidence to the concerned Executive Engineer, as regards payments
made by Agency to Revenue Department towards royalty charges. f such documentary
evidence is not produced the component of Royalty charges as contemplated in the
item shall not be paid to Agency. Copy of notication attached. However in case the
rates are revised by Revenue and Forest Department time to time, the difference may
be considered while preparing Estimate.
0.24 a Value Added Tax for material is considered in the D.S.R
VAT for completed items- n addition to VAT on material following charges shall be
added for VAT on completed items.
0.24 b Value added Tax for each complted item is to be added in the rate analysis at last at
the following rate while framing the Estimate
tems ncrease in rates for VAT
i) Building work 0.75%
ii) Road work (including bridge and C.D. works) 0.50%
0.25 For readymix concrete Rs 300/- per Cu.Mt should be added over the concrete
items in the D.S.R.(This item should be operated with the prior approval of
Superintending Engineer)
0.26 For concreting items rates are proposed using crushed sand along with natural
sand. For adopting these rates circular issued by P.W. Department vide Letter No.
MSC-2009/ PK-10/ Roads-1 dated 23/07/2009 shall be followed.
0.27 Laboratory testing charges are not considered in the rate analysis. Separate item shall
be taken in the estimate for material testing charges, wherever required on the basis
of testing frequency and charges xed by Vigilance & Quality Control Circle, Pune for
the current year and shall form part of tender.
0.28 When the quantity of concrete is upto 50 Cu.Mt. or less, for any particular grade of
concrete, for any work, mix design will not be necessary. nstead the concerned Executive
Engineer shall approve the mix design by taking into consideration necessary parameters.
0.29 For excavation purpose, manual & mechanical means are proposed, when the quantity of
excavation is more than 100 Cu.Mt. excavation by mechanical means shall be invariable
be considered. n case the quantity is more than 100 Cu. Mt. and excavation by manual
means is to be proposed, Superintending Engineer's prior approval will be necessary.
1 Rate for transportation of material by Truck from different leads have been worked out as
per table given by National Building Organisation. The cost per trip shown in statement
C, also includes charges of running empty vehicle for return trip. For calculation of
transportation charges rate tabulated in material master for following items are considered
in the formula
a) Mazdoor b) Diesel c) Mobile Oil d) Truck
2 For calculation of pay load factor a truck of 7.5 M.T. capacity is considered.
3 The Schedule A rates should not be less than those mentioned in material master.
4 Water charges are accounted for in each R.A. for completed item.
5 Machinery hire charges shall be as per the machinery use rates of rrigation Department
issued by the Chief Engineer (Mech.), Nashik.
6 Rate for consumption of cement for controlled cement concrete shall be as given in
statement D. f the cement required as per actual mixed design is more than this,
additional cost of cement may be added in the rate for additional quantity or may be
issued free of cost under tender provisions.
7 The dewatering rates mentioned in bridge sections includes post monsoon ow of
River / Nallas and general seepage of water only and does not include provision of
cofferdam, caging etc. n Specic conditions if cofferdam caging etc. are felt essential for
dewatering then separate R.A. for that particular site may be prepared and got approved
from competent Authority.
8 Dewatering in the item of excavation of building shall include dewatering of water only
upto quantity of dewatering that is possible manually.
9 Octroi charges / duty of material for the works which fall in Municipal corporation area .
The provision for actual octroi charges shall be considered while preparing the estimates.
10 While preparing estimates a provision for chicken mesh and groves etc. to joining of
masnory and column beam should be made separately for decorative works viz. cornice,
edge patty etc. in items of plastering section.
11 For following items of Bridge works the separate rate analysis shall be approved by the
Teritorial Superintending Engineer:
a) For Sub Structure height above Ground Level / Top of Raft is more than 15 Mtrs.
b) For Superstructure if span is greater than 15 mtrs, if and or the height of Superstructure
above Ground Level is greater than 15 mtrs.

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