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Dear Tea Party, What began as a referendum on current state of politics in America has turned into a mockery of the

political and electoral process. November 2, 2010, millions of American turned out to vote for change. What is this change? Who will benefit from this declaration of returning to our American Roots? I cannot answer that question. But I can say with the utmost confidence that the benefactors of this election will not be the American People as we know them. It will not be the factory worker who lives paycheck to paycheck with $70,000.00 of credit card debt. It will not be the homeowners, who are three, four, and five months behind on their mortgages. It will not be the 17 year old high school graduate, who needs financial aid to attend college with the hopes of obtaining the now elusive American Dream. It will not be the single parent that is working three part-time, minimum wage jobs to keep the two room shanty that some slum lord calls an apartment. It will not be the cancer patient that was dropped from her insurance because the cost of her medical care was costing the insurance company who brags of having billions of dollars in assets too much money. It will not be the elderly couple whose life savings was lost in a get rich quick scam perpetrated by a Wall Street slick talker, wearing a shiny $1000.00 suit, $500.00 cuff links, a $300.00 tie, and $800.00 shoes, driving a $250,000.000 car all sporting a tag that reads Made in China with Americans in mind. No, it will not be the medical student or the law student, which graduates from a state university with a 3.5 GPA and $200,000.00 of student loans to repay. It will not be the Johnny Small Business Owner who had to cut his employment staff from 25 to 10 people because he could no longer pay their wages. And, by the way, the health and dental coverage he promised 10 years ago has yet to come into fruition because the cost is too expensive. It will not be the millions of people who are unemployed or under-employed and have been that way for 18-24 months and still going. It will not be the thousands of LEGAL residents living within the borders of the U.S. who take jobs that feed, clothe, house, and produce the very products that the BENEFACTORS consume daily with little thought of how or who made all this possible. It will not be the guy that picks up your garbage on Wednesday, or the lady who takes care of your dry cleaning, or the guys and gals down at the local sandwich shop, or the computer geek at Best Buy, or the waiter at your favorite restaurant. So if the benefactors of this great rift in political thought will not be any of the above, then who will it be? Again, I am not sure, but lets call them YOU. Because the people I just described is U.S. (us) and U.S. (us) make up 90% of AMERICANS. YOU must be the other 10%? YOU are the people whom U.S. elected to represent our desires in Washington. YOU are the same people who complain about the way things are now and do little to nothing to really make a change. YOU are the same people who benefited from bank bailouts, Fanny Mae and Freddie Mack, Wall Street executives, corporate big wigs and their lobbyist. YOU are the 10% that benefit from this election. This 10% is not all inclusive; there are others who have little understanding of government, politics, and social structure. There are also those who voted today that could not explain the agenda of the candidate they just voted for. There are those that generate millions in revenue and pay only thousands in taxes. Yet, they cry, complain, and gripe about the amount of taxes they do pay and YOU jumps on the band wagon. But guess what? This is exactly what YOU deserve, what YOU asked for, and what YOU want. The vast majority of people who call themselves Americans are truly uninformed on the issues. Why do I

say this? The answer is simple. Exit polls show that the majority of voters made their decisions on who to elect as their representatives at the local, state and federal levels based solely on their personal concerns that the country is headed in the wrong direction. And what direction is that, may we ask? The most common answer is just the wrong direction. Some blame the current state of national affairs on President Obama and his administration. Some place the blame at the feet of the current Democratic Leadership. While others are just simply pointing a finger at whatever and whomever they can, just to blame someone or something. The true answer lies with where the other three fingers are pointing, YOU! YOU claim to want better schools, better access to health care, better protection of the border, better this and that but YOU dont want to pay taxes or have an increase in taxes. HUMMM! Then tell me great economic genius, HOW THE HELL DO YOU PAY FOR WHAT YOU WANT? YOU complain that the deficit is too high, that spending is out of control, yet, you have no issue with calling the police when your home in broken into, or spending a Friday night at the high school football game, or taking your child to the emergency room because he cut his foot open while playing barefoot tag. YOU, dont have a problem applying for financial aid for your childs college education and expecting to receive it. YOU dont have a problem asking the federal government to provide thousands of miles of useless fencing to protect your borders. YOU, see nothing wrong with sustaining useless and redundant, redundant, did I say redundant, well I meant redundant security measures because the threat of another terrorist attack in Texarkana, Texas is extremely high. YOU, dont have a problem filing for social security benefits, Medicare, Medicaid, unemployment, welfare, food stamps, subsidized housing or rent control. YOU dont have a problem driving on paved streets and highways. YOU dont realize that in some shape form or fashion, the federal government is taking care of your wants and your needs. SO WHY DO YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH WHERE THIS COUNTRY IS GOING? It is going the same direction as it has for decades. Nothing has changed, with the exception that the person in the White House aint white. That is the real reason behind this movement. If President Obama (P.B.O.) was named Theodore Wilson if P.B.O. was more representative of the majority the outcome of this election would be greatly different. There I said It. Regardless of the sugar you want to sprinkle on top of the crap you are selling; this is not a referendum on the state of politics in the U.S. The state of politics in the U.S. is the same as it has been, crappy. This is a reaffirmation of the hypocrisy, the ignorance, and self-preservation of hidden insecurities and misguided beliefs. Maybe we should do this. Maybe we should stop kidding ourselves and do what so many people seem to want in the first place. Why not dissolve the United States of America and create 50 or so independent nations. Each with its own national governments, heads of state, economies, education systems, secure borders, health plans and military. Adopt the European model of one collective currency, lets call it the Ameuro, establish trade agreements with one another and govern ourselves accordingly. Of course we would need a passport to move freely about the continent, but that is no big deal, the states, I mean, the countries, can handle their own budgets and find ways to make it happen. How would that work for YOU? Given the piss poor state of the majority of states now, this idea would blow up like a BP deep oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico. So enjoy the next two years. Enjoy the next ten or twenty years, because nothing will change. Politics will always be politics. It has been this way since the time of Herod, Caesar, Napoleon,

Washington, Regan, and Obama, and will be until the end of life as we know it. Tell me in four years what a difference and election makes and be sure to keep notes on the votes of YOUR elected officials. I am willing to bet they will look much like have looked in the past. Best of luck Tea Party!

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