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. 1. TELL ME ABOUT YOUR SELF Interviewer : Weve received your application letter, CV and credentials.

Now, were going to interview you to get more information about you. To start with, would you please tell me a little about yourself? : All right. My names My friends usually call me Thats my nickname. Im from , but actually I was born in and grew up in My parent were pensioner. Now I live with my parents in I am graduated from Faculty of of University with GPA ... Im a hard working and creative person who possesses leadership and managerial skill as well as technical writing skill (jelasin kelebihan-mu). Being able to speak English and Japanesse fluently will surely benefit me much to carry out my work later. Well I heard that your company is offering a position as a staff for So, Im here now to apply for the position as I believe that I have the skills and qualifications Interviewer : All right. Thank you. Now please


(3 menit pertama yang menentukan kesan yang baik tentang dirimu) 2. TELL ME ABOUT YOUR EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND Interviewer Candidate : Now, would you please tell me about ur educational background? : I was admitted in the faculty, majoring in I graduated from University in <month, year>. To complete my final task, I did a research in and then wrote a thesis entitled : It sounds convincing : Thank you. Besides attending classes in the university. I also took some courses like English, Japanesse, and computer. Im sure that my skills on those languages and computer will surely support my work later in ur company. : Yes, I hope so

Interviewer Candidate



: In addition, I joined some students extra curricular activities such as student executive boards or in Indonesian we call it Badan Eksekitif Mahasiswa (BEM), martial arts, hiking, basket ball, soccer, etc. I was the chairman of that several organization from to That activity really taught me how to manage people effectively and solved managerial problems. : So are you trying to say that you are an experienced person in conflict resolution management? :



HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE YOUR PERSONALITY? : I believe that someone may be good at one point and weak at the other one. So, would you please describe ur personality? : Well Im a sort of person who is open minded and easy going. Besides, I always think anything positively. That makes me enjoy the life. I;m hard working person who doesnt mind working overtime. : What about ur weak point? : Well ehm people sometimes say that Im not serious as I often create jokes in the workplace, meaning that I have sense of humor. In my opinion, in a relaxed work situation, people can work more productively. : Thats a strong point. I mean ur weak point? : All right. Im easily bored with anything. I always need more challenges. Im not saying that Im to ambitious but new things are always challenging. tapi ingat HRD punya banyak pengalaman jadi dari



Interviewer Candidate

Interviewer Candidate

Boleh boong asal kagak ketahuan,

cara bicara bisa menduga kepribadian macam apa yang kamu miliki.

WHERE DO YOU SEE YOUR SELF FIVE YEARS FROM NOW? : where do you see your self five years from now? : well, my short term goal is, of course, to get a job in a fast growing company with solid performance and futures projections like your company. If you accept me to work in your company, I will spend the first months to learn more about my job description and responbility. I will learn the available material from the training in which I am sure that the material will support my work. The training will surely give me a comprehensive picture on the strenghs of the company, some possible problems, corporate culture and vision of the company.

Interviewer Candidate

Interviewer Candidate

: Yes, we usually have 3 month training for the new staffs. : That will help. Then, I will do my best to accomplish my work and to get the best work performance. The first year will be the right time to show that I am the right person in the position. I will utilize all my organizational skills to improve the work environment in the company, so that we can build a good teamwork. As I believe that a good teamwork in the company plays a significant role to lead to a great achievement. As a part of a team, I want to add value and continue to grow the company. : You havent mentioned your long term goal. : Well my long term goal will partly depend on where the company goes. My plan is to move into a position of responbility where I can lead a team. So, when I have got a chance to get promoted. I will try hard to get it as career development is a very important for me. Being a leader menas having better chance to make important managerial decisions. In brief, in five years I will keep on learning with a hope that I will can grow into a position of more responbility and will have made a significant contribution to the organization. : What would you do if we dont accept you? : Well, surely I am an optimistic person so I always think that If I do the best, I will get the job. But if a bad thing happens, (hik..hik.. ) say you dont accept me here in your company. Then, I will think that other people may be better than I am. They may deserve to get this position. There might be some points that I have to improve.

Interviewer Candidate

Interviewer Candidate

Interviewer Candidate

: So, what would you do then? : Perhaps, I will apply for another job which suits with my educational beckground and skills or I will pursue higher education, may be a graduate program.

Perusahaan ingin mengetahui bahwa Anda adalah orang yang tak pernah berhenti belajar, orang yang selalu mempunyai rencana pasti dan visi ke depan. Awal yang baik berarti setengah selesai.

5. WHAT ARE YOUR MAIN STRENGTHS? Interviewer Candidate : Woukd you please tell me about your main strenghts? : Well, as I told you before that I am a sort of person who has a very good interpersonal skill. I can adjust myself easily with a new working environment and a circle of new co-workers. Moreover, my wide knowledge on any subject helps me a lot to get involved in other peoples discussions. My experience in organization also gives me valuable lessons on how to deal with different kinds of people. I can say confidently that I am an excellent communicator. When I have to work under pressure, I can still focus on the task. In addition, I can control my emotion and remain pleasant and friendly. Furthermore, I always plan my work well since the beginning of the day, so that I can finish my task as targeted. Thats why I never work overtime. Last but not least, my flexibility to handle unexpected change in my job is also one of my strong points. Mereka yang nyaman dengan dirinya sendiri akan menghasilkan hal-hal baik. 6. WHAT ARE YOU MAIN WEAKNESSES? Interviewer Candidate : What is your main weakness? : My main weakness? Well, I get nervous when the job does not get done on time. Maybe, because I am a perfectionist so I always try to do my best to accomplish my work. I am aware of the problem, so that at the beginning of the year I usually structure my plan with specific time line. Therefore, I can monitor how far I have done my job. I have to make sure that I can finish my job as targeted.

Kami yakin andapun mempunyai kelemaha. Kami hanya ingin anda berkata jujur. Kami ingin mengetahui pula apakah anda orang yang bisa belajar dari kelemahan anda. (tak ada manusia sempurna di dunia). 7. WHAT ARE YOU SKILLS? Interviewer Candidate : Now would please tell me about your skills? : Well, I have strong communication and interpersonal skills. I am familiar with microsoft office program, have good written communication skill, and many people say that I am quick, adaptive learner with strong written and verbal communication skills. I will certainly be able to use my skills to contribute to the growth of your company.
Masa depan menjadi milik mereka yng percaya pada keindahan mimpi mereka

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