What Is A Deacon, Anyway?: Grace Notes

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Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church

Grace Notes
Volume 42, Issue 1

January 2012

What Is a Deacon, Anyway?

Someone recently asked, What was a Deacon, anyway? In the early Church, the twelve Apostles were responsible for all aspects of congregational life. The nascent Church drew largely from two groups of Jews: Grecian Jews and Hebraic Jews. The Grecian Jews were born in lands other than the Holy Land, spoke Greek, and were Hellenist (i.e., from a Greek culture) in attitudes and outlook. The Hebraic Jews were of the Holy Land, spoke either Aramaic or Hebrew, and preserved Jewish culture and customs. As happens from time to time in congregations, a disagreement arose between the two groups: it seems the widows in the Grecian Jewish community were not receiving the same care and attention that the widows in the Hebraic Jewish community were receiving (Acts 6:1). The Apostles rose to the occasion and gathered the disciples together. They explained that they (the Apostles) could not oversee all of the important ministries of the church, and asked the disciples (which had been growing in number) to choose seven from among you who are known to be full of the Spirit and wisdom (Acts 6:3). Those men then oversaw the distribution of food, the care of the needy (including widows), and the distribution of charitable gifts i.e., acts of service. The Greek word for service in the New Testament is diakoneo, and from that, the English term deacon was born. Life was simpler in the Early Church compared to the 21st century. Grace Covenant has twelve deacons responsible for Congregational Care. The Ruling Elders on the Session are responsible for leadership, government, spiritual discernment, and discipline (Book of Order G2.0301). Complementing that role:
The ministry of deacon as set forth in Scripture is one of compassion, witness, and service, sharing in the redeeming love of Jesus Christ for the poor, the hungry, the sick, the lost, the friendless, the oppressed, those burdened by unjust policies or structures, or anyone in distress. Persons of spiritual character, honest repute, exemplary lives, brotherly and sisterly love, sincere compassion, and sound judgment should be chosen for this ministry. (Book of Order G-2.0201)

In order to fulfill its ministry responsibilities and better coordinate its efforts, the Diaconate has identified eight specific areas of ministry: Care Team, Communication Cards, Deacons Fund, Flowers, Meals, Prayer, Transportation, and Ushers. - continued on page 2-

Volume 42, Issue 1

Page 2

Care Team: This ministry meets each Tuesday to review emergent and long-term care needs of the congregation. The team reviews the Communication Cards from the previous Sunday to note prayer requests, visitors, and first-time guests. They also note those members who have signed in, and follow up with them in case they are sick or hospitalized and the church did not hear of it. The Care Team also suggests service opportunities to other teams, e.g., delivering meals (see below) or providing transportation to worship. The Care Team adds the prayer requests to their prayer lists, and prays for everyone together each week before adjourning. They also coordinate with the PW and other members in a card ministry birthdays, anniversaries, get-well, sympathy, etc. The pastor also notes and follows up with those people who request or may benefit from pastoral care. Communication Cards: This ministry collects and sorts the Communication Cards completed by members and visitors. Requests for help, visitation, intercessory prayer and membership interest are directed to the appropriate people every week. Deacons Fund: This ministry was established in the late 1940s to offer financial aid to members when there is a potential loss of a major life function. Normally, a request is communicated to a member of the Deacons Fund Board, or through the Pastor. All requests for assistance come before the board for its prayerful consideration. In more ways than not, the Deacons Fund Ministry was established by the grace of God. Flower Ministry: Congregation members donate flowers to be displayed during worship. People involved in the Flower Ministry 1) coordinate donations and the scheduling of memorials, 2) arrange flowers for worship, 3) divide flowers after worship services and 4) deliver flowers to home-bound, hospitalized, or ill members. Any remaining flowers are made into arrangements for WNL dinner tables. Meals Ministry: The meal ministry prepares and delivers meals to families whose routines have been affected by the birth of a baby, the hospitalization of a family member, or a post-operative or post-hospitalization recovery at home. Normally, requests for meals are made through the church office or recommended by the Care Team. Prayer Ministry: No ministry will ultimately be of faithful service without a foundation of prayer. The Prayer Ministry coordinates prayer requests made through Communication Cards, email, word-of-mouth, and other avenues of communication, being sure to maintain confidentiality for those who request it. This ministry also encourages prayer events and initiatives, and supports prayer groups throughout the congregation. Transportation Ministry: Recognizing that some members have difficulty getting from their home to the church building, this team coordinates transportation to and from worship, as well as other church activities. This ministry is as close as a members front door. Usher Ministry: This ministry distributes bulletins and helps worshiper find seating during church services. Ushers also distribute junior worship bags to children, large-print bulletins and hymnals to the visually impaired, amplifying devices to the hearing impaired, and wheelchairs. Ushers also provide building security during church activities. The Grace Covenant Deacons oversee various ministries of service, but they are not the only ones involved in these ministries. Congregation members participate in and perform these ministries just as they do with Session ministries. If you would like to serve with, or learn more about, a diaconate ministry, please contact a Deacon (see the list of names in each Sundays bulletin) or the church office.

Volume 42, Issue 1

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Prayer Time- Start a new thing in the New Year!

Do you enjoy praying with others or have a sense that God is calling you to pray for others during this time in the life of our church? If so, please come and join the prayer team on Sunday mornings from 9:15-9:30 a.m. in the social room. It is good to humble ourselves before the Almighty God and you might just find out you have the gift of prayer! Please contact Carol Wood at 804-282-2446 or cwjer2911@aol.com if you have questions or prayer requests you would like to be uplifted during that time.


THANK YOU, GRACE COVENANT! The Honduras mission team departs in early January for two weeks in the impoverished region located in the southern part of Honduras. As last year, the first week will comprise cataract surgery and eye care at Hospital San Lorenzo. The second week will consist of medical and dental clinics in the communities of Puerto Grande and Moropocay. Grace Covenant will be represented by Cherry Corley and Susan Pillsbury-David. Thank you, everyone, for your financial support for this very important effort. We ask for your prayer support that we may demonstrate the love of Jesus Christ as we work to show mercy to our brethren in Honduras.

All Circles Meet on Tuesday, January 10

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PW Circle 2 11:00 a.m. Covenant Room Hostess: Nell Dickenson

PW Circle 3 9:30 a.m. Social Room Hostess: Lewis Rosebr o

PW Cir

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Stewardship Corner and Financial Update Remember the Hungry


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$4.50 A MONTH

Update on Pledge Drive Campaign As of December 15, 2011 we have received 101 pledges for a total of $438,115. There remain 16 who pledged last year but have not done so yet this year. This is a reasonably good report in terms of the amount but our total pledges are fewer than at this time last year. I am told that we will need $470,000 in order to meet next years expenses. This is a very doable total if the outstanding pledges will come in at a reasonable level. If you have not done so please get your pledges in at once and end the suspense. A Note from the Bookkeeper January is a busy time in the life of the bookkeeper - quarterly and year-end closing, charitable contribution statements, W2s and the normal bill paying makes for an exciting month. If you have not picked up your contribution envelopes, they are still in the Narthex; and any not picked up by January 8 will be mailed. Contribution statements may be picked up on the 15th; and those remaining on January 29 will be mailed. As always, call Martha Rubin if you have any questions, 359-2463, ext. 205. Hope your Christmas and New Year's holidays were full of love, hope and peace!

After positive months in September and October, November recorded a deficit as a result of lower contributions. They totaled $31,400, and there was no rental income recorded. November's General Fund expense total of $46,600 was slightly higher than those of the prior two months, but they included around $4,400 in quarterly building insurance premium and $2,500 water damage repairs in the narthex. General fund expenses exceeded income by $13,700. Our Five Cents per Meal offering in November was $246, slightly above that of October.

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Grace Notes

Being Faithful Stewards

Each month the church office prints, folds and mails over 250 copies of Grace Notes to members and friends of the church. This incurs costs in postage, paper and toner, as well as requiring time to print, fold, label, and deliver the newsletter to the Post Office. In an effort to minimize these costs, we are considering distributing Grace Notes electronically, rather than by paper. Besides the savings in the areas just mentioned, electronic distribution has several other advantages: 1) you will receive the newsletter the day it is published*, rather than having to wait on the bulk mail delivery schedule; 2) you can read the newsletter in color, rather than in black-and-white; 3) you can print out those pages (e.g., directions to an off-campus church event) that you like; 4) you can forward the email on to friends of yours whenever theres an announcement or an article that youd like to share with them. Of course, there are drawbacks as well, the primary one being that not everyone who receives Grace Notes has a computer or an email account. People in that situation would be welcome to pick up a paper copy at the church building (if you picked it up the following Sunday, you would still probably receive it earlier than you would have through bulk mail), or you can ask that the church continue to mail you a paper copy. Were asking that, if you do not want to (or cannot) receive the newsletter electronically, and do not wish to pick it up at the church, but prefer to have it mailed to you, please contact the church at 804/359-2463 or info@grace-covenant.org and let us know. Your responses will be very helpful as we determine how best to minimize our costs and faithfully steward the monies entrusted to us. Thank you for your cooperation and assistance.
*You will receive an email containing a link to the newsletter, which is published on the churchs website. This way we will not fill up your inbox with a large attachment.


Grace Covenant is joining the Presbytery of the James's attack against hunger by participating in the nationwide Souper Bowl of Caring event on Sunday, February 5th!

The GCPC Youth will be taking up a "souper" special offering after worship -- so please look for the soup pots in the Narthex to make a contribution, as we do our part to help feed those who are in need. To learn more about this important effort, please visit www.souperbowl.org

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Grace Notes

A Thank You Note from the Director of Music

If you were present in worship on New Years Day, you may recall the first hymn with the opening line, All beautiful the march of days, as seasons come and go I love this hymn, especially when sung at the beginning of a new year. The seasons do come and go, and with each year we look back and thank God for the many blessings bestowed on us. Grace Covenant has been through an incredible year, and with the march of days and the coming and going of the seasons, those in our music ministry have remained faithful and committed. Thanks be to God! And so, I thank everyone who has participated in Grace Covenants music ministry. The Chancel Choir has been ever loyal, dedicated, and inspiring through their 35+ weeks of singing at rehearsals and in worship. Our Junior Choir has brought amazing enthusiasm to weekly rehearsals and worship services. Where do they get such energy? The innocent voices of our Carol Choir have praised God in song, making us realize that we must humble ourselves and come to God as little children in faith. The joyful sounds of the Handbell Choir accompanied our worship numerous times, and humor always abounds even at 8:30 a.m. on Sundays! Our guest soloists and instrumentalists throughout the year are always appreciated, especially during the summer when our choirs take a well-deserved break. Brint has been openly supportive of all choirs and music in this church, for which I am extremely grateful. Finally, I thank the church staff for their dedication in weekly tasks, which creates efficiency and harmony in the day-to-day office life. The final stanza of the closing hymn on New Years Day also capped the sentiment of Gods abiding presence through the years: O God, our help in ages past, Our Hope for years to come, Be Thou our Guard while life shall last, And our eternal Home. Happy New Year, Grace Covenant! Chris Martin, Director of Music

Openers/Closers January 1 January 8 January 15 January 22 January 29 Cal Gray Kent Cardwell Charlie Appich Rob Rosebro Jef Londrey

January 8 January 15 January 22 January 29 Greeters January 1 January 8 January 15 January 22 January 29

Katherine Baird Erika Tabor Virginia Hudson Janet Chenoweth

Wednesday Night Supper/Glass Monitor January 4 January 11 January 18 January 25 Nursery Volunteers January 1 January 8 January 15 January 22 January 29 Childrens Worship Kits Jean Appich Elementary Sunday School January 1 No Sunday School Nikki Hazlegrove Susan Boze Nikki Hazlegrove Gay Moss Mary Gray Brian Baird Bill Jacobs Bob Copeland Susan Farrell

Brian Baird Bob Copeland Megan Meyer need volunteers need volunteers need volunteers

Host/Hostess for the Fellowship Time Volunteers host our Fellowship Time in the Social Room after Worship on Sundays. If you would like to volunteer to host the Fellowship Hour one Sunday, please sign up on the sign-up sheet in the Social Room placed on the piano or the Glass Office. Grace Notes Deadline: Monday, January 23 is the deadline for submissions for our February edition.

Grace Covenant Child Development Center

Happy New Year, Grace Covenant! Christmas at the CDC this year was without a doubt a very special time of fellowship and learning. Our students learned the true meaning of the holiday season this year through music, art, books, and other activities like a birthday party for Jesus. We learned about the spirit of giving and sharing by making presents for each other and our families, and talking about the importance of having a thankful and giving heart. Our teachers really demonstrated God's unconditional love and extraordinary sacrifice through example by giving their whole hearts and all of their effort to making this Christmas season a safe, happy and loving time. We'll wrap up the holiday season with the New Year, and discuss our goals, dreams, and hopes for the New Year and our lives. I know our teachers are playing a big part of making all of those come true for our little ones in the future! Now that the holidays are coming to a close, we'll be fighting off the after-holiday blues with some amazing Winter activities! With topics like Winter Weather, Winter Plants, Winter Animals, Winter Clothes, and Winter Food, we'll be learning all the self-help skills we need for adapting to our environment. The cold weather (and hopefully snow!) will offer a wide variety of natural sensory activities, helping us discover ourselves and how our bodies react to different things around us. We'll strengthen our sense of autonomy and independence by learning to put our coats, gloves, hats, and scarves on all by ourselves! Being encouraged to manipulate things ourselves also increases motor skills, preparing our hands for writing and other hand-eye coordinated activities. As we go we'll discover many opportunities to develop our physical, mathematical, verbal, social, cognitive, language, emotional, self-help, and creative skills. Developing these basic skills along with a genuine love of learning and growing will be our foundation for not only a successful academic education, but a happy and fulfilling life. GCPC, I just had a parent tell me that our daycare was the answer to her family's prayers. They are new to the area, and were immediately struck by the obviously loving and Christian atmosphere of the family-style classroom setting in which we care for our children. The most frequent comment I get at the end of tours with new families is how genuine our teachers are, and that the Love of God is so apparent even within just that 30 minutes they come to visit. It is apparent too in the Christmas cards and teacher gifts from currently enrolled parents that they see the same thing the new families see, and the same thing I see: God working through Grace Covenant Child Development Center to spread His Love to the community by providing a genuine Christian environment in which to raise a family. Though you may not be able to get involved, or see the fruit sown from this Ministry, Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church is planting the seed of Christian Fellowship into the hearts of many in the Richmond area. Thank you for making this Ministry possible! Nicole Williams, Interim Director CDC Board Members are: Cal Gray, Jean Appich, Jordan Ball, Susan Boze, Cherry Corley, Marcia Manning, Janet Miller, and Christof Meyer

PRESBYTERIAN OLDER ADULT MINISTRY -Reverend Charles E. SuttonA few days ago I read in the Bible the Book of Ecclesiastes (The Teacher). Part of the third chapter (about A Time For Everything) is often read as part of the funeral service. Basically, The Teacher says, life will have little or no meaning without a personal faith in, and respect for God. Living as senior adults requires us to begin an Uncertain Journey, says Henry Simmons in Old Souls; New Shoes. As we live the last one -third of our lives, our senior years begin with many losses, some very great: the death of a spouse, a severe illness of self or partner, divorce, memory loss, and the realization that you need to live in a retirement facility or nursing home. In politics the theme is a call for a change. We say, Yes! We read and listen to news reports, and read church newsletters, and become convinced that Something has got to give. But let us not allow it to happen in our congregation, not in OUR church. It is OURs, isnt it? To live as servants of God, and being true to the call to follow Christ, our Lord and Savior, into the future we willingly make affirmation if we are able to do it without changing anything. Not likely to happen. Senior adults have been leaders in the past, perhaps the challenge is to continue by being open to opportunities that may involve some changes in the coming New Year. The grace of the Lord Jesus be with Gods people. Amen (Revelation 22:21).

January Birthdays
1- Maria Rippe 2 Brenda Harris 2- Bill Jacobs 3 Marcia Manning 3 Valerie Campbell 5 Willie Alford 6 Taylor Reveley 6 Patricia Richwine 6 Laurie Harvie 6 Amanda Terbush 6- Caroline Johnson 7 Holly Wilson 7 Cherry Corley 9 Kathy Winston 11 Adrian Chenoweth 11 Leo Chenoweth 14 George Norris 16 Donnie Appich 16 Harris Longfield 17 Steve Kemp 19 William Bridenstine 21 John Pope 22 Allison Spangler 22 John Gray 23 Libby Rosebro 26 Susan Boze 28 Wayne Casey 30 Fitz-Henry Boze 30 Katey Winston

Sunday 1 Prayer 9:15 am Sunday School 9:30 am Worship 10:55 am Fellowship Hour 12 noon Monday 2 CDC AND CHURCH OFFICE CLOSED Tuesday 3 Staff Meeting 10:00 am
Administration Committee Meeting 6:00 pm Mens Group 8:00 pm

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4 Carol Choir 4:30 pm Junior Choir 5:00 pm Wednesday Night Live 6:00 pm Fellowship Comm. 6:00 pm Chancel Choir 7:15 pm 11 Carol Choir 4:30 pm Junior Choir 5:00 pm CDC Board Meeting 5:00 Wed. Night Live6:00pm Chancel Choir 7:15 pm 18 Carol Choir 4:30 pm Junior Choir 5:00 pm Wednesday Night Live 6:00 pm Chancel Choir 7:15 pm

8 Mission Study Team 8:30am 9 Handbell Choir 8:30 am Mens Lunch 12 noon Sunday School 9:30 am Worship 10:55 am Worship Meeting 7:00pm Fellowship Hour 12 noon Missions Meeting 12:30 pm 15 Mission Study Team 8:30am Handbell Choir 8:30 am Sunday School 9:30 am Worship 10:55 am Fellowship Hour 12 noon Deacons Meeting 12:30 pm 22 Mission Study Team 8:30 Handbell Choir 8:30 am Prayer 9:15 am Sunday School 9:30 am Worship 10:55 am Fellowship Hour 12 noon 29Mission Study Team 8:30 Handbell Choir 8:30 am Prayer 9:15 am Sunday School 9:30 am Worship 10:55 am Fellowship Hour 12 noon 16 Martin Luther King Day CHURCH OFFICE CLOSED 23 GRACE NOTES ARTICLES DUE! Mens Lunch 12 noon

10 PW CIRCLES MEET See page 3 Staff Meeting 10:00 am Care Team 3:00 pm Christian Education & Property Committee Meeting 7:00 pm 17 Staff Meeting 10:00 am Care Team 3:00 pm Finance Meeting 7:00 pm Mens Group 8:00 pm 24 Staff Meeting 10:00 am Care Team 3:00 pm

25 Carol Choir 4:30 pm

Junior Choir 5:00 pm Wednesday Night Live 6:00 pm Chancel Choir 7:15 pm

30 Mens Lunch 12 noon

31 Staff Meeting 10:00 am Care Team 3:00 pm

Thursday 5 6


Saturday 7

m 12

Community Group 5:45 pm 13 14

Community Group 5:45 pm 19 Mothers Together 9:30 am SESSION MEETING 7:00 pm 26 Mothers Together 9:30 am Evangelism Committee Meeting 6:30 p.m. Community Group 5:45 pm 20 21



Community Group 5:45 pm

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Grace Notes

Dinner is served from 6:00 - 6:30 p.m. Menus for January:

January 4: Spaghetti with meat sauce, garlic bread, salad bar and sheet cake for dessert. January 11- White chili, corn bread, salad bar, and fruit cocktail cake. January 18- Meat loaf, mashed potatoes, green beans, salad, rolls and peach crisp January 25- Brunswick stew, corn bread, salad bar, fruit cocktail cookies

Programs for January:

January 4th: This weeks program will be Helen Lanier Reveley, Visions of Life in China. She will share her experience of teaching English last summer. January 11th: Tom Miller spent twelve months with the Forum Class revealing the insights found in the book of Revelation. We may even hear of similarities between the Garden of Eden and the "Holy City, the new Jerusalem. January 18th: Virginia Hudson will share thoughts on humankind's weaknesses with a theme of "Paradise Lost. January 25th: TBA
Wednesday Night programs are from 6:30 - 7:15 p.m. every week in the Fellowship Hall. Programs include special guest speakers or people in our own congregation, sharing various topics.

Dinner for Six

Are you interested in having closer friendships with people you see in the pews at church? Join us for "Dinner for Six"- small dinner parties in members' homes arranged by the Fellowship Committee. Everyone - young and old - are encouraged to sign up so we can break bread together and form closer relationships with each other at Grace Covenant. If you have questions or want to sign up, please contact Everett Reveley at (703-400-6316 or Everett.reveley@gmail.com)

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Grace Notes

The confirmation curriculum consisted of eight classes, covering topics such as prayer, the Holy Spirit, being Presbyterian, and using our talents and lives as instruments to fulfill Gods purpose. [Eva and Nina were the only students this year; the class was taught by Judy Waldron and Julia Poppell, with Virginia Hudson serving as a mentor.] The girls have grown up in Grace Covenant's Sunday school -the class pulled together what they learned over many years. In November we had a lesson on feeding the hungry and giving drink to the thirsty (from Matthew 25). This was also the Sunday Eva, Nina, Julia, and Judy made cookies, and served punch and coffee after the worship service. After feeding the hungry and giving the thirsty something to drink, we delivered dog beds we made to the SPCA -- this was alternatively described as visiting the lonely or clothing the naked. Either way, the dogs were happy to see us. Nina and Eva were examined by the Elders in December and joined Grace Covenant December 18. With great joy, we welcome them to membership.

Jackson Philip Coltrain was born December 26, 2011, weighing 6 lbs. and 14 oz. and 19 long. Jackson is the son of Harris Coltrain and grandson of Phil Coltrain. Congratulations!

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Grace Notes

-continued from page 16 (back page) As I look back, the last twelve months seem to have gone by in a blur. And yet, I can clearly discern Gods hand at work in that blur, guiding us, strengthening us, supporting us in times of loss, and encouraging us in times of uncertainty. We are His people saved by His blood, called by His voice, and sent forth in His love and grace to bless the world. Thanks be to God for that blessed calling, for His steadfast faithfulness (even when we are unfaithful), and for the assurance of His forgiveness and grace. I look very much forward to beginning 2012 with you all, and continue to be grateful for the opportunity to serve as your Interim Pastor. In Christs service, PS I also would like to thank all of those who offered their well wishes for my 50th birthday in cards, gifts, and after Wednesday Night Supper several weeks ago. It was, truly, a complete surprise, and a very gracious gesture. Special thanks to Vanessa Strait, who had the idea, planned everything, and still managed to keep everything secret. ;-)

The Staff
Brint Keyes

Interim Pastor
Revbrint@verizon.net Chris Martin

We give our deepest thanks to those officers who are rotating off the Session and Diaconate as their terms of service draw to a close: Pat Aldridge (Deacon) Betty Appich (Deacon) Jean Appich (Ruling Elder) Brian Baird (Ruling Elder) Cal Gray (Ruling Elder) Caroline Leith (Ruling Elder) Julia Poppell (Deacon) Each of them has served faithfully and selflessly, giving freely of their time, love, and effort to help lead this congregation. Dana McKnight (new Class of 2014) and Dawson Watkins (new Class of 2013) are also coming to the end of their elected term, but have agreed to serve an additional term. Thank you for your continuing service and devotion to this church. We are also blessed by the following members who have agreed to begin service in the Class of 2014 on the Session and Diaconate: Jordan Ball (Ruling Elder) Virginia Hudson (Ruling Elder) Jan Kessel (Deacon) Joy Nevin (Ruling Elder) Ann Pais (Deacon) Erika Tabor (Deacon) Rob Turner (Ruling Elder) Judy Waldron (Deacon) These officers will be ordained and installed during worship on Sunday, January 15, 2012. Please make a point of expressing your gratitude to those who are completing their service as officers, and encouraging and praying for those who will begin service in 2012. Thanks be to God for continuing to bless us with such faithful, joyful, and dedicated leadership.
MISSION STUDY TEAM: John Nevin (M) Brian Baird Christof Meyer Brint Keyes (ex officio)

Director of Music and Organist

martin@grace-covenant.org Vanessa Strait

Administrative Assistant
strait@grace-covenant.org Martha Rubin


bookkeeper@grace-covenant.org Willie Alford


Christopher Tweel

Student Assistant for Christian Ed

Christopher.Tweel@upsem.edu Church Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Phone: (804) 359-2463 Fax: (804) 278-6298 www.grace-covenant.org Sundays: 9:30 a.m.
10:55 a.m. 12:00 noon

Sunday School for all ages in the Education Building Worship Service in the Sanctuary Congregational Fellowship in the Social Room

Grace Covenant Child Development Center Nicole Williams

Interim Director director.gccdc@verizon.net

Matt Johnson (Co-M) Matt Hartman Everett Reveley M=Moderator)

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ By the time you read this, 2011 will be yet one more year added to memory, and 2012 will have begun. For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven (Eccl. 3:1). We have been through some full seasons in the past year. Friends have died and moved away. Children have been born. New members have joined our family, have been baptized into the faith, and have confirmed the vows made for them at their baptism. Our bookkeeping, our staffing, and our CDC have all seen significant change. The Diaconate has slightly restructured itself, formally added a prayer ministry, and is poised for growth and broader involvement in the churchs ministries. The Session has had a number of full agendas this year, and I can assure you we have spent very little time jawing around. Rather, we have begun opening our meetings with scripture study and prayer, and attended fully and faithfully to the myriad matters deserving the attention of leadership. As this year ends, I want to recognize those officers whose terms of service are ending: Pat Aldridge (Deacon), Betty Appich (Deacon), Jean Appich (Ruling Elder), Brian Baird (Ruling Elder), Cal Gray (Ruling Elder), Caroline Leith (Ruling Elder), and Julia Poppell (Deacon). Each of these officers has sought earnestly to serve the Lord and His Church through faithful, devoted and loving service, and we have been richly blessed by their ministry. Please do make a point of thanking them for their commitment, and wishing them a well-deserved break from these responsibilities. Dana McKnight (Ruling Elder) and Dawson Watkins (Deacon) have also finished their terms of service, and they have graciously agreed to serve additional terms. I am grateful for their continued commitment to our leadership. On January 15 we will be ordaining and installing the following people who have agreed to begin terms of service: Jordan Ball (Ruling Elder), Virginia Hudson (Ruling Elder), Jan Kessel (Deacon), Joy Nevin (Ruling Elder), Ann Pais (Deacon), Erika Tabor (Deacon), Rob Turner (Ruling Elder), and Judy Waldron (Deacon). Each of these people bring new gifts and perspectives to our leadership, and I know the Session and Diaconate join me in welcoming them to our fellowship. God has blessed us tremendously in the past twelve months. Our focus has both sharpened and lengthened through performance of our various ministries, through prayerful discussion and discernment, and through the (continuing) ministry of the Mission Study Team. I have also noticed growth in fellowship among members, and between members and guests. As we begin the new year and prepare to develop our Mission Statement, several new discipleship opportunities are emerging, and our Mission and Evangelism ministries are exploring new avenues for reaching out to our neighbors. We will also begin our next Inquirer/New Member class on January 21st, and so far over ten people have indicated their desire to attend. -continued on page 14-

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